Presentation Slides

A Regional Strategy to Build Pathways for Students The Central Florida Higher Educa4on Consor4um: A First-­‐of-­‐a-­‐Kind Regional Higher Educa8on Strategy •  Guaranteed admission of all consor:um community college AA and AS graduates to the University of Central Florida. •  Doubling of UCF Bachelors and graduate programs on consor:um community college campuses. •  Shared-­‐use facili:es with Valencia and Seminole. •  Preferen:al and concurrent admission to selec:ve UCF programs with coordinated advising and support. •  Joint philanthropy to support student scholarships and access. •  Focus on strategic program areas in support of regional workforce needs. Principles Student Experience • 
Access Choice Flexibility Progression and Comple:on Transi:on Academic Support Guarantee Defini4on-­‐ Who is a DirectConnect to UCF Student? •  Any AA, AS or Ar:culated AS graduate from Eastern Florida, Lake-­‐Sumter, Seminole State or Valencia who meets the FL 2+2 statute. •  Q: What is the difference between 2+2 and DirectConnect? Guaranteed admission to UCF* plus…….. *Consistent with university policy. Limited access and restricted access programs may require an addi:onal admission process. UCF Regional Campuses • 
Biomedical Sciences Business Administra:on Communica:on Elementary Educa:on Health Services Administra:on History Poli:cal Science Psychology Public Administra:on Religion and Cultural Studies Social Sciences Collabora:ve Communica:on Plan •  LeXer to UCF non compe::ve applicants-­‐ students are encouraged to apply at partner college •  Student begins at Valencia -­‐ DC aXribute placed on record –  Tracked at mul:ple :mes during year –  Sent various communica:on during school year •  UCF advisor has access to partner’s data and communica:on (varies with each partner) Prong Two: Collabora:ve approach Collabora:ve Approach •  E-­‐mails at designated mileposts shared message e-­‐mails at designated mileposts •  • Shared community presenta:ons (counselor seminars, High School visits, classroom visits) •  shared community presenta:ons (counselor seminar) •  Shared campus workshops (skillshops) shared campus workshops (skillshops) •  • Collabora:ve staffing and staff mee:ngs •  Collabora:ve staffing (staff mee:ngs) UCF Basic Communica4on •  Based on DirectConnect to UCF e-­‐card •  2 html messages – triggered over a :me frame then linked to FB and Social Media groups •  List provided to DirectConnect Coordinators •  DirectConnect Coordinators set advising :mes for students Advising Best Prac:ces (cont.) •  Discuss DC program & encourage student to register • 
Explain how AA/AS transfers to BA/BS Create an academic plan with student Explain Gordon Rule and major requirements Explain Foreign Language requirements Review Limited/Restricted Access programs –  How & When-­‐-­‐Reality of admission process Transi:on Advising • 
Explain transi:on process Create :meline for the student – 
Explain admissions process in detail – 
Schedule plan College gradua:on applica:on deadline UCF applica:on deadline – Student s:ll needs to apply to UCF Immuniza:on documents Mandatory Orienta:on and advising UCF entry term Official transcripts H.S. Foreign Language requirement Things for transfers to omit Joint Marke:ng of New Site UCF Valencia Osceola Shared Use Facility, Valencia West Campus Transfer Scholarships •  Taste for Learning – Valencia Signature Event –  Added Direct Connect Focus in 2010 and 2011 •  Johnson Founda:on –  Matching gih program ($3M) –  UCF Founda:on to set up an account for each college –  Transfer Scholarships awarded to the Johnson Scholars –  60 hrs. partner ins:tu:on, 60 hrs. UCF Curriculum Alignment •  Goal: closer alignment of curriculum •  Faculty teams from UCF and partner colleges, advising added in 2014. •  Common learning outcomes, learning ac:vi:es, and assessment techniques for targeted courses in •  Math, chemistry, physics, biology, computer programming, engineering •  Curriculum Alignment semester mee:ngs and yearly conference College Access Ini:a:ve: Regional strategy to expand access to the Bachelor’s degree •  Implementa:on of DirectConnect principles into regional high schools •  Data sharing: confron:ng the hard facts •  Communica:on with students and families •  Annual “Summits” since 2007 –  Faculty, Advisors, Administrators, Students –  Review of progress based on data –  Develop new strategies Student Results Results and Impact: Valencia •  Since 2006, 126,000+ Direct Connect students iden:fied at Valencia College –  53% of Valencia students enrolled in Fall 2014 iden:fy as DirectConnect to UCF (23,053 of 43,214) •  Progression to Gradua:on at UCF: •  2,053 (2008-­‐09) to 4,391 (2014-­‐15) Valencia students new enrolled at UCF •  1,547 (2008-­‐09) to 3,015 (2014-­‐15) UCF graduates from Valencia •  25 % of UCF Bachelor Degrees are awarded to Valencia DirectConnect students UCF Data Reports •  Annual Valencia Student Feedback Report –  Trend analysis AA/AS completers @ UCF –  Number of Valencia students enrolled –  Statewide compara:ve trends/perspec:ves –  Demographic trend w/numbers –  Majors and average entering GPAs –  Reten:on/progression/gradua:on report w/major UCF provides a variety of addi8onal reports per request (currently analyzing UCF Calc. II and CHM 2046 reten8on/aJri8on based on pre-­‐requisites-­‐ general AA) Results and Impact: UCF •  UCF is now the 2nd largest university in the U.S. and accepts more state college transfer students than any university in Florida. •  Over 60% of UCF’s Bachelor’s degrees are awarded to state college transfer students, including: –  Two-­‐thirds of teaching and nursing degrees –  Half of business degrees –  Over 40% of engineering degrees 