Alphabetical listing of Shapers, K-Z Includes both amateur and pro shapers Stoked-n-Board™ Surfing Heritage Foundation (Updated: June 2, 2015) alu Coletta Coletta Kenny Tilton Rick (Stoner) Kirk Pifer Cheater 5 Kalu Coletta Natural Curves Kenny Tilton Tilton-Sultzer Klaus Jones Flying Fish Kalu Coletta Santa Cruz Kenny Tilton Velzy Klaus Jones Hulls Kara Mann Chikk Kine Kenny Tilton Velzy - Jacobs Klaus Jones Klaus Jones Kareca Shine Shine Kent Clawson Clawson Klaus Jones Total Involvement (Ca) Karlos Benavides Karlos Benavides Kent Smith Kent Smith Kris Cabezas Cabezas Katsumi Miura Hot Buttered (Japan) Kent Smith Lightning Bolt Kurt Augsburger Augsburger Keith Beddoe Keith Beddoe Kent Smith Pismo Beach (Ca) Kurt Augsburger Harbour Keith Brown Luv Da W ud Keola Rapoza T&C Kurt Augsburger Ole Keith Hackamack Brad Keone Downing Downing-Hawaii Kyle Bernhardt Country Feeling Keith Hackamack Rod Keoni Cuccia J7 Kym Thompson G.S.I. Keith Hackman Vern Cunningham Kerry Tokoro HIC Kym Thompson W ater Cooled Keith Melville Keith Melville Kerry Tokoro Rip Curl (USA) Lampeez Hot Buttered (SA) Keith Milliken Milliken Kerry Tokoro Tokoro Lance Carson Jacobs Keith Paull Bing Kerry Tokoro Vesso Lance Carson Lance Carson Keith Paull Peter Clarke Kevin Brennan Dick Van Straalen Lance Carson Ohana Keith Paull Tiki (UK) Kevin Casey Cape Lance Carson W ahoo Keith Sterling Open Seas Kevin Connelly Kevin Connelly Lance Collins Lance Collins Keith Sterling Thunder Bay Kevin Connelly Nine Plus Lance Collins W ave Tools Kelly Richards Perfection Kevin Kunhart Chuck Dent Lance Cook Summer Kelly Richards Xtreme Kevin Kunhart Hogan Lance Ebert Santa Cruz Ken Adler Adler Kevin Kunhart Kunny Landen Young Hack Ken Adler Hansen (US) Kevin Kunhart Rockin Fig Lank Lancaster East Coast (NC) Ken Adler Hayden Kevin McClelland Soul Octopus Lanny Shuler Evergreen Ken Adler San Juan (Aus) Kevin Mileski Black Pearl Creations Lanny Shuler Moksha Ken Adler Surfboards Hawaii Kevin Mileski Pit Lanny Shuler Shuler Ken Bradshaw Bradshaw-Hawaii Kevin Platt Cord LaRoy Dennis Creative Shaping Ken Bradshaw W ahoo Kevin W ear Blue W ater LaRoy Dennis Ken Briel Savage Kim Hickman Hickman Hawaiian Designs (Ed. S.) Ken Freeland Mark Richards Kim Hickman Ultra Lite LaRoy Dennis Jeff Crawford Ken Moore Exotic Designs Kim Hickman W ave Magnet LaRoy Dennis Mike Tabeling Sunset Beach Ken Moore Kensurf Kim Purington Island Classics LaRoy Dennis Ken W alker Jammin Kim Purington Purington LaRoy Dennis W ave Trek Ken W alker KW Kim Purington Straight Up Larry Bailey Fly (Ca) Hobie Ken W alker K. W alker Kimo Greene Kimo Greene Larry Bailey Ken W alker W alker (Ken) Kimo Greene Kimotherapy Larry Bailey Velzy Ken W arner Fremont Kinglsey Kernovski South Shore Larry Bailey Velzy - Jacobs W ardy Kenichi Ono Sequence Kingsley Kernovski Beach Beat (Aus) Larry Bailey Kenji W ebb Clyde Beatty Kingsley Kernovski Kingsley Larry Bailey W ind an Sea Kenneth O’Brian Kiki Kingsley Kernovski Lightning Bolt Larry Bertlemann Hawaiian Pro Designs Larry Bertlemann Kenny Polonizikie Con Kip Okamoto Greg Noll Larry Bertlemann Kenny Reimers Dahlberg Kirk Bierke Kirk Bierke Larry Bertlemann T&C Kenny Reimers Trigger Bros. Kirk Bierke T&C Larry Bertlemann W ave W eapons Infinity (Ca) Kenny Smith Eastside Kirk Brazington Action Larry Cobb Kenny Smith W ave Riding Vehicles Kirk Brazington Coil Larry Crow L.C. Surfcraft Hawaii Dave Sweet Kenny Tilton Bing Kirk Brazington Nor Easter (US) Larry Estrada Kenny Tilton Jacobs Kirk Brazington Ocean Avenue Larry Felker Alphabetical listing of Shapers, K-Z Includes both amateur and pro shapers Stoked-n-Board™ Surfing Heritage Foundation (Updated: June 2, 2015) Larry Felker Flaherty Les Purcell Atlas-W oods Marcelo Fachada Arro (Brazil) Larry Felker Gordie Les Purcell Connexion Marcelo Peninha Marcelo Peninha Larry Felker Hobie Les Purcell John Arnold Marchello Vercelli Buttons Larry Felker Jacobs Les Purcell Les Purcell Marchello Vercelli Stickman Larry Felker Larry Felker Les Purcell W oosley Marchello Vercelli Vercelli Shapes Larry Gordon Gordon & Smith Logan H. Da Donkey Marcio Zouvi Sharp Eye Larry Gordon W .A.V.E. Lonnie Buhn Silver Flight Marco Pacheco Marco Pacheco Larry Mabile Basic Element Lorrin Harrison Lorrin Harrison Marcus Gray W eapon Larry Mabile Gordon & Smith Lou Evangelis Beachcomber Marcus Prom Faith Larry Mabile Kane Garden Louie Ferreira Ferreira Marcus Prom W hale Tail Larry Mabile Mahalo (Ca) Louie Ferreira Hawaiian Shapes Mario Flavio Electra Larry Mabile Third W orld Exotic Louie Ferreira Local Motion Xanadu Louie Ferreira T&C Mark “Petro” Petrocelli Faktion Larry Mabile Larry McElheny Da Surf Hut Louie Martin Maui Tropics Mark Anderson Honolua Underground Larry McElheny LK McElheny Louis Juquinha Arro (Brazil) Mark Andreini Andreini Larry McElheny McElheny Louis Lytle Lytle Mark Andreini Owl Haut Larry McElheny McElheny Surf Design Louis Lytle Surfhog Mark Angell Larry McElheny Perrier Louis Lytle W ave W eapons Mark Angell Kienholz-Angell Larry McElheny Surf Design (Ca) Luceano Leao Hot Buttered Mark Angell Lightning Bolt Mark Angell Larry McElheny Surfcraft Hawaii Ludwig Abrahamian Ludwig Mark Angell Larry McNeely Fibrecraft Luiz Masuzzo Masuzzo Mark Angell Otto Larry McNeely McNeely Luke Moore Flecky Mark Angell Session Offshore days Brog Larry McNeely Rockin Fig Luke Moore Luke Moore Mark Bishoff Larry Myers Harbor Isle Luke Short L.S.D. (Aus) Mark Brog Larry Myers Irvin Luke Short Pukas Mark Brog Soul Performance Plank Atlantis Larry Pope Natural Art Luke Young Rawson Mark Carnahan Larry Ricci Banzai (SD) Lyle Carlson Lyle Carlson Mark Castlow Larry Ricci Larry Ricci Lynn Shell Bradshaw Mark Dever Dever-Platt Mahalo (Ca) Ellis Larry Ricci South Coast (Ca) Lynn Shell HIC Mark Dillinger Larry Strada Channin-Diffenderfer Lynn Shell In The Eye Mark Ellis Larry Strada Green Room (Hi/Ca) Lynn Shell Seasoned Mark Ellis Killer Dana Mark Epstein Larry Strada SA Lynn Shell Super Brand Mark Epstein Larry Templin Channin-Diffenderfer Lynn Shell T&C Mark Epstein Styly Larry Templin Surfboards Hawaii Lynn Shell W ave Riding Vehicles Mark Gnech S.S.R. Santa Cruz Larry Tucker Tucker Madars ‘Oz’ Ozolins Thought Mark Gnech Larry W iese (The) Crow Makani McDonald Makani 808 Shapes Mark Gnech Vampirate Lars Bergstrom 42 Makani McDonald Monstah Mark Goin Goin Pearson Arrow Seatrend Lauran Yater D.S. Russell Hurd Mal Hockley Pilgrim Mark Goin Lauran Yater Morning Star (Ca) Malcolm Campbell Campbell Brothers Mark Goin Lauran Yater Yater Malcolm Campbell Channel Islands Mark Henschke Ocean Evolution Bestever Laurie Byrne Byrne Malcolm Campbell Choice Mark Hills Lee Salven W ater Cooled Malcolm Campbell Patagonia Mark Hills Blaxel Len Dibben Len Dibben Malcolm Campbell Tropical Blends Mark Hills Bunty Hilzeez (UK) Les Patterson Dale (Brookvale) Malcolm McNeill McGriger Mark Hills Les Potts Greek Manuel Caro Mandala Mark Hills Mother Ocean Tris (UK) Hix Les Potts Xit Marc Billion ATAO Mark Hills Les Purcell Adler Marc Billion Mana Moana Mark Hix Alphabetical listing of Shapers, K-Z Includes both amateur and pro shapers Stoked-n-Board™ Surfing Heritage Foundation (Updated: June 2, 2015) Mark Hix Monk Marty Keesecker Bob W hite Maurice Cole Maurice Cole Mark Jameson Line Up (Aus) Marty Keesecker Mellott Maurice Cole Patagonia Mark Johnson Hobie Marty Keesecker Surfline East Maurice Cole W ater Cooled Mark Levan Blue W ater Marty Keesecker W ave Riding Vehicles Mauricio Avila Avila Mark Liddell Blue Hawaii Marty Simpson Black W idow Mauricio Avila Bamboo (Brazil) Mark Liddell Island Energy Masi Saili Gordon & Smith Mauricio Avila Nexo Mark Liddell Mark Liddell Masi Saili Masi Saili Mauricio DeSouza Moura Mark Liddell W ave Riding Vehicles Mason Dyer Mason Dyer Mauricio Gil Aloha Mark Martinson Chuck Dent Mateo Quinn Madrugada Tablas Mauricio Gil W orld Core Mark Martinson Robert August Mateo Quinn Sunrise (Malibu/Baja) Mauricio Jimenez Tule Mark McClendon Born Again Matt Barker Barker Max Gill Gill Mark Mehtlan Meht Stixx Matt Barker Chubby Surf Max McDonald Clyde Beatty Mark Neville Nine Plus Matt Bettis Bettis Max McDonald Infinity (Ca) Mark Ogram Yahoo Matt Bettis Inflight Max McDonald Max Mark Olsen Irvin Matt Bettis Phil (Ca) Max McDonald Orbicular Mark P. Superior Matt Bettis W ind an Sea Max McDonald Patagonia Mark Patterson S.D. Surfboards Matt Biolos Lost Max McDonald Spyder (Ca) Mark Pesce Pesce Matt Biolos Max Max Medeiros Perfect W ave Mark Platter Maddog (Aus) Matt Biolos Mayhem Max W etteland W etteland Mark Platter Mark Richards Matt Biolos Ratz Ass McDonald Blaker Blaker Mark Rabbidge Feisty Girl Matt Biolos Secret Spot (NC) Mera Surat Robin Mair Mark Rabbidge Hot Buttered Matt Calvani Becker (Phil) Mervyn Beard Chapter Mark Rabbidge Line Up (Aus) Matt Calvani Bing Micah Shannahan Addict Mark Reynolds Big Kook Matt Calvani Jacobs Micah Shannahan Kane Garden Mark Rhodes Pit Matt Calvani Revolution Micah W eaver Blue W ave Mark Richards Mark Richards Matt Calvani Rick (Stoner) Micah W ood Gordon & Smith Mark Richards Tropical Blends Matt Calvani Spyder (Ca) Michael Andrews Back Yard Boards (Ca) Mark Riley Riley Matt Calvani Stickman Michael Andrews Rip Curl Mark Riley Scott Dillon Matt George Central Coast Michael Anthony Anthony Mark Schneider Schneider Matt Hinoshita HIC Michael Anthony Rip Curl Mark W ooster W ooster Matt Kechele Kechele Michael Anthony W ater Cooled Marlin Bacon Bill Hamilton Matt Kechele Quiet Flight Michael Baron Byrne Marshall Madruga Fish Stix Matt Kivlin Matt Kivlin Michael Baron Chemistry Martin Jeri Jeri Matt Manners S.S.R. Michael Baron Michael Baron Martin Jeri Ron Jon Matt Moore Graphlite Michael Baron Offshore Martin Littlewood Caster Matt Moore Matt Moore Michael Cherry Cherry Martin Littlewood Delta Designs Matt Moore Rincon Michael Geib Cigars of the Pharaohs Martin Littlewood Free Flight (Littlewood) Matt Moore W ahoo Michael Geib Stickman Matt Norris Valley Isle Michael Geib W eber Martin Littlewood Space Gypsy Matt Parker Album Michael Hoisington Hoisington Martin W right Bestever Matt Penn Line Up (Aus) Michael Kadja Martin W right Diverse Matt Sparks M.D.S. Michael Kennelly Z Martin W right Martin W right Matt Taylor John Taylor Michael Lisiewski Collier Martin W right Tris Matt Tomson Fetish (NJ) Michael Lisiewski Matador Martine Jerry Bessell Matt Tomson Tomson Michael Mauri Fundamental Marty Allen Allen (Marty) Matt Yerxa Santa Cruz Michael Miller Michael Miller Marty Keesecker America VA Matt Yerxa Surflight Michael Olivares Con Surfboards Mammoth Alphabetical listing of Shapers, K-Z Includes both amateur and pro shapers Stoked-n-Board™ Surfing Heritage Foundation (Updated: June 2, 2015) Michael Peterson Aragorn Micky Muñoz Stewart (Bill) Mike Croteau Mars Orange Michael Peterson Blitz Midget Farrelly Farrelly Mike Croteau Pukas Michael Peterson Emerald Midget Farrelly Gordon & Smith Mike Croteau Rip Curl (Aus) Michael Peterson Fantasy Projectile Midget Smith Body Glove Mike Croteau Rusty Michael Peterson Free Flight (Myers) Midget Smith Dove Mike Croteau Solar Michael Peterson Goodtime Midget Smith Jeffery-Dale Mike Croteau Surfing Machine Michael Peterson Gordon & Smith Midget Smith Midget Smith Mike Croteau Target (Croteau) Michael Peterson Hohensee Midget Smith Natural Design Mike Croteau W est Cliff Michael Peterson Joe Larkin Midget Smith Rockin Fig Mike Croteau W illis Bros. Michael Peterson Michael Peterson Midget Smith Rocky’s Surf City Mike Cundith Cooper Michael Peterson W arren Cornish Midget Smith South Shore Mike Curto W ave Tools Michael Peterson W intersun Midget Smith W eber Mike Daniel Clubber Michael Polvare Sol Midget Smith Zuma Jay (Ca) Mike Daniel Coil Michael Price Michael Price Mikael Fremont Fremont Mike Daniel Creative Shaping Co. Michael Price Secret Spot (NC) Mikael Le Villain A.T.S. Mike Daniel Hotline Michael Sagus Aquanetics Mike Adamski Central Coast Mike Daniel Lightwave Michael Schermeyer Shred Styx Mike Agote Pukas Mike Daniel Local Motion Michael Tuten Michael Tuten Designs Mike Armstrong Lightning Bolt Mike Daniel Mike Daniel Michael W alters X-Fish Mike Armstrong Oak Street Mike Daniel Rainbow Michael W illis Bill Barnfield Mike Armstrong Roger Hinds Mike Daniel Savage Michael W illis Nucleous Mike Baumea Aggressions Mike Daniel Spectrum Michael W illis Sunset (Encinitas) Mike Baumea Infinity (Ca) Mike Daniel W ave Riding Vehicles Michael W illis W illis Bros. Mike Baumea Mike Baumea Mike Diffenderfer Bunger Michael Zippi Zippi Mike Baumea Stallings Mike Diffenderfer Channin-Diffenderfer Michel Borel P.S.M. Mike Baumea Surf Club Mike Diffenderfer Diffenderfer Michel Junod Brewer Mike Beveridge Michael Beveridge Mike Diffenderfer Green Room (Hi/Ca) Michel Junod Brian Clark Mike Beveridge Shaped by Beveridge Mike Diffenderfer Inter Island Michel Junod Challenger Eastern Mike Beveridge W ave Magnet Mike Diffenderfer Johnny Sea Michel Junod Lightning Bolt Mike Beveridge W ave Riding Vehicles Mike Diffenderfer Pacific (Del Mar) Michel Junod Michel Junod Mike Campbell S.S.R. Mike Diffenderfer Surfboards Haleiwa Michel Junod Nine or Nothin’ Mike Casey Casey Surf Designs Mike Diffenderfer Velzy Michel Junod Overlin Mike Casey Channin Mike Diffenderfer Velzy - Jacobs Michel Junod Rible Mike Casey Country Mike Diffenderfer W atersaucer Michel Junod Surfboards California (Jim) Mike Casey Surflight Mike Diffenderfer W illis Bros. Mike Casey T&C Mike Doyle (Ca) Dave Sweet Michel Junod Surfline Hawaii Mike Casey Tropical Blends Mike Doyle (Ca) Doyle-Mejek Michel Junod W est Cliff Mike Chaney Central Coast Mike Doyle (Ca) Hansen (US) Mick Carabine Carabine Mike Cloonan Orbicular Mike Doyle (Ca) Morey-Doyle Mick Carey Carey (Aus) Mike Cocherell Dos Pistolas Mike Doyle (Ca) Velzy-Jacobs Mick Pierce Oke Mike Croteau Aqua Jet Mike Doyle (Tx) M.D.C. Mickey Bishop Blaker Mike Croteau Bill Barnfield Mike Doyle (Tx) Mike Doyle (Tx) Mickey Miller Miller, Mickey Mike Croteau Blue Hawaii Mike Doyle (Tx) W ave Riding Vehicles Mickey Muñoz Fly-n’-Goose Mike Croteau Équipe Mike Eaton Bing Mickey Muñoz Lightning Bolt Mike Croteau Great W hite Mike Eaton Eaton Mickey Muñoz Mickey Muñoz Mike Croteau Haut Mike Eaton Golden Breed Mickey Muñoz Ole Mike Croteau Liquid Soul Mike Eaton Honolulu Micky Muñoz Hobie Mike Croteau M-10 Mike Eaton O’Neill Alphabetical listing of Shapers, K-Z Includes both amateur and pro shapers Stoked-n-Board™ Surfing Heritage Foundation (Updated: June 2, 2015) Mike Eaton Rick (Stoner) Mike Neuman Graphlite Mike Slingerland Atlantis Guns Mike Eaton Sunshine Mike Neuman Zuma Jay (Ca) Mike Slingerland Bill Hamilton Mike Eaton Tiki (UK) Mike O’Day Gordie Mike Slingerland California Image Mike Estrada Estrada Mike O’Day Russell Mike Slingerland Country Honk Mike Estrada Estrats Mike O’Day Soul (Ca) Mike Slingerland Custom Classic Mike Estrada Spyder (Ca) Mike Olivares Graphlite Mike Slingerland Evolution (Ca) Mike Estrada T&C Mike Olivares Ohana Mike Slingerland Hansen (US) Mike Fehmel Ron Jon Mike Oppenheimer Blue Hawaii Surf Mike Slingerland Koast Mike Fremont Canyon (OB) Mike Patterson Piping Hot Mike Slingerland M.T.B. Mike Groton Sunset (Encinitas) Mike Pechonis Bird Mike Slingerland Slingerland Mike Hague Hague Mike Pechonis Island W ater Sports Mike Slingerland Surfboards Hawaii Mike Hamil Raw Mike Perry Bear (Ca) Mike Slingerland Surfboards USA Mike Hamil W ave Riding Vehicles Mike Perry Blue Cheer Mike Slingerland Surfings New Image Mike Hawkins Sonic Mike Perry Brothers Neilson (Aus) Mike Smith Lightning Bolt Mike Herklotz Mako (Laguna Niquel) Mike Perry Burford Mike Spencer Spencer Mike Hynson Bahne Mike Perry Classic Malibu (Perry) Mike Stavros Stavros Mike Hynson Gordon & Smith Mike Perry Con Mike Tabeling Creative Shaping Mike Hynson Hobie Mike Perry Darby (Aus) Mike Tabeling Mike Tabeling Mike Hynson Hynson & Company Mike Perry Eighth W ing Slalom Mike Tuel Tuel Mike Hynson Motion of the Ocean Mike Perry Goodtime Mike Turkington Country Mike Hynson Rainbow (Ca) Mike Perry Graphlite Mike Turkington Da Surf Hut Mike Hynson W ind an Sea Mike Perry Hot Stuff Mike Turkington Xit Mike Kovich Kovich Mike Perry Mike Perry Mike Vasques Surfings New Image Mike Larmont Larmont Mike Perry Natural Progression Mike W alker Kane Garden Mike Larmont Lightning Bolt Mike Perry Ocean (Ca) Mike W alter UM Mike Larmont Safari (Afr) Mike Perry Ohana Mike W arren Roberts (Millner) Mike Larmont Surf Line Hi Mike Perry Surfline (Ca) Mike W asch W asch Mike LaVeechia Grain Mike Perry Zuma Jay (Ca) Mike W ellman Hot n Muggzy Mike Losordo Hawaiian Moon Mike Price New Sun Mike W ellman M. W ellman Mike Losordo Losordo & W irick Mike Price W ave Magnet Mike W hisnant Atlantis Mike Lytle Mike Lytle Mike Richard W orld Core Mike W hisnant H.I.C. Mike Lytle Surfside Sports Mike Richards Hobie Mike W hisnant W hisnant Mike Mann Airborne Mike Richards W ind an Sea Mike W interburn Haut Mike Mann Sebastian Inlet (MM) Mike Richardson Canyon (Ca) Mike W interburn Kanoa (W a) Mike Mansfield Mike Mansfield Mike Richardson Electric Duck Mike W interburn Kienholz & Angell Mike Mansfield MM (Mans & McGee) Mike Richardson Gordon and Smith Mike W interburn Mako (Santa Cruz) Mike Marshall Brewer Mike Richardson Hawaiian Pro Designs Mike W interburn O’Neill Mike Marshall Harbour Mike Richardson Hot Buttered Mike W interburn Oceanside (Fl) Mike Marshall Joe Quigg Mike Richardson Iron Cross Mike W interburn W interburn Mike Marshall Marshall Mike Richardson Local Motion Mikey Lake Inter Island Mike Minchinton Blue W ater Mike Richardson Pottz Milton W illis Brewer Mike Minchinton Inflight Mike Richardson T&C Milton W illis W illis Bros. Mike Minchinton Minchinton Mike Rowe Hooked Mino Suzuki Mino Mike Minchinton Robert August Mike Russo Gordon & Smith Misao Tako Sequence Mike Minchinton Rockin Fig Mike Russo Rusty Mitch Chechik W avecraft (Chechik) Mike Minchinton W ind an Sea Mike Salisbury Hannon Mitch Krute Surfboards Costa Rica Mike Moody Spyder (Ca) Mike Slingerland Agua Mitch W hitley Spyder (MD) Alphabetical listing of Shapers, K-Z Includes both amateur and pro shapers Stoked-n-Board™ Surfing Heritage Foundation (Updated: June 2, 2015) Mitchell Rae Outer Island (Aus) Nev Hyman Michael Peterson Pat McGee Loe Molly Logan Guy Okazaki Nev Hyman Nev Pat Mulhern Back Yard Boards (Ca) Molly Logan Logan Nev Hyman Odyssey Pat Mulhern Bat Surf Designs Monty Smith Island (PR) Nev Hyman Ted Deerhurst Pat Mulhern M.T.B. Mossy Bessell Nick Aganosi Hot Stuff Pat Mulhern Secret Spot (NC) Murray Bourton Bourton Shapes Nick Tansley Razor Pat Mulhern W ave Riding Vehicles Murray Bourton Pipedream Nick Tomson Riff Raff Pat O’Hare O’Hare Murray Ross Murray Ross Nick Uricchio Lipsticks (Portugal) Pat O’Hare Ron Jon Murray Ross Pit Nick Uricchio Semente Pat Rawson Blue Cheer Naoke Tsuchiya Vector Vehicles Nick Uricchio Swami’s (UK) Pat Rawson Infinity (Ca) Nathan Margo Mr. E Nigel Dwyer Del (NZ) Pat Rawson Local Motion Nathan Margo Pacific Edge Nigel Perrow Hot Lips Designs Pat Rawson Ocean (Ca) Nathan Pratt Blue Cheer Nigel Semmens Nigel Semmens Pat Rawson Pukas Nathan Pratt Horizons W est Nigel Semmens Ocean Magic (UK) Pat Rawson Rawson Nathan Pratt Ocean (Ca) Noah Budroe Noah Budroe Pat Rawson Surf Ride Neal Norris Challenger (Ca) Noah Budroe T&C Pat Rawson Tropical Blends Neal Norris Con Nobby Ohkawa Nobbywood Pat Rawson W ilken Neal Norris G&S Norm Casey Casey Pat Reardon Reardon Neal Norris Hobie Norm Casey Norm Casey Pat Reardon Unity Neal Norris Olympic Norman Irvin Nude Pat Ryan E.T. (Eddie) Neal Norris San Diego Surf Shop Norman Marsh Stormin Pat Ryan Greg Noll Neal Norris Valley Isle Norman Marsh Stormin W ave Blades Pat Ryan Spyder (Ca) Neal Purchase Blitz Norman Ritchie W est Coast East (NJ) Pat Taylor Taylor (Pat) Neal Purchase Egan Olivier Terraube Choka Pat Taylor Taylor Made Neal Purchase Free Flight (Aus) Omar Foglia Deaki Patrick Armstrong Patrick Armstrong Neal Purchase Hot Stuff Oscar Badillo Cactus Patrick Flecky Country Neal Purchase San Juan Oscar Badillo Michael’s Surf & Sport Patrick Flecky Flecky Neco Carbone Arro (Brazil) Oscar Badillo Players Patrick Flecky Sunset (Ca) Neco Carbone Rawson Oscar Badillo SurfHut Patrick Madden Bert’s Ned McMahon Ocean Magic (Tx) Osh Bartlette Frog Patrick Madden Black Pearl Ned McMahon Sunset (Encinitas) Otis Schaper Chronic Patrick Madden Island Shapes (Fl) Ned McMahon T&C Owl Chapman Buttons Patrick Madden Madden Neil Eliaseen Lost Coast Owl Chapman Natural Progression Patrick Madden Ocean Arrow Neil McCormack Maddog (Aus) Owl Chapman W ave W eapons Patrick Madden Seeker Neil W heeler Aloha Ozz Ozzolin Spindrift (Ca) Patrick Madden Sol Nestor Ramirez Pelicano P.J. W ahl Channel Islands Patrick Madden Ukulele Nev Hines Freeline (Aus) P.J. W ahl W ahl Patrick Madden Zion Nev Hines Freeline Surf Design (Aus) Pablo Ben Ben Milano Patrick Madden Jr. Madden Pat Cosgrove Pacific Design Paul Banaski Canberra Nev Hines Naga Pat Curren Curren-Pearson Paul Barga Barga Nev Hines Nev Hines Pat Curren Pat Curren Paul Baymore Matador Nev Hyman Aipa Pat Curren Velzy Paul Blacker Blacker Nev Hyman Blue Hawaii Pat Curren Velzy - Jacobs Paul Bordieri Gordon & Smith Nev Hyman Bronzed Aussies Pat Curren W ardy Paul Burke Burke (Paul) Nev Hyman Brothers Neilsen (Aus) Pat Curren Yater Paul Burke Rockin Fig Nev Hyman Christian Fletcher Pat Farley Farley Paul Carter Brian Clark Nev Hyman Firewire Pat Harral Loe Paul Carter Carter Alphabetical listing of Shapers, K-Z Includes both amateur and pro shapers Stoked-n-Board™ Surfing Heritage Foundation (Updated: June 2, 2015) Paul Carter Paul Carter Peter Benjamin Canyon (Ca) Phil Castagnola Select Surf Shop Paul Davidson Aragorn Peter Benjamin Indian Phil Clifford Custard Point Paul Fluin Swami’s (UK) Peter Benjamin Peter Benjamin Phil Clifford Rockit (Fl) Paul Holmes Shane Peter Benjamin T&C Phil Edwards Hobie Paul Hunt Gordie Peter Clarke Peter Clarke Phil Edwards Joe Quigg Paul Hunt Greg Noll Peter Cornish McLelland Phil Edwards Phil Edwards Paul Hunt Inter Island Peter Daniels Burn Surf Co. Phil Edwards Stewart (Bill) Paul Hunt Jeffery Dale Peter Daniels C.H.P. Phil Gendreau Point Break Paul Hunt Paul Hunt Peter Daniels Pukas Phil George Emerald (Aus) Paul Hunt Velzy Peter Drouyn Hot Stuff Phil Heart W allace Paul Jensen Paul Jensen Peter Drouyn Peter Drouyn Phil Myers Brothers Neilsen (Aus) Paul Joske Valla Peter Glasson Peter Clarke Phil Myers Free Flight (Myers) Paul Kotzebue Paul Kotzebue Peter Harris Dick Van Straalen Phil Myers Lennox Underground Paul Kraus North Pacific Designs Peter Lang Oke Phil Myers Phil Myers Paul Kraus Ole Peter Lawrence W ave Creations Phil Sauers Phil Paul Mindrich Rise Peter Lawson Hooded Villain Phil Usher Blitz Paul Mindrich W ater Borne Peter Lawson Pottz Phil Usher Odyssey Paul Olson Highland Underground Peter Lutz Beachcomber Phil Usher Phil Usher Paul Olson Oz Underground Peter Pan Bic Rachel Gore Kai W ahine Paul Oslo Neilani Peter Schroff Hanifin Ralph Cormac Cormac Paul Pearce America (NC) Peter Schroff Hanna Ralph Haughtby E.T. (Eddie) Paul Pearce G&S Peter Schroff Schroff Ralph Miller Pismo Beach (Ca) Paul Pearce Surfboards Hawaii Peter Schultz Con Ralph Parker Hobie Paul Pearce W eber Peter Townend Goodtime Ralph Parker Velzy Paul Robertson W ave Creations Peter Townend Joe Larkin Ramon Acevedo Monchito Paul Robinson Double D. Peter Townend Mike Perry Ramon Acevedo Ocean Tribe Paul Sedlock Symbol Peter Townend Surfboards Australia Randall Taylor Estrata Paul Trigger Trigger Bros. Peter Trombly Lightning Bolt Randall Taylor Taylor (Randall) Paul W eeger Huskaweeg Peter W allace Black W idow Randy Cone Randy Cone Paulo Cabral Marbella Peter W ay Peter W ay Randy French Surftech Paulo Christo Spectrum Peter W ay W allace Randy Gibbs Gibbs Paulo Mandacaru Ocean Pacific (LA) Peter W hite Classic Malibu (W hite) Randy Lewis California Co. Paulo Ribeiro Rockin Fig Peter W hite Oke Randy Lewis Chuck Dent Pedro Battaglia Rusty Petro Faktion Randy Lewis Gordie Pedro Vasquez W ave W eapons Scofield Randy Lewis Hawaiian Island Pete Anderson Anderson (Pete) Phil “Filthy Phil” Lingman Randy Lewis Randy Lewis Pete Anderson Hot Stuff Phil Becker Becker (Phil) Randy Lewis South Shore Saltwater Phil Becker Blue Dolphin Randy Lewis Vardeman Pete Anderson T&C Phil Becker Honolulu Randy Lewis W ind an Sea Pete Crab Crab Island (Eur) Phil Becker Kanoa (Ca) Randy Rarick Bear Pete Dooley Contact Phil Becker Natural Progression Randy Rarick Greg Noll Pete Dooley Natural Art Phil Becker Owl Randy Rarick Lightning Bolt Pete McAllum Ocean Magic (UK) Phil Becker Reef (Hermosa Bch) Randy Rarick Randy Rarick Arslanian Phil Becker Rick (Stoner) Randy Rarick Tropical Blends Peter Ashley Ashley Phil Becker Sunline Randy Richenberg Break Away Peter Benjamin Beenjammin Phil Becker Vern Cunningham Randy Richenberg Nichols Breakers Phil Byrne Byrne Randy Richenberg Richenberg Pete Anderson Peter Arslanian Peter Benjamin Alphabetical listing of Shapers, K-Z Includes both amateur and pro shapers Stoked-n-Board™ Surfing Heritage Foundation (Updated: June 2, 2015) Randy Sleigh Blue Hawaii Surf Hawaiian Sleds Ricardo W edenhauser Country Randy Sleigh Richard McGarry R.M. (Aus) Richard Mobley Randy Sleigh R Sleigh Rich Cessinger Bing R.C. (Ocean Beach) Randy Sleigh Sims Richard Mobley Greg Noll Rich Chew Jacobs Richard Mobley Jacobs South Shore Rich Harbour Harbour Richard Mobley Mobley (Richard) Randy Sleigh Sutherland Rich Perrier Perrier Richard Mobley Quiet Flight Randy Sleigh Tiki (UK) Rich Price Bat Surf Design Richard Mobley Rick (Stoner) W illis Bros. Rich Price Burkie Richard Munson Atlantis Randy Smith Tropical Trader Rich Price Natural Art Richard Munson Atlantis Randy W eir R.S.C. Rich Price Price Richard Munson Atlantis G.F.G. Rich Price R.P.D. Richard Munson Creative Shaping Raul Lopez Cracatoa Rich Price Rich Price Designs Richard Munson Jeff Crawford Ray Barker Kord Rich Price Sea Shapes Richard Munson Mike Tabeling Back Nine Rich Price Surfproducts Richard Munson Munson Shapes Ray Lucke Fibrecraft Rich Reed Blue Cheer Richard Munson Obvious Ray Lucke Jacobs Rich Reed California Foam Richard Munson Quiet Flight Ray Lucke Rich Reed Channel Islands Richard Munson Sail On Ray Lucke W eber Rich Reed Dolphin Richard Novak Olson (George) Ray Moselle, Jr. Moselle Rich Reed Lightning Bolt Richard Pavel All Access Ray Moselle, Sr. Moselle Rich Reed Perfect Balance Richard Pavel Axis Ray Moss Ray Moss Rich Reed Reed Richard Pavel Choice Ray Pelland Ray Pelland Rich Reed Rich Reed Surf Designs Richard Pavel Green Room (Hi/Ca) Clear W ater (Ca) Rich Reed Secret Spot (Hi) Richard Pavel Nalu Ray Promer Promer Rich Reed Spindrift (Ca) Richard Pavel Pavel Hess Ray Promer Rockin Fig Rich Reed Surf Line Hawaii Richard Pavel Rainbow (Ca) Hawaiian Moon Rich Shepley Rich Richard Payne Richard Payne Ray Street W ana Surf Rich W ilken W ilken Richard Quiggan Pure Ray W allace Ray W allace Richard Deese Morey-Pope Richard Richardson Country Regis Jupinko Gypsy Richard Deese Rincon Richard Scott 3 rd Shade Regis Jupinko Lightwave Richard Deese Skag Richard Templin Hansen (US) Regis Jupinko Loehr Designs Richard Deese South Bay Richard Templin Surf Systems Quiet Flight Richard Deese Thought Richie Buehn Bat Surf Designs Regis Jupinko Savage Richard Ford Genesis Richie Buehn Surfproducts Regis Jupinko Secret Spot (NC) Richard Gomez Mez Richie Bushman Starr Renaud Cardinal Addictions Richard Gomez Richard Gomez Richie Collins California Hot Shapes Renaud Cardinal T&C Richard Gomez Sunset (Enc) Richie Collins Contra Renaud Cardinal UW L Richard Harvey Dick Van Straalen Richie Collins Richie Collins Velzy Richard Harvey Harvey Richie Collins W ave Tools Renny Yater Velzy - Jacobs Richard Herbert Huzza W uzza Richie W est Cooper Renny Yater Yater Richard Herbert W ater Force Rick Avont Ancient Art Reno Abellira Graphlite Richard Joly Joly Rick Bullock Cheyne Horan Reno Abellira Lightning Bolt Richard Joly South Coast (Ca) Rick Bullock Creative Shaping Reno Abellira Reno Abellira Richard Lisiewski Collier Rick Bullock Positive Energy Jungle Concepts Richard Lisiewski Matador Rick Bullock Rick Bullock Rex Marechal R.M. (Ca) Richard Luthringer Bare W ires Rick Bullock Spectrum Rhyn Noll Rhyn Noll Richard Luthringer Luthringer Rick Bullock W alden Richard Luthringer Toad Rick Bullock W aterboyz Randy Sleigh Randy Sleigh Rascoe Hunt Ray Lucke Ray Lucke Ray Promer Ray Street Regis Jupinko Renny Yater Rex Marechal Alphabetical listing of Shapers, K-Z Includes both amateur and pro shapers Stoked-n-Board™ Surfing Heritage Foundation (Updated: June 2, 2015) Rick Burhans Innerlight Rob Autrey Jim Austin Robert Manville Redman (NC) Rick Burhans Seeker Rob Beers Ukulele Robert Manville Reef Rick Burhans W est W inds (Fl) Rob Brown T&C Robert Manville South Shore Rick Ferguson Ferguson Rob Brown Vardeman Robert Manville Stewart (Ca) Rick Fignetti Rockin Fig Rob Camp Raw Robert Manville Underground Rick Hamon Encinitas Rob Hansell N. Cal. Surf Design Robert Manville Vern Cunningham Rick Hamon Hamon Rob Ilonumi Veal Robert Manville W ave Riding Vehicles Rick Hamon Rusty Rob Loin Royal Robert Manville W eber Rick Hamon Surfings New Image Rob McLaggan Peter Clarke Robert Manville W ind an Sea Rick Irons Jacobs Rob Striker Striker Robert Millner Roberts (Millner) Rick Irons Rich Parr Rob Trenschel Pelland Robert Morin Crescent Rick Irons Rick Irons Rob W ebster Goodtime Robert Myers W ave Riding Vehicles Rick James Greg Noll Robb Davis Into The Blue Robert Myers W est W ind (Va) Rick James Jacobs Robbie Burns Lightning Bolt Robert Richwagen Richie Rick James Rick James Robbie Dick Graphlite Robert Rube Pura Vida (Or) Rick James South Shore Robbie Dick Natural Progression Robert Rube Robert’s NW Rick Malwitz Malwitz Robbie Dick Pro Guns Robert Russo Blue Hawaii Rick Noë Haut Robbie Dick Pro Series Robert Russo Northwest Girl Rick Noë Rick Noë Robbie Dick R Dick Robert Russo Russo Rick Noë Session Robbie Dick W ilken Robert Sakoda Hawaiian Pre Designs Rick Plescia Plescia Robbie Dick Zuma Jay (Ca) Robert Sakoda Sakoda Rick Plescia Rick Plescia Robbie Ponting Larmont Robert Smith Oceanwide Rick Rock Brian Clark Robert Alfred Blue Cheer Robert Smith Pacific Style Rick Rock Christian Fletcher Robert Allen W hite Shorelife Robert Strickland Jr Aurora Rick Rock Herbie Fletcher Robert Allen W hite W ave Magnet Robert Strickland Jr Strickland Rick Rock Lost Robert August Harbour Robert Strickland Sr Aurora Rick Rock Max Robert August Jacobs Robert Strickland Sr Break Away Rick Rock McElroy Robert August Petrillo Robert Strickland Sr M.T.B. Rick Rock Rock Robert August Plastic Fantastic Robert Strickland Sr R.S. Rick Rock Steve Boysen Robert August Robert August Robert Strickland Sr Sebastian Inlet Rick Rock T. Patterson Robert August South Shore Robert Strickland Sr Strickland Rick Stoner Bing & Rick Robert August W itches Rock Robert Sullivan Rick Stoner Rick (Stoner) Robert Brown Russell Robert W einer Roberts (W einer) Rick Stoner Velzy Robert Cirac R.C. (Huntington, Ca) Robert W hite Raw (Fl) Rick Stoner Velzy - Jacobs Robert Davis Country Robin Kegel Créme Rick Value Green Room (Hi/Ca) Robert Davis Davis Shapes Hawaii Robin Kegel Gato Heroi Ricky Carroll Cheyne Horan Robert Davis Insync Robin Mair Mair Surfboards Ricky Carroll Local Motion Robert Davis Profound Robin Mair Natures Own Ricky Carroll Natural Art Robert Davis Robert Davis Shapes Robin Mair Ra Ricky Carroll Pro Shapes Robert Garmon Garmon Robin Mair Robin Mair Ricky Carroll Revolution Robert Garmon Spyder (Ca) Robin Prodanovich Eaton Ricky Carroll Ricky Carroll Robert J. Todd Todd Robin Prodanovich Gordon & Smith Ricky Carroll Ron Jon Robert Johnson Oceanwide Robin Prodanovich Local Motion Ricky Carroll Santa Cruz Robert Manville Chuck Dent Robin Prodanovich Mark Richards Ricky Carroll Sea Shapes Robert Manville Hotline Robin Prodanovich Robin Prodanovich Ricky Neilson Adler Robert Manville Jacobs Robin Prodanovich South Coast (Ca) Rob Autrey Autrey Robert Manville Madrid Rod Dahlberg Dahlberg Driftwood Alphabetical listing of Shapers, K-Z Includes both amateur and pro shapers Stoked-n-Board™ Surfing Heritage Foundation (Updated: June 2, 2015) Rod Greenup Costa Azul Roland Chocarro Irvin Ronnie W illiamson Ronnie W illiamson Rod Greenup Greenup Designs Roland Chocarro Roland Ronnie W oodward Aloha Rod Sorenson Agua Roland Chocarro W alden Ronnie W oodward Hot Buttered Rod Sorenson K-5 Rolf Aurness Butt Juice Rory Oke Oke Rod Sorenson Nectar Rolf Aurness Rory Russell Lightning Bolt Rod Stock Sea Level Rolf Aurness Hydroplanes Rory W illiams Custard Point Rod Stock Trigger Bros. Ron Dalgleish Line Up (Aus) Roy Sanchez Nirvana Infinity (UK) Ron House Harbour Roy Sanchez Pacific W ave Craft Rod Teys Rod Teys Ron House HIC Roy Seaman Con Rod Teys W oosley Ron House Hobie Russell Hoyte Channel Islands Rodd Davey Davey Ron House Lighting Bolt Russell Hoyte Hoyte Rodd Davey Larmont Ron House Local Motion Russell Hoyte Island Images Rodger Erickson Roberts (Millner) Ron House Rip Curl (Ca) Russell Hoyte Orbicular Hot Buttered Ron House San Clemente Surf Co. Russell Kim Lightning Bolt Rodrigo Orozco Players Ron House Stewart (Ca) Russell Lewis Hot Stuff Roger Adams Haven Ron House Surfboards Hawaii Rusty Preisendorfer Atlantis Guns Roger Baltierra Balti Ron House Surfline (Hi) Rusty Preisendorfer Benjamin Roger Baltierra Baltierra Ron House Vega Rusty Preisendorfer Bill Barnfield Roger Baltierra Rog Ron House W ind an Sea Rusty Preisendorfer Canyon (OB) Russell Ron Jones Classic (Hi) Rusty Preisendorfer Country Honk Roger Baltierra Sea Bird Ron Jones Ron Jones Rusty Preisendorfer Evolution (Ca) Roger Beal Bessell Ron Mellott Creative Shaping Rusty Preisendorfer Gordon & Smith La Jolla Reef Designs Ron Mellott Hot n Nasty Rusty Preisendorfer Green Lantern Roger Beal Nor Easter (US) Ron Mellott Island (PR) Rusty Preisendorfer Kies Roger Beal R.B. Ron Mellott John Fitton Rusty Preisendorfer Koast Roger Beal Ron Mellott Kiki Rusty Preisendorfer Music Roger Beal T.D.K. Ron Mellott Mellott Rusty Preisendorfer Pacific FantaSea Roger Brucker Sea Islands Ron Mellott Mike Tabeling Rusty Preisendorfer Pure Fun (Enc) Hawaiian Style (UK) Ron Mellott Ronnie Mellott Rusty Preisendorfer Rusty Roger Cooper Roger Cooper Ron Mellott Sundancer Rusty Preisendorfer Santosha Roger Doucette Rod Ron Mellott W ave Riding Vehicles Rusty Preisendorfer Starlight Surfline (NZ) Ron Mellott W est W ind (Va) Rusty Preisendorfer Sunset (Encinitas) Roger Hinds Bear Ron Neff Absolute Trip Rusty Preisendorfer W ayne Lynch Roger Hinds Cheyne Horan Ron Neff Alumalite Rusty W hitlock Brewer Country Ron Neff Neff Rusty W hitlock HIC Roger Hinds Inflight Ron Pavano Greek Rusty W hitlock Infinity (Ca) Roger Hinds Revolution Ron Romanosky Romanosky Rusty W hitlock Lightning Bolt Roger Hinds Ron Roush F. J. Rusty W hitlock R.W . (Rust) Roger Hinds Strong Current Ron Roush In The Eye Ryan Dotson Greg Noll Roger Holden Island East Ron Roush Mike Tabeling Ryan Dotson Maui Graphlite Ron Roush W alden Ryan Dotson Ryan Dotson Roger Horsey Natural Progression Ronnie Goddard Cooper Ryan Dotson Surf Line Hawaii Roger Prier Ocean Evolution Ronnie Goddard Goddard Ryan Engle Canvas Glassaire Ronnie Goddard Nirvana Ryan Engle Infinity (Ca) Roger W ood Atlantis Ronnie Goddard Summercloud Ryan Engle Nation Roger Yates Downhome Ronnie Rannie Rannie Surf Designs Ryan Engle Toes on the Nose Fuego Ronnie W illiamson R.W .(Ronnie) Ryan Lovelace Point Concept Rod Sumpter Rodney Ball Roger Baltierra Roger Beal Roger Beal Roger Cooper Roger Hall Roger Hinds Roger Hinds Roger Horsey Roger Rice Roland Chocarro Alphabetical listing of Shapers, K-Z Includes both amateur and pro shapers Stoked-n-Board™ Surfing Heritage Foundation (Updated: June 2, 2015) Ryan Lovelace Ryan Lovelace Sean Collins Quest Skip Frye Gordon & Smith Ryan Lovelace Timberline Sean Fell W aterboyz Skip Frye Inflight Ryan Sakal Sakal Sean Jensen Eletic (Ca) Skip Frye Plastic Fantastic Saa Ginleck Tamba Surf Co. Sean Jensen Jensen (Hi) Skip Frye Select Surf Shop Sam Bark Bark Sean Piper Drew’s Surf Stick Skip Frye Skip Frye Sam Cammack Natural Progression Sean Piper Ghetto Skip Frye Underground Unlimited Sam Cammack Sueño Sean Reilly Reilly Skip Robinson Skip Robinson Sam Egan Aloha (Aus) Sean Slater S Slater Skip Savage Awareness Sam Egan Atoll Sean Slater Slater Skip Smith Category 5 Sam Egan Egan Sean Slater Slater Brothers Skip Smith First Coast Sam Egan Promouldz Sean W ilde Line Up (Aus) Skip Smith Skip Smith Sam Egan Sam Egan Sean W ilde W ilde Shapes (Aus) Sonny Vardeman Joey Cabell Sam Hawk Brewer Selwyn Van W yk Surf Africa Sonny Vardeman Vardeman Sam Hawk Country Seth Cutter Borst Sparky Scheufele Greg Noll Sam Hawk Dyno Seth Cutter Cutter Sparky Scheufele Inter Island Sam Hawk Full Force (Ca) Seth Cutter Ezera Sparky Scheufele Surf Line Hawaii Sam Hawk Hawk (Chris) Seth Cutter Joel Tudor Spencer Kellogg Spence Sam Hawk Rockin Fig Seth Cutter Tony Staples Spencer Kellogg W illiam-Dennis Sam Hawk W illis Bros. Shane Stedman Shane Spider Murphy Safari (Afr) Sam Hawk W ind an Sea Shane Stoneman Shane Stoneman Spider Murphy W ar Sam Tehan Force 9 Shannon McIntyre A W omans Shape Sprint W alker Sprint W alker Scott Anderson Anderson (Scott) Shannon W arner W arner Spyder W right Spyder (MD) Scott Anderson Con Shaun Tomson Shaun Tomson Stan Berringhelle Roberts (Millner) Scott Anderson Natural Progression Shawn Ambrose Ambrose Stan Fujii Ventura Surf Shop Scott Anderson The Ugly Shawn Ambrose Fish Stix Stan Fujii W illiam Dennis Scott Beggs Energy (Aus) Shawn Ambrose Mahalo (Ca) Stan Irvin Irvin Scott Brill Brill Shawn Ambrose Mission Stan Lawrence Orchidland Scott Busbey Contact Shawn Ambrose Native (S.D.) Stan Lawrence Rock Island Scott Busbey In The Eye Shawn Ambrose W ind an Sea Stan Veith Owl Scott Chandler Chandler Shawn O’Donnell Savage Stefan Aftanas Aftanas Surf Designs Scott Dillon Scott Dillon Shawn Stussy Newport Surf & Sport Stephan MacGregor Small Faces Scott Flynn Flynn Shawn Stussy Russell Stephan W alcot Black Pearl Creations Scott Flynn W indanSea Shawn Stussy Stussy Stephen Ashley Ashley Scott Lewis Bob English Shawn Vecchione Bill Hamilton Stephen Ing Scott Perry Avalon Shawn Vecchione Brewer Hawaiian Style (HiIng) Scott Preiss W ilken Shawn Vecchione Hawaiian Blades Scott R. Henry Coconut Shun Yamamoto Line Up (Aus) Scott R. Henry Free Spirit (Enc) Simon Anderson Energy (Aus) Scott R. Henry Scott Simon Anderson Simon Anderson Scott R. Henry Scott R. Henry Simon Forward Trigger Bros. Scott Rowley Barracuda Simon Jones Morning of the Earth Scott Rowley Cleanline (Or) Simon Noble Simon Noble Scott Rowley Northwest Surf Designs Balsa Flite Scott Sherwood Ezera Skip “Andres” Kozminski Scott Timmerman P.B. Surf Shop Corretumbos Chopolla Scott Valentine Graphlite Skip “Andres” Kozminski Scotty Flynn Bessell Skip Frye Choice Steve Schlickenmeyer Bing Steve “W olf” Russ K Steve Alkire Hannon Steve Angus South Coast (Ca) Steve Angus Steve Angus Steve Baimbridge Baimbridge Steve Baimbridge Chuck Dent Steve Baimbridge Paradise (San Clemente) Steve Baimbridge Steve B. Steve Barber Full Force (Aus) Alphabetical listing of Shapers, K-Z Includes both amateur and pro shapers Stoked-n-Board™ Surfing Heritage Foundation (Updated: June 2, 2015) Steve Barto Barto Steve Clark Ocean Pacific Steve Kroll Graphlite Steve Barto T.D.K. Steve Clark Punalua Steve Kroll Herbie Fletcher Steve Barto Xanadu Steve Clark Rainbow (Ca) Steve Kroll Kroll Steve Benet Ocean Magic (Tx) Steve Clark Surfboards Hawaii Steve Kroll Rick James Steve Benson Steve Benson Steve Clark Velzy Steve Kroll Russell Steve Bigler Chuck Dent Steve Coletta Natural Curves Steve Kroll South Shore Steve Bishop Blaker Steve Coletta O’Neill Steve Landis Landis Steve Boehne Gordie Steve Coletta Session Steve Lis Bob English Steve Boehne Infinity (Ca) Steve Del Rosso Clearwater (Aus) Steve Lis Choice Steve Boehne Soul (Ca) Steve Dunham Jeff Crawford Steve Lis Seagull Steve Boehne Surfcraft Hawaii Steve Elliot Elliot Steve Lis Steve Lis Steve Boehne W ind an Sea Steve Elliot Rise Steve Mast Mast Steve Bonet Steve Bonet Steve Elliot T&C Steve McErlane Xit Steve Bonifay Yancy Spencer Steve Elliot W alden Steve Meisinger Good Clean Fun Steve Boysen Cash (Ca) Steve Farwell Harbour Steve Monk Bat Surf Designs Steve Boysen Christian Fletcher Steve Ford Ford Steve Moret Bahne Steve Boysen Leucadia Steve Ford Joel Tudor Steve Moret Encinitas Steve Boysen Pacific Drive Steve Ford Local Motion Steve Moret Steve Moret Steve Boysen S.B. Steve Ford Tamarack Steve Morgan Brewer Steve Boysen Steve Boysen Steve Ford Tudor Steve Morgan Green Lantern Steve Brendesen Islander (Fl) Steve Forstall Alekai Steve Morgan HIC Steve Brom Blue Cheer Steve Forstall Cheyne Horan Steve O’Donnell Hot Buttered Steve Brom Clyde Beatty Steve Forstall Coda Steve O’Donnell O’Donnell Steve Brom Con Steve Forstall Creative Shaping Co. Steve O’Donnell Steve O’Donnell Steve Brom Dyno Steve Forstall Spectrum Steve Pendarvis Native (S.D.) Steve Brom Graphlite Steve Friedman Cooper Steve Pendarvis Owlish Steve Brom Marina Surf & Sail Steve Gains Da Surf Hut Steve Pendarvis Pendo Flex Steve Brom Ocean Crystal Steve Gains Pacific (Gains) Steve Pendarvis Pendo Pinners Steve Brom Ohana Steve Goddard Blitz Steve Pezman Bill W etzel Steve Brom Steve Brom Steve Goddard Local Knowledge Steve Pezman Blaker Steve Bunt Bestever Steve Goddard Ocean Boulevard Steve Pezman Chuck Dent Steve Clark Back Yard Boards Steve Griffiths Black W idow Steve Pezman Creative Design (Ca) Steve Clark Bear Steve Griffiths Emerald (Aus) Steve Pezman Hobie Steve Clark Channin Steve Gurney Hotline Steve Pezman Jack Haley Steve Clark Clark Custom Steve Head Ballistic Steve Pezman Vardeman Steve Clark Clinton Steve Hennigh Good Clean Fun Steve Polk Aquarail Steve Clark Gidget Steve Hess Cloud 9 Steve Rehl W ave Trek Steve Clark Greg Noll Steve Hess Secret Spot (NC) Steve Reilly Steve Reilly Steve Clark Hansen (US) Steve Hix Hix Steve Rex Brewer Steve Clark Harbour Steve Hix Monk Steve Rex Hawaiian Blades Steve Clark I.B.S. Steve Huerta California Street Steve Rex Infinity (Ca) Steve Clark Iron Cross Steve Huerta Huerta Steve Rex Irvin Steve Clark Jim Phillips (Japan) Steve Huerta Huerta-McNair Steve Rex Max Steve Clark Koast Steve Huerta Surfboards by Jacobs Steve Rex Perfect W ave Steve Clark L.S.D. (Ca) Steve Hutchinson Steve Hutchinson Steve Rex Rex Hawaii Steve Clark Leucadia Steve Irvin Irvin Steve Rex Richo Steve Clark Nectar Steve Kroll Blue Cheer Steve Rex T&C Alphabetical listing of Shapers, K-Z Includes both amateur and pro shapers Stoked-n-Board™ Surfing Heritage Foundation (Updated: June 2, 2015) Steve Rex Vardeman Stu Sharpe Island (Fl) Terry Klemm Island (Aus) Steve Rex Vega Stu Sharpe Local Motion Terry Martin All Oceans Steve Scatolini Scat Daddy Surf Stu Sharpe Sharpe Surf Terry Martin Benjamin Steve Scatolini Subterrainean Stu Sharpe T&C Terry Martin Body Glove Steve Scofield Scofield Stu Smith Hot Buttered (Aus) Terry Martin Bulkley Steve Seebold Basic Element Stuart Cadden Daniell Terry Martin Cocos Steve Seebold Gordon & Smith Stuart D’Arcy D’Arcy (Aus) Terry Martin Corky Carroll Steve Seebold Plastic Fantastic Mach Stuart D’Arcy Pottz Terry Martin Dyno Steve Seebold Seebold Stuart Smith Xanadu Terry Martin Full Force (Ca) Steve Seebold W ave Riding Vehicles Stûart Smith Stûart Terry Martin Gotcha Steve Shaw Go Surf (Ca) Sydney Madden Sunset (Ca) Terry Martin Homer’s Steve Shaw Shaw Sydney Madden Sydney Madden Terry Martin Just Add W ater Steve Shaw Steve Shaw Sylvain Boucher Frenchy’s Terry Martin Natural Design Steve Stack Cheyne Horan Tad Suzuki Goddess Terry Martin Plastic Fantastic Steve Stack Kai Tak Kawahara C.H.P. Terry Martin South Shore Steve Stack Revolution Tak Kawahara Con Terry Martin Stewart (Bill) Steve Stack Stack Tak Kawahara Flaherty Terry Martin Stussy Steve Stewart Liquid Soul Surf Co. Tak Kawahara Greg Noll Terry Martin Terry Martin Steve Stewart Liquid Soul (Fl) Tak Kawahara Jacobs Terry Martin tm Hobie Steve Stewart Steve Stewart Tak Kawahara Malibu (Japan) Terry Richardson Cona Coast Steve Talley Stoker V Machines Tak Kawahara Morey-Pope Terry Richardson Terry Richardson Steve Tayu Pacific (Gains) Tak Kawahara Phil Kabo Terry Richardson Zuma Jay (Ca) Steve W alden Dyno Tak Kawahara W eber Terry Senate Aipa Steve W alden G.S.I. Ted Deerhurst Excalibur (Ca) Terry Senate Infinity (Ca) Steve W alden Greek Ted James Fox (Fl) Terry Senate Terry Senate Steve W alden Lightning Bolt Ted Kearns G.F.G. Terry Senate Zuma Jay (Ca) Steve W alden Sea Ski Ted Kearns Pit Terry Sweeney Sweeney Steve W alden Steve W alden Ted Kearns T.K. Thierry Huaux Booster Steve W alden Steve W alden Hawaiian Designs Ted Kearns T.K. Shapes Hawaii Meyerhoffer Ted Pearson Pearson-Curren Thomas Meyerhoffer Steve W alden T.W . Surf Systems Ted Pearson Pearson-Perry Thomas Bexon Thomas Steve W alden W alden Ted Torrey Sunset (Ca) Thomas Haugh Thomas Patrick Steve W alden W alden W ave Boards Teena McIlveen Diverse Thomas Jensen Insight Steve W ilson Local Motion Terry Bishop Bronzed Aussies Thomas Sitton Atlantic Surf Designs Steve W ilson Tropical Blends Terry Bishop Carabine Thys Strydom J. Bay Surf Co. Steven Kessler Gypsy Terry Chung Brewer Thys Strydom Rebel (Afr) Stu Herz Blaker Terry Chung Papa He’e Nalu Thys Strydom Surf Star (Afr) Stu Herz Chuck Dent Terry Cooper Byrne Thys Strydom T.S.D. Stu Herz Creative Design (Ca) Terry DeLoach Hart’s Tich Paul Hot Buttered (SA) Stu Herz Jack Haley Terry Fitzgerald Goodtime Tico Ramirez Rawson Stu Kenson Evening Glass Terry Fitzgerald Hot Buttered (US) Tiger Espere Country Stu Kenson Joel Tudor Terry Fitzgerald Joe Larkin Tigger Newling Jolly Good Stu Kenson Kane Garden Terry Goldsmith Evolution (Ca) Tigger Newling Tig Stu Kenson Rusty Terry Goldsmith Gordon & Smith Tim Bessell Benjamin Stu Kenson Stu Kenson Terry Goldsmith Rusty Tim Bessell Bessell Stu Kenson T.D.K. Terry Goldsmith Terry Goldsmith Tim Bessell Caster Stu Sharpe Davo Surf Terry Hollett Gunner Tim Bessell Egan Alphabetical listing of Shapers, K-Z Includes both amateur and pro shapers Stoked-n-Board™ Surfing Heritage Foundation (Updated: June 2, 2015) Tim Bessell Gordon & Smith Tim Phares Zuma J (Ca) Tom Gaglia Plastic Fantastic Tim Bessell Lightning Bolt Tim Reda Tim Reda Tom Hale Australian Surf Shop Tim Bessell Local Motion Tim Stamps Chas Tom Hale Owl Tim Bessell South Coast (Ca) Tim Stamps Cheyne Horan Tom Hale Ron Jon Tim Bessell Stussy Tim Stamps Chuck Dent Tom Hale Tom Hale Tim Bessell Sunset (Encinitas) Tim Stamps Harbour Tom Hale Ventura Tim Bessell T&C Tim Stamps Revolution Tom Hale Ventura Surf Shop Tim Bessell W ind an Sea Tim Stamps Stamps Tom Hardy Precision Equip Tim Bessell W orld Core Tim Townsley TNT Tom Hogan Cadiz Tim Bowler Shapes and Hulls Todd Kaminski T.D.K. Tom Hogan Hogan Tim Briers Ocean Avenue Todd Mohn Mohn Tom Hogan Lost Tim Carroll Aleutian Juice Todd Mohn Rockin Fig Tom Hogan Max Tim Carroll Surfsports (Hi) Todd Proctor Proctor Tom Hogan T.H. Tim Chew Category 5 Todd Sutz Collier Tom Hoye Barry Bennett Tim Chew Chew Todd Sutz Matador Tom Hoye Blaxel Tim Chew Ocean Arrows Todd Value Green Room (Hi/Ca) Tom Hoye Hoye Tim Clark Sugar Shack Tom Balestar Aloha (Aus) Tom Hoye O’Neill Tim DeLaVega Country Tom Balestar Balestar Tom Hoye Precision Equip Tim Griffin Griffin (Tim) Tom Balestar Beachcombers Tom Kienholz Kienholz-Angell Tim Luther Open Seas Tom Balestar Bulkley Tom Luker Red Diamond Slider Tim Marshall Midget Smith Tom Balestar Chuck Dent Tom Luker Tom Luker Tim Mellors Custard Point Tom Balestar Country Tom Mahady Mahady Tim Nicholson Tim Nicholson Tom Balestar David Nuuhiwa Tom Maxwell Benjamin Tim Nolte Tim Nolte Tom Balestar Greek Tom Maxwell Maxwell (Tx) Tim Nolte W ave Magnet Tom Balestar Hurley Tom McNamara Ocean Pulse Tim O’Shaughnessy O’Shaughnessy Tom Balestar Infinity (Ca) Tom Mobley Mobley (Tom) Tim Ogburn Ogburn Tom Balestar Pocket Rockets Tom Morey Morey Tim Orr Pure Life Tom Balestar Robert August Tom Morey Morey-Pope Tim Patterson Hobie Tom Balestar Rockin Fig Tom Morey W .A.V.E. Tim Patterson Mickey Muñoz Tom Balestar Van Genus Tom Neilson Creative Visions Tim Patterson Rip Curl (USA) Tom Balestar W eber Tom Neilson Neilson Tim Patterson T. Patterson Tom Balestar W ind an Sea Tom Neilson Quiet Flight Tim Patterson T&C Tom Blake Tom Blake Tom Neilson Sugar Cane Tim Patterson Toes on the Nose Tom Brockman Brockman Tom Nellis Lightning Bolt Tim Patterson Velzy Tom Bunger Bunger Tom Nesbit Nezzy Tim Phares Ben Aipa Tom Eadon Cosmic Bull Tom Nesbit Nor Easter (US) Tim Phares Blue Cheer Tom Eadon Island Style (NJ) Tom Overlin Forever Changes Tim Phares California Foam Tom Eadon Rise Tom Overlin O’Neill Tim Phares Clyde Beatty Tom Eberly Eberly Tom Overlin Starship Tim Phares Con Tom Eberly Hot Stuff Tom Overlin Tom Overlin Tim Phares Epic Tom Eberly Lightning Bolt Tom Overlin W ater Brother Tim Phares Fluid Drive Tom Even Carvin Tom Parrish Country Tim Phares Horizons W est Tom Ezell Virgin Surf Tom Parrish Lightning Bolt Tim Phares Ocean (Ca) Tom Flaherty Flaherty Tom Parrish Parrish Tim Phares Ocean Pacific Tom Gaglia Bahne Tom River Seal Tim Phares Surfings New Image Tom Gaglia Channin Tom Roland Owl Tim Phares W ilken Tom Gaglia Downhome Tom Scott TVS Alphabetical listing of Shapers, K-Z Includes both amateur and pro shapers Stoked-n-Board™ Surfing Heritage Foundation (Updated: June 2, 2015) Tom Shepard Surfboards Hawaii Tony Staples Mystery Point W ayne Jones Yancy Spencer Tom Sitton Tom Sitton Tony Staples P.D.S. W ayne Land Bing Tom Stack Into The Blue Tony Staples Progressive Design W ayne Land Burland Tom Stanton Ukulele Tony Staples Reflex (Ca) W ayne Land Greg Noll Tom Sutherland Sutherland Tony Staples T.S. W ayne Land Jacobs Tom W egener W egener (Aus) Tony Staples Morey-Pope Skeg Island Tony Staples High Tech W ayne Land Tomatsu Sumitomo W ayne Land Plastic Fantastic Tommy Cover Tony Staples Tony Staples W ayne Land Surfcraft Hawaii Tommy Daniels Pit Travis Ashbrook Travis W ayne Land Velzy Tommy Maus Balsa Bill Trey Sapp Ocean Pacific (LA) W ayne Land Velzy - Jacobs Bat Surf Designs Trey Sapp Snap W ayne Lowen Byrning Spears Tommy Maus Driftwood Trey Sapp Trey Sapp W ayne Lynch Evolution (Cca) Tommy Maus Hawaiian Pro Designs Tris Cokes Tris W ayne Lynch John Arnold Natural Art Troy Saunders Austin W ayne Lynch W ayne Lynch Tommy Maus Pro Shapes Tyler Hatzikian Tyler W ayne McEwan Hot Stuff Tommy Maus Quiet Flight Tyler Hatzikian Tystix W ayne Okamoto Oak Foils Tommy Maus Ricky Carroll Tyler Malta Cito Sleds W ayne Okamoto Pacific Brotherhood Tommy Moore Raw Vallen Krimbow Val W ayne Okamoto Pacific Oak Tommy Moore Tommy Moore Vallen Krimbow W ave Trek W ayne Rich Stoker V Machines W ave Riding Vehicles Vallen Krimbow W ave W alker W ayne Rich Surfboards by Jacobs Tommy Peterson Aragorn Vic Otten Stickgirl W ayne Rich W ayne Rich Tommy Peterson Spyder (Ca) Vic Otten Stickman W ayne Rich W eber W intersun Vic Tantau Vic Tantau W ayne Riordan Bare Nature Hawaiian Style (HiHope) Victor Castenellos Surfboard House W ayne Roach Emerald (Aus) Vince Collier Vince Collier W ayne Ryan Line Up Tommy Tanaka T&C Vinny Bryan Doug Roth W ayne Santos Lightning Bolt Tommy Tanaka Tanaka W ade Tokoro Local Motion W ayne W illiams Gordon & Smith (Aus) Tony Anjo Lightning Bolt W ade Tokoro Pukas W ayne W illiams W ilderness Tony Carmanico Hula W ade Tokoro Tokoro W ayo W illar California Balsa Tony Cerff Local Motion W ally Carle W al Carle W es Goldman Greg Noll Tony Cerff Mark Richards W ally Puha Chemistry W es Goldman W es Goldman Tony Cerff T&C W ally Puha Puha Brothers W es Holderman Seaward Vessel Tony Cerff W arren Cornish W ally Puha Puha Shapes W es Oshiro Blue Hawaii Tony Channin Bunger W ard Coffey Coffey W es Oshiro Island Shapes Hawaii Tony Channin Channin-Diffenderfer W arren Cornish Mark Richards W es Price Natural Design Tony Channin Hansen (US) W arren Cornish W arren Cornish W hitney Lange Exotic Designs Tony Dempsey Dempsey W ayland Kong Cordell W il Jobson David Nuuhiwa Tony Dempsey Excalibur (Aus) W ayne Brown B C (Brown) W il Jobson Dynamic Balance Tony Dempsey Tubeline (Aus) W ayne Brown W ayne Brown W il Jobson Soul (Ca) Tony Iannarone Asylum W ayne Brown Young Americans W il Jobson Surfside Sports Tony Iannarone Clean Ocean W ayne Curren Line Up (Aus) W ill Allison Allison Tony Kuo Crystal Curl W ayne Dale John Arnold Austin W ayne Dale W ayne Dale W illiam “Bill” Graham Jesus Rules Tony Lightheart Tony Mardian Natural Art W ayne Deane Aragorn W M.G. Tony Mardian Tony Mardian W ayne Deane Fresh Juice (Deane) W illiam “Bill” Graham Tony Mardian W orld Core W ayne Deane Full Force (Aus) W oodie Brown W oodie Brown W ayne Deane Xanadu Brian Clark Tommy Cover Tommy Maus Tommy Maus Tommy Moore Tommy Peterson Tommy Tanaka Tony Olsen Tony Olsen W ayne Deane Alphabetical listing of Shapers, K-Z Includes both amateur and pro shapers Stoked-n-Board™ Surfing Heritage Foundation (Updated: June 2, 2015) Xanadu Xanadu Yancy Spencer III A.G.P. Yancy Spencer III Innerlight Yancy Spencer III Yancy Spencer Yann Le Her Circus Yann Le Her Mistic Yasugi Sasaki California Image Zach Crawford React Zak Ogram Yahoo Zen Del Rio Magic Zen Del Rio Zen Del Rio Zig Kwiatkowski John Arnold