Chapter Chapter 13 13 Conjugated Conjugated Unsaturated Unsaturated Systems Systems ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 13 13.1 Introduction Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 13 Allyl radical CH2 CH CH2 C C C Allyl cation CH2 CH CH2 C C C 1,3-Butadiene CH2 CH CH CH2 C C C C Molecules with delocalized π bonds are called conjugated unsaturated systems. Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 13 Conjugated unsaturated systems have a p orbital on a carbon adjacent to a double bond The p orbital can come from another double or triple bond The p orbital may be the empty p orbital of a carbocation or a p orbital with a single electron in it (a radical) Conjugation affords special stability to the molecule Conjugated molecules can be detected using UV spectroscopy Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 13 13.2 Allylic Substitution and the Allyl Radical Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 13 Reaction of propene with bromine varies depending on reaction conditions At low temperature the halogen adds across the double bond At high temperature or at very low concentration of halogen an allylic substitution occurs Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 13 CH2 CH CH3 + X2 hv or CH2 CH CH2X + HX Allylic substitution Allylic hydrogen atoms H H CH2 CH CH2 C C H H C H Allylic radical Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 13 13.2A Allylic Chlorination (High Temperature) ¾ Allylic chlorination can be performed at high temperature in the gas phase CH2 CH CH3 + Cl2 400°C CH2 CH CH2Cl + HCl Relative stability of free radicals: Allylic or allyl > 3° > 2° >1°> vinylic or vinyl Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 13 13.2B Allylic Bromination with N-Bromosuccinimide (Low Concentration of Br2) O light or ROOR CH2 CH CH3 + N Br O N-Bromosuccinimide (NBS) CCl4 CH2 CH CH2Br O + N H O ¾ ¾ NBS provides a continuous low concentration of bromine for the radical reaction A low bromine concentration favors allylic substitution over alkene addition Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY ¾ Chapter 13 The radical reaction is initiated by a small amount of bromine radical formed by exposure of NBS to light or peroxides O O N Br + HBr N H + Br2 O O Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 13 13.3 The Stability of the Allyl Radical Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 13 13.3A Molecular Orbital Description of the Allyl Radical H C H C H sp2 hybridized H C H Conjugated unsaturated system antibonding orbital nonbonding orbital Bonding orbital Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY ¾ Chapter 13 The three p orbitals of the allylic system combine to form three molecular orbitals Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 13 13.3B Resonance Description of the Allyl Radical CH2 CH CH2 A CH2 CH CH2 B Resonance structures 1 2 1 2 CH2 CH CH2 C A and B are equivalent resonance structures. The allyl radical is even more stable than a tertiary radical. Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 13 13.4 The Allyl Cation Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 13 The allyl cation is intermediate in stability between a tertiary and secondary carbocation CH2 CH CH2 sp2 hybridized H C H C H H C antibonding orbital nonbonding orbital H Conjugated unsaturated system Bonding orbital Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 13 Stability arises from the delocalization of the positive charge over C1 and C3 Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 13 Resonance theory predicts that the allyl cation is a hybrid of equivalent structures D and E CH2 CH CH2 CH2 CH CH2 D E Resonance structures 1 2 1 2 CH2 CH CH2 F Both molecular orbital theory and resonance theory suggest that structure F is the best representation for the allyl cation Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 13 13.5 Summary of Rules for Resonance Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 13 13.5A Rules for Writing Resonance Structures 1. Resonance structures exist only on paper. 2. In writing resonance structures we are only allowed to move electrons. 3. All of the structures must be proper Lewis structures. 4. All resonance structures must have the same number of unpaired electrons. 5. All atoms that are a part of the delocalized system must lie in a plane or be nearly planar Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 13 6. The energy of the actual molecule is lower than the energy that might be estimated for any contributing structure. 7. Equivalent resonance structures make equal contributions to the hybrid, and a system described by them has a large resonance stabilization. 8. The more stable a structure is (when taken by itself), the greater is its contribution to the hybrid. Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 13 13.5B Estimating the Relative Stability of Resonance Structures a) The more covalent bonds a structure has, the more stable it is. b) Structures in which all of the atoms have a complete valence shell of electrons(i.e., the noble gas structure) are especially stable and make large contributions to the hybrid. c) Charge separation decreases stability. Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 13 CH2 CH CH CH2 1 CH2 CH CH CH2 2 CH2 CH CH CH2 4 CH2 CH CH CH2 3 CH2 CH CH CH2 5 CH2 CH CH CH2 6 CH2 CH CH CH2 7 Relative stability: 1 > 4, 5, 6, 7 > 2, 3 Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University