Bruce Museum Annual Report 2010–2011

Theodore Nierenberg (American, 1923–2009)
Untitled (Winter)
Color photograph
10 1/8 x 15 in.
Bruce Museum Collection
Gift of the Estate of Theodore Nierenberg
Power Figure (Nkisi Nkondi)
Unidentified Kongo (Yombe subgroup) artist,
late 19th–early 20th century
Lower Congo Province, Democratic Republic
of the Congo; Cabinda Province, Angola; or
Republic of the Congo
Wood, metal, glass, resin, pigment, animal
hide, organic materials
26 x 12 x 9 in.
Allan Stone Collection
Bruce Museum
Annual Report 2010–2011
Letter from the Co-Chairmen of the Board
Board of Trustees
Museum Council/Collectors Council
Standing Committees
Executive Director’s Report
Collection Acquisitions
Major Exhibition Sponsorships
The Hascoe Lecture Series
Exhibition Programs
The Science Lecture Series
Education Programs
Special Events
The Renaissance Ball
Operating Gifts
Corporate and Foundation Support
Bruce Museum-at-a-Glance
Statements of Financial Position
Operating Statements
Bruce Museum Staff
Co-Chairmen of the Board Nathaniel B. Day and Tamara Holliday
Letter from the
Co-Chairmen of the Board
Dear Members and Friends,
The past fiscal year has been another year of accomplishment and renewal at the Bruce Museum. Peter C. Sutton,
our executive director, shares in his report the impressive range of activities—art and science exhibitions, educational
programs and public programs—presented by the Bruce Museum during the year.
In FY 2011, the Museum once again drew on the tremendously rich resources of its own collections and local
private collections to develop new shows, sought effective ways to drive up revenue and worked nimbly to economize at
every turn while remaining true to its mission to serve visitors and the wider community with first-rate exhibitions and public
programs. Although we saw some drop-off in the Annual Fund this year, we saw a healthy increase in our revenue derived
from special events. We are pleased to report that the Bruce Museum ended the year with a balanced budget. Our results
certainly attest to the generosity and commitment of the Bruce Museum’s friends and patrons.
From the design of its exhibitions to the implementation of its educational programs, from the maintenance and
security of its collections to the careful attention to its accounts, the Bruce Museum is very fortunate to have a cadre of
talented and committed board members, staff and volunteers on whom to rely for the successful execution of all of its
programs and activities. Over 400 volunteers donated 14,432 hours of service to the Museum last year, a considerable
increase in volunteer support over FY 2010. We are particularly heartened by the energetic commitment of the Bruce
Museum’s youth volunteers, who have made important contributions in support of every facet of the Museum’s operations.
The Museum’s Youth Committee organized a live TEDx webcast that generated a following of more than 5,000 people
worldwide in conjunction with the exhibition Arctic Sanctuary: Images of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and the
Committee was recognized by the Association of Science-Technology Centers’ “Youth Inspired Challenge,” a national
program designed to strengthen science, technology, engineering and mathematics curricula in American schools. The
Neighborhood Collaborative completed its eighteenth successful year of providing a series of tours and inquiry-based
classes to school children in neighboring underserved communities. The Museum opened its new Seaside Center at the
Floren Family Environmental Center at Innis Arden Cottage, a handsome and well-appointed facility where educational
and research activities will be offered nine months out of each year.
Through its innovative and ambitious schedule of art and science exhibitions and full menu of public programs,
the Bruce reaches a multitude of visitors each year: school children, retirees, art collectors and scholars, first-time guests,
and members who visit us regularly. We hope that whether you have enjoyed one of the beautiful exhibitions this year,
or perhaps have been enriched by a film, lecture, visit to the Seaside Center, a docent-led tour of an exhibition, or other
educational offering, you will make the Bruce Museum a regular destination and visit often. On behalf of the Board, we
extend our sincere thanks to all of the Museum’s volunteers, members and staff who have worked tirelessly to turn in
another wonderful year of achievement at the Bruce.
Nathaniel B. Day and Tamara Holliday
Board of Trustees
The Bruce Museum promotes the
understanding and appreciation of
art and science to enrich the lives
of all people.
Board Members
Nathaniel B. Day, Co-Chairman
Tamara Holliday, Co-Chairman
Class of 2011
Linda Zwack Munger, Vice Chairman
James M. Barton
Patricia W. Chadwick, Treasurer
Judith Lund Biggs
Myrna R. Haft, Secretary
Edward H. Bragg, Jr.
James M. Barton, Member-at-Large
Patricia W. Chadwick
Walter F. Raquet, Member-at-Large
Joel C. Coleman
Peter C. Sutton, Executive Director and CEO
Nathaniel B. Day
Susan E. Lynch, Honorary Co-Chairman
Tamara Holliday
Charles M. Royce, Honorary Co-Chairman
Michael A. Kovner
James E. Murphy
Honorary Trustees
Brenda Taggart Thompson
Steven and Alexandra Cohen
Sue Ann Weinberg
Kathy and Richard S. Fuld, Jr.
Pam and Bob Goergen
Class of 2012
Ambassador John L. Loeb, Jr.
Barbara Dalio
Malcolm Hewitt Wiener
Michael Grunberg
Myrna R. Haft
Ex Officio
Raymond E. Joslin
Thomas J. Byrne, Moderator, Representative Town Meeting
Susan E. Lynch
Darby Cartun, Museum Council, Co-Chairman
Susan V. Mahoney
Sachiko Goodman, Museum Council, Co-Chairman
Ingrid McMenamin
Carmiña Roth, Renaissance Ball, Co-Chairman
Alice P. Melly
Jennifer Weinstein, Renaissance Ball, Co-Chairman
Linda Zwack Munger
Peter C. Sutton, Executive Director and CEO
Andrew Prozes
Peter J. Tesei, First Selectman
Charles M. Royce
Stephen G. Walko, Chairman, Board of Estimate and Taxation
John W. Watling III
Class of 2013
Tiffany A. Burnette
Linda Chase-Jenkins
Thomas P. Clephane
Bruce F. Cohen
Fred Elser
Spencer B. Haber
Leora R. Levy
Walter F. Raquet
Museum Council &
Collectors Council
Members of the Museum Council are
distinguished leaders in the community who
support the mission of the Museum and act
as ambassadors for the Museum.
Museum Council
Darby Cartun, Co-Chairman
Lynne Wheat
Heather Mosley
Kathleen Whitby
Kate Osman
Martha R. Zoubek
Colleen Richmond
Sachiko Goodman, Co-Chairman
Deborah G. Royce
Maria Allwin
Lauren Saunders
Carol Browne
Maria Schmidt
Richard and Virginia Case
Collectors Council
Steven Certilman
Lisa Short Fritsch
Susan Sonnenberg
Alice Scovell Coleman
Carmiña Roth, Chairman
Joline Stemerman
Carol Crapple
Aundrea Amine
Beth Taylor
Lucy Day
Stacia Balog
Katherine Tenney
Jean Doyen de Montaillou
Berdie Brady
Jennifer Weinstein
Nancy A. Duffy
Tiffany Burnette
Carolyn Lewis Westerberg
Anne Elser
Jennifer Clark
Julie Woods
Sabrina Forsythe
Vicki Craver
Kathleen Fuld
Kathy Cummins
Lucy Glasebrook
Nikki Denvir
Pamela Goergen
Julia Dunn
Renée Hack
Elizabeth Darst
Susan Hut
Lori Feldman
Arianne Faber Kolb
Rachel Franco
Pamela Lewanda
Kim Gregory
Lillian T. Lum
Tomoko Haber
Juan Meyer
Teresa Haskett
Sarah Nelson
Melissa Hawkes
Lynne L. Pasculano
Heather Jervis
Natalie Pray
Kimberly Johnson
Leslee Rogath
Elizabeth Bittner Joung
Deborah Royce
Allison Kanders
Leah Rukeyser
Kim Kassin
Barbara Schwartz
Lauren Kelley
Deborah Simon
Jenny Klein
Edith and Roy Simpson
Michael A. Kovner
Gillian Steel
Barbara Laux
Deborah Stiles
Tia Mahaffy
Jennifer Stockman
Kate McNamara
Jieun Wax
Jean Doyen de Montaillou
Louise Weber
Samantha Moro
Standing Committees
Juan Meyer
James M. Barton, Member-at-Large
Thomas P. Clephane, Co-Chairman
Patricia Q. Read
Walter F. Raquet, Member-at-Large
Alice P. Melly, Co-Chairman
Whitney Lucas Rosenberg*
Peter C. Sutton*, Ex Officio
James M. Barton
Leah S. Rukeyser
Joel C. Coleman
Michelle Spinei*
Nathaniel B. Day
Peter C. Sutton*
James M. Barton, Chairman
Tamara Holliday
Carolyn Lewis Westerberg
Judith Lund Biggs
Gregory Hollop*
John W. Watling III
Tiffany A. Burnette
Peter C. Sutton*
Heidi Weber*
Steven A. Certilman
Ernest Wong
Robert Whitby
Jack Coyle*
Liz Wooster*
Nathaniel B. Day
Nancy A. Duffy
Lynne L. Pasculano, Chairman
Fred Elser
Phil Alexandre
Marianne Pollak, Chairman
Vicki N. Fitzgerald
Joel C. Coleman
Judith Lund Biggs
Robin Garr*
Jack Coyle*
Anne Burns*
Gina Gould*
Nathaniel B. Day
Nathaniel B. Day
Tamara Holliday
Gina Gould*
Carol Dixon
Susan J. Hut
Myrna R. Haft
Kathy Epstein
Michael A. Kovner
Tamara Holliday
Robin Garr*
Lillian T. Lum
Arianne Faber Kolb
Tamara Holliday
Kate McNamara
Kenneth E. Silver*
Mary Ann Lendenmann*
Barbara Netter
Peter C. Sutton*
Peter Linderoth*
Lynne L. Pasculano
Sue Ann Weinberg
Karen Marache
Cristine S. Robinson
Alice P. Melly
Leah S. Rukeyser
Diane Myers*
Lauren B. Saunders
Linda Zwack Munger, Chairman
Peter C. Sutton*
Kenneth E. Silver*
Jennifer Bernstein*
Deborah Simon
Tiffany A. Burnette
Anne von Stuelpnagel*
Becky Conelias*
Susan E. Lynch,
Peter C. Sutton*
Linda Chase-Jenkins
Nathaniel B. Day
Christopher Franco
Honorary Co-Chairman
Brenda Taggart Thompson
Charles M. Royce,
Honorary Co-Chairman
Myrna R. Haft
Nathaniel B. Day, Co-Chairman
Patricia W. Chadwick, Chairman
Tamara Holliday
Tamara Holliday, Co-Chairman
Alice P. Melly
Raymond E. Joslin
Linda Zwack Munger, Vice Chairman
Linda Zwack Munger
Michael A. Kovner
Patricia W. Chadwick, Treasurer
Amy O. Goodfriend
Leora R. Levy
Myrna R. Haft, Secretary
Greg Hollop*
Frederick W. Glasier (American, 1866–1950)
Pete Mardo, 1923
Copy from glass print negative
Photographic print
Negative Number 1365
The John and Mable Ringling
Museum of Art Archives
Peter C. Sutton*
Mike Horyczun*
Liz Wooster*
Stuart R. Kaplan
Pamela H. Lewanda
John W. Moffly IV
Michael Grunberg, Co-Chairman
Jonathan Moffly
Susan V. Mahoney, Co-Chairman
James E. Murphy
Tiffany A. Burnette
Elizabeth Phelps
Nathaniel B. Day
Whitney Lucas Rosenberg*
Jean Doyen de Montaillou
Fred Steinberg
Raymond E. Joslin
Anne von Stuelpnagel*
Tamara Holliday
Peter C. Sutton*
Kathy Reichenbach*
Liz Wooster*
Whitney Lucas Rosenberg*
Peter C. Sutton*
Sue Ann Weinberg
Fred Elser, Chairman
Liz Wooster*
Sue Baker
Daniel V. Barrett
Richard Bergstresser
Walter F. Raquet, Chairman
Dr. Frank Cantelmo
Patricia W. Chadwick
Nathaniel B. Day
George E. Crapple
Cynthia Ehlinger*
Nathaniel B. Day
Annie Farrell
Amy O. Goodfriend
Robin Garr*
Tamara Holliday
Gina Gould*
Greg Hollop*
Lisette Henrey
Andrew Prozes
Tamara Holliday
Peter C. Sutton*
Robert H. Lawrence
Karl Lendenmann
Marketing & Membership
Ingrid McMenamin
Robert Rukeyser, Co-Chairman
John Stauffer
Martha R. Zoubek, Co-Chairman
Peter C. Sutton*
Alyssa K. Bonomo
Liz Wooster*
Thomas P. Clephane
Alice Scovell Coleman
Nathaniel B. Day
Cynthia Ehlinger*
Rodger Groves
Tamara Holliday
* staff
Peter C. Sutton, The Susan E. Lynch
Executive Director and CEO
Executive Director’s Report
Over the course of the last year the Bruce Museum has offered a wide variety
of exhibitions and programs, providing a savory menu even as the effects of
the recent economic downturn lingered. Augmenting major loan exhibitions,
we drew on the strengths of local private collections and our own permanent
collection to fill the schedule of twelve shows. The headlining exhibition last fall
was an interdisciplinary show, Circus! Art and Science Under the Big Top, which
surveyed this ever-popular spectacle with imagery from the eighteenth century
to the present and examined the physics and mechanics of many circus acts.
The exhibition was accompanied by a full array of public programs, including
a Family Day. Our annual holiday show, A Child’s View: 19th-Century Paper
Theaters, was drawn from the personal collection of Eric G. Bernard of New York
City and explored the history and variety of a children’s toy that first emerged in
the early nineteenth century. It showcased 35 miniature, antique paper theaters
and evoked bygone pastimes and forms of recreation. The major exhibition last
winter, Cindy Sherman: Works from Friends of the Bruce Museum, highlighted
the photography of Cindy Sherman, arguably the most famous woman artist
at present, from ten local collections. It offered a survey of her career and
emphasized the chameleon-like diversity of her self-portraits. Three shows drew
on the strengths of the permanent collection: Human Connections: Figural Art
from the Bruce Museum Collection, which explored a variety of approaches to
the human form; Kashmir Shawls from the Bruce Collection highlighted one of
the strengths of the textile collection; and Three Sisters & Corn Maidens: Native
American Maize Cultivation & Customs, explored the role of corn in Native
American culture using textiles, paintings, pottery, baskets and prehistoric
artifacts from the Bruce’s own holdings.
The major show last spring and summer was Power Incarnate: Allan
Stone’s Collection of Sculpture from the Congo, which featured outstanding,
previously unpublished “power figures” and related sculptures from the Congo
basin. Gathered by the renowned Contemporary Art dealer, the late Allan Stone,
it revealed the extraordinary power and beauty of these art works, which were
created to protect their communities from malevolence and disease. Finally,
Picasso’s Vollard Suite: The Sculptor’s Studio was again borrowed from a local
private collector and highlighted a group of etchings from the suite of more
than 100 prints that Picasso exchanged with the legendary art dealer and
publisher, Ambroise Vollard. They were executed at a time in the 1930s when
Picasso sought to assert himself as a three dimensional artist, entering into a
friendly competition with other leading sculptors of the day, including Matisse
and Brancusi.
Pablo Picasso (Spanish, 1881–1973)
Four Models and a Sculptured Head,
Paris, March 10, 1934
Combined technique
8 9/16 x 12 1/4 in.
Private Collection
© 2011 Estate of Pablo Picasso /
Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York
Visitors of all ages participated in the Museum’s public programs,
including educational tours and classes from pre-K to grade 12 students,
Family Days featuring storytellers, acrobats, naturalists, as well as art classes
and hands-on activities, and lectures, tours and film series for adults. We
served 5,257 students and adults through 318 programs in our school and
group tours. Another 6,163 adults and students were engaged by our traveling
Brucemobile, an educational outreach program that brings artifact-based lessons
to classrooms and selected community organizations. Art historians, scientists,
and historians offered twenty-eight lectures at the Museum. In conjunction with
the Cindy Sherman show, the Hascoe Lecture series centered on the theme of
photography, while the national parks, preserves and refuges were the subject
of the Science Lecture Series. The Museum’s energetic Youth Committee
organized its first TEDx event in March with a live webcast featuring a panel of
nationally renowned speakers addressing issues relating to the protection of our
national wildlife refuges. In addition to the 75 local students who attended, it drew
more than 5,000 viewers from around the world who logged on to the webcast.
Additional student workshops were offered on topics ranging from the wonders
of Yellowstone National Park and its wolf population, local animal life, paper
theaters, and Native American crafts.
The Museum continued to offer its popular outreach program, the
Neighborhood Collaborative, which brings students from pre-K to grade 8 from
low-income neighborhoods spanning from the Bronx to Bridgeport along the I-95
corridor. It reached nearly 900 students with 179 classes. This award-winning
program provides a series of four visits and inquiry-based classes at no cost
to the participating organization, including round-trip bus transportation. An
important component of the program is the engagement of Junior Educators, high
school students who are trained and paid a nominal amount to teach elementarylevel classes to the younger students. In June the renovated Innis Arden Cottage
opened at Greenwich Point as the new home of the Bruce Museum’s Seaside
Center and the Floren Family Environmental Center. Equipped with a state-ofthe-art marine touch tank, other aquaria and interactive exhibits it also offers
meeting and workspaces for research as well as educational workshops. Staffed
by the Museum’s naturalists, in its first summer of operation the new Seaside
Center attracted 6,066 visitors, almost double the number of visitors who had
come the previous year.
We are fortunate to have a committed cadre of volunteers, numbering
more than 400, who donated a total of 14,432 hours of service to the Museum
complementing the dedicated work of the staff. With corporate underwriting of
exhibitions still difficult to secure in an uncertain economy, we continued to rely
on revenues derived from special events, notably the annual Renaissance Ball,
and a creative new fundraiser, Dimensions in Dining, which featured a series of
dinner parties at the homes of donors and benefactors, to which distinguished
individuals in a broad range of fields were invited. Through the ongoing
generosity of our Trustees and members and the economic restraint of the
staff, we were able to post a balanced budget.
We are proud of our commitment to the mission of the institution
and service to the community, providing a broad range of exhibitions of the
first quality.
Peter C. Sutton
The Susan E. Lynch Executive Director
Cindy Sherman
Untitled, 1981
Color photograph
24 x 48 in.
Edition of 10
(MP# 96)
UBS Art Collection
Courtesy of the Artist and Metro Pictures
Audrey Love Gallery and Newman-Wilds Gallery Exhibitions
▪ Circus! Art and Science Under the Big Top
September 25, 2010–January 9, 2011
The exhibition illuminated the pageantry and feats of skill and daring of this
spectacular form of public entertainment and its evolution from the 18th century
to the modern day. A sword swallower and an x-ray of his dare-devil performance
as well as a moveable circus horse were among the delightful and fascinating
elements of the show which helped visitors understand some of the mechanics
and physics behind many of the performances associated with the circus.
▪ Cindy Sherman: Works from Friends of the Bruce Museum
January 29–April 23, 2011
Featuring thirty-two works by the artist, including large-scale black-and-white and
color photographs drawn from ten local collections in Greenwich and surrounding
Sean Murtha
Mural for Evolution of the Natural World:
Highlights from the Bruce Museum
Science Collection
communities, this show examined the artist’s favored themes and suggested
something of the chameleon-like diversity of her art.
▪ Power Incarnate: Allan Stone’s Collection of Sculpture from the Congo
May 14–September 4, 2011
The second African art exhibition mounted by the Bruce since 1999, this show
gave viewers the opportunity to explore the beauty of power sculptures of the
Congo and their importance as objects to protect families and communities from
malevolent forces and disease.
Paluzie (active 1867–1940)
Barcelona, Spain, c. 1900
Proscenium, sheet number 1028;
scenery, and figures, Don Juan Tenorio.
Collection of Eric G. Bernard
Arcade Gallery Exhibitions
• Evolution of the Natural World: Highlights from the Bruce Museum
Science Collection
June 19–October 17, 2010
Stunning mineral, fossil and animal specimens from the Museum’s collection and
large murals that brought to life the long extinct animals and plants on display
highlighted the development of novelty and complexity in the evolution of this
planet and its living things.
▪ A Child’s View: 19th-Century Paper Theaters
October 30, 2010–January 30, 2011
This exhibition was a delightful reprise of a unique and popular child’s toy that
emerged in the early 19th century—the paper theater—showcasing thirtyfive colorful, antique paper theaters plus related materials from the personal
collection of Eric G. Bernard of New York City.
▪ Human Connections: Figural Art from the Bruce Museum Collection
February 12–June 5, 2011
Curated by the Museum’s 2010–2011 Zvi Grunberg Resident Intern, Julie Barry,
this show featured approximately forty works from the Museum’s permanent
collection and explored a variety of approaches to the human figure, from
illusionistic portraits and classical nudes to timeless abstractions of the
human form.
▪ Picasso’s Vollard Suite: The Sculptor’s Studio
June 18–October 16, 2011
Featuring twenty-eight extraordinary images of The Sculptor’s Studio etchings
from the group of one hundred prints that the artist delivered to the legendary art
dealer and publisher, Ambroise Vollard, in exchange for several paintings in the
dealer’s stock, the exhibition brought the classical world of the artist-and-model,
as Picasso imagined it, fully to life.
Other Exhibitions
▪ The Beckoning Path: The Woodland Garden Photographs of
Theodore Nierenberg
August 28–November 7, 2010
This exhibition showcased forty-six photographs of Theodore Nierenberg’s New
York estate, giving viewers glimpses of a rambling series of paths on the estate
and intimate close-ups and scenic views taken over several decades and during
all seasons.
▪ Kashmir Shawls from the Bruce Museum Collection
November 13, 2010–February 27, 2011
A handsome display of ten shawls from the Museum’s international textile
collection, most of them dating from the early to mid-19th century and several of
which were given to the Museum by Greenwich families that passed them down
from one generation to the next.
Arctic Sanctuary: Images of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
March 5–May 29, 2011
Twenty-five large-scale photographs by Jeff Jones celebrated a milestone in
American conservation history, the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in northwest Alaska.
▪ Three Sisters & Corn Maidens: Native American Maize Cultivation
& Customs
December 11, 2010–July 3, 2011
Pima Basket Bowl
Southwest, southern Arizona, late 19th century
Coiled grass sewn with willow
and devil’s claw
5 1/2 x 16 in.
Bruce Museum Collection
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Garrison,
Utilizing the outstanding collection of Native American art and objects in
Navajo Wedding Tray
Southwest, late 19th century
Coiled construction with herringbone rim,
rhus trilobata and various dyes
3 1/2 x 11 1/2 in.
Bruce Museum Collection
Gift of Mrs. W. A. Davies,
June 4–June 26, 2011
the Museum’s collection, including textiles, paintings, pottery, baskets, and
prehistoric artifacts, this show explored the role of corn in the Native American
cultures of the Northeast and Southwest.
• “iCreate” Teen Art
A juried exhibition of artworks by area high school students conceived and
executed by the Bruce Museum’s Youth Committee.
▪ Exhibition organized by the Bruce Museum
Diane Myers and Caroline Shields
Circus! Art and Science
Under the Big Top
Exhibition brochure
Bruce Museum, 2010
Eric G. Bernard
A Child’s View:
19th-Century Paper Theaters
Exhibition brochure
Bruce Museum, 2010
Kenneth E. Silver, Linda Nochlin
and Peter C. Sutton
Cindy Sherman: Works from Friends
of the Bruce Museum
Exhibition catalogue
Bruce Museum, 2011
Kevin D. Dumouchelle
Power Incarnate:
Allan Stone’s Collection of Sculpture
from the Congo
Exhibition catalogue
Bruce Museum, 2011
Julie Barry
Human Connections:
Figural Art from the
Bruce Museum Collection
Exhibition brochure on CD
Bruce Museum, 2011
Kenneth E. Silver
Picasso’s Vollard Suite:
The Sculptor’s Studio
Exhibition catalogue
Bruce Museum, 2011
Collection Acquisitions
Gift of Ruth and Harold Newman
Gift of Louise B. Weber
in Honor of Ethel Horowitz Newman
Walt Kuhn (American, 1877–1949)
Unknown designer/maker
Christmas card, 1947
Evening Coat, c. 1925
Ink on paper
Probably purchased in New York City
5 1/2 x 4 in.
Black silk with white chenille and
Inscribed: Merry Christmas! Walt,
metallic thread
Vera and Brenda
Gift of Gillet T. Page
Gift of Marjorie Knox Campbell
in Honor of Helen Augusta Wales
Pierre Jules Mène (French, 1810–1877)
Unknown artist, probably American
Mare Playing with a Dog
Portrait of a Young Girl
(Jumet Jouant avec un Chien)
Wearing a Bonnet, c. 1840
Conceived 1859, cast later
Oil on canvas
28 x 22 in. (oval)
10 x 19 in.
Gift of the Estate of
Theodore Nierenberg
Theodore Nierenberg
(American, 1923–2009)
Untitled (Winter)
Color photograph
10 1/8 x 15 in. (image),
12 x 17 in. (sheet)
Major Exhibition
Caroline Shields and Diane Myers,
Co-Curators of Circus! Art and Science under
the Big Top
Adjunct Curator of Art Kenneth E. Silver and
Peter C. Sutton with Linda and Steve Munger
Guest Curator Kevin Dumouchelle, Claire
Stone, Peter C. Sutton and Jessie Stone
Circus! Art and Science
Max and Harry Fritsch
Under the Big Top
Salli Garrick
Moffly Media
Pam and Bob Goergen
Committee of Honor
The Charles M. and Deborah G. Royce
Michael Grunberg
Myrna R. Haft
Barbara Dalio
Robert and Lisette Henrey
Michael Kovner and
Exhibition Fund
The Malcolm Hewitt Wiener Foundation
Committee of Honor
Marielle Jan de Beur and Jim Langley
Maggie Lee
Linda Chase-Jenkins
Virginia and Juan Meyer
Susan Mahoney
Linda and Steve Munger
Drs. Stephen A. and
Barbara and Ray Dalio
Naomi Schiff Myers
Anne and Fred Elser
Cassie and Mark Palmer
Arthur L. Jenkins III MD and
Colleen and Larry Richmond
Linda Chase-Jenkins
Jean Doyen de Montaillou
Linda and Steve Munger
Sachiko and Larry Goodman
Michael A. Kovner and
Jean Doyen de Montaillou
Robert Scheuer
Linda and Steve Munger
Susan and Bill Mahoney
Nancy Smith
Resource Foundation
Jennifer and Lee Weinstein
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Stauffer
Jennifer and Lee Weinstein
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Strackbein
Marnie Vallely
Michael and Stacia Balog
Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis G. Wilcox Jr.
Jebb A. Agnew
John T. Becker and Sheila B. Becker
Peter J. Appleby and Stephanie Raia
A Child’s View: 19th-Century Paper
Carol and William Browne
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce F. Cohen
Tiffany Burnette and Don Casturo
George and Carol Crapple
The Barton Family
Patricia and John Chadwick
Nat and Lucy Day
The Charles M. and Deborah G. Royce
Nat and Lucy Day
Nora and Madison Grose
Exhibition Fund
Kathleen L. Metinko and
John and Lile Gibbons
Pam and Bob Goergen
Kashmir Shawls from the Bruce
Tamara Holliday
Susan E. Lynch
Museum Collection
Susan E. Lynch
Alice P. Melly
The Charles M. and Deborah G. Royce
Kate and Dan McNamara
Jan Rogers Kniffen
The Ohnell Family Foundation
Exhibition Fund
Marcia and Robert Powers
Sue Ann Weinberg
Otto Naumann Ltd.
Beverly and John Watling
Cindy Sherman: Works from Friends
of the Bruce Museum
The Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation
Peter M. Brant
Pat and Gil Caffray
The Charles M. and Deborah G. Royce
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce F. Cohen
Tiffany Burnette and Don Casturo
Tom Cerio
Exhibition Fund
Nancy and Ken Duffy
Helaine Friedman
Salli Garrick
Kerry Hand
iCreate! Teen Art
Michael Grunberg
Allegra Harrington
The Charles M. and Deborah G. Royce
Arthur L. Jenkins III MD and
Marina Kaneko
Linda Chase-Jenkins
Exhibition Fund
Megan Keane
Allison and Warren B. Kanders
Katherine Krause
Three Sisters & Corn Maidens:
Jack Kilgore
Karl Lendenmann
Native American Maize Cultivation
Kathleen L. Metinko and
Kenneth Lewis
& Customs
Jan Rogers Kniffen
Norman Lewis
The Charles M. and Deborah G. Royce
Leora and Steven Levy
Peter Linderoth
Susan and Bill Mahoney
Cynthia Masters
Virginia and Juan Meyer
Mark Masters
Power Incarnate: Allan Stone’s
Barbara Petersen Parker
Randolph Masters
Collection of Sculpture from the
Lynne and Richard Pasculano
Alice Melly
Diana and Charles Revson
Diane Myers
The Charles M. and Deborah G. Royce
Anna and Larry Simon
John Otis
Joline and David Stemerman
Denise Petsis-Otis
Carolyn and Stephen Westerberg
Chloe Pflug
Committee of Honor
Patricia Read
Arctic Sanctuary: Images of the
Whitney Rosenberg
Salli Garrick
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford
Marcia Powers
The Bruce Museum Youth Committee
Sandrine Schaefer
The Charles M. and Deborah G. Royce
Angelo Schiano
Michelle Spinei
Lawrence Benenson
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Giuliano Stabile
Judith Lund Biggs
Mr. and Mrs. Applebaum
Anne Teall
Thea Duell and Peter Cook
York Baker
Lucinda Tredwell
Salli Garrick
David J. Belmonte
Tracey Utton
Alice P. Melly
Marc Brodlieb
Joseph Waesche
Marcia and Robert Powers
John Cavini
Daniel Williams
The Selz Foundation
Dorian Challoner
Liz Wooster
Mrs. Clare Stone
Vivian Chaunu
Valerie Zygmont
Exhibition Fund
Rebecca Conelias
Exhibition Fund
Exhibition Fund
Georgette DaSilva
Human Connections: Figural Art
Susan and Peter Hut
Ruth Ann DeSantis
from the Bruce Museum Collection
Hooker and Helen O’Malley
Cynthia Ehlinger
The Charles M. and Deborah G. Royce
Barbara and Alan Weeden
Gloria FitzSimons
Exhibition Fund
Robin Garr
Gina Gould
Sue H. Baker
Marnie Dawson Carr
Steven Certilman
Alice Scovell Coleman
Carol Crapple
Lucy Day
Jean Doyen de Montaillou
Nancy Duffy
Anne H. Elser
Sabrina Forsythe
Kathleen Fuld
Lucille Glasebrook
Pamela Goergen
Sachiko Goodman
Renée Hack
Susan J. Hut
Arianne Faber Kolb
Pamela Lewanda
The Bruce Museum’s Youth Committee,
Youth@Bruce, raising funds through
Chris and Joan Carter
Lillian Lum
Marie and Patrick Dolan
Juan Meyer
Arline and Paul Gardner
Sara Nelson
Barbara Gleason
Lynne Pasculano
Mrs. Erika Hall
Natalie Pray
Deborah and Richard Kessler
Leslee Rogath
Frank and Barbara Manley
Deborah Goodrich Royce
Mrs. Thomas E. Moran
Leah Rukeyser
Barbara Schwartz
Picasso’s Vollard Suite:
Deborah Simon
The Sculptor’s Studio
Edith and Roy Simpson
Sylvia and Leonard Marx
Gillian Steel
The Charles M. and Deborah G. Royce
Deborah F. Stiles
Exhibition Fund
The Seiden-Luke Foundation
Jennifer Stockman
Jieun Wax
Louise B. Weber
Museum Council members
Lynne Wheat
Maria Allwin
Kathleen Whitby
Lawrence Benenson
Muffin Zoubek
Carol Browne
Darby Cartun
Virginia and Richard Case
ICreate! Teen Art First Place winner, Diane
Yang, Stamford High School, Grade 11
Nancy and Jim Barton and Peter C. Sutton with
Collector and Guest Curator Eric Bernard
Martha Nierenberg and Peter C. Sutton
The Hascoe Lecture Series
The Hascoe family continues to generously
fund this series of six lectures annually,
three given in the fall and three in the
spring. These outstanding lectures bring
internationally recognized scholars to the
Museum to address major themes in art.
The autumn lectures examined Abstraction in art.
Dr. Charlotte Eyerman
Independent Curator and Scholar, Los Angeles, CA
Abstract Expressionism: Roots and Radical Departures
October 7, 2010
Dr. Leah Dickerman
Curator, Department of Painting and Sculpture,
The Museum of Modern Art, New York
Inventing Abstraction: Kandinsky and Kupka
November 11, 2010
Dr. Pepe Karmel
Associate Professor of Art History, New York University
The Birth of Grid: From Decoration to Abstraction
December 9, 2010
To complement the exhibition
Cindy Sherman: Works from Friends of the Bruce Museum
Dr. Malcolm Daniel
Curator in Charge, Department of Photographs,
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Stieglitz, Steichen, and Strand: Three Giants of American Photography
February 3, 2011
Dr. Shelley Rice
Professor of Art History, New York University
Dressing Up: Feminism, Globalization and Masquerade
March 10, 2011
Dr. Kevin Moore
Author and Independent Curator, New York
Gasoline Rainbow: Color Photography in America 1970–1980
April 7, 2011
Exhibition Programs
In conjunction with its exhibitions
the Museum presented the following
The Dressmaker’s Art: Highlights of the Bruce Museum’s Costume Collection
Colleen Hill
Assistant Curator, The Museum at F.I.T. in New York
Reinventing Glamour: American Fashion, 1960–Today
Evolution of the Natural World: Highlights from the Bruce Museum Science Collection
Bob Landis
Emmy award-winning wildlife cinematographer
In the Valley of the Wolves
Circus! Art and Science Under the Big Top
Larissa Bailiff
Freelance lecturer, The Museum of Modern Art, New York
Daring Acts: Art, Spectacle, and the Cult of the Circus in the Fin de Siècle
Jennifer Katanic
Freelance lecturer, The Museum of Modern Art, New York
From Affiche to Modern Lithographs: The Theme of the Circus in Early 20thCentury Art
Dr. Valerie A. Leeds
Adjunct Curator of American Art, Flint Institute of Arts
A High Wire Act: The Ashcan School, Entertainment, and the Grand Spectacle
Dr. Richard Turnbull
Chair, History of Art Department, Fashion Institute of Technology
Performance and Spectacle in the Modern Photograph
Kory Rogers
Associate Curator, Shelburne Museum and Curator of Circus Day in America,
Shelburne Museum
War on the Home Front: Shelburne Museum’s Colchester Posters
Philip Kunhardt
Adjunct Professor of History, New York University and author
P.T. Barnum
Peter Kayafas
Director of Eakins Press Foundation
The Photography of Frederick W. Glasier and the Ringling Circus
Dan Meyer
President and Chief Executive Director, Sword Swallowers Association
The Art and Science of Sword Swallowing
Three Sisters & Corn Maidens: Native American Maize Cultivation & Customs
Dr. John P. Hart
Director, Research and Collections Division, New York State Museum
Evolving the Three Sisters: The Changing Histories of Maize, Bean and Squash
in the Greater Northeast
Dr. David Oestreicher
Independent scholar
The Lenape: Lower New York’s First Inhabitants
Harriet Koenig
Adjunct Professor of Anthropology, University of Connecticut, College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Navajo and Hopi Traditions
Power Incarnate: Allan Stone’s Collection of Sculpture from the Congo
Susan Kart, Ph.D.
Professor of African Art, Sarah Lawrence College
Introduction to African Art with a Focus on Central Africa (Kongo, Kuba, Songye)
Susan Elizabeth Gagliardi, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Arts of Africa,
Art Department, City College of City University of New York
Constructing and Articulating Power in Dynamic Sculptures from Central Africa
Petra Richter, Ph.D.
Photographer and independent scholar
Context and Meaning in Central African Sculpture: The Allan Stone Collection
Great Women Photographers
Stryker’s America: Photography of the Great Depression
Photography as Art
Dorothea Lange
Annie Leibovitz: Life Through a Lens
Masters of Photography: Diane Arbus
Expressing the Inexpressible: Shirin Neshat
Cindy Sherman: Nobody Here but Me
Arctic Santuary: Images of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Lecture and Documentary: America’s Wildest Refuge
African Art and its Collectors
Fang: An Epic Journey
Living Memory: Six Sketches of Mali Today
The Collector: Allan Stone’s Life in Art
The Science Lecture Series
The Bruce Museum Science Lecture
Series is supported by the Marjorie
Sims Lawrence Memorial Fund and
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elser, Jr.
Our National Parks, Preserves and Refuges
Dan Stahler
Project Biologist
Yellowstone Gray Wolf Restoration Project, National Park Service in
Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone Wolves: The Restoration of a Wildlife Legacy
September 12, 2010
Charles “Chipper” Wichman
National Botanical Garden
A Dream Fulfilled: Our Nation’s Tropical Garden
February 13, 2011
Fran Maurer
Fish and Wildlife Service
Ecological Diversity in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge:
A Field Biologist’s Perspective
March 27, 2011
Jeff Jones
Landscape Photography in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge:
One Photographer’s Vision and Experience
March 27, 2011
Education Programs
Each year the Museum provides a wide
variety of museum-based and outreach
educational programs to reach the
broadest possible audience.
Public Programs
The Museum organized and presented 64 different educational programs for the general public in 2010–2011. Another
29 programs were organized by associated organizations for a total of 93 education programs on the Museum’s calendar.
A total of 5,323 people attended public programs this year.
Family Days
One of the Museum’s most popular offerings, Family Days are festive occasions that provide parents and children many
opportunities for exploration, hands-on activities, and entertainment. There were six family days in 2010–2011, which drew
approximately 1,400 to the Museum: Family Fossil Fun Night!, Circus Family Day, Paper Theaters Family Day, the Martin
Luther King, Jr. Day Annual Celebration, Astronomy Day, Animals in Our Backyards Family Day, and Native American
Family Day. The Animals in Our Backyards Family Day was the Museum’s most popular family day, drawing 293 visitors
followed by the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Family Day with 200 attendees.
Children’s Programs
There were various student workshops in 2010–2011 including four days in July devoted to evolution with a focus on the
wonders of Yellowstone National Park and its wolf population, and some were co-sponsored by the Yellowstone Park
Foundation. In its eighth year of operation, the summer 2010 painting course, Palettes, Brushes, and Paint, was offered
to students in the 4th–7th grades. It remains a popular and well attended program. A new program, the Diane W. Darst
Learning to Look® Family Art Appreciation Lectures, offers families a lesson on visual literacy, informal gallery dialogues
between families and Museum educators, docents, and Junior Educators, and an art-making project in the Museum’s
workshop. The first lecture was held in March and complemented the Cindy Sherman: Works from Friends of the Bruce
Museum and Human Connections: Figural Art from the Bruce Museum Collection exhibitions; the second, held in June,
focused on Picasso and printmaking and complemented Picasso’s Vollard Suite: The Sculptor’s Studio.
School Vacation Workshops
The Museum offers vacation workshops that coincide with Greenwich public school vacations in February, April and
December. This year’s workshops focused on local animal life in February in conjunction with our Changes in Our Land
exhibition, Native American crafts in April in conjunction with Three Sisters & Corn Maidens: Native American Maize
Cultivation & Customs and paper theaters in December associated with A Child’s View: 19th-Century Paper Theaters.
Affiliate Organizations
Four local organizations whose educational missions and objectives are aligned with those of the Bruce Museum present a
number of programs at the Museum each year, many of which are co-sponsored by the Bruce and relate to its exhibitions.
These programs bring new people to the Museum and generate good will in the community. The groups are Archaeological
Associates of Greenwich, Astronomical Society of Greenwich, Connecticut Ceramics Study Circle, and the Greenwich
Antiques Society. Other groups that held events at the Museum include Greenwich Tree Conservancy, the Conservation
Commission and the Stamford Mineralogical Society.
Summer painting workshop
Circus Family Day
School Services and Group Tours
The Museum offers tours of exhibitions and special programs for school and adult groups. School programs are inquirybased, promote critical thinking, written and oral expression, correlate to school curricula and feature hands-on learning
activities using objects from the Museum,s collections and exhibitions. Many are interdisciplinary and accommodate various
learning styles. In 2010–2011 the Museum offered 199 programs reaching 3,913 students and 116 tours for 1,269 adults.
Program Popularity
Our top programs for students:
Coastal Ecology/Crusty Crabs = 76 classes
Woodland Indian Life = 73 classes
Animal Adaptations = 39 classes
Mineral Marvels = 32 classes
Eat or Be Eaten: Animal Survival Strategies = 31 classes
Butterflies = 15 classes
Human Connections: Figural Art from the Bruce Museum Collection = 16 classes
Circus! Art and Science Under the Big Top = 12 classes
Our top programs for adults:
Cindy Sherman: Works from Friends of the Bruce Museum = 19 tours
Circus! Art and Science Under the Big Top = 10 tours
A Child’s View: 19th-Century Paper Theaters = 8 tours
The Dressmaker’s Art: Highlights from the Bruce Museum’s Costume Collection = 5 tours
Three Sisters & Corn Maidens: Native American Maize Cultivation & Customs = 2 tours
Multi-exhibition tours = 18 tours
Docent Program
The high quality of the Museum’s programming would suffer without the services of a committed cadre of dedicated
volunteer docents. The museum experience for a large segment of our audience depends on the quality of their docent-led
tour or class. Docent selection, training and evaluation are critically important to our overall mission. This year 50 active
docents received weekly training sessions featuring Museum programs and exhibitions, classroom teaching techniques,
education theory, and tours with exhibition curators.
Teacher Workshop and Previews
Keeping teachers informed about Museum opportunities is a vital component of our School Services. The Education
Department offered two previews featuring staff-led tours and specialized workshops focusing on the following exhibitions
in 2010–2011: Circus! Art and Science Under the Big Top and Three Sisters & Corn Maidens: Native American Maize
Cultivation & Customs. A teacher’s preview of Cindy Sherman: Works from Friends of the Bruce Museum was cancelled
due to inclement winter weather.
Each teacher preview includes information about the exhibition, curriculum connections, useful vocabulary, and
ideas about how teachers can incorporate what they have learned into their lessons. Teachers who participate in Teacher
workshops and previews receive Continuing Education Units (CEUs), which teachers are required to earn to maintain their
certification. The Bruce Museum is a state-approved CEU provider.
Teachers’ Advisory Council
The Teachers’ Advisory Council is a group of area teachers with varying specialties who work with different age groups,
advise the Education Department and serve as Museum advocates. The teachers generate ideas for programs in
conjunction with upcoming exhibitions, assist with focus groups, help to forge curriculum connections between the
Museum’s current programs, and advise on pre- and post-museum visit materials.
Neighborhood Collaborative
This hallmark program of the Bruce Museum has completed its sixteenth year of offering free bus transportation and
educational programs to at-risk children in community centers and after-school and Head Start programs. In 2010–2011,
179 Neighborhood Collaborative Head Start (pre-kindergarten) and after-school (elementary grade) classes reached
nearly 900 students.
Junior Educators
During 2010–2011, 13 students from Greenwich High School took part in the Museum’s Neighborhood Collaborative
programs, leading 125 classes with help from the Education Department. All Junior Educators received training to prepare
them to lead the after-school program of our Neighborhood Collaborative program. There were 17 training sessions given
throughout the year. Members of the year’s Junior Educators corps were Lisley DaSilva, Cecilia Cerrilla, Ted Mitchell,
Maharlika Alangilan, Stephanie Condori, Julia McDonald, Jamie Denton, Andrew Garcia, Serena Cattau, Katie Gilder,
Nicholas Ospina, Dane Burge, and Charlotte D’Acierno.
Middle School After School Program
This was the ninth year of the Middle School After School program, a part of the Neighborhood Collaborative. For the third
year in a row, the Hand-in-Hand Club from Western Middle School in Greenwich visited the Museum eight times during the
school year. Two other school groups, from Port Chester Middle School and Family & Children’s Agency Inc., participated
in the program during a four-month period beginning in December 2010. Participants in the Middle School After School
program visited the Museum several times and participated in a variety of programs led by members of the Education
Department and docents. They received guided tours of permanent and changing exhibitions, took part in discussions
about the objects and artworks on view and completed hands-on activities relating to the exhibitions.
Outreach Education – The Brucemobile
The Brucemobile is an educational outreach program that takes the Museum directly to students in their classrooms.
Museum educational outreach programs allow school classes that cannot visit the Museum a chance to experience
object-based learning in their classrooms. Programs are inquiry-based and promote critical thinking, science, visual
Junior Educator with After School Students
at Touch Tank
Evolution Workshop
literacy, and written and oral expression. All programs feature hands-on learning activities using objects and specimens
from Museum collections. The student program topics and number of programs presented this year were:
Marine Ecology = 62
Animal Adaptations = 56
Native Americans and Woodland Indians = 48
Prehistoric Peoples/Archaeology Associates of Greenwich = 41
Butterflies = 41
Shapes and Patterns = 9
Skeletons = 6
Rock Detectives = 17
Desert Ecology = 1
Dinosaurs = 6
Outreach Program for Adults
In addition to its outreach program for students, the Bruce Museum each year organizes two adult outreach education
programs, Speaker’s Bureau and Lifetime of Looking.
Speaker’s Bureau is an outreach education program designed to generate public interest in current and upcoming
Museum exhibitions through lectures to adult organizations. This year Milton Negrin and Sallie Garrick presented a
program to the Men’s Club at The Osborn, a retirement community in Rye, NY.
Once again this year, Museum docent Alice Kraus delivered the visual literacy program, A Lifetime of Looking,
for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. This multi-sensory program uses objects, artists’
materials and reproduction images from Bruce Museum collections or past exhibitions to evoke verbal responses of
memories and personal stories from participants. Ms. Kraus presented 25 programs to 250 people during 2010–2011.
In 2010–2011, the Museum offered 313 educational outreach programs serving 6,163 students and adults.
Scholarship Programming
Scholarships enable students and other individuals who otherwise would be unable to visit the Museum or participate
in an outreach program to benefit from a museum experience. Thanks to the generosity of our corporate members, the
Education Department provided 142 scholarships valued at $7,397.50 to 2,918 participants, broken out as follows:
42 museum-based programs presented to 732 participants and 100 outreach programs benefiting 2,186 students.
Internships at the Bruce Museum
Administered by the Education Department, the Museum’s internship program was active again in 2010–2011. There
were four types of internships this year: Career internships for college and university students, semester-based education
internships, high school senior internships, and the resident internship, which was recently reinstated.
Generously underwritten for the three-year period 2010–2013 by Bruce Museum Trustee Michael Grunberg in
memory of his father and administered by the Education Department, the Zvi Grunberg Resident Internship provides a
unique opportunity for a young college graduate to learn about many facets of museum operations and to gain important
professional experience. Our 2010–2011 Zvi Grunberg Resident Intern was Julie Barry, who worked alongside the Director
of Education and Museum Registrar, completed weekly assignments from the Director of Public Relations, and served as
Curator of the spring 2011 exhibition, Human Connections: Figural Art from the Bruce Museum Collection.
The Museum offered five career internships this past year, four of them during the summer of 2010. Max Newland,
a student of SUNY-ESF, worked at the Seaside Center; Victoria Campofranco, of Middlebury College, interned with Jack
Coyle, Registrar, in collections management; Lee Wacker, a student of Bryn Mawr College, worked in the Public Relations
department; Ariel Akselrad worked in the Education Department; and Shannon Dunn, of Colorado College, worked with our
Curator of Science, Gina Gould, during the academic year beginning in September 2010. Joanie Meharry, a student at the
University of Edinburgh, spent the spring semester in the Education Department as our Museum Education Intern. Two high
school senior Interns spent four and five weeks with us in the spring of 2011. They were Maharlika Alangilan, a Greenwich
High School student, and Gabriele Bras, who attended Wilton High School.
Seaside Center Summer 2010
Total visitation at the Seaside Center this year was 6,066, almost double the number of attendees in recent summers
including 2009, when total attendance was 3,063. The Seaside Center operated under the management of Naturalist
Kerry Hand and Assistant Naturalist John Curry. They were responsible for all aspects of the Center’s operation, including
aquarium setup, volunteer orientation, scheduling at the start of the season, planning and supervision of all activities (e.g.
seining, nature walks, arts and crafts). They were responsible for maintenance of the facility and its aquarium.
Several volunteers also worked at the Seaside Center. They assisted with tank maintenance and gathered
specimens for use in lessons. After training by the Naturalists, the volunteers interacted with visitors to the Center, gaining
important hands-on teaching experience. There were 54 active volunteers in 2010, most of them high school and college
student, who averaged 17 hours of service each month. Max Newland, our summer intern, contributed 185 hours of
service, and we recognize Melissa Fu and Diane Abercrombie who volunteered 105 and 75 hours of service to the
Seaside Center, respectively.
Volunteer Program
The Bruce Museum’s cadre of active volunteers is comprised of Trustees and Committee Members, Docents, Student
Craft Activity Assistants, Exhibit Chaperones, Mail Club, Museum Store Assistants, Museum Ambassadors, Seaside Center
Assistants, Special Event Participants, Youth Committee Members, and Staff Support Assistants. The Museum engaged
410 active volunteers during 2010–2011, who contributed 14,432 hours of service to the Bruce. The value of their combined
contribution to the Museum totaled $393,560, based on the Connecticut State average dollar value volunteer rate of $27.27.
The total active youth volunteer count was 194 in 2010–2011, up from 140 in the previous year. Youth volunteers provided
8,523 hours of service to the Museum, in support of the Youth Committee, family days, festivals, special events, and office
support. The number of active adult volunteers was 216; they contributed 5,909 hours of service in 2010–2011.
The Bruce Museum Youth Committee – Youth@Bruce
Drawn from the group of 140 youth volunteers at the Bruce Museum, Youth@Bruce was comprised of students from
Greenwich High School (13), Darien High School (1), and New Rochelle High School (1) during 2010–2011. They were
Gillis Baxter, Dane Burge, Ann Cavers, Christine Contreras, Lisley DaSilva, Jacki DeSantis, Nicole DeSantis, Michael
Grung, Marina Kaneko, Andrew Lewis, Teddy Mitchell, Katie Moore, Nicholas Otis, Alex Romer, and Sarah Rutledge.
They contributed almost 2,000 hours of service to the Museum during the year.
Youth@Bruce members participated in several Museum projects during the year. They organized the second
iCreate! Teen Art, a juried teen art exhibition that has become a part of the Museum’s annual exhibition schedule; raised
more than $3,000 online using to fund the exhibition, Arctic Sanctuary: Images of the Arctic National
Wildlife Refuge; and helped to organize the Museum’s first live webcast entitled, TEDxYouth@Bruce, which was held
in conjunction with Arctic Sanctuary and generated a following of more than 5,000 people worldwide. Youth@Bruce
was recognized by the Association of Science & Technology Centers’ “Youth Inspired Challenge,” a national program
spearheaded by President Obama to strengthen science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) curricula
in American schools.
page 50:
Dan Meyer, sword swlallower
Resident Intern Julie Barry
Outreach Manager Peter Linderoth
Robert Bruce Director’s Diamond
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Dalio
Robert Bruce Gold
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Barton
Ms. Judith L. Biggs
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Bragg, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic H. Brooks, Sr.
Mrs. Tiffany Burnette and Mr. Don Casturo
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Chadwick
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Clephane
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce F. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Joel C. Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Combe
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Crapple
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel B. Day
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred U. Elser, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Goodfriend
Mr. Michael Grunberg
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer B. Haber
Mrs. Myrna R. Haft
Mrs. Norman Hascoe
Ms. Tamara Holliday
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Joslin
Mr. Michael A. Kovner and
Mr. Jean Doyen de Montaillou
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Levy
Mrs. Susan E. Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. William Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Malkin
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen McMenamin
Mrs. Alice P. Melly
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Morrow
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Munger
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Pasculano
Mr. Thomas Peterffy
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Prozes
Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Raquet
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Ricciardi
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Royce
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Rukeyser
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Shumway
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence B. Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Watling III
Mrs. Sue Ann Weinberg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whitby
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm H. Wiener
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Zoubek
Robert Bruce Silver
Mrs. Maria Allwin
Mrs. Herman J. Brickman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Case
Mrs. Dorothy M. Cholnoky
Ms. Ellen Flanagan
Ms. Joanne Flanagan
Mrs. Sabrina Forsythe
Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Kanders
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Kendall
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kolman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Juan M. Meyer
Mr. Thierry Morin
Mr. and Mrs. Don H. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Netter
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce S. Nicholas
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Roy B. Simpson, Jr.
Mr. Thomas C. Theobald and
Ms. Deborah Good
Mrs. Susan G. Weil
Robert Bruce Bronze
Mrs. David P. Agnew
Mr. Philippe Alexandre and
Ms. Margaret Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Baker III
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Balog
Mr. Charles F. Barber
Mrs. Mary Barneby
Mr. Fernando Barnuevo and Ms. Gloria Ybarra
Mr. John T. Becker
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Better
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Betteridge
Dr. Jenne K. Britell
Mrs. Kathrin Brown and Mr. Bill Gedale
Mr. and Mrs. W. Michael Brown
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Browne
Mrs. Elly Bruynes
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Burke
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Campbell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Nicholas Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Cartun
Mr. and Mrs. David Cattrell
Mr. Rogerio Chequer
Mr. Thomas Cholnoky
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cross IV
Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Dalton
Mr. David M. Darst
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Duffy
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Elkind
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Franco
Mr. and Mrs. L. Scott Frantz
Mrs. Helaine Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Mario J. Gabelli
Drs. Henry and Michele Gasiorowski
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gibbons, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Goergen
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hack
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hadjipateras
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Heller
Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Hewitt
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley S. Hvolbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tudor Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Kaplan
Mr. Gary K. Katcher
Mrs. Mary Mattson Kenworthy and
Mr. Albert Thorne Kenworthy
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Knight, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kolman
Ms. Catherine Ladnier and Mr. J. M. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lampert
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Larkin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Lawrence, Jr.
Mrs. Linda A. Lehmann
Mr. and Mrs. Marek Lewanda
Ambassador John L. Loeb and
Ms. Sharon Handler
Mr. Charles Lynch and Dr. Elizabeth Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Mallin
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Mark
Sylvia and Leonard Marx, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Matthews
Mr. Michael P. Mattis and Ms. Judith Hochberg
Mr. William J. Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander McAree
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Miller
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Moffly IV
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Niemeth
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Niner
Mrs. Helen Nitkin
Mrs. Axelle Note-Simonnard
Mrs. William J. Oppenheim
Mrs. Peter E.V. Paris
Mrs. Barbara Petersen Parker
Mrs. Susan Penry-Williams and
Dr. John S. Tamerin
Mr. and Mrs. Stanford N. Phelps
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pollak
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Radcliffe
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Raether
Mr. and Mrs. Homer McK. Rees
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reimers
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Rosencrans
Mr. and Mrs. Thierry Rosier
Mr. and Mrs. Ralf Roth
Dr. George C. Roush and Mrs. Adria de Haume
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rowland
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Sackler
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund A. Schwesinger, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Segal
Mr. Melvin R. Seiden and Ms. Janine Luke
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Selander
Ms. Diana Serrell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Shepard, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Alan Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Steinberg
Dr. and Mrs. Aaron Stern
Mrs. Deborah F. Stiles
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Stockman
Mrs. Allan Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Strackbein
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tallman
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Teitell
Mrs. Emily G. Toohey
Mrs. Marnie L. Vallely
Ms. Charlène von Saher
Mrs. Joan M. Warburg
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Wax
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Weeden
Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis G. Wilcox
Mr. and Mrs. Dave H. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Sandra W. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Zelinsky
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Anker
Mr. and Mrs. Allan H. Bernard
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Burke
Ms. Vivian Chen and Mr. Sherman Chao
Mr. Gary I. Cohen and
Mrs. Carol Kanter Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Davies
Mr. and Mrs. Will Ethridge
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Frankel
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Freitas
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Burton D. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hokin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jaharis
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Kachmarik, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Bruce Kallman
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Kallman
Mrs. Gail Kirhoffer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Kirkpatrick
Mr. Jan Kniffen and Mrs. Kathleen Metinko
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Korn
Mr. and Mrs. Cristiano Leao
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Lukas
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent K. McMahon
Mrs. Miriam K. Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Ohnell
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Perlman
Mrs. Evelyn F. Peterson
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Pipher
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Read
Dr. and Mrs. James S. Reibel
Mr. and Mrs. Russell S. Reynolds, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Rome
Mr. and Mrs. Bruno M. Santonocito
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scheuer
Mr. Herbert F. Schwartz and
Ms. Nan Budde Chequer
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Selz
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shang
Mrs. Aida Shawwaf
Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Tague
Ms. Jennifer Watling
Mrs. Hermine F. Aborn
Mr. Gregory Addonizio and Mrs. Debra Ponzek
Mrs. Frances Beatty Adler
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence G. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. James Amine
Mr. James R. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Appleby
Ms. Elinor Appleton
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. Whit Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. Per A. Arneberg
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour R. Askin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Asness
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Atcheson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Athan
Mr. and Mrs. Francis D. Auger
Ms. Felicia Bahl
Ms. Sue H. Baker
Ms. Dorothy W. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Damon Ball
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Ball
Mrs. Virginia Bantle
Mr. and Mrs. Jean Marc Bara
Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Barkhorn III
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel V. Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Barrett II
Mr. and Mrs. Maxim Bartko
Mr. and Mrs. Laurance E. Baschkin
Ms. Caryl Bate
Mr. and Mrs. W. Gary Beeson
Mr. David J. Belmonte
Mr. Lawrence B. Benenson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Bergstresser
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Berman
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bernstein
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Bernstein
Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Berris
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Biggs
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn S. Birdsong
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bishop
Mr. and Mrs. Eliot Black
Mr. Donald R. Blair
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Blank
Mr. and Mrs. Andre F. Block
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Block
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blumenthal
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Bragg
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Brant
Mr. and Mrs. James Braselton
Dr. Lee Brauer and Dr. Rima Brauer
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brause
Dr. and Mrs. N. James Bulger
Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Burger
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Burgess
Mr. and Mrs. Perry L. Burns
Mr. David A. Byers
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Byrne
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Caffray
Mr. and Mrs. Pericles Caminis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carangelo
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Carbone
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Carley
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Carr
Mrs. Marnie D. Carr
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Carson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Casa
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Case
Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Cassell
Mr. Lawrence D. Cavanagh and
Dr. Eleanor S. Riemer
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Certilman
Mr. and Mrs. John Chansoo
Mr. and Mrs. Nabil A. Chartouni
Ms. Cheryl Chase & Mr. Stuart Bear
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Chisholm
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Citrin
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Clark, Jr.
Mr. Lewis Cohen
Ms. Alice S. Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Connochie
Ms. Nubia Corredor
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Coumantaros
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Cowin
Mrs. Daniel Cowin
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Coyle
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Coyle
Mr. and Mrs. David Craver
Mr. Bruce Croaning and Ms. Barbara Fenton
Mrs. Jean S. Crocco
Mrs. Karin B. Crooks
Dr. and Mrs. John F. Crowe
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Cuff
Mrs. Sandra P. Culbert
Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Cummins
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Curry III
Ms. Maureen Curry
Mr. and Mrs. John Cutting
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D’Angelo
Mr. James V. Daniel
Ms. Jennifer Danzi
Mr. and Mrs. Tibor E. Darany
Ms. Elizabeth Darst and Mr. Charles Leykum
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Davies
Ms. Barbara de Portago
Ms. Victoria de Toledo and Mr. Stewart Casper
Mr. and Mrs. Allan B. Deering
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Delano
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Denvir
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Deutsch
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence DeVan
Mr. Michael Devlin
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Donelan
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald N. Dubin
Mr. and Mrs. Woodson Duncan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. Durant
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Edmundson
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Edwards, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Selig Eisenberg
Ms. Susan Ellis
Ms. Beth Eno
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Epifanio II
Mrs. Kathy C. Epstein
Mrs. Barbara L. Ettinger
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Fargis
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Farley
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan T. Feldman
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Feldman
Mr. and Mrs. William V. Ferdinand
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fitzsimons
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Flanagan
Mr. Andrew Folkman
Mr. and Mrs. F. Richards Ford III
Dr. Michael Fortgang
Mrs. Jacqueline Fowler
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore V. Fowler IV
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Fraad
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Franco
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Frascella
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Freeburg
Dr. Sidney A. Freund
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fribourg
Ms. Carolee Friedlander
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Friedman
Mrs. Betsey Frumin
Mrs. Susan P. Fugelsang
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Fulgieri
Mr. and Mrs. W. Michael Funck
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gagarin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Galbreath
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gallagher
Ms. Elizabeth Galt
Mr. and Mrs. William Galvin III
Mrs. John G. Gantz
Mrs. Phyllis Garb
Mr. and Mrs. Paul N. Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Gargiulo, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon Garrett
Ms. Salli Garrick
Mr. and Mrs. Leonardo Gazal
Mrs. J. Suzanne Geiss Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Gellert
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Beckwith Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Gilbride II
Ms. Rebecca Gillan
Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds Girdler, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Glasebrook II
Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Glazer
Ms. Barbara C. Gleason
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Goldfarb
Mrs. Irmi Goldschmidt and
The Rev. Ronald Erbe
Mr. John Golliozo
Ms. Joyce A. Grant
Mrs. Swan M. Grant
Mr. William Gratz and Mr. James Bruno
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Green
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Greenig
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Greenwald
Mr. and Mrs. W. Grant Gregory, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Gremp
Ms. Virginia L. Gwynn and Mr. Jon Bellis
Mr. and Mrs. Hadi J. Hajjar
Mrs. Erika Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Colin E. Harley
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot L. Harris, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Hartig
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hascoe
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Haskett
Mr. and Mrs. Christian W. Haub
Mr. and Mrs. J. Carney Hawks
Mr. and Mrs. J. David Heap
Mr. and Mrs. David Heike
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hellinger
Mrs. Claire W. Henriques
Mr. and Mrs. Kaz Herchold
Mrs. Russel H. Herman
Mrs. Judy O. Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. Alex L. Hillman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hobson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hodgman
Ms. Pamela J. Hoiles
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hopkins
Mrs. Pauline F. Horton
Mr. and Mrs. Stig Host
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel S. Howe, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Howley
Mrs. Corinne A. Hughes
Mr. Walter C. Humstone
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hut
Mr. and Mrs. E. Pendleton James
Mr. and Mrs. Xavier Janssen
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne T. Jervis
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Johnson
Mr. Herbert M. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Joselson
Mr. and Mrs. David Juge
Mrs. Louis J. Kaep
Mrs. Evelyn G. Kahn and Mr. John Hohenadel
Mr. and Mrs. Morley Kahn
Mr. Seth Kaller and Dr. Lyn Kaller
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kassin
Mr. and Mrs. Derek Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Kazlauskas
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Keegan
Mrs. Lauren M. Kelley and Mr. John Driscoll
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Kelly
Mr. Denis A. Keneally
Ms. Karin S. Kenney
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Kessler
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Ketcham
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Kiernan
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. King
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Kirk
Mr. and Mrs. Oran Kirkpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Gudmunder Kjaernested
Mr. and Mrs. John Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kleinert
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kleinow
Mr. and Mrs. John Klingenstein
Mrs. Janet T. Klion
Ms. Margreth E. Knehans
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kneisel
Mrs. Robert H. Knight
Drs. Christophe and Arianne Kolb
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Kratzman III
Ms. Susan Kravet
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Krumeich II
Mr. Eric Kueckels
Mr. and Mrs. Eichiro Kuwana
Mrs. Barbara G. Laing
Ms. Dorothy Lake
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Landau
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Langan
Dr. and Mrs. Gerrit L. Lansing
Mr. Robert N. Laughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Laux
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. William Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Alain Lebec
Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. LeBien
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Leifer
Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Lenci
Dr. and Mrs. Joel Leon
Mr. Martin Levion and Ms. Meg Osman
Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lissauer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Litt
Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Lochner, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Lockhart
Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Loranger
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lovejoy
Mr. and Mrs. Dana E. Low
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Lum
Mrs. Mary B. Lyon
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Macaulay
Mr. Ezra Mack
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Macri
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Mahaffy
Mrs. Lucy B. Maloney
Dr. and Mrs. Wiley M. Mangum
Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Manley, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Marasso, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Marcogliese
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Marmon
Ms. Jean Martin
Mr. Crozer W. Martin
Mr. Andres Matos and Ms. Diane D’Angeli
Mr. and Mrs. Miles F. McDonald, Jr.
Mr. Paul McDowell and Ms. Darlene Busch
Mr. Harris McIntosh, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Reid McIntyre
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. McKeever
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel I. McKinnon
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. McLeod
Mrs. Adelaide McManus
Mr. and Mrs. John Daniel McNamara
Ms. Debra L. Mecky
Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Megdanis
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mendenhall
Mrs. Elaine Merians
Ms. Nancy C. Messner
Ms. Billie Messina
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Meyerhoff
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Muzzafar Mirza
Mr. John H. Moorhead
Mr. and Mrs. Garrett M. Moran
Ms. Sally Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moro
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Morphy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Morris, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Lester S. Morse, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Mortimer
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Mosley
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Motland
Mrs. Nancy B. Mott
Mrs. Patricia G. Mudge
Ms. Susan Mufson
Dr. Stephen A. Myers and
Dr. Naomi Schiff Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Neckles
Mr. John Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Ness
Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Newman
Mrs. Martha Nierenberg
Mrs. Helen Nitkin
Ms. Marion Nolan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Nolan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lucio A. Noto
Mrs. Joyce Roper Nye
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Oberweger
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Obetz
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Officer
Mr. Wesley M. Oler
Mr. and Mrs. David Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Orthwein
Mrs. Dorothy H. Osborn
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Osman
Mrs. Gladys Owen
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Oxman
Mr. and Mrs. Craig W. Packer
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Paletta
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Palmer
Mr. Ronald R. Papa and Ms. Harriet O. Kotsoris
Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Pennington
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Petrick
Mr. and Mrs. Peter V.N. Philip
Mr. Edward A. Pinals
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Pironti
Mr. and Mrs. Wynn Plaut
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Pollack
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Ponce
Dr. Lawrence E. Posner and
Dr. Amy Newburger
Mrs. Lisa Pottasch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm S. Pray
Mr. J. Allan Pryor
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Pugliese
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Purnell
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Puschel
Ambassador and Mrs. Joseph V. Reed
Mr. and Mrs. W. Creighton Reed
Mr. and Mrs. John Reid
Mr. Joseph Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. Resnick
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Revson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Natale S. Ricciardi
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Rich, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Richard
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Richmond
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Riddell
Mr. and Mrs. L. George G. Rieger
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Riker
Mr. and Mrs. Herald L. Ritch
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rittmaster
Mr. Thomas Roach
Mr. and Mrs. Kellian Robinson
Ms. Terry H. Robinson
Dr. and Mrs. Rowland Perry Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. David Rogath
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory T. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Victor H. Romley
Mrs. Dorothy B. Rostov
Ms. Karen Royce
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Sacher
Mrs. Karen A. Sadik-Khan
Mrs. Christie C. Salomon
Dr. Stephen J. Salzer and Dr. Louise Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Salzman
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse F. Sammis III
Mrs. Geraldine Sanderson
Mr. and Mrs. Alberto Santulin
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Sargent
Mrs. Sylvia Sarkisian
Dr. Birgit H. Satir and Dr. Peter Satir
Dr. and Mrs. John K. Saunders
Ms. Denise Savageau and
Mr. Michael A. Aurelia
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Scherer
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Schimmel
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Allen K. Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Seel
Dr. and Mrs. Hylan Segal
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Seidler
Ms. Renate E. Setten and Ms. Karen Setten
Mr. Raj Sethi and Mrs. Christina Sethi
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Shalen
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Shaw
Ms. Isabelle Sherlock
Ms. Anne C. Sherrerd
Ms. Lisa Short Fritsch
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Silverstein
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Singer
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Skeadas
Mrs. Nancy K. Smith
Mr. Keith G. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Smith
Ms. Arona Smotrich
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Solari
Mr. and Mrs. Marko Sonnenberg
Mrs. Shirley M. Sontheimer
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sorbara
Mr. and Mrs. Hercules P. Sotos
Mrs. Anne Felton Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sprung
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Stampleman
Dr. and Mrs. John E. Stauffer
Mrs. Juliane G. Stautner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Steel
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Steen
Dr. Joline Stemerman and
Mr. David Stemerman
Ms. Danette Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas H. Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Stillerman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Hans G. Storr
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stricker
Ms. Dominique Surh
Mr. Francis X. Sutton
Ms. Diana H. Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Tananbaum
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Taylor V
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Taylor
Mrs. Linda Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. David Tenney
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Tesei
Mr. Lawrence Tetenbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Reynal M. Thebaud, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jere Thomson
Mr. John Stewart Thorne, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Tobin
Mr. and Mrs. John Tormondsen
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Tredwell
Ms. Charlee A. Tufts
Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Unger
Mr. and Mrs. Henri Van Dam
Mr. and Mrs. Kees H. van Meel
Mrs. Harriet F. Van Vliet
Mr. Paul Vandekar
Ms. Maria T. Vitagliano, Esq.
Mr. Reinhold Vogel
Mrs. Marei von Saher
Mrs. Sarah W. Vorder Bruegge
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Walko
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Wallace
Ms. Roberta Warburton
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Warwick
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Watt
Mr. and Mrs. David W.C. Webber
Ms. Louise B. Weber
Mrs. Candee I. Weed
Dr. and Mrs. Lee Weinstein
Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Weintz, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Weiss
Mr. Noble Welch
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Welch
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Welles
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Welsh
Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Wendt
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Wertheimer
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Westerberg
Ms. Lynne Wheat
Mrs. Eleanor R. White
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Williams
Mr. and Mrs. C. Webb Williams
Mrs. Anne F. Wilsey
Mr. David Windreich and Ms. Christine Hikawa
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Winham
Dr. Roxane Witke
Mr. Michel Witmer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Witmer, Jr.
Mr. Ernest S. Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Woods
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wooster
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Wyman
Mrs. Mary Alice Yates
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Yaffa
Mrs. Jane Young
Ms. Kathleen Young
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Yudelovitch
Mr. and Mrs. Basil Zirinis
Corporate Business Partners
Cummings & Lockwood
Fieldpoint Private Bank and Trust
First Republic Bank
Northern Trust Bank
TD Bank
The Sun Products Corporation
UBS Financial Services, Inc.
Bruce Museum members viewing Power
Incarnate: Allan Stone’s Collection of Sculpture
from the Congo
Special Events
Family Benefit: Circus! Family and Fun Under the Big Top
October 7, 2010
Approximately 600 guests joined event chairmen Lisa Short Fritsch and
Julie Woods under a large tent erected on the Museum’s grounds for Circus!
Family and Fun Under the Big Top, a family benefit held in conjunction with
the exhibition, Circus! Art and Science Under the Big Top. Guests enjoyed
performances by members of the Big Apple Circus ‘Circus To Go’ and tried
their hand at juggling and plate spinning. The day also included opportunities
to partake in circus-themed crafts projects, face painting and a family-focused
silent auction. A great time was had by all!
Dimensions in Dining
November 3–5, 2010
A creative new fundraiser, Dimensions in Dining, featured a series of eleven
elegant dinners in private Greenwich homes over three nights in November that
drew sixteen leaders from fields as diverse as fashion and design to finance,
science and the media. A mammoth undertaking by any measure, Dimensions in
Dining was a smashing success thanks to the creative leadership of the event’s
chairmen, Leora Levy, Pamela Lewanda and Linda Munger, as well as the
commitment and graciousness of the evenings’ guests of honor and wonderful
hosts: Tiffany Burnette and Don Casturo, Patricia and John Chadwick, Lucy and
Nat Day, Myrna Haft, Alicia and Ray Joslin, Michael Kovner and Jean Doyen de
Montaillou, Leora and Steven Levy, Linda and Steve Munger, Helen Nitkin, Nancy
and Walter Raquet, Anna and Larry Simon, Jennifer and David Stockman, Alease
and Paul Tallman, and Irene and Carl Zelinsky.
Icon Awards in the Arts
April 27, 2011
Event chairmen Michael Grunberg and Susan Mahoney were joined by over
200 guests for the second annual Bruce Museum Icon Awards in the Arts. The
cocktail reception and awards ceremony, held at the lovely back country home of
Thomas Peterffy, recognizes outstanding achievement in the arts. The honorees
were: Susan E. Lynch, Patron of the Arts; Jennifer and David Stockman, Art
Collectors; Jeff Koons, Artist; Linda Nochlin, Art Historian; Robert Hughes, Art
Critic; and Larry Gagosian, International Art Dealer. Proceeds from the event
went in support of the Bruce Museum’s education and exhibition programming.
Family Benefit
Juggling performance at Circus! Family and
Fun Under the Big Top
Co-chairs Lisa Short Fritsch and Julie Woods
Dimensions in Dining
An Evening of Drama & Design
Matthew White, Peter C. Sutton, Thomas
Schumacher, Adria de Haume and Co-Chair
Pamela Lewanda
A Taste Odyssey
Co-Chairs Leora Levy and Linda Munger with
Chef David Bouley
Renaissance Ball
Ball Co-Chairs Jennifer Weinstein and
Carmiña Roth
Linda Ruderman, Linda Chase-Jenkins,
Jennifer Burraway
The Renaissance Ball – June 4, 2011
Noche Latina
The Riverside Yacht Club was once again the site for the Bruce Museum’s annual gala, The Renaissance Ball. The theme
of this year’s ball was “Noche Latina,” celebrating the exuberance of the Latin spirit. Approximately 360 people joined
gala co-chairs Carmiña Roth and Jennifer Weinstein to celebrate the evening’s honorees Alicia and Ray Joslin for their
unparalleled commitment to the Museum. The gala co-chairs, committee chairs and all committee members worked
tirelessly to ensure that the evening’s festivities – from cocktails and silent auction to dinner and dancing – combined to
create a memorable and fantastic evening enjoyed by all. The design elements of the evening, including ambient lighting,
gorgeous exotic floral arrangements and beautiful place settings, enhanced everyone’s enjoyment of the event. An exciting
live auction followed dinner, and the Starlight Orchestra kept everyone on the dance floor with music with just the right
amount of Latin flair. The Renaissance Ball is the Bruce Museum’s major annual fund raising event whose proceeds
support Museum education and exhibition programming.
Renaissance Ball Patrons
Leora and Steven Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Raquet
Susan E. Lynch
Julie and Trevor Woods
Hearst Corporation and
Diane and Chris Ohl
Greenwich Time
Thomas Peterffy and Lynne Wheat
Carmiña and Ralf Roth
Lilly and Whit Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Royce
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Balog
Gabelli Funds Inc.
Nancy and Jim Barton
Mr. and Mrs. Laurance E. Baschkin
Carol and Will Browne
Barbara and Chris Baxter
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Chadwick
Alyssa Keleshian Bonomo and
Mr. and Mrs. Nat Day
Carol and George Crapple
Mr. Michael A. Kovner and
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Goergen
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Bragg, Jr.
Sachiko and Lawrence Goodman
Gretchen and Lance Bylow
Sara and Don H. Nelson
Nora and Madison Grose
Tiffany Burnette and Don Casturo
Jennifer and Lee Weinstein
Mr. Michael Grunberg and
David Cluett and Tina Teel
Sue Ann Weinberg
Mr. Jean Doyen de Montaillou
Ms. Jessica Ussery
Tom Bonomo
Joel and Lois Coleman
Tamara Holliday and Al Lhota
Patricia and Mark Davies
Mr. and Mrs. James Amine
Alicia and Ray Joslin
Jocelyne and David DeNunzio
Christine and Craig Elkind
Theresa Rogers Matthews and
Lauren M. Kelley and John P. Driscoll
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer B. Haber
Philip Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred U. Elser, Jr.
Myrna Haft
Rachel and Alec McAree
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Fantini
Linda Chase-Jenkins and
Mr. and Mrs. Edward McLaughlin
Lori and Jonathan Feldman
Mrs. Alice P. Melly
Mr. and Mrs. William Fitzgerald
Mrs. Barbara Netter
Joyce and Ted Fowler
Dr. Arthur Jenkins
Alicia and Ray Joslin
Rachel and Chris Franco
Ms. Barbara Petersen Parker
Kinga and Edward Lampert
Susan and George N. Fugelsang
Justina Pray
Ingrid McMenamin
Diane and Gordon Garrett
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Pray
Shelley and Donald Meltzer
Drs. Henry and Michele Gasiorowski
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Prozes
Giovanna and Brian Miller
Camilla and Leonardo Gazal
Patty and Jim Read
Nancy and Morris W. Offit
Deborah Good and Thomas Theobald
Mr. Joseph Reilly
Beverly and Peter Orthwein
Kim and W. Grant Gregory
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Richard
Lynne and Richard Pasculano
Sunny and Robert Grillo
Adria de Haume and Dr. George Roush Mary and Richard W. Radcliffe
Ingrid and David Hang
Linda Ruderman
Wendy and Paul Raether
Mary Ann Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Ryan
Leah and Bob Rukeyser
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Hobson
Anna and Larry Simon
Mrs. Joan M. Warburg
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Holden
Kimberly and Paul Sitarz
Beverly and John Watling
Kimberly and Christopher Johnson
Colleen and John Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Zoubek
Carol Kanter and Gary Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Thompson
Edna and Harry Keleshian
U. S. Trust
Zoe and Shaker Khayatt
Sasha and Eric Vincent
Drs. Arianne and Christophe Kolb
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Wallace
Betsy and Doug Korn
Margie and Bruce L. Warwick
Regina Kudoyarova
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Welch
Gale and Robert Lawrence
Carolyn and Stephen Westerberg
Mr. and Mrs. Cristiano Leao
Kathleen and Robert Whitby
Madlen and Harry Lengsfield
Michel Witmer and Dino Rivera
Denyse and Dr. Joel M. Leon
Pamela and Marek Lewanda
Renaissance Ball Donors
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Lockhart III
Laurel and Cliff Asness
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mahoney
Emily and Len Blavatnik
Mr. and Mrs. Dan McNamara
Amy and Gordon Caplan
Kathleen L. Metinko and
Steven A. and Alexandra M. Cohen
Jan Rogers Kniffen
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Juan M. Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce F. Cohen
Melanie and Andrew Milgram
Courtney and Christopher Combe
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Moffly IV
Joyce B. Cowin
Samantha and Robert Moro
Ray and Barbara Dalio
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Munger
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Glasebrook II
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Murphy
Vera and John Hathaway
Anne and Charles Niemeth
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Huffman
Willow and Tim Oberweger
Michelle and Joseph Jacobs
Betsy and Ed O’Reilly
Sonia and Paul Jones
The Bruce Museum is very fortunate to have a committed cadre of volunteers
whose service touches all aspects of the Museum’s operations. Drawn from
Fairfield and Westchester counties, 410 volunteers participated as Trustees and
committee members, fundraisers, docents, store associates, staff assistants,
museum receptionists, editors, translators, consultants, researchers, junior
naturalists. All of our most valuable volunteers, students and adults, made vital
contributions to the life of the Museum. We gratefully recognize the following
individuals who donated twenty or more hours of service from July 1, 2010 to
June 20, 2011:
Diane Abercrombie
Suzanne Carson
Cara English
Lucas Acosta
Anna Caruso
Kathy Epstein
Maharlika Alangilan
Patricia Cassidy
Marc Favreau
Elinor Appleton
Ann Cavers
Laurel Fay
Maria Arambulo
Peter Cavini
Vinny Ferraro
Angelo Avitabile
Cerrilla Cecilia
Gloria FitzSimons
Susie Baker
Patricia Chadwick
Steven Fong
Hannah Balikci
Linda Chase-Jenkins
Mary Ford
Nicholas Ballone
Nan Chequer
Carl Forsythe
Bonnie Bancroft
Olimpia Chiappetta
Sabrina Forsythe
Cynthia Barrett
Thomas Clephane
Christopher Franco
Daniel Barrett
Mildred Cleverly
Dorothy Friedman
James Barton
Bruce Cohen
Melissa Fu
Melanie Baskin
Joel Coleman
Javier Fuentes
Gillis Baxter
Stephanie Condori
Anderson Garcia
Hanna Bayer
Kenneth Connaughton
Arline Gardner
Lindsey Beguiristain
Christian Contreras
Lynn Garelick
David Belmonte
Carol Crapple
Meagan Garofalo
Richard Bergstresser
George Crapple
Salli Garrick
Alysia Berman
Wade Curly
Mildreth George
Debbie Berner
Maureen Curry
Katie Gilder
Mary Blancato
William Curry
Danielle Giorgio
Lorraine Block
Barbara Dalio
Sheila Goldfarb
Edward Bragg, Jr.
Elizabeth Dalton
Charlie Gorski
Gabriela Bras
Lisley DaSilva
Barbara Griffin
Moranda Bromberg
Lucy Day
Michael Grunberg
Shara Bromberg
Nathaniel Day
Michael Grund
Nicholas Brown
Anne DeAngelo
Olivia Gupta
Dane Burge
Jamie Denton
Terese Guyette
Tiffany Burnette
Jacqueline DeSantis
Myrna Haft
Lauren Calabria
Nicole Desantis
Lindsey Hand
Sarah Calabria
Carol Dixon
Madelyn Hand
Lizz Callaghan
Mary Downs
Alain Hayashida
Tessa Callaghan
Jean Doyen de Montaillou
May Hayashida
Victoria Campofranco
Nancy Duffy
Rita Henderson
Frank Cantelmo
Shannon Dunn
Lisette Henrey
Rebecca Carbino
Denny Elliot
Phyllis Herman
Stephanie Carbino
Alfred Elser
Ian Herrera
Sandra Heyd
Peter Linderoth
Marion Nolan
Tamara Holliday
Jacalyn Lupo
Mary Norton
Christina Honzawa
Maria Lycouris
Molly O’Connor
Lia Horyczun
Susan Lynch
Nick Otis
Madeleine Hoyt
Gordon Mackenzie, Jr.
Kota Otsuka
Judith Hurwich
Margaret MacNair
Sandra Paul
Thomas Hyden
Susan Mahoney
Bette Pietsch
Maura Imperatore
Jane Malakoff
Regina Polansky
Janine Jay
Karen Marache
Marianne Pollak
Susan Joseph
Jennifer Marquez
Paul Poster
Raymond Joslin
Chris Marullo
Marcia Powers
Yvette Kahn
Ceil McDermid
Kalilah Prendergast
Marina Kaneko
Julia McDonald
Mary Ellen Quinn
Stuart Kaplan
Ingrid McMenamin
Walter Raquet
Rachel Karasick
Stephen McMenamin
Patty Read
Susan Kart
Jesslyn McNamara
Paula Rebak
Kelly Katsigris
Hale McSharry
Michael Reynolds
Doris Kaye
Alice Melly
Lucy Ricciardi
David Keller
Elaine Merians
Chris Roberts
Ian Kerr
Juan Meyer
Thomas Roberts
Nathan Kimball
Kathy Miller
Terry Robinson
Courtney Kischowski
Sarah Mischianti
Alex Romer
Rolf Klaeboe
Teddy Mitchell
Janice Romley
Michael Kovner
Kasia Modzelewska
Christina Rota
Alice Kraus
John Moffly IV
Camiña Roth
Eric Krauss
Wendy Moldovan
Charles Royce
Robert Lawrence
Annette Monheim
Deborah Royce
Jon Lazar
Katie Moore
Linda Ruderman
Whitney Lees
Paul Morella
Leah Rukeyser
Michael Lefflebine
Wendy Morrison
Robert Rukeyser
Conor Lendenmann
Linda Munger
Tracey Russo
Karl Lendenmann
Brendan Murtha
Sarah Rutledge
Leora Levy
Stephen Myers
Maryalice Ryan
Pamela Lewanda
Edward Narh
Morna Ryan
Andrew Lewis
Milton Negrin
Kate Sachs
Rosemary Lewis
Thomas Newberry
Kathleen Sanchez
Gabrielle Liflander
John Newland
Stefan Sandoval
Ralph Lim
John Nietzel
Margaret Saunders
Netty Schieferdecker
Jackie Stone
Jennifer Weinstein
Kyle Schmidt
Brenda Taggart Thompson
Robert Whitby
Sue Schneider
Loribeth Talbot
Alexandra Whittaker
Ahana Shanbhogue
Naomi Tamerin
Callie Williams
Elizabeth Shippee
Emma Tanen
Daniel Williams
Westin Sibley
Helen Temple
Caren Winnall
Zayne Sibley
Ethan Tollin
Michel Witmer
Henry Silverstein
Caroline Utton
Karen Wylie
Laurence Simon
James Utton
Joan Yankowski
Ryan Sinclair
Ursula Van Aken
Moe Yasuii
Lori Singer
Giulia Volterra
Amanda Young
Catherine Sippin
Lee Wacker
Youstina Youssef
Giuliano Stabile
Joseph Waesche
Barbara Zappavigna
Arthur Stampleman
William Waesche
Madeline Zeiss
Fred Stark
John W. Watling III
John Zelinsky
John Stauffer
Kate Webster
Lucy Zimmermann
Fred Steinberg
Sue Ann Weinberg
Martha Zoubek
Lively conversation at the Fall Volunteer Tea
Operating Gifts
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Dalio
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel B. Day
Mr. Jean Doyen de Montaillou and
Mr. Michael A. Kovner
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Joslin
Mrs. Alice P. Melly
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Pasculano
Mr. Thomas Peterffy
Mr. and Mrs. Homer McK. Rees
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Royce
$10,000 – $50,000
Mr. George S. Abrams
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Asness
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Barton
Mr. and Mrs. Laurance E. Baschkin
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Better
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Bragg, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Browne
Mrs. Tiffany Burnette and Mr. Don Casturo
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Case
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Chadwick
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce F. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Joel C. Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Gerret Copeland
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Crapple
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cross IV
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Davies
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Elkind
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred U. Elser, Jr.
Mr. Richard Fitzburgh
Mr. and Mrs. William Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. L. Scott Frantz
Mr. and Mrs. Mario J. Gabelli
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Goergen
Mr. Michael Grunberg
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer B. Haber
Mrs. Myrna R. Haft
Mr. and Mrs. J. Carney Hawks
Ms. Tamara Holliday and Mr. Al Lhota
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Shaker A. Khayatt Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Levy
Mrs. Susan E. Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. William Mahoney
Sylvia and Leonard Marx, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander McAree
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen McMenamin
Mr. and Mrs. Juan M. Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan W. Moffly
Mr. Paul Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Munger
Mr. and Mrs. Don H. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Ohl
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Prozes
Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Raquet
Mr. and Mrs. Ralf Roth
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Rothfleisch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Rukeyser
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Ryan
Ms. Janine Luke and Mr. Melvin R. Seiden
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence B. Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Roy B. Simpson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Watling III
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Weatherbie
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Weihman
Mrs. Sue Ann Weinberg
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Weinstein
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm H. Wiener
Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Woods
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Yorke
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Zoubek
$5,000 – $10,000
Ms. Judith L. Biggs
Mr. and Mrs. Len Blavatnik
Mr. and Mrs. W. Michael Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Burke
Mr. Gary I. Cohen and
Mrs. Carol Kanter Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Combe
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Denning
Mr. Nathaniel de Rothschild
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Duffy
Mrs. Sabrina Forsythe
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Glasebrook II
Ms. Deborah Good and
Mr. Thomas C. Theobald
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Madison F. Grose
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hut
Mr. Jan Kniffen and Mrs. Kathleen Metinko
Drs. Christophe and Arianne Kolb
Ms. Martha Lam
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lampert
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Lawrence Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Marek Lewanda
Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Malkin
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Mark
Mr. and Mrs. John Daniel McNamara
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Naumann
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Netter
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Niemeth
Mrs. Helen Nitkin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Radcliffe
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Read
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Ricciardi
Mr. and Mrs. William Ruprecht
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Sanders
Dr. and Mrs. Alan Simon
Mrs. Deborah F. Stiles
Mrs. Allan Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Vincent
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Wax
Mrs. Elizabeth N. Wilds
Mr. and Mrs. Dave H. Williams
$1,000 – $5,000
Mrs. Hermine F. Aborn
Mrs. David P. Agnew
Ms. Tiffany Allan
Mrs. Maria Allwin
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Anker
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Appleby
Mr. and Mrs. Bahman Arjomand
Mr. and Mrs. Whit Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Avellino
Ms. Maria Babaev
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Balog
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Ball
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Baxter
Lawrence B. Benenson
Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Betteridge III
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bonomo
Mr. and Mrs. Mairtin Brady
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Brant
Mrs. Herman J. Brickman
Dr. Jenne K. Britell
Mrs. Kathrin Brown & Mr. Bill Gedale
Mrs. Elly Bruynes
Mr. David Bull
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Bylow
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Caffray
Mrs. William W. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Caplan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Carley
Mr. and Mrs. James Caron
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Carson
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Cartun
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Castrignano
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Certilman
Mrs. Dorothy M. Cholnoky
Mr. Thomas Cholnoky
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Citrin
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Clephane
Mr. David Cluett and Ms. Tina Teel
Mrs. Lynn Cluett
Ms. Alice S. Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Cristobal I. Conde
Mrs. Daniel Cowin
Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Dalton
Mr. and Mrs. Tibor E. Darany
Ms. Elizabeth Darst and Mr. Charles Leykum
Mr. and Mrs. John Daum
Ms. Judy W. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. David A. DeNunzio
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Deutsch
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff DiModica
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dolan
Ms. Thea Duell and Mr. Peter Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Burtt Ehrlich
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ekstract
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Epifanio II
Mr. and Mrs. Will Ethridge
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Fantini
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan T. Feldman
Mr. and Mrs. Martin S. Feldstein
Mr. and Mrs. William V. Ferdinand
Ms. Ellen Flanagan
Ms. Joanne Flanagan
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore V. Fowler IV
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Franco
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Friedman
Mrs. Helaine Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. George N. Fugelsang
Mr. and Mrs. Mario J. Gabelli
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Gargiulo Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon Garrett
Ms. Salli Garrick
Drs. Henry and Michele Gasiorowski
Mr. and Mrs. Leonardo Gazal
Mrs. Marguerite Gelfman
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gibbons, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Goodfriend
Mr. Brett Gorvy
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Granath
Mrs. Carol S. Green
Mr. and Mrs. W. Grant Gregory Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Grillo
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hadjipateras
Mr. Nicholas Hall
Mr. George A. Hambrecht
Mr. and Mrs. David Hang
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Haskett
Mr. and Mrs. John Hathaway
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hearn
Mr. and Mrs. David Heike
Mr. Joseph G. Henn and
Mrs. Marie T. Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Hewitt
Mrs. Chris Hikawa & Mr. David Windreich
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hobson
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Holden
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Huffman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. George James
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Johnson
Mrs. Elisabeth B.C. Joung and
Mr. John Chansoo
Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Kanders
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kassin
Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Keleshian
Mrs. Lauren M. Kelley and Mr. John Driscoll
Mr. Scott Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Kendall
Mrs. Mary Mattson Kenworthy and
Mr. Albert T. Kenworthy
Ms. Jane Kim
Mr. and Mrs. John Kim
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. King
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. King
Mr. and Mrs. Colin A. Kinsella
Mrs. Gail Kirhoffer
Mrs. Rebecca Kirhoffer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kleinow
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Knight, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kolman
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Korn
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Cristiano Leao
Dr. and Mrs. Joel Leon
Mrs. Linda A. Lehmann
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lengsfield
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Lockhart III
Dr. Anne-Marie Logan
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Lukas
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Lum
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lust
Dr. and Mrs. John MacGillvary
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Maybury
Mr. William J. Mayer
Mr. Burton E. McGillivray
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel I. McKinnon
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent K. McMahon
Mrs. Adelaide P. McManus
Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Megdanis
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Meltzer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Menschel
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Mihalec, Jr.
Dr. Naomi Schiff Myers and
Dr. Stephen A. Myers
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Moffly IV
Mr. Thierry Morin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moro
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Mosley
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Milgram
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Miller
Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Nesvig
Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Newton
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce S. Nicholas
Mrs. Martha Nierenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Niner
Mrs. Axelle Note-Simonnard
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Oberweger
Mr. and Mrs. Morris W. Offit
Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Ohnell
Mrs. Paula K. Oppenheim
Mr. and Mrs. Ed O’Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Orthwein
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Osman
Mrs. Peter E.V Paris
Mrs. Barbara P. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Averardo Pascarella
Mrs. Susan Penry-Williams and
Dr. John S. Tamerin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Petrick
Ms. Melanie Petsch
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pollak
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Ponce
Mr. Andrew Porter
Mr. and Mrs. David Portny
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Powers
Ms. Justina Pray
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm S. Pray
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Raether
Mr. and Mrs. John Reid
Mr. Joseph Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Revson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell S. Reynolds, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Rich, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Richard
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Riddell
Mr. and Mrs. David Rogath
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rosenberg
Mrs. Linda Ruderman
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Rothfliesch
Dr. George C. Roush and Mrs. Adria de Haume
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Russell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Salame
Mr. and Mrs. Bruno M. Santonocito
Dr. and Mrs. John K. Saunders
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scheuer
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Allen K. Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund A. Schwesinger, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Seidel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Selander
Ms. Stephanie Seymour
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shang
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Shepard, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Silverstein
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Singer
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Sitarz
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Solari
Mrs. Shirley M. Sontheimer
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Spencer
Dr. and Mrs. John E. Stauffer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Steel
Mr. and Mrs. David Stemerman
Dr. and Mrs. Aaron Stern
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Stockman
Ms. Jessie C. Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Hans G. Storr
Ms. Katia Streiff
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tallman
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Tananbaum
Mr. and Mrs. David Tenney
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tichio
Ms. Cristin Tierney
Mr. and Mrs. David Tompkins
Mrs. Marnie L. Vallely
Ms. Christina Vanderlip
Mrs. Gloria Van Norden
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wallack
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Walsh
Mrs. Joan M. Warburg
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Warwick
Mr. and Mrs. James Waterbury
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Weeden, Esq.
Mrs. Susan G. Weil
Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Weintz, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Welch
Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Wendt
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Westerberg
Ms. Lynne Wheat
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whitby
Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis G. Wilcox
Mrs. Anne F. Wilsey
Mrs. Sandra W. Wilson
Mr. Michel Witmer and Dr. Arnold Rivera
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wooster
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Zaeske
Mr. and Mrs. Drew Zager
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Zelinsky
In Memory of Diane Darst
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Adler
Mr. and Mrs. John Adler
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Attar
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Bauersfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Shelley Bergman
Mr. and Mrs. David Carey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Castrignano
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Chesler
Ms. Alice S. Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Tod Cooperman
Mr. Samuel Covert
Ms. Elizabeth Darst and Mr. Charles Leykum
Mr. Guy Darst
Mr. Nathaniel de Rothschild
Mr. David Ducote
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Finnegan
Mrs. Marguerite G. Geldman
The Goergen Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Bennett J. Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Gottlieb
Mrs. Carol S. Green
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Green
Ms. Steffi Green
Ms. Liz Gruber
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hutchins
Ms. Rikki Kaplan
Mr. David C. Lew
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leykum
Mrs. Susan E. Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. John Markwalter
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen McMenamin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Menschel
Ms. Nancy Michaels
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Morris
Mr. Gregory Nihon
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Och
Ms. Susan W. Paine
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Ricciardi
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rodman
Roy J. Zuckerberg Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Sacher
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Salant
Mr. Douglas Schindewolf
Mrs. Andrea Scola
Dr. and Mrs. John E. Stauffer
Mr. Joph Steckel and Mrs. Beth Kate Zadek
Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Tananbaum
Ms. Cindy S. Tice
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Tuller
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Vanderbilt
Mrs. Jane E. Veron and Mr. Andrew Feldstein
Mr. and Mrs. Drew Zager
Mr. Michael Ziegelbaum and Mrs. Kim Reichig
In Memory of Salli Garrick
Ms. Jennifer G. Andrea
Ms. Fran Ball
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony W. Besthoff
Mr. and Mrs. Andre F. Block
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Block
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bouvier
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Carson
Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Coonan
Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. DeViney
Mrs. Violet Doherty
Ms. Denny Elliot
Four Seasons/LifePlus Investment Club
Mrs. Jean F. Gardner
Global Operations Services Team
Global Revenue Management
Remote Solutions
Ms. Maureen E. Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Henderson
Ms. Jean A. Jung
Melvin and Sylvia Kafka Foundation Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Morley Kahn
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Klein, Jr.
Ms. Gwenyth A. Kriss
Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Littlefield
Ms. Mary G. Logiudice
Ms. Jane Malakoff
Ms. Peggy McCarter
Micros Systems, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Miranda
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Orr Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Kevin Reynolds
Mrs. Phyllis Roitsch
Mr. and Mrs. Victor H. Romley
Ms. Victoria B. Rovin
Mr. and Mrs. C. Robert Rust
Mr. Herbert F. Schwartz and
Ms. Nan Budde Chequer
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Whalen, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Wylie, Jr.
In Memory of Jared Horton
Ms. Cynthia J. Carpenter
In Honor of Sylvia Marx
Ms. Marion Benedek
Ms. Nancy Beres
Ms. Ann Horowitz
In Honor of Edward Netter
Vicki Netter Fitzgerald
Corporate & Foundation
Connecticut Commission on Culture & Tourism
Dalio Family Foundation, Inc.
Gabelli Fund
Grunberg Family Foundation
Hearst Service Center
F.M. Kirby Foundation
Royal Bank of Canada
Royce Family Fund, Inc.
The Crapple Foundation
The Hascoe Charitable Foundation
The John L. and Sue Ann Weinberg Foundation
UBS Financial Services, Inc.
$5,000 – $20,000
Abraham Kamber Foundation
Acorn Hill Foundation Inc.
Amica Companies Foundation
Betteridge Jewelers
Brown Penny Fund
CASERVE Foundation
David T. Langrock Foundation
Elizabeth Elser Doolittle Charitable Trusts
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Greenwich Roundtable
HomeWaters Club
Horseneck Wine & Liquor
Joel and Lois Coleman Foundation
Marion Moore Foundation
Matthew A & Susan B Weatherbie
Charitable Foundation
Melvin R. Seiden Fund
Moffly Publications
Newman’s Own Foundation
Northern Trust Bank
Royce and Associates
S & L Marx Foundation, Inc.
Steven A. and Alexandra M. Cohen Foundation
The Allwin Family Foundation
The Bluebell Foundation
The Deborah and Ned Stiles Fund
The Edward & Kinga Lampert Foundation
The Edward & Patricia McLaughlin Foundation
The Goergen Foundation, Inc.
The Jerry and Emily Spiegel
Family Foundation, Inc.
The Joslin Family Foundation
The Malcolm Hewitt Wiener Foundation
The Malkin Fund, Inc.
The Netherland-America Foundation
The New York Community Trust
The Resource Foundation, Inc.
The Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation, Inc.
Vicki Netter Fund
Wilson & Son Jewelers
Wrightson Ramsing Foundation, Inc.
$1,000 – $5,000
Appleby Charitable Lead Trust
Bessemer Trust Company
Betteridge Jewelers
Chamber Players of the Greenwich Symphony
Charlotte Berwind Fine Foods, Inc.
Chateaux Software
Chevron Matching Gift Program
Connecticut Ceramics Study Circle, Inc.
Diane James Home
Edward & Barbara Netter Foundation, Inc.
Fairfield County Community Foundation, Inc.
Friedman Family Foundation
GE Foundation
Greenwich Academy
Greenwich Antiques Society
Greenwich Fine Arts, Inc.
Harvard Business School (HBS) Club of CT
Community Partners
Harvey S. Firestone, Jr. Foundation
Jane Dawson Shang and Paul Shang
Charitable Foundation
Jewish Communal Fund
Lone Pine Kennel
Lone Pine Foundation, Inc.
Macy’s Foundation
Mark Family Fund
Meserve-Kunhardt Foundation
New England Brokerage Corp.
Norman M. Morris Foundation, Inc.
Olivine Gabbro Boutique
Ralph Lauren
Revson Charitable Trust
Russell Maguire Foundation
Saks Fifth Avenue Greenwich
Scheuer Associates Foundation, Inc.
Sorbara Furs
Storr Family Foundation
S. Wyler, Inc.
The Carl and Marsha Hewitt Foundation, Inc.
The Dave and Reba W. Williams Foundation
The Harbor Lights Foundation
The Kneisel Foundation
The Niner Foundation
The Ocean House
The Ohnell Family Foundation
The P.B.O. Fund, Inc.
The Raether 1985 Charitable Trust
The Rehm Family Foundation
The Sontheimer Foundation
Tiffany & Co.
Timothy Sammons Fine Art Agents, Inc.
Touch Tanks for Kids
UJA Federation of Greenwich
U.S. Trust
Warren B. Kanders Foundation
Wisconsin Energy Foundation
Bruce Museum-at-a-Glance
Financial Statements
School Groups, Tours and Brucemobile
Public Programs
Total Number of Members
Years ended June 30
Revenue 2011
Museum Store 3.4%
Restricted Operating 4.0%
Other Revenue.3%
Investment Income 7.4%
Fees 9.9%
Unrealized Gain
on Investments 35.6%
Town of Greenwich 10.9%
Contributions 13.2%
Expenses 2011
Special Events 15.4%
Special Events 9.7%
Admin & General 4.8%
Museum Store 7.8%
Exhibitions 35.9%
Development 19.2%
Programs 22.6%
June 30, 2011 and 2010
Prepaid expenses and other assets
Property, plant and equipment, net
Cash and equivalents
Contributions receivable
Contributions receivable from remainder trust
Total assets
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
Deferred revenue
Grants payable
Designated for capital account
Board-designated endowment
Invested in property, plant and equipment
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Total net assets
Total liabilities
Net assets:
Total unrestricted
Total liabilities and net assets
Years Ended June 30, 2011 and June 30, 2010
Town of Greenwich appropriations
Dividends and interest
Development-special events
Administrative and general
Grant Pledged
Museum store
Beginning of year
End of year
Net realized (loss) on investments
Net unrealized (loss) on investments
Museum store revenue
Other revenue
Total revenues
Net assets released from restrictions
Total revenues and other support
Accession of collection items
Total expenses
Capital improvements
Board Designated for Endowment
Increase in net assets
Net assets:
Bruce Museum Staff
as of June 30, 2011
Peter C. Sutton
Executive Director and CEO
Heidi Weber
Manager of Foundation and
Corporate Funding
Museum Store
Justine Matteis
Store Manager
Kathy Reichenbach
Assistant to the Director
Jack Coyle
Robin Garr
Director of Education
Leslie Downes
Weekend Store Manager
Diane Myers
Manager of School and Tour Services
Gregory Hollop
Director of Finance
Gina Gould
Curator of Science
Peter Linderoth
Manager of Outreach Education
Joanne Prier
Accounting Manager
Kenneth Silver
Adjunct Curator
Ariel Fein
Museum Educator and
Reservations Manager
Allegra Harrington
Admissions Manager
Mary Ann Lendenmann
Manager of Volunteers and
Internet Strategist
Jennifer Ramsey
Carolina Taborda
Elizabeth Wisecup
Weekend Admissions
Cynthia Ehlinger
Marketing and Science
Curatorial Assistant
Liz Wooster
Director of Development
Whitney Lucas Rosenberg
Associate Director of Development
Jennifer Bernstein
Special Events Manager
Michelle Spinei
Development Officer
Becky Conelias
Development Assistant
Valerie Zygmont
Membership and
Special Events Associate
Anne von Stuelpnagel
Director of Exhibitions
Dan Buckley
Exhibition Designer
Kevin Burns
Exhibition Preparator
Ronald Shaw
Director of Security and
Network Services
Gary Strain
Facility Manager
Sean Murtha
Exhibition Preparator
Carlos Taborda
Luis Velasquez
Sue Brown Gordon
Festival Manager
Rochele See
Security Supervisor
Marketing and Communications
Troy Ellen Dixon
Director of Marketing and
Fernando Taborda
Jose Alcayaga
Lawrence Corney