PESIT-BSC Department of Science & Humanities Document Title : LESSON PLAN Format No. PES-SH Rev.No. 00 Issue Date: 03.07.2015 LESSON PLAN 15CPH18 CONSTITUION OF INDIA PROFESSIONAL ETHICS & HUMAN RIGHTS Course objectives: 1. To provide basic information about Indian Constitution 2. To identify individual role and ethical responsibility towards society 3. To understand human rights and its implications (Provided by VTU) Subject Code: 15CPH 18 / 15CPH28 Total no. of Hours: 25 Number of Hours/week: 02 Name of Faculty: Mr. Ghanshyam K. Vala Class No. 1. 2. 3. Module / Ref. Text Module – 1 Introduction to Constitution of India The making of the Constitution and Salient features of the Constitution Topic to be covered ( in detail ) Introduction to Constitution of India, Preamble of Constitution Fundamental Rights- Right to Equality, Right to Freedom Credits: 02 % of portion covered Chapter wise 20 Right to Education, Right against Exploitation, Right to Freedom of PESIT BANGALORE SOUTH CAMPUS education for the real world Course Outcomes covered Cumulative CO1 20 PESIT-BSC Department of Science & Humanities Document Title : LESSON PLAN Format No. PES-SH Rev.No. 00 Issue Date: 03.07.2015 Religion 4. Cultural & Educational Rights 5. Rights to Constitutional Remedies, Writs 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Module – 2 Directive Principles, Union Executives President, PM, Parliament, SC 11. 12. 13. 14. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Fundamental Duties President & his powers, Prime Minister 20 40 CO2 20 60 CO3 20 80 CO4 Parliament Supreme Court Governor-Powers of Governor Module – 3 State Executives, Governor, CM, State Legislature, HC, Electoral Process, Amendment Process 15. 16. Directive Principles of State Policy Module – 4 Special Provisions for SC, ST, Women, Children & OBC, Emergency Provisions, Human Rights Module – 4 Scope & aims CM – Powers of CM, State Legislature High Court, Power & functions of Municipality, Panchayats, Cooperative society Amendment Process-Types of Amendments, methods Major Amendments-42, 44, 74, 76, 86 & 91 Special Provisions for SC, ST Special Provisions for women & children Emergency Provisions-Types of Emergencies Understanding of Human Rights Working of National & State Human Rights Commissions CO5 Scope & aim of Engineering ethics 20 PESIT BANGALORE SOUTH CAMPUS education for the real world 100 PESIT-BSC Document Title : LESSON PLAN Department of Science & Humanities 22. 23. 24. 25. of Engineering Ethics, Responsibility of an Engineer and Impediments, Risk, safety, liability, Honesty, Integrity, Reliability Format No. PES-SH Rev.No. 00 Issue Date: 03.07.2015 Responsibility of engineers Impediments to responsibility Risk, safety & liability Integrity & Reliability Literature: Book Type Code Publication information Text T1 Introduction to the Constitution of India by Dr. Durga Das Basu Text T2 Reference R1 Reference R2 Reference R3 Reference R4 Engineering Ethics by Charles E Harris, Michael S Pritchard and Michael J Robins An Introduction to Constitution of India by MV Pylee Engineering Ethics by M Govindrajan, S Natrajan, VS Senthilkumar Introduction to the Constitution of India by Brij Kishore Sharma Latest Publications of Indian Institute of Human Rights, New Delhi PESIT BANGALORE SOUTH CAMPUS education for the real world PESIT-BSC Department of Science & Humanities Document Title : LESSON PLAN Format No. PES-SH Rev.No. 00 Issue Date: 03.07.2015 Outcomes for Learning Constitution of India, Professional Ethics & Human Rights 1. To maintain law & order in the country certain fundamental law of the country gives guidelines to the authority in power, 2. The Constitution of India is give to our self, Fundamental rights are needed to develop human personality in free society, Directives Principles are the guidelines/directions to the centre/state governments to be followed while governing the centre/state, we have 11 fundamental duties which are to be followed being Indian citizen 3. For Eg. Office of the President, PM, EC, CAG, all the ministries, Governor, CM etc. which under the Constitution, Under Constitution various provisions are made for the benefits of various categories of people, which can be availed by the people, Like the changes in the society the law cannot remain static and needs change hence, Constitution makers have made the provision for amendment of our Constitution 4. We need Professional Ethics to keep our self law abiding citizen & follow certain standard set of rule on daily basis, Code of Ethics /Code of Conduct / Code of Principles are important to follow. In case of violation we our self are likely to be accountable personally. Values of Human Rights. Importance of Panchayats, Municipality & Cooperative society 5. Honesty is the foundation of Engineering Business. It is quality of a professional, Integrity is consistency of character based on moral concern, emotions etc. Professional needs to morally autonomous and always listen to their inner voice, Responsibility of a professional is a quality and how much reliable they are and what are the impediments to their responsibility PESIT BANGALORE SOUTH CAMPUS education for the real world