Staff Relief – Nursing Assistant/Orderly Test Directions: Select the one best answer. Indicate your choice by entering the letter on the answer sheet provided. Administered To: Nurse Assistant/Orderly providing staffing. 1. For which of the following incidents must you make out an incident report? A. B. C. D. E. A patient falling out of bed Theft of a patient’s purse A visitor slipping in the hallway Sticking your finger with a pin All of the above 2. A nursing assistant serves a regular diet to a diabetic patient. She is guilty of: A. B. C. D. E. Nothing, it is the team leader’s fault Professional abandonment Negligence Nothing, it is the dietician’s fault Nothing, it is the fault of the doctor 3. The urinary drainage bag should be emptied, measured in a graduate, and recorded on the intake and output sheet. A. B. C. D. At the beginning of each shift Every two hours When the doctor asks you When the head nurse asks you 4. The patient’s first voiding after surgery should always be: A. B. C. D. E. Sent to the lab Measured and recorded on the I&O sheet Discarded Placed in a 24-hour collection container Saved in the patient’s bathroom HealthForce of Virginia, Inc. Page 1 of 9 Assessment CNA Staff Relief 5. Normal body temperature taken by axilla is: A. B. C. D. E. 98.6 F 97.6 F 97.6 C 99.6 C 100.2 F 6. After completing your work with an isolated patient, you should remove your dirty isolation gown: A. B. C. D. E. Before leaving the patient’s room In the hall outside of the isolation unit Upon arriving at the central supply room Upon completion of all your isolation area duties for several patients After your day’s work is finished 7. B.P. means: A. B. C. D. E. Bathroom privileges Blood pressure Bath privileges Bed bath Bottle for blood 8. The temperature of enema solution should be: A. B. C. D. E. 100 F 105 F 105 C 115 C 115 F 9. When you have to feed a patient: A. Serve the tray along with all the other trays, then come back to feed the patient B. Bring the tray to the patient first and feed him after you have served all the other patients C. Do not bring the tray into the room until you are ready to feed the patient D. Have the kitchen hold the tray for one hour E. Tell the visitors to feed the patient whenever they arrive 10. The brachial pulse is found: A. B. C. D. E. At the wrist Over the fold of the elbow, on the side closest to the patient’s body At the temple In the groin In the neck HealthForce of Virginia, Inc. Page 2 of 9 Assessment CNA Staff Relief 11. To prevent chest complications after surgery, watch for: A. B. C. D. E. Signs of respiratory infection Sneezing, sniffling, or coughing Complaints of signs of chest pains Elevated temperature All of the above 12. Generalized heat application means: A. B. C. D. E. Heat put on one small area of the body Heat applied to the entire body Heat applied only to the feet Heat applied only to the hands Heat applied only to the head 13. T.L.C. means: A. B. C. D. E. Temperature, pulse, and respiration Tender loving care Three times a day Physical Therapy Weight 14. When doing a clinitest, the amount of urine that you put into the test tube is: A. B. C. D. E. Two drops Four drops Five drops Ten drops Fifteen drops 15. Rectal temperatures are taken when the patient: A. B. C. D. E. Is in a coma Has a nasogastric tube in place Has had oral surgery Is under 12 years of age All of the above 16. When water spills on the floor, you wipe it up immediately: A. B. C. D. E. To help the maid To have something to do To prevent an accident So the hospital or home looks nice So the head nurse or team leader thinks you are being cooperative HealthForce of Virginia, Inc. Page 3 of 9 Assessment CNA Staff Relief 17. A bed cradle is a: A. B. C. D. E. Box Place for a baby Frame to keep the top sheets from touching the patient Treatment Procedure 18. When feeding a patient you should: A. B. C. D. E. Feed him/her all of the meat first Feed him/her all of the vegetables first Feed him/her all of the foods in variety Feed him/her all of the liquids first Feed him/her all of the salad first then all of the meat. 19. When filling an ice bag you fill it: A. B. C. D. E. One-half full Completely full One-third full Two-thirds full One-fourth full 20. When giving daily indwelling catheter care, the nursing assistant should: A. Remove the catheter tip and apply antiseptic solution B. Remove the collection bag and replace with a new one C. Apply an antiseptic solution to the area of insertion and to the four inches of tubing closest to the patient D. Remove and change the entire system E. Wash the bag and the tubing 21. The head nurse tells you to take vital signs. This means you should measure and record the patient’s: A. B. C. D. E. Temperature, pulse, respiration, and blood pressure Temporal pulse Blood pressure Apical pulse Apical pulse deficit 22. 1000 cc is the same as one: A. B. C. D. E. Pint Quart Milliliter Gallon Ounce HealthForce of Virginia, Inc. Page 4 of 9 Assessment CNA Staff Relief 23. The water temperature for a tub bath is: A. B. C. D. E. 98 F 212 F 105 F 115 F 115 C 24. The normal diet is sometimes changed to meet a patient’s special needs. These diets are known as: A. B. C. D. E. Special Restricted Modified Therapeutic All of the above 25. A shampoo is given: A. B. C. D. E. When the patient’s hair is dirty When the doctor orders the shampoo As part of morning care During evening care As part of activities of daily living 26. The patient’s liquid intake is measured when he consumes: A. B. C. D. E. Water Milk Soda Ice cream All of the above 27. The correct positioning of a patient is: A. B. C. D. E. Therapeutic positioning Body alignment Diagnostic positioning Transporting a patient Restricted positioning 28. When giving a complete bed bath, the water temperature should be A. B. C. D. E. Room temperature 115 F 150 F 32 F 120 F HealthForce of Virginia, Inc. Page 5 of 9 Assessment CNA Staff Relief 29. A decubitus ulcer is a A. B. C. D. E. Stomach ulcer Bedsore Duodenal ulcer Oral ulcer Rectal ulcer 30. Your patient has just been placed on “nothing by mouth”. You should: A. Partly fill the water container as directed B. Keep encouraging the patient to eat and drink C. Remove the water pitcher and all items of food and drink from the patient’s reach D. Constantly keep the patient’s water pitcher filled E. Offer the patient a soda 31. When the patient is on intake and output, you should measure output each time the patient uses the : A. B. C. D. E. Commode Bedpan Urinal Specipan All of the above 32. The patient with an indwelling urinary catheter constantly complains of pain in the lower abdomen. You should: A. B. C. D. E. Report to the head nurse or team leader Report to a doctor Question the patient about how much liquid he has taken Unless the bag is near full, continue your assignment Empty the bag, measure the graduate, and record on the intake and output sheet 33. A specimen collected by having the patient cough up a substance from the lungs and bronchial tubes is called A. B. C. D. E. Saliva Mucus Sputum Spit Excreta 34. When giving a patient an enema, the normal adult patient should be placed in the A. B. C. D. E. Fowler’s position Trendelenburg position Sims’ position Harris position Dorsal recumbent position HealthForce of Virginia, Inc. Page 6 of 9 Assessment CNA Staff Relief 35. Diastolic blood pressure is A. B. C. D. E. The top number The bottom number The number you hear at the first clear sound The number after the sound starts The top number multiplied by two 36. When a postoperative patient vomits, your first step is to: A. B. C. D. E. Wipe off the vomits Immediately begin mechanical suctioning Turn the patient’s head to one side Immediately begin manual suctioning Turn the patient to the prone position 37. B.I.D. means: A. B. C. D. E. Twice a day Three times a day Four times a day Every six hours Every two hours 38. When answering the patient’s call signal: A. B. C. D. E. Go to the patient at once Go and ask the head nurse to respond Consider the condition of the patient and call the doctor Yell to the patient that you are coming All of the above 39. Axillary temperature is taken at the: A. B. C. D. E. Groin Abdomen Armpit Neck Temple 40. Which of the following is the routine site for taking the pulse? A. B. C. D. E. Carotid Radial Femoral Brachial Temporal HealthForce of Virginia, Inc. Page 7 of 9 Assessment CNA Staff Relief 41. When counting respirations, you should: A. B. C. D. E. Tell the patient what you are going to do Not tell the patient what you are going to do Count five respirations and then check your watch Have the patient count respirations while you take his pulse Take respirations before you count the pulse 42. Normal body temperature taken orally is: A. B. C. D. E. 99 8 F 98.6 C 98.6 F 94.6 F 68.8 F 43. Normal average range of pulse for adults is: A. B. C. D. E. 72 to 80 beats per minute 80 to 100 beats per minute 60 to 100 beats per minute 62 to 104 beats per minute 88 to 98 beats per minute 44. The nursing assistant must report respirations when they are: A. B. C. D. E. Below 14 or over 28 per minute Below 10 or over 38 per minute Below 4 or over 22 per minute Below 16 or over 34 per minute Below 22 or over 88 per minute 45. To prevent bedsores (decubitus ulcers) on the nonambulatory patient, the nursing assistant should: A. B. C. D. E. Turn the patient every two hours Keep the patient’s body as clean and dry as possible Keep linen wrinkle-free and dry at all times Remove crumbs and any hard objects from the bed promptly All of the above 46. Rule to follow for good body mechanics are: A. When an action requires physical effort, use as many muscles or groups of muscles as possible B. Keep your body aligned properly C. Keep your back straight D. Have your knees bent E. All of the above HealthForce of Virginia, Inc. Page 8 of 9 Assessment CNA Staff Relief 47. Examples of objective reporting are: A. Mrs. Smith in 404-B bed is breathing rapidly and the breaths appear to be shallow B. Mr. Williams in 204-B bed has voided urine that looks as if there is blood in it C. Mrs. Adams in 119-C bed cannot hold a glass without dropping it; she was able to do this at lunch time D. Mr. Cass in 103-D bed said he did not want to get out of bed today E. All of the above 48. When collecting specimens you must be very accurate by A. B. C. D. E. Collecting the specimen from the right patient Collecting the right specimen Collecting the specimen at the right time Using the right label All of the above 49. When reporting that an enema was given you report: A. B. C. D. E. The time and type of enema given The results of the enema and the patient’s reaction to the procedure Whether or not a specimen was obtained Your observations of anything unusual All of the above 50. Intravenous poles should be wiped with an antiseptic solution: A. B. C. D. E. Once a shift Once a week Once in 24 hours After each use Before each use HealthForce of Virginia, Inc. Page 9 of 9 Assessment CNA Staff Relief