MICHAEL J. GILLIGAN Associate Professor of Politics, New York

Associate Professor of Politics, New York University
19 West 4th Street, New York NY 10012
Phone: (212) 998-8519, Fax: (212) 995-4184
v Education
§ Ph.D. in Political Science, Harvard University, March 1993
§ Masters in Public Affairs, Princeton University, June 1989
§ B.A Political Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, December 1986
v Research Interests
§ Post-Conflict Peacebuilding, International Cooperation, Insurgency
v Book
Empowering Exporters: Delegation, Reciprocity and Collective Action in Twentieth Century
American Trade Policy. 1997 Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press
v Journal Articles:
§ Civil War and Social Cohesion: Lab-in-the-Filed Evidence from Nepal. American Journal of
Political Science. With Benjamin Pasquale and Cyrus Samii. Forthcoming.
§ Reintegrating rebels into civilian life: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Burundi, with Eric
Mvukiyehe and Cyrus Samii. Journal of Conflict Resolution. 57: 598-626.
§ Formal Models of International Institutions, with Leslie Johns. American Review of Political
Science. 15:221-243
§ Strengthening International Courts and the Early Settlement of Disputes. With Leslie Johns
and B. Peter Rosendorff. Journal of Conflict Resolution. February 2010 vol. 54 no. 1 5-38
§ Do Norms Reduce Torture? With Nathaniel Nesbitt. Journal of Legal Studies. June 2009.
38(2): 445-470.
§ Does Peacekeeping Cause Peace? Using Matching to Improve Causal Inference. With Ernest
J. Sergenti. Quarterly Journal of Political Science. 3(2): 89-122.
§ Is Enforcement Necessary for Effectiveness? A Model of the International Criminal Regime.
International Organization. 60:4 935-67.
§ A Simple Multivariate Test for Asymmetric Hypotheses. With William Roberts Clark and
Matt Golder. Political Analysis. 14(3): 311-331.
§ Is There a Broader-Deeper Tradeoff? International Organization. 58, Summer 2004, pp. 45984.
§ Where Do the Peacekeepers Go? With Stephen John Stedman. The International Studies
Review, December 2003, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 37-54.
§ Lobbying as a Private Good with Intra-Industry Trade. International Studies Quarterly.
September 1997. Pp. 455-74
§ The Political Economy of International Trade: Enduring Puzzles and an Agenda for Inquiry.
With James Alt, Jeffry Frieden, Dani Rodrik and Ronald Rogowski. Comparative Political
Studies. January 1997. Pp. 689-717
§ The Political Economy of Trading States. With James E. Alt. Journal of Political Philosophy.
Vol. 2, no. 2, 1994. Pp. 165-92.
§ The Science of Political Science Graduate Admissions. With Gary King and John Bruce. PS:
Political Science and Politics. December 1993. Pp. 772-77
v Book Chapters
§ The Transactions Costs Approach to Understanding International Institutions. in Helen V.
Milner and Andrew Moravcsik. Power, Interdependence and Non-State Actors in World
Politics: Research Frontiers. Princeton: Princeton University Press
The Domestic and International Sources of Foreign Policy: Alliance formation in the Middle
East 1946-78. With W. Ben Hunt. In Randolph Siverson, ed. Strategic Politicians,
Institutions and Foreign Policy. 1998. Ann Arbor University of Michigan Press.
v Minor Publications
§ Book Note: Understanding Peacekeeping by Alex Bellamy et.al. Journal of Peace Research
§ “Give unto Caesar…” Magnificat, November 2000
§ Comment on Verdier’s “Public Aid to Private Industry.” Comparative Political Studies. April
1995. Pp. 50-55
§ Book Review: War and Reason. By Bruce Bueno de Mesquita and David Lalman. Journal of
International Affairs. Winter 1995. Pp. 647-52
§ “Liberal Institutionalism” and “Coase Theorem” entries in The Routledge Encyclopedia of
International Political Economy. New York: Routledge.
v Works in Progress
§ Community-Driven Development and Social Capital: Lab-in-the-Field Evidence from Sudan.
With Alexandra Avdeenko, under review
§ UN Peacekeeping and Transactional Sex in Monrovia, Liberia, with Bernd Beber, Jenny
Guardado and Sabrina Karim, under review
§ Do Insurgents Play Optimal Mixed Strategies? Evidence from Maoist Commanders in Nepal
with Prabin Khadka and Cyrus Samii
§ Adding Women and Stirring: Gender Balancing in the Liberian National Police. With Kyle
Beardsley, Robert Blair and Sabrina Karim
§ Do Civilian Killings Backfire? Evidence from Nepal, with Cyrus Samii
§ Explaining Local Violence in Afghanistan with Abdul Noury.
§ Spatial Models of International Cooperation
v Grants
§ Folke Bernadotte Academy, $35,000 “Security Sector Reform: the Liberia National Police”
§ Folke Bernadotte Academy $35,000 for the “The Effect of Peacekeeping on Women’s
Livelihoods in Liberia”
§ Folke Bernadotte Academy $26,000 for the “Security Sector Reform in Nepal”
§ Folke Bernadotte Academy $73,000 for the “Nepal Peacebuilding Survey”
§ National Science Foundation $12,000 "Doctoral Dissertation Research: The Microdynamics
of Participation in Civil War Disertation Research" for Gwendolyn Taylor
§ Folke Bernadotte Academy $28,000 for "Preventing Recurrent Civil Conflict: A FactionLevel Dataset for Assessing Effective International Strategies"
§ US Institutes of Peace $53,600 grant for "Wartime and Post Conflict Experiences in Burundi:
An Individual Level Survey
§ Folke Bernadotte Academy “Wartime and Post-Conflict Experiences in Burundi: An
Individual Level Study” a $73,000 grant to fund the full survey of ex-combatants and civilians
in Burundi, co-PI with Macartan Humphreys
§ Folke Bernadotte Academy “Wartime and Post-Conflict Experiences in Burundi: An
Individual Level Study” a $28,000 grant to fund a pilot survey of ex-combatants and civilians
in Burundi, co-PI with Macartan Humphreys
§ National Science Foundation research dissertation grant, “Multilateral Agreements
Negotiations” co-PI with Nicole Simonelli
§ National Science Foundation. Grant for the study of alliances. This grant produced the data
set by Vivek Sharma and Michael J. Gilligan “Institutional Features of Alliances, 1648-1980”
§ New York University Research Challenge Fund Grant. This grant supported data collection
which led to the publication of Empowering Exporters
v Field Experience
§ Principal Investigator, Security Sector Reform in Liberia
§ Principal Investigator, Security Sector Reform in Nepal
Principal Investigator, Peacekeeping and Women’s Livelihoods in Liberia
Principal Investigator, Security Sector Reform in Nepal
Principal Investigator with Catherine Gamper, Marcus Holmlund and Alexis Loye. Impact
Evaluation for the Health and Education Service Delivery, Burkina Faso
Principal Investigator, with Radu Ban Impact Evaluation for the Community Development
Fund, Sudan
Principal Investigator, with Radu Ban Impact Evaluation for the World Bank’s Livelihood
Enhancement and Associations of the Poor program, Siem Reap Cambodia
Principal Investigator, Impact Evaluation for the World Bank’s Afghanistan Rural Economic
Development Program
Principal Investigator, The Nepal Peacebuilding Survey, funded by the Folke Bernadotte
Member, Content and Methods Advisory Group, First International Conference on DDR,
Cartagena Colombia
Principal Investigator with Macartan Humphreys, Wartime and Post-conflict Experiences in
Burundi: An Individual Level Survey, funded by the Folke Bernadotte Academy and US
Institutes of Peace
v Recent Teaching (since 2009)
§ Undergraduate
§ International Relations Senior Honors Seminar
§ Seminar: Civil Wars and International Interventions on Multilateral
§ International Politics
Formal Models of International Cooperation
Civil Wars and International Intervention
Core Course in International Politics
v Departmental Service
§ Director of Graduate Studies 1998 – 2001, 2008 - present
§ Director of the International Relations Honors Major Fall 2002, Spring 2005,
Fall 2006 - 2008
§ Five tenure review committees, one as chair
§ Several third year review, one as chair
§ Merit Committee, 1999 - 2002
§ Faculty Recruitment Committee 1993-1996, 1998-2000
§ Graduate Admission Committee 1995, 1997-present
§ Curriculum Committee, 1993, 1997-2001, 2004-present
v FAS/University Service
§ Committee on Committees September 2012 § Academic Standards Committee Spring 2002
§ Graduate Financial Aid 1999-2000
§ Graduate Honors and Awards Spring 2006§ Graduate curriculum, Fall 2006v Professional Service
§ Reviewer for American Economic Review, American Journal of Political
Science, American Political Science Review, British Journal of Political
Science, Economics and Politics, International Interactions, International
Organization, International Studies Quarterly, Journal of Conflict Management
and Peace Science, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of Peace Research,
v Memberships
Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Politics, Quarterly Journal of Political
Science, Public Choice, and World Politics
Participant at the annual meetings of the American Political Science
Association, International Studies Association, Midwest Political Science
Association and Public Choice Society
Frequent participant in Folke Bernadotte Research Working groups on
Peacekeeping, UNSC 1325, Security Sector Reform and Conflict Prevention
American Political Science Association
International Studies Association
Phi Beta Kappa
Security Council Resolution 1325 Working Group funded by the Folke
Bernadotte Academy
Security Sector Reform Working Group, funded by the Folke Bernadotte
The Peacekeeping Working Group, funded by the Folke Bernadotte Academy
Conflict Prevention Working Group, funded by the Folke Bernadotte Academy