Odysseus has many good qualities, but one gets him in trouble a lot

Joanna Harrell
Odysseus has many good qualities, but one gets him in trouble a lot. His Pride
makes him reveal himself to the cyclones, which cause a lot of problems the rest of his
trip to be horrible. He thinks very highly of himself and can not stand not letting people
know what he has done great things. He always put himself out there by letting his pride
run away with him.
When Odysseus blinds Polyphemus, Polyphemus wants to know who has blinded
him and Odysseus tells him. He tells him that he was Odysseus and this make Poseidon,
father of Polyphemus, very angry and he knows who blinded him because Odysseus
announced that he had done it. All through the book Poseidon makes life very hard for
Odysseus by making the sea very rough and tossing his boat all around everywhere. The
only way he made it though was because Athena was by his side helping him make his
decisions. Never gave the gods credit for helping him though, he always would boast
about everything he did was based on his strength and mind.
Odysseus is very self-absorbed the first part of the novel, but later he becomes
much better about making just himself look amazing. In the end he kind of has to go
against all that he was about in the beginning of the novel because he has to make himself
look bad in front of nobles of his own kingdom. He has to dress as a beggar and make
himself look foolish until the end when he reveals himself and kills everyone. He must
string his bow to become the wife of Penelope, nut in the he was Odysseus all the time
and Penelope doesn’t have to remarry.