honors college - mphscounselorscorner

Dr. Harry Delugach
Beth Wilson
Honors College Coordinator
Honors College
Morton Hall, Room 336
Huntsville, AL 35899
Find out more about the UAH Honors College
at honors.uah.edu.
For information on admission to UAH,
visit uah.edu/admissions or call 256.824.2773 or 1.800.824.2255.
Admission and Eligibility Requirements
Students can apply to the Honors College by visiting our website honors.uah.edu.
They must first be admitted to UAH before their Honors application will be
considered. Students accepted to the college typically have a high school GPA
of 3.5 or higher, with a minimum composite score of 28 on the ACT or 1200 (CR+M)
on the SAT. We also make individual assessments based on other factors, including
essays, leadership experience and personal interviews.
Currently enrolled UAH and transfer students with a college GPA of 3.25 or higher
may also apply to the Honors College. Any student interested in determining his
or her eligibility should contact the Honors Office.
Commonly Asked Questions
Will participation in the Honors College make me take longer to graduate?
No! Honors courses count toward the same general course requirements that all
students must meet. Honors students meet with the Honors advisor once a year,
starting Fall semester freshman year, to help stay on track.
The Honors College is a campus-wide enriched academic program
for especially talented students in all majors and disciplines. We
foster excellence in critical thinking, personal creativity, intellectual
development and independent research.
What are Honors courses like?
Our courses are for well-prepared and motivated students. Most students find that
they do best in courses that engage their interest and that allow for more discussion.
Honors courses approach learning as a rewarding and fun experience.
Four Major Components of the Honors College
Benefits of Participating in the UAH Honors College
• One-on-one contact with faculty and academically talented peers
• Stimulating and challenging courses and activities
• Small classes (sometimes 15 students or less) in many subjects
• Enhanced opportunities for guided research
• Enjoyable extracurricular activities, including social events, a mentoring
program for incoming Honors freshmen, community service projects and
leadership opportunities
• Courses that engage their interest and that allow for more discussion
• Honors community housing available on Honors floors in Frank Franz Hall
• Opportunity to present research at Alabama System Honors Research Day
• Honors coursework on your academic transcript and an Honors seal
on your diploma
• Graduating Honors seniors are recognized at the campus-wide Honors
Convocation on Honors Day
1. The Honors College provides Honors versions of many freshman
and sophomore courses, such as English, philosophy, physics,
engineering, music, and others.
2. Honors Lecture Series introduces students to the opportunities of the
University and complements their general education through lectures,
concerts, and other presentations.
3. Interdisciplinary Seminars offer students opportunities for the critical
appraisal of issues that cross disciplinary lines.
4. The Honors Research Project is an independent research activity in an
area of interest to the student conducted during the junior or senior year
with close supervision by faculty.
Together these elements comprise 24 credit hours of Honors work during the
students’ entire course of study and do not constitute additional hours overall.
These hours typically serve in the students’ curricula as courses to satisfy the
general education requirements (GER), major and minor requirements, and
electives. To earn the Honors Diploma upon graduation, students must
complete 24 hours of Honors coursework and have a composite GPA of 3.25.