Lesson # Overview Title /Standards Big Question for lesson (from teaching thesis) World War II: World War II Axis Power Leaders SOL US11.7a: The student will demonstrate knowledge of the major causes and effects of American involvement in World War II by identifying the causes and events that led to American involvement in the war, including the attack on Pearl Harbor What is fascism, and how does it apply to the leaders of the Axis Powers? Specific lesson Objectives (transfer from above). 1. Students will be able to brainstorm and explain the makings and credentials of a “leader.” 2. Students will be able to extract important information from text relating to World War II leaders Content focused/action verbs 3. Students will be able to apply their knowledge of the causes of WWII though a creative process. Assessment of Objective(s) (you do not need to formally assess all objectives individually – can do them as a group if appropriate) Brief explanation of scope of lesson (explanation of tasks, and assessments) How are you trying to motivate students in your opener? What is your closure? Obj. 1 = Framing Activity, Groups, Discussion, Observation Obj. 2 = Right-Side Note, Interactive Notebooks Obj. 3 = Crimes Against Humanity Worksheet When the students arrive, they will see the SmartBoard, notifying them to sit down and observe the political cartoon of the Axis Powers. We will discuss some of the symbolism and identities portrayed in the cartoon, and this will transition to the frame. Each table will be given a Leader Frame to complete in which they will come up with characteristics of a leader. We will go over them in class. I will then pass out their right-side notes for them to read and highlight individually. Afterwards, I will pass out the “Crimes Against Humanity” worksheet along with some resources to help them complete it. If they don’t finish, assign the rest for homework. Then I will pass out the Exit Slip before the end of class to be completed. The “Bellringer” will have students analyzing a political cartoon and accessing their prior knowledge. The closure will assess what they learned during class by having them explain how each of the three leaders shown at the beginning of class have in common. Detailed Lesson Plan Title: Axis Power Leaders Grade and Subject: 7th Grade U.S. History 1865 to Present Time Allotted: 42 Minutes SOL #: USII.7a NCSS Theme: Power, Authority, and Governance What is the guiding question for this lesson? What is fascism, and how does it apply to Must be presented in the the leaders of the Axis Powers? lesson to students How will student Just Do It, Frame, Crimes Against Humanity understanding be assessed? Worksheets, Exit Slips, Observation, -include assessments. Questioning, Discussion Key Concepts (no definition necessary): • Fascism • Adolf Hitler • Benito Mussolini • Hideki Tojo • Axis Powers SWBAT (as many as required by lesson): #1. Students will be able to brainstorm and explain the makings and credentials of a “leader.” #2. Students will be able to extract important information from text relating to World War II leaders #3. Students will be able to apply their knowledge of the causes of WWII though a creative process. Materials: • SmartBoards (Handout for personal use) • Textbooks (class set) • Right-Side Notes • Crimes Against Humanity Worksheets • Exit Slips • Interactive Notebooks Just Do It (hook): Take a look at the cartoon depicted on the SmartBoard. Who is being depicted here? What countries do they represent? What are they doing? Do you see any symbolism? How does this relate to World War II? Obj # 1 Description of Lesson Procedure Check for Evidence of Understanding Framing Activity Discussion Observation After the Just Do It!, pass out the framing activity to each table. Have them work on it together, then go over some of their responses on the Smartboard. Transition: As we will see throughout the unit, there are both positive and negative leaders. Today, we will cover the Axis Power leaders who were known for many atrocities throughout their lifetimes. 2 Pass out the right-side notes for the Right-Side Notes axis powers. Direct them to tape it on Observation the next right-side page. They should read the entire thing and highlight information they think is important. Transition: Now, I want you to use your notes and the other materials provided to complete your “Crimes Against Humanities” worksheet. 3 Pass out the “Crimes Against “Crimes Against Humanities” worksheet and tell the to Humanities” Worksheet tape it on the left-side. Give them Discusison some time to complete this in class, and go over some of their responses. Closure (How does this come back to the guiding question): • (Exit Slip) Explain what the leaders Hideki Tojo, Benito Mussolini, and Adolf hitler have in common. Write a well-constructed paragraph with complete sentences. Please edit your writing. • This relates back to the original questions by having them think about how each of the three Axis leader have in common (fascism). Modifications/Differentiation: • Give handouts of the SmartBoards and PowerPoint to students who have trouble viewing the boards. • Allow students to write and draw on the worksheets instead of just writing responses. • Allow students extra time outside of class to work on their “Crimes Against Humanities” worksheets. • Have students work in groups on the Exit Slips. THE AXIS LEADERS OF WORLD WAR II BIG IDEA: After World War I there was political instability and economic devastation in Europe. This included worldwide depression, high inflation, and massive unemployment. Many people in Europe were unhappy with their living conditions. The people of Italy and Germany looked towards powerful, Fascist dictators, who promised to improve their lives. In Japan, the country was controlled by an aggressive military leader. These dictators led the countries that became known as the Axis Powers. FASCISM: A political philosophy in which total power is given to a dictator and individual freedoms are denied. People live for the state (their country), and pledge total allegiance to their dictator. Nationalism and, often, racism are emphasized. AXIS LEADERS Adolf Hitler: In the 1920s Austrian born Adolf Hitler, a man with strong beliefs about German greatness became the leader of the Nazi Party. Hitler was able to increase his support and power because the desperate German people were happy to hear his message about the glory and strength of Germany. He was smart and used propaganda to influence people. By 1932 Hitler had total control over Germany and became a dictator. Benito Mussolini: an Italian soldier who risked his life during World War I. At the end of the war Mussolini was frustrated with his government’s failure to improve the declining economy. Mussolini wanted to return to the glory of the Roman Empire and believed Italy could return to the strength and glory of Rome. This idea sounded great to many Italians. Mussolini’s Fascist party placed an emphasis on militarism and promised to bring Italy back to glory. In 1922 Mussolini became Prime Minister and increased his power to become Italy’s dictator. Hideki Tojo: the son of an army officer was educated at the Imperial Military Academy eventually rising to the rank of a General. Tojo was an extreme militarist who advocated for total war. In the early 1930s the Japanese military stopped listening to the civilian government and by 1932 had taken over Japan. Tojo rose from an Army chief to Minister of War to eventually becoming the Prime Minister in October of 1941. This was only two months before the attack on Pearl Harbor. DIRECTIONS: Using chapter 26 in War, Peace, and All That Jazz and any other resources available to you, fill in the boxes below. In the box next to the image of the Axis leaders, write the leader’s name, the country they represent, and at least three important facts on why these leaders would be wanted for crimes against humanity. Include an illustration or symbol to help you remember these bad guys. What other leader during this time is considered a twentieth century monster? Why is this ironic? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ WRITING TO LEARN Name__________________________ Date___________________________ Explain what the leaders Hideki Tojo, Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler have in common? Write a WELL-CONSTRUCTED PARAGRAPH with complete sentences. Please edit your writing. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ WRITING TO LEARN Name__________________________ Date___________________________ Explain what the leaders Hideki Tojo, Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler have in common? Write a well-constructed paragraph with complete sentences. Please edit your writing. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________