ASB Officers *President (8 grade only) *Vice President *Secretary

Election Packet
ASB Officers
*President (8th grade only)
*Vice President
8th Grade Representative
7th Grade Representative
Get involved, let your voice be heard!
I’m running for 7th or 8th Grade Rep or ASB Officer……
….What do I do?
o Have my parent/guardian sign my Representative Information sheet.
o Turn in my signed Rep Info. Sheet to Mrs. Mateus by FRIDAY May 18th, 2012.
o Starting Thursday May 17th until May 29th check in with current ASB officers at lunch
o At lunch, get connected with a current rep/officer who will help me with my speech =
I will be paired with __________________ who is a current Student council
_________________, he/she will help me with my speech!
o Write my Speech!
o Begin Campaigning my position on Friday May 18th : (After I turn in my rep. info. Sheet
with signature, of course!)
o Create posters to hang around campus
Be creative! Make them big and colorful, come up with a slogan like
“People for Procter!”
Have Mrs. Mateus approve ALL signs I am going to post around campus.
o Other ideas:
o Speech Workshop: Have my Current Representative Helper read, edit, and give
suggestions on my speech during lunch, by FRIDAY MAY 25th!!!
o Present my Speech to the 7th and/or 8th grade class on Wednesday May 30th
o Relax and HAVE FUN WITH IT!!!!!
Important Dates:
Monday Tuesday Wednes Thursday Friday
Packets available
in the office
Turn in signed
Workshop during
lunch time:
Informational Q &
work on
A meeting during
Start to hang
Workshop during Workshop during Workshop during Workshop during
lunch time:
lunch time:
lunch time:
lunch time:
work on
work on
work on
work on speeches
Speech Practice
with Leadership
7th grade 1st
8th grade 2nd
Your speech:
1st/Last ASB
meeting of the
Call 253-945-4952
to find out
announced in the
All candidates will be expected to present a campaign speech at the Election
Assembly on Wednesday May 30th, to the appropriate grade. ASB Officer candidates
will give their speeches twice. All speeches and introductions must be approved by
an ASB advisor (Mrs. Mateus). All candidates must attend the lunch workshops to
get help with posters, slogans, and speeches. Speeches must be approved by
Friday, May 25th . All candidates are welcome to practice their speech for the
Leadership class on May 29th during lunches. Leadership students will be available
for assistance.
ASB (Associated Student Body) Representative and Officer Information
Expectations of an ASB Rep/Officer:
1. Must maintain a minimum of a(n)approaching and/ or C or higher in credit bearing classes at semester
to hold an office or be a Class Representative.
You must have teacher approval to run if you have a Beginning or an “I” in a class.
2. The class representative/officer will hold the position for an entire year.
3. The class representative/officer will attend ALL ASB meetings, or they will not participate in
lunch activities, assemblies, morning announcements, or other leadership roles.
4. The class representative/officer will not have discipline concerns (detentions, referrals, etc.)
or they may be removed from ASB.
5. During and after the election, all candidates will treat each other with respect. This means
they will not talk about other candidates negatively, deface posters, or allow others to behave
negatively toward an opponent.
Election Requirements:
1. Student running for Class Representative/Office (Candidate) will be required to give a
“campaign speech” in front of the 6th and/or 7th grade class on Wednesday May 30th during
1st period (6th grade assembly) or 2nd period (7th grade assembly).
2. Candidates will be paired with a current ASB officer or current class representative for
campaign speech support.
3. ALL speeches MUST be approved by Mrs. Mateus by Friday, May 25th .
4. Posters may be hung around campus, but MUST BE APPROVED by Mrs. Mateus prior to
being hung.
5. ASB will supply ONE poster if needed by a candidate. All other posters are the responsibility
of the candidate.
6. Students may hang posters around campus starting on Friday May 19th if the poster(s) are
approved by Mrs. Mateus. All posters to be removed by 3pm, May 30th.
(Subject to change)
 Every Monday: Meet with advisor to review agenda and prepare for the next meeting
 Preside over ASB meetings
 Preside over all ASB activities, assemblies, programs
 Represent the student body to the faculty and administration
 Delegate reasonable duties
 Serve on all committees created by the student government
 Uphold the ASB constitution
 Be familiar with the ASB Constitution and Parliamentary Procedure
 Review the constitution periodically (every 6 weeks)
 Accept other reasonable responsibilities
 Attend at least ONE PTA meeting
Vice President
 Keep ASB meetings in order and call for voting “Sergeant-at-arms”
 Be familiar with Robert’s Rules of Order (Who can speak and when) Create meeting guidelines as seen needed
 Preside over ASB meetings when President is absent
 Regarding Clubs: Report any news, business, and activities of the clubs to the ASB Council
 Oversee the Class Officers
 When the President attends any meeting with administration or the ASB advisor, the VP should be present
 Scheduling all school activities (except sports) along with the school’s vice principal
 Keep a running calendar of all activity and meeting dates
 Delegate out jobs/responsibilities to Class Representatives
 Attend at least ONE PTA meeting
 Every Friday: Meet with Advisor to go over/put together the agenda for the next ASB meeting
 Take notes during each ASB meeting
 Sign meeting notes after each meeting
 Making announcements and creating and distributing fliers pertaining to leadership
 Keep and file notes on what committees are doing
 Coordinating the yearly update of the Sacajawea Middle School constitution
 Type up meeting minutes. Copy and distribute copies: ASB binder, each advisor and ASB president
 Keep track of all minutes, documents and paperwork, and pass them along to the advisor at the end of the year
 Keep a current list of delegated jobs (specifically those of the Class Reps)
 Attend at least ONE PTA meeting
 EVERY DAY: Review items in the Yellow ASB folder, sign ALL papers as needed
 Every Friday: Report to advisory with items from folder that need to be put into the agenda for the next ASB
meeting (yellow fundraiser forms or other forms with notes from Mrs. Veit)
 Each Week: Meet with Mrs. Veit to review the current budget. Get printout to present at each meeting
 Know how to fill out a check and a purchase order
 Make a monthly financial report to leadership
 Responsible for all moneymaking projects
 Attend at least ONE PTA meeting
All Class Officers/Reps
 Become a member of at least one campus club
 Assisting with student store and warrior store once each month
 Take a turn being responsible for updating/changing the school’s reader board
 Creating/Organizing/Proposing ideas and activities to council at meetings
 Participate in Pep assemblies, including meetings and other preparations
 Maintain a list of a sports team, their coaches and each athlete
 Create and post signs to advertise sporting events, school activities and events
 Maintain a list of a currently active club, their advisors, their officers, and all members. Communicate information
to VP in order to avoid calendar conflicts
 Attend at least ONE PTA meeting
**Leadership Camp is August 13 -16 at Camp Cispus, Randall, WA. More information to follow.
**A mandatory ASB Meeting “Training Day” will take place before school begins. TBD
--------------------------Return this page to Mrs. Mateus by Friday May 18th -----------------As your parent or guardian will need to support you to get to and from events, their signature is
required to run for election. Have them contact Mrs. Mateus (, 253-945-4952)
with any questions.
I understand the qualifications and expectations and responsibilities of an ASB Officer and Representative. I
have read over the attached ‘Responsibilities’ list and am ready to be involved at Sacajawea through student
government. I understand that if for any reason I do not adhere to the election rules my name will be removed
from the ballot. Once taking office, I must keep up my grades, keep a clear disciplinary file and attend ALL ASB
meetings or I will be removed from my office.
If I am elected for ASB President, VP, Secretary or Treasurer, I understand that I am required to attend
Leadership Camp August 13-16 (Monday – Thursday) ______ (initial)
If I am elected for ASB Class Representative, I have the option to go to camp, but would have to pay the $200 out
of my own pocket. ________ (initial)
Parent signature _____________________________Date _________________________________
Student Printed Name______________________________ Student ID # ____________________
Student Signature______________________________
Position I am Running For:
ASB President
ASB Secretary
ASB Vice President
ASB Treasurer
7th Grade Representative
8th Grade Representative
Verification of grades signed by office _________________________________________
(Main Office – Mrs. Brooks)
Verification of Clear Disciplinary File _________________________________________
(Main Office – Ms. Landis)