AP Biology - Liberty Union High School District

Mrs. Peddie
Email: mspeddie@sbcglobal.net
Website: http://libertyunion.schoolwires.net/mspeddie
Phone: (925) 634-0037 ext. 6707
AP Biology is both a hard and a fun course. How could the science of life not be fun! THIS IS A COLLEGE COURSE
HELD ON A HIGH SCHOOL CAMPUS! You will be held to high expectations and mature responsibilities just like a
college freshman taking Intro Biology.
I view this course as a team effort. While each person needs to complete and hand in their own work, study groups
and cooperative effort are strongly encouraged. You never learn something as well as when you have to explain
it to someone else.
Students are expected to be on time to class every day. I have 77 class periods to teach you a year of college
level biology; you can’t afford to miss a minute ;) If you have an unexcused absence or suspension, you will get
no credit for the activities of that day. Students must make up exams missed the day you return and must make up
labs during extra-help sessions after school. There is a 5% penalty for being absent on the day of an exam.
 Textbook: Unity and Diversity of Life (11th Edition) by Starr and Taggart
 Cliff Notes AP Biology (may not be written in)
 Blue or black pen and pencil to be brought to class EVERY day
 Colored pencils, (24 or 48 colors )
 Blank 3x5 note cards w/ring for key terms or Barron’s AP Biology Flash Cards
 Mead 5 Star 5 subject Spiral notebook, College Ruled w/ pockets and plastic cover
 Large 3-ring notebook (~3 inch) for notes, handouts & labs
 Lined loose leaf paper
 10 dividers
If you keep a 3-ring binder notebook it should be for only Biology ONLY. Students will Cornell notes that support
lecture presentations as well as guided notes. Notebooks should be dated sequentially and will be turned in for
points on test days. Incorporate into your notebook the handouts, homework, class work, quizzes, etc. Keep a
separate section for lab activities
AP Biology has 12 recommended lab activities. We complete these and additional labs through College Board labs,
supplemental labs, computer simulations. Lab assignments must be completed according to the standard format
(unless otherwise noted).
Students will lose credit for each day late and earn only a maximum of 50% for a satisfactory report completed
before the unit exam. Some activities cannot be made up but you are still responsible for a write-up that includes the
purpose, procedure, results, and concepts of the activity. Labs will be returned to you for review and I will then keep
them on file.
Textbook Reading or Reviewing PPTS: Very Important! You have to come in class having seen the topics I will
cover, which means reviewing the ppt’s the night before class and completing homework for AP the day of class.
Read the book nightly, stay up-to-date to be prepared, if you don’t know the PPTs or reading before class you will
not do well and will be lost the entire class.
***Guided Notes: Students can complete guided notes for each chapter, they are due the day of the exam, and
based on the level of completion students can earn up to 2.5 points added to their unit score. You should do
guided notes as a pretest review. You should be able to find the answer in your notes, labs or essays. Do not
waste time Goggling answers… They should be suspected copying of guided notes from others would result in a
zero for both parties
HW Assignments: Homework is assigned nightly, even on days that your student does not have AP. They will be
checked or graded and returned ASAP. Keep them in your notebook. If you are absent, you are expected to
complete the work within a day. Late assignments will receive half credit if late but completed before the exam and
no credit after the exam.
AP Essay Assignments: Essays are an integral part of the AP exam. Essays questions will be handed out the first
day of each unit and are do on the day of the exam for that unit. Essay assignments will be worth 25 points and are
incorporated into your Exam & Quiz average. Essays will be checked or graded and returned ASAP. Keep them in
your notebook. If you are absent, you are expected to complete the work within a day. Late assignments will receive
half credit if late but completed before the exam and no credit after the exam. You may turn in rough drafts of the
essays two class periods before they are due for input (1st quarter only)
Lab Assignments: As stated above, labs must be completed within 2 class periods week after completion of lab
activity in class, so consider this part of regular homework. All graphs must be hand drawn on graph paper
Exams are composed of AP exam questions and AP-style exam questions as well as AP style essays. Exam
questions will be based on class notes and the Starr Taggart textbook. All Tests will be timed.
Grades will be calculated on a percentage basis. The value of each individual assignment varies, and is dependent
on how many of that type of work is assigned each quarter. Each student earns their grade based on the quality of
work they complete. I do not grade on a “bell curve”. Following is an approximation of a quarter's grade distribution.
Late work may be turned in for 50% of credit earned, and may only be completed up to the start of
the following quarter.
All Work must be turned in to get the your grade changed after the AP exam
Grading Outline:
65% Tests & quizzes
30% Labs & Projects
5% Homework
Failure to take the AP Exam will result in the completion of an in class cumulative final, on the day that
other student are taking the AP exam. There will be no make-ups for this exam.
4th Quarter is unique, since much of it occurs after the AP Exam. Student project is valued at 50% of the
4th quarter grade.
Extra credit is offered and is worth up to 1% (maximum) of the final grade earned each semester.
Exam will not be curved; however students may earn a grade change based on their AP results. (this
can only help students not hurt them)
Grading Scale:
90.0  100% A
80.0 89.9% B
70.0 79.9% C
----- No College Credit or Grade Boost-----60.0 69.9% D
Student Assistance:
Most days the class will be divided between discussion/lecture, guided practice and lab. For homework, you are
expected to keep pace by reading about one chapter for every class period. If you are having a hard time following a
concept, please arrange to see me as soon as you are feeling confused. Be your own advocate; don’t put off asking
for help. I am available for extra help after school, and before school by appointment. Please confirm that you plan to
attend by emailing me at mspeddie@sbcglobal.net by 9 pm the night before. Come prepared with specific questions,
problems, or labs.
The course work will be completed be the end of April. You will have a chance to review and all AP Biology students
will be given a summation exam before the AP Exam.
 We will have a concept review sessions for the AP exam
 (All students are expected to attend as many sessions as possible
 Wednesday May 6th (3:15- 5:00 pm)
 Thursday May 7th (3:15- 5:30 pm)
Friday night May 8th (*4:00-8:00 pm) with Potluck Dinner
After the AP exam you are expected to attend class. We will use that time to complete student research projects.
These activities are a major part of the 4th quarter.
The 2015 Biology AP Exam is administered on Monday May 11th, 7:30 am
By signing this page you state that you have read and understand the general class
rules and information, grading scale, grading policy, test policies, no late work policy,
make up policy, academic honesty policy and will also follow all other written and
verbal instructions.
Please email me at mspeddie@sbcglobal.net. Include your name, your students
name …. I will use the email address to keep in communication with you over
the term
This information is kept confidential and is only intended for use by Mrs. Peddie only!
Print Student's name
Signature of student
* Student’s email (if different from parents):
* Student’s phone (if different from parents)
Print Parent/Guardian’s name Signature of parent/guardian Date
Relationship (mother, father, etc)
Home address _____________________________________________________________________________
Guardian Email(s) _____________________________________________________________________________
Daytime contact # (‘s)
Evening contact # (‘s)
Please complete the following if there are 2 separated parents/guardians only.
There is no need to reiterate previous information.
_______________________________________ _____________________________________
Print Parent/Guardian’s name Signature of parent/guardian Date
Relationship (mother, father, other) _______________________________________________________________
Home address _____________________________________________________________________________
Guardian Email _______________________________________________________________________________
Daytime contact # (‘s) __________________________________________________________________________
Evening contact # (‘s) __________________________________________________________________________
Thank you parents and guardians. I look forward to teaching your teen this year.
Please list any other important/helpful information you would like me to know, or feel free to email.