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(1) Frontal (coronal)
(2) Transverse;
1) mRNA is made on the DNA template
2) mRNA attaches to the ribosome, and translation begins
3) tRNA recognizes a complementary mRNA codon calling for its amino acid by binding via its
anticodon to the codon.
4) As the ribosome moves along the mRNA, a new amino acid is added to the growing peptide
5) Released tRNA reenters the cytoplasmic pool
If you wish to make a drawing of a section through the
human body that showed the heart and both of the lungs,
your section could be in which of the following planes?
sequence of the following events of
protein synthesis?
abdominal organs
When the body is subject to physical trauma, such as
in an automobile accident, which organs are the most
vulnerable to injury (homeostatic imbalance)?
When a substance, that is dissolved in water, releases
hydrogen ions (H+) in detectable amounts, and tends to
lower the pH of the resulting solution, that substance is
termed a(n):
Adenine, uracil, guanine, and
Which bases are found in RNA?
adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
A cell's energy requirements are met by releasing bond energy from
certain high-energy phosphate-bonds. The break-down of one of
the compounds listed below provides an abundant, readily available
source of energy. This compound is
adipose tissue
It functions as an insulator and
all the chemical reactions in body
Metabolism is:
Alternating deoxyribose sugar and
phosphate groups.
If the DNA molecule resembles a twisted
ladder, which chemical units form the sides
of the ladder?
When the centromeres divide and the chromosomes
begin to migrate to opposite poles of the mitotic
spindle, the mitotic stage is called:
Place the following in correct sequence from simplest to
most complex:
(1) Molecules; (2) Atoms; (3) Tissues; (4) Cells; (5) Organ
calcium and phosphorus
The salts of many metal elements are commonly found in
the body, but the most plentiful salts are those containing:
calcium and phosphorus
chemical level
The simplest level of organization on
the "structural ladder" is the:
The genetic material in the "resting"
(i.e. non-dividing) cell is/are termed:
connective tissue
It is usually composed of a large
amount of extracellular matter.
the cranial cavity and the spinal
The dorsal body cavity is divided into
two subdivisions. They are
decomposition reaction
Glycogen → Glucose is an example of
which pattern of chemical reaction?
Dehydration synthesis
are formed by which type of reaction?
Passage of materials across the plasma membrane
from a region of high concentration to one of lower
concentration is termed:
re formed when two simple sugars are joined
and a water molecule is lost, a process known
as "dehydration synthesis."
When dissolved in body fluids, salts easily
separate into their ions. What is this process
division of the cytoplasm
Cytokinesis is the name of the process
within a cell that describes the:
DNA composed of
The phosphate groups together with the
deoxyribose sugars form the sides of the
double layer of phospholipids with proteins
floating throughout the membrane
plasma membranes are composed of
ducts of glands
Simple cuboidal epithelium lines
The term _______ refers to a unique
substance that cannot be decomposed or
broken down into simpler substances.
endocrine glands
-They are ductless glands.
-They are glands that diffuse their products directly into
the bloodstream to be carried to target tissues.
-They are glands that produce hormones.
endocrine system.
The thymus gland is part of which of
the following?
endocrine; hormones
The _______ is the body's slow-acting
control system and acts by means of
endoplasmic reticulum
Which of the following forms the minicirculatory system in the cytoplasm of the
endoplasmic reticulum
suited for material distribution within the cell due to its
association with the plasma membrane and nuclear
membrane, and its extension throughout the cytoplasm.
organic catalysts.
The tissue that covers the body surfaces, lines
its cavities, and forms glands is the _______
_______ tissue forms sheet-like tissues
which line vessels, cover the body, and form
Blood clotting is an example of a typical
negative feedback mechanism.
The digestive system, reproductive system, and
endocrine system are examples of organs.
TRUE/FALSE A sagittal section divides the
body into anterior and posterior parts.
TRUE/FALSE Is thinking a necessary
life function?
Golgi apparatus
The modification and packaging of proteins
and their transport to the cell membrane for
secretion is the role of the:
The conversion of sucrose to glucose and
fructose is accomplished by which type of
The right and left _______ regions flank the
epigastric region and contain the lower ribs.
Which of the following systems is involved in maintaining
the boundaries of the body so that the inside remains
distinct from the outside?
Interstitial fluid
All materials exchanged between the blood
and the cell must first pass through the
______, which surrounds all body cells.
interstitial fluid.
All exchanges between cells and the
blood are made through:
The cheeks are ____ to the tongue.
Left hypochondriac region.
The spleen is usually found in which
abdominopelvic region?
Which system complements the
circulatory system and involves the
cell organelles that contain powerful digestive
enzymes that work within the cell. They are especially
abundant in phagocytic white blood cells
Mechanical work
The activation by ATP of contractile proteins
in muscle cells is an example of which type of
ATP-driven cellular work?
A cell in which the chromosomes are lining up at the
center of the spindle midway between the centrioles
is in which mitotic phase?
The organelle responsible for the power
supply (i.e. ATP production) of the cell is the
the more hydrogen ions (H+) ions it
The more acidic a solution is
The passing of blood through the
body is part of which body function?
Neutral fats or triglycerides.
They are found in fat deposits and are the
major source of stored energy in the body.
Which of the following are composed of two
types of building blocks: fatty acids and
Neutrons and protons
The nucleus of an atom is the location of
which kinds of subatomic particles?
a nitrogen-containing base, a pentose
sugar, and a phosphate group.
Nucleotides, the building blocks of
nucleic acids, are made up of
Nonpolar covalent bonds
What bonds are formed when
electrons are shared equally?
The chromatin occurs as a loose network of "bumpy
threads" that is scattered throughout the________of
a non-dividing cell. It is made of DNA and proteins
The number of saccharide molecules
What is the difference between
glucose, sucrose, and glycogen?
A group of tissues working together
for a specific function form a(n):
Organic catalyst
The movement of water across a
selectively permeable membrane is
outermost; valence
The only electrons that are important when considering
bonding behavior are those in the _______ shell. This
shell is called the _______ shell.
oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and
The most common elements in the
human body are:
This is an active transport process involving the engulfing
of solutions containing lipids or proteins that are not
normally permeable to the plasma membrane. It is
sometimes termed "cell drinking."
The uptake of liquids that contain dissolved
proteins or fats into a cell occurs because of:
the position in which the body is erect, facing
front with feet parallel and arms hanging at
the sides with the palms facing forward.
Anatomical position is:
Potential and kinetic.
All forms of energy exhibit which of
the following work capacities?
provide a form of chemical energy
that is usable by all body cells.
The function of ATP is to
Which term is defined as being close to the
origin of the body part or the point of
attachment of a limb to the body trunk?
Radiant energy
Light energy, which stimulates the retinas in
our eyes, is important in vision. This is an
example of which type of energy?
regeneration and fibrosis
The two major processes of wound
healing are:
If one part of the body produces a substance
to be used by another part of the body, that
substance is called a/an:
functions of epithelial tissue?
Simple squamous
Which of the following types of epithelial tissue
usually forms membranes where filtration, or
exchange of substances by diffusion, occurs?
simple squamous epithelium
The epithelium that forms serous
membranes is called
small intestine
Simple columnar epithelium can be
found lining the
Stratified squamous epithelium
In an area where an epithelium is subjected
to considerable wear and tear, you would
expect to find
the sum of the chemical reactions
that occur in the body.
Metabolism is best described as:
the sum of the chemical reactions that occur
in the body.
superior and inferior
1. A transverse plane divides the body
into _______ segments.
Most of the reactions that take place for the body to
repair damaged tissues are classified as which of the
following type of chemical reaction?
tight junctions
In _______, adjacent plasma membranes
fuse together tightly, like a zipper.
A group of cells of the same type form
Tissue level
Smooth muscle is an example of which
level of structural organization?
Transitional epithelium
found wherever the body needs an epithelium
which will be subjected to considerable
Exchange reactions involve both synthesis
and decomposition reactions
TRUE/FALSE The thoracic body cavity is the
superior cavity in the ventral cavity.
TRUE/FALSE The term medial is a direction
toward or at the midline of the body.
TRUE/FALSE The brain and spinal column
are both found in the dorsal cavity.
TRUE/FALSE The skeletal system consists of
bones, cartilages, ligaments, and joints.
The urinary system
Which system regulates the acid-base
balance of the blood?
The most abundant inorganic compound
found in the human body is
Do antibodies contain amino acids