Senior Book List 2009 (Page 1 of 2)

Senior Book List 2009 (Page 1 of 2)
Dr. Kennedy (con't)
Required By All
Daily Planner
In the Path of the Masters
Publications Fee
The Catholic Church Through the Ages
AP Eng Lit
Mr. Campion
English 4
Mr. Peters
Blacker The Berry
Making of a Poem
Perks of Being a Wallflower
Sword at Sunset
The Scarlet Letter
The Sun Also Rises
Where You Once Belonged
English 4
Mr. Furlong
English 4
Ms. McNally
Dante's Inferno
God of Small Things
Making of a Poem
Much Ado About Nothing
Typical American
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf
Dante's Inferno
Making Of A Poem
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Perks of Being a Wallflower
Prayer For Owen Meaney
Star Called Henry
The Long Walk
Writing Fiction
U.S. History 2
Mr. DeLorenzo
U.S. History 2
Dr. Kennedy
A Doll's House
A Streetcar Named Desire
Glengarry Glen Ross
Joe College
SlaugtherHouse Five
The Bell Jar
The Road
Ms. McElroy
Rise to Globalism
A Student's Guide To History
American Poltiical Tradition
Animal Farm
Rise to Globalism
Constitution of the US
U.S. Law
Mr. Keating
Modern Middle East
A Political History Since First World
Mr. DeLorenzo
Contemporary Issues
Mr. Verdi
Mr. Oryeshkevych
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First World War
The Cold War: A New History
Mr. Cunneen
Fr. Raulli
AP Eng Lit
A Streetcar Named Desire
Crime and Punishment
Cry,The Beloved Country
Dona Perfecta
Fathers and Sons
House by Medlar Tree
Ibsen: Four Major Plays
Madame Bovery
Native Son
Orestes Plays of Aeschylus
Paradise Lost
Portrait of the Artist As A Young Man
Richard II
Taming of the Shrew
The Inferno
The Scarlet Letter
The Sorrows of Young Werther
The Stranger
The Theban Plays
AP U.S. History 2
Creative Writing 2)
Merchant Of Venice
The Misanthhrope
The Stranger
Three Theban Plays
Waiting For Godot
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf
Magazine Subscription
The World Today
Communist Manifest
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Senior Book List 2009 (Page 2 of 2)
Spanish 3 Honors
Studio Arts
Realidades 3 Workbook
Realidades 3 Audio Workbook
Spanish Honors - S
Spanish for Business and Finance
Business and Medical Spanish for Medical Personnel
French 3 Honors
Draw & Comp 1
Draw & Comp 2
materials fee
materials fee
materials fee
materials fee
materials fee
materials fee
materials fee
Imaginez Student Activities Manual
Science / Math
German 3
AP Latin
AP Chemistry
AP Test Prep for Chemistry
Student Lab Handbook
AP Calculus
AP Calculus Workbook
Biology Honors
Student Lab Handbook
AP Biology
Student Lab Handbook
AP Statistics
AP Statistics Workbook
Human Physiology
Human Physiology Wookbook
Schaum's Outline of German Grammer
The Aeneid
Vergil's Aeneid: Books I-IV
Computer Science
Comp Sci 1
Comp Sci 2
Comp Sci 3
Comp Sci 5
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Applications Fee
Programming Fee
Web Design Fee
Java fee
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