UCSD Degree Audit Report 1 of 2 https://www-act.ucsd.edu/studentDars/view UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO As of 01/25/2009 10:33 Name: HUSAIN, TAMIR I PID: A06898865 College: Earl Warren College UC GPA: 3.61111 Total Units Completed: 215.00 UC Graded Units: 108.00 Major: CompEngECE Final Degree Audit Department Requirements College Requirements University Requirements (EC26) COMPUTER ENGINEERING - BS WARREN SPECIAL TRANSFER GE TAG has been Completed 1) 2 UD Noncontiguous Reqmt for Engineering Major FA06 HITO133 4.0 B S106 VIS 194 4.0 B- Lower Division Requirements 1) Intro Computer Sci FA03 CSE 8B 4.5 TA 3) CSE SP05 CSE 12 4.5 TA FA04 CSE 20 4.5 TA WI06 CSE 21 4.0 A SP04 CSE 30 4.5 TA 4) Mathematics FA03 MATH 20A 7.5 TC FA04 MATH 20B 5.0 TB SP05 MATH 20C 6.0 TC FA04 MATH 20D 5.5 TB FA05 MATH 20F 4.5 TB 4) Physics SP04 PHYS 2A 4.0 TA SP05 PHYS 2B 4.0 TB FA04 PHYS 2C 4.0 TA SP06 PHYS 2D 4.0 A 5) Physics Lab SP04 PHYS 2BL 2.0 TA 6) ECE WI06 ECE 53A 4.0 B+ SP06 ECE 53B 4.0 A7) Statistics WI08 ECE 109 4.0 AUpper Division Summary - Complete (UC trfr not calculated in audit GPA) 76.0 ATTEMPTED HOURS 277.6 POINTS 3.652 GPA Upper Division Requirements Earned: 20 Courses 1) CSE SP06 CSE 100 4.0 A FA07 CSE 101 4.0 A SP06 CSE 105 4.0 AFA07 CSE 120 4.0 A FA06 CSE 131A 4.0 A SP07 CSE 131B 4.0 B+ WI06 CSE 140 4.0 A+ WI06 CSE 140L 2.0 A S206 CSE 141 4.0 A S206 CSE 141L 2.0 A 2) Linear Systems WI07 ECE 101 4.0 A SP08 ECE 161A 4.0 C3) Electr Circs & Systs WI08 ECE 108 4.0 A+ FA07 ECE 102 4.0 B 4) ECE Elective WI07 ECE 111 4.0 B 5) CSE Electives WI08 CSE 107 4.0 ASP07 CSE 125 4.0 A FA06 CSE 167 4.0 A+ WI07 CSE 169 4.0 A+ Degree and Diploma Application Thank you for filing your DDA Graduating Quarter is: SP08 0.0 R UC Writing (Subject A) Complete AHI Complete Exception: AHI cleared with HIUS 133 Maximum of 25% Pass/No Pass P/NP Units - Currently Less Than 25% of All UCSD units includes WIP courses (EXPR100 is NOT included!) ( 2.0 Units Taken ) 01.8 % Senior Residency Currently in compliance At least 35 of your last 45 units are from UCSD ( 45.0 Units Taken ) Degree Audit Notes Bachelors Degree Unit Requirement 180 units required to graduate Refer to 'Total Units' in Header. This value does not include Work-in-Progress (WIP) or repeats Required Upper Division Units 60 Upper Division Units Completed In Progress units included (EAP and EXPR 100 NOT included!) 92.0 Units earned Overall GPA acceptable overall GPA for graduation is a 2.0 GPA 3.6 Prepared by University Requirement Completion Approval & Date____________________________________ University Honors _____SUMMA _____MAGNA _____CUM Registrar's Approval Posted by & Date______________________________________ Additional Lower Division Courses 6/15/2009 8:55 PM UCSD Degree Audit Report 2 of 2 6) Technical Elective SP08 CSE 168 4.0 B Major UD Requirement 48 UD Units Taken In Progress units included Electrical & Computer Engineering Dept Final Degree E-approved by: ****MAJREC26 Internal Dept sig. or retro Approval & Date: ____________________________________ Additional Upper Division Courses SP08 HIUS133 4.0 A- https://www-act.ucsd.edu/studentDars/view Transfer S100 LISP 1A 3.0 TB Spanish Conversation S100 LISP 1AX 3.0 TB Analysis of Spanish SP01 COGS 18 6.0 TA Intr/C Programming/Cogntv Mod SP02 PSYC 60 4.5 TC Introduction to Statistics S102 ECON 1B 4.5 TA Elements of Economics As: ECON 3 S102 PSYC100 4.5 tC Intro to Psych FA02 ECON 1A 4.5 TA Elements of Economics As: ECON 1 FA02 PHIL101 4.5 tC Phil: Knowl/Reality FA02 PSYC101 4.5 tB Gen Psych SP03 ARTD100 4.5 tA Drawing/Comp SP03 CSE 8A 4.5 TA Intro/Computer Science: Java SP03 ENGL100 6.0 tA Comp/Rdng SP03 MATH135 6.0 tA Precalc S103 ENGL201 6.0 tA Crit Thnk/Comp/Lit S103 LISP 1B 3.0 TB Spanish Conversation S103 LISP 1BX 3.0 TB Analysis of Spanish FA03 CHEM108 4.5 tC Prep Chem FA03 LISP 1C 3.0 TB Spanish Conversation FA03 LISP 1CX 3.0 TB Analysis of Spanish SP04 PHIL102 4.5 tA Moral Probs FA04 PHYS 2DL 2.0 TA Physics Lab-Modern Physics SP05 PHYS 2CL 2.0 TB Phys Lab-Elec,Magnetsm,Wav,Op FA05 DRAF101 6.0 tA Begin CAD UCSD WI07 CSE 80 2.0 P 6/15/2009 8:55 PM