Blackboard Learn SP13 Update Guide

Blackboard Learn SP13 Update Guide
Beginning November 8, 2013, the VCCS will be upgrading Blackboard Learn to Service
Pack 13. This Update Guide will highlight the new features available to NOVA employees.
Log into Blackboard Learn at:
For detailed feature information visit or click the feature title to visit the Blackboard Help topic.
Tests and Surveys Enhancements
Test Availability Exceptions
When deploying a test in Blackboard, instructors
may create exceptions to the already established
settings. This may be used to provide an
exception to individual or groups of students.
Exceptions may be created for: number of
attempts, test timer, auto submit, availability
dates, and force completion. Expections may be
set up at any time.
Show Test Results and Feedback to
When deploying a test in Blackboard, instructors
may select rules to set the release of test results
and feedback when specific conditions are met.
Options include, one-time view, specific date,
after due date, after availability end date, and
after attempts are graded. The instructor also
selects what information to show to students.
Due Date and Late Submissions
Test Access Log
When deploying a test in Blackboard, instructors
may choose to allow (or not) a test after the due
date has passed. Allowed late submissions will be
marked late. If students attempt to take the test
after the due date has passed and late
submissions are not allowed, student will receive
a message that the test cannot be completed
because the due date has passed.
Provides instructors detailed information on student test attempt
interactions. Instructors may view the Access Log from the Attempts
page of the test in the Grade Center.
Test Begin Page
Exporting Test Questions
When deploying a test in Blackboard instructors have the option
to include the test description and instructions on the test begin
page students see before starting a test.
When exporting and importing a test, all test questions
are retained. Test questions that originate outside the
exported test (question sets, random blocks, and
question links) are included in the export file. Questions
that originate in question sets or random blocks are
imported into the question pools of the new course.
Adding Questions to a Test
Instructors may add questions to a test canvas before or after
any question by clicking the plus sign before or after another
question and select the question type.
Blackboard Learn SP13 Update Guide
Date Management
Date Management
Allows instructors to easily adjust all due dates and availability dates within a course. Access via the Control Panel →
Course Tools → Date Management. Options for date adjustments include Adjust by Number of Days and List all Dates for
Inline Grading Tool Improvement
To better view a student submitted assignment in the
Grade Center, instructors may collapse the grade panel
and maximize view to better view the submitted
assignment and use annotation tools.
Achievements (Badges)
Reward students for a job well done. Certificates and badges may be given for course achievements. Instructors may create
Achievements from the Control Panel → Course Tools → Achievements. Students may access their Achievements via the
Course Menu → Tools → Achievements.
Accessibility Features
Quick Links
Designed for sighted keyboard users, but available to everyone, Quick Links allows users to locate headings or sections
within any Blackboard page and jump to them directly using keyboard shortcuts. The Quick Links icon ( ) is located below
the NOVA logo on the Blackboard banner or may be activated by pressing SHIFT + ALT + L on the keyboard. A pop-up
window opens which displays the landmark and navigation links on the page as well as available keyboard shortcuts.
Group Management
Groups Management Enhancements
Instructors may easily manage tool availability, modify group membership and quickly see in which groups students are
included. Access Groups in the Control Panel → Users and Groups → Groups or on the Course Menu → Tools → Groups. In
the upper right of the group page notice there are three options: All Groups, Group Sets, and All Users.
 All Groups page – lists all the groups within a course, may be sorted on the headings.
o Select Show Tool Availability from the View Options menu to display all tools available to groups. Easily turn
the tools on/off by clicking the  or  in a tool column.
o From the Bulk Actions menu, select groups for deletion or create smart views in the Grade Center for each
 Group Sets page – lists the groups created within the course.
 All Users page - lists all the students within a course and includes the groups the students belong to. On this page
instructors may easily add students to groups that have already been created or remove students from groups.
Blackboard Collaborate (already updated!)
Blackboard Collaborate Enhancements
Session creation has been made easier and sessions may now last longer than one year. Instructors may activate a Course
Room and/or an instructor My Room. The Course Room is a room that exists as long as the duration of your course. The
My Room is a room that is available to each instructor that exists as long as you have a Blackboard account. Creating a
session has been simplified, but retaining all the same features. Access Blackboard Collaborate within a course from the
Control Panel → Course Tools → Blackboard Collaborate or Course Menu → Tools → Blackboard Collaborate.
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Blackboard Learn SP13 Update Guide