E-Notebook SQL 12.0 Desktop Database Installation Guide

E-Notebook SQL 12.0 Desktop Database Installation Guide
E-Notebook SQL 12.0 Desktop Database
Installation Guide
E-Notebook SQL 12.0 Desktop Database Installation Guide
1. 2. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 3 Database System ......................................................................................................... 3 2.1. Software requirements.......................................................................................... 3 2.2. Database Creation and Configuration .................................................................. 4 2.2.1. Create and share E-Notebook data folders (optional) ................................... 4 2.2.2. Create New E-Notebook Database ............................................................... 8 2.3. Configure E-Notebook Client to connect to the database .................................. 12 2.4. Configure Adobe PDF printer on E-Notebook client......................................... 14 2.5. Confirm proper configuration of the database and client ................................... 14 3. Remote Client Configuration .................................................................................... 15 3.1. Software requirements........................................................................................ 15 3.2. E-Notebook client-server connection configuration .......................................... 16 3.3. Configure Adobe PDF printer on E-Notebook client......................................... 19 3.4. Confirm proper configuration of the remote connection ................................... 19 Page 2 of 19
E-Notebook SQL 12.0 Desktop Database Installation Guide
1. Introduction
This document describes the steps required to create and configure the CambridgeSoft ENotebook SQL 12.0 Desktop database on a desktop or workstation computer. There are
two main components to the installation:
¾ Create and configure the E-Notebook database and client on a computer with SQL
Server Express Edition with Advanced Services
¾ Configure the E-Notebook client on remote systems to connect to the database
2. Database System
Software requirements
Operating system version: Windows XP Pro SP2/SP3 or Windows Vista Business
Operating system architecture: 32 bit
Microsoft Office: Office XP SP3, Office 2003 SP3, Office 2007 SP1
CambridgeSoft Applications: SKU with ChemDraw ActiveX control and ENotebook client
SQL Server version: SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services SP3
(as installed by the CambridgeSoft version 12 Installation Wizard)
.Net Framework: .Net Framework 2.0 SP2
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E-Notebook SQL 12.0 Desktop Database Installation Guide
Database Creation and Configuration
2.2.1. Create and share E-Notebook data folders (optional)
By default the Database Setup Wizard will place all the database and configuration files
in (subfolders of): [AppData]\CambridgeSoft\E-Notebook\12.0\
On Windows XP this will be:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\CambridgeSoft\E-Notebook\12.0\
On Windows Vista this will be:
Note that the [AppData] folder is by default hidden on the Windows OS. Users might
prefer to have the E-Notebook database and configuration files in a special ‘data’ location
if you plan on sharing your database since some of the folders need to be shared over the
network in that case. The example below will use a ‘data’ hard drive.
You can create the data and configuration folders in advance before running the Database
Setup Wizard but if you have not so, the Wizard will automatically create any specified
folders that do not exist.
Create three folders:
¾ Database – will contain the actual SQL database and is not shared.
¾ Structure Index Files – will contain the index files that are used for
structure searching. This folder needs to be shared over the network with
read/write permissions if you are going to allow other E-Notebook users to
connect to your database.
¾ Configuration File – will contain the information to allow the ENotebook client to connect to the database. This folder needs be shared
over the network with read permissions if you are going to allow other ENotebook users to connect to your database.
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Right click the ‘Structure Index Files’ folder and from the context menu select
‘Sharing and Security’ on Windows XP. On Windows Vista (with the share
wizard turned off) select ‘Share…’ and click ‘Advanced Sharing’. Check ‘Share
this folder’ and type a network ‘Share name’.
Windows XP
Windows Vista
Click the ‘Permissions’ button.
Click ‘Add…’ and select all the users and/or user groups that will be using ENotebook. <OK>
Select the users or user group and in the ‘Permissions’ section check ‘change’ and
‘read’. <OK>
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Select the ‘Security’ tab of the properties dialog. In Windows 2008 click ‘Edit…’
Click ‘Add…’
Again select all the users and/or user groups that will be using E-Notebook.
Highlight the users or user group and in the ‘Permissions’ section check ‘Modify’.
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Right click the ‘Configuration File’ folder and from the context menu select
‘Sharing and Security’ on Windows XP. On Windows Vista select ‘Share…’ and
click ‘Advanced Sharing’. Check ‘Share this folder’ and type a network ‘Share
Windows XP
Windows Vista
Click the ‘Permissions’ button.
Click ‘Add…’ and select all the users and/or user groups that will be using ENotebook. <OK>
Only the ‘read’ permission is required for the Configuration file folder. <OK>
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2.2.2. Create New E-Notebook Database
If you plan to only use E-Notebook as a stand-alone application on one computer without
sharing the database, you can leave all the settings in the dialogs at default.
From the Windows start menu run the E-Notebook 12.0 application
The E-Notebook application will check if there is already a connection setup to an
existing database. If none is found a dialog will be displayed asking you if you would like
to create a new database or setup a connection to an existing database.
Press ‘Yes’ to continue
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Select the ‘Create/Migrate E-Notebook database’ radio button and press next. On
Windows Vista allow elevated admin permissions.
After clicking ‘Next’ on the welcome screen, select ‘Create a new E-Notebook
database locally’ <Next>
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The entries for the server name and information to login to the SQL server
Express can be left at default. The ‘local’ value will automatically be converted to
the name of your computer.
Enter a name for your E-Notebook database or leave it at the suggested default.
Browse to the ‘database’, ‘Structure Index Files’ and ‘Configuration File’ folders
if you have created them earlier. If you plan to share your database with other ENotebook clients, you will have to use the ‘UNC’ or network path of the shared
folder for the ‘Structure Index Files’ (which will look something like
“\\computer\E-Notebook Structure Index files”). This path will be used in the
‘SqlConfig.xml’ configuration file (that is saved in the ‘Configuration File’
folder). Each client connects to ‘SqlConfig.xml’ on login to determine the SQL
Server Express with the connection settings and the path to the Structure Index
Files that it needs to use. Leave the two check boxes checked.
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A summary dialog is displayed with the database that will be created in SQL
Server Express. Press ‘Create’ to start the process. Depending on the SQL server
system configuration the process will take some time to finish.
After successfully creating the database, a confirmation dialog will be displayed. A
default E-Notebook administrator account is created with the following credentials (note
the capitalization):
Username: ELNAdmin
Password: ELNAdmin
This is a SQL login account that is used to do the initial login and user creation. It can be
disabled once at least one other SQL or Windows E-Notebook user is created that is an
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Configure E-Notebook Client to connect to the database
After successfully creating the database, the wizard will show a dialog asking if
you want to configure the E-Notebook client on the system to connect to the
newly created database. Press ‘Yes’.
If you chose all the defaults during the database creation, you can also use the defaults in
the Client Configuration tool.
Enter a ‘service name’ or leave it at the suggested default. This name can be
anything and will show on the E-Notebook login dialog.
Keep the authentication set to ‘SQL Server’ so that you will get a login screen
that asks for a username and password.
Keep the ‘server connection’ radio button set to ‘Server Configuration File’ and
browse to the location where you created the Sqlconfig.xml file.
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Press ‘OK’ to save the ‘ENClientConfig.xml’ file. A dialog confirming the
completion of the configuration will be shown. <OK>
In the login dialog that now appears enter ‘ELNAdmin/ELNAdmin’ for the
username and password and press ‘Connect’.
The E-Notebook client will now start and connect to the database.
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E-Notebook SQL 12.0 Desktop Database Installation Guide
Configure Adobe PDF printer on E-Notebook client
If you wish to make use of the export to PDF functionality in E-Notebook, it is required
that Adobe Acrobat Pro is installed. The PDF printer on these clients needs to have the
option 'Rely on System Fonts only: do not use document fonts' unchecked.
Confirm proper configuration of the database and client
It is recommended to confirm the proper setup of the database and client by logging into
E-Notebook and performing some basic tasks.
• Launch E-Notebook from the start menu and login using the pre-defined SQL
administrative user account with login/password ‘ELNAdmin/ELNAdmin’.
Create a new ‘Chemistry Notebook’ with a reaction page
Draw a reaction and save it to the database
Do a structure search for one of the reagents you just submitted
Export the notebook page to MS Word and/or PDF
Create a new non-admin E-Notebook user (SQL authentication) and login as this
During these tasks no errors should show otherwise there is a problem with one of the
settings. If you are unable to trouble shoot the problem, please contact CambridgeSoft
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E-Notebook SQL 12.0 Desktop Database Installation Guide
3. Remote Client Configuration
Software requirements
Operating system version: Windows XP Pro SP2/SP3 or Windows Vista Business
Operating system architecture: 32 bit
Microsoft Office: Office XP SP3, Office 2003 SP3, Office 2007 SP1
CambridgeSoft Applications: SKU with ChemDraw ActiveX control and ENotebook client
SQL Server version: SQL Server 2005 native client (installed by the CambridgeSoft
version 12 Installation Wizard)
.Net Framework: .Net Framework 2.0 SP2
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E-Notebook SQL 12.0 Desktop Database Installation Guide
E-Notebook client-server connection configuration
Each E-Notebook client needs to be configured with the proper entries to be able to
connect to the E-Notebook Database. These settings are maintained in the
ENClientConfig.xml file in:
From the Windows start menu run the E-Notebook 12.0 application
The E-Notebook application will check if there is already a connection setup to an
existing database. If none is found a dialog will be displayed asking you if you would like
to create a new database or setup a connection to an existing database.
Press ‘Yes’ to continue
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E-Notebook SQL 12.0 Desktop Database Installation Guide
Select the ‘Configure Client to connect to an existing database’ radio button and
press next.
Enter a ‘service name’ or leave it at the suggested default. This name can be
anything and will show on the E-Notebook login dialog.
Keep the authentication set to ‘SQL Server’ so that you will get a login screen
that asks for a username and password.
Keep the ‘server connection’ radio button set to ‘Server Configuration File’
Browse to, or enter, the shared folder (in UNC format) that contains the ENotebook Configuration file (‘SqlConfig.xml’) on the computer that has the ENotebook database.
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Press ‘OK’ to save the ‘ENClientConfig.xml’ file. A dialog confirming the
completion of the configuration will be shown. <OK>
In the login dialog that now appears enter the username and password that is setup
for the remote user (or use the default admin account ‘ELNAdmin/ELNAdmin’)
and press ‘Connect’.
The E-Notebook client will now start and connect to the database.
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E-Notebook SQL 12.0 Desktop Database Installation Guide
Configure Adobe PDF printer on E-Notebook client
On all clients that wish to make use of the export to PDF functionality, it is required that
Adobe Acrobat Pro is installed. The PDF printer on these clients needs to have the option
'Rely on System Fonts only: do not use document fonts' unchecked.
Confirm proper configuration of the remote connection
It is recommended to confirm the proper setup of the client by logging into E-Notebook
and performing some basic tasks.
• Launch E-Notebook from the start menu and login using a user account that was
setup by the E-Notebook administrator.
Create a new ‘Chemistry Notebook’ with a reaction page
Draw a reaction and save it to the database
Do a structure search for one of the reagents you just submitted
Export the notebook page to MS Word and/or PDF
Create a new non-admin E-Notebook user (Windows, LDAP or SQL
authentication) and login as this user.
During these tasks no errors should show otherwise there is a problem with one of the
settings. If you are unable to trouble shoot the problem, please contact CambridgeSoft
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