Review Sheet for Test 1

Review Sheet for Test 1
You are responsible for any concept we covered in the lab or in the homework.
Units and Unit Math
Definition of average v as the change in displacement with time and the definition of
average a as the change in velocity with time.
How x, v and a are related algebraically and how those relations appear graphically.
Know how to use the equations of motion:
xf = x0 + v0t + ½ at 2
vf = v0 + at
v12 = v02+ 2a(x1-x0)
Adding and subtracting vectors
Know how to break the 2D motion of object down into its components. e.g.
yf = v0yt + ½ ayt 2
at the same time:
xf = v0xt + ½ axt 2
Know the definition of projectile motion in terms of the acceleration in the x and y
directions. Know how to use that definition, along with the equations of motion to solve
projectile problems.
Know the formula
and how to use it. Know how to break forces down into their components.
Understand the relationship between weight and mass.
Fgrav = mg
Know how to apply Newton’s first and second laws, along with free body diagrams, to
determine tension in strings and forces upon objects.
Know the meaning of Newton’s third law and how to find action-pair force pairs.
Understand the relationships between force, acceleration and velocity. What causes
constant velocity? What causes constant acceleration?
Know how to calculate the magnitude and direction of the force due to kinetic friction.
Know the meaning of the coefficient of friction.
|Ffk| = |kFN|
Know the formula for maximum static friction and how to apply it to determine of an
object will begin to accelerate. Understand why this is the maximum possible force due
to static friction and why the force due to static friction does not always equal this value.
|Ffs| ≤ |sFN|
The law of Universal Gravitation and how to apply it to get the acceleration and force due
to gravity on earth and other planets. (you don’t have to memorize G)
F = G m1m2/r2