Chemistry Mole Conversion Practice Problems

rractice rrooiems
1. /Find the mass of 0.89 mol of CaCl2.
2. A bottle of PbSO4 contains 158.1 g of the
^/ compound. How many moles of PbSO4 are
in the bottle?
3. Find the mass of 1.112 mol of HP.
9. Determine the number of atoms that are
10. How many moles of barium nitrate
CBa^Q;$ contain 6.80 x 1024 formula units?
11. Determine the number of atoms that are
in 1.25 mol of O,.
II- \\<L^\
^-i-' -
\i . 1 1
10-2 Practice Problems (continued)
17. If TOJJ-burned 6.10 x 1024 molecules of
lane (C,H6), what mass of ethane did
24. A chemical reaction produces 0,37 mol of
N2 gas. What volume will that gas occupy
B. How many' formula units are in 5.1 g of
TiO2? §u,.
25. A canister with a volume of 694 L
coRtains how many moles of oxygen at
.9. What is the mass of 3.62 x 1Q24 molecules
\f methanol (CH3OH)?
26. A chemical reaction produces 13.8 mol of
CO gas. What volume will that gas
4. Detennine the number of moles of C5H12
that are in 362.8 g of the compound.
5. Find the mass of 0.159 mol of SiO.
7 6.
J J "*
You are given 12.35 g of C4HaO2. How
many moles of the compound do you have?
13. Determine the number of formula units
that are in 0.688 mol of AgNO3.
A bottle of KMnO4
contains 66.38 g of the
'•ST* tM compound. How many moles of KMnO^
does it contain?
LS^-Uy^i , ,
(u^^^ui.J \,,A 1
. How many formula units are in 1.4 g of
I6*7 ' "1 "*
27. A tube with a volume of 3.68 L contains
how many moles of neon gas at STP?
1. Determine the mass of 2.94 X ID24
28. A chemical reaction produces 0.884 mol
molecules of decane (C^H^).
\~t D \l-"i
of H2S gas. What' volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
14, How many moles of ethane (C2Hg)
contain 8.46 x 1024 formula units?
2. How many formula units are in 5.6 g of
7. Find the mass of 3.66 mol of N2.
12. How many moles of magnesium bromide
(MgBr2) contain 5.38 x 102* formula
29. A container with a volume of 101 L
contains how many moles of argon gas at
15. Detennine the number of formula units
that are in 1.48 mol of NaB.
o '.' \
contains how many moles of air at STP?
HBr gas. What volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
16. How many formula units are in 3.5 g of'
NaOH? -^ * \ 4 \. A container with a volume of 893 L
30. A chemical reaction produces 138 mol of
10-2 rractice rrooiems
b Find the mass of 0.89 mol of CaCl2.
10-2 Practice Problems (continued)
Determine the number of atoms that are
in 0.58 mol of Se.
., >
" ' '•"
you burned 6.10 x 1024 molecules of
ethane (CjHfi), what mass of ethane did
you burn?
24. A chemical reaction produces 0.37 mol of
N2 gas. What volume will that gas occupy
at STP?
How many formula units are in 5.1 g of
25 A canister with a/volume of 694 L
contains how many moles of oxygen at
t, A bottle of PbSO4 contains 158.1 g of the
compound. How many moles of PbSO4 are
in the bottle?
10. How many moles of barium nitrate
(BaNO3) contain 6.80 x 1C24 f orrmila units?
3. Find the mass of 1.112 mol of HE
• s ,/'(
Determine the number of atoms that are
in 1.25 mol of On.
12. How many moles of magnesium bromide
(MgBr2) contain 5.38 x 1024 formula
, t
A chemical reaction produces 13.8 mol of
CO gas. What volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
fl. How many formula units are in 1.4 g of
27. A tube with a volume of 3.68 L contains
how many moles of neon gas at 5TP7
5, Find the mass of 0,159 rnol of SiO2.
13. Determine the number of formula units
that are in 0.688 mol of AgNO3.
6. You are given 12.35 g of C4HHO2. How
many moles of the compound do you have?
7, Find the mass of 3.66 mol of N2.
B. A bottle of KMnO4 contains 66.38 g of the
compound. How many moles of KMnO4
does it contain?
L! I
What is the mass of 3.62 x 1024 molecules,
of methanol (CH3OH)? ,....^
' 3- * ' •»- f,
4. Determine the number of males of C5HU
that are in 362.8 g of the compound. £$ + '.* '
Determine the mass of 2.94 x ID24
molecules of decane (C^H^).
'28. A chemical reaction produces 0.884 mol
of H-jS gas. What' volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
How many formula units are in 5.6 g of
29. A container with a volume of Ifll L
contains how many moles of argon gas at
3. A container with a volume of 893 L
contains h'ow many moles of arr at STP?
30. A chemical reaction produces 138 mttl of
HBr gas. What volume will thai gas
occupy at STP?
14. How many moles of ethane (C2H6)
contain 8.46 x 1024 formula units?
15. Determine the number of formula units
that are in 1.48 mol of NaF.
16. How many formula units are in 3.5 g of'
NaOH? •
V-10-2 mctice rrooiems
10-2 Practice Problems (continued)
Find the mass of 0.89 mol of CaCl2. , v
•J>~r-i±- 'iCl VfiOvl
\J& Determine the number of atoms that are
in 0.58 mol of Se.f .-^i^
V. If you burned 6.10 x 1024 molecules of
ethane (C,HA what mass of ethane did
24. A^emica! reaction produces 0.37 mol of
j gas. What volume will that gas occupy
at STP?
2. AJtfottie of PbSO4 contains 158.1 g of the
1. How many moles of PbSO4 are
j^O/ How/many moles of barium nitrate
(9aNOq) contain 6.80 x ID24 formula units?
m a r f o r m u l a urat. are m 5.1 g of
25. >C canister with a volume of 694 L
contains how many moles of oxygen at
<\ V
11. Determine the number of atoms that are
3. Find the mass of 1.112 mol of HP.
4. Determine the number of moles of C5H12
that are in 362.8 g of the compound.
12. How many moles of magnesium bromide
(MgBr2) contain 5.38 x 1024 formula
13. Determine the number of formula units
that are in 0.688 mol of AgNO3-
5. Find the mass of 0.159 mol of SiO,
^ *-'
What is the mass of 3.62 x 1Q24 molecules
of methanol (CH,OH)7
26. A chemical reaction produces 13.8 mol of
co Sas- What volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
. How uiany formula units are m 1.4e of
27. A tube with a volume of 3.68 L contains
how many moles of neon gas at S
1. Determine the mass of 2.94 x 1024
molecules of decane ( C - H ) .
28. A chemical reaction produces 0.884 mol
of H2S gas. What' volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
2. How many formula units are in 5.6 g of
29. A container with a volume of 10l L
contains how? many moles of argon gas at
3. A container with a volume of 893 L
contains How many moles of air at STP?
30. A chemical reaction produces 138 mttl of
HBr gas. What volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
6. You are given 12.35 g of C4H8O2- How
many moles of the compound do you have?
7. Find the mass of 3.66 mol of N,.
8. A bottle of KMnO4 contains 66.38 g of the
compound. How many moles of KMnO4
does it contain?
14. How many moles of ethane (CjHg)
contain 8.46 x 1024 formula units?
15. Determine the number of formula units
that are in 1.48 mol of NaE
16. How many formula units are in 35 g of'
10-2 rractice rrooiems
W-2 Practice Problems (continued)
9. Determine the number of atoms that
in 0.58 mol of Se.
1. Find the mass of 0.89 mol of CaCl2.
,. v6 nW
A bottle of PbSO, contains 158.1 g of the
compound. How many moles of PbSO, are
\. Wb/t is the mass of 3.62 x 102* molecules
.any moles of magnesium bromide
) contain 5.38 x 1024 formula
*"" ^Kff
™w? many Kjnmila ^ *>* m 51 g of
i_^^v- ^
on ^
/ll. jDetermine the number of atoms that are
4. Determine the number of moles of C5H12
that are in 362.8 g of the compound.
5,04 ^ <r.^-tto^
72 9 f
5. Find the mass of 0.159 mol of SiOr
^ ™ Alp/ /
13,-^etenriirie ihe number of formula units
6. You are given 12.35 g of C4H8O2. How
many moles of the compound do you have?
14. How many/moles of ethane (C2H6)
j/r contain 8.4p x 1024 formula units?
7. Find the mass of 3.66 mol of N2.
25. A canister with a volume of 694 L
contains how many moles of oxygen at
j u 7o
methanol (CH3OH)?
26. A chemical reaction produces 13.8 mol of
CO gas. What volume will that gas
occupy at STP?13,f^/
i Q ?a
.0. How many formula units are in 1.4 g of
27. A tube with a volume of 3.68 L contains
how many moles of neon gas at BTP?
1. Determine the mass of 2.94 x 1024
molecules of decane (C^H^).
28. A chemical reaction produces 0.884 mol
of H2S gas. What' volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
2. How many formula units are in 5.6 g of
29. A container with a volume of lOi L
contains how many moles of argon gas at
lOl L
«±_tJ 2,3
' ^0 ^/^0«09ty
3. Find the mass of 1.112 mol of HP.
10. How many moles of barium nitrate
* -^B3NO3) contain 6.80 x 1021 formula units?
24. A chemical reaction produces 0.37 rnol of
N2 gas. What yolume will that gas occupy
a « - o
17. If you harried 6.10 x 1034 molecules of
ethan^/?C2H6), what mass of ethane did
-**-/- i
( ., • '
— y-lJ\OG.&
%,i f (
8. A bottle of KMnO4 contains 66.38 g of the
compound. How many moles of KMnO4
does it contain?
15. Determine the number,.of formula units
3. A container with a volume of 893 L
contains h'ow many moles of air at STP?
16. How/many formula units are in 3.5 g of'
30. A chemical reaction produces 138 mbl of
HBr gas. What volume will that gas
1i iT^ ^'
30! L
10-2 Practice Problems (continued)
9. Determine the number of atoms that are
in 0.58 mol of Se.
1. Bi£d the mass of 0.89 mol of CaCl2.
10. How many moles of barium nitrate
(BaNO3) contain 6.80 x 1024 formula units?
contains 158.1
"compound. How many moles of |g^ are
in the bottle?
L7. If you burned 6.10 x ID24 molecules of
ethane (G,H6), what mass of ethane did
you bum?
18. How many formula units are in 5.1 g of
24. A chemical reaction produces 0.37 mol of
N2 gas. What volume will that gas occupy
at STP?
25. A. canister with a volume of 694 L
co»tains how many moles of oxygen at
/ ^
11. Determine the number of ato
in 1.25 mol of O2.
3. Find the massed! 1.112 mol of HP.
.9. What is the mass of 3.62 x 1024 molecules
of rnethanol (CH3OH)7
[ Cf £ <-,
26. A chemical reaction produces 13.8 mol of
CO gas. What volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
fl. How many formula units are in 1.4 g of
27. A tube with a volume of 3.68 L contains
how many moles of neon gas at STP?
1. Determine the mass of 2.94 x 1024
molecules of decane (G-nH-v,).
28. A chemical reaction produces 0.884 mol
of H2S gas. What volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
2. How many formula units are in 5.6 g of
29. A container with a volume of 10l L
contains how many moles of argon gas at
3. A container with a volume of 893 L
contains Kow many moles of air at STP?
30. A chemical reaction produces 138 mol of
HBr gas. What volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
y «VA
4. Determine the number of moles of C5H12
that are in 362.8 g of the compound.
12. How many moles of magnesium bromide
(MgBr2) contain 5.38 x 1024 formula
^ ,ot ,v^\.
r ^ /
Find the mass of 0.159b^'/c^
mol of SiO2.
13. Determine the number of formula units
that are in 0.688 mol of AgNO3.
6. You are given 12.35 g of C4HgO2. How
many moles of the compound do you have?
7. Find the mass of 3.66 mol of N,.
S. A bottle of KMinO4 contains 66.38 g of the
compound. How many moles of KMnO.
does it contain?
14. How many moles of ethane (C2H6)
contain 8.46 x 1024 formula units?
15. Determine the number of formula units
that are in 1.48 mol of NaF.
16. How many formula units are in 3.5 g of'
10-2 rractice rrooiems
1. FinoYEhe mass of G.89mol of CaCLj
2. Xbotue of Pbs°i contains 158.1 g of the
compound. How many moles of PbSO4 are
in the battled
3. Find the mass of 1.112 mol of HE
9. Determine the number obtains that are
10. How many moles of banum nitrate
{BaNCU contain 6.80 X 3.D24 formu# units?
11. Determine the number of atoms that are
n 1.25 mol of 0.
10-2 Practice Problems (continued)
17. ILou burned 6.10 x 1034 molecules of >y 24. Ad*emical reaction produces 0.37 mol of
what mass of ethane did , }
>ff gas. What volume will that gas occupy
Haw inany formula units are in 5.1 g of
25. A ca^rfster with a volume of 694 L
ains how many moles of oxygen at
Wnat is the mass of 3.62 x 1024 molecules
26. A chemical reaction produces 13.8 mol of
CO gas. What volume will that gas
occupy at SjTP?^ Q } ^ _ _ ^ ,» ,
4. Determine the number of moles of
that are in 362.8 g of the compound.
5. Find the mass of.0.159 mo) of SiO,.
12. How many moles of magnesium bromide
(MgBr2) contain 5.38 x ID24 formula
units?_ '
i Wi '
13. Determine the number of formula units
that are in 0.68S mol of AgNO3.
D. How many formuk units are in 1.4 g of - , 27. A tube with a volume of 3.68 L contains
% -A"?.-^ .
how many moles of neon eas at STP?
1. Determine the mass of 2.94 x 1034
molecules of decane (C^H^).
28. A chemical reaction produces 0.884 mol
of H2S gas. What' volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
2. How many formula units are in 5.6 g of
29. A container with a volume of IDl L
contains how many moles of argon gas at
3. A container with a volume of 893 L
contains Kow many moles of air at STP?
30. A chemical reaction produces 138 mbl of
HBi gas. What volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
6. You are given 12.35 g of C4HSO2. How
many moles of the compound do you have?
14. How many moles of ethane (C2H6)
contain 8.46 x 1024 formula units?
7. Find the mass of 3.66 mol of NL.
3. A bottle of KMnO4 contains 66.38 g of the
compound. How many moles of KMnO4
does it contain?
15. Determine the number of formula units
that are in 1.48 mol of NaF.
16. How many formula units are in 3.5 g of'
10-2 rractice rrooiems
Find the mass of 0.89 mol of CaClj.
10-2 Practice Problems (continued)
9. Determine the number of atoms that are
in 0.58 mol of Se.
17. If you burned 6.10 x ID24 molecules of
ethane (C^Hj), what mass of ethane did
you burn?
24. A chemical reaction produces 0.37 mol of
N2 gas. What volume will that gas occupy
at STP?
h ,,
\4 \s
2. A bottle of PbSO4 contains 158.1 g of the J 10. How many moles of barium nitrate
compound. How many moles of PbSO4 are
(BaNO3) contain 6.80 x ID24 formula units?
jj/the bottle?.
25. A canister with
volume of 694 L
contains how many moles of oxygen at
3. Find the mass of 1.112 mol of HE
11. Determine the number of atoms that are
in 1.25 mol of Or
Q -, ^ 3 -X '
.9. What is the mass of 3.62 X 1024 molecules
of memanol (CH3OH)?
26. A chemical reaction produces 13.8 mol of
CO gas. What volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
12. How many moles of magnesimn~bTOtmae
(MgBr?) contain 5.38 x 1024 formula ,
unite? Hi M £ :( ^. £ /I}. rftf$J
,Q. How many formula units are in 1.4 g of
27. A tube with a volume of 3.68 L contains
how many moles of neon gas at STP?
13. Determine the number of formula units
that are in 0.688 mol of AgNO3.
Determine the mass of 2.94 x 1024
molecules of decane (C1QH32).
28. A chemical reaction produces 0.884 mol
of H2S gas. What' volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
2. How many formula units are in 5.6 g of
29. A container with a volume of lol L
contains how many moles of argon gas at
3. A container with a volume of 893 L
contains how many moles of air at STP?
30. A chemical reaction produces 138 mbl of
HBr gas. What volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
4. Determine the ritunber-,QimQlefi-OTJC5H12
that are in 362.8 g of the compound.
5. Find the mass of 0.159 mol of SiO.
6. You are given 12.35 g of C4HBOZ. How
many moles of the compound do you have?
7. P-ind the mass of 3.66 mol of N2,
8. A bottle of KMnO4 contains 66.38 g of the
compound. How many moles of KMnO4
does it contain?
14. How many moles of ethane (C2H6)
contain 8.46 x 1024 formula units?
15. Determine the number of formula units
that are in 1.48 rnol of NaF.
16. How many formula units are in 3.5 g o f '
10-2 rractice rrooiems
10-2 Practice Problems (continued)
L7. If you burned 6.10 x ID24 molecules of
Determine the number of atoms that are
of ethane did
in 0.58 mol of Se.
_ T~ \w many
of what
you burn?
"i {/
: mass of 0.89 mol of CaCl2.
- \s\\J~Cjtfo
2. Afcottle of PbSO4 contains 158.1 g of the
compound. Haw many moles of PbSO4 are
"V\e bottle? r\^? \ ~-> 1*'- 'i
\- *.
(BaNCU contain 6.80 X1024 formula units?
18. How many formula units are in 5.1 g of
25. A canister with a volume of 694 L
contains how many moles of oxygen at
.9. What is the mass of 3.62 x 1024 molecules
of methanol (CH3OH)?
26. A chemical reaction produces 13.8 mol of
CO gas. What volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
.0. How many formula units are in 1.4 g of
27. A tube with a volume of 3.68 L contains
how many moles of neon gas at STP?
11. Determine the number of atoms that are
in 1.25 mol of O2.
3. Find the mass of 1.112 mol of HP.
- ; vy^^.^&yio-^
C, r \A
"' 1U
f q
x' 10^'
24. A chemical reaction produces 0.37 mol of
N2 gas. What volume will that gas occupy
at STP?
! O'
4. Determine the number of moles of C5H12
. 362.8 g of the compound.
1 f<
12. How many moles of magnesium bromide
(MgBr2) contain 5.38 x 1024 formula
:\e the number of formula units
5, Find the mass of 0.159 mol of SiCL.
that are in 0.688 mol of AgNO3.
6. You are given 12.35 g of C4H8O2. How
many moles of the compound do you have?
' i^. 0- A"
A bottle of KMnO4 contains 66.38 g of the
compound. How many moles of KMnO4
does it contain?
28. A chemical reaction produces 0.884 mol
of H^S gas. What' volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
2. How many formula units are in 5.6 g of
29. A container with a volume of 10l L
contains how many moles of argon gas at
3. A container with a volume of 893 L
contains h'ow many moles of air at STP?
30. A chemical reaction produces 138 mbl of
HBr gas. What volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
14. How many moles of ethane (C.jH6)
contain 8.46 x 1024 formula units?
7. Find the mass of 3.66 mol of N;
1. Determine the mass of 2.94 x ID24
molecules of decane (C^H^).
* "J-
15. Determine the number of formula units
that are in 1.48 mol of NaF.
16. How many formula units are in 3.5 g of '
10-2 rractice rrocuems
10-2 Practice Problems (continued)
Find the mass of 0.89 mol of Cad2.
9. Determine the number of atoms that are
in 0.58 mol of Se.
2 A bottle of PbSQ, contains 158.1 g of the
' compound.HoVmanymolesofPbS04are
10. How many moles of barium nitrate
(BaNO3) contain 6.80 x 1024 formula units?
L7. If you burned 6.10 x 1024 molecules of
ethane (CjH6), what mass of ethane did
you burn?
24. A chemical reaction produces 0.37 mol of
N2 gas. What volume will that gas occupy
at STP?
25. A canister with a volume of 694 L
contains how many moles of oxygen at
How many formula umts are m 5.1 g of
3. Find the mass of 1.112 rnol of HP.
4. Determine the number of moles of CgH12
e in 362.8 g of the compound.
11. Determine the number of atoms that are
in 1.25 mol of O2.
12. How many moles of magnesium bromide
(MgBr2) contain 5.38 x 1024 formula
$~~o tf
5. Find the mass of 0.159 rnol of SiCL.
6. You are given 12.35 g of. C4HgO2. How
many moles of the compound do you have?
7. Find the mass of 3.66 mol of N2.
8. A bottle of KMnO4 contains 66.38 g of the
compound. How many moles of KMnO4
does it contain?
13. Determine the number of formula units
that are in 0.688 mol of AgNO3.
.9. What is the mass of 3.62 x 1024 molecules
26. A chemical reaction produces 13.8 mol of
CO gas. What volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
.0. How many formula units are in 1.4 g of
27. A tube with a volume of 3.68 L contains
how many moles of neon gas at STP?
1. Determine the mass of 2.94 x 102*
molecules of decane (C^H^).
28. A chemical reaction produces 0.884 mol
of H2S gas. What' volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
2. How many formula units are in 5.6 g of
29. A container with a volume of 10l L
contains how many moles of argon gas at
3. A container with a volume of 893 L
contains Kow many moles of air at STP?
30. A chemical reaction produces 138 mttl of
HBr gas. What volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
14. How many moles of ethane (C2Hfi)
contain 8.46 x 1024 formula units?
15. Determine the number of formula units
that are in 1.48 mol of NaP.
16. How many formula units are in 3.5 g of'
10-2 rractice rrooiems
10-2 Practice Problems (continued)
L7. If you burned 6.10 x 1024 molecules of
ethane-tCjHg), what mass of ethane did
Find the mass of 0.89 mol of CaCl2.4oV~H' UV» 9- Detenrdne the number of atoms that are
in (XSffinoi of Se.
9 /A linftlp nfPbSO, contains 158.1 g of the
2/ A Dome or Loa^t a
compound. How many moles of PbSO4 are
in the bottle?
10. How many moles of barium nitrate
. • x o r i -triM*,™,,.!,, ,,T,uc7
(Bal>je53)^ontain 6.80 x 1(X4 formula units?
3. Find the mass of 1.112 mol of HE \Y\\~W
Determine the number of atoms that are
in 1.25 mol of O2.
HowjHlany formula units are in 5.1 g of
•notfttf * ^ ^^
24. A chemical reaction produces 0.37 mol of
N2 gas. What volume will that gas occupy
at STP?
25. A canister with a volume of 694 L
co»tains how many/rnoles of oxygen at
.9. What i&'frte mass of 3.62 x 1024 molecules
ofm^thanol(CH3OH)? i v * - ^ 1 - " * * - * -
26. A chemical reaction produces 13.8 mol of
CQ^as. What volume will that gas
10. How rryiny formula units are in 1.4 g of
27. Aidbe with a volume of 3.68 L contains
w many moles of neon gas at STP?
1. Determine the mass of 2.94 x 1024
molecules of decane (C^^fi^).
28. A chemical reaction produces 0.884 mol
of H2S gas. What' volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
2. How many formula units are in 5.6 g of
29. A container with a volume of lOi L
contains how many moles of argon gas at
3. A container with a volume of 893 L
contains Kow many moles of air at STP?
30. A chemical reaction produces 138 mol of
HBr gas. What volume will thai gas
occupy at STP?
4. Determine the number of moles of C5H12
12. How many moles of magnesium bromide
•mat are in 362.8 g of the compound, i.„>_ \?-rv?.
(MeB^T contain 5.38 x 10M formula
5. Find the mass of 0.159 mol of SiO2.
6. You are given 12.35 g of C4HflO2. How
many moles of the compound do you have?
7. Find the mass of 3.66 mol of N2.
8. A bottle of KMnO4 contains 66.38 g of the
compound. How many moles of KMnO4
does it contain?
13. Determine the number of formula units
that are in 0.688 mol of AgNO3.
14. How many moles of ethane (C2H6)
contain 8.46 x 1024 formula units?
15. Determine the number of formula units
that are in 1.48 mol of NaF.
16. How many formula units are in 3.5 g of'
10-2 iractice rrooiems
i, Xndthemassof0.69molofCaCl 2 .M L / -)• /
10-2 Practice Problems (continued)
9. Determine the number of atoms that
in fl CJfl TYinl nf Qo
L7. If you burned 6.10 x 1024 molecules of
ethane (CJi6), what mass of ethane did
2. A/bottle of PbSO4 contains 158.1 g oflthe
~" Compound. How many moles of PbSpJ are
fin the bottle?
3. Find the mass of 1.113 mol of HE
etermine the number of moles of C5H12
at are in 362.8 g of the compound.
5. Find the mass of 0.159 mol of SiO2.
6. You are given 12.35 g of C4H8O2. How
many moles of the compound do you have?
7, Find the mass of 3.66 mol of N,.
10. Hojfr many moles of barium nitrate
j**,/* tgaNO^contain-6.80 x 1024 formula units?
/ll. jDetennine the number of atoms that are
( X in 1.25 mol of O2.
12. How many moles of magnesium, bromide
(MgBr2) contain 5.38 x 1024 formula
13. Determine the number of formula units
that are in 0.688 mol of AgNO3-
'W -7
• T "^9
18. How mam' formula units are in 5.1 g of
TiO?•> ilv'-j.'^^)
'tanister with a volume of 694 L
t-ontains how many moles of oxygen at
.9. What is the mass of 3.62 x 1024 mole
of methanol (CH3OH)?
2ffi^ A Chemical reacdon produces 13.8 mol of
CO gas. What volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
,0. How many formula unite are in 1.4 g of
PbCL,?107-* 7/*£U£
27. A tube with a volume of 3.68 L contains
how many moles of neon gas at STP?
1. Determine the mass of 2.94 x 1024
molecules of decane (C,nH.,.,).
28. A chemical reaction produces 0.884 mol
of H2S gas. What" volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
2. How many formula units are in 5.6 g of
29. A container with a volume of 101 L
contains how many moles of argon gas at
14. How many moles of ethane (C2H6)
contain 8.46 x 1024 formula units?
15. Determine the number of formula units
that are in 1.48 mol ofNafl. ^3
8. A bottle of !CMnO4 contains 66.38 g of the
compound. How many moles of KMnO4
does it contain?
, 24. A chemigsHeaction produces 0.37 mol of
f ^S^N2 g^What volume will that gas occupy
A container'wifli a volume of 893 L
contains h'ow many moles of air at STP?
16. How many formula units are in 3.5 g of'
V. ,
A chemical reaction produces 138 m
HBr gas. What volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
10-2 rractice rrooiems
10-2 Practice Problems (continued)
I. Find the mass of O.B9 mol
A.bortle of PbSO4 contains 158.1 g of the
.compound. How many moles of PbSO4 are
'in the bottle?
3. Find the mass of 1.112 mol of HP.
4. Determine the number of moles of Cs
that are in 362,8 g of the compound.
9. Determine the number of atoms that are
in 0.58 mol of Se.
10. Howx-rnany moles of barium nitrate
(^NO3) contain 6.80 x 1024 formula units?
31. Determine the number of atoms that are
in 1.25 mol of O,.
12. How many moles o£ magnesium bromide
(MgBr2) contain 5.38 x ID24 formula
77- a
L7. If you burned 6.10 x ID24 molecules of
ethane (CUHA what mass of ethane did
24. A chemical reaction produces 0.37 mol of
N2 gas. What volume will that gas occupy
at STP?
3. How many formula units are in 5.1 g of
25. A canister with a volume of 694 L
contains how many moles of oxygen at
9. What is the mass of 3.62 x 1024 molecules
^ of methanol (CH,
26. A chemical reaction produces 13.8 rnol of
CO gas. What volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
M \<VO
,0. How many formula units are in 1.4 g of
27. A rube with a volume of 3.68 L contains
how many moles of neon gas at STP?
\.4cA \
5. Find the mass of 0.159 mol of SiO2.
13. Determine the number of formula units
that are in 0.688 mol of AgNO3.
6. You are given 12.35 g of C4H8OZ. How
many moles of the compound do you have?
14. How many moles of ethane (C2H6)
contain 8.46 x 1024 formula units?
7. Find the mass of 3.66 mol of N2.
15. Determine the number of formula units
that are in 1.48 mol of NaE
8. A bottle of KMnO4 contains 66.38 g of the
compound. How many moles of KMnO4
does it contain?
16. How many formula units are in 3.5 g of'
NaOH? •
1. Determine the mass of 2.94 x 1024
molecules of decane (
28. A chemical reaction produces 0.884 mol
of H2S gas. What' volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
2. How many formula units are in 5.6 g of
29. A container with a volume of 10l L
contains how many moles of argon gas at
3. A container with a volume of 893 L
contains Kow many moles of air at STP?
30. A chemical reaction produces 138 mill of
HBr gas. What volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
10-2 rractice rrooiems
the mass of 0.89 mol of CaCL,.
2 /bottle of PbSCV contains 158.1 g of the
10-2 Practice Problems (continued)
Determine the number of atoms that are
u.58 mol of Se,
flO'. 1 I*ow many moles of barium nitrate
' / compound.Howm a nymoIesofPbS0 4 are
^^/(BaNOj contain 6.80 xlO24 formula units?
. ,L i- iii •»
H '>•/
i i - »
in the bottle?
J; ^
N I t ^va >' y
24. ) A chemical reaction produces 0.37 mol of
N2 gas. What volume will that gas occupy
If you burned 6.10 x ID24 molecules of
ethapq (CjH6), what mass of ethane did
(^ Hc^an^ fprmula units are in 5.1 g of
Tffiu? -l - -* ''T'- -.3o
^ A canister with a volume of 694 L
contains how many moles of oxygen at
3p Find the mass of 1.112 mol of HE
Determine the number of atoms that are
in 1.25 mol of O.
Determine the number of moles of CSHU
that are in 362.8 g of the compound.
\9.J What is the mass of 3.62 x ID24 molecules
tj / 77. ^ ?"
5. Find the mass of 0.159 mol of SiO2.
6. You are given 12.35 g of C4HBO2. How
many moles of the compound do you have?
7. Find the mass of 3.66 mol of N2.
8. A bottle of KMnO4 contains 66.38 g of the
compound. How many moles of KMnO4
does it contain?
26X A chemical reaction produces 13.8 mol of
CO gas. What volume will that gas
occupy atjST
How many moles of magnesium bromide
(MgBr2) contain 5.38 x 102* formula
,0.y'How many formula units are in 1.4 g of
13. Determine the number of formula units
that are in 0.688 mol of AgNO3.
j. Determine the mass of 2.94 x 1024
molecules of decane (CjuH^).
A tube with a volume of 3.68 L contains
how many moles of neon gas at STP?
28. A chemical reaction produces 0.884 mol
of H2S gas. What* volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
14. How many moles of ethane (C2H6)
contain 8.46 x 102* formula units?
2. How many formula units are in 5.6 g of
29. A container with a volume of lol L
contains how many moles of argon gas at
3. A container with a volume of 893 L
contains How many moles of air at STP?
30. A chemical reaction produces 138 mOl of
HBr gas. What volume will that gas
occupy at STP? _
15. Determine the number of formula units
that are in 1.48 mol of NaP.
16. How many formula units are in 3.5 g of*
10-2 rractice rrooiems
Find the mass of 0.89 mol of CaCl2-
1 A bottle of PbSO, contains 158.1 e of the
Y Impound. How many moles of PbSO4 are
A in the bottle?
10-2 Practice Problems (continued)
3. Determine the number of atoms that are
in 0.58 mol of Se.
10. How many moles of barium nitrate
' . (BaNO3) contain 6.80 x 10» formula units?
' ' ,
3. Find the mass of 1.112 mol of HK
4. Determine the number of moles of C5H12
" that are in 362.8 g of the compound.
•i/ • •
5. Find the mass of tTl59 rnol of SiO2.
6. You are given 12.35 g of C4HgO2. How
many moles of the compound do you have?
^ £^<*f
12. How many moles of magnesium bromide
($gBr2) contain 5,38 x lO24 formula
' <, 7,#-ni\"1 *M ! H- i
=." U ' -Si• * *-*• •*
_^.., £™ many
U. Determine the nomBeFoTatoms that are
in 1.25 mol of O2.
*•-' > '
17. If you burned 6.10 x ID24 molecules of
ethane (CjH6^ what mass of ethane did
™* ^ ^ B of
26, A chemical reaction produces 13.8 mol of
CO gas. What volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
~\0. How many formula units are in 1.4 g of
27. A tube witTTa
.vith a voluihe'of
volurtrfc 3.68 L contains
how many moles of neon gas at STP?
: mass of 2.94 x
molecules of decane ft
28. A chemical reaction produces 0.884 mol
of H2S gas. What' volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
13, DetermirieThe number of formula units
that are in 0.688 mol of AgNO3.
14. How many moles of ethane (C2H6)
contain 8.46 x 1024 formula units?
29. A container with a volume of 101 L
contains how many moles of argon gas at
15. Determine the number of formula units
that are in 1.48 mol of NaF.
8. A bottle of KMnO4 contains 66.38 g of the
compound. How many moles of KMnO4
does it contain?
25. A canister with a volume of 694 L
contains how many moles of oxygen at
V9. What is the mass of 3.62 x 1024 molecules
ofmethanol{CH,OH)? > .,
- How many formula units are in 5.6 g of
. H,S?
7. Find the mass of 3.66 mol of N,.
24. A chemical reaction produces 0.37 mol of
N2 gas. What volume will that gas occupy
at STP?
16- How many formula units are in 3.5 g of'
A container with a volume of 893 L
contains how many moles of ak at STP?
30. A chemical reaction produces 138 mill of
HBr gas. What volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
10-2 rractice rrooiems
W-2 Practice Problems (continued)
9. Determine the number of atoms that are
in 0.58 mol of Se.
1. Find the mass of 0.89 mol
2. A bottle of PbSO4 contains 158.1 g of the
compound. How many moles of PbSO4 are
ijflhe bottle?
10. How many moles of barium nitrate
(BaNO,) contain 6.80 x ID24 formula units?
17. If you burned 6.10 x 1024 molecules of
ethane (CjHg), what mass of ethane did
you burn?
24. A chemical reaction produces 0.37 mol of
N2 gas. What volume will that gas occupy
at STP?
How many formula units are in 5.1 g of
25. A canister with a volume of 694 L
contains how many moles of oxygen at
.9. What is the mass of 3.62 x 10M molecules
of methanol (CH3OH)?
26. A chemical reaction produces 13.8 mol of
CO gas. What volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
.0. How many formula units are in 1.4 g of
27. A tube with a volume of 3.68 L contains
how many moles of neon gas at BTP7
1. Determine the mass of 2.94 x 102*
molecules of decane (C^H^).
28. A chemical reaction produces 0.884 mol
of H2S gas. What volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
2. How many formula units are in 5.6 g of
29. A container with a volume of 10l L
contains how many moles of argon gas at
3. A container with a volume of 893 L
contains h'ow many moles of air at STP?
30, A chemical reaction produces 138 mbl of
HBr gas. What volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
Determine the number of atoms that are
in 1.25 mol of O-.
3. Find the mass of 1.112 mol of HE
* ID1
4. Determine the number of moles of C5H12
that are in 362.8 g of the compound.
) How many moles of magnesium bromide
(MgBrz) contain 5.38 x 1024 formula
5, Find the mass of 0.159 mol of SiCL.
6. You are given 12.35 g of C4HgO2. How
many moles of the compound do you have?
7. Find the mass of 3.66 mol of N2,
8. A bottle of KMnO4 contains 66.38 g of the
compound. How many moles of KMnO4
does it contain?
13. Determine the number of formula units
that are in 0.688 mol of AgNO3.
14. How many rnoles of ethane (C2H6)
contain 8.46 x 1024 formula units?
15. Determine the number of formula units
that are in 1.48 mol of NaF.
16. How many formula units are in 3.5 g of'
practice rrooiems
1. Find the mass of 0.89 mol of CaC^.
10-2 Practice Problems (continued)
9. Determine the number of atoms that are
in 0.58 mol of Se.
17. If you burned 6.10 x 1024 molecules of
ethane (CjHg), what mass of ethane did
you bum?
24. A chemical reaction produces 0.37 mol of
N2 gas. What volume will that gas occupy
at STP?
2. A bottle of PbSO4 contains 158.1 g of the
compound. How many moles of PbSO4 are
i*<the bottle?
^ <?
10. How many moles of barium nitrate
(BaNO3) contain 6.80 x 1024 formula units?
18. How many formula units are in 5.1 g of
-> ~ *
3. Find the mass of 1.112 mol of HF.
4. Determine the number of moles of C5H12
that are in 362.8 g of the compound.
5. Find the mass of 0.159 mol of SiO2
Determine the number of atoms that are
) How many moles of magnesium bromide
— (MgBr2) contain 5.38 x ID24 formula
13 J Determine the number of formula units
that are in 0.688 mol of AgNO3.
7. Find the mass of 3.66 mol of N.
8. A bottle of KMnO4 contains 66.38 g of the
f compound. How many moles of KMnO4
does it contain?
25. A canister with a volume of 694 L
contains how many moles of oxygen at
26. A chemical reaction produces 13.8 mol of
CO gas. What volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
D. How many formula units are in 1.4 g of
27. A tube with a volume of 3.68 L contains
how many moles of neon gas at STP?
l. Determine the mass of 2.94 x 1024
molecules of decane (C]0HM).
28. A chemical reaction produces 0.884 mol
of H2S gas. What' volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
2. How'many formula units are in 5.6 g of
29. A container with a volume of loi L
contains how many moles of argon gas at
3. A container with a volume of 893 L
contains how many moles of air at STP?
30. A chemical reaction produces 138 mttl of
HBr gas. What volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
°[, 25
6. You are given 12.35 g of C4HSO2. How
many moles of the compound do you have?
What is the mass of 3.62 x 1024 molecules
of methanol (CH3OH)?
14. How many moles of ethane (C^Hg)
contain 8.46 x 1024 formula units?
15. Determine the number of formula units
that are in 1.48 mol of NaF.
16. How many formula units are in 3.5 g of'
10-2 rracnce rrooiems
Find the mass of 0.89 rnol of CaCl2. - U N
2. ^bottle of PbSO4 contains 158.1 g of the
'compound. How many moles of PbSO, are
l5 ^
10-2 Practice Problems (continued)
9. Determine the number of atoms that are
in 0(58 mol of Se.
L7. If you^burried 6.10 x 1024 molecules of
), what mass of ethane did
10. How/many moles of barium nitrate
* n (BaNCU contain 6.80 x 1024 formula units?
24. A chemical reaction produces 0.37 mol of
N2 gas. What volume will that gas occupy
25. A canister with a volume of 694 L
contains how many moles of oxygen at
\^-. H /u \(o
3. Find the mass of 1.112 mol of HF.
11. Determine the number of atoms that are
in 1.25 mol of O2.
\ e*;,
4. Determine the number of moles
that are in 362.8 g of the compound.
1 'W'
12. How many moles of magnesium bromide
(MgBr2) contain 5.38 x 1024 formula
What is the mass of 3.62 x 1024 molecules
of methanol (CH3OH)?
I &S\ |
, . 1^ n
t« \. How many formula units are in 1.4 g of
"> 1_ \
^ l o^x\o ^ ?'o
5. Find the mass of 0.159 mcWf SiO,.
6. You are given 12.35 g of C4HaO2. How
many moles of the compound do you have?
7. Find the mass of 3.66 mol of N2.
8. A bottle of KMnO4 contains 66.38 g of the
compound. How many moles of KMnO,
does it contain?
13. Determine the number of formula units
that are in 0.688 mol of AgNO3.
26. A chemical reaction produces 13.8 mol of
^CO gas. What volume will that gas
now many m0^s
27. A tube witna vol
of neon gas at STP?
. Determine the mass of 2.94 x 1014 3728. A chemical reaction produces 0.884 mol
molecules of decane (C^H^).
of H,jS gas. What' volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
14. How many moles of ethane (C2H6)
contain 8.46 x 1024 formula units?
2. How many formula units are in 5.6 g of
29. A container with a volume of 10l L
contains how many moles of argon gas at
3. A container with a volume of 893 L
contains now many moles of air at STP?
30. A chemical reaction produces 138 mbl of
HBr gas. What volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
15. Determine the number of formula units
that are in 1.48 mol of NaF.
16. How many formula units are in 3.5 g of'
10-2 rractice rrooiems
10-2 Practice Problems (continued}
1. Find the mass of 0.89 mol of CaCl2-
3.1 g of the
ipound. How many moles of FbSO4 are
3. Find the mass of 1.112 mol of HE
9. Determine the number of atoms tljat are
in 0.58 mol of Se.
17. If ^em burned 6.10 x 1024 molecules of
lane (C2H6), what mass of ethane did
you burn?
24. A chemical reaction produces 0.37 mol of
N2 gas. What volume will that gas occupy
IQXHow many moles of barium nitrate
(BaNO3) contain 6.80 x 1024 formula units?
How m^r formula units are in 5.1- of
25. A camarer with a volume of 694 L
cD»t»fos how many moles of oxygen at
.9. What is ffie maSS of 3.62 x 1024 molecules
of methanol (CHLOH)?
26. A chemical reaction produces 13.8 mol of
CO gas. What volume will that gas
11. Determine the number of atoms that are
in 1.25 mol of CX,.
I * C" ^
4. Determine the number of moles of C5H12
that are in 362.8 g of the compound.
f 12. jHow many moles of magnesium bromide
V_X (MgBr2) contain 5.38 x 1024 formula
. How many formula units are in 1.4 g of
13. Determine the number of formula units
that are in 0.688 mol of AgNO3.
6. You are given 12.35 g of C4HaO2. How
many moles of the compound do you have?
7. Find the mass of 3.66 mol of N2.
8. A bottle of KMnO4 contains 66.38 g of the
compound. How many moles of KMnO4
does it contain?
27. A tube with a volume of 3.68 L contains
how many moles of neon gas at STP?
\. Find the mass of 0.159 mol of SiO-.
i. Determine the mass of 2.94 x 1024
molecules of decane (C1DH22).
28. A chemical reaction produces 0.884 mol
of H2S gas. What' volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
2. How many formula units are in 5.6 g of
29. A container with a volume of 10l L
contains how many moles of argon gas at
3. A container with a volume of 893 L
contains Kow many moles of air at STP?
30. A chemical reaction produces 138 m&I of
HBr gas. What volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
14. How many moles of ethane (CjHg)
contain 8.46 x 1024 formula units?
15. Determine the number of formula units
that are in 1.48 mol of NaF.
16. How many formula units are in 3.5 g of'
5ft) 1
10-2 rractice rrooiems
1. Find the mass of 0.89 mol of CaC^.
- ¥ll-<t
A bottKofpbSO, contains 158.1 g of the
How many
moles of PbSO
4 are
, \fe, LLjifiJ
" s 3C6«
2^3. Find the mass of 1.112 mol of HF.
\ . | f l m « i |M4--303^.
h^*** J
4. Determine the number of moles of C5H12
that are hi 362.8 g of the compound.
10-2 Practice Problems (continued)
9. Determine the number of jitoms that are
in 0.58
*nol of. Se. , ft„ \ ,w *w*A
1 >
M! I - - - - 10. How many moles of barium nitrate
24 *_ (BaNO
3) contain 6.80 x^LO24 f orn;
- • '• ^^^ * —
11. Determine the number of atoms that are
in 1.25 mol of O2.
/ 12. j How many moles of magnesium bromide
V—-^ (MgBr2) contain 5.38 x 1024 formula
o.Wmo/|J8i^»/^5. ^L
I | mOl /
:is are in 5.1 g of
25. A canister with a volume of 694 L
contains how many moles of oxygen at
.9. What is the mass of 3.62 x 1Q21 molecules
of methanol (CH3OH)?
26. A chemical reaction produces 13.8 mol of
CO gas. What volume will that gas
at STP?
]C#* y * F'" J V rt-'i?^i | fif
-0- How many formula units are in 1.4 g of
27. A tube with a volume of 3.68 L contains
i fgft'-'i £~ -AWrrtot
5. Find the mass of 0.159 mol of SiO2.
13. Determine the number of formula units
that are in 0.688 rnol of AgNO3.
6. You are given 12.35 g of C4H8O2. How
many moles of the compound do you have?
14. How many moles of ethane (C2H6)
contain 8.46 x 1024 formula units?
7. Find the mass of 3.66 mol of N2.
15. Determine the number of formula units
that are in 1.48 mol of NaF.
8. A bottle of KMnO4 contains 66.38 g of the
compound. How many moles of KMnO4
does it contain?
24. A chemical reaction produces 0.37 mol of
N2 gas. What volume will that gas occupy
at STP?
L7. If you burned 6.10 x 1024 molecules of
ethane C^W what mass of ethane did
16. How many formula units are in 3.5 g of'
1. Determine the mass of 2.94 x 1024
molecules of decane (C1f.Hn).
'28. A chemical reaction produces 0.884 mol
of H2S gas. What' volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
2, How many formula units are in 5.6 g of
29. A container with a volume of 101 L
contains how many moles of argon gas at
3. A container with a volume of 893 L
contains h'ow many rnoles of air at STP?
30. A chemical reaction produces 138 rnbl of
HBr gas. What volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
10-2 practice rrooiems
1. Find the, mass of 0.89 mol of CaCL,.
91 ?
10-2 Practice Problems (continued)
9. Determine the number of atoms that are
17. If you/burned 6.10 x 1024 molecules of
ethane (C-jHg), what mass of ethane did
24. A chemical reaction produces 0.37 mol of
N2 gas. What volume wjfl that gas occupy
at STP?
2. A bome of PbSO4 contains 158.1 g of the
cojnpound. How many moles of PbSO4 are
ir/the bottle?
3. Find the mass of 1.112 mol of HE
10. Hoy many moles of barium nitrate
(^NO3) contain 6.80 x ID24 formula units?
11. Determine the number of atoms that are
in 1.25 mol of O,.
How manv^drmula units are in 5.1 g of
25. A canister with a volume of ,694 L
contains how many moles of qXygen
.9, What is the mass of 3.62 x 1024 molecules
of methanol (CH3OH)?
26. A chemical reaction produces 13.8 mol of
CO gas. What volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
.** "
4. Determine the number of moles of CSH12
that are hi 362.8 g of the compound.
12. How many moles of magnesium bromide
(MgBr2) contain 5.38 x 1024 formula
.*-* '
JO. How many formula units are in 1.4 g of
27. A tube with a volume of 3.68 L contains
how many moles of neon gas at STP?
V1 f
5. Find the mass of 0.159 rnol of SiO,,.
6. You are given 12.35 g of C4HaO2- How
many moles of the compound do you have?
7. Find the mass of 3.66 mol of N2.
8. A bottle of KMnO4 contains 66.38 g of the
compound. How many moles of KMnO4
does it contain?
13. Determine the number of formula units
that are in 0.688 mol of AgNO3.
1. Determine the mass of 2.94 x 1024
molecules of decane (C,nH--,).
' 28. A chemical reaction produces 0.884 mol
of H2S gas. What' volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
2. How many formula units are in 5.6 g of
29. A container with a volume of 10l L
contains how many moles of argon gas at
3. A container with a volume of 893 L
contains how many moles of air at STP?
30. A chemical reaction produces 138 mbl of
HBr gas. What volume will that gas
occupy at STP?
14. How many moles of ethane (C2H6)
contain 8.46 x 1024 formula units?
15. Determine the number of formula units
that are in 1.48 mol of NaF.
16. How many formula units are in 3.5 g of'