Developmental Psychology DEP3053

D eve lopme ntal Psy cho lo gy
DEP 3053
Jeff Farrar, Ph.D.
Office: (352) 273-2140
The purpose of this course is to review the major areas of developmental psychology across the life-span.
These topics will include biological, cognitive, social, and emotional development.
The specific objectives of the course are to:
1. Identify the different aspects of human psychological development.
2. Discuss major theories of developmental psychology.
3. Apply an understanding of theory to the analysis of research findings.
4. Correlate theory and research findings to real-world experiences of humans at different stages of
Course Material
Textbook: Life Span Development: A Topical Approach by Robert S. Feldman
MyDevelopmentLab: Course content is all available in the Sakai website which will provide links
to the MyDevelopmentLab website. You are required to be able to access this website. This website
has material to assist you in mastering the material, and chapter exams required for the course.
Course Organization
The course is organized in Weekly assignments (Note: These assignments do not always match the Chapter
Numbers). For each chapter there are supplemental assignments designed to elaborate on selected topics
within each. They can include:
Sakai audio lectures (with accompanying PowerPoint Slides) by the instructor;
MyDevelopmentLab Flashcards, Assignments & Quizzes; and
Additional MyDevelopmentLab activities, simulations, presentations, and videos.
You are responsible for this material which will be covered on the exams.
Course Requirements
1. Chapter Tests (30% of grade): There is a chapter test in MyDevelopmentLab for each chapter.
2. Midterm & Final Exams (35% of grade): There are two midterm exams and a final exam:
• The first midterm exam covers Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 5.
• The second midterm exam covers Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10.
• The final exam covers Chapters 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15.
The exams consist of multiple choice and short answer answers and will be proctored timed exams in
3. MyDevelopmentLab Media Assignments (5% of grade): Each chapter has assignments from
MyDevelopmentLab consisting of Flashcards, videos and interactive exercises which are graded.
Additional non-graded material from MyDevelopmentLab can also assist you in learning the material
which will be covered on the exams. Each chapter in MyDevelopmentLab has both a pre-test and a
post-test (these are optional tests). If you choose to take the these pre-tests and post-tests,
MyDevelopmentLab will suggest further material to review that will help you learn the material, such
additional videos, and interactive exercises.
NOTE: Each chapter in MyDevelopmentLab also has a Chapter Test that is REQUIRED.
4. Discussion (10% of grade): There are a series of short discussions assigned for selected chapters
designed to foster understanding of important concepts. Each discussion topic will require a short
written response (less than a page) which will be submitted for grading.
5. Projects (20% of grade): There are 4 written projects designed to explore certain topics in more depth
and/or designed to enhance your understanding of particular topics. Each Project should be about 2-4
pages (double space in length).
Papers must be submitted to Plagiarism will be reported to the university and will become
part of your academic record.
Course Grades
Final grades are assigned based on the standard scale:
A = 91-100
A- = 90
B+ = 88-89
B = 81-87
B- = 80
C+ = 78-79
C = 71-77
C- = 70
D+ = 68-69
D = 61-67
D- = 60
F = < 60
The University of Florida assures the confidentiality of all your educational records in accordance with State
University System Rules, State Statutes, and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Grades are not
given out over the phone.
Course Organization and Assignments
Week 1: Introduction to Life-Span Development
Assigned Readings:
• Read Chapter 1
• Flashcards
Chapter 1.1: Determining the Nature-and Nurture-of Life Span Development
• "Issues in Life Span Development"
Chapter 1.2: Theoretical Perspectives on Life-Span Development
MyDevelopmentLab Media Assignments:
• Activity + Quiz: "Erikson's First Four Stages of Psychosocial Development"
• Activity + Quiz: "Erikson's Last Four Stages of Psychosocial Development"
• Activity + Quiz: "Freud's Five Psychosexual Stages of Personality Development"
Chapter 1.3: Research Methods
• "Research Methods"
• "Developmental Research Designs"
MyDevelopmentLab Media Assignments:
• Video: "Research Methods"
• Simulation + Quiz: "Distinguishing Independent and Dependent Variables"
• Presentation + Quiz: "Correlations Do Not Show Causation"
Chapter 1 Test
Week 2: Genetics, Prenatal Development, and Birth
Assigned Readings:
• Read Chapter 2
• Flashcards
Chapter 2.1: Foundations of Genetics
MyDevelopmentLab Media Assignments:
• Video + Quiz: "Building Blocks of Genetics"
Chapter 2.2: Interaction of Heredity and Environment
• "Behavioral Genetics"
MyDevelopmentLab Media Assignments:
• Presentation + Quiz: "Temperament"
• Activity + Quiz: "The Five Factor Model"
Chapter 2.3: Prenatal Growth and Birth
• "Prenatal Development & Birth"
MyDevelopmentLab Media Assignments:
• Video: "Period of the Zygote"
• Presentation: "The Embryonic Period"
• Simulation: "Teratogens and Their Effects"
Chapter 2 Test
Week 3: Physical Growth and Aging Across the Life Span
Assigned Readings:
• Read Chapter 3
• Flashcards
Chapter 3.1: Physical Growth and Change
MyDevelopmentLab Media Assignments:
• Video: "Physical Development After 40"
• Video: "Getting Old"
• Video: "Living Better, Living Longer"
Chapter 3.2: Brain Growth and Motor Development
• "Physical Development and Aging"
• "Brain Development and Experience"
MyDevelopmentLab Media Assignments:
• Activity: "Major Brain Structures and Functions: The Cerebral Cortex"
• Activity: "Chemical Messengers: The Synapse and Neurotransmitters"
• Video + Quiz: "Reflexes: Babinski"
• Video + Quiz: "Reflexes: The Grasp Reflex"
• Video: "Motor Development in Infants and Toddlers: Karen Adolph"
Chapter 3.3: Perceptual Development
• "Perceptual Development"
Chapter 3 Test
Week 4: Cognitive Growth: Piaget and Vygotsky
Assigned Readings:
• Skip Chapter 4
• Read Chapter 5
• Flashcards
Chapter 5.1: Piaget’s Approach to Cognitive Development
• "Piaget's Approach to Cognitive Development (Part 1)"
• "Piaget's Approach to Cognitive Development (Part 1)"
MyDevelopmentLab Media Assignments:
• Video: "Piaget: Sensorimotor Development"
• Video: "The Preschool Years: Egocentrism"
• Video + Quiz: "Concrete Operational Thinking"
• Video + Quiz: "Conservation of Liquids"
Chapter 5.2: Appraising Piaget
• “Core Knowledge Perspective”
Chapter 5.3: Vygotsky
• "Vygotsky's Sociocultural Perspective"
MyDevelopmentLab Media Assignments:
• Video + Quiz: "Scaffolding"
• Video + Quiz: "Zone of Proximal Development: Physical"
Chapter 5 Test
Midterm Exam 1 (Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 5)
Week 5: Cognitive Growth: Information Processing Approaches
Assigned Readings:
• Read Chapter 6
• Flashcards
Chapter 6.1: The Basics of Information-Processing
MyDevelopmentLab Media Assignments:
• Presentation: "Encoding, Storage & Retrieval in Memory"
• Activity: "Key Processes in Stages of Memory"
Chapter 6.2: Attention and Memory
• "Memory Development"
Chapter 6 Test
Week 6: Language Development
Assigned Readings:
• Read Chapter 7
• Flashcards
Chapter 7.1: The Course of Language Development
MyDevelopmentLab Media Assignments:
Chapter 7.2: The Origins of Language Development
• "Theories of Language Development"
• "Critical Periods"
MyDevelopmentLab Media Assignments:
• Video: "Secret of the Wild Child (Part 1)"
• Video: "Secret of the Wild Child (Part 6)"
• Video: Patricia Kuhl TED Talk: "The Linguistic Genius of Babies"
Chapter 7.3: Children’s Conversations
MyDevelopmentLab Media Assignments:
• Video + Quiz: "Child-Directed Speech"
Chapter 7 Discussion
Chapter 7 Test
Week 7: Intelligence
Assigned Readings:
• Read Chapter 8
• Flashcards
Chapter 8.1: Intelligence: Determining Individual Strengths
MyDevelopmentLab Media Assignments:
• Video: "Robert Sternberg on Cultural Influences"
• Video: "Demographics and Intelligence Testing: Robert Guthrie"
• Activity: "Gardner's Multiple Intelligences"
• Activity: "Sternberg's Triarchic Theory of Intelligence"
Chapter 8.2: Controversies Involving Intelligence
• "Genetic and Environmental Influences"
Chapter 8.3: Intellectual Deficits and the Intellectually Gifted
MyDevelopmentLab Media Assignments:
• Video + Quiz: "Down Syndrome: Enhancing Development"
• Video + Quiz: "Robert Sternberg on Giftedness"
Chapter 8 Discussion
Chapter 8 Test
Week 8: Social and Emotional Development
Assigned Readings:
• Read Chapter 9
• Flashcards
Chapter 9.1: Forging Early Social Relationships
• "Attachment in Extreme Circumstance"
MyDevelopmentLab Media Assignments:
• Video + Quiz: "Attachment in Infants"
• Video + Quiz: "Stranger Anxiety"
• Simulation: "Attachment Classifications in the Strange Situation"
Chapter 9.2: Emotional Development
• "Theory of Mind Development"
MyDevelopmentLab Media Assignments:
• Video: "The 'False Belief' Test: Theory of Mind"
Chapter 9.3: Personality Development Across the Life Span
MyDevelopmentLab Media Assignments:
• Video: "Personality Not Set in Stone"
• Presentation: "Theories of Social and Personality Development (Generativity versus Stagnation)"
Chapter 9 Discussion
Chapter 9 Test
Week 9 & 10: Development of the Self
Assigned Readings:
• Read Chapter 10
• Flashcards
Chapter 10.1: The Development of the Self
• "Adolescent Self-Concept"
MyDevelopmentLab Media Assignments:
• Video + Quiz: "Self-Awareness in Toddlers"
• Video + Quiz: "Identity and Role Development"
• Video: "Adolescence: Identity and Role Development and Ethnicity"
Chapter 10.2: Picking an Occupation
MyDevelopmentLab Media Assignments:
• Video: "Career and Personality"
Chapter 10 Test
Midterm Exam 2 (Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10)
Week 11: Moral Development and Aggression
Assigned Readings:
• Read Chapter 11
• Flashcards
Chapter 11.1: Developing Morality
MyDevelopmentLab Media Assignments:
• Video: "Moral Development: Conventional"
• Video: "Moral Development: Postconventional"
• Video: "Moral Development: Preconventional"
Chapter 11.2: Values, Religion, and Spirituality
MyDevelopmentLab Media Assignments:
• Video: "Religion and Longevity"
Chapter 11.3: Aggression and Violence
• "Causes of Aggression"
MyDevelopmentLab Media Assignments:
• Video: "Television Violence"
• Video: "Relational Aggression"
• Video + Quiz: "Bandura's Bobo Doll Experiment"
• Video + Quiz: "Prosocial Behavior"
Chapter 11 Discussion
Chapter 11 Test
Week 12: Gender & Sexuality
Assigned Readings:
• Read Chapter 12
• Flashcards
Chapter 12.1: Gender
• "Explaining Gender Differences"
Chapter 12.2: Sexual Maturation and Sexuality
MyDevelopmentLab Media Assignments:
• Video + Quiz: "Body Image (Part 2): Kianna, 12 Years Old"
• Video: "Adolescent Sexuality"
• Video: "Teen Pregnancy"
• Video: "Being Gay in the US"
Chapter 12.3: Relationships
MyDevelopmentLab Media Assignments:
• Video + Quiz: "Dating and Finding a Mate: Ralf, 33 Years Old"
• Video + Quiz: "Dating and Finding a Mate: Stephanie, 31 Years Old"
Chapter 12 Discussion
Chapter 12 Test
Chapter 13: Friends and Family
Assigned Readings:
• Read Chapter 13
• Flashcards
Chapter 13.1: Social Relationships Across the Life-Span
• "Peer Relationships"
MyDevelopmentLab Media Assignments:
• Video: "Friendship During Middle Childhood"
• Video: "Intimacy in Adolescent Friendships"
• Video + Quiz: "Peer Pressure (Part 1): Tim, 18 Years Old"
Chapter 13.2: Family Life
• "Parental Style"
Chapter 13.3: Family Ties in Middle and Late Adulthood
MyDevelopmentLab Media Assignments:
• Video + Quiz: "Sandwich Generation: Amy, 42 Years Old"
Chapter 13 Discussion
Chapter 13 Test
Week 14: Schooling, Culture, and Society: Living in a Multicultural World
Assigned Readings:
• Read Chapter 14
• Flashcards
Chapter 14.1: Schooling Throughout the Life-Span
MyDevelopmentLab Media Assignments:
• Video: "Lisa: Adjusting to Day Care (Part 1)"
• Video: "Leo: High School Academic Challenges (Part 1)"
• Video: "Poor Performance in Inner City Schools"
• Video + Quiz: "Child Care Center"
Chapter 14 Discussion
Chapter 14.2: Living in a Multicultural World
• Video: "Differences Between Collectivistic and Individualistic Cultures"
Chapter 14 Test
Week 15 & 16: Death & Grieving
Assigned Readings:
Read Chapter 15
Chapter 15.1: Death and Dying Across the Life Span
• "Death and Dying Across the Life Span"
MyDevelopmentLab Media Assignments:
• Video + Quiz: "Hospice Care"
Chapter 15.2: Understanding the Process of Death
• "Understanding Death"
MyDevelopmentLab Media Assignments:
• Video: "Children's Perception of Death"
Chapter 15.3: Grief and Bereavement
MyDevelopmentLab Media Assignments:
• Video + Quiz: "Death, Grief, and Mourning"
• Video + Quiz: "Death of a Spouse"
Chapter 15 Discussion
Chapter 15 Test
Final Exam (Chapters 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15)
Flexible Learning Policies
“A student shall not represent as the student’s own work all or any portion of the work of another. Plagiarism
includes but is not limited to:
1. Quoting oral or written materials including but not limited to those found on the internet, whether
published or unpublished, without proper attribution.
2. Submitting a document or assignment which in whole or in part is identical or substantially identical to
a document or assignment not authored by the student.” Source: Regulations of the University of
Florida, UF-4.041. For more information, please go to this link:
Student Honor Code and Student Conduct Code: Scope and Violations
“For a violation or violations of the Honor Code, a student may receive any of the sanctions that can be
imposed for Student Conduct Code violations, including but not limited to conduct probation, suspension and
expulsion as well as any educational sanctions. In addition, students may receive the following:
(a) Assignment grade penalty. The student is assigned a grade penalty on an assignment including but not
limited to a zero.
(b) Course grade penalty. The student is assigned a grade penalty in the entire course including but not
limited to an ‘E’.”
Source: Regulations of the University of Florida, UF-4.047.
Disability Accommodations
The Disability Resource Center in the Dean of Students Office provides students and faculty with information
and support regarding accommodations for students with disabilities. Staff at the Disability Resource Center
will assist any student who registers as having a disability. Official documentation of a disability is required to
determine eligibility for appropriate accommodations. The professional employees at the Disability Resource
Program serve as full-time advocates for students with disabilities ensuring students have physical and
programmatic access to all college programs. One of the services provided by the Disability Resource Center
Testing Accommodations
Please click on this link for further information:
DRC-Testing Accommodations
Here is the link to register with the DRC: DRC-How to Get Started
The Flexible Learning Office needs to be notified of any special accommodations required by the student
when they begin their course.
Course Deadline and Extension Policy
Each student’s online course expires 16 weeks from the date of enrollment. Although there is flexibility in
completing the coursework, the course should be started as soon as the course materials are received since
the 16 week period has already begun. The coursework should be submitted as it is completed. All final
coursework needs to be completed and submitted for grading at least 2 weeks prior to the course expiration
date. Any “due dates” that may be in E-Learning in Sakai do not apply to the student’s course expiration date.
Each student is allowed 16 weeks to complete a course. If the time is about to expire, the student will be
assigned a failing grade ("E"). If the student has made sufficient academic progress, which is defined as
completing at least 50% of the course, the student may petition the instructor for a course extension. After
you have contacted your instructor for an extension, each extension request will be administratively
Dropping or Withdrawing from a Course
A tuition refund may be granted after a student submits a written request for withdrawal from a course within
30 days of enrollment. This request must be in writing and may be sent by fax or email. All requests will
receive written responses. Refunds will be the amount of tuition, less $25.00 per course. If a credit card was
used to pay for tuition, the refund will be in the form of credit to that card. A refund can be issued on course
materials at the time of withdrawal if they are returned within 30 days of sale and are in their original
condition. Allow 6 – 8 weeks for refund checks. Please call our office (800-327-4218) for up to date refund
policies. No refunds are granted after 30 days. Students with disabilities who need to drop a course due to
disability-related reasons are allowed to petition for additional drops. For more information, contact
the Disability Resource Center.
Attention UF students:
To drop a course: In order to drop a UF Flexible Learning course, UF students must have an Academic
Advisor or Department Chair email the UF Flexible Learning office at stating that the
student is approved to drop the course. Please use this link for more information: UF Drop Policies
Note: UF Students wishing to drop a UF Flexible Learning course after drop/add should contact their
college advising office to see if they have a free drop remaining. If they have a free drop remaining,
they have 14 weeks from the date of enrollment to drop the course, subject to applicable rules of their
college and the university. This action is subject to verification that a grade has not yet been assigned.
All full-term withdrawals must follow University of Florida policies/procedures. An approved
withdrawal form must be submitted to the Dean of Student's Office for review and final approval.
Students must also notify the UF Flexible Learning office of this request.
Please use this link for more information: UF Withdrawal Policies
Medical Withdrawals
Here is the link to start the Medical Withdrawal Process:
Dean of Students Office Medical Withdrawal Process
Retroactive Withdrawals:
Here is the link for retroactive withdrawal information: Petition Information
You may transfer from one course to another within 30 days of enrollment. This request must be in writing and
sent by fax or e-mail. You will receive a receipt by mail. Any difference in tuition will be collected or refunded.
There is a $50.00 transfer fee. After the transfer has taken place, the original enrollment and expiration dates still
apply. The approval and signature of a dean or academic advisor is required for UF students.
Book Buy-Back Policy
Textbooks and materials, except for ones that use an access code, that are in continued use by UF Flexible
Learning and are in good condition may be repurchased at 50% of the original purchase price 30 days from
completion of or withdrawal from a course. Contact the UF Flexible Learning Bookstore for details at 1-800-3274218.
How to Request a UF Transcript
There are two ways to order a transcript:
1. The online ordering system by going to this link: Ordering UF Transcripts
2. If you cannot use the online system, please contact the UF Office of the University Registrar for
instructions to mail in a request with a check or money order. They can be contacted by phone
Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., at 352-392-1374. Persons with hearing impairments can call
FRS # 1-800-955-8771 (TDD).
Please check your “unofficial transcript” first, before ordering your “official transcript”, to make certain that
your grade has been posted.
UF Flexible Learning Contact Info
Phone: (352) 392-1711
Toll free: (800) 327-4218
(352) 392-6950
Website: UF Flexible Learning
Office Hours:
8:00am-5:00pm EST