NEVERTHE LESS, GOD’S SOLID FOUNDATION STILL STANDS FIRM, SEALED WITH THIS INSCRIPTION: “THE LORD KNOWS THOSE WHO ARE HIS,” AND “EVERYONE WHO CONFESSES THE NAME OF THE LORD MUST TURN AWAY FROM WICKEDNESS.” IN A LARGE HOUSE THERE ARE ATICLES NOT ONLY OF GOLD AND SILVER, BUT ALSO OF WOOD AND CLAY; SOME ARE FOR NOBLE PURPOSES AND SOME FOR IGNOBLE. IF A MAN CLEANSES HIMSELF FROM THE LATTER, HE WILL BE AN INSTRUMENT FOR NOBLE PURPOSE, MADE HOLY, USEFUL TO THE MASTER AND PREPARED TO DO ANY GOOD WORK. In a large house there are vessels not only of gold and silver What does not only mean?? It means there is more than the normal, the expected, the obvious Exp Thus…In a large house there are vessels not only of gold and silver But also of wood and clay Some are for noble purposes And some for ignoble Exp If a man cleanses himself from the latter Again what does the word latter refer to Does it refer to the wood and clay This is an assumption made by many Ok , lets say that’s what it means If a man cleanses himself from the latter meaning the wood and clay We definitely mean that the ones for ignoble purpose are the wood and clay But will that be right If we say the later refers to the wood and clay It also means gold and silver are used for noble purposes It also means wood and clay needs to be cleansed so as to be a. of noble purpose b. Or to be silver or Gold But really, if that’s the case then if wood and clay were to be Purify Cleansed Refined Decontaminated Distilled Disinfected Sanitized Washed Or done all manner of cleaning WILL THEY EVER BE GOLD OR SIVER NO NEVER We shall have a clean wood and a clean clay!!! Thus the word latter here does not refer to the wood and clay Latter means the last to be mentioned among two items. In our case the last to be mentioned are the Noble and the ignoble So in our case the later means the ignoble The sentence reads therefore If a man cleanses himself from the ignoble Not from the wood or clay But from the ignoble He will be a vessel for noble purposes, made holy Useful to the master And prepared to do any good work. The lessons to learn are 1. We all belong in this large house Regardless of who we are, Where we come from and What we are made of (Gold , Silver, wood or clay) What class people put us in/ or we put ourselves in WE BELONG 2. We all need to be cleansed/ Prepared Illustration. 3. We are all useful/ none is more important than the other 4. WE ARE UNIQULY CREATED FOR A UNIQUE PURPOSE Unique here means Matchless-perfect/incomparable Irreplaceable- extremely rare Distinctive-not common/typical Exceptional-extraordinary Exclusive-special Thus if you are A gold A silver A wood A clay It is not what matters Are you ready to be used by the master If anyman cleanses himself from the ignoble He will be a vessel of honour Sanctified, and suitable for the masters use, Prepared for every good work Amen.