UCF Foundation Strategic Plan

University of Central Florida Foundation
Strategic Plan Extension 2005-2007
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Executive Summary
3. Vision, Mission, Values
3.1 Vision and Mission
3.2 Values
4. Constituent Cultivation
4.1 UCF Foundation Board of Directors
4.2 Donors and Prospects
4.3 Alumni
5. Resource Development
5.1 Annual Giving
5.2 Major Gifts
5.3 Planned Giving
5.4 Non-Gift Resources
6. Support Operations
6.1 Advancement Services
6.2 Donor Relations Services
6.3 Financial Management Services
7. Real Estate
8. Human Resources and Facilities
8.1 Human Resources
8.2 Facilities
The University of Central Florida Foundation, Inc. responds to the needs of the
university and continues as a direct support organization of the University of
Central Florida. The foundation collaborates and assists the university in
achieving its goals and objectives.
This document, the University of Central Florida Foundation, Inc. Strategic Plan
2005-2007 is a two-year extension plan. The previous strategic plan for 20002005 will be out of date by June 30, 2005. A new plan was needed to continue to
reflect the continued growth and progress of both the university and the
This document was created and developed by a team of managers who
represent various diverse groups of staff and volunteers directly responsible for
implementing the plan. The elements of the plan are simple in structure yet direct
in its intent, and the strategies are intentionally designed to serve as a working
document for staff and volunteers. The team, who invested countless hours of
their time and talents in creating this document, will continue to meet and design
a comprehensive program of action with measurable goals. In addition, strategic
thinking is never stagnant. New ideas constantly will emerge to be investigated
to strengthen the foundation’s position for the future.
2. Executive Summary
2.1 Vision
The central function of the foundation is to secure and manage charitable
resources for the university and always act with integrity and honesty. The
foundation is committed to being a premier university foundation that anticipates
and is responsive to the needs of the University of Central Florida.
2.2 Mission
This vision is carried out through relationship building between alumni, friends,
faculty, staff, and community partners. The foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable
non-profit organization and a direct support organization to the University of
Central Florida.
2.3 Values
The core values of the foundation include: excellence, teamwork, initiative,
creativity, diversity, communication, and ethics.
2.4 Constituent Cultivation
Each constituent group responds with resources for the university in its own
unique way. The constituent groups are divided into the following broad
categories: the foundation board of directors, donors and prospects, alumni and
friends. Every group has its own set of specific strategies, goals, and objectives.
The ultimate goal is to establish and sustain successful partnerships with internal
and external constituencies while advancing the goals of the university.
2.5 Resource Development
Resource development will focus on increasing charitable support in two major
A. Annual giving, major gifts, and planned gifts.
B. Non-gift resources such as real estate holdings and other business
Development Goals are:
A. Achieve and sustain total fiscal year charitable support at the $22,000,000
level by June 30, 2007.
B. Achieve an endowment fund of $100,000,000 by June 30, 2007.
2.6 Support Operations
Advancement services and financial management services are the two major
areas of foundation support operations.
The strategic areas for advancement services are: anticipating informational
technology needs, ensuring the integrity of the current systems, and improving
the foundation’s information systems
The strategy for financial management services is to effectively manage and
grow the assets of the foundation through excellence in service, ethical asset
management, and effective application of internal control processes and
2.7 Real Estate
The foundation will pursue real estate transactions that will benefit both the
foundation and the university. The overriding goal is to provide a plan for
expansion of real estate acquisitions that optimizes the foundation’s ability to
expand the holdings without jeopardizing the its fiscal status.
2.8 Human Resources
The foundation’s staff is paramount in facilitating each strategic initiative.
Responding to the rapid growth of the foundation, strategies relating to human
resources include anticipating and planning for human resource development to
accomplish the priorities of the university and the foundation.
2.9 Facility
The foundation will create a plan to anticipate the foundation’s facility needs to
benefit the current objectives and the future growth of the university and the
Vision and Mission
3.1 Vision:
The University of Central Florida Foundation is committed to being a premier
university foundation that anticipates and is responsive to the needs of the
University of Central Florida.
The foundation enhances relationships with alumni, friends, faculty, staff, and
community partners. The foundation secures and manages charitable resources
for the university and always acts with integrity and honesty.
The University of Central Florida Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable
non-profit organization and a direct support organization of the University of
Central Florida.
3.2 Values
Exceed expectations and strive for excellence.
Develop a team-oriented group that values staff and
Anticipate needs.
Be creative, innovative, and resourceful.
Respect diversity and inclusion of cultures, ideas and
Communicate openly and honestly.
Always act ethically.
Constituent Cultivation
Each constituent group leverages resources for the university in its own unique
way. They perform related but distinct roles. Successful partnerships with internal
and external constituencies result in mutually beneficial exchanges and advance
the goals of the University.
4.1 UCF Foundation Board of Directors
4.1A Strategy:
Enlist a board membership of alumni and friends who are respected leaders
of business and industry.
4.1B Objective:
Expand the role of the directorship committee within the foundation to recruit
talented and influential new board members who will assist the foundation in
meeting the goals of support to UCF.
4.1C Strategy:
Develop a board that possesses cultural and ethnic diversity and that
encourages diversity of thoughts.
4.1D Objective:
Assess the ethnic diversity, gender, geographic, and professional composition
of the board; and develop plans to improve the shortcomings of the findings.
4.1E Strategy:
Engage each director in donor development, committee participation and
personal philanthropy.
4.1F Strategy:
Recruit informed volunteers for the purpose of leveraging individual and
corporate resources.
4. 2 Donors and Prospects:
4.2A Strategy:
Communicate clearly to prospects and donors the role and objectives of the
foundation in its support of the university.
4.2B Objective:
Enhance donor support by better informing prospects and donors about the
compelling needs of the university.
4.2C Strategy:
Acknowledge and continually inform donors of the positive impact made by
their gifts.
4.2D Objective:
Improve stewardship and enhance future donor commitments through
increased knowledge of the outcomes.
4.2E Strategy:
Establish and maintain mutually beneficial relationships with corporate
partners in the corporate matrix.
4.2F Objectives:
1) Facilitate future corporate donor involvement.
2) Identify and cultivate corporate partners to engage in the investment of
human capital, technical equipment and financial resources.
3) Invite corporate partners to join in an enhanced institutional relationship
through the corporate matrix, which will target members for increased
involvement in foundation and college-based activities.
4.3 Alumni
The UCF Alumni Association is committed to assist, advise and support the
university in achieving its mission. In support of this commitment, the alumni
association develops and enhances the lives of UCF alumni, parents, students
and friends through a mutually beneficial relationship with the university.
4.3A Strategy:
Actively increase alumni membership.
4.3B Objectives:
1) Offer a variety of high quality and innovative activities, programs and
services that meet the needs and interest of all alumni.
2) Determine alumni expectations, considering various professional and
demographic groups.
3) Design events, programs, and services to meet expressed needs.
4) Create programs that highlight diversity of cultures, ideas, and people.
5) Involve and empower alumni in leadership and in the organization.
6) Evaluate participation in programs and activities, and utilization of services.
4.3C Strategy:
Further develop effective communication with alumni to gain advocates for
4.3D Objectives:
1) Continue to enhance the quality and distribution level of Pegasus
2) Further develop the usage of Inside Scoop and the weekly e-newsletter.
3) Partner with Harris Direct in enhancing all features of ucfalumni.com while
continuing to capture the maximum number of alumni e-mail addresses
4) Further develop the usage of targeted direct mail when financially
4.3E Strategy:
Continue to partner with the office of development to increase alumni giving
on an annual basis.
4.3F Objectives:
1) Through more personal contact and volunteer involvement, focus on
common affiliations, such as classes, schools and clubs.
2) Using more communication concerning needs and value of gifts, create a
two-way education process between students and alumni,
3) Helping alumni understand that their gifts make a difference and
communicating to students the sources of their support.
4) Using the latest technological methods, make it easier to give.
5) Partner with advancement services to maintain the highest quality alumni
database that is accurate, current and accessible.
4.3G Strategy:
Serve as the catalyst for fostering a seamless transition between students
and alumni.
4.3H Objectives:
1) Brand the alumni association name on every program, service, donation
and event that we sponsor, both on and off campus.
2) Ensure the alumni association is introduced in the orientation process with
incoming students.
3) Ensure growth in the 4-Ever-Knights student organization.
4) Increase the frequency of services and programs offered to graduating
5) Ensure close relationships between chapters/clubs, especially the Young
Alumni Chapter, and graduating seniors.
Resource Development
Resource development is achieved through:
A. Annual giving, major gifts and planned gifts from individuals,
corporations, private foundations and organizations. A broad mix of
donors with a wide range of giving levels will create a solid base of
philanthropic support to meet current and future priorities.
B. Non-gift resources may come from real estate holdings and other
business relationships. Non-gift resources are also essential to the
financial health of the foundation to provide for the priority needs of
Development Goals:
A. Achieve and sustain total fiscal year charitable support at the
$22,000,000 level by June 30, 2007.
B. Achieve an endowment fund of $100,000,000 by June 30, 2007.
5.1 Annual Giving
5.1A Strategy:
Increase annual charitable support from a broad base of donors. These gifts
are made at all levels and are renewable. It is the intent of the donors that
these gifts be utilized to meet the university’s immediate needs.
5.1B Goals:
1) Reach an annual giving level of $4,800,000 by June 30, 2007.
2) Achieve a total of 18,000 fiscal year contributors by June 30, 2007.
3) Attain a 65% renewal level of previous year donors by June 30, 2007.
5.1C Objectives:
1) Increase communication to prospects and donors regarding the needs of
the university and the value of their gifts.
2) In partnership with advancement services, use technology to make it
easier for donors to support the university.
3) Partner with the alumni association to market UCF Alumni Association
4) Partner with advancement services to maintain an accurate and
accessible donor database.
5) Actively market and maintain consistent recognition of membership in the
Loyalty Circle, a donor recognition society.
5.2 Major Gifts
5.2A Strategy:
Increase large charitable gifts (of $25,000 and more) from individuals,
corporations and foundations. These gifts are designated to focus on the
highest priority needs of the university and often reflect the common interests
of the donor and the university.
5.2B Goal:
Achieve a fiscal year total level of support of $16,500,000 by June 30, 2007.
5.2C Objectives:
1) Invest in wealth screening information provided by a nationally recognized
firm to assist in prospect identification.
2) Expand staff assigned to the prospect research area.
3) Increase utilization of volunteers in peer review sessions and solicitations.
5.2D Strategy:
Increase the number of qualified prospects through proactive research on
individuals, corporations, and foundations. Prospect research will be focused
on donors with the capacity to support the highest priority needs of the
university and who share common interests with the university.
5.2E Objectives:
1) Analyze and incorporate wealth-screening information.
2) Increase available resources to the prospect research area.
3) Develop comprehensive, proactive research processes.
4) Provide tools and information that support successful prospect
management of individuals, corporations, and foundations.
5.3 Planned Giving
Planned gifts can be the largest gifts a university receives and provide the
opportunity to establish a lasting legacy. Individuals who make gift commitments
through the estate planning process do so after careful consideration, and many
such gifts develop as a result of long, well-established relationships and
5.3A Goals:
1) Establish a cumulative total of planned gift expectancies at a face value of
$30,000,000 by June 30, 2007.
2) Establish a total of 400 members of the Charles Millican Society by June
30, 2007.
3) Establish 50% or more participation in planned gift commitments among
active and emeritus foundation board members by June 30, 2007.
5.3B Strategy:
Seek new planned giving commitments from all constituents including
referrals from allied professionals.
5.3C Objectives:
1) Continue to expand relationships with allied professionals through personal
calls to select professionals.
2) Participate actively in local estate planning organizations and conferences.
5.3D Strategy:
Increase stewardship of current planned giving donors.
5.3E Objectives:
1) Conduct an assessment of the wants and expectations of current planned
giving donors.
2) Develop programs and events to match expressed needs.
5.3F Strategy:
Introduce planned giving opportunities to major gift donors and prospects.
5.3G Objective:
Articulate benefits of planned giving to major gift donors and prospects
through personal calls, educational presentations and publications.
5.3H Strategy:
Obtain basic planned gift commitments from UCF young alumni.
5.3J Objective:
Place emphasis on communicating basic planned gift commitment
opportunities to UCF young alumni base, such as bequests and life
5.4 Non-Gift Resources
5.4A Strategy:
Position the foundation to respond with more flexibility to the needs o the
5.4B Goals:
1) Create an unrestricted reserve fund of $2,000,000 by June 30, 2007,
where principal encroachment is permitted.
2) Increase the unrestricted endowment to $2,000,000.
6. Support Operations
6.1 Advancement Services
Advancement services supports the mission of the foundation through data
management, technical support, and identifying the most effective applications to
ensure quality service.
6.1A Strategy:
Anticipate information technology needs of the foundation.
6.1B Objective:
Forecast future hardware needs of the foundation through a continuous audit
and inventory program.
6.1C Strategy:
Ensure the integrity of the foundation database operating systems and the
information it contains.
6.1D Objectives:
1) Develop and maintain data integrity standards and processes for the
constituent database.
2) Implement a disaster recovery system.
3) Maintain an accurate inventory of all hardware, software, and license
4) Improve and document a password security system.
6.1E Strategy:
Improve the foundation information systems.
6.1F Objectives:
1) Enhance web sites for the foundation, Golden Knights Club, and
foundation intranet.
2) Provide constituents with the ability to support UCF with electronic
3) Expand constituent information recorded in the Millennium database.
4) Develop and implement fundraising tools and programs for internal and
external use.
5) Streamline transaction processing.
6) Implement a data request system.
7) Measure information system user satisfaction.
6.2 Donor Relations Services (Revisions 10/29/04, 11/1/04)
6.2A Strategy:
Build and strengthen relationships between the university and its donors.
6.2B Objectives:
1) Promote positive communication with donors.
2) Manage the publications of donor relations’ materials.
3) Provide enhanced level of support for donor recognition events and
6.2C Strategy:
Develop database infrastructure necessary to support an enhanced donor
relations program.
6.2D Objectives:
1) Create database records for all endowments and scholarships that will
house all pertinent information about the account in an electronic format.
2) Coordinate with the financial aid office to track scholarship awards to assure
that all awards are made on a timely basis and communication about
awards can be made to donors.
3) Coordinate with the business managers to track faculty and program
endowment awards to assure awards are made and communication about
the awards can be made to the donors.
6.3 Financial Management Services
Financial management services supports the mission of the foundation and the
university through excellence in service, ethical asset management, and effective
application of internal control processes and procedures.
6.3A Strategy:
Effectively manage and grow the assets of the foundation.
6.3B Goal:
Provide cost effective, quality service while delivering excellent asset
6.3C Objectives:
1) Continue to develop and document policies and procedures.
2) Communicate policies and procedures to a variety of audiences.
3) Obtain and implement a new accounting software system.
4) Re-engineer business processes in accordance with both (1) policies and
procedures and (2) the accounting system.
5) Manage proper accounting controls and processes to ensure the integrity
of the accounting data.
7. Real Estate
7.A Strategy:
Pursue real estate transactions that will benefit both the foundation and the
7.B Goal:
Provide a plan for expansion of real estate acquisitions that optimizes our
ability to expand our holdings without jeopardizing our fiscal status.
7.C Objective:
Engage in a detailed analysis and assessment of:
(1) Current and future financial capacity of the foundation to acquire
real estate that meets the needs of the university,
(2) Resources required by the foundation to effectively manage
current and future real estate holdings,
(3) The university’s potential for growth and expansion in terms of
office space and affiliated student housing,
(4) Available property surrounding the university that would be
advantageous in owning, including prioritization of property, and
8. Human Resources and Facilities
8.1 Human Resources
8.1A Strategy:
Anticipate and plan for the foundation’s human resource needs required to
preserve the values and to accomplish the priorities of the university and the
8.1B Objectives:
1) Assess current staff competencies and responsibilities.
2) Create a prioritized plan for future staff needs.
3) Hire and retain the most competent and qualified team available who will
contribute to the values, mission, and responsibilities of the foundation.
4) Consistently match job responsibilities and competencies with the values,
goals and responsibilities of the foundation.
5) Enhance the competencies of staff through ongoing professional training
and development opportunities.
8.2 Facilities
8.2A Strategy:
Anticipate the foundation’s facility needs to benefit the current and future
goals and objectives of the university and the foundation.
8.2B Objective:
Create and implement a facility plan to accommodate the foundation’s needs
and goals.
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