4 FORCE AND MOTION 4.1. Solve: A force is basically a push or a pull on an object. There are five basic characteristics of forces. (i) A force has an agent that is the direct and immediate source of the push or pull. (ii) Most forces are contact forces that occur at a point of contact between the object and its environment. (iii) A very few forces, such as gravity and magnetism, are long-range forces that require no contact. (iv) A force is a vector quantity, having both a magnitude (or size) and a direction. (v) When multiple forces act on an object, the forces combine through vector addition to r r give a net force Fnet = ∑ Fi . 4.2. Visualize: r Tension T Weight wr Assess: Note that the climber does not touch the sides of the crevasse so there are no forces from the crevasse walls. 4.3. Visualize: r Weight w Normal force nr r Kinetic friction fk 4.4. Model: Assume friction is negligible compared to other forces. Visualize: r r Drag D Thrust Fthrust Weight wr Normal force nr 4-1 4-2 Chapter 4 4.5. Visualize: Please refer to Figure Ex4.5. Solve: Mass is defined to be m= 1 slope of the acceleration-versus-force graph A larger slope implies a smaller mass. We know m2 = 0.20 kg, and we can find the other masses relative to m2 by comparing their slopes. Thus m1 1/ slope 1 slope 2 1 2 = = = = = 0.40 m2 1/ slope 2 slope 1 5 2 5 ⇒ m1 = 0.40 m2 = 0.40 × 0.20 kg = 0.08 kg Similarly, m3 1/ slope 3 slope 2 1 5 = = = = = 2.50 m2 1/ slope 2 slope 3 2 5 2 ⇒ m3 = 2.50 m2 = 2.50 × 0.20 kg = 0.50 kg Assess: From the initial analysis of the slopes we had expected m3 > m2 and m1 < m2 . This is consistent with our numerical answers. 4.6. Model: An object’s acceleration is linearly proportional to the net force. Solve: (a) One rubber band produces a force F, two rubber bands produce a force 2F, and so on. Because F ∝ a and two rubber bands (force 2F) produce an acceleration of 1.2 m/s2 , four rubber bands will produce an acceleration of 2.4 m/s2. (b) Now, we have two rubber bands (force 2F) pulling two glued objects (mass 2m). Using F = ma, 2F = (2m)a ⇒ a = F/m = 0.6 m/s2 4.7. Force is not necessary for motion. Constant velocity motion occurs in the absence of forces, that is, when the net force on an object is zero. Thus, it is incorrect to say that “force causes motion.” Instead, force causes acceleration. That is, force causes a change in the motion of an object, and acceleration is the kinematic quantity r that measures a change of motion. Newton’s second law quantifies this idea by stating that the net force Fnet on an object of mass m causes the object to undergo an acceleration: r r Fnet a= m The acceleration vector and the net force vector must point in the same direction. 4.8. Visualize: a (m/s2) 4 3 2 1 F (N) 0 0 1 2 Solve: Newton’s second law is F = ma. When F = 2 N, we have 2 N = (0.5 kg)a, hence a = 4 m/s2 . After repeating this procedure at various points, the above graph is obtained. 4.9. Visualize: Please refer to Figure Ex4.9. Solve: Newton’s second law is F = ma. We can read a force and an acceleration from the graph, and hence find the mass. Choosing the force F = 1 N gives us a = 4 m/s2. Newton’s second law yields m = 0.25 kg. Force and Motion 4-3 4.10. Solve: (a) This problem calls for an estimate so we are looking for an approximate answer. Table 4.3 gives us no information on textbooks, but does give the weight of a one-pound object. Place a pound weight in one hand and the textbook on the other. The sensation on your hand is the weight of the object. The sensation from the textbook is about five times the sensation from the pound weight. So we conclude the weight of the textbook is about five times the weight of the one-pound object or about 25 N. (b) According to Table 4.3, the propulsion force on a car is 5000 N. Now a bicycle (including the rider) is about 100 kg. This is about one-tenth of the mass of a car which is about 1000 kg for a compact model. The acceleration of a bicycle is somewhat less than that of a car, let’s guess about one-fifth. We can write Newton’s second law as follows: 1 1 5000 N = 100 N (mass of car) × (acceleration of car) = 10 5 50 So we would roughly estimate the propulsion force of a bicycle to be 100 N. F( bicycle) = 4.11. Solve: (a) This problem calls for an estimate so we are looking for an approximate answer. Table 4.3 gives us no information on pencils, but does give us the weight of the U.S. quarter. Put the quarter on one hand and a pencil on the other hand. The sensation on your hand is the weight of the object. The sensation from the quarter is about the same as the sensation from the pencil. So they both have about the same weight. We can estimate the weight of the pencil to be 0.05 N. (b) According to Table 4.3, the propulsion force on a car is 5000 N. Now the mass of a sprinter is about 100 kg. This is about one-tenth of the mass of a car which is about 1000 kg for a compact model. The acceleration of a sprinter is somewhat less than that of a car, let’s guess about one-fifth. We can write Newton’s second law as follows: 1 1 5000 N = 100 N (mass of car) × (acceleration of car) = 10 5 50 So, we would roughly estimate the propulsion force of a sprinter to be 100 N. Assess: This is the same estimated number as we obtained in problem 4.10. This is reasonable since in both the cases the propulsion force comes from a human and it probably does not matter how the human is providing that force. F(sprinter ) = 4.12. Visualize: r r r F1 1 F 2 r F2 r F2 r F1 F1 r F3 r r r Solve: The object will be in equilibrium if F3 has the same magnitude as F1 + F2 but is in the opposite direction so that the sum of all the three forces is zero. 4.13. Visualize: r F1 r r F1 r F1 1 F2 r r F2 F2 r F3 r r r Solve: The object will be in equilibrium if F3 has the same magnitude as F1 + F2 but is in the opposite direction so that the sum of all three forces is zero. 4.14. Visualize: r r F1 F1 r F3 r r F1 1 F 2 r F2 r F2 r r r Solve: The object will be in equilibrium if F3 has the same magnitude as F1 + F2 but is in the opposite direction so that the sum of all the three forces is zero. 4-4 Chapter 4 4.15. Visualize: r Tension T r Weight w r a= 0 Solve: The free-body diagram shows two equal and opposite forces such that the net force is zero. The force directed down is labeled as a weight, and the force directed up is labeled as a tension. With zero net force the acceleration is zero. So, a possible description is: “An object hangs from a rope and is at rest.” Or, “An object hanging from a rope is moving up or down with a constant speed.” 4.16. Visualize: Air r Drag D r Weight w r Thrust Fthrust Exhaust Solve: The free-body diagram shows three forces with a net force (and therefore net acceleration) upward. There is a r r r force labeled w directed down, a force Fthrust directed up, and a force D directed down. So a possible description is: “A rocket accelerates upward.” 4.17. Visualize: r Weight w Normal force nr r Kinetic friction fk r Solve: The free-body diagram shows three r r There is a weight force w which is down. There is a normal r forces. force labeled n which is up. The forces w and n are shown with vectors of the same length so they are equal in magnitude and the net vertical force is zero. So we have an object on the ground which is not moving vertically. r There is also a force fk to the left. This must be a frictional force and we need to decide whether it is static or r kinetic friction. The frictional force is the only horizontal force so the net horizontal force must be fk . This means there is a net force to the left producing an acceleration to the left. This all implies motion and therefore the frictional force is kinetic. A possible description is: “A baseball player is sliding into second base.” 4.18. Visualize: Force identification Free-body diagram y nr r r Fnet = 0 Normal force nr r Weight w r w x Force and Motion Force identification 4.19. Visualize: 4-5 Free-body diagram y nr r r Fnet = 0 r Weight w Normal force nr x r w Assess: The problem says that there is no friction and it tells you nothing about any drag; so we do not include either of these forces. The only remaining forces are the weight and the normal force. 4.20. Visualize: Force identification Free-body diagram r Tension T y r T r r Fnet = 0 x r w r Weight w r Assess: There are only two forces on the elevator. The weight w is directed down and the tension in the cable is directed up. Since the elevator is descending at a steady speed there is no acceleration and the two forces must be equal in magnitude. Force identification 4.21. Visualize: Free-body diagram y nr x r r Weight w fk r Normal force n r Kinetic friction fk r w r Fnet Assess: The problem uses the word “sliding.” Any real situation involves friction with the surface. Since we are not told to neglect it, we show that force. Motion diagrams 4.22. Visualize: vr r ar Fnet (a) r ar Fnet vr (b) 4-6 Chapter 4 Figure (a) shows velocity as downward, so the object is moving down. The length of the vector increases with each r r step showing that the speed is increasing (like a dropped ball). Thus, the acceleration is directed down. Since F = ma the force is in the same direction as the acceleration and must be directed down. Figure (b), however, shows the velocity as upward, so the object is moving upward. But the length of the vector decreases with each step showing that the speed is decreasing (like a ball thrown up). Thus, the acceleration is also directed down. As in part (a) the net force must be directed down. 4.23. Visualize: Motion diagrams vr ar ar r r Fnet Fnet vr (b) (a) The velocity vector in figure (a) is shown downward and to the left. So movement is downward and to the left. The velocity vectors get successively longer which means the speed is increasing. Therefore the acceleration is r r downward and to the left. By Newton’s second law F = ma , the net force must be in the same direction as the acceleration. Thus, the net force is downward and to the left. The velocity vector in (b) is shown to be upward and to the right. So movement is upward and to the right. The velocity vector gets successively shorter which means the speed is decreasing. Therefore the acceleration is downward and to the left. From Newton’s second law, the net force must be in the direction of the acceleration and so it is directed downward and to the left. 4.24. Visualize: Fx (N) 6 4 2 t (s) 0 1 2 4 3 −2 Solve: According to Newton’s second law F = ma , the force at any time is found simply by multiplying the value of the acceleration by the mass of the object. 4.25. Visualize: Fx (N) 0.75 0.50 0.25 t (s) 0 1 2 3 4 −0.25 Solve: According to Newton’s second law F = ma, the force at any time is found simply by multiplying the value of the acceleration by the mass of the object. Force and Motion 4.26. Visualize: 4-7 ax (m/s2) 1.5 1.0 0.5 t (s) 0 1 2 3 4 −0.5 Solve: According to Newton’s second law F = ma, the acceleration at any time is found simply by dividing the value of the force by the mass of the object. 4.27. Visualize: ax (m/s2) 3.0 2.0 1.0 t (s) 0 1 2 3 4 −1.0 Solve: According to Newton’s second law F = ma, the acceleration at any time is found simply by dividing the value of the force by the mass of the object. 4.28. Model: Use the particle model for the object. Solve: (a) We are told that for an unknown force (call it F0) acting on an unknown mass (call it m0) the acceleration of the mass is 10 m/s2. According to Newton’s second law, F0 = m0(10 m/s2). The force then becomes 12 F0 . Newton’s second law gives 1 1 F0 = m0 a = m0 10 m s2 2 2 This means a is 5 m/s2. (b) The force is F0 and the mass is now 12 m0 . Newton’s second law gives [ ( F0 = )] 1 m0 a = m0 (10 m s2 ) 2 This means a = 20 m/s2. (c) A similar procedure gives a = 10 m/s2. (d) A similar procedure gives a = 2.5 m/s2. 4.29. Model: Use the particle model for the object. Solve: (a) We are told that for an unknown force (call it F0 ) acting on an unknown mass (call it m0 ) the acceleration of the mass is 8 m/s2 . According to Newton’s second law, F0 = m0(8 m/s2). The force then becomes 2 F0 . Newton’s second law gives [ ] 2 F0 = m0 a = 2 m0 (8 m s 2 ) This means a is 16 m/s2. (b) The force is F0 and the mass is now 2 m0 . Newton’s second law gives This means a = 4 m/s . 2 F0 = 2 m0 a = m0 (8 m s 2 ) 4-8 Chapter 4 (c) A similar procedure gives a = 8 m/s2. (d) A similar procedure gives a = 32 m/s2. 4.30. Visualize: y nr r r fk T x r w r Fnet ar vr Solve: (d) There are a normal force and a weight which are equal and opposite, so this is an object on a horizontal surface. The description could be: “A tow truck pulls a stuck car out of the mud.” 4.31. Visualize: y nr r r Fthrust D wr x r r Fnet = 0 r ar = 0 vr Solve: (d) There is a normal force and a weight which are equal and opposite, so this is an object on a horizontal surface. The description of this free-body diagram could be: “A jet plane is flying at constant speed.” 4.32. Visualize: y nr r Fsp r fk x r w r Fnet ar vr Solve: (d) This is an object on a surface because w = n. It must be moving to the left because the kinetic friction is to the right. The description of the free-body diagram could be: “A compressed spring is shooting a plastic block to the left.” 4.33. Visualize: y x r w r Fnet ar Solve: (d) There is only a single force of weight. We are unable to tell the direction of motion. The description is: “Galileo has dropped a ball from the Leaning Tower of Pisa.” Force and Motion 4.34. Visualize: 4-9 y nr r Fnet r ar vr fk x r w Solve: (d) There is an object on an inclined surface. The net force is down the plane so the acceleration is down the plane. The net force includes both the frictional force and the component of the weight. The direction of the force of kinetic friction implies that the object is moving upward. The description could be: “A car is skidding up an embankment.” 4.35. Visualize: y nr x r fk r r Fnet T ar r w vr Solve: (d) There is an object on an inclined surface with a tension force down the surface. There is a small frictional force up the surface implying that the object is sliding down the slope. A description could be: “A sled is being pulled down a slope with a rope which is parallel to the slope.” 4.36. Visualize: y r r Fnet Fthrust ar x vr wr Solve: (d) There is a thrust at an angle to the horizontal and a weight. There is no normal force so the object is not on a surface. The description could be: “A rocket is fired at an angle to the horizontal and there is no drag force.” 4.37. Visualize: r y Tension T vr r T ar x r r Weight w Fnet r w Tension is the only contact force. The downward acceleration implies that w > T . 4.38. Visualize: y r vr Air resistance (drag) D r Fthrust ar r Fnet r Propulsion Fthrust r Weight w x r D r w 4-10 Chapter 4 4.39. Visualize: y r r nr Drag D Thrust Fthrust r r Fthrust D vr r r a w Weight wr r Fnet Normal force nr The normal force is perpendicular to the ground. The thrust force is parallel to the ground and in the direction of acceleration. The drag force is opposite to the direction of motion. 4.40. Visualize: y vr r r r Weight w n fk r Fnet Normal force nr r Friction f k ar x r w The normal force is perpendicular to the hill. The frictional force is parallel to the hill. 4.41. Visualize: y r Wind Fw nr r v r r fk r Weight w ar Fnet r Fw x Normal force nr r Kinetic friction fk r w The normal force is perpendicular to the hill. The kinetic frictional force is parallel to the hill and directed upward opposite to the direction of motion. The wind force is given as horizontal. Since the skier stays on the slope (that is, there is no acceleration away from the slope) the net force must be parallel to the slope. 4.42. Visualize: y nr x vr r ar = 0 r r Weight w r w Normal force nr r Fnet = 0 The ball is rolling, so there is no indication of a speed change (no acceleration, no net force) and no indication of friction. Thus the weight and the normal force are the only forces. 4.43. Visualize: y r vr Drag D ar x r D r Weight w The drag force due to air is opposite the motion. r w r Fnet x Force and Motion 4.44. Visualize: 4-11 y r nr Spring force Fsp r r fk vr ar r Weight w r Friction f k Fsp r r w r x Fnet Normal force n The ball rests on the floor of the barrel because the weight is equal to the normal force. There is a force of the spring to the right which causes an acceleration. 4.45. Visualize: y vr ar x r w r Weight w r Fnet There are no contact forces on the rock. Weight is the only force acting on the rock. 4.46. Visualize: y vr nr r r a Fnet r v x r Weight w vr r w Normal force nr The gymnast experiences the long range force of weight. There is also a contact force from the trampoline which is the normal force of the trampoline on the gymnast. The gymnast is moving downward and the trampoline is decreasing her speed, so the acceleration is upward and there is a net force upward. Thus the normal force must be larger than the weight. The actual behavior of the normal force will be complicated as it involves the stretching of the trampoline and therefore tensions. y 4.47. Visualize: vr vr r vr nr Fnet r ar r Weight w fs Normal force nr r Static friction fs x r w You can see from the motion diagram that the box accelerates to the right along with the truck. According to r r Newton’s second law, F = ma, there must be a force to the right acting on the box. This is friction, but not kinetic friction. The box is not sliding against the truck. Instead, it is static friction, the force that prevents slipping. Were it not for static friction, the box would slip off the back of the truck. Static friction acts in the direction needed to prevent slipping. In this case, friction must act in the forward (toward the right) direction. 4-12 Chapter 4 4.48. Visualize: y r r v v r r fs v r a nr r Fnet r Weight w x wr Normal force nr r Static friction fs You can see from the motion diagram that the bag accelerates to the left along with the car as the car slows down. r r According to Newton’s second law, F = ma, there must be a force to the left acting on the bag. This is friction, but not kinetic friction. The bag is not sliding against across the seat. Instead, it is static friction, the force that prevents slipping. Were it not for static friction, the bag would slide off the seat as the car stops. Static friction acts in the direction needed to prevent slipping. In this case, friction must act in the backward (toward the left) direction. 4.49. Visualize: (a) First contact Loses contact ar ar vr r Expanding Magnified view of ball in contact with ground Compressing vr a Turning point (b) (c) r Weight w Normal force nr y nr r Fnet x r w (d) The ball accelerates downward until the instant when it makes contact with the ground. Once it makes contact, it begins to compress and to slow down. The compression takes a short but nonzero distance, as shown in the motion diagram. The point of maximum compression is the turning point, where the ball has an instantaneous speed of v = 0 m/s and reverses direction. The ball then expands and speeds up until it loses contact with the r ground. The motion diagram shows that the acceleration vector a points upward the entire time that the ball is in r contact with the ground. An upward acceleration implies that there is a net upward force Fnet on the ball. The only two forces on the ball are its weight downward and the normal force of the ground upward. To have a net force upward requires n > w . So the ball bounces because the normal force of the ground exceeds the weight, causing a net upward force during the entire time that the ball is in contact with the ground. This net upward force slows the ball, turns it, and accelerates it upward until it loses contact with the ground. Once contact with the ground is lost, the normal force vanishes and the ball is simply in free fall. Force and Motion 4.50. Visualize: (a) 4-13 y nr r Fnet = 0 x r r Weight w w Normal force nr You are sitting on a seat driving along to the right. Both you and the seat are moving with a constant speed. There is a force on you due to your weight which is directed down. There is a contact force between you and the seat which is directed up. Since you are not accelerating up or down the net vertical force on you is zero, which means the two vertical forces are equal in magnitude. The statement of the problem gives no indication of any other contact forces. Specifically, we are told that the seat is very slippery. We can take this to mean there is no frictional force. So our force diagram includes only the normal force up, the weight down, and no horizontal force. (b) The above considerations lead to the free-body diagram that is shown. (c) The car (and therefore the seat) slows down. Does this create any new force on you? No. The forces remain the same. This means the pictorial representation and the free-body diagram are unchanged. (d) The car slows down because of some new contact force on the car (maybe the brakes lock the wheels and the road exerts a force on the tires). But there is no new contact force on you. So the force diagram for you remains unchanged. There are no horizontal forces on you. You do not slow down and you continue at an unchanged velocity until something in the picture changes for you (for example, you fall off the seat or hit the windshield). (e) The net force on you has remained zero because the net vertical force is zero and there are no horizontal forces at all. According to Newton’s first law if the net force on you is zero, then you continue to move in a straight line with a constant velocity. That is what happens to you when the car slows down. You continue to move forward with a constant velocity. The statement that you are “thrown forward” is misleading and incorrect. To be “thrown” there would need to be a net force on you and there is none. It might be correct to say that the car has been “thrown backward” leaving you to continue onward (until you part company with the seat). (f) We are now asked to consider what happens if the bench is NOT slippery. That implies there is a frictional force between the seat and you. This force is certainly horizontal (parallel to the surface of the seat). Is the frictional force directed forward (in the direction of motion) or backward? The car is slowing down and you are staying on the bench. That means you are slowing down with the bench. Your velocity to the right is decreasing (you are moving right and slowing down) so you are accelerating to the left. By Newton’s second law that means the force producing the acceleration must be to the left. That force is the force of static friction and it is shown on the freebody diagram below. Of course, when the car accelerates (increases in speed to the right) and you accelerate with it, then your acceleration is to the right and the frictional force must be to the right. y nr r fs x r w r Weight w Normal force nr r Friction fs r Fnet