UMUC Veterans Success Club Meeting

UMUC Veterans Success Club Meeting
An Approved Chapter of Student Veterans of America (SVA).
August 23, 2014
This was the first Teleconference of the Veterans Success Club.
Mr. Barber introduced himself, Club leaders, and welcomed new members in attendance. He
encouraged members to contribute to the dialogue.
Members in attendance:
Gregory Barber (President)
Terry Bowie (Vice-President)
Monica Graves (Secretary)
Elena Bates (VA) 1st meeting
Sloane Darden
Damen Knotts (Adelphi)
Daryll McCartney (Fairplane) 1st meeting
Dan Nightengale (1st meeting)
Marcus Tate (Clinton)
Scott Tolbert (MD)
Lorne Whalen
Terry (Frederick)
A member asked Mr. Barber about helping a veteran with resume writing assistance. Mr.
Barber indicated he would assist the member and also suggested Career Services as an
initial point of contact for support. Mr. Barber asked if members find the informational
emails helpful. Several members stated they did and welcomed the emails. One member
found the e-mails in reference to job vacancies especially beneficial.
MINUTES: August 23, 2014
SUGGESTIONS: Mr. Barber asked if any members had suggestions for helping the Club grow.
Feedback received:
The Club needs to push for a presence on campus.
Conducting another shredding drive. Mr. Bowie stated that the
Club needs to get the word out, because it’s an excellent outreach
opportunity. Americorps sponsored the
last shredding event.
Get more involved in the Vocational Rehabilitation (Voc Rehab)
program to recruit members. The Club should ask for a 5-minute
block to give a presentation to people during UMUC’s Voc Rehab
Ask Veteran Advising to mention the Club to students.
The Club should be more transparent. We should make posters
or 3X5 cards to pass out to highlight the Club’s presence.
Mr. Bowie mentioned that our Club has reached out to other local educational institutions,
both community colleges and four-year universities.
Mr. Barber plans to attend an UMUC Open House at Fort Meade on Sep. 9th.
A suggestion was made to ask Dr. Shonda McLaughlin, VetSuccess On Campus Counselor,
possibly for a poster to promote the Club. And Mr. Barber will also speak to the event
coordinator about setting up a table. Mr. Barber spoke with a UMUC representative at Fort
Meade before and discussed hosting a meeting there at their training center.
Mr. Barber mentioned Club Facebook and Twitter accounts. A member suggested assigning
administrators for the Facebook account.
Ms. Graves mentioned seeing a page for the Club on Facebook. One member stated that
UMUC may have created it. Another member suggested asking UMUC to allow the Club to
take it over. A suggestion was made to delete it and then the Club would create its own
Facebook page.
MINUTES: August 23, 2014
Mr. Bowie gave an update on the new Veterans Lounge at UMUC Adelphi. He explained
that it will be located just off the lobby area inside the Academic Center. Furniture has been
ordered. The anticipated opening will be near mid-September. The Club may have a
fundraiser or ask for donations from veterans organizations. A large screen TV is needed.
The Mr. Bowie reminded everyone that the Club’s account in Web Tycho will no longer
exist after September 1st.
Surveys: Mr. Barber mentioned the surveys that were sent to members. Some people did
completed and returned the surveys.
Several club members were in at attendance at Fort Belvoir for the signing of new
legislation by President Obama. The law extends educational and health benefits for
Mr. Bowie mentioned the E-benefits account (DOD & VA) and suggested that members
establish an account.
Mr. Barber asked if any members wanted to volunteer to hold officer positions for the
Club. Ms. Graves suggested that members have access to the Club by-laws and become
familiar with them.
Mr. Barber asked if anyone would like to volunteer for outreach. A couple of members
expressed willingness to reach out to organizations that assist veterans. One member
mentioned CMS (Center for Medicaid & Medicare Services) in Woodlawn, MD. Larry Kimble
is the contact person, and his e-mail is
Mr. Bowie mentioned the SVA National Conference in San Antonio, TX, and that much
knowledge can be gained and the networking is excellent. Information is available on the
SVA’s website or by using Google to search for 2015 conferences. The Club could submit a
grant to cover the cost of members attending. One member mentioned that there is an
early registration fee of $25. Mr. Barber stated he plans to attend as it’s a great opportunity
to find out what other clubs are doing.
Mr. Barber discussed the SVA Leadership Summit that is being held in DC at the end of
September. He will send info to members.
MINUTES: August 23, 2014
SUPPORT: Mr. Bowie mentioned that the Club can advocate on behalf of students. Members
should bring their issues to the Club and get assistance with them.
MINUTES: Ms. Graves suggested that we ask Dr. McLaughlin to post Club minutes on our
website. Mr. Barber stated he will find out if officers can post them. Ms. Graves also suggested
sending the minutes to active members via e-mail.
FEEDBACK: Members felt that the format of the Teleconference meeting is
great and may encourage greater attendance at meetings.
The format is a great alternative to a traditional meeting.
The teleconference format may require more time than one hour.
Google Chat is an alternative to the teleconference.
Email: Phone: Mr. Gregory Barber: (301) 503-4918
Still Serving…. Still Learning