Station #2: Biomolecules, Enzymes, Photosynthesis and Respiration

Station #2: Biomolecules, Enzymes, Photosynthesis and Respiration
Read the Biochemical reactions, Energy and Enzymes and the Organic Compounds study guides.
Answer the following question upon completion of the reading.
crackers, iodine, petri dish, timer,
cut-out model of amylase and
protease, molecule cards,
respiration and photosynthesis
Ziploc bags, plants (plastic or real),
1. The building blocks for proteins are
a. Glucose
b. Nucleotides
c. Amino acids
d. Glycerol and fatty acid
2. Cells break down lipids/fats to provide __________and_____________ that the cell requires.
a. energy, simple sugars
b. DNA, nucleotides
c. proteins, energy
d. energy, fatty acids
3. Cells require energy to build _________________that they require for cellular functions.
a. proteins
b. carbohydrates
c. lipids/fats
d. All of the above
4. The following molecule regulates the transfer of chemical energy found in food to ATP
a. DNA
b. enzymes
c. transfer proteins
d. peroxisomes
5. What is one purpose of ATP molecules in plant and animal cells?
a. To increase the rate of diffusion across cell membranes
b. To decrease the rate of chemical reactions
c. To provide energy used for cell processes
d. To pass genetic traits to offspring
6. Amylase is an enzyme that is released by the salivary glands to break down starch, a carbohydrate. What
is the molecule that is produced by this reaction?
a. Amino acids
b. Simple sugars
c. Fatty acids
d. Nucleotides
7. Pepsin is an enzyme found in the digestive tract of animals. Why is it critical that animals have this
a. Pepsin acts as a substrate when the necessary proteins are unavailable.
b. Pepsin regulates reactions in the stomach to break down proteins.
c. Pepsin produces energy that is needed by the digestive tract.
d. Pepsin acts as a product to create new chemical reactions.
8. Coyotes eat proteins in food. The proteins break down due to enzymes produced in the stomach of the
coyote. The production of these enzymes then causes more enzymes to be released in the stomach.
Which process does this describe?
a. Meiosis
b. Diffusion
c. Feedback
d. Respiration
9. The amount of proteins produced by a gene __________________.
a. Never changes
b. Can change due to environmental factors (i.e. stress, diet, toxins)
c. Changes as the DNA is altered
d. Doesn’t change once the organism reaches adulthood
DO This
1. Place a small cracker crumb in a petri dish and add 2 drops of iodine.
2. Black indicates the presence of starch. Based on what you observe, what is the cracker made of?
3. Have each person place a cracker in his or her mouth. Chew for 20 seconds.
4. What did you notice about the cracker texture and taste as time passed?__________________________
5. Arrange the paper models using the enzyme Amylase and protease. Which enzyme must be the one in
your mouth breaking down the cracker?___________________________________________________
6. Why does our body need starch broken down?__________________________________________
7. How does the function of protein in out body differ from the function of carbohydrates?
8. Take the molecule cards and construct each biochemical reaction. You will use all the cards to make the
reactions. Be sure to indicate if energy is needed for the reaction (endothermic) or produced in the
reaction (exothermic). When complete, write the reactions below:
a. ______________________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________________
Read the Photosynthesis study guide.
Answer the following question upon completion of the reading.
10. Which of the following is the correct balanced equation for photosynthesis:
a. 6 O2 + C6H12O6 + sunlight
6CO2 + 6H2O + energy
b. 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + glucose
C6H12O6 + 6 O2
c. 6 O2 + C6H12O6 + sunlight
6 CO2 + 6 H2O + glucose
d. 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + sunlight
C6H12O6 + 6 O2
11. Which of the following are inputs of matter in photosynthesis
a. Carbon dioxide and water
b. Glucose and water
c. Carbon dioxide and light energy
d. Light energy
12. What would happen to life on earth if plants could no longer undergo photosynthesis?
a. No chemical energy would be available for life processes
b. Nothing; photosynthesis is not required for life on earth
c. Only organisms containing chlorophyll would reproduce
d. There would be an abundance of glucose available
13. Identify an output of photosynthesis?
a. carbon dioxide
b. ATP
c. sunlight
d. Glucose
14. During photosynthesis, light energy is absorbed by plants and stored as:
a. Heat energy
b. Glucose
c. ATP
d. Physical energy
Read the Cellular Respiration study guide.
Answer the following question upon completion of the reading.
15. The process of cellular respiration starts with which of the following inputs?
a. Carbon dioxide, water, and energy
b. Glucose and Carbon Dioxide
c. Glucose and Oxygen
d. Oxygen and Energy
16. Which of the following are outputs of matter for respiration?
a. Glucose and oxygen
b. Carbon dioxide and water and ATP
c. Chemical energy and ATP
d. Carbon dioxide and light energy
17. The chemical energy found in glucose is converted to ____________ during cellular respiration.
a. carbon dioxide
b. water
c. ADP
d. ATP
18. How are the processes of cellular respiration similar to the burning of fossil fuels?
a. Both involve the breaking down of oxygen to produce a different form of energy
b. Both involve large carbon containing compounds being broken into smaller carbon compounds to
produce a different form of energy
c. Both are critical for the survival of living organisms.
d. Both involve the combustion of carbon dioxide to produce a new form of energy.
Some bears are getting into trash cans at campgrounds near the forest. The park rangers plan to trap and
relocate these bears to solve the problem of these bears getting into the trash.
19. Describe two constraints other than cost that park rangers could encounter while trapping and
relocating these bears.
In your description, be sure to:
Identify two constraints on trapping and relocating these bears other than cost.
Describe how each constraint is a limitation.
One constraint:
Another constraint:
If the tussock moth population increases rapidly, trees that people want to use can be damaged. One solution
is to use an insecticide that kills moths to keep the moths from damaging trees.
On the back of this page, describe two possible unintended consequences of using insecticides.
20. In your description be sure to:
 Describe two effects of insecticide use on the forest ecosystem other than the intended reduction of
moths to protect the trees.
 Describe how each effect causes a change in another part of the forest ecosystem.
One unintended consequence:
Another unintended consequence:
1. Do This
2. Obtain the photosynthesis reaction Ziploc bag. On the plant, clip on the inputs and outputs of
3. Obtain the respiration reaction Ziploc bag. On the plant, clip on the inputs and outputs of cellular respiration.
4. On the diagram below, write in all the compounds/molecules that are the inputs and outputs for both
photosynthesis and respiration.
5. On the diagram above, use a highlighter to highlight all the molecules that contain carbon.
6. Write a sentence that describes the path that a carbon atom takes as it travels through both photosynthesis
and respiration.