OPTICAL FIBER EXPERIMENTS FOR UNDERGRADUATE ENGINEERS by DAVID LEO NELSON, B.S. IN E.E. A THESIS IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Submitted to t h e Graduate F a c u l t y of Texas Tech U n i v e r s i t y i n P a r t i a l F u l f i l l m e n t of the Requirements f o r t h e Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Approved August 1982 C^ri^ * ^ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I dedicate this work to my wife and companion Juliet Martin Nelson for her belief in and love for me, and to my daughter Melodee Elisabeth for providing the impetus to finish. I would like to thank Dr. Thomas F. Krile for his guidance and interest in my education. I also thank my colleagues in the Optical Systems Lab — particularly, Dr. Gary K. Froehlich, Larry M. Baker and Bailey H. Jones for many helpful conversations, and Fred Finlay and Fernando Bermudez for important physical assistance. Thanks are also due Telesforo Delacruz and Lloyd Gordon who provided the technical assistance necessary for constructing the lab-built equipment. Special thanks to Don Johnson for do- ing the lion's share of the work for Chapter 10. Much of the fiber used in the experiments was provided by Corning Glass Works through the University Grant Program. I will state here that, in the course of these experiments, the gifts were not always used for the purposes for which they were designed. Any deficiencies are, therefore, mine. To Drs. R. H. Seacat, William M. Portnoy, and T, R, Burkes, thank you for providing me with a strong sense of purpose and excellent examples. With appreciation, I acknowledge Drs. John Craig, Truman Lewis and John Walkup for serving on my committee. Finally, thanks are due the National Science Foundation which supported the development of the projects under Grant y/SER-8001394. 11 CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii ABSTRACT iy LIST OF TABLES v LIST OF FIGURES vi I. II. INTRODUCTION 1 MEASUREMENT OF NUMERICAL APERTURE 6 III. MEASUREMENT OF SPECTRAL ATTENUATION IV. MEASUREMENT OF FIBER LOSS. . ' 19 32 V. CHARACTERIZATION OF DETECTORS FOR OPTICAL FIBER SYSTEMS. . 45 VI. CHARACTERIZATION OF SOURCES FOR OPTICAL FIBER SYSTEMS. . . 60 VII. VIII. IX. WAVELENGTH MULTIPLEXING IN AN OPTICAL FIBER 78 OPTICAL LINK DESIGN 96 FIBER PARAMETERS BY SCATTERING MEASUREMENTS 118 X. AN OPTICAL FIBER ACOUSTIC SENSOR 138 XI. A HOLOGRAPHIC COUPLER FOR FIBERS 150 CONCLUSION 164 XII. APPENDICES I. 169 BEAM LAUNCHER 169 A LAB-BUILT GONIOMETER 172 A LAB-BUILT FIBER CLEAVER 175 A LAB-BUILT PHOTOMULTIPLIER TUBE HOUSING 178 A LAB-BUILT LASER DIODE PULSER 181 A LAB-BUILT FIBER STRETCHER 188 VII. TRANS IMPEDANCE AMPLIFIERS 190 VIII. A LAB-BUILT LIGHT CHOPPER 196 II. III. IV. V. VI. BIBLIOGRAPHY 199 iii ABSTRACT This report describes a set of ten experiments designed to introduce undergraduate engineering students to the area of fiber optics. The projects include measurement of pertinent parameters of optical fibers, sources and detectors (the major components of fiber optic systems), the construction of a simple fiber optic communication link, the use of an optical fiber as a sensor of acoustic waves, and the making of a holographic optical element to serve as a fiber coupler. Each experiment is self-contained with subsections relating to theory and experimental practice. Although the experiments are expressly designed for a project-type laboratory, it is hoped that they will prove useful in other situations such as classroom demonstrations. A special effort has been made to employ equipment which might be expected to be in undergraduate engineering departments. Appendices cover the construction of certain useful auxiliary equipment. IV LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1-1. Comparison of Communications Cable Types, 2 5-1. Photodetectors Compared 50 5-2. Rise-Time Comparison 51 5-3. Relative Responsivity 53 5-4. Dark-Current Comparison 7-1. Some Optical Filters in the IR 8-1. Power and Loss Relationships ..... 54 88 , v 9" LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 2-1. Meridional rays and skew rays in a step-index fiber. "I" 2-2 denotes an intersection with the fiber axis 15 Geometry for calculating the acceptance angle 15 2-3. Different angles of entrance lead to different path lengths in the fiber 2-4. Index of refraction versus wavelength. . , 2-5. 16 16 Equipment setup: a) schematic, b) actual L, laser; C, collimator; BS, beamsplitter; R, reference detector; X, microscope objective for overfilled launch condition; M, fiber micropositioners; MS, mode stripper; D, detector 17 2-6. Output pattern for overfilled launch 18 2-7. Output pattern for underfilled launch 18 3-1. Measured source spectral sensitivity 28 3-2. Absolute spectral sensitivity of S-1 phosphor 28 3-3. Calibrated source spectral sensitivity. 29 3-4. Equipment setup for the measurement of spectral attenuation CO, collimating optics; PH, pinhole; X, microscope objective; IF," interference filter and holder; MS, mode stripper; OF optical fiber ; PMT, photomultiplier 30 3-5. Relative fiber spectral loss 31 4-1. Equipment setup 43 4-2. Loss vs. lateral misalignment 43 4-3. Loss vs. angular misalignment 44 4-4. Loss vs. longitudinal misalignment 44 5-1. Equipment setup for a) rise-time measurement, b) spectral sensitivity measurement 57 5-2. S-1 response curve 58 5-3. "Calibrated" tungsten-halogen source curve 58 vi 5-4. 6-1. 6-2. Spectral sensitivity curves: a) FPT-100 phototransistor, b) C-30808 PIN photodiode, c) C-30817 avalanche photodiode 59 Three types of input-coupling loss: a) unintercepted illumination, b) NA mismatch, and c) reflection. 72 Intensity profiles for various values of m. Circles are drawn for values of m from 1 (Lambertian) to 30 73 6-3. Equipment setup for measuring intensity vs. drive current. , 73 6-4. Output current in RCA C-30808 PIN diode vs. drive current in source. (45V back bias on PIN, 82kJ2 in series.) a) RCA C-30123 IR-LED, b) RCA SG2001 ILD 74 6-5. Equipment setup for measuring intensity profile 75 6-6. Experimentally determined intensity profiles, a) RCA C-30123 IR-LED, b) RCA SG2001 laser diode 76 Equipment setup for measuring spectral distribution of sources 77 7-1. Frequency- or wavelength-division multiplexing 91 7-2. a) Spectrum of band-limited signal (modulated cosine); b) spectrum of band-limited signal multiplied by square-pulse of frequency oj . .' 91 7-3. An envelope detector 92 7-4. Equipment setup 92 7-5. LED driver circuit for both analog and digital inputs. . . . 93 7-6. Crude wavelength-division multiplexer 93 7-7. Alternative WDM schemes: a) beamsplitter, b) wavelengthselective mirror 94 6-7. 7-8. Multiplexed output. [Red: 14mV _ , -10 Hz sinusoid; IR: lOmV , 120 Hz, square wave]. .^.^ 94 P-P 7-9. Demultiplexed IR signal. [10 mV _ , 120 Hz, square wave], , 95 7-10. 8-1. Transmission characteristics of Kodak Wratten filter No. 47A Basic transmission system, L = Loss in dB Vll 95 HI 8-2. Alternative formats for digital data, a) non-return-tozero (NRZ); b) return-to-zero (RZ) 2^2 8-3. Required optical power, a) vs. bit rate for digital system, b) vs. bandwidth for analog system with APD, and c) vs. bandwidth for analog system with PIN detector. . . . 113 8-4. Optical power throughput worksheet. From 12] 114 8-5. Rise-time analysis worksheet. From I2J 115 8-6. Electronic schematic for the system 116 8-7. Transmitted IF signal and detected audio signal. Upper trace — IF signal; lower trace - audio output 117 9-1. Setup to observe backscattered light I33 9-2. Incident, reflected, refracted, and emergent ray paths. . . 133 9-3. Rays incident upon fiber, traced for a single internal reflection Plot of $ and 6 versus 6 for a fiber of n = 1.5 o Ray considerations to determine fiber diameter 9-4. 9-5. 9-6. Cross section of fiber, showing paths of refracted and reflected rays that leave the fiber at the same scattering angle 6 -|^^, 134 135 I35 9-7. Cross section of fiber, showing refracted ray at the angle of incidence that just grazes the core. Bounds for angles 9 and 6 are shown. Dashed ray is cladding ray which leaves at *the same scattering angle as the core ray 136 9-8. Composite graph of experimental and theoretical scattering patterns, a) experimental results, b) fringe position calculated from geometric ray-tracing, and c) calculated fringe modulation. From [4J 136 9-9. Backscatter pattern of unclad step-index fiber I37 9-10. Backscatter pattern of clad graded-index fiber 137 10-1. Homodyne acoustic sensor configuration 147 10-2. a) fringe field at detector showing pinhole position, b) light intensity vs. distance from pinhole, showing operating point ' 147 viii 10-3. Heterodyne acoustic sensor configuration, , , , 10-4. Fringe pattern at detector, , . , 10-5. Recovered acoustic signal at 1 kHz. , . , , I49 10-6. Recovered signal at "transition" showing instability 149 11-1. Setup for HOE^ recording. Plane-wave reference. L, laser; C, collimator; Ml, M2, M3, mirrors; BS, beamsplitter; 0, object; H, holographic plate, a) schematic, b) actual , . , , 160 11-2. Schematic setup for HOE playback. Spherical playback, L, laser; C, collimator; Ml, M3 mirrors; LI, converging lens of NA equal to fiber which is to be coupled; H, hologram. , . 161 11-3. Coordinate systems for spherical wave holography, ing, b) playback, . . , , , 11-4. I43 ,,,,,,, 148 a) record161 Geometry used for calculating position of object and the reference source given the desired positions of the playback source and the real images, . , 162 Virtual images of four point sources as played back from the HOE - 162 Real images of two of the four point sources obtained upon playback of the HOE 163 I-l. A typical beam launcher 171 1-2. Bent fiber serving as a mode scrambler 171 A lab-built goniometer 174 A lab-built fiber cleaver 177 Components of the PMT housing. From left; base plate with BNC connectors, pedestal for PMT socket, PMT and magnetic shield, outer case and top plate with cover 180 The assembled PMT housing 180 V-1. The discharge circuit 186 V-2. The charging circuit 186 V-3. The trigger circuit 187 V-4. Waveform of the current pulse through the laser diode (50 nsec/div) 187 11-5. 11-6. II-l. III-l. IV-1. IV-2. IX VI-1. A lab-built fiber stretcher 189 VII-1. The simplest photodiode bias circuit 193 VII-2. Solid-state photodiode equivalent circuit when operating into low impedance . 193 VII-3. The transimpedance amplifiei: 193 VII-4. VII-5. Poor front-end amplifier design . . . . . . ... Better choices for front-end amplifiers using transimpedance techniques. Where two photodiodes are shown, one of the two is shielded from all light for dark current compensation 194 195 A lab-built light chopper 198 VIII-1. X CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The field of fiber optics is presently experiencing a concentration of research and application which perhaps has not been seen since the introduction of the transistor. The advances in silicon technology in the electronics industry accelerated the development of low-loss optical fibers, and communication system applications soon followed. The elec- tronics industry also added to the growth of the fiber optics industry with the production of solid-state sources and detectors especially tailored to the needs of fiber systems, and progress in fiber optic connectors promises to maintain this growth. The advantages which optical fiber systems hold over conventional metallic communication systems, summarized in Table 1-1, assure that fibers will continue to see new applications [1], This, in turn, suggests that the newly-graduated electrical engineer, whatever his specialization, will inevitably encounter a design problem which is suitably handled by a fiber system. Any prior knowledge of such topics as the vocabulary of fiber optics, requirements for fiber optic system design, and relative values of parameters for the various components will be invaluable. With this in mind, a set of experiments is presented here to permit undergraduate electrical engineering students to gain experience handling, evaluating, and using optical fiber and associated sources and detectors. The report is the fourth in a series sponsored by the National Science Foundation for the purpose of speeding the transfer of information about TABLE 1-1. Characteristic Comparison of Communications Cable Types Twisted Pair Length-Bandwidth Product (MHz-km): 1 Repeater Spacing(km) : 1-2 System Cost: Low, slow increase in future • System Lifetime (Years): 20-40 Crosstalk: Noise immunity: Electrical input-output insulation: Vibration Tolerance: Weight, size: Cable connections: High Low No Good High Soldering, standard connectors Coaxial Cable Fiber Optics Cable 20 1-2 Medium, slow increase in future 400 2-10 High, now. steep decrease in future 20-40 1-2, 10-40 in future Negligible High Low Medium No Good High Soldering, standard connectors Complete Good Low Splicing, wellaligned connectors new technologies from industry to the universities [2], [3], [4]. An underlying goal in the development of these projects was to provide experiments which can be performed with relatively inexpensive equipment which might reasonably be expected to be found in university undergraduate laboratories. In some cases, specialized equipment was "home-made," and construction details are found in the appendices. The chapters are grouped basically by measurement and application. Chapters II through IV deal with the measurements of fiber properties while Chapters V and VI are concerned with the sources and detectors which are candidates for fiber optic systems. Chapter VII illustrates an important property of optical fiber, namely, that many signals can propagate through a fiber without interference. Chapter VIII combines knowledge obtained in the preceding chapters to construct a simple fiber link. Chapter IX introduces an elegant measurement technique capable of determining an optical fiber*s dimensions and index of refraction by observing the way in which the fiber scatters light incident on its side. Chapter X demonstrates the use of an optical fiber as a sensor for acoustic waves, and Chapter XI relies on Froehlich's work [4] for the construction of a holographic optical element which can be used as a multi-fiber coupler. Even with lab-built equipment, not all types of experiments are within the reach of undergraduate students. The most notable experi- ments absent from this report are those dealing with the measurement of fiber dispersion, fiber index profiling, single-mode fibers, and optical time-domain reflectometry — all of which are important current areas of study. However, it is hoped that the experiments presented here will serve to instill an appreciation for the capabilities of fiber optic systems and to whet the students' appetite for further work. The experiments are designed to be performed as three-week project labs in the Electrical Engineering Department at Texas Tech University, Typically, two students, working as partners, are given the project assignment plus a few selected references. They are left very much to themselves as far as researching the material and deciding how to attack the problem. At the end of the three-week period, the students meet with an appointed faculty advisor who grades them on how well their solution meets the specifications of the problem statement. Following this, the students meet once more with the advisor for an oral examination in which they are asked about the underlying principles associated with the lab project and design and measurement details. They receive a second grade for this oral examination. The experiments are adaptable to other formats, and each experiment is self-contained. The philosophy of having the students research the required information should, however, be left intact; i.e. this should not be used as a "cookbook." Students should be strongly encouraged to read the references presented at the end of each experiment. Sample ques- tions after each experiment represent what might be asked at an oral examination, and may indicate ways in which the experiment might be expanded. A bibliography is also included for general information. Reference [1] Wolf, H. F., editor. Handbook of Fiber Optics, Garland STPM Press, New York, 1979, p. 8. [2] Peckham, L. N., M. 0. Hagler, and M. Kristiansen, "Laser Experiments for Undergraduate Electrical Engineering Students," Technical Report #1, NSF Grant GY-4761, June 1969, Texas Tech University. [3] Molen, G. M., C. R. Parten, M. 0. Hagler, and M, Kristiansen, "Laser Experiments for Undergraduate Electrical Engineering Students," Technical Report y/2, NSF Grant GY-4761, May 1971, Texas Tech University. [4] Froehlich, G. K., J. F. Walkup, and M. 0, Hagler, "Optical Information Processing Experiments for Undergraduate Engineers," Final Technical Report, NSF Grant SER75-17673, January 1977, Texas Tech University. Copies of this report are available from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA, 22151 Caccession No. PB 264356). Chapter II MEASUREMENT OF NUMERICAL APERTURE Project Assignment You are to measure the numerical aperture of two representative types of optical filler using two techniques. You should take care that the measurements you make can be repeated with good accuracy. You may use a laser as the source. Demonstrate how the measurement varies with the input launch conditions. Objectives of the Experiment 1. To acquaint the student with the characterization of an optical fiber by measurement of its numerical aperture. 2. To familiarize the student with the problems of fiber handling, inputting and extracting light, and different types of optical fibers. Equipment Needed 1. Short (1 meter) length of optical fiber. 2. Fiber cleaving tool and polishing equipment. 3. Laser. 4. Collimating optics. 5. Assorted focal length lenses. 6. Two photodetectors and power supply. 7. Electrometer or digital voltmeter. 8. Goniometer (see Appendix II). 9. Simple mode-strippers. 10. Fiber-optic micropositioners. Theory Introduction The measurement of numerical aperture is probably the most fundamental and productive measurement which can be performed on a fiber in terms of the amount of information obtained for the effort. It is a first-order measure of the light-acceptance capa- bility of the fiber, and immediately characterizes the fiber as single-mode or multi-mode. The measurement of numerical aperture (or NA) is analogous to the measurement of the light-gathering power of an optical system in lens optics [l]. The numerical aperture must be known if the system source and detector are to be optimally matched to the fiber with respect to coupling parameters. It is important to choose a numerical aperture whose value is an acceptable compromise among the normally conflicting requirements of large bandwidth, large optical acceptance angle, and minimum bending loss. Basic Concepts In optical waveguides, meridional rays planes which also contain the waveguide axis. enter the fiber in If the fiber is per- fectly straight and the rays entering are exactly parallel to the fiber axis, the rays will propagate through the fiber with no deflection (assuming there is also no scattering). If the fiber is not straight, or the rays enter the fiber at an angle with respect to the fiber axis, the rays will follow a wavelike course through the fiber, due to reflections at (or bending near) the core-cladding interface. 8 Skew rays describe all rays which do not pass through the fiber axis. Rays of this type follow continuous helical paths inside the fiber core. Meridional rays represent the more important propagation mechanism and are easier to describe [2]. Both types are shown in Figure 2-1. Information carried by light in an optical fiber is constrained to remain in the fiber by the property of total internal reflection. At the interface of two materials of differing indices of refraction, say n, and n„, light passing from material 1 at an angle of 6. with respect to the normal at the interface will travel in material 2 at an angle 9^ with respect to the normal as given by Snell's law: sin 62 = (n./n2) sin-e^ (2-1) The maximum value of the angle of incidence 0^ for which a ray will be totally internally reflected can be derived from Snell's law and simple trigonometry. With reference to Figure 2-2, n^sin BQ = n^sin 6^ = n^cos 0^ = n^ [1 - (sin 0^)^f'^ (2-2) At the critical acceptance angle 0^^, sin 0^^ = (n2/n^)sin 90 . Therefore, NA = n sin6 o oc r , / N2n0.5 = n^ [1 - (n2/n^) J 2 2n0.5 = [n^ - nj ] (2-3) Notice that light entering the fiber at angles greater than the critical angle 6^^ are "leaked" into the cladding and later lost to the environment due to bending of the fiber and imperfections (scratches, dust, microbends, etc.) on the cladding surface. Although the figure has been drawn for the case of a step-index fiber, it should be obvious that there is a critical angle associated with graded-index fibers also. Strictly speaking, the above holds only for meridional rays in an ideal fiber. For this reason, the NA calculated in Equation (2-3) is often called the nominal !^. However, skew rays at inci- dent angles greater than the critical acceptance angle can also be conducted by fibers of circular cross section. In practice, one finds that the limiting angle 6 is not as sharply defined in real fibers as indicated by Equation (2-3). Diffraction, striae, and irregularities at the core-cladding interface all tend to decollimate the transmitted light and, in so doing, increase the effective NA. There is an important connection between numerical aperture and dispersion, both modal and material [3]. The number of internal reflections and therefore the total length of the path which the light travels in a given length of fiber is smaller for smaller angles of incidence 0 , as in Figure 2-3. Because the velocity of light in a material is given by: V = c/n , (2-4) where n is the refractive index of the material and c is the speed 10 of light in a vacuum, monochromatic rays which are very nearly parallel to the fiber axis will reach the output end of the fiber faster than rays which enter the fiber at high angles of incidence. If the range of angles at which light is allowed to enter the fiber is very broad (i.e., if the NA is very large), and if the fiber is very long, the puls^ of light detected at the output will be much longer than the pulse of light injected at the input due to wavepackets arriving at different times. This is the phenomenon known as modal dispersion. It imposes a maximum bandwidth restriction on the system [4]. For most materials, the refractive index is not a constant but is a function of the wavelength of light. Hecht and Zajac [5] have examples for several optical materials; the curves are of the form given in Figure 2-4. It is seen from the curves that longer- wavelength radiation "sees" a smaller refractive index while traveling through the material than shorter-wavelength tion. radia- From Equation (2-4), one infers that longer wavelengths tra- el faster through this medium than shorter wavelengths. This gives another component to pulse-spreading, owing to the fact that no sources are perfectly spectrally pure but have a spread of wavelengths present. This phenomenon is called material dispersion, and of course the longer the path length, the worse will be the effect. Because of this, high NA fibers, with the associated longer path lengths can have larger material dispersion effects than lower M fibers of the same material. 11 Experimental Procedure and Results Two techniques are typically used to measure a fiber's numerical aperture. The first method specifies overfilling the fiber's input and uses a white card to allow the spot size to be viewed at the output. A fiber is said to be "overfilled" when the launching numerical aperture is larger Chan that of the fiber. This spot size represents approximately the width of the 90% intensity points. Thus the human eye is the measuring instrument. The radius of the spot divided by the distance of the spot from the end of the fiber will be the tangent of the acceptance-cone half angle. The second method utilizes the lab-built goniometer (Appendix II). A PIN detector mounted in an L-shaped bracket is swept around the fiber's endface in increments of two degrees. In both methods, the angular extent of the cone of radiation exiting the fiber is assumed to be the same as the acceptance cone. The equipment configuration of Figure 2-5 is used. A laser source is used because of the narrow spectral line width which places less stringent requirements on the optics. If a broadband source, such as a tungsten source, were used, special (and expensive) achromatic optics would be required to ensure that all wavelengths were brought to a focus at the same place on the fiber endface. With the fiber overfilled, the curve of Figure 2-6 was obtained. Narrowing the angle of incident radiation at the fiber output results in a narrowing of the cone of the detected radiation at the output and a subsequent lower measurement for numerical aperture, as indicated in Figure 2-7. 12 Special Problems It is imperative that some form of mode-stripping be used to normalize the input launch conditions. The fiber may be passed through a pair of large black rubber stoppers with several drops of glycerin which provides an index-match with the cladding and strips away light which is present in the cladding. Alternatively, the fiber may be pressed between layers of glycerin-soaked black velvet. An important phenomenon to observe while performing this experiment is the dependence of the measurement on the input launch conditions. It was specified that the fiber be overfilled, but what if it is not? Assuming appropriate mode-stripping, a narrowing of the input cone of light entering the fiber should result in a narrowing of the output cone and hence a smaller measured value for fiber NA. If mode-stripping is not done, the high-angle light modes propagating in the cladding may lead to an erroneous measurement. If a beamsplitter setup is not used to simultaneously monitor the output power of the laser source, power fluctuations in the source may also obscure the effect. If a single detector is used, the intensity readings taken from the photodiode at the output must be averaged at each angular position to minimize the effects of power fluctuations. If the statistics of the laser power fluctua- tion are known, the readings may be subjected to a weighted averaging method. If, for example, the source power fluctuation is known to be Gaussian, simple averaging is sufficient. Another problem may appear when the MA of a very long fiber is 13 measured. If there is a strong tendency for mode coupling in the fiber, i.e., a tendency for "low-angle" rays to be coupled into "high-angle" rays by scattering mechanisms or microbending, the measured NA may be larger than the true value. In addition, the output cone may not be noticeably narrower for a corresponding narrowing of the input excitation angle. Sample Questions 1. A phenomenon called "NA-dependent loss" is often referred to in the literature. 2. To what does this refer? How would you automate this measurement for a company which manufactures optical fibers? 3. A thin pencil of light of diameter much smaller than the diameter of the fiber is incident on a fiber endface. What do you predict will be the output pattern of radiation? 4. It has been mentioned that some skew rays with angles of incidence greater than that of the critical acceptance angle can be transmitted. This suggests a second critical acceptance angle for skew rays. What is the equation for this angle in terms of the relevant fiber parameters? References [l] Smith, Warren J.,"Image Formation: Geometrical and Physical Optics", Handbook of Optics, Walter G. Driscoll, Ed., McGrawHill, New York, 1978, p. 2.5. [2] Wolf, Helmut F.,"Optical Waveguides", Handbook of Fiber Optics. H. F. Wolf, Ed., Garland STPM Press, New York, 1979, pp. 5^-57. [3] Ibid., pp. 59 and 61. 14 [4] Wolf, Helmut F.,"System Aspects", Handbook of Fiber Optics, H. F. Wolf, Ed., Garland STPM Press, New York, New York, 1979, pp. 385-386. r5] Hecht, Eugene and Alfred Zajac, Optics, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, p. 42. 15 Core Cladding Figure 2-1. Meridional (M) and skew (S) rays in a stepindex fiber, "i" denotes an intersection with the fiber axis. Figure 2-2. Geometry for calculating the acceptance angle. 16 Figure 2-3. Different angles of entrance lead to different path lengths in the fiber. Dense Flint Glass 1.7 c o a CO Light Flint Glass 1.6 u 0) u Crystal Quartz Crown Glass 1.5 Vitreous Quartz l."* 20 0 '+00 600 3 00 1000 Wavelength X (nm) Fi<yure 2-4. Index of refraction versus wavelength. 17 s a \ CO / ia / en 1/ S D s CO A X en pa ij. 18 100 ^s ^1 80 <» l» • CO c > 60 1 t 0) •H 4J 3 40 ' 15.4J 3 O > u 20 rt 0 1 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 +2 +4 Degrees off-axis +6 +8 +10 Figure 2-6. Output pattern for overfilled launch. 100 ^s •H CO C QJ < 80 •= . 60 4-1 <1 a 40 8 4' 4J <» o > •H (• (' - < 20 yi 4J rt 0 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 +2 +4 Degrees off-axis +6 +8 +10 Figure 2-7. Output pattern for underfilled launch, Chapter III MEASUREMENT OF SPECTRAL ATTENUATION Project Assignment You are to measure the spectral attenuation of an optical fiber utilizing a photomultiplier tube as your detector. Plot the attenuation in dB/km as a function of optical wavelength. Be prepared to discuss the various components of spectral loss. Objectives of the Experiment 1. To acquaint the student with loss in optical fibers, particularly, spectral loss, 2. To familiarize the student with the experimental procedure for measuring fiber attenuation. 3. To provide the student with experience in using a photomultiplier tube. Equipment Needed 1. Tungsten-halogen or other "white-light" source. 2. A set of narrowband interference filters or a monochroma tor . 3. A long length (approx. 100 meter) of optical fiber. 4. Photomultiplier tube with an S-1.phosphor and high negative voltage power supply. (RCA 7102) 5. Assorted optical lenses. 6. Pinhole. 7. Second photodetector of any type (for reference). 8. Fiber cutter (see Appendix III). 19 20 9. Beam splitter. 10. Two micropositioners. Theory Introduction If optical fibers attenuated light uniformly at all wavelengths, the need to characterize spectral attenuation would not exist. How- ever, fibers do exhibit different losses for light of different wavelengths. The spectral loss curve will typically show regions of relatively lower attenuation (measured in dB/km) than others. For maximum efficiency, it is desirable to transmit information in the region of lowest attenuation. This has not been possible until relatively recently when diode sources (both laser and LED) were designed to emit radiation in the far infrared where many fibers have attenuation minima. Important also is the consideration that sources do not emit radiation of one pure wavelength, but in fact, emit radiation in a region about a central wavelength. If fiber attenuation is not uniform for the region of emitted radiation, unnecessary power losses occur. Basic Concepts Spectral loss measurements are useful for showing wavelengthdependent attenuation in optical fibers due to absorption and scattering. phenomena: Spectral loss is known [l] to be composed of three (1) fundamental material scattering (Rayleigh scatter- ing), (2) fundamental material absorption by the glass due to elec- 21 tronic transitions (in the UV region) and vibrational energy transitions (in the IR), and (3) impurity absorption due to overtones of impurity atom vibrations. Rayleigh scattering (named for Lord Rayleigh, who observed the scattered flux density to be inversely proportional to the fourth power of the wavelength) occurs when light scatters from particles which are small in comparison to the wavelength of the light being scattered. In glass, Rayleigh scattering can arise from two separate effects, density and composition fluctuations, and it tends to dominate the shape of the loss curve. All transparent matter scatters light due to fluctuations in the density (and hence, the refractive index) which result from fluctuations in temperature. Glass differs in that these fluctuations are "frozen-in" when the glass is cooled in the annealing process. The attenuation coefficient (base e) which characterizes the scattering loss is called the turbidity [2]. A second major source of loss is material absorption. The in- dividual atoms of the optical material are held together by chemical bonds and thermal energy maintains them in a state of random motion or stretching vibration. I^en an electromagnetic wave impinges on an atom or a molecule, it interacts with the bound electron cloud, imparting energy to the material; i.e., some of the light is absorbed The oscillatory frequency of the electron cloud is equal to the driving frequency, that is, the frequency of the electric field of the light. The amplitude of the oscillation will be large only when the frequency is near the resonant frequency of the atom. At frequencies above or below resonance, the electrons vibrating with respect to the nucleus can be regarded as oscillating electric di- 22 poles, and as such, they will reradiate energy at a frequency which coincides with that of the incident light. In addition to these electron-oscillators which generally have resonances in the ultraviolet, there are atomic oscillators which correspond to the vibration of the constituent atoms within a molecule. Because of the large atomic masses, these oscillators have resonances in the infrared. A primary contributor to this type of loss is contamination due to the OH- ion. Losses due to impurity absorption arise predominantly from transition-metal ion contamination such as iron, cobalt, and chromium. The reason for these absorptions is that the impurities have incompletely filled inner electron shells. Transitions between levels of unfilled shells give rise to the characteristic absorptions. The most widely used method for transmission loss measurement, of which spectral loss is one type, is the "cut-back method" [3] although other methods have been developed [4],[5]. A calorimetric method is presented by Midwinter [6]. A fiber of length L is excited by a suitable broadband source (see Appendix I) such as a xenon- arc or tungsten-halogen lamp. The detector, located at a position X = L measures the intensity output of the fiber I(L). Without dis- turbing the input launch conditions on the fiber, the fiber is cut to a length m, where m is much less than L, and the detector at position X = m again measures the intensity output I(m). The loss for the fiber length, L - m, is given approximately by A = I(m)/I(L) , or, a = 10 Log [l(m)/I(L)] measured in dB. (3-1) (3-2) 23 Experimental Procedure and Results In this experiment the fiber will be characterized by a loss curve: attenuation of transmitted light versus wavelength. A broadband ("white-light") source will be needed for excitation and a sensitive, broadband detector, such as the RCA type 7102 photomultiplier tube, is needed at the output. If a single broadband detector is not available, two solid-state detectors may be used if the respective responses cover the range of interest. A long (>100 meter) fiber is needed: the fiber must be long enough that losses will be measurable on the equipment available, yet short enough so that the signal will still be detectable. Strictly speaking, absolute intensity measurements are not necessary because a spectral curve will be generated for each of two fiber lengths: the resulting ratio of intensities at each wavelength gives the spectral loss. However, the method of calibrating the spectral output of the source is included as it would have to be for absolute loss measurements. The subject of absolute loss mea- surement is covered in Chapter IV. For true losses to be measured, the source would properly need to be calibrated spectrophotometrically, but for the purposes of this experiment, the source can be calibrated to the spectral curve of the phosphor of the photomultiplier tube as supplied by the manufacturer. If the curve is not supplied, it may easily be obtained from The Handbook of Optics [7]. There is an implicit assumption that the curve is representative of all phosphors of this type, and this is not a bad one for this application. 24 A curve of output intensity versus wavelength is generated for the source using the narrow-band interference filters and PMT, as in Figure 3-1. This curve is divided point-by-point by the "known" curve of the PMT phosphor. Figure 3-2, to get the calibrated source curve shown in Figure 3-3. The calibrated spectral output of the white-light source"is then used to correct the loss curve of the fiber. As mentioned above, this is not strictly necessary. For example, consider the measured intensity exiting from a long length of fiber: ^n,l ^h^ = hn,l ^h^h,l where I. (H>'^d(^l> "-3) /> is the actual optical power input into the long fiber, L- p is the fiber loss factor for the long length, and G, is the wavelength-sensitive gain of the detector for this particular wavelength X^ . This expression will be divided by the measured inten- sity exiting from a short length of fiber: I (X.) = I. (X,)L. ^ (X.)G (X ) m , s l in,s 1 f,s 1 d 1 (3-4) where I is the optical power launched into the short fiber, G, in,s " is the same value defined above, and L-^ is the fiber loss factor I, s for the short length. If the launching conditions are not disturbed, I « = I. , and therefore: in,-c in,s It is seen that the spectral output of the source at each wavelength is not relevant to the measurement. However, once again, if abso- lute power measurements are to be made, it will be necessary to 25 know the absolute power supplied by the source at each wavelength of interest. Now referring to Figure 3-4, a beam launcher of the type described in Appendix I is used to excite the fiber with a tungstenhalogen lamp as the source. Narrow-band interference filters select the wavelength of the excitation for each data point. Mode stripping (see Chapter II) is used at both the input and output ends of the fiber for standardization of the measurement. A photomultiplier tube with S-1 panchromatic phosphor is utilized as the detector, and the fiber output is butted to the tube glass. Standard precautions for use of photomultiplier tubes are followed, e.g. when measurements are not being taken, all light to the PMT input is blocked to reduce dark current effects. If necessary, neutral density filters are inserted in the optical path to guard against overexciting the PMT. Since the cut-back method is a destructive one, planning is required if a number of measurements are to be made at once. All power measurements are recorded for the long length of fiber while the source power is simultaneously monitored with the reference detector. After the data are taken for the discrete wavelengths re- presented by the interference filters, the fiber is cleaved at a point near the input end. Data are again taken at this nearer point at all wavelengths of interest together with the power in the reference detector. For the system described, the loss curve shown in Figure 3-5 was obtained. Notice the characteristic Rayleigh-scattering shape and the OH- peak. 26 Special Problems On a practical note, care must be taken to limit the amount of light reaching the PMT. Because of the large avalanche gain, the last djmode in the chain is in danger of burning out for too great an excitation. This is not a serious limitation because neu- tral density filters may be added in the input optics section for the short fiber measurement. Appendix IV contains a detailed description of a lab-built housing for the PMT. If narrow-band interference filters are used, it must be ascertained that they are placed only in collimated light beams. Their performance is uncertain in other situations. When the detector is moved from one position to another in the fiber optics system, it is desirable to have the same area of the detector illuminated for the measurement because variations may exist over the sensitive surface of the detector. With any measurement of transmission loss, much importance is placed on controlling the launch conditions. For this reason, both a mode stripper and a mode scrambler (Appendix I) are recommended [8] A reference detector is necessary to correct anomalies which are due to intensity fluctuations of the white-light source. Sample Questions 1. In what ways do you expect the launch conditions to affect the measurement of spectral attenuation? 2. What mechanisms are responsible for fiber loss? 3. What is responsible for the attenuation peak at approximately 950 nm? 27 4. What relative weights do you attach to the various components of spectral loss; i.e., which factors." are relatively strong and which are relatively weak? References [l] Sandbank, C. P> , Editor, Optical Fibre Communication Systems, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, 1980, pp. 44-46. [2] Maurer, Robert D., "Glass Fibers for Optical Communications," Proceedings of the IEEE, vol 61, April 1973, p. 454. [3] Marcuse, D., Principles of Optical Fiber Measurements, Academic Press, New York, 1981, pp. 226-230. [4] Technical Staff of CSELT [Centro Studio e Laboratorio Telecomunicazioni]. Optical Fibre Communication, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1981, pp. 160-ff. [5] Miller, Stewart E., and Alan G. Chynoweth, editors. Optical Fiber Telecommunications, Academic Press, New York, 1979, p. 355. [6] Midwinter, John E., Optical Fibers for Transmission, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1979, pp. 197-204. [7] Driscoll, Walter G., Handbook of Optics, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1978, Section 4, p. 23. [8] Marcuse, op. cit., p. 197 and p. 201.. 28 100 / ^ rJ 80 6 3 E \ N k- / \ / \ »6 0 6 / \ O CO c §40 CO / o u V \ / (U 0L, / 20 \ • \ / i+OO <, 600 500 700 800 900 1000 1100 Wavelength (nm) Figure 3-1. Measured source spectral sensitivity. £. » >3 • ?. 2.0 1 / \ "s • / \ >> / \ \ r •H U / \ CO c / \ CO 1 . 0 •u \ / 3 . / 0 \ CO 0 . 5 V < \ ^ '^. t+00 500 600 700 800 Wavelength (nm) 900 1000 1100 Figure 3-2. Absolute spectral sensitivity of S-L phosphor. 29 100 / / 80 / e X u rt -H 60 \ \ \ / f e > •H / O -H CO •u C C (U (U CO a ;^ (U 04 / 1*0 \ / ^ 20 t+00 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Wavelength (nm) Figure 3-3. Calibrated source spectral sensitivity, 30 r MS FKQ X TungstenHalogen Source CO IF PH Stabilized Power Supply OF V MS Electrometer Figure 3-4. Equipment setup for the measurement of spectral attenuation. CO, collimating optics; PH, pinhole; X, microscope objective; IF, interference filter and holder; MS, mode stripper; OF, optical fiber; PMT, photomultiplier. 31 en n o it) -i m CO u u o o. CO u ^. 12 10 •• \ •\ ^ .a -a -8 0) P3 •H »-' t4-t -6 > _? 0 i+O0 500 60 0 7 00 800 900 Wavelength (nm) Figure 3-5. Relative fiber spectral loss. 1000 CHAPTER IV MEASUREMENT OF FIBER LOSS Project Assignment You are to measure the fiber loss (in dB/km) for a length of multimode optical fiber. Repeatability of the measurement should be emphasized and demonstrated. Construct a short 2-meter fiber link. Cleave the fiber carefully in the middle and measure the loss for the butt joint. Plot the effects of lateral and angular misalignment as well as the effects of longitudinal displacement of the fibers at the joint. Objectives of the Experiment 1. To acquaint the student with the various factors contributing to power loss of signal in optical fibers. 2. To develop an intuitive feeling for the relative sizes of these losses. 3. To give students an appreciation for how fiber coupling affects loss. 4. To give students experience in handling optical fibers. Equipment Needed 1. Long (glass: >100 meters; plastic: >10 meters) of step- or gradedindex optical fiber. 2. Fiber cleaver (Ap'pendix III). 3. Avalanche photodiode (APD) and bias supply. 4. Oscilloscope. 5. Index-matching fluid (glycerin). 6. Mode-strippers (Appendix I). 32 33 7. Micropositioners (3 needed), 8. Optical source and launching optics (Appendix I). 9. Narrow-band interference filter (800 to 900 nm). 10. Light chopper (Appendix VIII). 11. Goniometer (Appendix II), Theory Introduction There are many ways to measure fiber loss, but not all of them are suitable for a laboratory program for undergraduates. Possible methods are the cutback method, which is still probably the most widely used in industry, and the integrating-sphere method. For either of these methods, it is necessary for the input end of the fiber to remain fixed, overfilled, and undisturbed. Mode stripping, as discussed in Appendix I, at both the input and output is necessary to remove extraneous light in the cladding which would lead to a measurement error. The cutback method begins with a relatively long fiber. With the input overfilled, the intensity of the output light is measured by a detector butted to the output of the fiber. Overfilling the input refers to the mismatch between source numerical aperture, or NA, and fiber numerical aperture; the source NA is larger than the fiber NA, and hence some light is launched into the fiber at angles larger than the acceptance angle of the fiber. This light will ultimately leak into the cladding and be lost, and it may seem wasteful to overfill the input. However, this method guarantees that as many modes as possible will be launched into the fiber. 34 Without disturbing the launch end of the fiber, the fiber is carefully cleaved two meters away from the input, and an intensity measurement is again made with the same detector butted to the new shorter length. If the input has remained undisturbed during the measurements, the ratio of the two powers (intensities) may be converted to a power dB loss per kilometer II]. The integrating-sphere method takes a slightly different approach. A silicon photodetector is mounted in the wall of the sphere while the optical fiber being measured passes through the sphere along a diameter, A narrow interior baffle is used to block direct light from the fiber from reaching the photodetector. The detector measures the average amount of light escaping from the fiber over a length equal to the diameter of the sphere. per kilometer. This loss can be converted into a power dB loss However, this measurement of loss ignores the loss due to absorption centers in the material because it is only concerned with light that is escaping from the cladding, the scattering loss. A prob- lem arises here due to the large amount of light lost by absorption at the inner surface of the sphere. The integrating sphere is primarily passive, relying on the wall of the sphere to perfectly reflect light to the one photosensitive element. Tynes [2] describes an integrating- cube method where all of the inner area of the cube is photosensitive. A third, calorimetric, method exists which measures the amount of light power absorbed in the fiber per unit length I3J, The sum of the losses measured by the integrating-sphere method and the calorimetric method should be the total loss number measured by the cutback method. Unfortunately, the calorimetric method requires the construction or 35 purchase of a rather sophisticated device to measure the heat gain of a fiber directly attributable to the light passing through it, a subtle effect. Basic Concepts It should be noted that there is a tendency in the literature for the words "mode" and "ray" to be used interchangeably. Marcuse provides a good explanation of the difference 14], However, for our pur- poses, we can think of low-order modes as families of rays traveling through the fiber which strike the core-cladding boundary at small angles of incidence. High-order modes would then be families of rays which travel at relatively higher angles. The high-order modes are most susceptible to loss by being leaked into the cladding and ultimately out of the fiber (by Snell's law; see Chapter II), Because each mode is subject to a different loss, the distribution of modes will affect the loss measured. Except in rare instances, communications engineers are not particularly interested in isolating the various losses contributing to total loss: the single total loss number is good enough. For purposes of developing better fibers, it would of course be necessary to be able to evaluate each type of loss independently. Thus stated, only the-measurement of total loss will be discussed. Conceptually, the measurement of total fiber "insertion loss" is one of the easiest to grasp. One starts with a long length of fiber and meas- ures the optical power exiting the fiber. The fiber is then cut to a shorter length, and a power measurement is again made. The change in 36 optical power detected (assuming the input has remained unchanged, and the detector is illuminated over the same area) must be the amount of power "lost" in the removed section (for whatever reasons), and is defined to be ^=^°^°^>(^long/^hort> ^^- ^^-1> The loss per kilometer will be L divided by the length of the section removed. The technique works well for high-loss fibers: say, fibers with losses around 100 dB/km, The results are easily repeatable, too. However, when extremely low-loss fibers (1 dB/km) are to be measured, the problem becomes much more difficult. To compound the problem, fibers are often supplied in lengths no greater than 1 km, meaning that the measurement technique must be capable of greater precision. At these levels, the condition of the endfaces of the fiber becomes important. One other annoyance is that there is still no agreement as to what one number constitutes the loss figure for a multi-mode fiber. This is due primarily to the fact that it is not clear how the fiber should be excited. Should all modes be excited or just the low-order modes? should some happy medium be reached? Or The consensus now appears to be to measure the fiber loss for the steady-state modal distribution in the fiber; i.e., the distribution of light among the various modes which is most likely to occur after the light has' propagated through a very long section of the fiber. If it is assumed that this is the most desirable distribution (overfilling the fiber now would be wasteful), steps must be taken to launch a distribution in the fiber which approximates the steady-state distribution. Various techniques have been sug- 37 gested: sending the light first through a long section of dummy fiber, using a mode scrambler (see Appendix I), or sending the light first through a section which consists of step-graded-step-index fibers spliced together. Some fibers show a tendency to couple energy from one group of modes to other groups: this is the phenomenon referred to as mode coupling. By no means do all fibers exhibit this. Fibers which show a large degree of mode coupling will tend to rapidly establish a steady-state modal distribution. Fibers which show no significant coupling of energy between modes even after several kilometers may not be characterizable by a single number for the loss figure. With all of this uncertainty about what fiber loss really means, manufacturers have taken to specifying an "at worst" attenuation which provides an upper bound for the loss. experiment. This is the approach taken in the Exciting only the low-order modes would be overly optimistic; launching a steady-state distribution would require that the distribution be known a priori. Therefore, the loss will be measured for the case of an overfilled input, which is to say that more modes will be launched than can be guided by the fiber. Simply put, the source numerical aper- ture will be larger than the fiber numerical aperture. Experimental Procedure and Results The experiment proceeds much the same as the experiment of Chapter III, with careful attention paid to the order in which different measurements are performed, A long length of type 1504 silica graded- index 63 ym core fiber was unwound from a spool donated by Corning. 38 The longest length which could be obtained before a break was encountered was 142.5 m. Two persons were needed to perform the unrolling; one un^ wound the fiber from the stock spool while the other took it up on a spare spool. The new spool was marked with the length and dated and signed. The long length of fiber was placed in the experimental setup of Figure 4-1 with 2 meters unwound and marked with tape at the input end to permit easy cleaving of the 2-meter length later. An avalanche photodiode was utilized as the detector due to the anticipated small intensity at the output end of the long fiber. For illustrative purposes, the loss was measured not at a single wavelength but, instead, for the total light input into the fiber from a broad-band tungsten-halogen source. The addition of the narrow-band interference filter in the in- put optics resulted in an intensity too low to be detected, The light chopper of Appendix YIII was also used to permit the signal to be seen above the relatively high dark voltage of the APD load resistor. Careful movement of the micromanipulators at the input and output ends of the fiber resulted in signal maximization at the detector. After this, the input optical alignment was not disturbed. Mode stripping was accomplished by placing the fiber and a drop of index-matching fluid (glycerin) between two large black rubber stoppers. With the long-length measurement having been made, the fiber was cleaved 2 meters from the input end. Another measurement was taken. The total length of the section which was removed was 142.5 - 2 = 140,5 m. obtained was The loss 39 L = 10 log (V /V ) = 10 log (17m'V/5QmV) = -4.7 dB/140.5 km = -33.4 dB/km. The fiber is rated at -16 dB/km at 900 nm, and for the crude setup used, and the broad-band launch, the value obtained is certainly within expectation. At this point, the 2-meter length was cleaved as closely as possible in half. The ends were butted together after mounting each in a micropositioner and these ends and the end at the detector were adjusted until once again a maximum signal was received at the detector. The reading of 25 mV across the detector load was used with the previously obtained value of 50 mV for no joint in the 2-meter section to obtain the loss of the dry joint which was L. = 10 log (25mV/50mV) = -3 dB, a reasonable value for a dry joint. With the break now made in the 2-meter section, it is a straightforward problem to obtain curves of loss versus the three types of misalignment: lateral, angular and longitudinal. To obtain the sensitivity necessary to move one fiber a fraction of a micron laterally with respect to the other, a modification was made to one of the micromanipulators as discussed in the section Special Problems. The goniometer of Appendix II was used to position one fiber at an obtuse angle with respect to the other. The goniometer yielded a resolution of 40 1/2 degree. For the longitudinal misalignment, the fibers were butted, the signal was maximized, and the fibers were then gradually separated with the help of a micrometer on the goniometer. The micrometer had a resolution of 0.001". Figures 4-2, 4-3, and 4-4 show both the geometries used and the loss vs. misalignment curves for the three cases. The input optics were still unmoved from the measurement of the long length of fiber. The mode strippers of Figure 4-1 were used at the input and output only not at the joint. Special Problems The use of the avalanche photodiode is recommended due to the likelihood of very small signals. There was a problem in getting enough resolution in the lateral misalignment experiment. This was solved by noting that one turn of the screw on the micromanipulator resulted in a displacement of 0.013". By mounting a 360° protractor (incre- mented by degrees) onto this screw and adding a pointer, a precision of 0.013"/360 was obtained. Although the narrow-band interference filter resulted in a signal which was too small to be detected over the long length of fiber, it should be noted that the long length represented a loss of over 33 dB. This suggests that the long length could have been made much shorter with no danger of being unable to measure a loss. This would allow the fiber loss to be measured 41 at 850 nm which is a popular wavelength for specification. It is believed by us that an integrating-sphere or an integrating-cube experiment would be instructive for those desiring to expand upon this project. A suggested starting point for the sphere would be a ping-pong ball coated on the inside with Eastman 6080 White Reflectance Coating. Or a Christmas tree ornament with no coating? Sample Questions 1. Loss in dB is calculated from Equation (4-1) as L = 10 log P /P. , Why then was the loss calculated as L = 10 log out in "^ V out /v. , instead of the standard L = 20 log V ^/V. which m' out in you learned in introductory electrical engineering? 2. What is optical time-domain reflectometry? Describe the funda- mentals of the theory. 3. For conventional copper telephone systems in your area, how closely are repeaters spaced? How closely are microwave re- peaters spaced for cross-country runs? 4. With regard to the spectral sensitivity curve measured in Chapter III, what does the loss measured in Chapter IV represent? References [1] Marcuse, D., Principles of_ Optical Fiber Measurements, Academic Press, New York, 1981, pp. 226-230. 12] Tynes, A, R,, "Integrating Cube Detector," Applied Optics, vol. 9, 1970, p. 2706. 42 [3] Stone, F, T., W, B, Gardner, and C, R, Lovelace, "Calorimetric measurement of absorption losses in optical fibers," Optics Letters, vol. 2, 1978, p. 48. 14] Marcuse, D., op. cit,, p." 245-249. 43 tape marking 2-m length APD TungstenHalogen Source Micropositioner Micropositioner and mode stripper and mode stripper Light Chopper Figure 4-1. Equipment setup. t 1 -0 C3 -2 •u C -i+ v ^ no -6 - fl CO —4 E -8 - 1—i cC 1-1 -10 - •u c^ —" . -12 - CO > X -11+ . 0 1—1 -16 - 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Figure 4-2. Loss vs. lateral misalignment. 0.7 0.8 ^ /D 44 T -5 1 r r +2 -2 -1 0 +1 Degrees Misaligned T T T +3 +4 +5 Figure 4-3. Loss vs. angular misalignment. 1 1 \ T 14 16 4 6 8 10 12 End separation (in mils) T — I — I — I — I — I — I — I 0 2 r Figure 4-4. Loss vs. longitudinal misalignment CHAPTER V CHARACTERIZATION OF DETECTORS FOR OPTICAL FIBER SYSTEMS Project Assignment In comparative measurements, you are to investigate four types of optical detectors with respect to rise time, relative responsivity, spectral sensitivity, and dark current. The detectors are to include a phototransistor, a PIN photodiode, an avalanche photodiode and a photomultiplier tube. Objectives of the Experiment 1. To familiarize the student with devices presently in use for detecting optical signals, 2. To acquaint the student with the operation, advantages, and disadvantages of each type. Equipment Needed 1. Injection laser diode (pulsed), 2. Phototransistor (PT). 3. PIN photodiode. 4. Avalanche photodiode (APD). 5. Photomultiplier tube (PMT) with S-1 phosphor (RCA 7102). 6. High voltage negative power supply. 7. 0 - 50V power supply. 8. Monochromator or set of narrow-band interference filters. 9. Mode stripper (see Appendix I). 10. Tungsten-halogen or other white-light source. 11. Oscilloscope, or digital voltmeter, 12. Light chopper (see Appendiit VIII). 45 46 Theory Introduction At present, information transmitted via light through an optical fiber must be converted to electrical energy at a receiver to be meaningful. another: This conversion is effected in photodetectors of one type or which type is used depends a great deal on the characteristics of the communication link. With regard to suitability for fiber optics applications, photodetectors must have: high sensitivity (to be able to detect weak optical signals), peak efficiency near the wavelength of the system source, high speed, large signal-to-noise ratio, roomtemperature operation capability, and high reliability. Present systems utilize solid-state p-n junction devices for detection because they satisfy many of the above requirements and typically are smaller and consume less power than nonsemiconductor detectors. Optical detectors can be characterized by four parameters: rise- time (or bandwidth), spectral sensitivity, responsivity (at a given wavelength), and dark current [1]. The first represents a limitation on the overall system frequency response. The second is necessary to optimally match detector to both source and fiber. The third and fourth dictate the minimum detectable signal for the link for which the detector is to be used. These quantities aid in the proper choice of a detector for use in a particular fiber optic communication channel. Other detector parameters are important also. The noise equiva- lent power (NEP) is one typically specified by the manufacturer. It also 47 is useful for determining the "minimum detectable signal" which defines the amount of incident optical power necessary to generate a photocurrent equal to the photodiode noise current. To ensure integrity of the link, the detector is operated with a signal level above the minimum detectable signal. Unfortunately, the detector NEP measurement is too difficult to be performed without sophisticated measurement equipment. Basic Concepts The response time of the photodetector is the transit time of the generated charge carriers to the output terminals of the device. It is dependent on the device construction as well as the external circuitry. It is a measure of how fast the detector can respond to changes in the incident light intensity, and hence a measure of the bandwidth. In lieu of measuring the detector 3-dB bandwidth directly, the bandwidth information may be inferred from the measurement of the rise time of the device [2]. For rise-time measurements, an optical signal with a rise time faster than that expected for the detector is required. This implies an optical step function or a fast-rising optical pulse. The pulses supplied by a pulsed injection laser diode are usually adequate for this purpose. In any cascade-connected system, the overall system rise time, t , is approximately t = 1.1 (t? + t^ + ... + t5°'^ r where t 1 2 C5-1) m is the total system rise time, and t. is the rise time associ- ated with the element i of the system. For fiber optic systems, these f t 48 typically include the rise time of the source, the dispersion effects of the fiber, and the rise time of the receiver. If the rise time of the source is known (say, from measurement in Chapter VI), and if no fiber is used, the rise time of the receiver can be obtained from a measurement of the system rise time. The detector 3-dB bandwidth in Hz is then approximately 0.35 divided by the rise time in seconds 13]. The measurement of absolute spectral sensitivity for the various detectors requires the use of a standard source emitting many wavelengths of light where the output intensity at each wavelength is known. Responsivity, which has units of amps/watt, is an absolute spectral sensitivity defined for the wavelength where the response is a maximum [4]. A de- tector with a relatively higher responsivity will be able to resolve lower-power signals than one with relatively lower responsivity. Standard sources are, in general, expensive and sensitive to temperature and aging effects. In this experiment, only relative sensi- tivity curves will be obtained and relative responsivity data will be inferred by comparing the spectral response curves for the different detectors. With a tungsten-halogen broad-band source in place, a device for individually selecting single wavelengths follows, allowing a sensitivity of the detector at each wavelength to be determined. Figure 5-lb. The device for selecting individual wavelengths may be a mono- chromator or a set of narrow-band interference filters. For the purposes of comparison, it is only required that all of the detectors be referenced to the same spectral curve. If the curve for the tungsten-halogen source is not available, the response of each 49 detector may be compared to that of the photomultiplier tube. To do this, the PMT is used to "calibrate" the output of the tungsten source, and this "standard" source is measured by the other detectors. (If the chopper of Appendix VIII is also used for all four detectors, it should be included as part of the "standard" source.) All spectral responses may be compared in this fashion. Of course, no information is obtained for the PMT because its spectral response (obtained from a standard phosphor curve) was tacitly assumed to be exact. Dark current is a very simple quantity to obtain with the electrometer. With only the detector circuit operational and the detector input blocked with opaque paper, the output current is measured. Experimental Procedure and Results The equipment setups of Figure 5-1 were used for all measurements. For measurements which did not require the laser diode pulser to be the source, an improvement in signal-to-noise ratio was achieved with the use of a lab-built light chopper (Appendix VIII). This allowed the relatively larger dc bias voltage to be subtracted from the signal by ac coupling to the oscilloscope. The four phiotodetectors to be compared are listed in Table 5-1 with a few of the important parameters. The photodetectors were positioned a distance from the source as necessary to avoid saturation. The rise-time measurement required the use of a source of fast-rising optical pulses. The pulsed laser diode of Chapter VI is used for this purpose. The 10%-90% rise time for the laser diode as used in the pulser of Appendix V was about 8 ns. A tungsten-halogen lamp served as the source for the spectral sensitivity measurements. 50 Table 5 - 1 . P h o t o d e t e c t o r s Compared by Manufacturer Area (mm ) Specifications Spectral Sensitivity ((? 900nm) Fairchild FPT-100 phototransistor (PT) not available RCA C-30808 PIN photodiode: 0.6 A/W RCA C-30817 avalanche photodiode (APD): 0,5 75 A/W 780 450 A/W RCA 7102 photomultiplier tube (PMT): A set of narrow-band interference filters was required to select individual wavelengths to excite the detectors. The detectors were operated in the simplest circuits possible; a bias voltage was applied to the series combination of the detector and a resistor. The response times for the system of source and detector were measured from oscillograms and the response times of the detectors were calculated from Equation (5-1). Table 5-2. The results are collected in Both the APD and the PMT are capable of much faster response time, but require more sophisticated circuitry to achieve it. For this reason, the comparison is somewhat unfair. The bandwidth is taken to be 0.35 divided by the 10%-90% rise time, as appropriate for a simple first-order RC circuit model. 51 TABLE 5-2. Detector: Rise-Time Comparison PT PIN APD PMT 10%-90% rise time: 1.64 ys 17 ns 15 ns 30 ns Bandwidth: 0.213 20,6 23.3 11.7 MHz It should be cautioned that the response time of the detector in the receiver is but one component of the receiver rise time. tributing factors include: Other con- the input impedance of the receiver amplifier, the bias circuitry of the detector, the input impedance of the measuring instrument, and stray capacitances and inductances. The detector rise time for a p-n junction device is largely a function of the junction capacitance and as such cannot be improved greatly without replacing the device. Although it is most desirable to have on hand a calibrated standard source of light of various wavelengths, for the purposes of this comparison, it will suffice to relate the measurement of spectral sensitivity to some other basis. The spectral response curve of an S-1 phosphor. Figure 5-2, (which is used in photomultiplier tubes, such as the RCA 7102 used here, to give broad spectral response) is readily obtainable from manufacturer's data sheets [5], If this curve is taken to be the ref- erence, all succeeding measurements may be referred to it. assumed that the PMT chosen has this spectral response, It will be Notice, then, that instead of relating everything to the known output of a standard source, all measurements are referred to the assumed response of a particular material, namely, the S-1 phosphor. 52 With this in mind, the output intensities of the wavelengths present in an uncalibrated tungsten-halogen source are measured with the PMT. Knowing the response curve of the PI-IT, we work backwards to pre- dict what the relative intensity of the source at each wavelength must be. This rough^ standard source is then used to-measure the spec- tral sensitivities of the remaining three detectors. The curve of Fig- ure 5-3 results for the source, and the curves of Figure 5-4 represent the spectral responses of the phototransistor, PIN diode, and APD, with care taken that the full area of the photosensitive surface in the detector was covered. The curves are normalized to the peak sensitivity for each detector. Common sense is necessary for making this comparison due to some of the requirements of the PMT bias. Before biasing the PMT, it is nec"111 essary to have some idea what order of magnitude of light intensity ^™ fa]]] is to be detected. The design of the bias circuitry is dependent on this because of the rather limited dynamic range of the PMT, It is best to use the PMT to measure light intensities in the range for which the bias circuit was designed. The solid-state device character- istics should be measured after the PMT characteristics have been measured because these devices are typically less sensitive to light than is the PMT. In this order, it will become obvious that the PMT is the most light-sensitive of the devices being compared. In fact, for this experiment, the procedure was reversed with some unhappy consequences. fore the PMT. The solid-state photodetectors were measured be- They were positioned a distance, d, from the tungsten-halo- gen source as indicated by Figure 5-lb which shows the equipment setup 53 for the spectral-sensitivity comparison. The distance d was dictated by the minimum intensity which could be detected for the least sensitive of the devices: in this case, the PIN diode. Finally, the PMT was placed at the same location and unusual behavior was noted. The spectral output of the source appeared to have shifted from what had been previously measured in Chapter III. The peak output power still oc- curred at a wavelength of 700 nm as before, but, as an example, the ratio R = I(A = 400 nm)/I(X = 700 nm) measured 0.374 rather than the 0,10 measured previously (cf. Figure 3-1). The PMT was originally biased to detect a light intensity which would result in a maximum output anode current of 5 yA. At the posi- tion d from the source, the output anode current at 700.:.nm was 15.5 uA suggesting that the PMT was saturated and operating nonlinearly. Indeed, when the intensities were reduced (by positioning the PMT further from the source), the expected behavior returned, indicating that the responsivity of the PMT is probably an order of magnitude better than the other detectors. Ideally, all four detectors should be exposed to the same power density to determine the relative responsivities, but with this caveat in mind, the four detectors are ranked in order of responsivity to radiation at 900 nm in Table 5-3. TABLE 5-3. Responsivity: Detector: Relative Responsivity Best PMT Worst APD PT PIN 54 The dark current measurements were made during the spectral sensitivity measurements with all light blocked from entering the detector. Note that a screen which blocks visible light may not block infrared or ultraviolet. The results are tabulated in Table 5-4, In practical measurement systems, however, it is more appropriate to measure the current due to ambient light, which includes dark current as well as current resulting from stray light which does not originate from the source. When this ambient current value is subtracted from the meas- ured value with the source in place, the numbers obtained are said to be "corrected for ambient light," The value appearing for the APD is excessively large and may be the result of prior exposure of the detector to light which was too intense, TABLE 5-4. Detector: Dark Current: PT 933 nA Dark-Current Comparison PIN APD PMT 400 nA 1.6 mA 95 na Special Problems Before any measurements are attempted, all necessary equipment — power supplies, biasing circuits, test equipment, etc. - should be assembled and made ready. The measurements of each device should fol- low one another quickly in order to minimize system drifts. Also, major anomalies can be more easily recognized in this manner. The use of oscilloscope photographs is not strictly necessary, but may aid the student in side-by-side comparisons of rise times. 55 To form the narrow optical pulses necessary for rise-time measurements, a pulsed laser diode is used. Appendix V discusses the construc- tion of a pulse-forming circuit for an RCA SG2001 laser diode. Another design is provided by Andrews 16], Once again, a certain natural order to the experiments presents itself. The rise times measured for each detector depend in part on the rise time of the source. Therefore it is desirable to have a light- intensity-out vs. drive current curve available for the source so that the lasing threshold for the source may be noted on the output current waveform from the laser diode pulser as discussed in Chapter VI. This will allow the rise time to be measured. The PMT presents a special problem because the fall time is likely to be an order of magnitude below that of the solid-state devices. If the pulse repetition rate (PRR) of the ILD is not adjusted to allow the accumulated charge in the PMT to dissipate, the rise time can not be accurately depicted. This is not necessarily a problem because the PRR of the ILD may have to be chosen very small axiyvray for power dissipation considerations in the ILD itself. Sample Questions 1. Following the results of your experimentation, what recommendations do you make as to the applicability of the various types of detectors with regard to cost, system length, choice of analog or digital transmission schemes, and other relevant parameters? 56 2. It was observed that the ILD device exhibited an extremely fast rise time, but by its nature, it is a pulsed device. Although it is not normally used to transmit information, can you suggest a modulation scheme to allow it to transmit information? 3. What modifications to the PMT biasing circuitry can you suggest to improve the rise time? 4. The spectral sensitivity measurements were tied to a typical curve for an S-1 phosphor. What would be the most precise way to do it? References [1] Saxena, A. N., and H. F. Wolf; "Optical Detectors," Handbook of Fiber Optics, H. F. Wolf, ed.. Garland STPM Press, New York, 1979, p. 225. 12] ITT, "Optical Fiber Communications Link Design," Technical Note R-1, 1978, pp. 6-7. [3] Peebles, Peyton Z., Jr., Communication System Principles, AddisonWesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1976, p. 65. [4] Applications Engineering Staff of the Hewlett-Packard Optoelectronics Division, Optoelectronics/Fiber-Optics Applications Manual, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1981, p. 4.3. [5] RCA, "Photomultiplier Tubes, Image-Converter Tubes, Photodiodes," Publication No. PIT-700A, RCA Electronic Components, Harrison, New Jersey, September 1969, p. 5, [6] Andrews, J., "An Inexpensive Laser Diode Pulser," Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 45, No. 1, January 1974, pp. 22-25. 57 Photodetector Current Pulser Injection Laser Diode V B A to scope a) It ft (IS Interference Filter Broadband Light Source Photodetector Light Chopper d b) Figure 5-1. Equipment setup for a) rise-time measurement, b) spectral sensitivity measurement. 58 100 -r 80 •^5 •H >.-6 0 + CO c w kO •• > •H CC •0) P^ 20 H i+00 H—I ^ 500 Figure 5-2. 1—I 600 H-H 700 1 1—I 800 900 1 1 1 1000 X(nm) S-1 response curve. 100 -r ^s £^80 •H CO C <u c 60 -3 a u 3 O 01 i+O -> •H oi 20 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 700 800 900 1000 X(nm) »+00 500 600 Figure 5-3. "Calibrated" tungsten-halogen source curve, 59 100_ e^s 80> •H 4J •H a) 60- CO c a; CO 1+0- > •H 4J '2 0 - CO iH CU 0 T • I 1 i+OO ' 11 500 I—I—I—I—r—r 6O0 700- 800 900 "1—r T—\—r 1000 X (nm) ' 100 J 4-1 80- > b) •H iJ •H W 60- CO i+0- c a; > •H U Ct 20- rH 1+00 T—I—I—I—I—I—r 500 600 700 800 900 1—I—r T—J—r 1000 X (nm) 100 &«s £:• 60- •H > 60c) CO c i+020- > •H 1—I—1—I—I—I—r 1—\—r " 1 — r 1 I—r X (nm) Figure 5 - 4 . Spectral s e n s i t i v i t y curves: a) FPT-100 p h o t o t r a n s i s t o r , b) C-30808 PIN photodiode, c) C-30817 avalanche photodiode. i+00 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Chapter VI CHARACTERIZATION OF SOURCES FOR OPTICAL FIBER SYSTEMS Project Assignment In a comparative study, you are to investigate the operating parameters of a light-emitting diode and a laser diode. These parameters are to include radiation pattern, peak-intensity wavelength, and spectral bandwidth. Generate an intensity vs. drive current curve for each device. Objectives of the Experiment 1. To acquaint the student with the characteristics of various optical sources as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each. 2. To give the student practical experience in making source measurements. 3. To acquaint the student with losses associated with input source coupling. Equipment Needed 1. IR-LED of the type designed for fiber optics applications. 2. Laser diode (pulsed or cw). 3. IR viewing screen. 4. Two PIN photodetectors or avalanche photodiodes. 5. ILD pulse driver circuit (see Appendix V) or dc current source. 60 61 6. Monochromator. 7. Goniometer (see Appendix II). 8. Light chopper (see Appendix VIII). or square-wave generator. Theory Introduction Optical sources are rather easily characterized by parameters such as total output power, radiation pattern, spectral bandwidth, rise time, and intensity-out vs. drive current. As in the previous experiment on detector measurements, the thrust of this experiment is to do a comparative study of different sources: namely, the light- emitting diode (LED) and the injection laser diode (ILD), both of which are suitable for specific fiber optic applications. With this in mind, total power measurements are not absolutely necessary because there is usually some flexibility remaining in the choice of the system detector. Therefore, within the system, the draw- back of a less powerful source may to some extent be corrected with a more sensitive detector. However, a relative power comparison can be inferred from the intensity-out versus drive current plots for both devices. Basic Concepts Perhaps second only to attenuation loss in the optical fiber, the coupling of source to fiber contributes most to system loss. Coupling losses are of three types [l]: 1. Unintercepted illumination (UI) loss resulting from a geometrical area mismatch between the source's illumination 62 spot (in the plane of the fiber face) and the area of the fiber core. 2. Numerical aperture (NA) loss arising from light rays with angles of incidence outside the acceptance cone of the fiber transmission line. 3. Reflection (R) loss from the endface of the fiber. The three types are illustrated in Figure 6-1. Note that parameters such as source area, radiation pattern, and source-fiber separation can be selected to reduce input coupling loss. UI loss can be estimated from the expression: UI loss = 10 log (A /A ) dB, c p where A c is the area of the fiber core and A p (6-1) is the area of the projected spot of the source. The radiation pattern of a uniform surface emitter (a reasonable assumption for the LED) is approximately that of a Lambertian source and is given by: 1(0) = I^ cos (c}i) , (6-2) where c|> is the angle measured between a line perpendicular to the emitter and a line drawn from the source to the detector, and I is o the intensity at ( | ) = 0°. Narrower beam patterns of other devices can be reasonably approximated by the expression: I((j>) = I [cos((J))]°' . (6-3) The exponent m can be determined from experiment for a particular 63 device by interpolating on the curve of Figure 6-2 which gives intensity profiles for various values of m. This value of m is necessary for calculating the NA loss. The optical power coupled into the fiber can be obtained from [1]: I^ = I^. [1 - (cose)°^^] where I , (6-4) i s the t o t a l source power and 0 is the f i b e r ' s acceptance cone h a l f - a n g l e . Then: NA loss = 10 log (I /IJ c dB . (6-5) t Reflection loss is almost negligible in comparison to the losses associated with unintercepted illumination and numerical aperture, but it is important in fiber splices. The reflection coefficient, p, gives the fraction of incident light reflected from the fiber endface. It is found approximately from: p = [(n^-l)/(n^+ 1)]2 , (6-6) where n, is the index of refraction of the fiber core, for step-index fibers. The R loss is then: R loss = 10 log (1 - p) . (6-7) From this discussion of source-fiber coupling loss, it is seen that the proper choice of a source can significantly improve system performance. be rewarding. Therefore, an investigation of source parameters will 64 At present, there are only two candidates being seriously considered for fiber optic sources: the light-emitting diode (LED) and the injection laser diode (ILD). They are being designed to have characteristics much different than those of solid-state sources for other applications. In the noncommunications fields, the goal has been to get the maximum visibility with minimum power consumption, and this has led to the development of large-area, low-radiance LEDs and pulsed lasers operating at high peak currents [2]. Sources for fiber optic communication systems, however, do not necessarily require high power; instead, it is important that the source power be distributed spatially for maximum acceptance by the optical fiber. They must also be stable and capable of continuous (CW) operation at room temperature. If analog transmission is desired, of course the source must be linear, and in LEDs, the light output power is very nearly a linear function of the drive current. Digital information trans- mission requires only that the source be capable of being driven between multiple (usually two) stable states. For best source-fiber match, the intensity of the source should be maximum at a wavelength where the fiber has a minimum in attenuation. The LED is typically the more simply constructed of the two types of sources although recent, more sophisticated heterojunction structures provide desirable high radiance and high speed. The spectral bandwidth is of the order of 25 to 40 nanometers at the 3 dB points at room temperature. Material dispersion effects (discussed in Chapter VIII) therefore make them undesirable for very long distance systems. 65 LEDs are further categorized as surface or edge emitters. Marcuse [3] compares the amount of power each type is capable of launching into the fiber core. Edge emitters, with the attendant narrower beam patterns, have the advantage of higher efficiency in coupling light into the fiber, and hence, they also provide significantly reduced NA losses. By adding a cavity to provide feedback, the LED becomes a laser at high current densities, substituting stimulated emission for spontaneous emission. Because the radiation is emitted from a very small area, it is not as collimated as laser radiation from other laser sources but diverges somewhat. However, there is still a significant improvement over a Lambertian emitter. Laser diodes offer the benefits of narrow spectral bandwidth (typically 2 to 10 nm at the 3 dB points), more directionality to the radiation, and fast rise time. They are typically both more complex and expensive. The latest laser diodes being developed are designed to operate continuously on a few milliamps of current. The older, pulsed devices have limitations of duty cycle, slow pulse repetition rate (PRR), and high (greater than 4 amp) threshold current: indicating they will probably not be used in the future in communications applications. Because of the cost of these new devices, however, the characteristics of laser diodes may be observed on the less expensive pulsed devices. Experimental Procedure and Results The two devices investigated were an RCA C-30123 IR-LED and an RCA SG2001 injection laser diode. When power levels were adequate. 66 an RCA C-30808 PIN photodiode was employed as the detector; an RCA C-30817 avalanche photodiode was used in the spectral bandwidth measurements. Although phototransistors are attractive detectors because of price, the associated nonlinear response renders them inappropriate for these measurements. The measurement of output intensity versus drive current was attempted first using the equipment setup of Figure 6-3. In the case of the pulsed injection laser diode, the building of a laser diode pulser, as described in Appendix V, was required. Current amplitude is varied to a maximum of 8 A by controlling the voltage to which the storage element charges. (The maximum allowable peak current is 10 A at 0.1% duty cycle and PRR maximum of 50 kHz for the RCA SG2001 device.) The LED is driven by a dc current source with variable output up to 200 ma, the maximum allowable continuous current for this device. After warmup, the current through the diode is monitored along with the output current in a photodetector. Plots of output detector current (proportional to illuminating intensity) versus source drive current for both LED and ILD are depicted in Figure 6-4, Observe that the laser requires a minimum threshold current before lasing occurs. Monitoring the drive current through the laser is equivalent to monitoring the laser output power. When the current is above the threshold current, the diode must be lasing. The radiation patterns were observed using the lab-built goniometer (Appendix II) to sweep a detector in an arc around the source as the equipment setup in Figure 6-5 indicates. The polar plots 67 of Figure 6-6 show the results. Absolute intensity measurements are not recorded; instead, all intensities are recorded as a percent of the maximum observed intensity. However, the output power of the laser is much greater than that of the LED. The system shown in Figure 6-7 was used to measure the spectral bandwidth of the sources. The monochromator selects only certain lines in the spectral output of the source (the spectral bandwidth of the monochromator must be narrower than that of the source) , The avalanche photodetector of course has a range of sensitivity which includes the range of interest. There is usually sufficient power for the laser light to be observed even after passing through the monochromator, but if the LED is driven with a dc current, its radiation may not be detectable above the relatively high bias voltage on the output resistor. Techniques as discussed in the section Special Problems may remove this trouble. The parameter of peak-intensity wavelength is also measured with this setup. For the C-30123 LED, peak intensity was found to occur at 855 nm while for the SG2001 ILD peak intensity was found at 908 nm. These compare well with the manufacturer's specifications of 830 nm and 904 nm respectively. Spectral bandwidths, measured between the half-power points, were determined to be 40 nm for the LED and 4.8 nm for the ILD, comparing well to the previous experiments [2]. Values are typically in the range of nanometers for laser diodes and tens 68 of nanometers for LEDs. Special Problems When obtaining the intensity-out vs. drive-current curve for the laser diode, it is necessary to remember that some ILDs are intended for pulsed operatiort. For our purposes, we may assume that the shape of the curve is known to have the characteristic shape for a laser diode [4]. With this simplification, the problem becomes one of "finding the knee" of the curve. Knowing where the lasing threshold of the device is will permit us to later determine at what point on the output current waveform the device actually begins lasing. A useful graph for this purpose is a plot of the output current in a (linear) photodetector versus the drive current in the laser diode. Laser drive circuits are available from several laser ma.nufacturers including RCA [5] and Laser Diode Laboratories. An example is given in Appendix V. It should be emphasized that the objective of the experiment is to investigate characteristics of optical sources, • ,<: Lj •« not characteristics of electronic pulse-forming networks. Because of the extremely narrow pulses which are needed, an attempt should be made to adhere closely to proven designs. A driver circuit suggested by J. Andrews [6] utilizes a delay line as a storage element ^nd dumps through the laser by driving a transistor into avalanche breakdown. This circuit was constructed and worked well, but it is slightly troublesome in that the length of the delay line must be destructively changed to adjust the current pulse width. Most commercially available circuits charge a 69 storage capacitor for the energy dump. SCRs are often chosen as the switching elements. Other practical concerns include allowing a reasonable warmup time for the laser: 30 minutes is suggested. Also, the current pulse should be observed on the oscilloscope as the magnitude is varied to ensure that the basic pulse shape does not change. Because of the high-frequency nature of the measurements to be performed, a thorough understanding of the performance of the oscilloscope chosen is encouraged; in particular, watch the triggering! The high voltage supply chosen should contribute as little as possible to the noise, and shielding to prevent stray inductive pickup should be used as needed. Subtractive techniques may aid measurement at low signal levels, e.g. the signal obtained with the signal absent is subtracted from that obtained with the signal present. The most difficult part of the measurement seems to be choosing a consistent measurement scheme, e.g. deciding what point on the noisy waveform is representative of the quantity being determined. It is desirable that a permanent laser diode pulser be built by the first students assigned to the experiment. The pulser should be tested with a small resistance (5 to 10 ohms) in place of the ILD until pulse widths and magnitudes can be determined. The photodetector used to measure the output radiation from both sources must be positioned far enough away that it will not saturate at maximum drive current in the source. In the measurement of spectral bandwidth, the biggest problem will be in overcoming the light loss obtained by passing the light 70 through the monochromator. Alignment should be done carefully, tracing the beam through the monochromator with an IR viewing card. For the weaker LED signal, chopping the beam with a light chopper (Appendix VIII) as previously suggested will allow the use of ac coupling of the oscilloscope. Another approach would be to drive the LED with a square-wave generator. Both of these approaches are aimed at allowing the use of the more powerful avalanche photodiode for detection. The disadvantage of an APD is the relatively high bias voltage present; without the chopping techniques, it may be impossible to see the information. Sample Questions 1. From your experience with this project, list the comparative advantages and disadvantages of the LED and ILD. 2. 3. What values of m, as explained in the text, best describe '^^ the devices you measured? Cl«5 What bearing do the incoherence of the LED emission and the coherence of the laser diode have on the discussion? 4. Perform sample calculations of input coupling loss assuming "typical" LED and ILD sources and a multimode step-index 125 micron core fiber. 5. How do you expect the expression for R loss to differ for graded-index fibers? References [l] Kleekamp, Charles and Bruce Metcalf, "Designer's Guide to Fiber Optics — Part 2," Electronic Design News. January 20, 1978, p. 46. l,tj 71 [2] Burrus, C. A,, H.C. Casey, Jr., and Tingye Li, "Optical Sources," Optical Fiber Telecommunications, Stewart E. Miller and A. Q. Chynoweth, Editors, Academic Press, New York, 1979, p. 499. [3J Marcuse, D.,"LED Fundamentals: Comparison of Front- and Edge- Emitting Diodes," IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol. QE-13, No. 10, October 1977, pp. 819-827. [4] Selway, P. R., A. R. Goodwin, and P. A. Kirkby, "Semiconductor Laser Light Sources for Optical Fibre Communications," Optical Fibre Communication Systems, C. P. Sandbank, editor, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, 1980, Figure 114, p. 158. [5] RCA, "Solid State Emitters," Publication SSE-100, pp. 19-20. [6] Andrews, J., "An Inexpensive Laser Diode PiiLser," Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 45, No. 1, January 1974, pp. 22-25. ;-33 [j HI I. i 72 Optical Spot Emitting Source Fiber a) b) c) Figure 6-1. Three types of input-coupling loss: a) uninterceoted illumination, b) NA mismatch, and c) reflection. 73 (^, Angle of Radiation, degrees Figure 6-2, Intensity profiles for various values of m. Circles are drawn for values of m from 1 (Lambertian) to 30. RCA C-30808 Detector 1 Laser diode Pulser ,.45V ' V-t . -J — IRCA SG2001 ILD "^i > scope 82kr^ Variable Voltage Supply Figure 6-3. Equipment setup for measuring intensity vs. drive current. 74 120 160 200 Drive Current (mA) Pulsed, 44% duty cycle PRR=lkHz a) 30 28 26 24 < 22 3. 20 C 18 u 16 u 14 It /IK • :'¥> o Z 12 a. 10 5 MB 86.4- 1 0 1 2 3 H 5 6 Drive Current (A) Pulsed b) Figure 6-4. Output current in RCA C-30808 PIN diode vs. drive current in source. (45V back bias on PIN, 82kP. in series.) a) RCA C-30123 IR-LED, b) RCA SG2001 ILD. 75 45V Driver Source 82kJ2 Figure 6-5. Equipment setup for measuring intensity profile. 11 i H 76 100% 15" t)Ml a) .••••' • '» . *•] il M 100% ^^^ '5 r ••i .1 Experimentally determined intensity profiles. a) RCA C-30123 IR-LED, b) RCA SG2001 laser diode. 77 • n • il —Detector Driver LED or ILD Wavelength Selector •ii3 82kQ Figure 6-7. Equipment setup for measuring spectral distribution of sources. Chapter VII WAVELENGTH J4ULTIPLEXING IN Al^ OPTICAL FIBER Project Assignment You are to generate two optical signals, one visible and one infrared, and wavelength-division multiplex them in an optical fiber. In addition, one of the signals is to be analog vrfiile the other signal must be digital. After transmitting the signals through the fiber, separate the signals and show that there is no interference between them. Objectives of the Experiment 1. To exhibit the wavelength-division multiplexing capability of an optical fiber. 2. To demonstrate two ways information may be transmitted with an optical signal through an optical fiber. 3. To provide an introduction to fiber optics as related to communications considerations. » Equipment Needed 1. Pigtailed visible-LED. 2. Pigtailed infrared-LED. 3. Two LED drivers (one analog and one digital). 4. Fiber coupler for launching signals. 5. Beamsplitter. 6. IR viewing screen. 7. Short length of optical fiber. 78 79 8. Micromanipulator. 9. Optical detector. 10. Oscilloscope. 11. Red-blocking filter (e.g. Wratten 47A). Theory Introduction Tne present interest in optical communication systems owes its existence to the development of the laser, the first coherent source of light. Midwinter [l] suggests the primary impact of lasers on present systems was as an encouragement for researchers to consider the optical frequency spectrum as an extension of the radio and microwave spectra. The result of this new attitude was the increase in study of all optical components: sources, detectors, modulators, lenses, mirrors, waveguides, and systems. A promising recent development is the announcement by researchers at the Nagoya Institute of Technology that a diode laser has been developed which emits simultaneously at wavelengths of 1.17 and 1.3 microns [2] . The device consist of two lasers lying alongside each other, and eliminates the need for a multiplexer to put the signals in a fiber. Basic Concepts The study of multiplexing signals in an optical fiber constitutes a review of the principles of communication engineering which concerns itself with the transmission of various signals between points. The signals to be transmitted will be sent through a channel of some sort, either in the form of a guiding transmission line or 80 merely an open space throughout which the signals are radiated. Each of the signals generally has a small finite bandwidth compared to the bandwidth of the channel itself. It is wasteful to use the channel for one signal only because the channel is being operated very much below its capacity to transmit information. However, if two signals are sent simultaneously, they will mutually interfere, destroying the information. This desire to more efficiently exploit the "bandwidth-space" of the transmission line led to the introduction of multiplexing techniques. There are a number of ways to perform this multiplexing operation physically [3], but all may be treated mathematically in the same ;,ii •;2 manner. Modulation Theory Signals may share a transmission channel provided that they can be separated at the receiver. There are two important ways in > which this is accomplished. If the signals occupy different ranges in the frequency domain, they may be separated with bandpass filters which pass signals only in carefully defined ranges. If the signals occupy different time intervals, they may be separated with a synchronous detector. The first approach, where the frequency spectra of the signals are interleaved, is known as frequency-division or wavelength-division multiplexing. The latter approach, in which samples of each signal are interleaved in the time domain, is called time-division multiplexing. The technique of multiplexing signals in time is more a digital electronic project than fiber-optic and, for this reason, will not -X ,',1 81 be discussed here. However, frequency- or wavelength-division multi- plexing, or WDM, offers an opportunity to exhibit one of the most attractive features of optical fibers; namely, that two signals can exist in the same fiber at the same time (without mutually interfering) without any need for sampling techniques. It is possible to shift the frequency spectrum of a signal, usually centered about frequency zero, to a position centered about a new nonzero frequency by modulating it (multiplying the signal by a sinusoid of the desired new frequency). The convolution theorem [4] states that if f, (t) has Fourier transform F^(ai) and •1*4 f^(t) has Fourier transform F2 (o)), then J * -111 f^(t)*f2(t) ' ^ F^(a))F2(w) (7-1) and f^(t)f2(t) <^ (l/2Tr)F^(a))*F2(a»), (7-2) •iC where F[f(t)] = F(ca) =/'*f(t)exp(-ja)t)dt is defined to be the Fourier transfom of f(t). may then be defined in terms of ?M, (7-3) The function f(t) using the inverse transfom relationship F((o)exp(ja>t)da) (7-4) —00 A direct result of the convolution theorem indicates that the convolution of a function f(x) with a unit impulse function reproduces 82 the function itself. That is, f(x)*6(x) = f(x) (7-5) and f(x)*5(x-T) = f(x-T) . (7-6) A sinusoidal signal cos(a3 t) is said to be amplitude-modulated c ^ by a signal f(t) when it is multiplied by f(t). The Fourier trans- form of cos (oj t) indicates the frequency spectrum is composed of two impulse functions of amplitude ir: one located at o) = uci , the other at 0) = -oj^. By the convolution theorem: c f(t)cos(a)^t) <-* (l/2Tr)[F(a))**(a))] = (l/2)F(a))*[6((o+u) )+6(a)-a) )], c c (7-7) where $(u)) is the frequency spectrxim (Fourier transform) of cos(a) t) In communication applications, the cosine function is known as the Ml carrier and f(t) as the modulation fimction. From Equation (7-6) above it follows that f(t)cos(aj t) <-^ (l/2)[F(o)+a)^)+F(a)-aj^)] . c c c (7-8) f(t)sin(a)^t) ^ > (j/2)[F(a)-Hia^)-F(a3-u)^)]. (7-9) Similarly, Therefore multiplication of a signal by a sinusoid results in a translation of the spectrum of that signal by ±a)^. Because the length of the antenna needed to transmit a signal is inversely 83 proportional to the frequency, this shifting also has th.e practical advantage of allowing the transmission of the signal with a shorter antenna. When many signals are to simultaneously share a transmission line, as in WDM, the spectrum of each signal is shifted to a unique position by multiplying by a carrier wave of the appropriate frequency. If the shifted spectra of the various signals do not over- lap, all may be transmitted simultaneously. It is easiest to regard the transmission medium as a band-pass filter of finite bandwidth. Obviously, signals whose frequency spectra lie outside this bandwidth will not be transmitted. The introduction of the laser made available coherent carriers of frequencies on the order of 10 Hz. J il >' ••' n If the bandwidths of the signals to be transmitted were restricted to just 0.1% of the carrier "j f I frequency, these band-limited signals would be permitted to have bandwidths of 1000 GHz. Because an optical fiber transmits optical '^ • < signals well into the infrared, the attendant information-carrying capacity of the fiber is astounding. Suppose it is desired to transmit n band-limited signals. simplicity, assume identical bandwidths of o)^ rad/sec. For To guarantee the frequency spectra are separated upon modulation, each signal is modulated with a carrier of a unique frequency o)^, ^2^ - • • * ^^» where each carrier is separated from adjacent carriers by at least 2aj^ rad/sec. Each of the modulated signals has bandwidth 2a)^ centered at 0),. as shown in Figure 7-1. 1 At the receiver, the signals are separated by using the proper f 84 set of bandpass filters, each of bandwidth 2a) centered at co . m i Finally, each filtered signal is demodulated by an AM detector. The detection scheme for amplitude-modulated signals is rather simple. One of two methods i s used. In a rectifier detector, the modulated carrier is rectified; i.e., the negative portion of the carrier is set to zero. This is equivalent to multiplying the modu- lated carrier by a square wave of the same frequency as the carrier. Again, by the convolution theorem, the spectrum of the rectified signal is shown in Figure 7-2 for the band-limited signal f ( t ) . A bandpass filter centered at co = iu) will recover the transmitted information f ( t ) . In an envelope detector, the output of the detector reproduces ,A Jj : "1 the envelope of the modulated carrier. 7-3. The circuit is as in Figure On the positive cycle of the input, the capacitor charges to the peak voltage of the input. As the input signal falls below this peak value, the diode is reverse-biased. The capacitor dis- I •) 'J „.•»• < charges through the resistor at a rate adjusted for the characteristics of the signal to be detected. During each positive cycle, the capacitor charges to the peak input voltage, and when the diode becomes reverse-biased, the capacitor voltage changes very little. The result is the capacitor voltage follows the envelope of the input. For commercially broadcast signals, the frequency spectrum of the transmitted signal is first shifted back down in frequency by "mixing" it with the sinusoidal output of a local oscillator at the receiver (heterodyning). This translates the frequency spectrum downward in frequency to a fixed intermediate frequency for which 85 amplification is more easily provided. The information is then de- tected from this newer intermediate-frequency carrier by one of the techniques described above. For fiber optic systems applications, information is transmitted digitally in the form of a coded set of pulses, except for very short links. This is a direct result of the inherently more reliable nature of digital communications. A detector of optical radiation outputs a current of electrons for an input of photons. an intensity variation. the detector. The incoming light field is seen only as As such, any phase information is lost in When sources of light are modulated for communication purposes, therefore, they are intensity-modulated. For a given source, the modulation may be either digital where the device is driven exclusively between two states: ON and OFF, or analog where the device is driven continuously in the region between OFF and fully ON. When digital modulation is used, the information is en- coded in the pattern of pulses which the detector sees. For analog modulation, the information is sent directly as intensity variation. Experimental Procedure and Results In the system to be considered here, two signals of different types (one analog and one digital), are used to amplitude-modulate two LEDs of differing wavelengths. To guarantee that the shifted frequency spectra do not overlap, the signals should be band-limited, For the sake of simplicity, the analog signal was chosen to be a sinusoid of frequency f = 10 Hz which of approximate wavelength 640 nm. modulated a red LED The IR-LED of approximate wave- 86 length 950 nm was modulated by a square-wave of frequency 120 Hz. The experimental setup used is shown in Figure 7-4. nals were driven by the circuit of Figure 7-5. Both sig- The two light sources correspond to carriers of different frequencies. Each of the sources was a pigtailed LED, prepared as described in Special Problems. The two signals are introduced into an optical fiber in a simple fashion. Figure 7-6. Two grooves were made in a piece of balsa wood by pressing the leads of a resistor into it. The fibers were placed in these grooves and covered with a piece of plexiglas cut from a drafting triangle. after alignment. One screw clamps the fibers in place The angle between the grooves matches the accep- tance cone angle of the fiber. Because the fiber is short, the fact that very little optical power is coupled into the fiber is immaterial; there is enough for the receiver to detect. Of course, for longer runs of fiber, more care would have to be exercised in the input coupling. One approach would be to collimate the outputs of each source and combine the two spatially in a beamsplitter, as in Figure 7-7a; a lens following this focuses the light onto the core. A third method might use a reflective filter which passes one of the beams yet reflects the other as in Figure 7-7b. At the receiving end, a Bell and Howell 509-50 detector with integrated op-amp provides an output electrical signal. Because of the inefficient input coupling, some amplification will be needed. Figure 7-8 shows the signal detected with both sources present. 87 men a Kodak 47A filter is used to block the red components of the multiplexed signal, the output of Figure 7-9 results. To re- cover the red signal, without the use of an IR filter (none of which were available), a beamsplitter and two detectors are used. beamsplitter transmittance must equal the reflectance. The On one leg, the red-blocking filter allows only the IR signal to reach the detector. This output is fed into the inverting input of a differential amplifier. The second leg would employ a neutral density filter (to match the attenuation of the red-blocking filter in the first leg) before the detector; both red and IR signals reach the detector. The output of this detector is fed into the non-inverting input of the differential amp. The information contained in the red signal therefore appears at the output of the amplifier. Special Problems The most serious problem associated with this experiment is obtaining filters vdiich properly match the spectral characteristics of the sources used: blocking one and passing the other. The Kodak 47A is readily obtainable from Kodak; the transmission characteristics are as shown in Figure 7-10 [5]. However, no filter was found which would pass red and block the near-infrared at 950 nm. If a longer IR wavelength source is used, filtering may be possible with the materials of Table 7-1 [6]. 88 TABLE 7-1. Some Optical Filters in the IR Low-Pass Filter w/37% cutoff at 1.2 ym-20 mm of water. 1.0 ym-0.5 mm of water. 2.2 ym-1 mm of Dupont Lucite. ii.DD ym-lO mm of common glass. High-Pass Filter tl M " " II II " 1 . 2 ym-2 mm of silicon. II 1.8 ym-2 mm of germanium, Positioning the fibers at the launching end is very critical Tne alignment was chosen to equalize the signals detected from each source with the other disconnected. To pigtail the devices, the ends of inexpensive LEDs were first clipped off with diagonal pliers. With the driver connected, a miniature drill (such as that available with a Dremel tool) was used to drill a well over the emitting area of the LED. A short (6 cm) piece of multimode glass fiber was temporarily affixed into the well with a drop of clear instant glue. Silicone sealant was added around the joint for strength. It is further necessary to protect the input coupler from gross vibrations and air currents which introduce noise in the system due to relative motion of the fibers in the coupler. At the same time, the detector should be shielded from stray-light 89 sources, both visible and infrared. If narrow-band interference filters are used, the signal may be too weak to detect. PIN photodiodes are extremely amenable to use in op-amp circuits (see Appendix VII). If no more amplification can be provided, and no avalanche photodiode is available, the input coupling will have to be improved. Sample Questions 1. What other ways can be used to introduce the two signals into the fiber [3]? 2. What is the primary, fundamental advantage fiber optic systems have over all other communications systems? 3. Why would you expect laser diodes to be more appropriate sources for a system where many signals are to be multiplexed? 4. For multiplexed signals in a fiber, which would be the more reliable way to transmit information, time-division multiplexing or wavelength-division multiplexing? 5. You have seen that signals transmitted via optical fibers represent AM modulation of an optical-frequency carrier. How does the detector remove the signal from the carrier? Has any mixing taken place in the detector? What type of detection scheme is provided by an optical radiation detector? 6. In what ways does the real fiber optic communication system depart from the ideal assumptions of the section on Theory? 90 References [l] Midwinter, J. E.. Optical Fibers for Transmission, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1979, p. 1. [2] Sakai,S., T. Aoki, and M. Umeno, as reported in "Dual-Wavelength Laser Needs No Multiplexer," Fiberoptic Technology, March 1982, p. 117. [3] Tomlinson, W.J., "Wavelength multiplexing in multimode optical fibers," Applied Optics, Vol 16, No. 8, August 1977, pp. 21802194. [4] Lathi, B.P., Signals, Systems, and Communication, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1965, Chapter 11. [5] Eastman Kodak Co., "Kodak Filters for Scientific and Technical Uses," Kodak Publication Bo. B-3, Eastman Kodak Co., New York, June 1973. [6] DePalma, James, editor, "Filters," SPSE Handbook of Photo- graphic Science and Engineering. John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1973, Section 4. 91 ,Fi(a)) 0) 0) m m 0) 0 m (D m F ((D) mux ^ (JL) n Figure 7-1. Frequencyplexing. or wavelength-division multi- F{A+f(t)}cos(x)^t = F{g(t)} 0) 03 a) F{g(t)-p(t)} Figure 7-2. a) Spectrum of band-limited signal (modulated cosine); b) Spectrum of modulated signal multiplied by square-pulse train of frequency 03 . 92 Figure 7-3. An envelope detector. Analog Input LED Driver Circuit Fiber Digital Input LED Driver Circuit Figure 7-4. Equipment setup i Fiber Blocking Pigtails Filter Bell and Howell 509-50 Photo diode and Op Amp 93 Voltage Signal > In Figure 7-5. LED driver circuit for both analog and digital inputs. Figure 7-6. Crude wavelength-division multiplexer 94 t i .. ir ' M i l I I N M 'M' 1 ., ', ViV< I, a) b) Figure 7-7. Alternative WDM schemes: a) beamsplitter, b) wavelength-selective mirror. Figure 7-8. Multiplexed output. [Red: l^mV lOmV , 120 Hz square wave] P-P , 10 Hz sinusoid; IR: 95 Figure 7-9. Demultiplexed IR signal. [lO mV ,, 120 Hz, square wave] ^"^^ 0.1 —I c 1 4J s c 10 — OJ U H 100 —» 20 0 30 0 '•00 500 600 700 800 900 Wavelength (nm) Figure 7-10. Transmission characteristics of Kodak Wratten filter No. 47A. CHAPTER VIII OPTICAL LINK DESIGN Project Assignment Design, construct, and test a communications link for transmission of an IF analog signal through an optical fiber at least 2 meters in length. The IF signal may be taken directly from the out- put of the IF amplifier in an AM radio. Justify your choice of source and detector in your design. As an exercise, design a 2-km 20 Mb/s NRZ digital fiber optic link with one permanent splice. The fiber specified is graded-index, _q with a loss of 4 dB/km. The bit error rate should be less than 10 . Objectives of the Experiment 1. To acquaint students with the practical nature of the use of fiber optics in communications. 2. To acquaint students with the use of both an opticalpower budget and a rise-time budget. Equipment Needed 1. Source of information-carrying IF signal. 2. Optical source. 3. Optical detector. 4. 2-meters of optical fiber. 5. Appropriate transmit and receive electronics. 6. Loudspeaker. 7. Oscilloscope. 96 97 Theory Introduction The preceding chapters have dealt with the various properties of optical fibers, sources, and detectors, but presently, the most important, application of fiber optics lies in the transmission of information. To construct a transmission link, it will be necessary to draw from the results of the prior experiments. Optical links can be configured to accept information in either digital or analog form. While there is still some debate as to the proper format to be used for optimal transmission, it is generally agreed that simpler analog modulation is appropriate for shorter links while digital schemes should be used for longer distances [l]. In an analog scheme, the transmitter modulates the intensity of a light source, usually by controlling the source drive current. In the digital scheme, the source intensity is pulsed to transmit binary bits of information. Both formats have common design approaches up to a point although signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is more appropriately associated with analog systems and bit-error rate (BER) with digital systems. Typically, a design engineer will be asked to design a communication channel for which he is given: a) the characteristics of the signal to be transmitted, b) the channel length, and c) the allowable signal degradation in passing through the channel. The design pro- cedure then becomes one of choosing the optimum source-link-detector combination. The choice must include cost, and fortunately the prices of fiber-optic components continue to drop as the production 98 volume increases. Basic Concepts Much of the following Information is taken from Technical Note R-1 from ITT [2]. Other component manufacturers also provide such literature. [3], [4], and are eager to provide design aids to prospective users of their products, and to familiarize students with fiber-optic systems. A basic transmission system using a current-modulated light source is shown in Figure 8-1, and Table 8-1 shows the power and loss relationships for each point in the line. Each functional block in the diagram is specified by a loss transfer function, L, where L = 10 log (P^^^/P^^) dB ( 8-1) (as in Chapters III and IV). The combined transfer function for several stages in sequence will be the sum of the losses of each of the stages. All powers are expressed in dBm (dB with respect to one milliwatt). With the understanding that each system component will have some non-negligible optical insertion loss and a finite bandwidth, analyses must be done to account for both the optical power loss in the system and the bandwidth restriction. The designer, working with a finite optical power at the input, must "throw some away" for each stage of the design. Similarly, the "slowest" elements in the system will ulti- mately control the system's final bandwidth. Optical-power budgeting and system rise-time budgeting are simple bookkeeping techniques to 99 account for the power losses and bandwidth restrictions. TABLE 8-1. Power and Loss Relationships (Two sections of fiber only) Parameter Equation Power from light source P s P =P - L 0 s 0 P, = P - (L« + L ) Power coupled into fiber Power after first fiber section I s 0 1 P« = P - (L« + L, + L^) Power after first joint Power after second fiber section Power c o u p l e d i n t o d e t e c t o r ^ 3 0 1 2 P, = P - (L« + L, + L^ + L ) J s 0 1 2 3 P, = P - (L^ + L, + L^ + L^ + L , ) if s U 1 Z 3 4 To determine the performance of an optical fiber system, four main areas must be considered: source power characteristics, optical power coupling losses, intrinsic fiber losses, and losses due to receiver sensitivity. The source power characteristics (Chapter VI) include total output power, wavelength of peak power, physical size of the emitting surface and output port, and output radiation profile. The intrinsic fiber loss (Chapter IV) is the loss in dB/km times the length of the link at the particular wavelength of transmission. The receiver also contributes to the loss due to the "quantum efficiency" of the detector. In addition to these losses, there are the losses due to source-fiber coupling and fiber-detector coupling as well as splice losses. For purposes of bandwidth evaluation, the overall bandwidth limitation is conveniently analyzed in terms of rise and fall times 100 of the i n d i v i d u a l components. For an analog system, the o v e r a l l r i s e time of t h e r e c e i v e r must be l e s s than the s p e c i f i e d r i s e time of the t r a n s m i s s i o n system. i n t o two formats: D i g i t a l communication systems a r e divided r e t u m - t o - z e r o (RZ) and n o n - r e t u m - t o - z e r o (NRZ). In the former, t h e r e i s a r e t u r n to the zero s t a t e (no l i g h t p r e s e n t ) between two s u c c e s s i v e high s t a t e s ( l i g h t p r e s e n t ) . In the l a t t e r format, t h i s t r a n s i t i o n back to zero i s not r e q u i r e d . i s shown i n Figure 8-2. A comparison The r i s e time for d i g i t a l systems should be l e s s than a b i t i n t e r v a l for NRZ data where a b i t i n t e r v a l i s defined to be the r e c i p r o c a l of the b i t r a t e . A r u l e of thumb allowing for the f i n i t e r i s e time of the a m p l i f i e r s i n the r e c e i v e r permits the r i s e time of the system up to and including the d e t e c t o r to be no more than 70% of a b i t i n t e r v a l for NRZ data or 35% of a b i t i n t e r v a l for RZ d a t a . Spreading places of the o p t i c a l a severe r e s t r i c t i o n pulses in the fiber on t h e maximum also bandwidth. For example, c o n s i d e r two p u l s e s of width At in time sent AT a p a r t . If the spreading caused by d i s p e r s i o n causes the p u l s e s to spread to a width AT/2 in time, they w i l l be i n d i s t i n g u i s h a b l e a t the r e c e i v e r . Sources The first considerations are the characteristics of the source which include - total output power, wavelength of peak power, physical size of the emitting area and output port, and output intensity profile. A comparison between LEDs and laser diodes has been done in Chapter VI. LEDs and lasers are available with peak-emission wavelengths in 101 the near-infrared in the regions of low intrinsic fiber loss. Lasers can produce about 10 dB more optical power than LEDs, and due to the narrower angular radiation pattern, are capable of injecting about 10 dB more power into an optical fiber than do LEDs. However, lasers are also more expensive, more temperature-sensitive, and less reliable (due to the generally higher lasing currents), LEDs are still more attractive for shorter links where sophistication is not required. Both devices require drivers which are capable of supplying the required drive current to the low dynamic impedance of the device at the rate of modulation. In addition, the laser diode driver may be" required to provide a dc bias current just below the lasing threshold of the laser diode to reduce the turn-on time. Fibers As an optical signal propagates along the fiber, its amplitude and bandwidth are reduced. Attenuation is expressed in dB/km while the bandwidth reduction, or dispersion, increases with length and is expressed in MHz-km. For pulsed signals, this results in time spread- ing or "smearing" of the pulses given in ns/km. Several types of fiber are manufactured for differing applications The least expensive is generally made of plastic, either totally or in the form of a plastic-clad silica core (PCS). Plastics usually have a higher attenuation and dispersion than other types. Of the glass types of fiber, there is a choice between a step-index (SI) core or graded-index (GI) core (see Chapter II). Both exhibit lowloss, but the refractive-index distribution of the GI core is tailored 102 to reduce modal dispersion. Coupling/Connecting/Splicing Whenever the optical signal propagates from one system component to another in the diagram of Figure 8-1, there are associated coupling losses. These include area mismatch loss, NA loss, fiber misalignment and separation loss, and Fresnel loss. Therefore these losses are shown as functional blocks as well. Although the double-crucible method for drawing fibers theoretically allows fibers of any length to be drawn, fibers are typically sold in lengths of 1 km. splices must be made. For runs greater than this length, Connectors are defined to be non-permanent junctions which can be taken apart repeatedly. Splices are defined to be permanent junctions of fibers which are held together by epoxy or a fusion weld. Losses result from the discontinuity at the junction; splice losses are typically lower than connector losses because discontinuity reflections are reduced by the bonding agent. Detectors Optical-power Budget Design of a fiber link typically starts at the detector. Of course, if the designer has any of the components already on-hand, the link may be designed around them. The curves of Figure 8-3 indicate the required optical power at the detector for a given SNR or BER for both PIN and APD detectors. The worksheet published by ITT in [2] is extremely useful for computing power throughput and is therefore reproduced here in Figure 8-4. 103 Using the worksheet, all known quantities are first entered. A fiber is selected based on considerations of attenuation and bandwidth. Once a fiber has been selected, a source/detector combination is chosen. The designer optimizes performance versus cost in the selection, using the LEDs and PIN diodes if practical, and laser diodes and APDs if necessary. The optical power margin; i.e., the difference between transmitted optical power and required optical power at the receiver, may then be computed. The power margin is the power the designer has available to "spend" on each functional block in the link. It is calculated by taking the optical power coupled into the fiber by the source and subtracting from that number all the succeeding losses in the system. After the analysis is completed, individual components may be changed as practicable to improve the margin. For the case of a simple butt joint of LED source to a fiber, a nomograph is available for estimating the amount of optical power coupled into the fiber [6]. However, it is known that the insertion of a small lens between source and fiber significantly reduces the coupling loss to about 12 dB for LED-to-fiber and about 2 dB for ILD-to-fiber [7]. Pigtailed sources also reduce the loss, and manufacturers publish peak output power for these devices. For digital data with a 50% density of ON states, the average source output power is 3 dB less for NRZ format and 6 dB less for RZ format. For an analog system, the average output power is 3 dB less than the peak output power, and in addition the source should not be operated at peak current for lifetime considerations. This implies 104 a reduction in the output power as well. Connector loss is typically 0.1 to 1.0 dB per connector, and splice loss is typically 0.01 to 0.5 dB. Worst-case design indicates the largest value for loss should be used. Both losses vary with different fibers and specifications for joints are usually provided by the manufacturer. If they are not, a loss of 1 dB for connector and 0.3 dB per splice may be assumed. Fiber loss is given by multiplying the loss in dB/km at the operating wavelength by the length of the fiber. It is suggested that an extra 3 dB of loss be allowed for long-term degradation of source power output. 3 dB may also be necessary to allow for de- gradation due to temperature. Finally, fiber-to-detector loss is taken to be about 1 dB (typ.). Rise-time Budget A system design is not complete until a rise-time analysis has been performed to ensure that the system will have the necessary bandwidth. The overall bandwidth limitation is conveniently analyzed in terms of rise/fall times. In any cascade-connected system, the overall rise-time is approximately t 7 2 2 05 = 1.1 (t^ + t2 + . . .+ t^) ' (8-2) where t. is the rise time associated with the system element i. The rise-time analysis worksheet of Figure 8-5 is used to compute the bandwidth. Rise times for sources, detectors, and receivers are specified by the manufacturers. The bandwidth restriction placed on the system by pulse-spreading is accounted for by dividing the fiber bandwidth factor in MHz-km by the length in km. To obtain 105 the accompanying rise time, multiply the rise-time factor in ns/km by the length of the fiber in km. width The total system band- (-3 dB) for an analog system is approximately equal to 0.35 divided by the system rise time. Once again, if the result of the analysis proves to be unsatisfactory, individual components of the link may be replaced to upgrade the performance. Experimental Procedure and Results The experiment is performed in steps. The transmitter was the first section built and tested. The source for the IF signal was taken directly out of the IF amplifier in an inexpensive ($6.95) pocket AM radio. A review of AM radio circuits and a look at the schematic indicated the proper place to break the circuit for installing a fiber optic link between the output of the IF amplifier and the speaker. Referring to the transmitter portion of the system cir- cuitry of Figure 8-6, it is seen that an op-amp amplifies the voltage from the radio while providing a large input impedance to the radio to avoid loading. A voltage-follower boosts the current level of the signal in order to drive the LED. The second-stage also- provides a non-zero quiescent current to prevent the LED from rectifying the signal. The quiescent current is 350 mA, and the signal current is 50 mA p-p. For the LED used (XC-880A, peak IR wavelength of 880 nm), this current corresponds to an output flux of 1.88 mW peak and 1.75 mW average power. 106 As is often done, these are related to a 1 mW level as 2.73 and 2.43 dBm respectively. The average source coupled power will be smaller; for this application, the fiber was pigtailed to the LED after the end of the LED was sawed off and a locating hole drilled into the plastic capsule just above the emitting area. A drop of instant glue held the fiber temporarily while a coating of silicone sealant was applied around the butt joint to provide strain relief. fashion.) (The fiber was pigtailed to the detector in a similar For this type of interface, two losses are important: 1) area mismatch loss, and 2) NA loss. previously in Chapter VI. These have been discussed Here, total launching losses were esti- mated to be 6 dB which would result in -3.6 dBm being launched. The optical-power budget analysis is not necessary for such a short link, as will be seen. example. However, it is included as an From the curve of Figure 8-3b, it is seen that for a transmission bandwidth of 455 kHz (the IF carrier frequency), the average received optical power must be greater than -85 dBm for an SNR greater than unity. For a desired SNR of 30 dB, approxi- mately -55 dBm are required at the receiver. This represents an optical power margin of -3.6 - (-55) = 51.4 dBm. The fiber available for the experiment (Corning type 1504) was multi-mode graded-index with a loss factor of 10.3 dB/km and a bandwidth factor of 740 MHz-km. For the 2-meter demonstration link, the attenuation is seen to be negligible. 107 The detector (Centronics OSDl-1) was optimized for operation in the blue-UV region of the spectrum, and hence, no data were published on the responsivity at 880 nm. However, it has a quantum efficiency of 65% at 880 nm. The fiber-to-detector coupling loss was taken to be 1 dB; 3 dB are allowed for time degradation of the source and another 3 dB for temperature degradation of the total system. The excess optical power is then seen to be 51.4 - 1 - 3 - 3 = 44.4 dB for the system. 5 to 10 dB. In real systems, this would be on the order of Obviously, the link could be made much longer. The rise time analysis is not necessary in such a simple link. The rise time of the LED was unknown, but after installation in the transmitter circuit it was checked to see if the current waveform was a faithful reproduction of the information signal. The 740 MHz-km bandwidth factor for the fiber indicates the bandwidth will be even greater for a 2-meter length. The rise time of the detector is listed at 15 ns, more than fast enough for the 769 ns rise time required to detect a 455 kHz signal. To continue with the circuitry of Figure 8-6, LF353 op-amps were chosen for the relatively high (4 MHz) gain-bandwidth product they exhibit and for the fact that they have FET-inputs. It was known that the receiver would require quite a lot of gain, and it was desirable to achieve this without affecting the bandwidth seriously. In the receiver portion of the circuit, the PIN photo- 108 diode operates into a transimpedance amplifier front-end which is followed by another op-amp stage. To increase the power level of the detected signal, a common-emitter amplifier is used as the third stage. The fourth stage common-emitter amplifier provides voltage gain and operated as a rectifier detector as well. Because the operating point is located at cutoff, only the positive-going parts of the information are amplified at the output. A low-pass filter picks the audio information out of the output and this is fed into the LM386 audio amplifier chip to drive the speaker. The photograph of Figure 8-7 shows the amplitude-modulated IF carrier transmitted as well as the audio signal detected and driving the speaker. The voice represented is that of news commentator Paul Harvey. Special Problems Before a fiber is ever pigtailed into the system, the system should be checked with just the source and detector forming the optical link. Care must be exercised that the receiver circuitry is not satur- ated by the relatively larger optical signal received from the source with the fiber absent. One way to do this is to position the source a distance away which avoids saturation; in this case, a ball-point pen tube was cut off to the proper length and the source and detector fitted into the ends. This allowed adjusting the circuit variables without the need for constantly checking alignment. The solution of biasing the fourth stage of the receiver circuit at cutoff was happened upon quite by accident. common method of audio detection in AM radios. Research shows this is a 109 Sample Questions 1. If, instead of an AM signal, you were asked to design a link to transmit a television signal, how would your design be affected? 2. In your opinion, which components represent the highest cost in the installation of a fiber-based system? Of the components you have to assemble to build a system, which would you design around? Why? 3. What are amplitude-shift keying and phase-shift keying and of what importance are they? References [l] Wolf, H. F., "System Aspects," in Handbook of Fiber Optics, H. F. Wolf, Editor, Garland.STPM Press, New York, 1979, pp. 380-381. [2] ITT, "Optical Fiber Communications Link Design," Technical Note R-1, 8/78. [3] Hewlett-Packard,"Flux Budget Considerations for Fiber Optic Link Design," Application Bulletin 57, in Optoelectronics Designer's Catalog, Hewlett Packard, 1981. [4] Belden Corporation Fiber Optic Group, "Use of Decibel Units in Fiber Optic Systems," Fiber Optical Technical Bulletin A/GI, not dated. [5] Swindell, W., "Circuits for Detectors of Visible Radiation," in Applied Optics and Optical Engineering, vol. VIII, R. R. 110 Shannon and J. C. Wyant, editors. Academic Press, New York, 1980, p. 323. [6] Storozum, S. L., "Estimating the power coupled into an optical fiber," Electronics, May 22, 1980, pp. 154-155. [7] Wolf, H. F., op. cit., p. 392. Ill C •rt U (U 1 ^ ^^ OJ ^4 ? 0 ca . a. -u 2 3 a il 3 O p^- c 1 - ^ i) • •H •« <u • (U ^- E > CO c ev I u &c U Qi Q > II cs 3 &. a u u c c •H E (U •u CO 3 -H O U U <J u C«O W(U (U •H • .a •H E u b CO CO >% 0 M I < U II c .—. Line >•/ _ o u CO CO •H CU CO £ u <u c CO M 04 $-1 1 ii U U •^ 0 Cfl 01 u •H I-: §•= 0) 0 0 43 c •H •H CS4 I—1 0. I CO I ^ •H 4J 03 o. a OS u + c s . ^ i * 1 00 o 0) — ( a a u •r^ U 3 0 CO 4J C C I o. CO •rt !- CO 3 C CI. AJ SO 0) V3 c 00 II c u u I 04 c CO ^-^ S-i eOJ —t 3 a 04 a u 3 I •H e .c Cs^ -a c •H CO CO 0 ,J II C "H O w •H a CO 3J a; CO en C/3 CU > •H • •^ II 3 O 0^ HJ u a CO CO 03 I U .H &u c en o. o ; j &o H O C OJ (u 1 o. o 3 H 0 u •H •UI 3 O I 3 H PQ «N o o CO >u OJ •H C/3 OJ ^ -rt . a -H iH •H fe CL c 0 4J c hJ 112 II ^ II >,"1 CO C 01 iin" Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 111 II I111I "0" I111I ^ t Data a) A I11 II •u •H CO c OJ iinii Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Hill tij^M "O" " 1 " ^-^ t Data b) Figure 8-2. Alternative formats for digital data a) non-return-to-zero (NRZ); b) return-to-zero (RZ). 113 0- CO CJ -25- -10- -30- -20- CO u - 3 5' •H u o APD OJ > •H OJ CJ OJ OS 13 Y -50' u OJ OJ T3 -50- 0) S-i U OJ -60- 10 dB 0 dB ^ <u 5 OS o - 7 0' OJ 00 -80- u CO > < -a aa CO 00 (U -t+0- Oi <u >.l s > 30 dB 20 dB -30- a o ^ -!+0. SNR 40 dB > < -7 0 BER = 10 -7 5 -90- OJ -6 5 I II 1 I I I I 10 I I I I 100 -100- -8 -110- I I I 1000 -120' B i t R a t e (Mb./s) a) .01 .1 1 Bandwidth b) 10 100 (MHz) 2 0-1 10CO a SNR 70 dB 60 dB 50 dB 40 dB 30 dB 0-10- c. o ^ -3 ffl E OJ T3 •H OJ U U OJ OJ 3 - 2 0- 3 0- 0 dB -i+O- a: o - 5 0OJ 00 CO u OJ > - 6 0- 7 0- <: -80-90- I .01 — r .1 1 1 1 10 1 100 Bandwidth (Mhz) c) Figure 8-3. Required optical power, a) vs. bit rate for digital svstem, b) vs. bandwidth for analog system with APD, and c) vs bandwidth for analog system with PIN detector. 114 Required bandwidth or bit rate: Required distance: Required SNR or BER: Fiber type: Total fiber bandwidth @ Source type: Detector type: MHz-km: MHz Average source coupled power,-P,; dBm Receiver sensitivity, PR : dBm Total Margin, Total fiber loss @ No. connectors: No. splices: Figure (PR-PS) dB dB/km: dB Total connector loss @ dB/conn: dB Total splice loss@ dB/spiice: dB Detector coupler loss: dB Allowance for temperature degradation: dB Allowance for time degradation: dB Total Attenuation: dB Excess power (total margin-total attenuation): dB 8-4. Optical power throughput worksheet. From [2]. 115 Required system rise time: Required fiber length, type: RISE TIME Source type: RISE TIME SQUARED ns Total fiber rise time due to multimode dispersron @ ns/km: Total fiber rise time due to material dispersion @ ns/km: ns ns (Typically 5.5 ns/km for LEDs, negligible for lasers.) Detector type: ns Receiver (if analog): ns SUM OF SQUARES: System rise time, (1.1) (Square root of sum): ns Analog system -3dB electrical bandwidth, (.35 -;- system rise time): Figure 8-5. Rise-time analysis worksheet. From [2]. 116 E o OJ •u CsJ 00 c •H $-1 pA/\A-\ ^f^\N^ o o 0) c u o u E 3. I .MAAr^£^r-D>HMrH 11 l a o in CM CM c ; 4-1 &c V4 o -^ C3 o; ^J Ui 3 O c -H U O U -H C o o 4J CO -H CO OJ OS 2 en Hl- Mvy^ CM CO ^ \ ; ^ ^F o • a. OJ x: O u CO E OJ u CO rMAr-U^HW- c o u CJ OJ I 00 OJ 2 00 o o 117 Figure 8-7. Transmitted IF signal and detected audio signal. Upper trace - IF signal; lower trace - audio output. CHAPTER IX FIBER PARAMETERS BY SCATTERING MEASUREMENTS Project Assignment You are to measure two important optical fiber parameters for an unclad optical fiber, namely, index of refraction and fiber diameter, utilizing the back-scatter measurement technique. Compare the pattern you obtain with that obtained for a clad step-index fiber or a clad graded-index fiber. Photograph the interference patterns you see. Be prepared to discuss the forward-scatter tech- nique used on clad step-index fibers. Objectives of the Experiment 1. To acquaint the student with current nondestructive methods for measuring certain fiber parameters. 2. To give practical experience with the easier of the two, the back-scatter method. Equipment Needed 1. Short pieces of unclad step-index optical fiber and clad step-index or clad graded-index fiber. 2. Helium-neon laser. 3. Opaque viewing screen. 4. Camera and film. 5. Ruler. 6. Polarizer with known direction of polarization. 118 119 Theory Introduction The refractive indices of the cladding and core and the diameter of the core are three fundamental parameters which can specify the transmission characteristics of an optical fiber. Unless they are rigidly controlled, excessive signal degradation and loss in the fiber may result. Therefore, manufacturers have been interested in nondestructive ways to monitor fibers for variations in the desired values. Several mechanical methods have been proposed [l], but most suffer from a lack of sensitivity. However, two optical methods have been proposed which may have inherently better sensitivities due to the interference phenomenon. The back-scatter method [2] observes the way coherent laser light is scattered from a side-illuminated fiber back toward the source and provides information about fiber diameter and index. In its simplest form, it is useful only for unclad fibers of uniform refractive index. A more complex scattering theory has been devel- oped which is capable of predicting the back-scatter pattern from clad fibers of arbitrary refractive-index profile [3]. The forward-scatter technique [4] is useful for clad step-index fibers. It can be used for measuring the core/cladding diameter ratio, and the indices of'both the cladding and the core although it suffers from the necessity that one of the three quantities must be known. This method has also been suggested for determining the refractive index profile for a fiber of arbitrary profile [5]. The importance of both of these methods lies in the fact that 120 they are noncontact and nondestructive as well as reasonably precise. The information provided by these methods may be utilized in a feedback control operation to maintain quality during the fiber-drawing process. It is also used to test the quality of preforms before they are drawn into fibers. Watkins [6] reported the development of an instrument to determine the core diameter and outer diameter of an optical fiber using the forward-scatter technique. Basic Concepts Back-Scatter Measurements For the discussion to follow, it is assumed that light from a cw laser of wavelength X is incident on an unclad fiber in a direction perpendicular to the fiber axis. lel to the fiber axis. reflected back. The light is polarized paral- Some of the light will be transmitted, some Of these components of the light, some will have passed through the fiber and some will simply have been reflected from the surface of the fiber. The derivation for determining the fiber index and diameter from a back-scatter pattern is due to Presby [2]. In back-scatter measurements, we are interested in the scattering pattern resulting from radiation scattered back toward the source. As in Figure 9-1, light from a collimated cw laser source passes through an aperture in an opaque viewing screen and impinges on a fiber a distance h from the screen. The back-scattered light falls on the screen and is observed visually or photographically. The resulting scattering pattern formed has several interesting features. First, it is seen that most of the radiation is localized in a region nearest the center of the pattern with obvious transitions 121 to a lower-level continuum further from the center. The bright central region is usually called region A and the outer region, region B. Second, there is a modulation of intensity along the pattern. Sharp fringes whose spacing AL decreases with distance L from the center of the pattern into region A are observed. Finally, it is noticed that the pattern may change noticeably with rotation of the fiber about its axis. The distance from the center of region A to the boundary between regions A and B is L . This defines the angular extent of region A: $ = arctan (L /h) , m m (9-1) typically, ±20** from the incident direction. From the measurement of L , h, AL, and L it is desired to m determine the index of refraction and the diameter of the fiber. This may be done with a geometrical-optics analysis. To do this, consider the geometry and nomenclature of Figure 9-2. Collimated light from a coherent source strikes the fiber from the left. ray gives rise to both a reflected ray and a refracted ray. Each At the boundary between two isotropic media, the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection for a reflected ray and the angle of the refracted ray obeys Snell's law, n sin e o o = n^sin 9^ , I (9-2) I where all angles are referred to the normal at the interface. Use of these two relations allows each ray to be traced through the fiber. The same approach is applicable to fibers of any cross- 122 section, whether clad or unclad, but the results are not as easy to interpret. Emerging rays contribute to the scattered light and the interference of these waves results in the fringe pattern of region A. Refractive Index Determination Consider a set of rays incident on the fiber on the upper halfsection, as shown in Figure 9-3. The set incident on the lower half is identical and is omitted for clarity. A few of the reflected rays are shown as a reminder that they also are a part of the scattered light. Observe that as the point of incidence moves in a clockwise direction around the top left quadrant of the section, the angle of incidence is monotonically increasing. The angle deviation 9 of the back-scattered ray from its incident direction at first decreases, reaches a minimum, and then increases. Referring back to Figure 9-2, consider a general ray whose angle of incidence is 9^. The angle of refraction, by Snell's law, is 9^. Therefore, the ray is advanced through an angle Q - Q. upon entering the fiber. Reflection off of the back surface of the fiber advances the ray through an additional angle of TT - 29,;, and upon emergence from the fiber, a final increment of 9 - 9- is added. o t The total angular deviation of the ray for the trip through the fiber is therefore 9 = IT -I- 29^ - 49^ . (9-3) To find the incident point at which minimum angular deviation occurs, set d9/d9 = 0, keeping in mind that 9^ is also a function of 9 , as Equation (9-2) implies. With n = 1 (for air) and n^ equal to the index of refraction of the fiber, the angle 9 . which satis° min 123 fies the minimum deviation criterion is ®min ' ^ = ^^^^°s [(^f^ - l)/3]°*^ (9-4) It is more convenient to continue the discussion in terms of $ where $ = TT - 9. Then $ ^ ^ = $^ = ^ _ Q^. A plot of $ (and 9) versus the angle of incidence 9 ^ Figure 9-4, shows a sharp cutoff for $ . m From Equation (9-4) it is obvious that 9 and $ are independent of the fiber diameter. Using Equations (9-1) and (9-4), $^ = 4 arcsin[Q/n^] - 2 arcsin[Q] (9-5) where the dummy variable Q = 2 [0.333 - (n^^)/12]°-^ . For given values of $ , n^ can be easily found by iterative techniques and a programmable calculator. Diameter Determination The spatial coherence of the illumination has not entered the discussion so far, but will now be seen to be fundamental to the determination of the fiber diameter. Again, following [2], consider two parallel rays AC and HI coming from the same source and incident upon the fiber at angles 9 and 9 ' as in Figure 9-5. Ray AC emerges at point E after refraction at the front surface and reflection at the rear surface. The portions of the ray which are externally re- flected at point C and internally reflected at point E are ignored. Ray HI is reflected at I on the front surface at an angle 9^', and again, the part of the ray entering the fiber at that point is ignored. If 124 9 ' = $/2 = o (TT - 9)/2 = 2 9 . - 9 , t o (9-6) the two rays will interfere. The interference pattern from many such groups of rays gives rise to the backscatter pattern of region A. The path difference between the two rays ACDEG and HIJ is BC -ICD -I- DE -H FE = 2(BC -H CD) . The optical paths are BC = r[cos (29- - 9 ) - cos 9 ] , r o o (9-7) and CD = 2(nj)r cos 9^ . (9-8) Therefore, the optical path difference S is S = 4 n^ r cos(9^)-4 n^ sin(9^)sin(9^ - 9^) . (9-9) Using Equation (9-1) to eliminate 9^ yields S = 4r[(l-R/n^^)°*^ *(n^+R/np-Rcos9^/n^^] (9-10) where the dummy variable 2 R = [sin 9^] Using Taylor series expansions for sin 9^ and cos 9^ in Equation (9-10), 2 and neglecting terms of order greater than 9^ gives S = 4r [n^ - $^/(16 (l-n^/2) )] in terms o f $. , The corresponding phase shift is therefore (9-11) 125 <J) = 27rS/X = [8Trr/x][n^ - $^/(16 (l-n^/2) )] . (9-12) The distance between any two successive maxima or minima in the pattern of region A can be found by setting the phase difference between those two points equal to In. That is. "^1 " *2 ^ 27r = [8iTr/X][*^^ -*2^]/[l6 (l-n^/2) ] , (9-13) and ^^ = [$2 +(4X/r)(l-n^/2)]°-^ (9-14) The approximate expression obtained in terms of the measured parameters h, AL, and L, and utilizing Equation (9-1) and the fact that, for small angles, tan(x) approximately equals x is r =« [2(X)h^ /L(AL)](l-n^/2) , (9-15) where L is measured from the center of region A to the center of AL. Therefore, the radius of the fiber (and thus the diameter) is obtained from a measurement of h, L, AL, and the computation of n-. An alternative interpretation of the features of the backscatter pattern is presented in [7J. Forward-scatter Measurements The following discussion and derivation is due to Watkins [4]. Consider a step-index fiber of radius b with a core of radius a and refractive index n^, and with a cladding of index n^. Again, a 126 geometrical-optics approach for obtaining fiber parameters from the forward-scattered light will be attempted because it is easier. However, it should be pointed out that a wave solution does exist [8]. Figure 9-6 is a diagram of the fiber cross-section showing two rays leaving the fiber at a scattering angle of 9 in the forward direction. One ray is refracted through the fiber; the other is reflected from the fiber surface. Far forward of the fiber, the rays will interfere. The optical path length of the re- fracted ray in the core is given by P^ = 2(n^)a cos6 (9-16) and that of the ray in the cladding by P = 2(n2)[ b cos3 - a xosy ] . (9-17) The total path length of the refracted ray is P = P^ -H P2 - X/4 , (9-18) where a correction has been added because the geometrical-optics approach fails to predict the correct outcome when rays converge to a focus. The optical path length of the reflected ray is given by U = 2[b cosa - b sin 9/2 ] + X/2 , (9-19) where X/2 accountr. for a phase shift of TT upon reflection. The optical path difference between the two rays will be S = P - U , (9-20) 127 and this can be used to predict maxima and minima in the scattering pattern. There is a range of angles where two refracted rays can traverse the fiber and leave at the same scattering angle. One of the rays will go through the core and cladding (core ray) and the other through the cladding only (cladding ray). The range of angles, 9 to 9 . c u for which this is possible lies between 9^ = 2[arcsin(a(n^)/b) - arcsin(a/b)] (9-21) and 9 =9 -H TT - 2[arcsin(n2/n )] This range is shown in Figure 9-7. . (9-22) These two rays also interfere in the far field and cause the modulation of the fringe pattern between 9 and 9 . c u Figure 9-8 shows an experimentally measured intensity pattern versus scattering angle (Figure 9-8a) to be compared with the fringe position predicted by path difference analysis between refracted and reflected rays using geometric ray tracing (Figure 9-8b) and the fringe modulation calculated from interference between core and cladding rays (Figure 9-8c). The important results are as follows.' For fibers of relatively small core diameter, the total diameter may be found independently of core parameters, by measuring the fringe pattern at a scattering angle greater than 9 . The ratio of core diameter to fiber diameter must be less than 0.6 for 9 to exist. c This makes possible the separation 128 of fiber diameter from the core diameter, based on measurement of the fringe-minima positions at large scattering angles. The core diameter is determined by measuring the positions and periods of modulation of the interference pattern between 9 and 9 . c u However, from Equations (9-21) and (9-22), there are seen to be three unknowns in the case of a general step-index fiber: core-dia- meter/fiber-diameter ratio, and the refractive indices of the cladding and core. If any one of the three is known from some other measure- ment, the other two may be determined. Experimental Procedure and Results The configuration of Figure 9-1 is utilized for the unclad fiber measurement using back-scattered light with the exception that the fiber is horizontal. laser. The source'is a 5-mW helium-neon The beam passes through an aperture in an opaque viewing screen which is simply a blank computer card. the fiber a distance approximately 79 mm away. From there, it strikes With the fiber in the horizontal position, the scattering pattern will be in the vertical direction. This is advantageous from a photographic aspect because the camera may be placed at any angular position in the plane containing both the fiber and source and depth-of-field considerations may be ignored. The entire pattern will be the same distance from the lens so there will be no focusing or fore-shortening problems. Use of a camera requires a macro or close-focusing lens. In addition, forward-scattered light must be blocked from entering the camera. When the intensity pattern is recorded directly on instant- type film placed at the position of the computer card, these two 129 cpncems disappear. However, it is then necessary to tilt the fiber slightly to move the scattering pattern to the side of the source beam so that an aperture need not be cut in the film. This has the disadvantage that the pattern seen is slightly distorted. No unclad fiber was readily available, but the glass step-index core of a plastic clad step-index fiber was used after the plastic cladding was carefully stripped away. The stripping may be accom- plished with a solvent or a pair of automatic wire strippers. back-scatter pattern of Figure 9-9 resulted. The Because the pattern was recorded on a 35-mm negative, it could be placed in an enlarger to make the measurement of the relative spacings much easier. L was measured at the time the photograph was recorded and was m later used to scale the enlarged measurements. For the configuration depicted, L and AL = 2.52mm. = 45mm, h = 79mm, L = 11.25mm Therefore, <l> =29.7°, and n^ is calculated from m I Equation (9-5) to be 1.43; d is calculated from Equation (9-15) to be 158 microns. By way of comparison. Figure 9-10 is the back-scatter pattern of a Corning type SDF CDC-clad graded-index fiber of known diameter 125 microns. The distance h and the magnification are the same as in Figure 9-9. cutoff L . m Note the lack both of fringes and of an identifiable Special Problems Most fibers deviate noticeably from their nominally circular cross-sections. Fiber ellipticity may obscure or distort the pattern, Oftentimes, simply moving the beam to another, more circular, section 130 of the fiber is enough to improve the pattern. To check the ellipti- city, rotate the fiber about its axis in the beam and watch for significant changes in the scattering pattern, particularly changes in L . A thorough discussion of characterization of optical fibers by m scattering is given by Marcuse [9]. For reasons given in [2], the laser light must be polarized in a direction parallel to the fiber axis. This is most easily done with a piece of polarizing material in which the direction of polarization is known. When doing this, remember that it is easier for the eye to see a minimum of intensity rather than a maximum of intensity. Place the polarization of the polarizing sheet perpendicular to the fiber axis and rotate the laser until a minimum is reached. Stretching the fiber did most to improve the pattern. It was noticed that taping the fiber to a standard lens holder was not sufficient to keep the fiber taut. in this way was not stable. The scattering pattern obtained Tne construction of a jig for stretching the fiber is detailed in Appendix IV. Sample Questions 1. In what ways do you expect ellipticity of the unclad fiber to affect the scattering pattern? 2. Is it possible to use back-scatter measurements to obtain information about the diameter of an unclad graded-index fiber where the radial refractive-index distribution is known? 3. Draw three back-scatter rays through the fiber, one at minimum angular deviation, one in the region of in- 131 creasing deviation, and one in the region of decreasing deviation. 4. Write the expression for the angle of incidence of a ray as a function of its vertical distance above the centerline of the fiber, with reference to Figure 9-2. 5. Trace the path of a general back-scattered ray through the fiber for the case where the fiber is tilted to make the scattering pattern appear away from the source. (In this way, the light beam does not have to pass through the viewing screen.) How do you expect this to affect the scattering pattern? 6. What effect would expanding the laser beam to, say, 100 times the fiber diameter have on the appearance of the scattering pattern? 7. What effect will eccentricity of the fiber core have on the appearance of the forward-scatter pattern? References [l] Kapany, N.S., Fiber Optics, Academic Press, New York, 1967. [2] Presby, H.M., "Refractive index and diameter measurements of unclad optical fibers," Journal of the Optical Society of America (JOSA), vol. 64, 1974, pp. 280-284. [3] Marcuse, D.and H. M. Presby, "Light scattering from optical fibers with arbitrary refractive-index distribution," JOSA, vol. 65, 1975, pp. 367-375. [4] Watkins, L.S., "Scattering from side-illuminated clad glass fibers for determination of fiber parameters," JOSA, vol. 64, 132 1974, p. 767. [5] Okoshi, T.and K. Hotate, "Refractive index profile of an optical fiber: its measurement by the scattering pattern method," Applied Optics (AO), vol. 15, 1976, pp. 2756-2764. [6] Watkins, L.S., "Instrument for Continuously Monitoring Fiber Core and Outer^Diameters," Optical Fiber Transmission Technical Digest, January 1975, pp. TuA4-l & ff. [7] Lit, John W.Y., "Radius of uncladded optical fiber from back-scattered radiation pattern," JOSA, vol. 65, 1975, pp. 1311-1315. [8] Kerker, M. and E. Matijevic, "pattering of Electromagnetic Waves from Concentric Infinite Cylinders," JOSA, vol 51, 1961, p. 506. [9] Marcuse, D., "Light Scattering from Elliptical Fibers," AO, vol. 13, 1974, pp. 1903-1905. 133 Viewing Screen Jt~ Incident Unclad Optical Fiber Camera Backscattered Radiation Figure 9-1. Setup to observe backscattered light, Reflected Ray Refracted Ray Incident Ray n = 1 o Internally Reflected Ray Emergent Ray Figure 9-2. Incident, reflected, refracted, and emergent ray paths. 134 Figure 9-3. Rays incident upon fiber, traced for a single internal reflection. — i l 56 zn ^ o 20 -160 16 - le** 1 2 - -4168 8 — -17 2 U - rsO 9' - 176 1 80 Figure 9-4. Plot of $ and 9 versus 9^ for a fiber of n = 1.5. 135 Figure 9-5. Ray considerations to determine fiber diamet er, Refracted Ray Reflected Ray Figure 9-6. Cross section of fiber, showing paths of refracted and reflected rays that leave the fiber at the same scattering angle 9. 136 Figure 9-7. U u < Cross section of fiber, showing refracted ray at the angle of incidence that just grazes the core. Bounds for angles 9 and 9 are shown. Dashed ray is cladding ray which leaves at the same scattering angle as the core ray. U ' \ -\/\/\/\/v\AM;r 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 in.n Scattering Angle 9, degrees (c) 25.0 Figure 9-8. Composite graph of experimental and theoretical scattering patterns, a) experimental results, b) fringe position calculated from geometric ray-tracing and c) calculated fringe modulation. From [4]. 137 Figure 9-9. Backscatter pattern of unclad step-index fiber. Figure 9-10 Backscatter pattern of clad graded-index fiber. CHAPTER X AN OPTICAL FIBER ACOUSTIC SENSOR Project Assignment You are to design and construct a homodyne interferometer system incorporating optical fibers to detect an acoustic pressure wave, The source of the acoustic wave may be taken from either a piezoelectric element or a speaker. Determine the useful frequency range which your fiber sensor can detect. Objectives of the Experiment 1. To acquaint the student with the use of an optical fiber as a sensor. 2. To illustrate the utility of interferometric techniques for performing measurements. Equipment Needed 1. Two 2-meter lengths of glass optical fiber. 2. Piezo-electric transducer or a 0.5 W, 2 in. diameter speaker. (If the transducer is used, a dummy mandrel of the same shape will also be needed.) 3. Oscilloscope. 4. Micropositioners (3 needed). 5. 5 mW laser. 6. Microscope objective. 7. Beamsplitter. 8. Photomultiplier tube (PMT) and bias supply. 138 139 9. Pinhole. 10. Fiber cleaver (Appendix II). 11. Prism tables (2 needed). 12. Audio oscillator. Theory Introduction An optical fiber which is exposed to pressure variations, such as from an incident acoustic wave, undergoes geometrical deformations and changes in refractive index. These changes result in phase modulation of the light being transmitted by the optical fiber. Detection of the phase changes, and thus the pressure variations, can be accomplished interferometrically as follows. A coherent light beam from a laser is made to pass through two similar fibers one of which is immersed in the acoustic field and the other of which is a control or reference path. The two output beams are combined collinearly and an interference pattern (fringe pattern) results. Now if the incident acoustic pressure field changes, the phase shift of the light in the detection path will change, and the interference pattern will change. By observing the changing interference pattern, one is able to obtain information about the incident acoustic wave. Theoretically, acoustic sensors with extremely high sensitivities are achievable with this interferometric technique [l]. Basic Concepts Changes of phase in an optical fiber are due to changes in 140 length (strain), changes in refractive index, and changes in diameter. All three perturbations change the effective optical path length in the detection arm of the fiber interferometer. The total phase change can be expressed as A(|,^ = 3AL + LA3 (10-1) where 3, the phase change per unit length of the fiber, is given by 3 = nk = (index of r e f r a c t i o n ) ( w a v e number) = n(2Tr/X) and L i s t h e a c o u s t o - o p t i c i n t e r a c t i o n l e n g t h [ l ] . A(|)^ = 0AL + L[(d3/dn) Then A n -f- (d3/dD) A D ] (10-2) where D is the diameter of the fiber core. The third term in Equation (10-2) is negligible while the first two have similar magnitudes but opposite signs. The effect due to the change in length (the first term) is the dominant effect, and thus a net phase modulation does result. Two types of configurations are possible for an interferometric fiber-optic acoustic sensor: homodyne or heterodyne. The homodyne sys- tem is the"simpler of the.two, but as might be expected, the heterodyne system is more sensitive and has greater iimnunity to noise [2]. The homodyne system is sketched in Figure 10-1. The light field output 141 from the reference fiber may be taken to be E^ exp(ja)t) (10-3) where o) is the frequency of the laser light. The light field output from the sensor fiber, however, will be phase-modulated by the pressure wave p(t) impinging from the interaction medium and therefore will be E where $ and E exp(j(a)t + $ + p(t)) (10-4) are constants. The output photocurrent from the photo- detector is proportional to the squared magnitude of the total incident light field, and thus will be I « K [ 3 - 2 [sin({.Jp(t)] , assuming narrow-band phase modulation. (10-5) The fringe pattern at the de- tector will be as shown in Figure 10-2a;^ pinhole placed in front of the detector has dimensions much less than the width of one fringe to ensure that the fringe edges will be detected. For the pinhole position shown, the operating point of Figure 10-2b results. Observe that a change in distance is equivalent to a change in phase. The homodyne system has disadvantages: operating-point instability, nonlinearity and limited dynamic range; it is, however, frequently discussed in the literature [3], [4]. The heterodyne system of Figure 10-3 offers improved performance. As the term heterodyne suggests, some frequency shifting is involved in this configuration. It is provided by the acousto-optic modulator in the reference branch of the interferometer. Because this shifting 142 is- introduced, however, more sophisticated detection techniques will be required. Now the field exiting the reference fiber is E Q exp(j(a)t + (D^t)) (10-6) while the field from the detection fiber is E^ exp[j(a)t -f <\>^ + p(t))] as before. (10-7) The output photocurrent is then I « K^ -I- K2 cos(aj t H- 4) + p(t)) ci K^ -f K2 cos[9(t)] . (10-8) This has the form of a wideband phase-modulated communications signal, so a standard wideband phase detector is used to obtain p(t). The photocurrent is first passed through an FM limiter/discriminator whose output is proportional to the derivative of 9(t), which is also proportional to the derivative of p(t). An integrator then returns a signal proportional to p(t). The advantages gained justify this procedure: the relative phase shift <J) is no longer a factor, the linearity and bandwidth restrictions now lie with the receiver system, and the la carrier allows the detector to be operated in a low-noise region. Experimental Procedure and Results The experiment was arranged as in Figure 10-1. Two types of devices were used as sources of the acoustic pressure wave. A cylin- 143 drical piezo-electric transducer was first used with 10 turns of Coming Type 1504 63-ym core graded-index fiber wound around it and spot glued. In order that the losses in each arm would be nearly equal, a dummy mandrel cut from 1/2" electrical conduit was also wrapped with 10 turns of the reference fiber. A two-meter length of fiber was used for each path. It was anticipated that the piezo- electric transducer used here, a ferroelectric ceramic shell used in sonar hydrophones, might not be readily obtainable. Thus the experiment was repeated with the detection fiber taped at both ends of a diameter of a 2" diameter, 0.5-watt audio speaker. Very similar results were obtained with each transducer, but the amplitude of the detected signal was lower for the speaker source than for the piezoelectric shell source, indicating a shorter interaction length. For the latter, a fiber length equal to (no. of turns) (TT) (diameter) = 10(TT) (0.75") = 23.55" (10-9) interacted with the acoustic signal, and for the former, a length of only 2" interacted. Also, the interaction modes were different. In the first case, the fiber was stretched by an expanding cylinder; in the second case, the fiber was stretched as a violin string might be stretched. In both instances, the acoustic source was mounted on a prism table away from the reference fiber and insulated from the table with rubber tape. Both sources were driven with a ^5V nal. sinusoidal sig- No gross crosstalk was observed. It was found that a beamsplitter was not necessary at the launch- 144 ing end because the diameter of the beam exiting the 5 mW He-Ne laser amply covered both fiber ends when the fibers were placed side-by-side However, the "beam-combiner" at the output ends of the fibers was necessary to obtain "nice" interference fringes. Fringes do result when the fibers are simply placed side-by-side, but for the pinhole used, the PMT had to be placed so far away for the proper fringe spacing that it was impossible to see the fringe movement due to intensity fall-off. Placing a beam-splitter at the output allowed the PMT to be placed a reasonable distance away from the fiber ends. Figure 10-4 shows the fringe pattern (with no acoustic signal present). Figure 10-5 shows the recovered 1 kHz acoustic signal. The noise is inherent in the PMT used. However, the temperature sensitivity of the fiber as well as sensitivity to small air currents caused the operating point to move about at a low frequency. The photograph of Figure 10-6 shows the resultant signal during one of these transients. Special Problems The first order of business is to obtain two pieces of fiber which are the same length. After cleaving one end of the fiber, it can be taped to a 2-meter scale. A small peice of tape marks the 2-meter length. The piece can now be carefully positioned in the fiber cleaver of Appendix III and cleaved. the second fiber. This is repeated for If any mistakes are made, the process is repeated until two fibers of the same length are produced. As Figure 10-4 shows, the fringe pattern is not perfect but contains regions where laser speckle dominates (lower right-hand 145 corner of the figure). are present. However, regions where good fringes exist Care should be taken to avoid the speckle regions. When the fibers are moved, the whole pattern changes, so avoid air currents and large vibrations. Position the photodetector in a region that looks uniform and then fine-position it to maximize the output signal. The temperature sensitivity of the fiber interferometer is large for the homodyne configuration [s]. Therefore the operating point of Figure 10-2b shifts with temperature. Fortunately, the occurrence is a slowly varying one, and is rather easily recognized, High-pass filtering will remove it from the desired signal. Sample Questions 1. Comment on the stability problems- you encountered in your experiment. What were the sources? How can the stability be improved? 2. When the experiment is performed with a speaker as the acoustic wave source, the fiber is taped to the speaker at both ends of a diameter. Need it be taped, or could it simply lie on the surface of the speaker to achieve the same results. 3. What types of non-fiber acoustic sensors are available today? 4. What advantages does a fiber-based sensor offer? What other quantities might be amenable to detection with fiber sensors? 5. What signal processing would you recommend to improve the recovery of the acoustic signal? 146 References [l] Shajenko, P., J. P. Flatley, and M. B. Moffett, "On fiber-optic hydrophone sensitivity," Journal of the Acoustic Society of America (JASA), November 1978, pp. 1286-1288. [2] Eberhardt, F. J. and F. A. Andrews, "Laser heterodyne system for measurement and analysis of vibrations," JASA, September 1977, pp. 603-609. [3] Cole, J. H., R. L. Johnson, and P. G. Bhuta, "Fiber-optic detection of sound," JASA, November 1977, pp. 1136-1138. [4] Bucaro, J. A. and H. D. Dardy, "Fiber-optic hydrophone," JASA, November 1977, pp. 1302-1304. 147 Piezoelectric Transducer or Acoustic Environment Detection ^ Fiber Reference Fiber Dummy Mandrel Pinhole Beam Splitter Figure 10-1. Homodyne acoustic sensor configuration. Operating Point Detector Aperture a) Distance Figure 10-2 a) fringe field at detector showing pinhole position, b) light intensity vs. distance from pinhole, showing operating point. 148 Beamsplitter Laser s U) ezoelectric transducer or acoustic environment, p(t) 0) CO Acousto-optic Modulator Detection Fiber Reference Fiber Dummy Mandrel Pinhole Beamsplitter dp(t) dt p(t) Integrator FM Limiter/ Discriminator rf Figure 10-3. Heterodyne acoustic sensor configuration. Figure 10-4. Fringe pattern at detector. Amp 149 Figure 10-5. Recovered acoustic signal at 1 kHz. Figure 10-6. Recovered signal at "transition" showing instability. CHAPTER XI A HOLOGRAPHIC COUPLER FOR FIBERS Project Assignment You are to synthesize a direct-recorded holographic optical element (HOE) to couple the output of one optical fiber into at least two others. Demonstrate to your advisor both the resulting real and the virtual images. Objectives of the Experiment 1. To familiarize the student with an application of holography to the area of fiber optics. 2. To demonstrate the holographic optical element as an alternative to conventional optical couplers. Equipment Needed 1. Helium-neon laser. 2. Collimating optics. 3. Beam-splitter and prism table. 4. Three front-surface mirrors. 5. Assorted plate holders and optical benches. 6. Laser power meter. 7. Kodak 649F holographic plate and processing chemicals. 8. Fly's-eye lens array or two lenses of short focal length. Theory Introduction It is well known [l] that a hologram is able to reproduce both 150 151 real and virtual images of an object by reconstructing the wavefronts which are observed when the object is present. Because the hologram records both intensity and phase information about the light incident upon it, all the information that can be known about the object is present. For that part of the system down- stream of the object, it matters not at all whether the object itself or the hologram is present. Both result in light wavefronts of exactly the same form. A special area of holography is concerned with recording information where the "object" is an optical component such as a lens, a mirror, or the like. When information about one of these compo- nents is recorded on a hologram, the component can be replaced by the hologram. The hologram performs exactly the same types of operations on the incident light field as were performed by the original elements of the system. Holograms of this type are known as holographic optical elements or HOEs [2]. A recent phenomenon has been the introduction of these holographic techniques into the area of fiber optics. It is theoretically possible to construct a holographic optical element (HOE) which will direct the output light from one fiber to a group of others. One type has been demonstrated in the literature [3]. In the particular work cited, the output of a fiber carrying a wavelength-multiplexed signal is demultiplexed into several other fibers or detectors. A HOE serves as a diffraction grating, directing the optical rays of different wavelength into different output angles. Detectors, or other fibers, placed at these angular positions sense the demultiplexed signals. 152 In this experiment, a single HOE operates as a signal coupler, rather than a demultiplexer, by focusing the output of one fiber into a predetermined number of other fibers. A series of opaque masks on a wheel can select the particular combination of fibers or detectors to receive the information. In a real system, the light expanding from the output of one fiber in the form of a diverging spherical wave will be redirected by the hologram into the acceptance cones of receiver fibers or onto detectors. Parameters of both the recording and playback geometries must be appropriately chosen. Basic Concepts Hologram formation relies on the mutual spatial coherence of an object wave and a reference wave to record amplitude and phase information about light coming from an object. To guarantee this coherence, both waves are usually taken from the same coherent source; i.e., a laser, by passing the laser output through a beamsplitter as in Figure 11-1. Because lasers are not perfect, the light is not coherent everywhere along the beam. Manufacturers, therefore, specify a "coherence length" within which the light is spatially coherent. For both object and reference waves to be coherent at the plane where the hologram is to be recorded, they must have traveled paths which do not differ by more than a coherence length. Simply stated, the distances from beamsplitter to hologram along both paths must be roughly equal. Again referring to Figure 11-1, the reference wave strikes the holographic recording medium (typically Kodak 649F plates) directly. 153 The object wave, on the other hand, takes an indirect route, arriving at the plate only after first striking an object or passing through a system or medium which modulates the phase and intensity. An in- terference pattern results on the film which is analogous to a combination of amplitude and phase modulation of a carrier by the object signal. To prevent overmodulation, the reference beam (carrier) should be three to eight times stronger than the object beam (signal). Upon playback. Figure 11-2, only the reference beam is utilized; the interference pattern on the hologram after it is developed modulates the light of the reference beam in such a way that both real and virtual images of the original object are formed. A virtual image is one which appears to be present but cannot be brought to a focus on a screen without the use of a lens. A real image, however, will appear in focus on a screen without the aid of a lens. The reference wave is typically a plane wave, but this is not strictly necessary: spherical waves, or waves which emanate from a point source, are also used. At times, it is useful to use the combination of plane-wave recording and spherical-wave playback. In general, the positions of the real and virtual images may be calculated from [4]: ^i = ^ ^^i/^o^^o - ^"i/^^^r •" ^"i^'p^^ ^^^"^^^ y. = T (^i/^o^yo ^ (^i/^>yr "" ^"i^'p^^P ^^^"^^^ z. = (1/z ± 1/z^ ? 1/z ) 1 p r o (11-lc) where the coordinate systems of Figure 11-3 are used. The positive value for z^ refers to the virtual image and the negative value 154 refers to the real image. With this notation, the plane wave is seen to be a special case of the spherical wave with z equal to infinity. Experimental Procedure and Results In the experiment to be performed, certain constraints are imposed by the desire to use an optical fiber to access the hologram. The fiber must be placed far enough from the hologram that the expanding spot size covers a "reasonable" (say, 3 sq. cm.) area of the hologram for good diffraction efficiency. This is because an approximate spherical wave expanding from the "point" end of the fiber will be used for playback. Because it is desired to access other fibers with real images of point sources, it is necessary that these real images lie outside the cone of undiffracted radiation to aid in positioning the fibers, as in Figure 11-4. This places restrictions on what the coordinates of the real images may be. As seen in the figure, the numerical apertures of the images must match the NAs of the fibers to be accessed. This in turn imposes requirements on the input optics, e.g. finding lenses which can be used to obtain "objects" which are converging cones of light with the proper numerical apertures. In keeping with Equation (11-1), the other coordinates are chosen, and the hologram is recorded. [The reader is referred to Froehlich's work [5] for a discussion of practical holography.] It was found that recording with a plane wave reference (z^ = infinity) gives the best results. Thus, y^, z^, x^, y^, z^, x^, y^. 155 and z are known, and it remains to select x , v P 0-^0 z and v o' r* As an example, consider the case where it is desired to couple the output of a fiber of NA = 0.21 (which corresponds to an acceptance cone half-angle of 12°) to two other fibers of similar type. For simplicity, all sources, object and images are chosen to lie in the x-z plane: e.g. Also, the calculations are performed for one image only. In order for the exit cone of the input fiber to access a circular area of 2-cm diameter on the hologram, it must be placed a distance of 4.7 cm away. It is assumed that this playback wave is normally incident on the hologram. Therefore, (Xp, yp, z ) = ( 0, 0, -1-4.7 ) cm. The point at which it is desired for the real image to appear is chosen with two criteria in mind. First, it must lie outside the diverging cone of undiffracted light resulting from the playback source, and second, it must be in a location where the fibers to be coupled may easily be placed. The point: (x^, y^, z^) = ( -1-1.75, 0, -2.5 ) cm. is chosen to satisfy the two conditions. The reference wave will be a plane wave, incident upon the holographic plate at some angle a. Although (x^, y^, z^) = ( -", 0, -Hco) 156 the ratio x^/z^ is not -1, but the tangent of angle a. With these values for the positions of the image, the playback source, and the reference source. Equation (11-1) indicates the object should be placed at (x^, y^, z^) = (2.55, 0, 4.7) cm. A fly's-eye array was used for obtaining the object points. This consisted of lenses of diameter 0.7 mm and focal length approximately 1 cm spaced in a square array on approximately 0.7 mm centers. Therefore, the "objects" to be recorded are cones of light with conical half-angles equal to arctan ( 0.35/ 0.7 ) = arctan (0.5) = 26.5° The images of these cones of light will significantly overfill the fibers to be coupled, and thus these lenses are not the optimum choice for fibers of numerical aperture 0.21. However, the con- cept is easily observable. After the hologram was recorded and developed in Kodak D-19 developer, it was played back first with the plane-wave reference to ensure that indeed a hologram had been produced. Bleaching in Kodak Chromium Intensifier improved the brightness of the images. The virtual images of Figure 11-5 were observed although no real images were seen. This is in keeping with the mathematics, which predict (for the coordinates chosen) that the real images would be formed at infinity. 157 When a diverging spherical wave, as formed by a lens, is utilized for playback, the real images are observed. It is neces- sary, however, to vary the positions of the playback source and the viewing screen to locate the images. Uncertainties in the place- ment of both the object and the reference beam in the recording phase translate into uncertainty in the position of the real images. The real images of Figure 11-6 were photographed as they appeared on the viewing screen (two of the four images do not appear because of the masking). An optical fiber bundle placed at the points of focus was able to transmit the signal from each real image. When the output of an optical fiber bundle is used as the source for playback, the real images are not as bright although they are still observable. Special Problems The greatest problem with this experiment is locating the real images upon playback. The primary cause of the problem is that of relative brightness. When the human eye scans a scene for dim objects, their presence can be hidden by the presence of other brighter objects. For this reason, the ambient light reaching the viewing screen should be minimized. The hologram is masked with black construction paper in such a way that the only light present behind the hologram comes through an "interesting" or "informationcarrying" part of the hologram. Of course, care was taken in the recording process to ensure that the real image would be far-removed from the undiffracted portion of the playback light. It has been mentioned that the intensity of the reference wave 158 should be three to eight times that of the object wave. Kodak type 649F emulsion requires an energy density of approximately 50 yJ/sq. cm. for proper exposure. The power density is measured at the plane of the hologram with a laser power meter with both object and reference beams present. When the required energy density is divided by the power densi- ty as measured by the detector in W/sq. cm., the exposure time results. If an amplitude mask hologram is made, there will of course be absorption losses associated with its use. However, there are a number of ways to improve the diffraction efficiency of a hologram, and these are more fully covered in other sources [6], [7]. One of the easiest ways is to bleach the hologram. As mentioned previously, some care should be taken to measure the path lengths from beamsplitter to film along both the object and reference paths. They must be very nearly equal. Sample Questions 1. What other ways are being used for coupling optical fibers? 2. What factors would you control to optimize the efficiency of the coupler? 3. What effect, if any, will be the results of playing back the hologram with laser light of a different color than that with which it was made? 4. How does fiber coupling differ from fiber switching? 5. Will the coupler work for incoherent light? References [l] Goodman, J. W., Introduction to Fourier 02tics, McGraw-Hill, Inc. San Francisco, 1968, pp. 198-ff. 159 [2] Close, D.H., "Holographic Optical Elements," Optical Engineering, vol. 14, 1975, p. 408. [3] Horner, Joseph, and Jacques E. Ludman, "Single holographic element wavelength demultiplexer," Applied Optics, vol. 20, no. 10, May 18, 1981, pp. 1845-1847. [4] Goodman, J. W:, op. cit., p. 214-218. [5] Froehlich, G. K., J. F. Walkup, and M. 0. Hagler, Optical Information Processing Experiments for Undergraduate Engineers, Final Technical Report NSF Grant SER75-17673, Texas Tech Press, Lubbock, Texas, January 1977, pp. 154-156. [6] Smith, Howard, Principles of Holography, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1975. [7] Lehmann, M., Holography, Focal Press, New York, 1970. 160 b) Figure 11-1. Setup for HOE recording. Plane-wave reference L, laser; C, collimator; M1,M2,M3, mirrors; BS, beamsplitter; 0, object; H, holographic plate. a)schematic, b)actual. 161 Real Images Figure 11-2. Schematic setup for HOE playback. Spherical playback. L, laser; C, collimator; M1,M3, mirrors; LI, converging lens of NA equal to fiber which is to be coupled; H, hologram. Hologram Reference Source (x^,y^,z Recons true t ion source Object Sourc Film Figure 11-3. Coordinate systems for spherical wave holography, a) recording, b) playback. 162 la Real Images Figure 11-4. Geometry used for calculating postion of object and the reference source given the desired positions of the playback source and the real images. Figure 11-5. Virtual images of four point sources as played back from the HOE. 163 Figure 11-6. Real images of two of the four point sources obtained upon playback of the HOE. CHAPTER XII CONCLUSION Testing Although only two of the ten experiments presented in this report have been tested by undergraduate students to date, the feedback which we have received indicates that the information content within each chapter is sufficient to perform the project. The experiments performed were those of Chapter IX and Chapter XI, the scattering-pattern experiment and holographic-optical-element experiment respectively. The remainder of the experiments will be tested and evaluated in the fall of 1982 and the spring of 1983. In order of difficulty, we rate them by chapter in this fashion (from least difficult to most difficult): VIII. II, VI, IX, VII, X, III, IV, V, XI, Chapter VI involves the construction of a pulser for the laser diode, which will make it one of the more difficult experiments, but the measurements involved in the experiment are easy. The most pleasing results were the spirit with which the two sets of lab partners (all seniors) approached the tasks and the constructive criticisms offered. The experiments assigned were delivered to the students before this report was completed, and both sets of students wanted to know if appendices referred to so freely in the chapters really existed. Instead of including a glossary of terms, which was suggested by one student, a special effort was made to define terms in the text as they were encountered. More thorough definitions can be obtained by consulting any of the 164 165 books on fiber optics in the bibliography. In fact, when these projects are assigned, it would be well to ascertain that students have free access to several of the general fiber optics treatises. In addition, free subscriptions to trade magazines, such as Electronic Desiffli News, Electro-Optical System Design. Laser Focus and Fiberoptic Technology, and Photonics, are often available to faculty members and professional. These magazines often feature tutorial articles in fiber optics which are a boon to students. Also, many fiber-optics companies have free sales material of a tutorial nature which they are eager to distribute. Equipment Attempts were continually made to construct, rather than purchase, suitable special equipment for the projects. We had at our disposal a machine shop and a quantity of surplus aluminum from which simple mounts, holders, etc. were made. The goals of the experiments are to illustrate salient features of fibers, sources and detectors, and not necessarily to make precise measurements of the quantities involved. made cheaply, do so. the demonstration. If precise, accurate equipment can be If not, buy the minimum necessary to perform We found manufacturers most willing to pass along literature, technical information, samples and out-of-spec products to the undergraduate program. They are eager to familiar- ize future engineers and potential customers or employees with the capabilities of their products. We were the recipients of samples of fiber from Corning Glass Works, sources and detectors from 166 Honeywell / Spectronics, Teflon samples from DuPont (for building a stripline for a laser diode pulser), samples of polarizers from Polaroid, connectors from Deutsch, and a digital communications link from an alumnus. The gifts were not solicited per se, but we did inform these companies of our needs and they responded with enthusiasm. The minimum equipment requirements necessary to perform most of the experiments dealing with fiber and optoelectronic measurements should include: 1 km of fiber, spooled Four micromanipulators A monochromator or set of interference filters (400-1000 nm) A fiber polishing kit (or cleaver) An IR viewing card A white-light source (tungsten-halogen or arc) and power supply A selection of optoelectronic sources: LEDs, IR-LEDs, and laser diodes A selection of optoelectronic detectors: phototransistors, photodiodes (both PIN and APD) and a PMT An optical bench and carriers Assorted microscope objectives A viewing telescope Sophistication is not the rule; an interesting demonstration can be presented to people who are completely unfamiliar with the area 167 of fiber optics using a red LED, a phototransistor and a piece of lossy plastic fiber from a decorative fiber optic lamp. In fact, the experiment of Chapter VIII was done with fiber-optic components which were not much more sophisticated than these. For the holography experiment, a laser power meter, holographic plates and chemicals, a vibration-free surface, and a 5 mW He-Ne laser will also be needed. The small helium-neon laser is also needed for the acoustic sensor measurement, and its overall utility is impressive. It is wise to provide permanent mounts for the optoelectronic components; they tend to be lost or broken easily. The leads to all of the photodetectors were the first casualties. Repeated soldering and desoldering of the leads as different groups perform the same experiments can only exacerbate the problem. We suggest mounting the source or detector in a snug mounting hole drilled in the short leg of an L-shaped bracket. The long leg can be secured to an optical-bench post so that the L is lying on its side, the source or detector aimed horizontally and facing out from the L. This allows the biasing resistor to be mounted above the long leg of the L, and the leads are protected from strain. The construction of a laser diode pulser and a photomultiplier tube housing should be projects in and of themselves. They require proper design and careful construction to adequately protect the user from the large dc voltages which will be encountered. Any electronic hardware constructed must be properly labeled if it is to be useful to and safe for the next group of students to use it. 168 We are grateful for having the opportunity to work in this area; we come away convinced that fiber optics is the technology of the future and its potential is not yet even being approached. We hope we have communicated a little of that feeling to our students., A demonstration paper will be presented at the 1982 Annual Meeting of the Optical Society of America in Tucson, Arizona in October 1982. APPENDIX I BEAM LAUNCHER Marcuse [l] describes a typical beam launcher for launching light into fibers for experimental purposes, and it is reproduced in Figure I-l. The light source may be a laser, a light-emitting diode, a xenon arc lamp or a tungsten-halogen lamp. For a broad distribution of wavelengths, one of the latter two is chosen. The main criterion influencing arrangement of the launcher is repeatability. The light from the source may first be focused onto a pinhole to select a part of the image that is of more or less uniform intensity as a new source for spherical waves. After collimation, narrow-band interference filters mounted in a wheel or a monochromator may select from among the various wavelengths. Use of the filter wheel allows highly reproducible measurements but permits only discrete wavelengths. Monochromators, on the other hand, allow a continuous wavelength scan but are difficult to reset to achieve precisely the same modal excitation, and severely limit the amount of light ^ i c h can be transmitted. After filtration, the light passes through a rotary chopper. While the chopper may easily supply an identifiable signal to a lockin amplifier for signal-to-noise considerations, it was found that a light signal chopped by something as simple as rotating fan blades was more easily detected from ambient light. The beam splitter serves three purposes: permitting most of the light to fall on the fiber endface, reflecting some of the light to a reference detector, and directing the light reflected from the 169 170 fiber endface to a viewing telescope (microscope eyepiece) to allow observation of the position and size of the launched beam upon the fiber face. The reference detector may be used simply to monitor the stability of the source or as the first element in a control loop to improve that stability. The light then passes through the variable aperture wheel v^ich adjusts the numerical aperture of the launched beam, and finally, a microscope objective focuses the beam onto the fiber core. The input fiber end is held in an xyz-positioner and the setup includes a cladding-mode stripper. An S-shaped mode stripper which also functions as a mode scrambler to assure a mode distribution similar to that present at steady state may also be used. Figure 1-2 [2]. The bent fiber section may be placed between two pieces of black velvet soaked in index-matching fluid such as glycerin (or between two rubber stoppers with a coating of the same fluid) allowing cladding modes to leak out. Mode stripping may be necessary at the output end of the fiber to remove cladding modes which may have built up during the run through the fiber. References [l] Marcuse, D., Principles of Optical Fiber Measurements, Academic Press, New York, p. 203-205, 1981. [2] Marcuse, op. cit., p. 204. 171 Viewing Telescope n Microscope Objective Beam Splitter Pinhole Source ,, RKtrz > Mode Stripper ^ 7 Optical Filter Light Chopper Figure I-l. 11 II Reference Detector A typical beam launcher. Figure 1-2. Bent fiber serving as a mode scrambler. 7 \ APPENDIX II A LAB-BUILT GONIOMETER A goniometer is simply an instrument for measuring angles. A photodetector mounted on an xyz-micropositioner is swung in a circle via a geared mechanism; the component of interest is positioned at the center of the arc and intensity measurements are taken for a set of angles. Figure II-l. The specific instrument constructed is depicted in It consists of an L-shaped bracket and a plastic drafting protractor mounted to a geared device which swings the bracket/protractor in a circle. The photodetector is sealed in a hole in the vertical part of the bracket which was cut from an alximinum I-beam. The geared mechanism was taken from a government surplus radio. The assembly is attached to the micropositioner which was then mounted to a standard optical-bench carrier. (Although an xyz-micro- positioner is included as an integral part of the goniometer described, it could just as easily be used to manipulate the position of the component being measured, rather than the position of the detector.) A pointer made from a bent piece of thin copper wire is mounted on a separate carrier and positioned just above the dial of the protractor. The component for which an intensity-vs.-angular-displacement profile is desired is centered on the axis of rotation of the detector at the same height as the detector. In the measurement of numerical aperture (Chapter II), the end of a fiber is centered on the axis 172 173 of rotation. For measurements of source radiation patterns (Chapter VI), the emitting area of the source is positioned on the axis. And for the measurement of coupling loss vs. angular mismatch (Chapter XI), two fibers are positioned there. 174 Figure II-l. A lab-built goniometer. APPENDIX III A LAB-BUILT FIBER CLEAVER Scribing and breaking techniques have long been used to fracture glass. They may also be used to produce acceptably clean, flat surfaces at the ends'of optical fibers. Theoretical investigation into the fracture mechanics of optical fibers have predicted optimum conditions for obtaining smooth endfaces [l]. All preparations are concerned with establishing the proper stress distribution in the fiber so that a flaw started on the surface with a diamond- or sapphire-tipped knife will propagate uniformly across the face. Fiber cleaving tools produce the proper stress characteristic by bending the fiber around a fixed-radius mandrel and pulling to a prescribed tension. This is accomplished in different ways, and hand-held cleaving tools are currently on the market [2]. For the common 125-micron glass-clad glass-core fiber, a bend radius of between 5 and 6 cm and an applied tension of between 100 to 150 gm is sufficient to produce smooth ends. A satisfactory cleaver was built in the lab and is shown in Figure III-l. The mandrel M is a 5/8" thick disk cut from a 4-1/2"- diameter (5.72 cm-radius) aluminum cylinder. A radial groove is machined in one side to allow the positioning of the knife holder H. The knife holder is a slotted rectangular piece which allows the knife K (General Fiber Optics ^^1018) to move across the mandrel. The clamp C holds the standing part of the fiber on the center line of the mandrel. A spring clip W mounted on an optical-bench post 175 176 (similar to the Ealing j'/22-7876; total weight approx. 130 gm) is clamped onto the end of the fiber and suspended over the end of the workbench to provide the tension. The jaws of the spring clip are faced with balsa wood to prevent fiber breakage at that point. With the fiber inserted in the cleaver and tension applied, the knife is lightly pressed into the surface of the fiber. The weight causes the fiber to break quickly and cleanly. References [l] Gloge, D. et. al., "Optical Fiber End Preparation for Low-Loss Splices." Bell System Technical Journal, vol. 52, No. 9, pp. 1579-1587, Nov. 1973. [2] For example, model DW9000, Deutsch Inc., Banning, CA; and cat. no. 92203, Thomas and Betts Corp., Raritan, New Jersey. 177 Figure III-l. A lab-built fiber cleaver. APPENDIX IV A LAB-BUILT PHOTOMULTIPLIER TUBE HOUSING The use of a photomultiplier tube (PMT) as a detector of optical radiation requires special care in the design of a housing [ij The housing provides protection for the user from the high operating voltage, shielding from extraneous electrostatic and magnetic fields and stray light, and a convenient place for the biasing circuitry. In measurement applications, the dc component of the signal output is important; hence the photocathode is normally operated at a high negative voltage with respect to ground. When a shield is used in contact with the tube envelope, it must be connected to the cathode potential. As a result, the shield is at a high negative voltage, and safety precautions are necessary to prevent shock to the users. A 200-megohm resistor should be placed between the high-voltage supply and the shield to eliminate the danger. The photograph of Figure IV-1 shows the components of the assembly for mounting in a cylindrical aluminum tube (2.825" O.D., 2.475" I.D., 7" long, for the RCA 7102 tube used). The base for the PMT is mounted on a pedestal about 3 inches tall inside the tube. The voltage-divider network for the dynode chain is contained inside the tube beneath the pedestal. Only the negative HV-supply and output signal voltage connections are brought outside of the housing via BNC jacks. Shielding is provided by a rolled tube of copper foil at cathode potential completely encircling the glass envelope. 178 A dielectric 179 collar of polyethylene centers the PMT and shield inside the housing and prevents shorting to the case. A cap on the input faceplate protects the tube phosphor from ambient light when not in use. Suitable warnings and information are affixed to the outside of the housing. The complete assembly is shown in Figure IV-2. References [l] Engstrom, R. W., Photomultiplier Handbook, RCA Corp., pp. 80-ff, 1980. 180 Figure IV-1. Components of the PMT housing. From left; base plate with BNC connectors, pedestal for PMT socket, PMT and magnetic shield, outer case and top plate with cover. Figure IV-2. The assembled PMT housing, APPENDIX V A LAB-BUILT LASER DIODE PULSER This section is confined to a discussion of the SCR-type pulser built. The circuit described [l] generates the desired pulses by discharging a capacitor through the SCR and the laser diode, and meets the stringent requirements on pulse amplitude, pulse width, and duty cycle, all of which are laser diode parameters. critical Other circuits vary only in the methods by which the capacitor is charged, the current is varied, and the SCR is triggered. All circuits consist of three basic sections: (1) the dis- charge circuit, (2) the charging circuit, and (3) the trigger circuit. Discharge Circuit The discharge circuit generates the current pulse in the laser, and consequently, is the most important section of the design. general configuration is as shown in The Figure V-1. The current pulse is formed by discharging storage capacitor C through the SCR and the laser diode. The rise time of the pulse is usually determined by the SCR while the fall time is usually set by the capacitor and the total resistance in the discharge circuit. The peak current, pulse width, and voltage of the capacitor discharge circuit are interrelated for various load and capacitance values. Short pulse widths provide less time for the SCR to turn on than longer pulses, therefore the 181 182 SCR impedance is higher and more voltage is required to generate the same current. In conventional operation, the anode current in the SCR, initiated by a gate pulse, rises to its maximum value in about 1 us. During this time, the anode-to-cathode impedance drops from open circuit to a fraction of an ohm. In injection-laser pulsers, however, the duration of the anode-current pulse is imich less than the time required for the SCR to turn on completely. Therefore the anode-to- cathode impedance is at the level of 1 to 10 ohms throughout the conduction period. The major disadvantage of the high SCR impedance is that it causes low circuit efficiency. Because the SCR is being used in an unorthodox manner, many of the traditional specifications such as peak current, reverse voltage, on-state forward voltage, and turn-off time are not applicable. In fact, it is difficult to select an SCR for a pulsing circuit on the basis of normally specified characteristics. The specifications important to laser pulser applications are forward-blocking voltage and current rise time. The voltage rating of the storage capacitor must be at least as high as the supply voltage. With the exception of ceramic types which have noticeably greater series resistance, most capacitors (metallized paper, mylar, mica, etc) perform well in this circuit. Because of the fast rise times desired, lead inductance should be minimized. A well-built discharge circuit might have a total lead length of only one inch and therefore an inductance of approxi- 183 mately 20 nanohenries [2]. A clamping diode is added in parallel with the laser to reduce the current undershoot effects which are potentially damaging to the laser. A diode with a voltage rating equal to that of the storage capacitor will not be destroyed if the laser is removed from the circuit. The polarity of the diode is opposite that of the laser when installed. The simplest current monitor is a resistor in series with the laser and SCR in the discharge circuit. It should however be of the non-inductive type with a resistance of 0.1 to 3 ohms. The inductance of the resistor leads may cause a higher-than-actual current reading. Charging Circuit This section of the pulser charges the storage capacitor to the supply voltage during the time interval between firings of the SCR, and in addition, isolates the supply voltage from the discharge circuit during the current pulse. Because the response times of the charging circuit are relatively long, lead lengths are not critically important, and the charging circuit may be remote from the discharge circuit. The capacitor is charged through transistors Q^ and Q2* Figure V-2, at times when the SCR is off. D, ^, No current passes through the diodes so that Q2 is forward-biased into the saturation region. If enough time is allowed between trigger pulses, C charges to V^^. When a trigger pulse reaches the SCR, current flows through diodes D ^, and the voltage drop across those elements reverse-biases Q^ 184 into cutoff so no current can flow into the supply voltage. current flows only through the laser diode and the SCR. The When the current decays to a value less than that required to hold the SCR on, the SCR cuts off and C begins charging once again. Trigger Circuit There are several ways that the SCR can be triggered although only one is discussed here. All circuits must meet the same requirements. The trigger circuit must provide a fast-rising current pulse with an amplitude equal to at least five times the minimum triggering current required for the SCR and a pulse width of 0.2 to 10 us. The voltage required is only 10 to 15 volts because the gate impedance is normally less than 100 ohms. In Figure V-3, a 555 timer IC is used for the basic trigger: R. is a potentiometer controlling the pulse repetition rate and Cj^ controls pulse width. Testing For protection of the laser diode, the pulse circuit should be tested with a dummy load in place: a short circuit or a one-ohm load for the RCA SG2001 diode used here. The SCR anode is a good test point for pulser testing and trouble shooting. The voltage waveform at this point, as well as the current waveform of the current monitor, should be as shown in the Figure V-4. If the voltage on the SCR anode remains at the value of the power supply, the discharge circuit is inoperative. The discharge circuit may be open, or the SCR trigger signal may be inadequate or 185 of reversed polarity. If the anode voltage is constant at 1 or 2 volts, the SCR is holding. The charging circuit may be malfunctioning or the SCR may be overheating. If the anode voltage is zero, the SCR or capacitor is shorted or the charging circuit is malfunctioning. References [l] RCA, "Solid-State Pulse Power Supplies for RCA GaAs and GaAlAs Injection Lasers," Application Note AN4469, 1972. [2] Terman, F. E., Radio Engineer's Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York, p. 48, 1943. 186 Figure V-1. The discharge circuit. e800V MAX 47 kfi 5W .150 kJi IW 1.5 kn 25W |2N3439 'Heat Sinked 47 k^ 5W 1.5 kfi 25W Drive Control 250 kO. 2N3439 'Heat Sinked W 1N3563 B Figure V-2. The c h a r g i n g circuit. 187 -H5V B Figure V-3. The trigger circuit. Figure V-4. Waveform of the current pulse through the laser diode. (50 nsecs/div.) APPENDIX VI A LAB-BUILT FIBER STRETCHER When performing scattering measurements on an optical fiber, the assumption is made that the fiber is perfectly cylindrical. For this reason, it is necessary for the fiber to be stretched taut so that the experiment will be repeatable. This also reduces aberrations caused by microbending. Because of the susceptibility of the fiber to breakage from shear stress, it is necessary that the fiber be stretched around a relatively large diameter. Two short pieces of 3/4 in.-diameter electrical conduit are mounted between two pieces of 1x2 lumber as in Figure VI-1. Tightening the bolts keeps the conduit from turning. Epoxy may also be added to the assembly. The short pieces of fiber are wrapped and taped to one piece of tubing and stretched tightly between the posts before taping to the second piece. The complete assembly is mounted to a standard optical post (13.7 mm diameter) for use with an optical bench. 188 189 Figure VI-1. A lab-built fiber stretcher. APPENDIX VII TRANSIMPEDANCE AMPLIFIERS If the desired form for the output information signal transmitted by a fiber optic system is a voltage, it is necessary to convert the output detector current to a voltage. The simplest current-to-voltage converter is a resistor, as in Figure VII-1. This, however, is useful only for very large signal levels which almost certainly will not be the case for a fiber-transmitted signal. The average sensitivity for a solid-state PIN diode is 500 mA/W which indicates a 500 uA signal for an incident power of ImW. (APDs have sensitivities ranging between 5 and 100 A/W.) To be able to see such a small current, a large resistor must be used. There are two disadvantages to doing so: 1) the photodiode model may no longer be assumed to be the simple current source in parallel with the junction capacitance of Figure VII-2, and 2) there will be a large noise voltage present owing to the thermal noise in the resistor. An alternative approach uses a transimpedance amplifier as synthesized with a standard op-amp. The term transimpedance arises because an output ("trans-") voltage is caused by an input current (V /I has the units of impedance). out in The following discussion of the transimpedance amplifier is given by Swindell [l]. An example is shown in Figure VII-3. The circuit converts current into voltage approximately as V = - IRp 190 191 This results from the characteristic behavior of the op-amp in attempting to maintain the voltage between the two inputs at approximately zero volts. This voltage appears at the low-impedance output of the op-amp and thus following amplifier stages will not load the output significantly. The photodiode works into an equivalent resistance of % = V^/I = [V/A]/[V/R^] = Rp/A CVII-1) where A is the open-loop op-amp gain. Because the op-amp is usually thought of as a voltage amplifier, the first design attempt may lead the student to a circuit of the form of Figure VII-4 [2]. The current generated in the photodiode is converted to a voltage by the load resistor. The resulting volage is applied to the inverting input of the op-amp. The main disadvantage is that the voltage across the diode varies as a result of the current-dependent voltage across R,. Furthermore, the off- set voltage will be amplified and cause an additional error. The circuits of Figure VII-5 are better choices. With present detectors and front-end transistors, FETs are usually found to be more sensitive below 10 MHz, and BJTs are usually more sensitive above 10 MHz [3]. References [l] Swindell, W., "Circuits for Detectors of Visible Radiation," in Applied Optics and Optical Engineering, vol. VIII, R. R. Shannon and J. C. Wyant, editors. Academic Press, New York, 192 pp. 317-334, 1980. [2] Meiksin, Z. H., and P. C. Thackray, Electronic Design With Off-the-shelf Integrated Circuits, Parker Publishing Co., West Nyack, New York, pp. 195-199, 1980. [3] ITT, "Optical Fiber Communications Link Design," Technical Note R-1, 8/78. 193 l^^B I ZA JPhotodiode '•• • t o scope \ Figure VII-1. The simplest photodiode bias circuit. 'photo Figure VII-2. Solid-state photodiode equivalent circuit when operating into low impedance. Figure VII-3. The transimpedance amplifier. 194 Photodiode out Figure VII-4. Poor front-end amplifier design. 195 out a) Photodiode out V Blocke B "TPhotodiode b) Photodiode c) Figure VII-5. Better choices for front-end amplifiers using transimpedance techniques. Where two photodiodes are shown, one of the two is shielded from all light for dark current compensation. APPENDIX VIII A LAB BUILT LIGHT CHOPPER In applications where small non-varying intensities must be detected with a detector which requires a relatively large dc bias, the relatively small dc signal voltage may not be detectable above the bias voltage. In these applications, it may be better to "chop" the signal, that is, turn it on and off, so that it may be passed through a blocking capacitor. One way to do this is with a simple ac synchronous motor. A disk of plexiglas is mounted on the shaft of the motor and divided into sections which are alternately clear or opaque. When placed in the optical path, the width of each section must be sufficient to completely cut off or pass "the signal beam at that point. The chopping frequency will be n/2 times 60 Hz where n is the number of sections on the disk. Figure VIII-1 is a photograph of the completed chopper mounted on a standard optical-bench carriage. In this case, the motor was removed from a small fan. If the disk is not carefully balanced, the resulting vibration will destroy the integrity of the system alignment. The simplest solution requires one person to hold the motor in the optical path while measurements are taken by another person. It should be noted that commercially available choppers are constructed of extremely lightweight metal with slots cut out to pass the light. The metal disks are usually painted black. This construction chops the light without altering the spectral distribution of the optical power. However, plexiglas acts as an optical filter, attenuating light at 196 197 certain wavelengths more than others. Therefore, if the chopper is to be used in an experiment which is concerned with spectral response (as in Chapter III or IV), it should be considered to be a part of the source. As such, the response of the chopper will be Itimped in with the spectral output of the white-light source. 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