Forensics Forensics L-2 is a half year course designed to meet the needs of those students wishing to take an elective science course above and beyond the required science courses. This class is designed around authentic performance assessments where students, both as individuals and groups, will use scientific knowledge and reasoning to solve mock crimes. Students will become aware that forensic science incorporates backgrounds of many different fields of study. Hopefully, through this awareness, the students will look into future professions that they had not considered in the past. Students will explore the history and background of forensic science by discussing scientific discoveries that lead to the technology used in the field today. Students will also be exposed to vocabulary associated with forensic science and numerous readings and research of crime cases that will be used to springboard reflections in a journal on a daily basis. Through the extensive use of the scientific method and technology, students will perform experiments that use some of the techniques forensic scientists use to assist in solving crimes. Having the students analyze and evaluate several teacher generated mock crime scenes during the course will also enhance the laboratory experiences. Students will have the opportunity to generate their own crime scene scenarios, too. Lastly, taking this course will give the students accurate views of how forensic scientists conduct their work, how important it is for a forensic scientist to be specialized in his/her field of study and how programs like CSI are a superficial representation of what really goes on during a crime scene investigation. Enduring understandings • Forensic Science involves many different disciplines. It incorporates many science subjects such as biology, chemistry, physics, entomology, and other disciplines such as law and public law enforcement. • The foundation of forensic science is scientific inquiry; develop explanations for events, test proposed explanations and provide new insights based on the tests. Essential Questions • How has forensic science evolved over the course of history? • How does evidence collected from a crime scene help the law enforcement solve crimes? o How is a crime scene processed? o What types of physical evidence are found at a crime scene? o How is the composition of a substance determined by forensic scientists? o How can alcohol, drugs, and poisons be detected in the human body? o What can blood from a crime scene tell forensic scientists? o What kind of evidence can be taken from a rape victim? o How is DNA’s structure related to inheritance? o What can DNA tell scientists? o How is DNA collected from a crime scene? o How can forensic scientists use trace evidence to explain what happened at a crime scene? • How has technology aided the solving of crimes? o Why is a particular microscope used in certain procedures in forensic science? o What technology can scientists use to look at DNA? Units of Study Introduction to Forensic Science Matter and Chemical analysis Microscope and Serology DNA Hair and Fiber Fingerprints