2007-2008 ANNUAL REPORT RECONNECTING ECONNECTING VIRGINIA IRGINIA WITH WITH A A HEALTHY EALTHY JAMES AMES RIVER IVER Board of Directors Barry L. Marten, Past Chairman J. Wilson Enochs, III, Chairman Dorene S. Billingsley, Chairman-Elect William G. Barnett, Vice-Chairman Carol Randolph Smith, Secretary John E. Hamner, III, Treasurer B. Randolph Boyd John T. Ferguson Frederick S. Fisher Ingeborg K. Fisher Ann Marie Hancock George A. Harrison J. Robert Hicks, Jr. Thomas N. Innes Alastair S. Macdonald Gregory C. Robins Anne McCracken Rogers Allen C. Tanner, Jr. John B. Thompson William B. Tyler Deborah C. Usry George K. White JRA Staff William H. Street Executive Director Sherrie B. Tribble Special Events and Projects Manager Charles A. Frederickson, Jr. Lower James Riverkeeper David W. Sligh Upper James Riverkeeper Amber K. Foster Advisory Committee Carlton S. Abbott Dr. Mitchell A. Byrd Robert R. Chapman James E. Cuddihy, Jr. W. Bates Chappell Alexander M. Fisher, Jr. Dr. Gregory C. Garman Richard D. Harrison Kathy Hornsby Roger H. W. Kirby Carolyn F. Lowe Kenan L. White The Honorable L. Douglas Wilder Watershed Restoration Program Manager Michelle R. Kokolis Watershed Scientist Judith C. Warrington Communications Coordinator Heather Murdoch Education Coordinator Sarah M. Kim Development Colleen D. Messick Angela R. Williams Events & Development Assistant Amy Moore Cover photo ©David Everette Administrative Assistant ©David Everette Development ©David Everette THE MISSION OF THE JAMES RIVER ASSOCIATION IS TO BE GUARDIAN OF THE JAMES RIVER. WE PROVIDE A VOICE FOR THE RIVER AND TAKE ACTION TO PROMOTE CONSERVATION AND RESPONSIBLE STEWARDSHIP OF ITS NATURAL RESOURCES. Message from JRA A New Century for America’s Founding River: Reconnecting Virginia with a Healthy James River For four centuries, the James River has played a defining role in the founding and development of Virginia and America. As America’s Founding River enters a fifth century of nurturing Virginia, the river’s health scored a 52 percent on JRA’s State of the James River report. The score demonstrates that strong progress has been made in restoring the river from its much degraded state three decades ago when JRA was founded. However, the State of the James River also shows that we are only halfway to a fully healthy James River. Past progress restoring the James River was primarily the result of actions by a limited number of industrial facilities and sewage treatment plants. Today the greatest threat to the river is the polluted runoff that rushes off the land from every significant rainstorm. Therefore, the health of the river increasingly depends on actions across a broad spectrum of society: dozens of local governments, hundreds of developers, thousands of farmers and 2.5 million residents living within the 10,000 square miles that drain into the James River. ©David Everette In 2008, the James River Association continued its strategic focus on reducing polluted runoff marking numerous accomplishments that are detailed in this annual report. From securing $20 million to help farmers implement pollution reducing conservation practices, to developing stormwater criteria for new development that are consistent with the James River clean up plan, to encouraging low impact development through local development codes, we have made substantial progress in our efforts. This year JRA also fulfilled a major organizational goal by launching its Upper James Riverkeeper, JRA’s first staff position dedicated fully to the unique resources and challenges facing the James River from the 2 Allegheny Mountains to the fall line in Richmond. With 80 percent of the land draining into the James River west of Richmond, the health of the Upper James River will largely determine the river’s overall health. At the same time that we need action by a greater number of people to safeguard the river’s health, our society as a whole is becoming less and less connected to nature. This critical paradox was powerfully explained at JRA’s Conservation Forum by Richard Louv, author of the seminal book, Last Child in the Woods: Saving our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder. In response, JRA is expanding its capacity to connect Virginians to the James River through programs like the Nature and Child Reunion camping trips for inner city youth and the first annual James River Runoff Rundown, when nearly 100 participants collectively navigated the full 340-mile length of the James River in a single day. ©Bill Jones Thanks to you, our members and supporters, JRA has strengthened and increased our efforts to ensure that the James River remains a source of nourishment and enrichment for generations to come. Thank you for your dedication and commitment. Working together we can enable our families and children to enjoy a healthy and safe James River in the next century for America’s Founding River. Wilson Enochs Chairman Bill Street Executive Director ©David Everette 3 Advocacy Providing a voice for the James River on important legal and policy issues JRA is the leading voice for the James River and everyone who is concerned about the health of the river. In this role, JRA continues to focus its efforts on three key policy issues to advance the protection and restoration of the river: agricultural practices, stormwater pollution and sewage and industrial discharges. Agriculture and Conservation Partnership for Water Quality JRA helped form an unprecedented coalition between farming groups and conservation groups. Despite past differences on policy issues, which often put agricultural interest and environmental interests in opposition to each other, five of Virginia’s leading conservation groups joined with five major farming groups to work together on the common goal of securing state funding to help farmers implement pollution reducing practices. ©David Everette New Fund Established for Clean Water Practices on Farms Through the Agriculture and Conservation Partnership for Water Quality, JRA helped establish the Virginia Natural Resources Commitment Fund for the sole purpose of funding farming practices that improve water quality. This was the only new fund established in the 2008 General Assembly, and the fund was initiated with $20 million that was introduced in Governor Kaine’s budget. This was one of the only items in the state’s budget that was not cut this year, showing the strong support for the program. 4 Strengthening Virginia’s Stormwater Regulations JRA spearheaded an effort to increase protection for Virginia’s waterways from the impacts of stormwater runoff associated with new and existing development. JRA has been an active participant in the state’s process of updating all of its stormwater regulations and permits, and helped to coordinate the efforts of other river conservation groups and environmental law centers. As a result, Virginia has proposed some of the strongest stormwater protections for new development of any state in the nation. Upgrading Wastewater Treatment Over the past three years, JRA helped to establish regulations and secure over $500 million for upgrading sewage and industrial discharges to meet the clean up goals for the James River and Chesapeake Bay. Thouugh this year, nearly $140 million were awarded to upgrade plants in the James River basin, keeping the effort on track to meet the 2010 pollution reduction goals for wastewater discharges. ©JRA staff ©Chuck Epes 5 James james Riverkeeper riverkeeper® Keeping constant vigil on the James River—monitoring its conditions, identifying problems and ensuring solutions are executed properly Monitoring the Conditions of the James River The James Riverkeeper® is a continuous on-the-water presence every week, year-round. He patrols the watershed by boat, truck and on foot looking for human health and environmental threats. To aid in this effort, the James Riverkeeper has enlisted commercial and recreational fishermen, tugboat captains and numerous citizen volunteers to act as additional eyes and ears for the river. Upper James Riverkeeper This year, JRA expanded its James Riverkeeper program by hiring an Upper James Riverkeeper and thereby focusing the current Riverkeeper on the Lower James. This important step will increase the effectiveness of the program and enable greater focus on local issues that affect the health of the James River. ©JRA staff Fish Kills on the Upper James River Mysterious fish kills returned to the Upper James River and its tributaries in the spring, causing serious ecological and economic impacts in the region. In addition to patrolling the affected sections of the river, the James Riverkeeper served on the Virginia Fish Kill Task Force, a collaboration of government, university and private partners working to determine causes of the recent fish kills. ©David Sligh 6 Responding to Pollution Problems Through the James River Hotline (800-366-9229), the James Riverkeeper remains an avenue for citizens to report pollution incidents, fish kills, or other activities affecting the river’s health. Over the past year, the James Riverkeeper responded to 36 reports of erosion and sediment control violations, algal blooms, fish kills and Chesapeake Bay Act violations. The James Riverkeeper served on numerous technical advisory committees throughout the watershed to address pollution problems such as poultry litter disposal, bacteria pollution and the development of water quality standards. ©JRA staff Seeking Solutions The James Riverkeeper supported James River Atlantic Sturgeon research by bringing together leading fishery scientists to coordinate efforts to restore this magnificent fish in the river. The James Riverkeeper has been able to better enforce existing erosion and sediment control laws by training a network of citizen “Mud Busters” on how to identify water quality problems at construction sites and engage appropriate authorities to correct the problems. ©JRA staff 7 Education and Outreach Program Developing the next generation of James River guardians James River Watershed Experience This year, JRA and VCU engaged over 1,200 elementary and middle school student and teacher participants from Amelia, Charles City and Powhatan Counties. Through teacher trainings, in-class lessons and outdoor stream experiences students discovered the wonders of the James River and how their actions affect the river’s health. Education Partnerships JRA and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) have entered into an exciting new public-private partnership – the launching of a new environmental education program at Presquile National Wildlife Refuge, a 1,300-acre island in the James River. On December 17th, 2007, JRA and USFWS signed an agreement that harnesses the resources and assets of each organization to greatly enhance efforts on our common mission of environmental education. ©JRA staff JRA partnered with the Children’s Museum of Richmond to offer a special camp session to children from St. Joseph’s Villa. Four and five year olds attended a week of day camp that focused on the James River and featured field trips to Belle Isle and the Maymont Nature Center. Nature and Child Reunion JRA launched a new program to reunite children with a positive outdoor experience. The Nature and Child Reunion consists of an overnight camping trip at Presquile National Wildlife Refuge, with handson outdoor activities such as team building, hiking, fishing and lessons in ecology and natural history. 8 JRA is working with inner city youth groups, such as local Boys & Girls Clubs and the William Byrd Community House, who normally have limited opportunity to connect to the natural world. Education Materials The Richmond Times-Dispatch and JRA have partnered to produce environmental education materials for schools in the region, including a color feature for Earth Day and monthly JRA sections in the new Kids’ Extra. JRA Conservation Forum JRA hosted Richard Louv, author of the highly acclaimed Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder, for speaking engagements in Richmond and Newport News. The events raised awareness of how experiences in nature can improve the health of our children as well as the James River. James River Runoff Rundown Over 100 river enthusiasts from across the Commonwealth paddled, skied, motored, tubed, sailed or otherwise covered small sections of the James River such that, taken in concert, the entire length of the James River – all 340-miles – was traversed in a single day. The event helped raise awareness of the recreational, cultural and ecological importance of the river while building substantial support for JRA and its efforts to protect America’s Founding River. 9 ©JRA staff Photo provided by Richard Louv Watershed Restoration Showcasing solutions through partnerships and innovative projects Building a Cleaner James River JRA continued its efforts to encourage low impact development practices through local development codes in targeted, rapidly-growing localities. Goochland County incorporated the principles of JRA’s Goochland Water Quality Roundtable recommendations into its new Comprehensive Plan. JRA also worked with the University of Virginia and Rivanna Conservation Society to incorporate low impact development policies into Fluvanna County codes and ordinances. JRA and the Center for Watershed Protection developed a management plan identifying priority conservation areas for Gordon Creek in James City County. ©JRA staff Extreme Stream Makeover JRA continued to maintain the sites from our first Extreme Stream Makeover in Colonial Heights and geared up for the 2008 Extreme Stream Makeover in Henrico County. For the extensive planning and design phase of this community-based stream restoration projects, JRA engaged a broad array of partners including four Richmond Garden Clubs (Boxwood, James River, Three Chopt, and Tuckahoe), Henricopolis Soil and Water Conservation District, Virginia Commonwealth University, Philip Morris, Honeywell, five schools in the region, a church, neighborhood associations, homeowners, consulting firms and county staff. 10 River Friendly Farming Practices In an effort to improve water quality from agricultural lands, JRA worked with the three soil and water conservation districts in the Piedmont to increase the use of no-till and winter cover crops to reduce erosion and pollution from cropland. JRA also purchased two “roller crimpers” to help farmers adopt a new low impact method for utilizing cover crops for mulch and nutrients. Since this project was initiated in the spring of 2007, more than 28,000 acres of cover crops have been implemented within the project area. James River Regional Clean Up JRA, in partnership with the James River Advisory Council, helped organize the ninth annual James River Regional Cleanup. More than eight hundred volunteers cleaned over seventy-five miles of James River or tributary shoreline and road miles within the watershed. Volunteers stationed at twelve cleanup sites in five counties and the City of Richmond collected 649 bags of trash, of which, 300 bags were recycled. ©JRA staff ©Alan Easley 11 SUMMARY of OF Financial FINANCIAL statement STATEMENT Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2008 Investment Income 4% OPERATING REVENUE Membership Contributions $368,563 Special Events $128,650 Program Income & Grants $639,338 Investment Income Total Membership Contributions 31% $46,015 $1,182,566 Program Income & Grants 54% JRA’s net assets were $1,455,187.00 at the end of FY 2008 (this amount was not originally printed in JRA’s 2008 Annual Report, but has been added as additional information). Special Events 11% Financial statement compiled by William D. Satchell, CPA, PC of Richmond. The James River Association meets the Better Business Bureau’s Standards for Charity Accountability. A copy of the latest financial report and registration filed by this organization may be obtained by contacting the James River Association, 9 South 12 Street, 4th Floor, Richmond, VA 23219 or (804) 788-8811 or by contacting the Virginia State Division of Consumer Affairs, Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, P. O. Box 1163, Richmond, VA 23218. Registration does not imply endorsement. 12 OPERATING EXPENSES Program Expenses River Advocacy $84,827 James RiverKeeper $155,323 Watershed Restoration $218,335 Education and Outreach $161,871 James River Park Fund $15,627 Subtotal $635,983 Management and General $106,445 Fundraising $126,040 Total Operating Expenses $868,467 Funds restricted for Future Programs $240,250 Funds for Reserves $73,849 TOTAL Fundraising 14% Management and General 12% River Advocacy 10% James RiverKeeper 18% James River Park Fund 2% Education and Outreach 19% $1,182,566 13 Watershed Restoration 25% Contributors contributors Foundations ($10,000 and greater) Anonymous The Cabell Foundation The Community Foundation of Central Virginia The Keith Campbell Foundation for the Environment Chesapeake Bay Funders Network The Guilford Foundation Harrison Family Foundation Robins Foundation Virginia Environmental Endowment Foundations (less than $10,000) Bessie Carter Foundation Burford Leimenstoll Foundation, Inc. Carneal-Drew Foundation Charles Delmar Foundation Douglas and Marianne Dickerson Foundation Dymer Foundation Friendship Fund Granite Fund of the Community Foundation Gottwald Foundation Innsbrook Foundation Noland Memorial Foundation Robert E. Kiley Fund and Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund MacKinnon Family Foundation Minnie B. and Bernard B. Lane Foundation Praxis Fund of the Community Foundation Serving Richmond and Central Virginia Virginia Foundation for the Humanities WTR Fund of the Community Foundation Corporations ($10,000 and greater) Alcoa Foundation Altria Group, Inc. CarMax Foundation Ukrop’s Supermarkets, Inc. Corporations (less than $10,000) Anheuser-Busch, Inc. Appomattox River Company BB&T Insurance Services, Inc. DeJarnette and Paul Blue Ridge Mountain Sports Brookview Farm The C. F. Sauer Company Capital Results The Cimbalo Firm, P.C. Capital Results CSX Corporation Davis and Green, Inc. Devon USA Diamond Healthcare Corporation Dominion Due Diligence Group Honeywell Liphart Steel Company, Inc. Luck Stone Foundation Markel Corporation New Generations Opus 9 Parkers Grocery Pocahontas 895/Transurban Prudential McCardle Realty ReMax Commonwealth Schlesinger's Scott and Stringfellow, Inc. Shoal Bay, Inc. Sims Metal Smithfield, Inc. Smurfit-Stone SunTrust Banks, Inc. Technical Foundations, Inc. Thompson McMullan Towne Bank Universal Leaf Tobacco Company, Inc. Virginia Natural Gas Waste Management Wharton Oney Baskerville Wise Recycling Organizations/Agencies ($10,000 and greater) National Fish and Wildlife Foundation National Oceanic and Atmostpheric Administration Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Organizations/Agencies (less than $10,000) Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay Bellwood Elementary School Bon Air Elementary School Boxwood Garden Club Brookneal Elementary School C. E. Curtis Elementary School Center for Watershed Protection Charles City County Charles City Ruritan Club Chickahominy Indian Tribe Inc. Chickahominy Watershed Alliance Children’s Museum of Richmond Children's Hospital City of Colonial Heights Coastal Canoeists Cold Harbor Elementary School Crater Planning District Commission Elegba Folklore Society Elizabeth Holladay Elementary School Flyfishers Of Virginia Forest Hill Civic Association James City County James River Garden Club The Lazare Gallery Mary Munford Elementary School New Kent County O. B. Gates Elementary School Old Dominion Smallmouth Club Partnership for the Future Potomac Conservancy Prime Timers 14 Providence Elementary School Richmond Audubon Society Robious Elementary School Science Museum of Virginia Foundation Three Chopt Garden Club Trevilians Elementary School Trinity Episcopal School Tuckahoe Garden Club University of Richmond University of Richmond Environmental Law Society Virginia Anglers Virginia Commonwealth University VCU Inger & Walter Rice Center for Environmental Life Science Individuals Sturgeon Society ($5,000 and greater) Mr. and Mrs. William G. Barnett Mr. and Mrs. B. Randolph Boyd Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson Enochs, III Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Fisher, III Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Gordinier Mr. James T. Gottwald Mr. and Mrs. George A. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hatcher, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Roger H.W. Kirby Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Lawson Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Robins Mr. Walter S. Robertson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Harrison R. Tyler Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Vosmik Mr. and Mrs. Randall Welch Mr. and Mrs. B. Briscoe White, III Mr. and Mrs. George White Eagle Circle ($1,000- $4,999) Mr. and Mrs. William W. Archer III Mr. and Mrs. Graham Aston Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Backstrom, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Banning Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Billingsley Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. Birmingham Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart Bryan, III Mr. and Mrs. James Buzzard Mr. and Mrs. James Covington Mr. and Mrs. John R. Curtis, Jr. Mr. Michael Dening Mr. and Mrs. John T. Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Edward Gottwald Mr. John D. Gottwald Mr. William M. Gottwald Mr. Michael Gottwald Mr. Floyd D. Gottwald Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Gottwald Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Gottwald Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Brenton S. Halsey John and Ellen Hamner Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Hancock, III Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Hicks, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Innes Mr. and Mrs. George K. Jennison Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnson Mr. Alastair S. Macdonald Barry and Mabel Marten Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Massey Mr. and Mrs. Bernard W. McCray, Jr. Ms. Susan Murdock Ms. Maria Pellew-Harvey Mr. and Mrs. F. Scott Reed, Jr. Ms. Louise Reed Mr. E. Claiborne Robins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Rogers Mrs. Janet Sauer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Smith, III Mr. and Mrs. William H. Street, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Allen C. Tanner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thompson Mr. and Mrs. William B. Tyler Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Valentine, III Mr. Mark R. Warner and Ms. Lisa Collis ©David Everette JRA is truly grateful for the generous support from all of its members and contributors. Each and every gift is invaluable to helping us fulfill our mission. Because space limitations prevent us from listing all of the gifts received this year, we have listed below those who have made special contributions to our efforts from July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008. Mr. C. Kemper Wharton Mr. and Mrs. John Wurdeman Individuals ($100 - $999) Mrs. Connie Abeloff Mr. and Mrs. John P. Ackerly, III Mr. and Mrs. John P. Ackerly, IV Mr. Benjamin K. Adamson Mr. and Mrs. Pete Alcorn Mr. and Mrs. John Russell Andrews Anonymous Ms. Mary Arginteanu The John and Emilia Ash Family Dr. and Mrs. Peter N. Ault Mr. Byron B. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. George Bains Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barnes, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Temple Bayliss Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Beadles Mr. Dennis I. Belcher Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald Bemiss Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Bendersky Mr. Joe Beverly Mr. and Mrs. Frederic S. Bocock Ms. Catherine Bosher Mr. Peter A. R. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. McGuire Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Robert Friend Boyd Mr. and Mrs. J. Read Branch, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brandt Mr. and Mrs. Turner A. M. Bredrup Dr. Alan C. Briceland Mr. Paul A. Bukaveckas Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burgess Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Busch Ms. Gretchen Byrd Mr. James E. Cain Mrs. April Cain Mr. and Mrs. Grant Caldwell Mr. Charles M. Caravati, Jr. Ms. Elisabeth Reed Carter Mr. William K. Carter Mr. W. Bates Chappell Mr. James A. Chisholm Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Cimbalo Dr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Claiborne, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Cleary Mr. James K. Cluverius Ms. Betty M. Collier Mr. James E. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Craigie, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Cuddihy, Jr. Ms. Joanna Curran Mr. and Mrs. Clinton J. Curtis Susan and John Davenport Family Fund Dr. and Mrs. John S. Davis Mr. and Mrs. David De Give Ms. Leslie B. Disharoon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Disharoon Mr. and Mrs. Sidney C. Dixon Ms. Anne B. Dorrier Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Dresser, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Edwards Mrs. Jane M. Eliades Dr. and Mrs. R. Bennett Eppes Mr. and Mrs. Robert Erda Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Erickson Dr. and Mrs. John G. Feminella, Jr. Ms. Elizabeth Fessenden Mrs. Bruce Crane Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Roger Flora Mr. and Mrs. John N Foster, Jr. Mrs. C. Patricia Frederickson Mr. and Mrs. Bill French Mr. John P. Frye, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert O. Funsten Mr. and Mrs. William R. Gardner, Jr. Ms. April S. Garnett Mrs. Pearson G. Gibson Mr. John A. Gill Ms. Katherine F. Godin Mr. Jerry Gorde Mr. Bruce C. Gottwald, Jr. Mr. J. O. Winston Gravely, IV Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Grebasch Mr. and Mrs. Rodney E. Hanneman Mr. Blaise Harding Mr. Will Harlan Elliott and Terrell Harrigan Mr. Clark Walston Harris Mr. and Mrs. James Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. James B. Hartough Mr. and Mrs. Brett Hayes Mr. Robert E. Henley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Holman Mr. George F. Hoover Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hornsby Ms. Mary S. Humelsine Mr. and Mrs. J. Randolph Hutcheson, Jr. Ms. Barbara Iobst Dr. and Mrs. Edward C. Irby Mr. James Isenberg Mr. Hunter Rowe Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Jennings, Jr. Mr. Gary A. Jobson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Johnston, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Jones, III Ms. Jonzennie Mewborne Jones Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jones Mr. William H. Jones Mrs. Lou S. Kendrick Mr. and Mrs. Dale Kennedy Sarah and Steve Kim Mr. and Mrs. Roger H.W. Kirby Mr. and Mrs. Paul Klinefelter Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Kneedler Mr. Mark V. Lanier Mr. Norman Leahy Dr. and Mrs. Preston Leake Mr. Charles R. Letts Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Letts Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Levin Mr. Arthur Liles Dr. and Mrs. Gary K. Lofland Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lowsley-Williams Mr. and Mrs. John R. Major, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Maloney Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hardaway Marks Mr. Robert L. Marston Mr. Eric Martin Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. P. Martin Mr. Andrew Mauck Mike and Virginia Maupin Ms. Karen L. Mayne Mr. Charles G. McDaniel Mr. John McDonald Mrs. Wheat McDowell Mr. and Mrs. John L. McElroy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David McKittrick Ms. Penelope McLeod Ms. Betty B. McMullan Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Merrell Colleen and Eric Messick Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Stewart P. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. John Montegari 15 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Moon Mr. and Mrs. P. William Moore, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Moore, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Mullen Mr. Bernard K. Mundy Mr. B. B. Munford, III Mr. and Mrs. W. Tayloe Murphy, Jr. The Honorable Thomas K. Norment, Jr. Mr. Bryan North-Clauss Delegate and Mrs. G. Glenn Oder Mr. and Mrs. W. Curtis Outten, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Paluzsay Ms. Elizabeth J. Parrish Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Parrish, III Mr. and Mrs. William T. Patrick, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Patterson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Peake Mrs. C. D. L. Perkins Dr. and Mrs. W. Baxter Perkinson, Jr. Mr. Richard W. Porter Mr. and Mrs. Peter W.W. Powell Mrs. Elizabeth W. Pratt Mr. Terry Raum Ms. Susan Warburton Redd Mr. and Mrs. F. Scott Reed, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Rhodes Mrs. Inger Rice Ms. Carol Ridderhof Mr. and Mrs. Allen B. Rider, III Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Ridley Walter S. Robertson, III and Susan Fitchett Robertson Family Fund Dr. and Mrs. William Robertson Mr. Larry Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Mark Romer Mr. and Mrs. Domenick J. Ronga Ms. Dorothy Rouse-Bottom Mr. John A. Ruffin, III Mr. and Mrs. Archer H. Ruffin, Jr. Mr. Bradford B. Sauer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schaberg Mr. and Mrs. Elliot S. Schewel Ms. Jessica Schumacher Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Scott Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Scott, Jr. Mrs. Elizabeth P. Scott Mr. and Mrs. S. Buford Scott Mr. Walter Scott Mr. and Mrs. Hugh S. Sease, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Seder, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Shepard Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Shield Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Sieben Mr. Scott Sirles Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Sloan Mr. and Mrs. David Smith Mr. and Mrs. Buz Snyder Mr. Robert L. Sommerville Mr. Albert J. Spells Mr. Fletcher Stiers Mr. and Mrs. Brude D. Stoever Mr. David Stover Mr. Richard Stravitz Mrs. J. Randall Street Mr. and Mrs. Bill Street Mr. and Mrs. James F. Stutts Mr. Bruce Sunderland Mr. and Mrs. Craig Suro Mr. and Mrs. William T. Swaine Mr. William H. Sydnor Dr. and Mrs. John R. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. David Tetrault Mr. William G. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Matthew G. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. David L. Tribble, Sr. Mr. Douglas E. Trott Mr. and Mrs. Durwood Usry Mr. Edward W. Valentine Mr. E. Massie Valentine Mr. Raymond S. Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. Edward Villanueva Ms. Patricia Von Ohlen Mr. Gordon W. Wallace, Jr. Mrs. Betty Byrne Ware Mr. Harry J. Warthen III Mr. Robert H. Welch Mr. Spencer R. Wells Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Wells Mr. Kennon C. Whittle, Jr. Ms. Eugenia Kellogg Williams Mr. and Mrs. G. Cabell Williams Mr. Hank Wilton Mr. and Mrs. Edward Paul Winslow Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woollard Mr. Merrell C. Wreden Mr. and Mrs. Randolph W. Wyckoff Mr. and Mrs. John Zeugner Mrs. Kyle Banning Mr. & Mrs. William G. Barnett Mrs. Sarah Barnett Mr. Andrew Bernard Mr. Cory Black-Eagle Mr. David Bryan Mr. Garland Bunch Mr. Harry Byrd Mrs. Rebecca Chadwick Mr. Tommy Crump & Friends Mr. James Wilson Enochs Mr. James Wilson Enochs, III Mr. and Mrs. Robert Erda Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Fisher, III Mrs. Carrie Hagin Mrs. Ann Marie Hancock Mr. Christian Harder Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison Mr. Samuel Hays Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Innes Mr. Huberman Jeune Mr. Aaron King Mr. Thomas C. Luper Ms. Barbara McGarry Ms. Frazier Millner Mr. Edward Mullen Mr. and Mrs. J. Cheairs Porter Ms. Rebecca Randolph Mr. F. Scott Reed, Jr. Ms. Alexandra Ritter Mr. Gregory C. Robins Mrs. Bootsie Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Ruffin Mr. and Mrs. Archer H. Ruffin, Jr. Ms. Amy Snow Mr. and Mrs. Bill Street Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Tyler Mr. and Mrs. William Tyler Mrs. Sarah Upshur Mr. Ralph White Mr. and Mrs. Keith Williams Mr. CJ Williams Special thanks goes to all that volunteered for many other JRA events thoughout the year. In Kind A Stay in the Country Mr. and Mrs. John P. Ackerly, IV Mr. Mike Adams Ms. Teresa Aigner Aigner Advertising Amir Rugs Exchange Mr. & Mrs. William W. Archer, III Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Jim Banning Mr. & Mrs. William G. Barnett Berkeley Plantation Blackfinn Restaurant and Saloon Blue Ridge Mountain Sports Boar’s Head Inn Bookbinder’s Grill Mr. Jimmy Bowden Mr. and Mrs. B. Randolph Boyd Ms. Gillian Brown Brown, Reynolds, and Snow, DDS Mr. George Buchanan Car Pool Car Wash Mr. Randy Carter Chadwick and Sons Orchids Charles City Tavern Chesapeake Experience, Inc Chez Max Restaurant Children’s Museum of Richmond Cowardin Jewelers Ms. Karen Deans Decorating Outlet Joe Defazio Catering Diamond Healthcare Corporation Dockside Restaurant Mr. Doug Dorsey Edgewood Plantation Edible Garden Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson Enochs, III Mr. Jim Enochs Evelynton Farms Dr. Nathan D. Evens Mr. David Everette Fandangle Jewelry Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Fisher, III George Kartis Photography Mr. Jeff Hankins Hatchmatcher Guide Services Mr. Robert Hazelton Hoover and Strong, Inc. Ms. Helen Horsley Initials Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Innes J & W Seafood Jack Kreuter Jewelers JackAss Flats James River Association’s Board of Directors Jerry Atkins and Associates Julep’s Keswick Hall at Monticello Kingsmill Golf Club Legends Brewery Little Fish Designs, LLC Maggie Moos Ice Cream and Treatery Mr. & Mrs. Barry L. Marten Maymont Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Sandy McDonald Ms. Eden McLeod Missy Mauck Catering Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Mitchell Moe’s Southwest Grill Monkeys Ms. Betsy Morgan Dr. Joseph Niamtu, III North Bend Plantation Ms. Helen Grace O’Ferrall Mr. Mike Ostrander Peak Experiences Dr. Baxter Perkinson Peter Alexander Fine Jewelers Mrs. Amanda Peterson Mr. Gardner G. Phillips, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cheairs Porter Pretty, Silly Things Mr. and Mrs. Scott Reed Richmond Ballet Richmond Orvis Rivah Flowers & Gifts Riverside Outfitters Mr. Harry Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Ruffin Mr. and Mrs. Archer H. Ruffin, Jr. Science Museum of Virginia Shirley Plantation Ms. Tara Sims Smithfield, Inc. 16 Smithfield Station Starbucks at Stratford Hills Starbucks at the Arboretum Sterling Home Staging, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Allan Strange Mr. and Mrs. William H. Street, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Street Mr. and Mrs. Craig Suro Swift Creek Mill Sycamore Shade Talbot’s Kids The Christmas Shop and Gifts The Great Big Greenhouse The Lazare Gallery The Trellis The Wintergreen Resort Thistles Mrs. Sue Thompson Ms. Terry Tosh Mr. and Mrs. David L. Tribble, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William B. Tyler Mr. & Mrs. Harrison R. Tyler Under the Sun Studios Mrs. Sarah Upshur VCU Inger & Walter Rice Center for Environmental Life Science Ms. Catherine Venable Virginia Opera Mrs. Lanette Walker Ms. Abbie Wharton Mr. & Mrs. Briscoe White, III Ms. Marsden Williams John and Kathy Wurdeman Every effort has been made to review all of the information included in this report; however, errors or omissions may still occur. Please accept our apologies if something is incorrect and bring it to our attention by calling (804) 788-8811. ©Darl Bickel, Richmond Times-Dispatch Special Events Volunteers support SUPPORT jra JRA The James River Association is a member supported, nonprofit organization that works to provide a voice for the James River and its natural resources. If you’d like to help us continue our work, please fill out and mail this form to join, renew or donate. Please enroll me as a member of JRA: ❍ $15 – Student ❍ $250 – Protector $____ membership ❍ $35 – Friend ❍ $500 – Guardian $____ general contribution ❍ $50 – Supporter ❍ $1,000 – Eagle Circle $____ TOTAL ❍ $100 – Advocate ❍ $2,500 – Conservation Circle ❍ $5,000 – Sturgeon Society ❍ Check enclosed, payable to James River Association ❍ Please charge my ___ Visa ___ MasterCard Card No Exp. Date Signature (required for credit cards) Name Address City Phone Email ❍ Please sign me up for the monthly e-newsletter, the James RiverWatch. Please return form to: James River Association • 9 South 12th Street, 4th Floor • Richmond, VA 23219 State Zip Code Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Richmond, VA Permit #2205 9 South 12th Street, 4th Floor Richmond, VA 23219 www.jamesriverassociation.org ©David Everette Address Service Requested