ACADEMIC AFFAIRS OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR Compass Course Attributes Any questions may be directed to Code Description CAPP 010 011 020 021 030 031 040 041 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y BIE1 Texas Core Communication Texas Core Communication II Texas Core Mathematics Texas Core Mathematics II Texas Core Natural Science Texas Core Natural Science II Texas Core Humanities Texas Core Humanities II Texas Core Visual/Performing Arts Texas Core Visual/Perf. Arts II Texas Core History Texas Core History II Texas Core Political Science Texas Core Political Science II Texas Core Social/Behav Science Texas Core Soc/Behav Science II Texas Core - Institutional Option BA Int'l Elective group 1 Y BIE2 BIE3 BA Int'l Elective group 2 BA Int'l Elective group 3 Y Y 050 051 060 061 070 071 080 081 090 BIO1 Limitation BIOL 111, 113, 123 Y Y Y Y Y Y CAPP Use Used as Restriction Other Use Used in State Core Curriculum Check Y Y Y Y Marks courses which will count for the Mays Business School International Elective groups. Limits BIOL 111, 113 and 123 use in BMCB, BIOL, MBIO and ZOOL degree programs. Also used in the UN-CPSC area. Program Area Updated—July 2009 DIVISION OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR Compass Course Attributes Code Description CAPP BIO2 Limitation BIOL 112, 114, 124 Y CHE1 Limit CHEM 101,103,107,111,113 Y CHE2 Limit CHEM 102,104,112,114 Y CHE3 Limitation CHEM 485/491 Y CITZ Citizenship Y COOP CORR Limits BIOL 112, 114 and 124 use in BMCB, BIOL, MBIO and ZOOL degree programs. Also used in the UN-CPSC area. Limits CHEM 101, 103, 107, 111 and 113 use in APMS, CHEM and MATH degree programs. Limits CHEM 102, 104, 112 and 114 use in APMS, CHEM and MATH degree programs. Limits CHEM 485 and 491 use in CHEM degree programs. Marks courses which count toward the university citizenship requirement. Used as Restriction Other Use Program Area Program Program Program Co-operative Education Correspondence Study Y D2 Directed Elective II Y D3 Directed Elective III Y D4 Directed Elective IV Y DE Directed Elective Y DEVL DIST CAPP Use Marks courses which count toward the limit of Correspondence courses that may be used by undergraduate students. Place holder attribute, preventing courses from fulfilling the directed elective requirements. When the department submits the DE courses, Degree Audit will do a student adjustment to remove the attribute and add the required courses. Program Developmental course Distance Education Updated—July 2009 DIVISION OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR Compass Course Attributes Code Description DIVE Diving Course EXTN Extension Course CAPP Y CAPP Use Placed on diving courses to limit the number of these credits which will count for the MARB degree program. Used as Restriction Other Use Area Marks Greek courses which count for the first half of the required one year of foreign language. Marks Greek courses which count for the second half of the required one year of foreign language. Marks Greek courses which count for the first half of the BA's degree required second year of foreign language. Marks Greek courses which count for the second half of the BA's degree required second year of foreign language. Marks advance undergraduate Greek courses which count for the BA's degree required second year of foreign language. FG11 Foreign Lang (1st yr, 1st term) Y FG12 Foreign Lang (1st yr, 2nd term) Y FG21 Foreing Lang (2nd yr, 1st term) Y FG22 Foreign Lang (2nd yr, 2nd term) Y FG3 Foreign Lang (elect) Y FL11 Foreign Lang (1st yr, 1st term) Y Marks courses which count for the first half of the required one year of foreign language. FL12 Foreign Lang (1st yr, 2nd term) Y Marks courses which count for the second half of the required one year of foreign language. Updated—July 2009 DIVISION OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR Compass Course Attributes Code Description CAPP FL21 Foreing Lang (2nd yr, 1st term) Y FL22 Foreign Lang (2nd yr, 2nd term) Y FL3 Foreign Lang (elect) Y FLD Field Experience GENE HFT HIC1 HIC2 HONR INAB LGEL Limitation GENE 301, 302, 320 Y KINE - Health & Fitness Y Huma & ICD for COSC group 1 Huma & ICD for COSC group 2 Honors Y Y CAPP Use Used as Restriction Other Use Marks courses which count for the first half of the BA's degree required second year of foreign language. Marks courses which count for the second half of the BA's degree required second year of foreign language. Marks advance undergraduate courses which count for the BA's degree required second year of foreign language. Limits GENE 301, 302 and 320 use in BIOL, BMCB and ZOOL degree programs. Attribute on KINE199 Health and Fitness sections taken at TAMU between fall 1999 and spring 2001. This attribute allows the course to count for the KINE198 university requirement. Program Marks courses which will count for the BS COSC Humanities & ICD requirement. Y Used on course requirements in the BHNR-HNR programs. Y Limits GEOL 101, 103 and 104 use in ENGS, GEOG, GEOL, GEOP and METR degree programs. Indicates an honors section. In Absentia Limitation GEOL courses Program Updated—July 2009 DIVISION OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR Compass Course Attributes Code Description CAPP LIMP Limitation PHED,AERS,MLSC,NVSC Y LKN1 Limitation of KINE 199 Y LKN2 Limitation of KINE 483 Y LMAT Limitation MATH 141/166 Y LMT1 Limitation MATH131,151,171,142 Y LMT2 Limitation MATH 151/171 Y LMT3 Limitation Math 152/172 Y LMTD Limited Use on Degree Plan Y MAMM Mammal Course Y NSEP OFF CAPP Use Placed on courses to limit their use in degree programs. Limits the number of KINE 199 courses a student can apply to a degree program. Limits the number of KINE 483 courses a student can apply to a degree program. Limits MATH 141/166 use in various degree programs. Limits MATH 131, 151, 171 and 142 use in various degree programs. Limits MATH 151/171 use in CHEM degree programs. Limits MATH 152/172 use in CHEM degree programs. Limits 481, 482, 485 and 491 use on degree programs. Placed on mammal courses to limit the number of these credits which will count for the MARB degree program. Used as Restriction Other Use Program Program Program Program Program Program Area National Student Exchange Prog Off-Campus Updated—July 2009 DIVISION OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR Compass Course Attributes Code PKIN Description Transfer KINE 199 prior to adm PPIP REEX REMD Public Policy Internship Prog. Recip. Exch. Holding Course Remedial course SABR Study Abroad TAAP TCRT Texas Aggie Access Program Teacher Certification CAPP CAPP Use Y Used for students whose admit term was prior to 200931. If the student took 2 KINE 199 equivalents, this attribute will be placed on the second KINE 199 to allow the course to stasify the KINE 198 requirement. Y Used for courses that must be taken abroad to satisfy a degree requirement. TXHS Texas History Y UCOM Univ Req-Communication (UCOM) Y UCRT Univ Req-Oral Communication Y UHST Univ Req-US History (UHST) Y UHUM Univ Req-Humanities (UHUM) Y Used as Restriction Other Use Indicates HIST Texas history courses which will count for part of the university US history requirement Marks courses which fulfill the university communication requirement Marks courses which fulfill the university oral communication requirement. Marks courses which fulfill the university US history requirement Marks courses which fulfill the university humanities requirement Updated—July 2009 DIVISION OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR Compass Course Attributes Code Description CAPP UICD Univ Req-Int'l&Cult Div (UICD) Y UMAT Univ Req-Mathematics/ Logic Y USC1 Univ Req-Nat Sci Tier 1 (USC1) Y USC2 Univ Req-Nat Sci Tier2 (USC2) Y USSC Univ Req-Soc & Beh Sci (USSC) Y UVPA Univ Req-Vis&Perf Arts (UVPA) Y UWRT Univ Req-Writing Intensive Y X3PT Exclude from 3-peat XDRP Exclude from Drop Limit CAPP Use Used as Restriction Other Use Marks courses which fulfill the university ICD requirement Marks courses which fulfill the university math requirement Marks courses which fulfill the university tier 1 natural science requirement Marks courses which fulfill the university tier 2 natural science requirement Marks courses which fulfill the university social science requirement Marks courses which fulfill the university VPA requirement Marks courses which fulfill the university writing intensive requirement State Core Curriculum attribute which excludes a course from Three-Peat fee processing. State Core Curriculum attribute which excludes a course from counting in the state drop limit. YGR1 Applied to first graduate deg Y YGR2 Applied to second graduate deg Y Placed on courses used for the first graduate degree to exclude them from applying to subsequent graduate degrees Placed on courses used toward a second graduate degree to exclude them from applying to subsequent graduate degrees. Program Program Updated—July 2009 DIVISION OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR Compass Course Attributes Code Description CAPP YGR3 Applied to third graduate deg Y YGR4 Applied to fourth graduate deg Y YGR5 Applied to fifth graduate deg Y YIRS Combination Limitation:684/691 Y CAPP Use Placed on courses used toward a third graduate degree to exclude them from applying to subsequent graduate degrees. Placed on courses used toward a fourth graduate degree to exclude them from applying to subsequent graduate degrees. Placed on courses used toward a fifth graduate degree to exclude them from applying to subsequent graduate degrees. Attribute on all graduate level internship and research courses which limits the combination of 684/691 which may be used toward a graduate degree. Used as Restriction Other Use Program Program Program Area Updated—July 2009