Transforming the organic chemistry laboratory experience with greener laboratory experiments Green chemistry offers many practical and fundamental advantages for chemistry education Table 1 Starting Material Employed in Classic Organic Laboratory Syntheses 1902-1980 Date The challenge of greening the chemistry curriculum UO green organic chemistry curriculum: Keys to our success Recent developments - experiments and momentum 1902 1915 1933 1941 1963 1980 Author Levy, 4th ed. Cohen, 3rd ed. Adkins Fieser, 2nd ed. Adams Drust Acetanilide 4-Bromoacetanilide Benzoin Starting Materials Required (grams) Aniline Acetanilide Benzaldehyde 46.2 50.0 25.0 5.0 25.0 28.0 13.5 10.0 18.2 13.5 25.0 20.0 13.5 16.0 10.0 5.2 10.0 Adapted from: From Microscale Organic Laboratory by D.W. Mayo, R.M. Pike and S.S. Butcher, 1985 Department of Chemistry and Materials Science Institute University of Oregon Green chemistry challenges for the academic community • Alternative processing methods. Rapid, high yield transformations at room temperature - catalysis • Better understanding of how molecular structure dictates desirable and undesirable properties - Structure-Activity Relationships (SARs) Hazardless, completely recyclable products • “Waste” or renewable resources as raw materials • Integrating green chemistry into the curriculum Green chemistry is a multidisciplinary field, involving fundamental sciences, business, law and engineering How can we bring green chemistry into an already crowded chemistry curriculum? Challenges • Overcoming the misconception that green chemistry is less rigorous • Finding experiments that illustrate green chemistry concepts and are effective in the teaching labs • Involving students in the process of greening the curriculum • Building a community to support the development and use of the curriculum Strategies • Replace rather than add course material • Modernize the curriculum using the latest green chemistry developments • Ensure quality through thorough testing • Provide a wide range of choices • Help others learn from our experience Process used to develop and teach greener laboratory procedures A safer bromination of an olefin TRADITIONAL H + H Assess existing procedure H Br GREENER Find/develop alternative methods 1. HBr 2. 30% H2O2 H Identify hazards or inefficiencies Test efficacy of new procedure Greener alternative Reed, S.M.; Hutchison, J.E. J. Chem. Ed. 2000, 77, 1627-1629. Analysis using green metrics • Appropriate metrics for teaching laboratories: – Enhance student safety – Reduce the volume and hazard of the wastestream – Ease reliance on environmental controls – Improve reaction efficiency • Atom economy, percent experimental atom economy, E factor, effective mass yield McKenzie, L. C.; Huffman, L. M.; Hutchison, J. E. "The evolution of a green chemistry laboratory experiment greener brominations of stilbene," Journal of Chemical Education 2005, 82, 306-310. H ethanol, reflux H We teach this simple process to our students as we implement it. Br H CCl4 or CH2Cl2 Br2 H BrH ethanol GREEN ethanol N H Br N H Br Br3 + H Br2 Laboratory Skills: Green Lessons Taught: Reaction set-up Less toxic solvents can be selected Vacuum filtration Hazardous reagents can be generated in situ Melting point determination Djerassi, C; Scholz, C.R. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1948, 70, 417. McKenzie, L. C.; Huffman, L. M.; Hutchison, J. E. J. Chem. Ed. 2005, 82, 306-310. Solventless Aldol Condensation mp 40-42 oCmp 42-45 oCmp 178 - 181 ° C O O O 1. NaOH 2. H3O+ workup + OCH3 OCH3 H3CO Chemical Concepts: Melting point determination and depression Aldol condensation reaction Recrystallization skills OCH3 Green Lessons: Solventless reactions Atom economical reactions Rothenberg, G.; Downie, A. P.; Raston, C. L.; Scott, J. L. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2001, 123, 8701-8708. Raston, C. L.; Scott, J. L. Green Chemistry 2000, 2, 49-52. Liquid CO2 as a green extraction solvent Liquid CO2 extraction in the teaching laboratory Traditional Method Orange Peel Steam distill and/or Organic solvent D-limonene Green Method Orange Peel CO2(liquid) No organic solvent Chemical Concepts: Solid/liquid extraction Natural products (terpenes) Spectroscopy Phase transitions Green Lessons: Use of safer solvents Prevention of waste Green materials processing McKenzie, L. C.; Thompson, J. E.; Sullivan, R.; Hutchison, J. E. "Green chemical processing in the teaching laboratory: A convenient liquid CO2 extraction of natural products," Green Chem. 2004, 355-358. Laboratory curriculum project implementation Green Organic Chemistry Laboratory Manual 250 200 Target audience: Sophomore-level organic chemistry laboratory • • • • • • • • • Introduction Identification of Chemical Hazards Chemical Exposure and Environmental Contamination Evaluation of Chemical Hazards Introduction to Green Chemistry Alternative Solvents Alternative Reagents Reaction Design and Efficiency Alternative Feedstocks and Products Plus 19 Green Organic Chemistry Experiments 150 Number of Students 100 50 0 97- 98- 99- 00- 01- 0498 99 00 01 02 05 Fall term 2003 Synthesis, separations, spectroscopy 1. Solventless Aldol condensation 2. Bromination of an alkene 3. Preparation/distillation of cyclohexene 4. Synthesis of adipic acid 5. Oxidative coupling of alkynes 6. Gas phase porphyrin synthesis 7. Solvent effects on kinetics 8. Molecular mechanics modeling Winter term 2004 Synthesis, spectroscopy, applications 1. Electrophilic iodination with KI/NaOCl 2. Palladium-catalyzed aryl halide/alkyne coupling 3. Polymer-supported oxidation chemistry 4. Friedel-Crafts acylation of ferrocene 5. Thiamine-mediated benzoin condensation 6. Self-assembled monolayers/patterning 7. Combinatorial synthesis of antibiotics The approach changes the way students think about chemical hazards and chemistry "After taking this course I have a much better opinion of chemistry .... I feel like I am learning something that has an actual important application to the real world." "I have decided to get a minor in chemistry so I can make more conscious decisions regarding chemistry and avoid destructive practices for my health or the environment." • • • Teaches students a rational procedure for analyzing/minimizing hazards Empowers students to use chemistry to solve environmental problems - "Ambassadors of Green Chemistry" Changes the way students and society view chemicals, chemistry and chemists - "Know the hazards, not all chemicals are hazardous" The new green chemistry lab Our experience introducing green chemistry - there are many incentives We are generating less waste and a less hazardous waste stream. Winter term disposal numbers (14.2L of aqueous, 1L of flammable organic and 1kg of solid waste for 180 students) The project has been great for University public relations More than 20 articles have now been published around the world Enhances student recruiting We have seen strong interest from undergrads and grads who want to be part of green chemistry Opportunity to upgrade curriculum and facilities University invested in a showcase lab facility to highlight the program Improved educational atmosphere The new lab setting is an excellent learning environment Green chemistry offers many practical and fundamental advantages for chemistry education Table 1 Starting Material Employed in Classic Organic Laboratory Syntheses 1902-1980 Date 1902 1915 1933 1941 1963 1980 Author Levy, 4th ed. Cohen, 3rd ed. Adkins Fieser, 2nd ed. Adams Drust Acetanilide 4-Bromoacetanilide Benzoin Starting Materials Required (grams) Aniline Acetanilide Benzaldehyde 46.2 50.0 25.0 5.0 25.0 28.0 13.5 10.0 18.2 13.5 25.0 20.0 13.5 16.0 10.0 5.2 10.0 Adapted from: From Microscale Organic Laboratory by D.W. Mayo, R.M. Pike and S.S. Butcher, 1985 Next steps More labs! Disseminate our and other’s labs via the GEMs database Promote the community through workshops, symposia and collaborations Build the “business case” for green chemistry Workshop participants 2001-present Addressing the case for green chemistry “Green chemistry will be more expensive” Must carefully consider costs of reagents, solvents, disposal, engineering controls, new labs, etc. “There are no lab exercises available and I don’t have time to develop my own” A wide range of experiments are now in development around the country. There should be a lot of choice soon. “There is no room in the curriculum for new material” Don’t add, replace. “The curriculum will not train students to work with hazardous materials” Most students will not work with hazardous substances after organic. Don’t have to work with hazardous substances to learn proper technique. “Green is political, not scientific…green chemistry is not rigorous” Designing better products and better processes is what synthetic chemists do. Green chemistry provides a new challenge. Acknowledgments Prof. Ken Doxsee Dr. Scott Reed Ms. Lallie McKenzie Mr. Marvin Warner Ms. Lauren Huffman Dr. Julie Haack Dr. Rob Gilbertson Mr. Gary Succaw Dr. John Thompson Ms. Kathryn Parent Ms. Anna Shope The Alice C. Dr. Leif Brown The Mr. Gerd Woehrle and the Students of CH337G and CH338G Tyler Perpetual Trust University of Oregon