March 2011 Office of Financial Affairs Newsletter Bookstore The bookstore will be closed for inventory on Saturday, March 19. We would prefer that all departments use their ONU credit cards when making purchases in the bookstore. It saves a LOT of paperwork and time to simply swipe the card versus using manual purchase request forms. The Payroll Schedule is available here: YOUR BEST TIP: Set a recurring reminder in your calendar and/or cell phone to enter your time or to follow-up with your employees/students for their time. Most of us carry a phone even when not at the University. This will be your walking reminder that time entry is due! Mark your Calendars! Bi-Weekly Time Submission DID YOU KNOW…that employees who do not enter or have their work time approved in Luminus for payment can cause up to three hours of manual work, depending on the situation, for our HR staff? Employees: It is imperative that all bi-weekly employees enter and submit their time prior to midnight every other Monday. (See pay schedule for dates). Please keep the following in mind: If you are off-campus or on vacation, your time must be entered prior to your departure! Even if Monday is a holiday, the deadline is still Monday at midnight. Make sure to record and submit your time before you leave for the long weekend, or log-in remotely to ensure that you are paid appropriately. If you fail to log your time by the deadline, you will need to come to HR to pick up a manual biweekly time sheet, complete it, obtain the approver’s signature, and wait until the next pay period to receive these wages. HR reserves the right to make exceptions in cases where emergencies may have caused the delay of entering time (such as hospitalization or the death of an immediate family member). Approvers: As an approver for support staff and student bi-weekly pay employees, it is your responsibility to make sure that you have all of your employees’ hours and then approve them promptly based on the pay schedule. If you have any problem accessing/approving time, please contact HR prior to the approver deadline to ensure that the issue is resolved before the payroll system closes the entry process. This is a reminder of the upcoming forums to discuss the new chart of organization and chart of account numbers that will roll out June 1. The new org and account numbers have not yet all been determined, but we would like to do a high-level review of how they will make reporting and analysis easier for everyone and give you a chance to ask questions. We will also answer any questions you may have about the FY12 budget process. We encourage everyone to attend, especially if you work directly with the organization and account numbers. Both open forums will be held in the McIntosh Center Activities Room: Thursday, March 17, at 2 p.m. Friday, March 18, at 10 a.m. We look forward to seeing you there! Excavation Work Weather permitting, excavation and trenching will be taking place near the baseball field in preparation for an AT&T cell tower. This tower will be located near the WONB tower and should be operational in two to four weeks. This tower will provide the latest 4G LTE technology. Please use caution if walking near the work area during construction. Free Scratch Pads Available Don’t pay extra for scratch pads. Printing Services makes them in various sizes and color from scrap paper. They are available at no charge to the campus community. Outdated printed pieces can also be made into pads at no charge and either returned to your department or made available to anyone on campus.