Stefan's Favorite Faith West Exercises Contents

Stefan’s Favorite Faith West Exercises
All exercises can be done by oneself at Faith West Fitness Center
Abdominals (Abs) .......................................................................................................................................... 2
Biceps ............................................................................................................................................................ 2
Calves ............................................................................................................................................................ 2
Deltoids ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Forearms ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Glutes ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
Hamstrings .................................................................................................................................................... 3
Latissimus Dorsi (Lats)................................................................................................................................... 3
Lower Back .................................................................................................................................................... 3
Neck .............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Obliques ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
Pectorals (Pecs) ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Quadriceps (Quads) ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Trapezius (Traps) ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Triceps ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
Good warm-up exercises – Green
Good burnout exercises – Orange
Abdominals (Abs)
Curl bar roll-out
Vertical suspended crunches
Power crunches
Leg/knee raises
Exercise ball crunches
Elbow to knee touches
Concentration curl with a twist
Curl bar pyramid set
Pull-up walk around
Reverse grip 21’s in three positions
High weight hammer curls
Barbell curls
Cable arm series (overhand/underhand variation) superset
Warm-up – light jog and stretch
Hip sled calf raises
Smith machine calf raises
Single-leg supported calf raises
Weighted calf raises
Around the world / bent-over shoulder raise superset
Standing alternating dumbbell military press
Low cable face-pulls
Single-arm cable pull-across
Standing curl bar front raise to military press
Shoulder series: hammer grip forward raise – palms down side raise – bent over shoulder raise
Palms down dumbbell side raise
Barbell palms up wrist curl (with finger roll)
Barbell palms down wrist curl
Barbell behind the back wrist curl
Dumbbell palm up wrist curl (with finger roll)
Dumbbell palm down wrist curl
Straight-leg deadlift w/ squeeze
Plank with single leg raise
Cable kickbacks
Deep squats
Dumbbell step-ups
Dumbbell deep lunges
Hip abductor
Warm-up – light jog and stretch
Hack squats
Leg curls
Barbell deadlift
Dumbbell back lunges
Latissimus Dorsi (Lats)
Single arm seated high cable pull down with twist
Wide grip pull-ups
Wide grip negatives
Seated cable (or machine) rows
Reverse close grip bent over barbell rows
Straight bar cable pull downs
Seated single arm exercise band rows
High angle single arm dumbbell rows
Backwards-seated incline barbell rows
High cable face pull
Lower Back
Weighted Roman chair
Barbell ‘good mornings’
Exercise ball back extension
Plate neck resistance exercises
Cable trunk twist
Weighted side bend
Side plank
Power crunch with twist
Exercise ball side lift
Seated dumbbell side bend
Pectorals (Pecs)
Barbell bench press German set (10 X 10)
German set variation and dumbbell fly superset (7 X 7)
Incline cable flyes
Decline dumbbell press
Standing cable flyes
Yoga brick push-up variation (alternating or deep set)
Incline / decline push-up superset
Dumbbell bench press
Machine flyes
Quadriceps (Quads)
Warm-up – light jog and stretch
Box jumps
Barbell squats
Hip sled
Single-leg top-half quad extension
Single-leg pistol squats
Front squats
Dumbbell lunges
Trapezius (Traps)
High weight barbell shrugs
Mid cable face pulls
Cable upright row (rope or straight-bar attachment)
Barbell power cleans
Dumbbell shrug
Smith machine behind the back reverse grip high pulls w/ shrug variation
Incline bench scull-crushers
Body weight scull-crushers
Weighted dips (between seats)
Flat bench two-way tricep extensions
Cable rope pull-down with turn-out