Spring Newsletter 2016 - Sherington Primary School

Useful Information
ur PE days are-
Tuesday — Outdoor
Friday — Indoor
Tuesday – Outdoor
Thursday — Outdoor
lease ensure that your child has suitable clothing. The school policy is navy or black
shorts and a plain white or blue T-shirt with trainers or plimsolls for outdoor PE. Tracksuit
bottoms may be worn in cold weather. Children should bring their PE kit in a drawstring bag
on the first day of term and leave it in school until half term. Jewellery should not be worn to
school, with the exception of small studs, which should be removed by the child for all PE
n line with the school’s healthy eating policy, please do not send in party bags, sweets etc.
when it is your child’s birthday. You can however send in a cake for classmates, ready cut,
wrapped in a napkin or bag.
n line with the school’s homework policy, children can expect to receive Spellings and
Literacy/Numeracy homework each week. Homework will be set on Friday and is to be
completed and returned by the following Wednesday. Children should remember that
homework books are school books and should be kept neat at all times! Please read with your
child at home as often as possible and record this in their reading record. Lost reading record
books will cost £1 to replace. Children are also encouraged to complete Mathletics and
Reading Eggs weekly.
Book Bags
hildren should bring their book bags to school each day with their reading book and
reading record book. Book bags can be purchased from the office.
Children may also bring a bottle of water, but please do not send it to school in the book bag.
There is no need to bring a pencil case as we are able to provide all the equipment your child
will need.
hildren are expected to wear the correct school uniform, which can be purchased from
the school office. Please ensure that all uniform and P.E kit is clearly labelled with your
child’s name. In general, children should not wear jewellery to school but small ear studs are
If you have any issues or concerns, please feel free to make an appointment to see your
child’s teacher.
Class teachers:
Mr Atwal and Miss Cameron
Teaching assistants:
Mrs Davey, Mrs Fuller, Miss Phillips &
Miss Harnett
Children will be learning about:
This term pupils will continue to develop their handwriting, spelling,
punctuation and grammar skills each day as well as expanding their use
of VCOP. We will be learning about how to write for different purposes
and audiences, including letters, retelling of events and stories,
newspaper reports persuasive writing. Speaking and listening will be
explored through story telling and debates. Our Literacy topics this term
are mostly inspired by our humanities topic Climate, and we will be
starting with the Kevin Crossley Holland book ‘Storm.’ They will engage
in various drama activities to further enhance their learning and are
encouraged to complete any spellings and Literacy homework set.
Pupils should all now have their reading record and should be encouraged to read at
home every day to support their learning. Reading will be taught at school daily and
pupils will get regular opportunities to read together in small groups and individually.
Each child has been allocated a day to bring their reading record into school so they
can be checked. Pupils are also encouraged to use Reading Eggs regularly.
This term pupils will consolidate their strategies for solving problems using the four
operations. We will be improving our knowledge of the 3, 4 and 6 times tables as well
as learning the related division facts. Other objectives this term are: using money;
understanding and correctly using different measurements, (length, height and mass),
understanding geometry with 2D shapes; reading and using statistics to solve
problems and developing explanations for how an answer is achieved. Pupils are encouraged to complete Mathletics activities regularly, as well as complete
any maths homework that is set weekly.
Light: In this topic pupils will be learning about the importance of light. We
will be learning how to recognise that light is needed in order to see things
and that dark is the absence of light, light is reflected from surfaces as well
as understanding that light from the sun can be dangerous and we should protect our
eyes. We will also start to understand shadows, in particular recognising that shadows
are formed when light is blocked and patterns of shadows can change. We will be
learning about how to make predictions and how to plan, record and evaluate
Plants: During this topic pupils will learn about the functions of different parts of a plant
and will explore the requirements of plants for life and growth. Pupils will also
investigate ways in which water is transported within plants as well as exploring the
role of flowers in the cycle of flowering plants. Children will also continue to develop
their scientific enquiry through practical investigations.
Modern languages:
Children are taught French weekly by a specialist teacher.
Climate: In this topic children will learn about the differences in weather in order to
answer the question “How does climate affect our daily lives?” They will learn different
terms relating to weather and climate, as well being able to identify cities in the UK and
the position and significance of latitude, longitude, Equator, Hemisphere, Tropics and
Meridan. Also, the differences and patterns in the weather experienced in different parts
of the world and how the weather is an important factor when people decide to go on
holiday will be explored. They will understand man’s impact on the environment, the
relation between transport and CO2 emission before suggesting ways in which
Individual choices can impact the environment.
Useful websites:
This term in computing children will be shown how to save work from iPads to the
Sherington Drive using Dropbox. Pupils will create Climate posters using Comic
life and Weather Reports using Green Screen and Windows Movie Maker. Pupils
will further develop their programming skills using the Kodable App and Scratch;
and will create a puppet animations linked to their science topic.
Art and DT:
In Art, we will be focusing on the artist Paul Klee. Pupils will begin to understand
the concept of cubism, expressionism and surrealism through his work and begin
to create their own version of a Paul Klee art piece.
Linked to their learning in Climate, pupils will be creating their own weather station in
DT. They will attempt to create a rain gauge, wind sock and a wind vane using new and
previously known skills.
Sikhism: Pupils will be learning about the Sikh teaching and life,
and how Sikhs live and worship both at home and at the
Judaism: Pupils will be looking at different festivals in the Jewish
year, in particular Succot, Passover and Purim.
Indoor PE: Symmetry and asymmetry. Children will learn to understand and identify
symmetry and asymmetry whilst moving and balancing both on and off apparatus.
Outdoor PE: Creative games making. Children will learn to make up and play small
sided games by selecting and using appropriate skills. They will also continue to be
taught tennis by a specialist tennis coach.
Following Autumn Term where pupils were given an opportunity to explore different
instruments, they have now chosen their preferred instrument to continue practising this
term. They will also be taught music weekly by Mrs McDonald.