Vanderbilt Career Center Annual Report 2011-2012 The Vanderbilt Institutional Research Group (VIRG) partners with the VCC to provide data for this report. TABLE OF CONTENTS LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR ................................................................................................................3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..............................................................................................................................4 OUR PURPOSE ...........................................................................................................................................5 PREPARING STUDENTS FOR OPPORTUNITIES .....................................................................................5 The Career Cluster Model ......................................................................................................................5 Student Interactions ...............................................................................................................................6 Career Exploration Events & Activities ......................................................................................................6 Events, Panels & Field Trips ..................................................................................................................7 Career Cluster Listservs .........................................................................................................................7 CONNECTING STUDENTS TO OPPORTUNITIES .....................................................................................8 Campus Recruiting ....................................................................................................................................8 Industry Career Days, Fairs & Exploration Events .................................................................................8 Information Sessions ..............................................................................................................................9 On-Campus Interviews for Full-Time Positions ....................................................................................10 DoreWays Job Postings .......................................................................................................................10 Internships ............................................................................................................................................11 On-Campus Internship Interviews ........................................................................................................12 UCAN ...................................................................................................................................................12 Internship Database .............................................................................................................................12 Finance Mentoring Program .................................................................................................................13 HOW WE ARE DOING ...............................................................................................................................13 Student & Employer Feedback .............................................................................................................13 How Students Found Jobs ...................................................................................................................15 CENTER COLLABORATIONS ..................................................................................................................16 Blair School of Music ............................................................................................................................16 College of Arts & Science .....................................................................................................................16 Peabody College of Education and Human Development ...................................................................17 School of Engineering ..........................................................................................................................17 The Ingram Commons ..........................................................................................................................18 Other Partnerships ...............................................................................................................................19 LOOKING AHEAD .....................................................................................................................................19 APPENDIX A: Employer List ....................................................................................................................20 2|V A N D E R B I L T CAREER CENTER LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR October 2012 We realized many wins during AY 2011-2012 including seeing student satisfaction for Career Center services reach an all-time high of 70.2% among seniors who took the Graduating Student Survey. The majority of seniors taking this survey, 52.3%, also indicated that the Career Center was the top resource they used in getting a job. While this is great news, no company or industry can remain the same in this fast-changing, complex world and be successful. Over the past three years, we have listened to university leadership, faculty/staff, employers, students, industry experts, parents and the Vanderbilt community to determine the best ways to prepare students for this new world. During the last year, we began implementing a comprehensive strategy that included forging a strong presence in The Martha Rivers Ingram Commons with first-year students, integrating our services into the flow of student activities, building strong recruiting relationships through alumni and parents and collaborating with our many campus partners. We also brought in Australian author and noted career theorist Dr. Jim Bright to train our staff and campus partners in an emerging theory that emphasizes short-term flexible planning and understanding the importance of lifelong themes and patterns in decision-making. Looking ahead, our focus will be on developing students holistically in areas that will emphasize resilience, such as taking action, understanding opportunities, how to leverage connections and how to navigate change. Our new name, Center for Student Professional Development, reflects this new focus and direction. We are fortunate that we have had a very successful year, but the best is yet to come. Best regards, Cindy Funk Director VANDERBILT CAREER C E N T E R |3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Vanderbilt Career Center (VCC) is part of Academic Affairs and is supervised through the Provost’s Office. The leadership team is comprised of the Director and two Associate Directors and there are 15 staff members, 15 Peer Career Advocates and two Graduate Interns. All staff work in teams and the VCC uses the Vanderbilt Performance Evaluation System (VPES) and a combination of supervision, mentoring and training to develop staff. The VCC’s role is multi-faceted and includes providing career coaching services, operating a campus recruiting program, a web-based job board, website and listservs, coordinating networking and information events including job fairs and site visits, providing job related programming for student groups, coordinating student mentoring programs, speaking to parent groups on and off campus, working with professors in the classroom to include career topics in the curriculum, and collaborating with campus groups like The Martha Rivers Ingram Commons, Development and Alumni Relations, Owen Graduate School of Management, and others to provide job and career information, internships, and other support and collaboration. Through strategic planning and working with a priorities based document, The Same Page, VCC leadership has been able to identify key goals and contribute to the needs of its many stakeholders. Highlights from 2011-2012 include: • Students reporting full-time employment by graduation time increased from last year’s 36.6% to 52% this year. • Graduating seniors (52.3%, up from 44% last year) continue to cite the Career Center as having a significant role in their finding a job. • Student satisfaction with career center services has increased from 53.1% to 70.2% in the last five years. • Industry Career Days and Career Fair attendance was up by 492 students, an increase of 38%, and 60 employers, a 26% increase over last year. • The VCC opened up a satellite office to provide on-site services at The Ingram Commons. • VCC industry-specific listserv subscriptions included 8462 students. • The VCC partnered with the Office of the Dean of The Ingram Commons to submit an innovation grant proposal, which was selected by The Curb Center for Art, Enterprise, and Public Policy for project implementation in Fall 2012. • Students attending employer information sessions increased to 2305. • Employer feedback indicated that 100% of employers were ‘Very Satisfied/Satisfied’ with their campus recruiting experience. • 80% of the employers interviewing on campus ranked Vanderbilt student in the ‘Top 10%’ or ‘Above Average’ compared to other university students. 4|V A N D E R B I L T CAREER CENTER OUR PURPOSE The purpose of the Vanderbilt Career Center (VCC) is to help Vanderbilt students and recent graduates (0-2 years out) leverage the Vanderbilt network and make the most of their education, resources, and connections to secure internship and full-time post graduate opportunities. PREPARING STUDENTS FOR OPPORTUNITIES THE CAREER CLUSTER MODEL The VCC coaches students based on Career Clusters rather than by a student’s major. English majors sometimes find themselves in the music industry and Engineering majors find themselves on Wall Street. With this approach, students can explore their interests in various fields and see how they can apply what they have learned through their courses of study to their field of interest. Additionally, this approach provides students with more targeted information in their life mapping process. In preparing students for the world of work, VCC Career Coaches meet with students during coaching appointments on how to develop and utilize their network, identify opportunities, research companies, create resumes and cover letters, conduct a strategic job search, and prepare for interviews for either internships or post-graduate opportunities. VANDERBILT CAREER C E N T E R |5 STUDENT INTERACTIONS Students interact with VCC staff individually in a variety of ways including drop-in sessions, one-on-one coaching appointments and resume critique sessions. The table below shows the breakdown of coaching interactions by semester and by College. COACHING INTERACTIONS BY COLLEGE Fall 2011 Spring 2012 Total Interactions 2011-2012 Arts & Science 877 645 1522 School of Engineering 322 216 538 Peabody 320 229 549 Blair 11 20 31 Other 87 93 180 Totals 1617 1203 2820 Colleges: *Note: Totals reflect non-unique students CAREER EXPLORATION EVENTS & ACTIVITIES Students are provided many opportunities to explore and pursue opportunities through workshops, industry panels, networking events, and field trips. During the 2011-2012 academic year, 2612 students attended workshops and presentations, an increase of 7.5% over the previous year’s total of 2430 students. 2612 Students Attended Workshops/Presentations This Year 6|V A N D E R B I L T CAREER CENTER EVENTS, PANELS & FIELD TRIPS During 2011-2012, field trips and panels continued to be a popular avenue of exploring career fields for Vanderbilt students. The VCC organized field trips for the benefit of students in a variety of areas. The following is a list of locations and organizations visited: • Huntsville, AL Engineering Trip (Visits to Boeing, Northrop Grumman & NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center, hosted an Alumni Dinner and Huntsville-Madison County Chamber of Commerce Networking Event) • McNeely Pigott & Fox • Nashville Symphony • SEASAC (on Music Row) • Vandy at the Capital (Vanderbilt Office of Federal Relations, Center for American Progress, Heritage Foundation, Mehlman Vogel Castagnetti Inc., CIA, Capitol Hill) • Wall Street Trek (BlackRock, Citi, J.P. Morgan, Morgan Stanley) Blair School of Music Associate Dean Melissa Rose and Vanderbilt students learn about careers in the arts during their March 2012 visit to the Nashville Symphony. CAREER CLUSTER LISTSERVS Each industry cluster has an opt-in listserv managed by a Career Coach. Information is sent to students on a regular basis that includes networking events, job and internship postings, related student organization information and general Career Center information. During the 2011-2012 academic year, 8462 students subscribed to Career Center listservs, an increase of 4.3% over the previous year. 8462 Students Subscribed to VCC Listservs VANDERBILT CAREER C E N T E R |7 CONNECTING STUDENTS TO OPPORTUNITIES The Vanderbilt Career Center connects students to opportunities through job postings, campus interviews, information sessions, industry career days, fairs and more. CAMPUS RECRUITING Campus recruiting is one of the most recognizable ways the VCC provides for students to explore careers and pursue positions of interest to them. Four key areas comprise the campus recruiting efforts: Industry Career Days/Fairs/Exploration Events, On-Campus Interviewing, Employer Information Sessions, and DoreWays job and internship postings. INDUSTRY CAREER DAYS, FAIRS & EXPLORATION EVENTS Industry Career Days (ICDs) are opportunities for students to network with employers in a targeted industry, i.e. Consulting, Finance, or Engineering. Often the employers are recruiting for full-time job or internship opportunities. During the 2011-2012 academic year, the VCC hosted four ICDs during the fall semester: Business, Communications and Consulting, Finance, Engineering and Information Technology, and Government and Nonprofit. Also during the fall semester VCC hosted the annual Law School Fair. During the spring semester, the VCC added a second Engineering and Information Technology ICD. The first Health Care Industry Exploration Day took place in the spring and had 30 employers in attendance. Additionally, the VCC partnered with 13 Middle-Tennessee colleges and universities to host the Nashville Area College to Career Fair and the Nashville Area Teacher Recruitment Fair. These events were held concurrently at the Williamson County Ag Expo Center and were attended by numerous Vanderbilt students. Vanderbilt students interact with employers during the September 2011 Business, Communications, and Consulting Industry Career Day event. 8|V A N D E R B I L T CAREER CENTER Overall, student attendance at VCC events increased by 37.76% and employers recruiting increased by 25.5%. The table below provides a breakdown by event. Industry Career Days and Career Fairs 2011-2012 # Students Attending 20112010% 2012 2011 Change ICD: # Employers Attending 20112010% 2012 2011 Change Business, Communications, & Consulting 400 320 25% 32 27 18.5% Finance 150 127 18.1% 15 16 -6.3% Engineering & Information Technology (Fall) 400 397 0.76% 57 37 54.1% Government & Nonprofit 168 72 133.33% N/A 10 N/A Law School Fair 100 102 -1.96% 38 37 2.7% Engineering & Information Technology (Spring) 275 220 25% 45 36 25% Health Care Exploration Day 214 N/A N/A 30 N/A N/A Nashville Area Teacher Recruitment Fair* 88 65 35.4% 78 72 8.3% 1795 1303 37.76% 295 235 25.53% Totals *Annual fair co-sponsored by 13 middle Tennessee colleges. INFORMATION SESSIONS Employer information sessions are key ways for students to learn more about an employer and their respective industry as well as an opportunity to network with employees. During the 2011-2012 academic year, the VCC hosted 63 employers for information sessions with 2305 students attending. 2305 Students Attended Information Sessions VANDERBILT CAREER C E N T E R |9 ON-CAMPUS INTERVIEWS FOR FULL-TIME POSITIONS Applying and interviewing for On-Campus Interview (OCI) positions posted in DoreWays is a key way students can connect to employers. According to the 2012 Graduating Student Survey, 52.3% of respondents, up from 44% in 2011, indicated they used the VCC to help them obtain full-time postgraduate employment. The table below outlines the OCI activity for full-time positions for 2011-2012. Overall, ten fewer employers interviewed on campus this past year; however, 47.6% more interviews were conducted. On-Campus Interview Activity for Full-Time Positions by Academic Year Fall 2011 Fall 2010 % Change Spring 2012 Spring 2011 % Change Total 11-12 Total 10-11 % Change Employers Who Interviewed 53 49 8.16% 36 50 -28% 89 99 -10.10% OCI Job Postings 54 66 -18.18% 36 63 -42.86% 90 129 -30.23% 2987 2113 41.36% 876 604 45.03% 3863 2717 42.18% 1007 723 39.28% 427 248 72.18% 1434 971 47.68% Number Of: Applications for Positions Interviews Conducted nd (includes 2 round) DOREWAYS (JOB POSTINGS) In addition to OCI postings, employers are able to post full-time and internship positions in DoreWays without committing to interviewing students on campus. This opportunity gives students a more extensive range of opportunities, both geographically and by job function, for internship and full-time positions. NACElink is another resource students have to search for jobs. NACElink is the largest career network of career services and recruiting professionals in the world. It allows employers to perform recruiting tasks at multiple schools simultaneously through a single website. These postings are viewable by NACElink member schools only. DoreWays Job Postings Increased by 24.22% The following table shows the total DoreWays and NACElink job postings for 2011-2012 as compared to 2010-2011. A total of 2385 jobs were posted in DoreWays, up from 1920 postings the previous year, for an increase of 24.22%. 10 | V A N D E R B I L T CAREER CENTER VU-Specific DoreWays Postings (OCI Not Included) by Academic Year Full-Time Opportunities Internship Opportunities Volunteer/ Fellowship Opportunities NACElink Total Total 11-12 10-11 11-12 10-11 11-12 10-11 11-12 10-11 11-12 10-11 Fall 2011 710 641 373 341 42 18 1125 1000 518 482 Spring 2012 818 552 407 361 35 7 1260 920 391 368 Total 1528 1193 780 702 77 25 2385 1920 909 850 % Change 28.08% 11.11% 208% 24.22% 6.94% INTERNSHIPS Internships, both paid and unpaid, continue to be key experiences for students as they build their resume and try to figure out their place in the world of work. Vanderbilt offers many avenues to help students search for the right internships. 73% of Undergraduates Completed an Internship Prior to Graduation SUMMER SUBSIDY Students pursing summer internships often faced the challenge of needing to receive credit to accept an internship opportunity. In response to this challenge, Associate Provost Cynthia Cyrus assembled a committee of Associate Deans from each of the colleges and schools who developed a solution by implementing the Summer Internship Subsidy. This Subsidy was designed to cover/waive the majority of tuition and fees for the academic component of a one-credit summer internship. For the summer of 2012, any undergraduate student who was required by their employer to earn academic credit could apply for the Subsidy through one of the four schools. Students were required to enroll in a designated one-credit summer course and pay $200 plus applicable summer fees. As part of the Subsidy application process, the VCC developed an online internship orientation that addressed the issues of workplace law, harassment, etiquette, and other issues they might encounter. Students completed a 10-question quiz following the online orientation to assess comprehension. A total of 123 students successfully completed the online orientation process. VANDERBILT CAREER C E N T E R | 11 ON-CAMPUS INTERNSHIP INTERVIEWS The table below shows the number of interviews conducted on campus for internship opportunities during the fall and spring semesters. Compared to last year’s OCI internship activity, student applications increased by 62% and employers conducted 63.7% more interviews. OCI Internship Activity by Semester Fall 2011 Spring 2012 2011-2012 Total 2010-2011 Total % Change DoreWays Internship Postings 18 41 59 62 -4.8% Applications for Internships 658 1822 2480 1530 62.1% Interviews Conducted 197 556 753 460 63.7% Employers Who Interviewed 16 32 48 48 — Number Of: UCAN The University Career Action Network (UCAN) is a consortium of 22 national colleges and universities— from Harvard University on the east coast, to Vanderbilt University in the south, to Pepperdine University on the west coast—that supports a shared internship database, maintained by consortium members. The database lists thousands of domestic and international internships opportunities that expand a student's ability to work in geographically diverse locations across the U.S. and abroad. There were 4635 more internships available through UCAN during the 2011-2012 year, an increase of 89.6% over the previous year. Students Had Access to 9808 Internships Through UCAN INTERNSHIP DATABASE Students may also access the VCC Internship Database, a searchable internship database on the VCC website, to identify potential internship and employer targets where Vanderbilt students have had internships. The database is populated with internship information provided by Vanderbilt students in early fall when they complete the Summer Experience Survey. Students exploring internship opportunities can search the database by the following criteria: Vanderbilt school, major, state, company cluster, company industry, job cluster, or compensation. Students are able to read a description of the internship and learn details regarding academic credit and pay. 12 | V A N D E R B I L T CAREER CENTER FINANCE MENTORING PROGRAM 2011-2012 was the third year for the Finance Mentoring Program, which paired nine seniors—who had successful internships—with 25 juniors and sophomores who were seeking summer internships. In this peer-to-peer relationship, mentees learned a variety of skills including resume writing, researching companies and networking. This year’s program was very successful as all nine of the senior mentors accepted full-time finance or consulting positions upon graduation and 24 of the 25 mentees (96%) reported finding a summer internship. HOW WE ARE DOING STUDENT & EMPLOYER FEEDBACK STUDENT SATISFACTION The VCC had an all-time high student satisfaction rating this year. Students expressed greater satisfaction with internship opportunities at 69%, compared to 56% in 2010 when the question of internship satisfaction was first asked to students. Students also had a 70.2% overall satisfaction with Career Services, compared to 53.1% in 2008. This is an impressive 17.1% increase in just 5 years—the largest increase in student satisfaction for campus services and facilities. 70.2% of Students Were Satisfied With Career Services EMPLOYER SATISFACTION The VCC asked employers to rate their recruiting experience as well as the student preparedness they encountered at Vanderbilt. The Employer Feedback Survey gave employers the opportunity to critique student preparation and provide comments after they conducted on-campus interviews. A total of 99 employers from 61 companies completed the Survey between fall 2011 and spring 2012. Feedback was overwhelmingly positive. When employers were asked how Vanderbilt students ranked compared to other university students, 80% of employers ranked Vanderbilt student in the ‘Top 10%’ or ‘Above Average’. VANDERBILT CAREER C E N T E R | 13 EMPLOYER SATISFACTION, CONTINUED 100% of employers were ‘Very Satisfied/Satisfied’ with the service and support they received throughout the recruiting process at the VCC compared to other schools at which they recruit. Employers also found Vanderbilt students well prepared for on-campus interviews. More than 90% of employers rated students as ‘Excellent/Good’ for professionalism, communication skills and resumes. The chart below details ratings on student preparation across these and a number of other areas. The Vanderbilt Career Center offers a variety of services that help prepare students to pursue professional opportunities including Resume Blitz (pictured), one-on-one coaching appointments, information sessions, workshops, and mock interviews. 14 | V A N D E R B I L T CAREER CENTER RESOURCES FOR HOW STUDENTS FOUND JOBS According to the recent Graduating Student Survey, 52.3% of students who took the survey identified the VCC as playing a part in their finding a job, followed by Family/Friends personal network at 43.6%. The Vanderbilt Career Center cultivates strong relationships with top employers who recruit on campus and post jobs and internships in our database. VANDERBILT CAREER C E N T E R | 15 CENTER COLLABORATIONS The Vanderbilt Career Center has partnerships across the Vanderbilt campus, in the Nashville community, with Alumni and beyond that provide experiences and opportunities for students. BLAIR SCHOOL OF MUSIC HIGHLIGHTS For the fifth consecutive year, the Blair School of Music Career Committee (Associate Dean Melissa Rose, Professors Karen Krieger, Robbie Fry, Jen Gunderman, Sara Manus, Jared Hauser) and the VCC partnered during 2011-2012 to provide targeted programming and activities for Blair students. The result of this partnership produced the following events: • What’s Next? Program • Careers in the Music Industry series • Blair Recital Program (Career Exploration breakout sessions geared towards each class year.) • Creative Artists Agency (CAA) Panel Discussion on being an agent and booking tours for musicians • SEASAC and Nashville Symphony Field Trips COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE HIGHLIGHTS • Staff from the College of Arts and Science Pre-major Academic Advising Resources Center (CASPAR) participated in coaching training provided by VCC throughout the year including a four-day class with Jim Bright, an international career development expert and proponent of a new emerging career theory called Chaos Theory of Careers. This shared knowledge about a new innovative practice of working with students provides a framework for collaboration in the future with key campus partners. • VCC staff increased communications with students in undergraduate science majors through collaborating with faculty and department leaders in the Department of Chemistry; Department of Biological Science; and Department of Physics and Astronomy. • The VCC Total Access: Finance event moderated by Professor Tim Logan involving management-level alumni from Goldman Sachs, Raymond James, and Morgan Stanley was offered in conjunction with a Managerial Studies Financial Management course. More than 100 students attended. 16 | V A N D E R B I L T CAREER CENTER COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE HIGHLIGHTS, CONTINUED • The VCC partnered with Pre-law Advisor Klint Alexander to restructure the Law School Fair to increase participation in the Fall 2011 recruitment event by admissions representatives from the top 50 U.S. Law Schools. • The VCC increased its programs targeted to students majoring in MHS and the Sciences including a Healthcare Industry Exploration Day, Healthcare Conference and Recruiting Fair, and Healthcare Business Recruiting Coffee Hour. • The Curb Center for Art, Enterprise, and Public Policy awarded the VCC a grant as part of a campus wide initiative to implement storytelling into the student experience. PEABODY COLLEGE OF EDUCATION & HUMAN DEVELOPMENT HIGHLIGHTS • 225 HOD students visited the VCC to have their resumes critiqued as part of a class assignment. • VCC staff members Christy Robb and Brook Meissner taught a section of HOD 1400 in spring 2012. • The VCC gave class presentations to help education students who were doing their student teaching to prepare for the Teacher Recruitment Fair. • Education Recruitment Week, hosted at the VCC during area schools’ spring break, gave education students the opportunity to participate in on-campus interviews directly related to teaching and education. For 2012, eight schools participated and 60 students interviewed. • HOD staff participated in Jim Bright Chaos Theory of Careers coaching training sponsored by the VCC, which provided a shared knowledge about a new innovative practice of working with students. SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING HIGHLIGHTS • A collaborative effort between VCC staff and faculty to increase the number of Industry Career Day (ICD) employers resulted in 80 employers participating in 2011-2012 up from 73 in 20102011. • Faculty, through increased communication with Associate Dean Cynthia Paschal, engaged in VCC events including a Faculty Coffee Hour in conjunction with the fall ICD, and a Meet the Professors Brunch in conjunction with the spring ICD. There were 32 faculty members in attendance at the fall event and 47 at the spring, a significant increase from 17 at the spring 2011 ICD. VANDERBILT CAREER C E N T E R | 17 SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING HIGHLIGHTS, CONTINUED • Faculty participated in a variety of VCC programming including site visits to the following employers: Boeing, Northrop Grumman and NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Jackson National Life, and Proctor & Gamble. • The VU School of Engineering Committee of Visitors (COV) in partnership with the VCC continued its efforts to give back by mentoring students through the second year of the VUSE COV Mentoring program. There was a 38% increase in student applications in 2011-2012 and eight students were selected to participate in the program with a total of 14 students participating in this two-year program. Mentors included: Bryan Langford of Roche, Libby Cheney of Hess, Bob Anderson of R.G. Anderson Company, Kong Chen of National Institutes of Health, Bill Krueger of Nissan, Sanjay Correa of GE Aviation, David Walker of Spirit Aerosystems, and Paul Turczynski of Boeing. • According to the School of Engineering Senior Exit Survey, 78% of the School of Engineering graduating seniors (U.S. domestic) reported they received an offer from employers recruiting through the VCC. THE INGRAM COMMONS HIGHLIGHTS • VCC staff conducted interviews with Faculty Heads of Houses, OHARE paraprofessional staff, and student leaders to better understand the Common’s experience. • The Career Center kicked off service delivery in The Commons Center by offering Coaching Express hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays from Noon to 2:00 p.m. • Recruitment for a new Peer Mentoring program to be launched in the Houses AY 2012-13 was completed with 14 upperclass students selected as mentors. • VCC staff in collaboration with Vanderbilt Visions, OHARE, and the Writing Studio hosted a series of workshops to prepare students for leadership positions. A total of 295 first-year students participated in these workshops. • VCC staff worked with the student VUceptor Board to develop and present an interactive workshop to help student leaders identify skills developed through their role as a VUceptor. More than 90 students participated in this workshop. • VCC staff played an active role in VUceptor recruitment by offering a series on the interviewing portion of the VUceptor recruitment process. Of the 31 students who participated, 13 were selected as VUceptors and 5 were selected as alternates. • VCC staff and Peer Career Advocates presented a program at the Dean’s residence entitled, “Wandering…if I had known then what I know now.” 18 | V A N D E R B I L T CAREER CENTER OTHER PARTNERSHIPS DEVELOPMENT AND ALUMNI RELATIONS To strengthen the VCC and Alumni Relations partnership, strategic planning sessions occurred between the leadership of both departments to identify common goals and determine quarterly progress. Through continued coordination with Alumni Relations, the VCC was able to engage more than 250 alumni in some type of networking or career education activity for VU students. Collaboration activities included: • Opening Dores, a dinner event where alumni by industry cluster tell their stories and network with undergraduates. • Providing key contacts for Vandy at the Capital Alumni Networking and Panel event, Alumni in the Fields Panels and Career Conversations. • VCC and Parents and Family Programs Office co-hosted the third annual Soirée at Sarratt, a parent/student career-networking event. More than 100 students and 32 parents attended. OWEN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Through the VCC partnership with Owen Career Management Center, undergraduate students participated in the Vanderbilt Healthcare Conference Recruiting Fair at the Nashville Convention Center, attended Training the Street, a widely respected interview prep course offered through the business school, and 20 VU undergraduates had the opportunity to visit four different finance employers in NYC as part of Wall Street Trek. LOOKING AHEAD Looking ahead to 2012-2013, the VCC has developed a comprehensive strategy designed to help students map out the knowledge and behaviors that they will need in their professional lives. These include: identifying strengths and interests, understanding change and managing transitions, professionalism at school and in the workplace, understanding and pursuing opportunities, and identifying networks and leveraging personal connections. By integrating these concepts across campus with the support of our stakeholders, Vanderbilt students will be better prepared to understand change, manage transition, and embrace opportunities as they prepare for employment in a rapidly changing world. VANDERBILT CAREER C E N T E R | 19 APPENDIX A – EMPLOYER LIST 3M American Songwriter Magazine Belden Inc. Amgen Inc. Bell & Associates Construction, L.P. AmniSure International LLC Bentley Systems, Incorporated A.T. Kearney Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. BergerABAM Abbott Laboratories AOL, Inc. Best Magazine Abercrombie & Fitch Aon Plc Abraxis BioScience Apple Inc. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Middle Tennessee Absolute Wireless Applied Materials, Inc. BioMimetic Therapeutics, Inc. Accelerator Vanderbilt Summer Business Institute Arch Capital Group Ltd. Blackbaud Inc. Archon Group, L.P. BlackRock, Inc. Accenture Arden Theatre Company BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee Accision Health Ardent Health Services BookPage and ProMotion, Inc. Accretive Health, Inc. Argon ST, Inc. Books-A-Million, Inc. ACES Power Marketing Argus Information & Advisory Services, LLC Borman Entertainment Boston Medical Center (BMC) Arkansas State Highway & Transportation Department Boston Scientific Advanced Bionics, LLC Arnold Engineering Development Center Boston University School of Medicine AdvanceTEC Art Institute of Chicago AECOM Ascension Health Aegis Sciences Corporation Asurion Corp. Boys & Girls Clubs of Middle Tennessee Aerowing, Inc. AT&T Inc. Brainlab Affiliated Engineers, Inc. Athlon Sports, Inc. Brasfield & Gorrie, LLC Aflac Incorporated ATK Space Systems Bridgestone Americas, Inc. Afren Plc AtriCure, Inc. BrightLine CPAs and Associates, Inc. AIDS Health Project Avondale Partners, LLC Brite Entertainment, Inc. --A-A.O. Smith Actus Lend Lease ADTRAN Advanced BioHealing AIM HealthCare Services, Inc. Airworthy Parts Intl Inc. Alabama Supercomputer Center Alana HealthCare Alcoa Inc. Aldridge Electric, Inc. Alliant Techsystems Inc. Aloompa, LLC, Inc. American Airlines, Inc. American Association of Advertising Agencies American Cast Iron Pipe Company American Chemical Society American Heart Association American Marketing Association American Megatrends Incorporated (AMI) 20 | V A N D E R B I L T CAREER --B-B&W Y-12 Boston Teacher Residency Boys and Girls Club of America (Atlanta) Brookdale Senior Living Brooksource Bailey Brand Consulting Brown and Caldwell Bain & Company Bruss North America, Inc. Baker & Kelly Entertainment Law Bryan Research & Engineering, Inc. Baker Hughes BTG International Ltd. Balfour Beatty Plc Burns & McDonnell Balfour Resource Group Bury+Partners, Inc. Bank of America Corporation Bank of America Merrill Lynch --C-C3 Consulting LLC Barclays Investment Bank Caesars Entertainment Barge, Waggoner, Sumner and Cannon, Inc. CalsonicKansei North America, Inc. Baxter International Inc. Cantor Fitzgerald Bayer AG Canberra Industries, Inc. Capella Healthcare Baylis Medical Capgemini BBDO Capital One Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD) CENTER Capitol Hill Comcast Spotlight Department of Transportation Cardinal Engineering, Inc. Community Health Charities of Tennessee DePuy Ethicon Community Health Systems Professional Services Corporation Deutsche Bank Cardinal Health CareFusion Corporation Caremark LLC Designed Conveyor Systems, Inc. CarMax Business Services LLC Computer Technology Solutions, Inc. (CTS) Carney, Sandoe & Associates ConAgra Foods, Inc. Digital Reasoning Systems, Inc. Carreker Corporation Consulate General of Japan - in Nashville Discovery Communications, Inc. Cook Biotech, Inc. Disney (The Walt Disney Company) CBS College Sports Network Corporate Executive Board Divney Tung Schwalbe, LLP CBS Television Correct Care Solutions CDL Systems Ltd. dLife Country Music Association (CMA) DME Automotive CDM, Inc. Country Music Hall of Fame Dobie Media / Celgene Corporation Country Music Television (CMT) Center for American Progress Doing Good Covance Inc. Doubletree/Hilton (Hilton Worldwide) Center for Disease Control & Prevention Creative Artists Agency (CAA) Dow Corning Corporation Cree, Inc. Dropbox Crosstex Energy Services Duke Medical Center Croy Engineering Duncan-Williams, Inc. Centerstone Research Institute Crump Life Insurance Services DuPont Central Intelligence Agency Cumberland Consulting Group Cerami & Associates Cumberland Emerging Technologies, Inc. Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation Center for Medical Technology Policy Center for Studying Health System Change Cerner Corporation CGI Group, Inc. CH2M HILL, Inc. Chartis, Inc. Chattanooga Girls Leadership Academy Cheekwood Botanical Garden and Museum of Art Chevron Corporation --E-E. Robert Alley & Associates Eastman Chemical Company Cumulus Broadcasting Eaton Corporation CUNet EATS Magazine/ Cvent Inc. ECG Management Consultants, Inc. CX-Analytics, LLC EchoStar Corporation ECI Telecom --D-d.e. Foxx & Associates, Inc. Edgenet, Inc. Dannenbaum Engineering Corp DAVA Oncology Choice Hotels International, Inc. DaVita Inc. DC2 Holdings CIGNA Inc. DCS Corporation Edgeview Partners, LP Editshare Education Networks of America Eli Lilly and Company DC Devices, Inc. Church Health Center CIMplify DISH Network, LLC Cummins Inc. Chipotle Mexican Grill Christie's Digital Edge eLOCUS Technical Services, Inc. Elsucesco News EMC Corporation DeBeers Diamonds Emdeon Business Services, LLC Cintas Corporation Defense Threat Reduction Agency Cisco Systems, Inc. Citigroup, Inc. DEKA Research and Development Corporation CJ Advertising, LLC Dell Inc. Clark Construction Group, LLC Deloitte Services LP Emma Clayton Associates Demand Media, Inc. (DMD) EMT Associates, Inc. Cloud Peak Energy DENSO Corporation Enercon Services, Inc. Cobham Analytic Solutions Denso Manufacturing Tennessee, Inc. Engel Entertainment, Inc. Cogent HMG, Inc. Department of Defense Enliven, LLC Colgate-Palmolive Company Department of Homeland Security ENVIRON Emerson Consulting Group EMI Christian Music Group Emids Technology EPA VANDERBILT CAREER C E N T E R | 21 Epic Systems Corporation GA - Henry County Schools HealthLeaders-Interstudy Eramet GA - Marietta City Schools Healthmark Partners Inc. ERM (Enviromental Resources Management) GA - Pike County Schools HealthSpring GA - Dekalb Co HealthStream Ernst & Young Galvin Brothers Construction HealthTech Holdings, Inc Eshelman Company Garmin International, Ltd. Healthways Gate Precast Heartland Dental Care Essent Healthcare Gaylord Entertainment HemCon Medical Technologies, Inc. eThority Inc. GE Healthcare Henkel ESPN Euro RSCG GEA Group Heritage Foundation EVAPCO, Inc Geico Hermitage Exeter Group, Inc. Gene Burton & Associates (GBA Inc.) Hewlett-Packard Company Genentech, Inc. Hexagon Metrology --F-Facebook, Inc. General Dynamics Hillers Electrical Engineering General Electric Hillstone Restaurant Group Families USA General Mills Inc. Hodes Weill & Associates Federal Bureau of Investigation Genesco Inc. Honeywell Specialty Materials FedEx Genetic Alliance Fendi North America Genzyme Corporation Hospice Compassus FireFly Vodka Distillery Georgia Tech Research Institute Houston Independent School District First Steps Nashville Gerson Lehrman Group, Inc. HudsonAlpha Institute Five Stones Research Corporation Gibson Guitar Corporation Humana Flextronics International Gilder, Gagnon, Howe & Co. Huron Consulting Group Flowserve Corporation Glass Entertainment Management FMC Technologies GlaxoSmithKline plc Food Network Goldman Sachs Fortegra Financial Google Inc. ICA Informatics Fox Publicity Grandstream Fox Sports Great American Country ICM Talent Franklin Police Department Green Corps Idaho National Laboratory Frist Center for the Visual Arts Gresham Smith & Partners Fruit of the Loom, Inc. GS&F IL - Chicago Public Schools ExxonMobil Corporation FTI Consulting, Inc. --I-Iasis Healthcare Corp IBM Corporation ICV Solutions, Inc. Illinois Tool Works (ITW) --H-Hachette Book Group Illumina, Inc. --G-G7 Entertainment Marketing Haemonetics Corporation Infiniti Management Hamilton Plastics Infosys Technologies GA - Barrow County Schools Hamilton Sundstrand InfoWorks GA - Bibb County Board of Education Hammond Hanlon Camp Ingenix GA - Camden County School System Harper's Baazar Ingram GA - Cherokee County School District Harpeth Consulting inMotion Educational Technologies GA - Clayton County Public Schools Harrah's InQuicker, LLC GA - Cobb County School District Harris Williams & Co. Insight Genetics, Inc GA - Dougherty County Board of Education Harry Fox Agency Insight Global Hazen & Sawyer Inspire Health GA - Fulton County Schools HCA Healthcare GA - Glynn County Schools Headline Country Institute for Health Metrics & Evaluation Fusion Event Staffing GA - Gordon County Schools GA - Gwinnett County Public Schools 22 | V A N D E R B I L T CAREER Health Horizons International Healthcare Management Systems CENTER Imaging Center Institute for Software Integrated Systems (ISIS) Intel KY - Warren County Board of Education Mechanical Resource Group Medical Diagnostic Laboratories Intergraph Corporation --L-LA - Department of Education Internal Data Resources Lands End MedSolutions Internal Revenue Service Legacy Investments Medtronic Intuit Lexile MedVenture Technology ISIS - Vanderbilt Lexmark Mehlman Vogel Castagnetti Inc. ISN/ISNetworld Life Point Hospitals Memphis Teacher Residency Life Spine Mental Health Cooperative LifeCell Corp Mercedes Benz US International Jackson National Life Insurance Company LifeScan Mercer Lifeway Christian Resources Mercer Capital Jacobs Engineering Group Lightning 100 Merck Jefferies & Company LightWave Solar Electric Meridian Technologies Jefferson Lab Littlejohn Engineering Associates Messer Construction Co. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Lockheed Martin Corporation Metavante Johns Manville Logan Aluminum Metova, Inc. Logos Energy Intelligent Safety Solutions Intelligentsia International, Inc. --J-J.Crew MedAssets Medquist Johnson & Johnson Longent Metro Atlanta Teacher Recruitment Consortium Johnson Controls L'Oreal Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools Johnson Electric Louisiana Pacific Michael Kors JPMorgan Chase Bank Lowes Microarrays --K-Katcher Vaughn & Bailey Lucasfilm Microsoft Corporation Kaufman Hall Lucite International Kellog Brown & Root Lucky Duck Productions Kimberly-Clark Midwest Accident Reconstruction Services, L.C. Lucifer Lighting MIPI Missile Defense Agency Kimley-Horn and Associates --M-MAC Presents MIT Lincoln Laboratory Kinetic Mailshell KLA-Tencor Makena Capital Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt Krauth Electric Mobius Motors Manhattan Associates Monsanto Krispy Kreme Doughnut Corp. Manuel Zeitlin Architects Morgan Keegan & Company, Inc. Kroger Co. Morgan Stanley KY - Bowling Green City Schools MARS Motorola KY - Christian County Public Schools Mars & Co Consulting Mountain Group Capital KY - Covington Independent Public Schools Mars Petcare mSight Mobile MAX Mobility Metropolitan Transit Authority (Nashville MTA) KY - Daviess County Public Schools KY - Fayette County Public Schools KY - Hardin County Schools KY - Henderson County Schools KY - Hickman County Board of Education KY - Jefferson County Public Schools KY - Nelson County Schools KY - Scott County School District KY - Trigg County Public Schools Maxim Health Solutions MTM Music Management Mayo Clinic Mayor's Office of Environment and Sustainability MTV Murphy USA McDermott Will & Emery Music Starts Here McGraw-Hill Education McKesson --N-NA Industries McKinsey & Company NAS Recruitment McLemore Auction Company NASA Electronic Parts & Packaging McNeely, Pigott & Fox NASA Glenn Research Center VANDERBILT CAREER C E N T E R | 23 NASA Marshall Space Flight Center NOC2 and C3 Healthcare Performance Friction Corp. NASCO Nordstrom Personified Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce North Carolina Department of Transportation Perspectives Charter Schools Nashville Convention & Visitor Bureau Northrop Grumman Corporation PharmaSys, Inc. Nashville Electric Service (NES) Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Philips Electronics North America Northwestern University Medill School of Journalism Physicians Mutual Nashville Film Festival Nashville Health Care Council Nashville Lifestyles Magazine Nashville Mobile Market Nashville Opera Nashville Predators Nashville Preparatory Nashville Sounds Baseball Pfizer Inc. PhysAssist Scribes Inc. Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc. Piedmont Natural Gas NY - Rochester City School District Piramal --O-Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education Pittsburg Health Corps - AmeriCorps Pizza Hut Polo Ralph Lauren Oak Ridge National Laboratory PolyOne Corporation Oceans Research PowerPlan Consultants, Inc. Ochsner PPG Ogilvy & Mather Premiere Radio Network OgilvyOne Worldwide PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Ohio Aerospace Institute Procter & Gamble O-I Programming Resources Inc. National Guard Products Oliver Wyman Progress Rail Services National Health Care for the Homeless Council OmniPoint, Inc. Project Horseshoe Farms One Stop Digital ProSys Information Systems National Institutes of Health Onlife Health Solutions Proteus Technologies, LLC National Instruments OptumInsight Protherics National Journalism Center Orchard Hiltz McCliment (OHM) Protiviti National Oilwell Varco ORISE Provider Trust Navsea Warfare Centers-Crane Division Orthovita Pulse Marketing Oschner Health System Purina Naxos of America Nashville Sports Council Nashville Symphony Nashville Teaching Fellows Nashville Technology Council National CASA Association National Collegiate Scouting Association OSHA-LIANT Putnam Associates NBCUniversal Osiris Therapeutics NC3 OSIsoft --Q-Qualitest Pharmaceuticals Neel-Schaffer, Inc. Owen Graduate School of Management -Vanderbilt University Neiman Marcus Nestle USA, Inc. NetShape Technologies --P-Pacific Gas & Electric Company New Constructs Panda Restaurant Group, Inc. New LifeStyles, Inc Pandora New Teacher Project Paradigm Group New Vision Academy Parallon Business Solutions New Wind Partners Healthcare Group New York Life Passport Health New York Post Pathfinder Therapeutics, Inc. News America Marketing Patrick Engineering Inc Nexant Pattonville R-III School District NicePak Peace Corps Nike Peer Health Exchange Nissan North America 24 | V A N D E R B I L T Peoplefluent CAREER CENTER Quality Manufacturing Systems, Inc. Quorum Health Resources --R-R.O.W. Group RaceTrac Rachael Canter Radiance Technologies Radsource Ragan-Smith Raymond James & Associates Raytheon Real Time Innovations Reata Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Red Light Management Regions Revive Public Relations Sotheby's The Buckle, Inc Revolution Prep-Ivy Insiders Southern Company The Clinton Foundation RFD-TV Southern Education Foundation The Clorox Company Rights Flow Southern Teachers Agency (STA) The Coca-Cola Company Rite Aid Southwest Airlines Co. The Corkery Group Roark Capital Spirit AeroSystems, Inc. Roche Diagnostics Sports 4 All Foundation The Corporate Executive Board Company Rockwell Automation Sprint Nextel Corporation The Dow Chemical Company RPM Management St. Jude Children's Research Hospital The Edson Scribe Group RTI International Standard Functional Foods Group The Guggenheim Foundation Ryder System, Inc. Starcom USA The Heritage Group Ryman Auditorium State Farm Insurance The Nielsen Company Stephens Inc. The Spot Marketing Group Stonestreet One The Sunday School Publishing Board SAIC, Inc. Strand Associates, Inc. The U.S. Army Contracting Command Sandia National Laboratories Stryker Corporation The Washington Center Sanofi-Aventis U.S. LLC Summit Partners Sara Lee Corporation SunTrust Robinson Humphrey The Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM) Sarah Cannon Research Institute Surgical Care Affiliates, LLC --S-Sageworks, Inc. Sauer-Danfoss Savannah College of Art and Design Synchrogenix: Pharmaceutical Writing Services The Army Aviation and Missile Research, Development, and Engineering Center (AMRDEC) The Boeing Company Synechron The Sherwin-Williams Company Third Avenue Management Schlumberger Limited --T-T. Rowe Price Schneider Electric Taillight TV Thomas Nelson Publishers Schreiber Foods, Inc. Take Care Health Systems Thorne Scripps Networks Interactive, Inc. Target Ticketmaster Sean Buck Teach For America Time Inc. Second Harvest Food Bank Teach Kentucky Tinney Gallery ServiceMaster Teach NYC TKO Artist Management SESAC Teach Tennessee TN - Bedford County Department of Education Sawaya Segalas & Co., LLC Schering-Plough Research Institute Thirty Tigers Shareable Ink Corporation Teen Vogue/Conde Nast Shell Oil Company Teknetex Shire Telemundo Communications Group TN - Cheatham County Board of Education TN - Clarksville Montgomery County Schools Shoney's Telomere Biosciences, Inc. Shoreline Gas, LLC Ten Ten Music Group Inc SHOUTAmerica The Tennessean TN - Coffee County Board of Education Tennessee Center for Policy Research TN - Cumberland County School District Tennessee Department of General Services TN - Dickson County Schools SilverStaff, Inc. Simplex Healthcare Tennessee Department of Health TN - Franklin Special School District Skanska USA Tennessee Office of the Governor TN - Giles County School District Small Bone Innovations, Inc. Tennessee Valley Authority Smith & Nephew plc The Advisory Board Company TN - Hamblen County Department of Education Smith Seckman Reid, Inc. The American Cancer Society TN - Hamilton County Schools Smithsonian Institute The Boston Consulting Group Sole Supports The Brooks Group Siemens Healthcare Signal Hill Capital Group LLC Sony Music Entertainment TN - Franklin County School District TN - Jackson-Madison County School System TN - Johnson City Schools VANDERBILT CAREER C E N T E R | 25 TN - Kingsport City Schools Turner Construction Company Vanguard Health Systems TN - Knox County Schools Turner Universal Varian TN - Lawrence County School District TN - Macon County School District --U-U.S. Air Force Science and Engineering Civilian Careers TN - Manchester City Schools U.S. Army Corps of Engineers TN - Marshall County Schools U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM) TN - Lebanon Special School District TN - Metro Nashville Public Schools TN - Murfreesboro City Schools Verizon Wireless Volkswagen VWR International --W-Wacker Chemical Corporation Walgreen Co. U.S. Army Space and Missile Wal-Mart TN - Putnam County School District U.S. Chemical Safety & Hazard Investigation Board Warner Music Group TN - Roane County School System U.S. Department of State WBBJ-TV TN - Robertson County Board of Education U.S. Environmental Protections Agency Wedlake Industries TN - Rutherford County Board of Education U.S. Food and Drug Administration TN - New Visions Academy TN - Shelby County Schools TN - Soulsville Foundation TN - Sumner County Schools TN - Tipton County Board of Education Ubisoft Entertainment UBS Financial Services Uloop Ultrinsic Motivator, Inc. United Airlines TN - Warren County School District United Neighborhood Health Services TN - Williamson County Schools United States Naval Officer Programs TN - Wilson County School System UnitedHealth Group Wattles Fellowship Westat Inc. Westinghouse Electric Company Westlake Chemical Whiting Turner William Morris Endeavor Wipro Wishard Health Services WKRN News 2 Wright Medical WSMV Channel 4 News TN Media Solutions Universal Health Services, Inc. TN Performing Arts Center (TPAC) Universal Lighting Technologies Toshiba Universal Truckload Services, Inc. Winona State University/Independent School District 535 Graduate Induction Program Total Joint Orthopedics University Directories Wyndham Vacation Resorts Tour Guide Publications Uniworld Group WZTV FOX 17 Towers Watson Unum Toyota Financial Services Urban Outfitters --Y-Y-12 National Security Complex Toyota Motor Manufacturing North America Urban Science YES Prep Public Schools URS Corporation Younger Associates Trane USDA, APHIS, PPQ Youth Villages --V-VA St. Louis Health Care System Yum Brands! Triage Consulting Group Trimble Navigation Trinity Consultants Valspar TriTek Solutions Triticom Truveo TS3 Vanderbilt Dayani Center for Health and Wellness ZenithOptimedia Vanderbilt Institute for Medicine and Public Health ZoomEssence Tuned In Broadcasting, Inc. Vanderbilt Office of Federal Relations Tunewiki Vanderbilt School of Medicine Turner Broadcasting System (TBS) Vanderbilt University Medical Center 26 | V A N D E R B I L T CAREER --Z-Zeledyne CENTER Zimmer, Inc. ZS Associates