TNCC News Hi Everyone, The 7th Edition TNCC course is up and

Hi Everyone,
The 7th Edition TNCC course is up and running. Unfortunately, tests A and C have already been
thrown out due to someone making copies of the test for distribution. ( Not in Wisconsin.)
Two new tests have been developed, Test E and F. The Trauma Interventions Skill Station has
been updated, and both of the Trauma Skill Station Testing scenarios have been revised as well.
So, course directors, please make sure you are using the new materials. Please also remember
that ENA needs to have your paperwork returned within 30 days of your course.
ENA has also asked that we remind all of our students that they are not allowed to use cell
phones or tablets for recording purposes during either the practice sessions or the testing
sessions. I have also had requests from the students to be given copies of the slides used
during the lectures and ENA does not allow that either.
The Indirect fee for each participant for TNCC is going up to $75 starting July 1, 2015.
ENA has also changed the address for the course money to be sent to, so directors, please
make sure you are sending the checks for your courses to the right address. If you send it to
the old address, there may be a delay in ENA receiving payment and they may send you a
duplicate invoice for payment. The address is always included with your course packet with
the certificates and the scantron sheets.
Just an added bit of information for your enjoyment, the Society of Trauma Nurses has joined
with BCEN to develop a Trauma Certified Registered Nurse (TCRN) certification exam. The test
questions will be vetted the end of June. I will keep you posted on when the certification is
available to all nurses.
Thanks to all for your continued support for these great learning classes!! I read all of the evals
I receive from classes all over the state and they are mostly positive!!! Keep up the AWESOME
Submitted By,
Wisconsin Trauma Chair