BIO 201 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I

 Course: BIO 201 ‐ Human Anatomy and Physiology I Instructor: Dr. Kelly Trainor, Ph.D. S Y L L A B U S Your Course Learning Plan Lectures ‐ Online Time Frame: Lab ‐ Fridays: 8:00 – 10:45 am (Section 33492) Lab ‐ Fridays: 11:00 – 1:45 pm (Section 33493) A. Instructor Contact and Communications Office location: Office hours: Phone: E‐mail address: Classroom location: Building 4 (Wheadon), Room 223 Tuesdays: 11:30 – 4:00 pm Thursdays: 11:30 – 4:00 pm 928‐717‐7951 Prescott, Bldg. 4, Rm 206 B. General Course Information Credit hours: Course description: Prerequisite/Co‐requisite: Textbooks, software, supplies, equipment and tools: 4.0 Structure and function of the human body. Topics include cells, tissues, integumentary, muscular, skeletal, and nervous systems. Prerequisite: Three lecture. Three lab. BIO 156 (Preferred), or BIO 100 or BIO 181. Reading Proficiency. Required: Any of the following texts are suitable – 
Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology, 8th Edition; F. Martini and J. Nath; ISBN: 0‐321‐50571‐9; 7th or 8th edition OK  Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 12th Edition; Gerard J. Tortora, Bryan H. Derrickson; Wiley Publishing 2009  Human Anatomy & Physiology, 8th Edition; Elaine Marieb & Katja Hoehn; Pearson Publishing; ISBN: 0‐8053‐9591‐1; 7th or 8th edition OK  Anatomy & Physiology, 6th Edition; Gary Thibodeau & Kevin Patton; McGraw Hill Publishing; ISBN: 9780323037181 Recommended: 
Real Anatomy Software DVD; Mark Nielsen, Shawn D. Miller; October 2008; ISBN 978‐0‐470‐11483‐4; Software Anatomy Coloring Book Brief Atlas of the Human Body C. Course Content and Outcomes 1.
Course content: 2.
Learning outcomes: 1.
Anatomical terms and homeostasis Cytological and histological anatomy and functions Integumentary system Anatomy and physiology of the skeletal system Axial and appendicular skeleton, joints Anatomy and physiology of the muscular system Gross and microscopic anatomy of muscles Muscle contraction Anatomy and physiology of the nervous system The central and peripheral nervous systems The automatic nervous system The senses Identify the parts of a typical cell and describe their function and structure. (1, 2) Identify and describe the four basic tissue types, their anatomy and functions. (1, 2) Describe the anatomy and functions of the integumentary system. (1, 3) Identify and describe the anatomy and physiology of the skeletal system. (1, 4) Identify and describe the anatomy of joints, axial and appendicular skeletal systems. (1, 5) Identify and describe the anatomy and physiology of the muscular system. (1, 6) Identify and describe the gross and microscopic anatomy of muscles. (1, 7) Describe the biological processes involved in muscle contraction. (1, 8) Identify and describe the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. (1, 9) Describe and identify brain and spinal cord anatomy and reflexes. (1, 10) Describe the biological processes involved in the nerve impulse. (1, 10, 11)
Describe and identify the anatomy and physiology autonomic nervous system. (1, 10, 11) Describe and identify the anatomy and physiology of the senses. (1, 12) Use scientific reasoning to evaluate the systems of the human body. (3‐
12) Identify the broad themes that unify studying the systems of the body. (1‐
12) Interpret the numerical and/or graphical representation of physiological data and anatomical structures. (1‐12) Use the tools and equipment necessary for scientific analysis and research on physiological data and anatomical structures. (2‐12) Record the results of investigation through writing. (1‐12) Grading Scale: Quizzes Exams Lab Practicals Laboratory Notebook Total Grading Scale: 90 – 100% = A 80 – 89% = B 70 – 79% = C 60 – 69% = D 0 – 59% = F Grading (credit) criteria: 20% 35% 35% 10% 100% Institution Policies and Instructor Procedures Quizzes Weekly quizzes are given to inspire you to keep on top of studying and as a gauge for how well you’re doing in the class. They are given first thing at our first class meeting of the week and cover the material from the previous week’s classes as listed in the course outline. If you are not doing well on the quizzes and find them difficult, then that is a sign that you need to change your approach to studying for Anatomy and Physiology. Written Exams Anatomy and Physiology is mostly a factual subject with objective exams used as the main evaluation tool. Each exam will be based on lecture material and associated chapters from the text. The exams are NOT cumulative and only test on the material from the most recent section of the course. If you are going to miss an exam, you must contact me prior the exam date. Make‐up exams will be given only if proof of a legitimate emergency can be provided. Lab Practicals Your understanding in lab is evaluated using lab practical exams. Lab practical exams will be the same week as the lecture exams and cover just the lab material from that section of the course. As the first lab practical nears, I will provide some sample questions and discuss strategies to do well on these exams. Most important is to come to class each week prepared, focus during lab, and review what you’ve learned every week. Lab practicals cannot be made up for any reason. As a result, I will drop your lowest lab practical score. You must show a cumulative passing grade on the lab practicals or you cannot pass the class, no matter how well you do on the other exams and evaluations. Laboratory Notebooks: A laboratory notebook will need to be kept and turned in for evaluation prior to each exam. To be considered for evaluation, a notebook must have the following:  Be bound or stapled separate from your regular class notes or notebook (three‐ring binder recommended)  A title page indicating your name, course title, and when the class meets.  A table of contents that refers to tabs placed in front of each laboratory exercise.  Laboratory exercises taken from the lab manual must have all frilly edges removed.  Your name and the date the lab was conducted in class must be written clearly on the first page of each lab. Late Work: If I receive your work after the scheduled due date, points are deducted at 10% per day the assignment is late. If unknown circumstances occur that will prevent you from submitting your work by the due date, call or email me immediately. Work will NOT be accepted if it is more than 1 week late. Attendance: Students are expected to attend and participate in all class meetings and laboratories. A student who expects to be absent due to another school‐
sponsored activity or compelling personal reason must make prior arrangements with the instructor. All course work must be made up as directed by the instructor. If a student has more than 3 unexcused absences they can be dropped from the class. A student who does not adhere to instructor and College attendance requirements may be dropped from the course as defined in the Yavapai College General Catalog. Cell Phone and Pager Policy: Yavapai College is committed to providing a quality learning environment. All cell phones and pagers must be placed in a non‐audible mode while in classrooms, computer labs, the library, the learning center, and testing areas. Cell phones and pagers must be used outside these facilities. Any student found using a cell phone in any manner during an exam or quiz will receive and automatic zero on that exam or quiz. Course Withdrawal: To officially withdraw from a course, the student must complete a Yavapai College Change of Class Enrollment Form and submit it to the Registration Office. Withdrawing from a course after the published deadline of Oct. 17th requires instructor approval and signature. After Dec 2nd, a withdrawal “W” will no longer be assigned when a student does not complete a class. Instructors will assign only letter grades for students who remain enrolled. If a student does not follow official procedures for withdrawing from a course, failing grades may be posted on the student’s permanent record. Academic Integrity: Honesty in academic work is a central element of the learning environment. The presentation of another individual’s work as one’s own or the act of seeking unfair academic advantage through cheating, plagiarism or other dishonest means are violations of the College’s “Student Code of Conduct.” Definitions of plagiarism, cheating, and violation of copyright and penalties for violation are available in the Yavapai College General Catalog. Student Code of Conduct: Respect for the rights of others and for the College and its property are fundamental expectations for every student. The “Student Code of Conduct” outlines behavioral expectations, and explains the process for responding to allegations of student misconduct. Disability Resources: Yavapai College is committed to providing educational support services to students with documented disabilities. Accommodations for a student must be arranged by the student through the Disability Resources Coordinator (Prescott Campus: 928.776.2079 or Verde Valley Campus: 928.634.6563). Student Resources (as applicable) Library services: Library services are available at the Prescott Campus and the Verde Valley Campus libraries. Both libraries are members of a countywide library network, which provides access to a wide‐range of information and resources at libraries throughout Yavapai County. Possession of a College library card entitles students to access materials housed at member libraries. Instructors may place required course materials on reserve in the library or make assignments that require the use of library resources. Learning Centers: A Learning Center is available on the Prescott and Verde Valley Campuses. These centers provide a variety of learning support for students including tutoring, adaptive computer and equipment for students with disabilities, and a networked general computer lab. Tutoring: Online resources and services: Call for details: Prescott 776‐2085 or Verde Valley 634‐6562 Online writing tutoring for any academic subject is available at BIO 201 – Anatomy and Physiology I Course Outline – Fall 2010 Week 1 Online Lectures:  Human Body Orientation  Cellular Odds and Ends  Tissues Lab: Friday 8/27 
Orientation/Introductions Quiz 1 – Human Body Orientation Epithelial Tissues Week 2 Online Lectures:  Integumentary System Lab: Friday 9/3 
Week 3 Quiz 2 – Integumentary System Connective Tissues Online Lectures:  Skeletal Tissues  Joints Lab: Friday 9/10 
Quiz 3 – Skeletal Tissues Skeletal Tissues and Articulations Week 4 Online Lectures:  No new material Lab: Friday 9/17 
Week 5 Exam I Lab Practical I Lab Notebooks Due Online Lectures:  Nervous System Tissues  Action Potentials, Synapses and Neurotransmitters  Spinal Cord Anatomy and Organization Lab: Friday 9/24 
Quiz 4 – Nervous System Tissues Spinal Cord Anatomy Week 6 Online Lectures:  Brain and Cranial Nerves Lab: Friday 10/1 
Quiz 5 – Brain and Cranial Nerves Brain Gross Anatomy Testing Cranial Nerves Week 7 Online Lectures:  Peripheral Nervous System and Reflex Arcs  Autonomic Nervous System Lab: Friday 10/8 
Quiz 6 – Autonomic Nervous System Peripheral and Autonomic Nervous System Anatomy Human Reflex Physiology Week 8 Online Lectures:  No new material Lab: Friday 10/15 
Exam II Lab Practical II Lab Notebooks Due Week 9 Online Lectures:  Special Senses Lab: Friday 10/22 
Quiz 7 – Special Senses Gross Anatomy of the Eyeball Special Senses Testing Week 10 Online Lectures:  Muscle Tissues Lab: Friday 10/29 
Quiz 8 – Muscle Tissues Gross Anatomy – Head, Neck and Trunk Week 11 Online Lectures:  Head, Neck and Trunk Lab: Friday 11/5 
Quiz 9 – Head, Neck and Trunk Gross Anatomy – Head, Neck and Trunk Week 12 Online Lectures:  No new material Lab: Friday 11/12 
Exam III Lab Practical III Lab Notebooks Due Week 13 Online Lectures:  Upper Limbs Lab: Friday 11/19 
Quiz 10 – Upper Limbs Gross Anatomy – Upper Limbs Week 14 Week 15 Online Lectures:  Lower Limbs Lab: Friday 12/3 Thanksgiving – No lectures or lab on Friday 11/26 
Quiz 11 – Lower Limbs Gross Anatomy – Lower Limbs Week 16 Online Lectures:  No new material Lab: Friday 12/10 
Exam IV Lab Practical IV Course: BIO 201: Anatomy and Physiology I‐ Fall 2010 S Y L L A B U S Instructor: Kelly Trainor AGREEMENT Fridays: 8:00 – 10:45 am (Section 33492) Time Frame: Fridays: 11:00 – 1:45 pm (Section 33493) I have been provided with a copy of the syllabus for this course in either electronic or paper format. I have read this syllabus and have been given a chance to ask questions about it. _____________________________ ________________ Student Signature Date _____________________________ Print Name 