rojas & rodríguez (nuevo ballet español)

Choreographies, Artistic Direction and Original Idea: R o j a s & Rodríguez
"...The two young talents that created and who now lead the Nuevo Ballet
Español, give a practical demonstration of how both serious work and
responsible production values are the necessary ingredients to establish a
dance company, and from that, examine the possibilities for a new style of
dance. Angel and Carlos dance with soul, they take care with their form and
their gestures, and they never fall into the excesses ofpseudo-folklore, or a
desire to be too contemporary that so damage this genre ofdance.
And if it is virtuosity that we are talking about, we can already class these
two as new stars."
Nuevo Ballet Español is at the forefront of emerging trends in Spanish dance and flamenco,
drawing on traditional dance, a 21st century pop sensibility and folkloric influences.
In the Company´s brand new show, Cambio de Tercio, choreographers Rojas & Rodríguez are
joined on stage by six musicians and four sensational female dancers who deliver a dazzling mix of
traditional and contemporary flamenco styles including cantiñas, sevillanas, fandangos, rumbas,
bulerías and seguirillas
The Press says…
“Rojas and Rodríguez put a fresh spin on flamenco that taps into passions both old and new”
Metro, UK
“They dazzled us with their talent, their presence and their immutable complicity…” El Mundo,
“An enormous success and completely sold out for Nuevo Ballet Español!” La Tribuna, Italy
“Nuevo Ballet Español vibrates in unison and communicates its love for dance.” Il Monferrato ,
Choreographies, Artistic Direction and Original Idea: Rojas & Rodríguez
Main Artists: Rojas yRodríguez
María López
Pilar González
Cristina de la Vega
Raquel Tamarit
Daniel Jurado (Guitarra)
Gaspar Rodríguez (Guitarra)
Thomas Potiron (Violín)
Enrique Terrón (Percusión)
Davinia Jaén (Cante)
Sandra Carrasco (Cante)
Rojas was born in Madrid in 1974
and started working as a
professional dancer at the age of
16 with Luisillo and Rafael
Aguilar`s Ballet Teatro Español.
Soon recognized as a true dance
prodigy, Rojas was chosen to
work in a new production of
Hamlet stage by the Madrid
Spanish Ballet and directed by
José Granero. Two years later he
was chosen by Antonio Alonso
and Laura del Sol to perform in
Expo ’92 in Seville. He began to
work with Antonio Canales
Flamenco Ballet that same year,
receiving international acclaim
for his work as El Toro in the
company’s production of Torero.
In 1993 he worked with Cuba’s
Ballet Rosario Suárez, performed
in the Greco Romanic Spectacle
of Italic Festival, and was invited
to dance in the Montreal Star
Festival. Then in 1994, in Spain`s
Dance and Flamenco Annual
Choreography Awards, Rojas
won first place for Best Dancer,
an award he shared with
Rodríguez as the deadlocked jury decided to honor both young dancers.
Rojas and Rodríguez went on to form their Madrid-based Company, Nuevo Ballet Español, in which their
mission has been to exalt flamenco by blending it with classical dance technique and other modern musical
idioms. In 2000, they were awarded with the "Premio UP” for the best dance company of Spanish dance
and flamenco, and in 2005 they were the named best dance performers at Pilar Villa de Madrid. Their
Company has ten shows: Infinito (1995), Canela y Fuego (1996), Sangre Flamenca (1997), Flamenco Directo
(1998), Gallo De Pelea (1999), NBEX5 (2000),Furia (2000), Fury (2001), Romeo y Julieta (2003) and Tierra
(2004), some of which are still on tour the world over. Besides touring with Nuevo Ballet Español, Rojas
continues to teach dance and to choreograph for other companies, including the Jose Antonio Spanish
Ballet Company.
Rodríguez was born in Madrid in 1975,
and he was only thirteen when he
reached the Spanish National Ballet's
final auditions. He professional dancing
began with the Ballet Teatro Español
under the direction of Rafael Aguilar. As
a youth he also performed with Ballet
Teatro Español under the direction of
Luisillo, with Ballet Español de Madrid
under the direction of José Granero, and
with the Zambra Ballet. In Expo '92 in
Seville, he worked on La Petenera,
directed by Emilio Hernández, and he
was selected by the Teatro de la Zarzuela
to take part in the play Chorizos y
polacos with choreography by Alberto
Rodríguez was a guest soloist with the
Real Conservatorio Profesional de Danza
in 1992. At the OTI festivals in 1992 and
1993, he was choreographed by Goyo
Montero, and he subsequently joined
José Antonio and the Spanish Ballet as
soloist dancer. Then in 1994, he won the
award for the most outstanding dancer
at the Certámen Nacional de Coreografía de Danza Española together with Rojas, and he worked for the
Teatro de la Zarzuela, under the direction of Emilio Sagi.
Rodríguez has admitted that although he has performed and knows pure flamenco well, it does not appeal
to him, and he understands that the flamenco of his parents does not speak to most people his age. Partly
born of his drive to innovate within flamenco, in 1995 he co-created the Nuevo Ballet Español with Rojas,
and their company's performances have been responsible for attracting a whole new audience to flamenco.
In addition to touring with the Nuevo Ballet Español, Rodríguez has choreographed and danced for the José
Antonio Spanish Ballet, and he teaches privately and has designed some of the costumes used in Furia.