Total number of pages : 6 Grade 10 __ __ English Term 1 Final Term 01 Date:___/ ____ / 2014 Revision Reading Comprehension A. Refer back to the essay “The Teacher Who Changed My Life” to complete the following chart. the writer of the essay: the writer’s background: main events that shaped his future: his achievements: people that influenced his life: his thesis for writing the essay: 1415_RS_T1_G10_En_WFi 1415_RS_T1_G10_En_WFi B. Refer back to the story “Everyday Use” to answer the following questions. 1. What is the self image of the mother? Explain how her sense of her real self contrasts with her day dreams. 2. Explain the contrasting history of the two siblings in a short paragraph of three or four sentences. What is significant in their past? 3. Explain the mother’s view of Dee and her companion. 4. Why has Dee dressed up in African attire and changed her name to Wnagero? 5. Discuss the mother’s and sister’s reactions to Dee’s new persona, “Wangero.” 6. What do the quilts symbolize? Page 2 of 6 1415_RS_T1_G10_En_WFi 7. Why does Mrs. Johnson decide to stand up to Dee and not allow her to take the quilts at the end of the story? 8. Why do you think Maggie is so content at the end? 9. From what point of view is the story told? Who is the narrator? Grammar A. Fill in the gaps with a word of your own. The word can be: a verb, an adjective, or a noun. Then in the space provided next to each sentence, write the part of speech of the word, which you have used. 1. Mama _________ in the yard for Dee’s arrival. ( 2. Maggie is __________ of her scars and burns as she is________ of Dee’s arrival. ( ) 3. Mama ________ about the reunion scenes shown on television programs. ( ) 4. Sometimes Mama imagines reuniting with Dee in a similar_________. ( ) ) 5. Dee watched the _________engulf the house she despised. ( ) 6. Mama resented the __________ world of ideas and education that Dee forced on her family. ( ) 7. Dee ___________ from the car with Hakim-a-barber. ( 8. Mama __________of the strange man’s presence. ( ) ) Page 3 of 6 1415_RS_T1_G10_En_WFi 9. Mama resents Dee’s dress and ___________. ( ) 10. Dee’s________ greets and tries to hug Maggie. ( B. Underline the action verb once and the linking verb twice in each of the following sentences. 1. Dee gets a camera from the car to take a few pictures of Mama and Maggie. 2. Dee seems to have changed her name to Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo. 3. Dee ransacks the trunk at the foot of Mama’s bed, reappearing with two quilts made by her mother, aunt, and grandmother. 4. The quilts contain small pieces of garments worn by relatives all the way back to the Civil War. 5. The quilts are priceless and vintage. 6. The two sisters have different views of what to do with the quilts. 7. Maggie looks like a lame animal. 8. Dee looked stylish and elegant in the way she had dressed up. 9. Mama reflects nostalgically on the old days. 10. Maggie turned pale upon Dee’s arrival. ) Page 4 of 6 1415_RS_T1_G10_En_WFi Writing Do you agree with the way the family conflict is resolved? Why or why not? Write an essay that reveals your opinion. Support your opinion with reasons and examples. Remark: use your vocabulary list to include at least 8 words as you write your essay. Page 5 of 6 1415_RS_T1_G10_En_WFi Page 6 of 6