Intramolecular Forces Density in Mesophilic and Thermophilic Proteins: Amino Acid Clusters Based Study Rukman Hertadi1) and Minoru Kanehisa2) Biochemistry Division, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung 2) Bioinformatics Center, Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, Kyoto e-mail: 1) Received 15 September 2007, Accepted 26 October 2007 Abstract Thermostability of (hyper)thermophilic enzymes has been taken as an advantage in industry to enhance biochemical reactions at elevated temperature. Factors responsible for the thermostability in this class of proteins, however, still remain unclear despite the many works that have been done to elucidate such factors by performing various comparative studies to homologous pairs of (hyper)thermophilic and mesophilic proteins. In the current work, we elucidated the factors by comparing intramolecular forces density in tertiary structure of mesophilic and (hyper)thermophilic proteins in terms of the content of various types of amino acid clusters. A graph spectral method was employed to probe the charged, hydrophobic and aromatic clusters in each tertiary structure of all classes of thermophilic proteins used in our study. Our results revealed that mesophilic and (hyper)thermophilic proteins contain similar level of all types of amino clusters, thereby stabilized with similar level of high-density intramolecular forces, but the former contain a higher number of non-cluster residues and less stabilized by electrostatic interactions, thereby more sensitive to heat. Keywords: Thermophilic, Graph spectra, Intramolecular force density, Amino acid cluster Abstrak Termostabilitas enzim-enzim (hiper)termofilik telah banyak dimanfaatkan di industri terutama untuk meningkatkan laju reaksi biokimia pada suhu tinggi. Faktor penyebab termostabilitas enzim termostabil masih belum diketahui dengan jelas hingga sekarang meskipun berbagai penelitian dengan melakukan studi komparatif dari pasangan homolog protein mesofilik dan (hiper)termofilik telah banyak dilakukan. Pada studi kali ini, kami mencoba menyelidiki faktorfaktor tersebut dengan membandingkan kerapatan gaya intramolekul dalam struktur tersier dari protein mesofilik dan (hiper)termofilik dengan cara mengevaluasi kandungan berbagai tipe klaster asam amino yang terdapat di dalam ketiga kelas protein termofilik. Metode spektra graf digunakan untuk menentukan keberadaan klaster asam amino bermuatan, hidrofobik, dan aromatik dalam setiap struktur tersier dari semua kelas protein termofilik. Hasil analisis ditemukan bahwa protein mesofilik dan (hiper)termofilik pada dasarnya mengandung jumlah klaster yang sebanding, dengan kata lain distabilkan oleh gaya intramolekular yang sebanding kekuatannya. Akan tetapi, bila ditinjau dari sisi jumlah asam amino non-klaster, protein mesofilik rata-rata memiliki rasio yang lebih besar dibanding pada protein (hiper)termofilik. Disamping itu protein mesofilik juga kurang distabilkan oleh interaksi elektrostatik. Kedua hal inilah menurut hasil studi ini, yang membuat protein mesofilik menjadi lebih sensitif terhadap suhu. Kata kunci: Termofilik, Spektra graf, Kerapatan gaya intramolekul, Klaster asam amino associates the stability to the chemical formula of amino acid side chains; chemical properties of individual amino acids, such as polarity, hydrophobicity, pI, and pKa; and the chemical environment, such as solvent, denaturing agent, and pH of the solution. Intra and intermolecular forces, folding energy, thermostability, and mechanical stability under external stress are classified into the physical aspects of the protein structure characterization. In this report, we focus our characterization to one of the physical characterization of proteins, namely thermostability. 1. Introduction Protein stability is an aspect that commonly included in most protein characterization. This is due to the wide variations exhibited by a variety of proteins classes. Besides, this property could not be predicted from mere amino acid sequences inspection until recently. The stability aspect of proteins may be divided into two main categories, namely chemical and physical/structural aspects. The chemical aspect 102 Hertadi and Kanehisa, Intramolecular Forces Density in Mesophilic 103 Understanding thermostability of proteins is critical in designing efficient enzymes that can work at high temperatures (Adams and Kelly, 1995). Thermostability of a protein is commonly classified according to the organism source, where the protein is isolated. Some microorganisms such as archea can live in environment with temperature over 80 oC. Proteins isolated from this type of organism are classified as hyperthermophilic proteins. Other class of proteins known as medium thermophilic or simply thermophilic proteins are isolated from organisms which can live in the medium range of temperature within 40-80 oC. The final class is typical proteins, which are isolated from organisms that live in temperature below 40 oC, and classified as mesophilic proteins. The potentially stabilizing factors were mainly identified by comparing homologous pairs of mesophilic and (hyper)thermophilic proteins. Jaenicke and Böhm (1998) have summarized almost all of the possible factors responsible for the thermostability of proteins. They noted that thermostability occurred due to (1) an increase in the number of hydrogen bonds, (2) additional or improved electrostatic interactions caused by salt bridges or networks, (3) optimized hydrophobic interactions, (4) increased compactness or packing densities, (5) increased polar compared with non-polar surface areas, (6) increases in α-helical content and αhelix stability, (7) the (improved) binding of metal ions, (8) improved fixation of the polypeptide chain termini to the protein core, (9) replacement of residues with energetically unfavourable conformations by glycine, (10) truncation of solvent-exposed loops, (11) a higher number of prolines and β-branched amino acids in loops, (12) association to oligomers, (13) reduction of the content of the thermally labile amino acids asparagine, glutamine, cysteine and methionine. This list shows that stabilizing features can occurr at all structural levels, from the amino acid sequence to the quaternary structure of proteins. The comparative study to homologous pairs of mesophilic and (hyper)thermophilic proteins explained above still have some disadvantages. This is because the accumulation of the many neutral mutations during divergent evolution causes difficulty in identifying the crucial amino acid differences by mere inspection of structures. Furthermore, the presence or absence of few stabilizing increments might account for significant stability differences (Jaenicke et al., 1996). Another difficulty arises from the temperature-dependence of stabilizing interactions. It was suggested that hydrophobic interactions, which are entropic at room temperature but become enthalpic at higher temperatures, reach their maximum stabilizing effect at 75 °C (Makhatadze and Privalov, 1995). Recent theoretical studies suggest that the stabilizing effect of electrostatic interactions increases with increasing temperature (Elcock, 1998; de Bakker et al., 1999; Xiao and Honig, 1999). Data on the temperature dependence of other stabilizing interactions are sparse. For these reasons, it is not yet possible to derive rules that govern high protein thermostability. As outlined above, the identification of stabilizing interactions is a search for small differences against a huge background. Consequently, only large-scale comparisons of amino acid sequences and threedimensional structures will provide statistically significant differences. The growing amount of whole genome sequences from mesophilic and (hyper)thermophilic organisms and the enormous speed with which new X-ray structure become available, now allow systematic comparisons between proteins from mesophiles and (hyper)thermophiles that promise a more general insight into the problem. In this report, we show our effort to find the possible factors responsible for thermophilic properties of proteins by performing systematic comparison between mesophilic and thermophilic proteins in terms of the content of various types of amino acid clusters and the interaction energy contributed by each cluster. We will demonstrate that mesophilic and (hyper)thermophilic proteins actually have similar level in the thermal stabilization factors but the former are destabilized due to the higher number in non-clustered residues and less stabilized by electrostatic interactions. 2. Methods A dataset containing thermophilic proteins constructed for this work was chosen from Protein Data Bank (PDB), by searching for the word ‘‘thermo’’. This search yielded 710 proteins, most of them from thermophilic organisms. At the first refinement step, the entries with protein structures determined by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) were discarded. All the remaining entries were then examined and the dataset size was reduced by eliminating multiple structures of the same protein and choosing the wild type structure with the highest resolution. Next, individual sequences of each protein were inspected for any modified amino acids and those having such modified amino acids in their sequence were removed from the entry list. The resulting proteins were compared all against all so that none of them have more than 20% identity with all other sequences. Finally, non-homologue thermophilic proteins were retained if there was at least one high-resolution crystal structure for their corresponding mesophilic homologues. Through this screening, 38 non-redundant families remained. For each thermophilic protein, corresponding mesophilic homologue with more than 20% identity and same topology or function was selected. Among the selected proteins, there are oligomeric proteins, and 104 JURNAL MATEMATIKA DAN SAINS, SEPTEMBER 2007, VOL. 12 NO. 3 only the first monomeric chain from their PDB files were chosen in this study. Table 1 shows the list of homologous pairs of thermophilic and mesophilic proteins together with their PDB entry ID and sequence identity. Optimum temperature was assigned to each protein according to those of optimal growth or normal living environment for the species involved. 2.1 Identification amino acid cluster Amino acid clusters for all the proteins in dataset were obtained by a graph spectral method as described in e.g. Kannan and Vishveshwara (1999). The methods detect a particular type of amino acid cluster by considering all corresponding Cβ atoms of that cluster type in the proteins as nodes of a graph and two interacting side chains were connected in the graph assigning an edge in weight corresponding to the distance between the respective Cβ atoms. If any two Cβ atoms of any two residues are within a distance of 4.5 Å, then they are said to form an interacting pair. This connectivity information is represented in the form of a Laplacian matrix. The Laplacian matrix is diagonalized and clustering information is obtained from the eigenvectors corresponding to the second lowest eigenvalue. There were three types of amino acid clusters that were determined in this work by the above procedure, namely hydrophobic, electrostatic and aromatic clusters. In order to detect hydrophobic clusters, only the hydrophobic residues (L, I, M, V, P, F, C, A, Y, W) were considered in the protein. Also to detect electrostatic and aromatic clusters, we only considered charged residues (D, E, H, L, R) and aromatic residues (W, T, Y), respectively. 2.2 Energy calculation Energy calculation was performed using NAMD v2.6 (Phillips et al., 2005) with CHARMM27 force field. All crystal structures of the protein samples were minimized for 500 steps using conjugate gradient method prior to energy calculation. Cluster interaction energy was calculated using corresponding atomic selection methods in VMD v8.5 (Humphrey et al., 1996). 2.3 Data Analysis All data analysis was carried out by using one of the efficient robust statistical methods, namely box plots (Massart et al., 2005). In this method, numerical data set was evaluated into five-number summaries [the smallest observation, lower quartile (Q1), median (Q2), upper quartile (Q3), and largest observation] and outlier. Q1, Q2, and Q3 represent 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles of a sorted data set, respectively. Outliers were defined as data whose values are less than Q1 − 1.5(Q3−Q1) or greater than Q3 + 1.5(Q3 − Q1). The lowest and highest observations are the lowest and highest value of the data set, respectively, which are not in outliers data range. The median and the inter quartile region (IQR = Q3 − Q1) are used to construct a box part of the box plot. It has a height equal to the IQR and is drawn so that it starts at Q1 value and stops at Q3 value. A horizontal bar is drawn at the height of the median. The lowest and highest observation values, which indicate the range of the data, are represented as vertical lines ending in a small horizontal line. The outliers were presented in the box plot as black-solid circles. Mean of the data set was depicted as horizontal dashed-line within the box. 3. Result In current analysis, we compared all calculation results directly in order to obtain distribution profile for each result rather than tabulating them for each homologous pairs of mesophilic and (hyper) thermophilic proteins as commonly performed by many researchers (Kannan and Vishveshwara, 2000; Haney et al., 1999). Since our purpose is to find a general reason for thermophilic property of protein, analyzing the distribution profile is more advantageous. Figure 1 shows examples for the clusters identification resulted from the graph spectral methods. Escherichia coli elongation factor (EF1) contain three hydrophobic clusters, ten charged clusters, and two aromatic clusters (Figure 1A, 1B and 1C, respectively). In this study, we set three as the minimum residue number to be considered as a hydrophobic or charged cluster, but a minimum two residues for that of aromatic cluster. This setting was made due to the latter cluster having relatively higher residue contact compared to the other two clusters. In almost all proteins samples used in our study, we found that hydrophobic clusters exist in the smallest number but highest contact density. Charged cluster, however, typically found in a lesser contact density compared to the hydrophobic cluster but highest in number. The aromatic clusters are found to be medium in number, but the least dense. 3.1 Number of amino acid clusters The number of clusters in each protein were plotted as a function of the optimum growth temperature of microorganism in order to obtain the profile for the number of clusters in mesophilic and thermophilic proteins (Figure 2A). The distribution in the number of cluster for each type of cluster in mesophilic, thermophilic and hyperthermophilic proteins is almost comparable. In average, there are 6 charge clusters, 2 hydrophobic clusters, and 4 aromatic clusters in both mesophilic and (hyper)thermophilic proteins samples used in the current study (Figure 2B). Hertadi and Kanehisa, Intramolecular Forces Density in Mesophilic 105 3.2 Cluster density The cluster density was then analyzed by evaluating the mean residue number per cluster (Figure 3). Such analysis may give information on intramolecular force density present in each protein. It was found that the distribution of mean number of residue per cluster for all types of cluster appeared to be almost similar for both mesophilic and thermophilic proteins. The mean number of residue per cluster for charged, hydrophobic, and aromatic clusters in mesophilic and (hyper)thermophilic proteins are 10, 60, and 3, respectively (Figure 3B). Such similarities in the cluster density in all proteins classes reflect the similarity in the density of intramolecular forces. 3.3 Interaction energy In order to further verify the similarity between mesophilic and thermophilic in terms of intramolecular forces, interaction energy among residues involved in the formation of each type of cluster for all mesophilic and (hyper)thermophilic proteins samples was calculated. The total interaction energy in each type of cluster was then plotted against the optimum temperature of the corresponding protein (Figure 4A). It was found that total interaction energy for all proteins sample was at about in the same level for all temperature range. Further statistical analysis (a) (b) confirmed such situation (Figure 4B). The mean value of the interaction energy in all compared cluster between mesophilic and thermophilic proteins were similar to each other. These results verify that mesophilic and (hyper)thermophilic proteins can not be distinguished in terms of amino acid clusters. 3.4 Composition of cluster and non-cluster residues The percentage of amino acid residue belongs to a particular cluster and also non-cluster for all mesophilic and (hyper)thermophilic proteins samples were compared. The amino acid percentage was initially plotted against the optimum temperature of each corresponding protein (Figure 5A), and then statistically analyzed to obtain the distribution profile (Figure 5B). From this analysis, a difference between the percentage of residue involved in the charged cluster formation between mesophilic and thermophilic proteins, for which the value was relatively higher in thermophilic proteins, were found. In addition, a difference was also found in the percentage of noncluster residue in which mesophilic proteins contain higher number of non-cluster residues compared to that of thermophilic proteins. This final analysis verifies that the only difference between mesophilic and thermophilic proteins is in the composition of cluster and noncluster amino acid residues. (c) Figure 1. Sample of amino acid cluster identified by the graph spectral method. In this sample, hydrophobic (a), charged (b), and aromatic amino acid clusters (c) are shown for the elongation factor protein with PDB code entry 1EFU. Amino acids involved in the cluster are represented by Cβ atoms depicted with Van der Waals representation and different color was used for Cβ in each different cluster. 106 JURNAL MATEMATIKA DAN SAINS, SEPTEMBER 2007, VOL. 12 NO. 3 (A) (B) Figure 2. Distribution and statistical analysis of the number of charged, hydrophobic and aromatic cluster in mesophilic and (hyper)thermophilic proteins. (A) Plot of number of clusters against the optimum growth temperature of microorganism (B) Box plot of number of clusters for charged, hydrophobic, and aromatic clusters in mesophilic (Group 1, 3, 5) and thermophilic proteins (Group 2, 4, 6). The red dashed line represents mean value in each distribution. The black solid circle represents outlier data. The gray box represents 25% and 75%precentail of the data. Hertadi and Kanehisa, Intramolecular Forces Density in Mesophilic 107 (A) (B) Figure 3. Distribution and statistical analysis of the mean number of residues per cluster in charged, hydrophobic and aromatic cluster in individual mesophilic and thermophilic proteins. (A) Plot of mean number of residues per cluster against the optimum growth temperature of microorganism (B) Box plot of mean number of residues per cluster for charged, hydrophobic, and aromatic clusters in mesophilic (Group 1, 3, 5) and thermophilic proteins (Group 2, 4, 6). 108 JURNAL MATEMATIKA DAN SAINS, SEPTEMBER 2007, VOL. 12 NO. 3 (A) (B) Figure 4. Distribution and statistical analysis of the interaction energy in charged, hydrophobic and aromatic clusters in individual mesophilic and thermophilic proteins. (A) Plot of interaction energy against the optimum growth temperature of microorganism where the protein is isolated. (B) Box plot of interaction energy for charged, hydrophobic, and aromatic clusters in mesophilic (Group 1, 3, 5) and thermophilic proteins (Group 2, 4, 6). Hertadi and Kanehisa, Intramolecular Forces Density in Mesophilic 109 (A) (B) Figure 5. Comparison of the percent amino acid residues involved in the hydrophobic, charged and aromatic clusters and also the remaining non-cluster residues. (A) Plot of the percentage composition in each protein against the temperature growth of microorganism (B) Box plot of percentage composition of individual residues group. for charged, hydrophobic, aromatic and non clusters in mesophilic (Group 1, 3, 5, 7) and thermophilic proteins (Group 2, 4, 6, 8). 110 JURNAL MATEMATIKA DAN SAINS, SEPTEMBER 2007, VOL. 12 NO. 3 Table 1. List of homologous pairs of thermophilic and mesophilic proteins used in the study (Hyper) Thermophile No. Protein name Mesophile Source PDB Optimum temp. (oC) Source PDB Optimum temp. (oC) 1. Carboxyl peptidase Thermococsus litoralis 1A2Z 88 Bacillus amyloliquefaciens 1AUG 30 2. Lactate dehydrogenase Thermotoga maritima 1A5Z 80 Porcine muscle 9LDT 37 3. Methionyl-tRNA synthetase Thermus thermophilus 1A8H 75 Escherichia coli 1QQT 37 4. Cytrate synthase Pyrococcus Furiosus 1AI9 100 Candida albicans 1A59 20 5. Malate dehydrogenase Thermus flavus 1BMD 70 Aquaspirillum arcticum 1B8P 4 6. β-mannanase Thermomonospora fusca 1BQC 50 Bacillus agaradherans 1A3H 30 7. Pyrimidine nuclease Bacillus stearothermophilus 1BRW 55 Escherichia coli 1OTP 37 8. Glutamate dehydrogenase Thermococcus litoralis 1BVU 88 Clostridium symbiosum 1HRD 37 9. Xylose isomerase Thermus thermophilus 1BXB 75 Streptomyces rubiginosus 1XIF 28 10. Adenylosuccinate lyase Thermotoga maritima 1C3U 80 Anas platyrhynchos 1AUW 25 11. Superoxide dismutase Aquifex pyrophilus 1COJ 85 Homo sapiens 1VAR 37 12. Dyhidrofolate reductase Thermotoga maritima 1CZ3 80 Candida albicans 1AI9 37 13. TATA binding protein Pyrococcus woesei 1D3U 100 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 1TBP 25 14. 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase Thermus thermophilus 1DR0 75 Salmonella typhimurium 1CNZ 37 15. Sporulation protein A Bacillus stearothermophilus 1DZ3 55 Bacillus subtilis 1NAT 30 16. Elongation factor TU Thermus aquaticus 1EFT 70 Escherichia coli 1EFC 37 17. Ribonucleoprotein Thermus aquaticus 1FFH 70 Escherichia coli 1FTS 37 18. Glutamyl-tRNA synthetase Thermus thermophilus 1GLN 75 Escherichia coli 1EUQ 37 19. Tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase Thermus thermophilus 1H3E 75 Staphylococcus aureus 1JII 37 20. Histidyl-tRNA synthetase Thermus thermophilus 1H4V 75 Staphylococcus aureus 1QE0 37 21. Thermolysin Bacillus thermoproteolyticus 1HYT 55 Pseudomonas aeruginosa 1EZM 37 22. Carboxypeptidase T Thermoactinomyces vulgaris 1OBR 55 Bovine Pancreas 2CTC 37 23. 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase Thermus thermophilus 1OSJ 75 Thiobacillus ferrooxidans 1A05 30 24. Response regulator Bacillus stearothermophilus 1QMP 55 Escherichia coli 1B00 37 25. Carbonic anhydrase Methanosarcina thermophila 1QQ0 50 Escherichia coli 1LXA 37 26. β-glycosidase Thermosphaera aggregans 1QVB 85 Bacillus polymyxa 1BGA 30 27. Superoxide dismutase Sulfolobus solfataricus 1WB8 87 Porphyromonas gingivalis 1QNN 37 28. Elongation factor TS Thermus thermophilus 1TFE 75 Escherichia coli 1EFU 37 29. Thermitase Thermoactinomyces vulgaris 1THM 55 Bacillus lentus 1C9J 26 30. Endocellulase Thermomonospora fusca 1TML 50 Humicola insolens 1BVW 40 31. Elongation factor TU Thermus aquaticus 1TUI 70 Escherichia coli 2BVN 37 32. Methionine aminopeptidase Hyperthermophile pyrococcus 1XGS 100 Escherichia coli 1MAT 37 33. Alcohol dehydrogenase Thermoanaerobium brockii 1YKF 57 Clostridium beijerinckii 1KEV 37 34. Triosephosphate isomerase Pyrococcus woesei 1HG3 100 Escherichia coli 1TRE 37 35. Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase Bacillus stearothermophilus 2GD1 55 Escherichia coli 1GAD 37 36. D-amino acid aminotransferase Thermophilic bacillus 3DAA 60 Escherichia coli 1A3G 37 37. Phosphofructokinase Bacillus stearothermophilus 4PFK 55 Escherichia coli 1PFK 37 38. Thermolysin Bacillus stearothermophilus 8TLN 55 Staphylococcus aureus 1BQB 37 Hertadi and Kanehisa, Intramolecular Forces Density in Mesophilic 111 4. Discussion Comparing two or more series of results is one of the most often performed data analysis tasks in comparative studies. Classical statistical methods are the t-test for comparing means and the F-test for comparing variances of two series of data, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) for more than two series. These methods are vulnerable to the presence of outliers and are based on assumptions such as normal distributions and (depending on the test) equal variance (Massart et al., 2005). The juxtaposition of box plots is an excellent way to investigate if there are differences between the data sets and can be applied without any statistical assumptions. In our amino acid cluster analysis, we have shown the effectiveness of this type of analysis in discriminating factors responsible for thermostability of thermophilic proteins in sparse data set resulted from various analysis above (Figure 2 to 5). It has been shown that the intramolecular interaction energy contributed by various types of amino acid clusters in mesophilic proteins was about similar level to that of thermophilic proteins and even to that of hyperthermophilic ones. This fact suggests that the stabilization energy contributed by cluster formations is about similar level in both mesophilic and (hyper)thermophilic proteins. Our result is highly correlated with the previous study by Karshikoff group who found similar packing in mesophilic and thermophilic proteins (Karshikoff and Landstein, 1998). However, if we assume that non-cluster residues in proteins as a destabilization factor due to relatively lower number of intramolecular forces in stabilizing their positions, our result showed that mesophilic proteins contain relatively higher number of non-cluster residues compare to those of (hyper)thermophilic proteins. In other word, mesophilic proteins contain more destabilization factors thereby more fluctuated and less stable at high temperature. We also found that the number of charged residues involved in the charged cluster formation were slightly higher in thermophilic proteins compared to those of mesophilic ones. Electrostatic interaction is a long-range interaction, hence the small difference in the number of charged residues between thermophilic and mesophilic proteins might lead to a significant thermal stabilization effect. Contribution of electrostatic interaction has been reported in Alsop et al. (2003). Our results support their suggestion that electrostatic interactions optimized thermal stability of thermophilic proteins. 4. Conclusion Level of contribution of amino acid clusters to the thermal stability of mesophilic proteins is similar to that of (hyper)thermophilic proteins, meaning, high- density intramolecular forces also induced comparable stabilization in all class of proteins. However, two apparent distinct results of the analyses could lead to the difference in the thermostability between mesophilic and (hyper)thermophilic proteins. First, the percentage of non-cluster amino acid is on average higher in mesophilic proteins compared to that of (hyper)thermophilic proteins. Second, structures of thermophilic proteins are more optimized by electrostatic interactions compared to that of mesophilic proteins. Acknowledgment The author (RH) wishes to thank the Hitachi Scholarship Foundation for providing financial support for this work. References Adams M. W. W. and R. M. 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