Title: “Everyday Use” Setting Mood Exposition Rising Action Climax Resolution Flat/Round In the rural south, around the 1950s Fast paced when Dee is demanding all of the objects When Mama and Maggie are waiting for Dee to arrive When Dee starts to ask for all of the farm antiques When Mama tells Dee that she could take some of the other quilts, but not the ones that Maggie had asked for When Dee and Hakim-a-barber leave Mama - round (hardworking, caring, hefty) Dee - round (greedy, pretty, self-centered, most educated of the family) Maggie - round (nice, hardworking, country, not selfish, educated but not very well) Hakim-a-barber - flat (short and stocky, long hair, reserved, eats like a vegetarian) Dynamic/Static Mama - dynamic (stood up to Dee at the end) Dee – static (she is greedy throughout the entire story) Maggie – static (remains shy and unselfish throughout the story) Hakim-a-barber – static (does not intervene in the family disputes) Direct/Indirect Mama – direct (pgs.117-last paragraph continued onto pg. 118) Dee – some is direct (pgs. 118 –second column 1st paragraph continuing onto pg. 119) and some is indirect (greedy when she asked for the objects) Maggie – Direct Hakim-a-barber – both direct (pg. 120-when he gets out of the car) and indirect (when they eat) Narrator First-person (Mama) Tone Very descriptive of the characters Voice Southern vocabulary Irony Dee expects to get everything but is thwarted by Mama Symbolism The quilts – everyday items that we take for granted