Homozygous vs. Heterozygous Foldable Accordion Fold, Glue the BOTTOM tab in, pages should extend UP! Accordion Fold, Glue the BOTTOM tab in, pages should extend UP! Cut ONE of the middle four + then fold the rest up and around, glue the one that ends up being your anchor! Mother is homozygous dominant for hair color and dad is homozygous recessive for hair color. Mother is homozygous dominant for eye color and dad is heterozygous for eye color. Mother is homozygous dominant for hair texture and dad is heterozygous for hair texture. Genotype: _______ vs ______ Genotype: _______ vs ______ Genotype: _______ vs ______ Dominant Allele: _________________ Recessive Allele: ________________ Dominant Allele: _________________ Recessive Allele: ________________ Dominant Allele: _________________ Recessive Allele: ________________ Punnet Square & Probabilities of Genotypes Punnet Square & Probabilities of Genotypes Punnet Square & Probabilities of Genotypes G: Hom.r ______________ Hom. D _____________ Het _________________ Illustration of 4 Features ( DONT DRAW WHOLE FACE‐‐JUST THE TRAIT CODED FOR!) What percent show dominant and recessive? G: Hom.r ______________ Hom. D _____________ Het _________________ G: Hom.r ______________ Hom. D _____________ Het _________________ Illustration of 4 Features Illustration of 4 Features What percent show dominant and recessive? What percent show dominant and recessive? Mother is homozygous recessive for hairline and dad is homozygous recessive for hairline. Mother is heterozygous for lip shape and dad is homozygous recessive for lip shape. Mother is heterozygous for face shape and dad is heterozygous for face shape. Genotype: _______ vs ______ Genotype: _______ vs ______ Genotype: _______ vs ______ Dominant Allele: _________________ Recessive Allele: ________________ Dominant Allele: _________________ Recessive Allele: ________________ Punnet Square & Probabilities of Genotypes Punnet Square & Probabilities of Genotypes G: Hom.r ______________ Hom. D _____________ Het _________________ G: Hom.r ______________ Hom. D _____________ Het _________________ Illustration of 4 Features Illustration of 4 Features What percent show dominant and recessive? What percent show dominant and recessive? Dominant Allele: _________________ Recessive Allele: ________________ Punnet Square & Probabilities of Genotypes G: Hom.r ______________ Hom. D _____________ Het _________________ Illustration of 4 Features What percent show dominant and recessive? Challenge! ‐ Mom is homozygous recessive for hairline and dad is heterozygous. Genotypes: ________ vs. ________ Dominant phenotype: _________________ Recessive phenotype: __________________ ‐ Mom is heterozygous for hair texture and dad is homozygous dominant. Genotypes: ________ vs. ________ Dominant phenotype: _________________ Recessive phenotype: __________________ ‐ Mom is heterozygous for face shape and dad is heterozygous for face shape. Genotypes: ________ vs. ________ Dominant phenotype: _________________ Recessive phenotype: __________________ ‐ Mom is homozygous recessive and dad is homozygous dominant for chin shape. Genotypes: ________ vs. ________ Dominant phenotype: _________________ Recessive phenotype: __________________ ‐ Mom is homozygous dominant for lip shape and dad is homozygous dominant. Genotypes: ________ vs. ________ Dominant phenotype: _________________ Recessive phenotype: __________________ Put it all together and illustrate and label the phenotypes for each child! All traits from the upper left box are illustrated here as one person. All traits from the lower left box are illustrated here as one person! All traits from the upper right box are illustrated here as one person! All traits from the lower right box are illustrated here as one person!