Page 8 Thank you to all those people who volunteered and helped at the collection at the Riknel Car Park in the rain it really is appreciated. A massive thank you to Amelia Jones and her group of girls for running the London 10k for us – a large amount has been raised and details will follow. Also thanks to Amelia for being so kind as to mention us in her music magazine. All mentions gratefully received by anyone. DONATIONS £30.00 Costa Quedgeley £32.13 Quedgeley fellowship church £25.00 Costa Quays £33.58 Mr J Dean £50.00 Costa Cattle Market £47.52 Ageas (John Blackford daughter) £847.79 Woodys M French £100.00 Andy Mustoe Delphi £1000.00 GCHQ tuck shop £50.00 T Child £48.07 Rank Foundation (building fund) Email - Website - COLLECTING BOXES S. Merrett buy a brick Highfield Trust (Andy Milyard partner Cheryl) Gloucestershire Multiple Sclerosis Goodridge Avenue Trading Est GLOUCESTER Information & Therapy Centre GL2 5EA Registered Charity No. 800909 £4000.00 R Bucklands £26.54 £130.00 Martin Randall £22.25 Stonehouse post office £23.35 Quedgeley Post Office £24.65 Brilliant Disguise £17.50 Old Badger Pub £36.15 Gilly Hayward buy a brick £10.00 FUNDRAISING Jeremy Brett (Falcon Copiers) buy a brick £20.00 Riknel Car Park Tom Llewelyn buy a brick £10.00 Highnam WI £50.00 If you have any comments good or bad about the newsletter please feel free to contact the centre. £18.22 £185.35 John Prout Coffee Morning £890.00 Jewellery Stall, Shurdington £75.00 BBQ and Treasure Hunt £247.75 R Wallace Hair £170.00 (so far) John Prout Pollypin BBQ Contact details £468.50 Centre Manager, Rachael Mason, Tues – Fri 01452 419246 or email or mobile 07972 716350 Assistant Manager, Karen Phillips, Mon & Thurs 01452 419246 or email Friends of Gloucester MS Centre (FOGMC) Vicki Savage 07505 759307 or facebook FOGMC for news and info or email Gloucester Classic Car & Bike Show Page 7 Page 2 IF YOU ABLE TO HELP AT ANY OF THE EVENTS PLEASE SEE THE CENTRE MANAGER, RACHAEL. 19th Aug FREE 1st Aid training for carers family and friends of MS sufferers SPACES AVAILABLE speak to RACHAEL/KAREN to book a place 23rd Aug th Morrisons Collection at Abbeydale - volunteers required please A man took his wife to the maternity hospital when their baby was due and phoned later in the day to see if there had been a happy event, but he misdialled and got the local cricket ground, ’Has there been any progress?’ he asked, ’Yes, Sir,’ the official replied, ’Three out so far and the last one was a duck’. Why was the foal so unhappy? Because every time he asked his mother for something, she told him neigh! What do you call a dog that’s swallowed a bell? A dingo! What did the bull say to the cow? When I fall in love it will be for heifer! 26 Aug Fundraising meeting at the Centre, all welcome 31st Aug Car Show What did the rich chiropodist say? There’s no business like toe business! 11th Sept Committee meeting A couple of Limericks th 13 Sept th 20 Sept Morrisons collection Abbeydale - volunteers required please Skittles Evening Gala Club th Jumble Sale th Committee meeting 4 Oct 9 Oct th 11 Oct Riknel Car Park collection - volunteers required please 25th Oct Sponsored Swim at Brockworth. Get your costumes on, have a laugh and raise funds for us - Give Rachael or Karen your name to join in EVENTS Tesco Collection Brockworth ~ Saturday 2nd August again please see Karen to offer your services. Morrison Collection Abbeydale ~ in August has unfortunately been cancelled by Morrisons head office as we were ‘bumped’ for the Sue Ryder appeal. We have however been given a new date of Saturday 13th September again please see Karen to offer your services. FREE 1ST AID TRAINING available to any carer, family or friend of an MS sufferer. This will be held at the centre on Tuesday 19th August 6-8pm. You are more than welcome to come but you must let Rae know details so as you can be booked onto the course, there are a limited number of 20 on this 1st session and hopefully we will be able to follow up with more. I sat next to the Duchess at tea; It was just as I feared it would be: Her rumbling abdominal, Were simply phenomenal, And everyone thought it was me! There was a young lady whose nose, Was so long that it reached to her toes, So she hired an old lady, Whose conduct was steady, To carry that wonderful nose. Don’t Forget We’re on the Web Please feel free to send in your favourite jokes or puzzles. Either write them down and hand them in at the centre or email them to the centre at Flip flops The last straw Two feet Man overboard Parting comments Tesco Collection at Brockworth - volunteers required please 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2nd Aug Page 3 Page 6 Events continued Car Show ~ Sunday 31st August – This is approaching us fast – so any car show queries let Rae or Karen know and we will pass onto Marion for you. BACK BY POPULAR REQUEST ~ SKITTLES at the Gala Club Saturday 20th September. Tickets will be available mid August please come join us for a night of fun which will include SAUSAGE AND CHIPS IN A BASKET!!!!. PAMPER EVENING Saturday 4th October This has been arranged with one of our members who owns a beauty salon. Come and support for a bit of ME time. Tickets fill follow and information with be on notice board nearer to the time. If you know anyone who would like a stand at the evening contact Rae or Karen who will sort for you Riknel Car Park Collection ~ on Saturday 11th October. Please see Karen to offer your services for this day – This collection specifically needs 2 people on per hour at least as there are 2 car parks which need to be manned. Thanking you in advance! Here are a few puzzles for you to work out. Puzzle Write your answer here 1. 2 NEWS 3 4 5 Answers are on the next page. No peeking! Please be aware that following an indepth exercise in looking at membership payments due to the ever increasing costs of running the centre it has become apparent that subsidies are being paid for people who are not members of the centre. We have informed the therapists that as of 1st August only one session per week will be subsidised by the centre and unless we are informed of otherwise outreach sessions will also only have a subsidy charge paid, travel costs and extra time will need to be paid for by the member as we do not receive grants to cover the costs it comes purely from your fundraising efforts. WE NEED YOU – Fundraising team needs people to JOIN. One meeting a month or bi monthly to chat through ideas and then implement them. Please YOUR centre needs YOU. This is the only way we can keep it up and running Fundraise, Fundraise, Fundraise and unfortunately Karen and I can’t do it all!!!! As a centre we need to raise large funds to locate to a new building ANY fundraising ideas you may have or want to share Please contact Vikki or Hazel on the fundraising team details can be found on the back page. Anyone who would like to do a sponsored something in aid of the MS centre would be fantastic – We can organise some sponsorship forms and let you have them accordingly – maybe children would like to do a sponsored silence or sponsored car clean type bits and bobs. Ideas Ideas Ideas! Page 4 Fancy being a volunteer – Do you fancy learning how to run a session on the chamber? Please contact Rae or Karen and we will happily advise of training sessions available. (Wednesday evenings, Thursday and Friday mornings only). We will be looking at running another evening session as it is becoming increasingly more popular with members who are able to work in the day. Wheelchair Friendly Walks - The Cotswold wardens have a number of wheelchair and buggy friendly pathways around the Cotswolds. For more information look at Personal Independence Payment A Free guide to making a claim can be obtained from – click on How we can help/ free factsheets/Factsheet F60. PIP will be replacing DLA for people under 64 from 2015. Kayaking for the Disabled Kayaking in Catamaran style boats is now available every Tuesday from 11am. It takes place at Over Basin (behind the Wharf House at Over and turn right). There is a hoisting facility for those in wheelchairs. Lifejackets provided. For details call Pete Bisson 01452 417259. You can just turn up on the day. This is a very friendly group who will welcome new people. Buy a Brick Thanks for the many donations that have come in recently, both large and small. There is no space in our newsletter to mention everyone’s name, but they are all recorded here at the Centre. If you would like to buy a brick please call into the Centre. Advice for older people - If you are looking for help with housing, care, finance or rights you can contact First Stop tel 0800 377 7070 or email Looking for information on the NHS? - GUiDE and PALS provides information on health, social care and disability. They will also give advice and support particularly if you have complaints about NHS services. Call 0800 0151 548 or email Water Rates - Seven Trent offers a special scheme for those on low incomes. Phone 08456+ 043 772 for details. They even give grants to anyone in severe hardship. Phone 0121 355 7766 Page 5 Glos Young M.S.ers change of phone no to 07505 759307. They can be contacted on Facebook too. The MS Helpline - 0808 800 80000. This phone line is dedicated to those with MS and their friends and relatives. Offers emotional support and advice. I n f o r m a t i o n Leaflets - At the Centre there are lots of information leaflets, from a wide variety of sources about anything that you could wish to know and more! Get Clicking and Raise money for the Centre Help raise money for Multiple Sclerosis Information & Therapy Centre just by searching the web! Please set your home page by following the instructions on We are registered as Multiple Sclerosis Information and Therapy. Please choose us as your favoured charity. This will cost you nothing! RAISE FUNDS for the Centre WHEN YOU SHOP ONLINE If you shop online there’s now a simple, easy and free way for you to help support the Centre. Easyfundraising is a great idea where you can shop with hundreds of popular retailers including; Amazon, Toys’R’Us, Viking Direct, Marks & Spencers, B & Q and many others, and at no extra cost we’ll receive a FREE donation of up to 15% from every purchase you make. You just log on to the easyfundraising site then shop as normal and it doesn’t cost a penny extra to shop and raise funds in this way. All you have to do is register with the easyfundraising site at and select the Centre in the charities list. Donating made easy - If you would like to donate to the Centre by credit/ debit card log on to and look for us there. They will arrange gift aid for us and send your donation to our account. Text giving We now have text giving available at vodaphone. Just text GMSC20 £5 to 70070. For other amounts text the £ sign followed by the amount you want to give. Counseling for MS This is a free service now based at the Winfield in Gloucester Mondays and Wednesdays phone 07810 572527.