Dermatoglyphic Multiple Intelligence Test (D.M.I.T.) Report Thumbrule Dermatoglyphics Pvt. Ltd. An ISO 9001 : 2008 Certifed Company P | +91-022-25403541 e | W | Corporate Office | FA 22/23, 1st Floor, Lake City Mall, Majiwade, GB Road, Thane, MH, India All Rights Reserved. Thumbrule Dermatoglyphics Pvt. Ltd. 2012-13. admin-12345 Page 2 Dermatoglyphic Multiple Intelligence Test Report Report Number admin-12345 Name Sample A Parent Name Parent Age 10 Sex M Contact Number 9999999999 e mail id Address Lane 1 City Mumbai State Maharashtra Date February 29, 2012 Request for Parents/ Teachers : The contents of the report should be reviewed and understood by the parents/ teachers before any discussion with their children. It is our sincere request that you use the report and its findings to make the life of your child stress free and help him discover his true inner potential and talents. We wish you and your child the very best…! Disclaimer : The results obtained in the report are based on Dermatoglyphic analysis conducted on finger print samples submitted to us by the individual out of his free will and consent to undergo such analysis, or the child under supervision and permission of his parents or guardian. The readings are an indicator of inborn potential and talent in various areas, but do not guarantee achievement of any specific skill set by the individual or success in any particular course of study or activity; which shall depend on individual efforts and external factors. The results are only indicative and the company or any authorized representative of the company or franchise of the company shall in no case be liable for failure in any particular course of study or activity recommended in the report. ___________________________________________________________________________________ The contents and design of this report have been Copyrighted in India and Singapore. Reproduction or alteration in any form (electronic, written etc) without explicit written permission from Thumbrule Dermatoglyphics Pvt. Ltd. is strictly prohibited. admin-12345 Page 3 Thank you for your trust, confidence and earnest participation in the Thumbrule Dermatoglyphic Multiple Intelligence Test (D.M.I.T.) This report covers following parameters : 1. Brain Lobes : Split Lobe readings, Comparative Strengths of 5 lobes, Comparative strength within Lobe.....................................Page 4,5,6 2. Left / Right Brain Bias..............................................................Page 7 3. Inborn Intelligence Potential....................................................Page 8 4. The 9 Multiple Intelligences................................................Page 9,10 5. Multiple Intelligence (M.I.) Distribution...................................Page 11 6. Split M.I. readings.............................................................Page 12,13 7. IQ, EQ, AQ, CQ & SQ Quotients...........................................Page 14 8. McKenzie's Classification of Intelligences.............................Page 15 9. Preferred Learning Style reading...........................................Page 16 10. Learning Sensitivity reading...................................................Page 16 11. Learning Communication Character observed.......................Page 17 12. Objective / Concept Driven model reading.............................Page 17 13. Holland's Theory related Individual profile reading.................Page 18 14. Activities based on MI............................................................Page 19 15. Career Selection based on MI................................................Page 20 16. Department Selection based on MI........................................Page 21 17. Individual Leadership Style.....................................................Page 22 18. Individual Management Style..................................................Page 23 admin-12345 Page 4 Split Lobe Readings Split Lobe readings for : Sample A Left Prefrontal Rational Thinking, Planning, Coordinating, Controlling, Executing Behavior, Self Achievement Motive, Communication Right Prefrontal Leadership, Interpersonal, Creativity, Goal Visualization, Determination, Self Esteem, Intuition Left Frontal Logical Reasoning, Computation Process, Analysis, Conceptual Understanding, Numeric, Grammar and Linguistic 4 Right Frontal Imagination, Idea formation, Visualization, 3D, Visual Spatial Ability 5 Left Parietal Fine Motor Skills, Action Identification, Control of Body Movements 6 Right Parietal Gross Motor Skills, Body Movement and Sense 7 Left Temporal Language Ability, Language Understanding, Audio Identification, Memory Ability 8 Right Temporal Music , Emotions, Feelings 9 Left Occipital Visual Identification, Interpretation, Reading, Observation Right Occipital Visualization, Visual Appreciation, Art, Aesthetic Sense 1 2 3 10 Excellent Very Good Good Average 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 admin-12345 Page 5 Comparative Strengths of 5 Lobes 1) The Prefrontal Lobe controls Mental Ability. The anterior (front) portion of the frontal lobe is called the Prefrontal Cortex. 2) The Frontal Lobe handles Thinking and Imagination is located at the front of the brain 3) The Parietal Lobe controls Kinesthetic Ability and is located in the middle section of the brain 4) The Temporal Lobe controls Auditory Perception is located on the bottom section of the brain . 5) The Occipital Lobe controls Visual Perception and is located at the back portion of the brain Comparative Brain Lobe strengths for : Sample A Excellent Very Good Good Average Prefrontal Frontal Parietal Temporal Occipital admin-12345 Page 6 Comparative Strength within Lobes Comparative strength within lobes for : Sample A Prefrontal Lobe Frontal Lobe Excellent Excellent Very Good Very Good Good Good Average Average Left Right Left Parietal Lobe Right Temporal Lobe Excellent Excellent Very Good Very Good Good Good Average Average Left Right Occipital Lobe Excellent Very Good Good Average Left Right Left Right admin-12345 Page 7 Left / Right Brain Bias Brain Bias reading for : Sample A Left Brain Bias 55 % Characteristics Logical, Sequential, Rationale, Highly analytical, Objective, Factual,Looks at parts, words and language, Can comprehend, Form practical strategies Advantages Logical, Rational, Specific, High executive ability Disadvantages Inflexible, stubborn and resistant to other’s ideas and opinions Right Brain Bias 45 % Characteristics Random, Intuitive, Holistic, Synthesizes, Subjective, Emotional, Looks at wholes, symbols and images, Can get meaning and present possibilities Advantages Creative, Full of ideas, Easy to understand due to openness in expressing of feelings Disadvantages Impractical, Emotional, leading to impulsive decisions admin-12345 Page 8 Inborn Intelligence Potential The Total Ridge Count (TRC) indicates the “Inborn Intelligence Potential” of an individual TRC Type Inborn Intelligence Potential Below 60 Type G Very Low Potential 60 to 100 Type F Low Potential 101 to 140 Type E Average Potential 141 to 180 Type D Good Potential 181 to 200 Type C Very Good Potential 201 to 220 Type B Excellent Potential 221 & above Type A Hyper Active Inborn Intelligence Potential for : Sample A is : Type B admin-12345 Page 9 The 9 Multiple Intelligences Logical-Mathematical Intelligence Ability to explore patterns, categories and relationships by manipulating objects or symbols, and to experiment in a controlled, orderly way. Ability to reason either deductively or inductively and to recognize and manipulate abstract patterns and relationships. Linguistic Intelligence Ability to use language to stimulate or convey information. excite, please, convince, Involves not only ease in producing language, but also sensitivity to the nuances, order and rhythm of words. Intrapersonal Intelligence Ability to gain access to understand one's inner feelings, dreams and ideas. Personal knowledge turned inward to the self. This form of intellect entails the ability to understand one's own emotions, goals and intentions. Interpersonal Intelligence Ability to understand other people, to notice their goals, motivations, intentions, and to work effectively with them. Emphathize with others, observe and understand others’ moods, feelings, temparament. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence Ability to use fine and gross motor skills in sports, the performing arts, or arts and crafts production. Bodily Intelligence involves using the body to solve problems, to create products, and to convey ideas and emotions. admin-12345 Page 10 Visual-Spatial Intelligence Ability to perceive and mentally manipulate a form or object, and to perceive and create tension, balance and composition in a visual or spatial display. Ability to create visual-spatial representations of the world and to transfer those representations either mentally or concretely Musical Intelligence Ability to enjoy, perform or compose a musical piece. Includes sensitivity to pitch, rhythm of sounds, as well as responsiveness to the emotional implications of these elements. Naturalist Intelligence Ability to recognise flora and fauna, communion with the natural world and its phenomena. Involves the full range of knowing what occurs in and through our encounters with the natural world including our recognition, appreciation, and understanding of the natural environment. Existential Intelligence Existential Intelligence is concerned with the inner life of mind and spirit and its relationship to being in the world. It implies a capacity for a deep understanding of existential questions and insight into multiple levels of consciousness; and also implies awareness of spirit as the creative life force of evolution. It also implies awareness of our relationship to the transcendent, to each other, to the earth and all beings admin-12345 Page 11 Multiple Intelligence Distribution Multiple Intelligence Distribution for : Sample A Logical Linguistic Intra-Personal Inter-Personal Kinesthetic Visual-Spatial Musical Naturalistic Existential Average Good Very Good Excellent Interpretation of Multiple Intelligence Distribution Table - The highest bar shows the most dominant area of intelligence. - The longest 4 bars are considered dominant areas of intelligence. - The intelligences which have similar strengths, are considered to be of equal potential admin-12345 Page 12 Split MI Readings Split MI Distribution for : Sample A Logical Intelligence Excellent 1 Problem Solving, Abstract Thinking 2 Numerical Skills 3 Complex Visual Spatial Problems Very Good Good Average 1 2 3 Linguistic Intelligence Excellent 1 Non Verbal Communication 2 Verbal Memory, Language Comprehension 3 Visual aspect of Writing Very Good Good Average 1 2 3 Intrapersonal Intelligence Excellent Very Good Good Average 1 2 1 Initiative, Planning, Judgement, Reasoning 2 Motivation, Emotional Behaviour admin-12345 Page 13 Excellent Interpersonal Intelligence Very Good 1 Good 2 Average 1 Social Behaviour, Language Comprehension Memory Formation, Motivation, Emotions 2 Excellent Kinesthetic Intelligence Very Good Good Average 1 1 Fine motor movements, Spatial Orientation 2 Sensory Integration 2 Excellent Visual-Spatial Intelligence Very Good Good Average 1 1 3D Space Processing 2 Visual Processing, Spatial Relations 2 Musical Intelligence Excellent Very Good 1 Voice Tone & Pitch Modulation 2 Process, Recognition & Perception of Auditory Stimuli Good Average 1 2 admin-12345 Page 14 IQ, EQ, AQ, CQ, SQ QUOTIENTS IQ : Intelligence Quotient consists of Logical - Mathematical & Linguistic Intelligences EQ : Emotional Quotient consists of Intra- Personal & Inter - Personal Intelligences AQ : Adversity Quotient consists of Bodily- Kinesthetic & Naturalistic Intelligences CQ : Creativity Quotient consists of Visual - Spatial & Musical Intelligences SQ : Spiritual Quotient consists of Existential Intelligence Comparative Quotient strengths for : Sample A Excellent Very Good Good Average IQ EQ AQ CQ SQ admin-12345 Page 15 McKenzie's Classification of Intelligences Multiple intelligences consist of 3 domains : Analytical, Introspective and Interactive. These three domains serve as an organizer for understanding the fluid relationship of the intelligences and how the intelligences work with one another. According to McKenzie (2002) The Analytical domain consists of : Logical, Musical & Naturalist intelligences. The Interactive domain consists of : Linguistic, Interpersonal & Kinesthetic intelligences. The Introspective domain consists of : Existential, Intrapersonal & Visual intelligences. McKenzie's Intelligence Model for : Sample A Excellent Very Good Good Average Analytical Interactive Introspective admin-12345 Page 16 Preferred Learning Style Visual Capability Rating Traits 26 % Prefer to use graphics stimulation, graphs, flow-charts, reading and observation to Auditory Capability Kinesthetic Capability 41 % Prefer to use listening and discussion to learn 33 % Prefer to use physical hands-on and practical activities to learn and understand Brain - Body / Nervous - Muscular co-ordination Brain Body co-ordination reflects the degree and speed of co-ordination between the nervous muscular system, reflecting one ’s efficiency. The brain is mainly made up of neurons. A nerve cell receives signals from other neurons or sensory organs, processes these signals, and sends signals to other neurons, muscles, or bodily organs. Sample AYour Brain - Body co-ordination is : Fast admin-12345 Page 17 Learning - Communication Character Learning Communication Character indicates methods used by an individual to gain knowledge, assimilate it and how he interacts with surrounding environment Sample A Your learning communication character is : Affective Affective - Self discovery through modifications - Organised and planned attitude - Quite achiever, but thrive on appreciation Reflective - Open minded in nature - Can absorb a lot of knowledge - Need patience and well planned approach Cognitive Critical - Take own initiaves to gain knowledge - Are self centered in approach - Need clear goals and time to take decisions - Love challenging environments - Good in self management - very competitive by nature Objective / Concept Driven Model Frontal Lobe controls the Objective and Concept Driven thinking styles - that dictates the brain’s behaviour and dominant character. Rating Characteristics Objective Driven Concept Driven 58 % 42 % Risk-taker, Bold, Goal-oriented, Confident, Committed Cautious, analytical, meticulous, moderate confidence, high executive power admin-12345 Page 18 Holland’s Theory of Personality and Work Management Types The six personality and work environment types described by Holland are as follows: Realistic (R) - practical, physical, hands-on, tool-oriented Investigative (I) - analytical, intellectual, scientific, explorative Artistic (A) - creative, original, independent, chaotic Social (S) - cooperative, supporting, helping, healing/nurturing Enterprising (E) - competitive environments, leadership, persuading Conventional (C) - detail-oriented, organizing, clerical Holland's Code for : Sample A Excellent Very Good Good Average Realistic Investigative Artistic Social Enterprising Conventional admin-12345 Page 19 Activities based on Multiple Intelligences Average Good Very Good Good Very Good Excellent Aerobics Art & Craft Astronomy Bird Watching Calligraphy Chess Computers/ Software Cookery Creative Writing Dance Debate Dramatics Drawing/ Painting Extempore Foreign Languages Fun with Maths Graphics/ Animation Music Photography Quiz Science & Nature Sports Trekking Yoga Average Excellent admin-12345 Page 20 Career Selection based on MI Average Good Very Good Excellent Agriculture Architecture Art & Design Aviation BCA/ Animation Defence/ Police Economics Education Engineering Entrepreneurship Environmental Science Fashion Finance & Banking Health Care Mgmt Health & Nutrition Hotel Mgmt, Tourism Insurance Language & Literature Law Liberal Arts/ Humanities Management Mass Communication Medical Music Non - Profit Performing Arts Philantrophy/ Social Work Physical Education Psychology/ Counselling Public Administration Real Estate Retail Management Safety & Security Sports Sports Management Average Good Very Good Excellent admin-12345 Page 21 Department Selection based on MI Average Good Very Good Excellent Good Very Good Excellent Accounting Administration Advertising Finance HR IT Legal Logistics Manufacturing Marketing/ Sales Operations Planning/ Strategy Project Management Research Systems Management Average admin-12345 Page 22 LEADERSHIP STYLE Caring interpersonal leadership, friendly, supportive - Able to co-operate with people - Flexible thoughts, high tolerance - Do not like conflict, good supporter, able to accept people ’s opinion - Adaptive to environment - Easy to communicate with - Gentle and sensitive, easy to get along with - Behave in way people expected them to - Like to interact with people, pay attention to interpersonal relationship - Feel comfortable in group, enjoy group activity - Because of their sensitivity, it is hard for them to maintain and achieve their goal and weak in making decision on the spot - Flexible, admit to their mistake. - Need role model - Need compliments and praise admin-12345 Page 23 MANAGEMENT STYLE Reverse thinking (high creativity), own unique style - Do not like traditional thinking, do not plagiarize. - People often think they are odd and always surprising. - Challenge traditional view, do not be restricted by rules - Sharp observation yet easily get stimulated (emotional) - Strong resistance, do not agree with things easily which are beyond their thoughts. - Curious; like to find out the truth - Work and manage things in their own unique way - Reverse thinking approach, which leads to their inability to work in group - Show their unique creativity in art