Outlook 2013: WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS Dr. Gertrud R. Traud Chief Economist / Head of Research London, January 18, 2013 Performance since the start of 2012: Almost all asset classes are up 2 Annual performance in % (in euro) Research, Dr. Gertrud R. Traud With a Little Help from My Friends (probability 75 %) 3 Monetary policy in emerging markets: easing 2012 = cyclical turnaround 2013! Monetary policy in industrial countries: Central banks in a buying frenzy = structural turning point? Research, Dr. Gertrud R. Traud Industrial country central banks are flooring the accelerator 4 Total assets, index, 2007 = 100 Research, Dr. Gertrud R. Traud Problem of European debt crisis only adjourned? 5 implied probability, % implied probability, % 100 100 Any country currently using the Euro to announce intention to drop it before end of ... 90 90 80 80 2014 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 2012 20 July, 26: ECB´s Draghi promised to save the Euro 10 20 10 0 0 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D Sources: intrade.com, Helaba Research Research, Dr. Gertrud R. Traud European debt crisis at a turning point 6 Target-2 assets and liabilities, € trillion Research, Dr. Gertrud R. Traud Spain is improving its cost position 7 Nominal unit labour costs, index, 2000 = 100 Research, Dr. Gertrud R. Traud Spain is European export champion 2012 8 Real exports, index, Q1 2009 = 100 Research, Dr. Gertrud R. Traud Structural and cyclical turning point in the euro zone 9 Index Index Research, Dr. Gertrud R. Traud China: At the expansion threshold for a year 10 Purchasing managers index (manufacturing and services), Markit, s.a. Research, Dr. Gertrud R. Traud China: Manufacturing growth heading towards recession levels, hopes on fiscal policy % change yoy Research, Dr. Gertrud R. Traud % change yoy 11 Brazil: Manufacturing cycle has already turned 12 %change yoy Index Research, Dr. Gertrud R. Traud Brazil: Key rates at record low 13 % % change yoy Research, Dr. Gertrud R. Traud US investment in equipment still suffering from the „fiscal cliff“ 14 % change Research, Dr. Gertrud R. Traud US housing market with potential 15 millions Index Research, Dr. Gertrud R. Traud Germany pulling away from the euro zone and UK 16 Industrial production excluding construction, index, 2005 = 100 Research, Dr. Gertrud R. Traud UK: the profile of recession and recovery 17 GDP, indexed, start of the recession = 0 Research, Dr. Gertrud R. Traud British twin deficits: reduction is stalling 18 % of GDP * excl. asset transfer by the Royal Mail Pension Plan in the amount of 28 billion GBP Research, Dr. Gertrud R. Traud Growth vs. austerity: is UK doing the right thing? 19 7,0 percentage points 7,0 cumulated GDP growth 2010 - 2012 * 6,0 5,0 6,0 5,0 cumulated deficit reduction 2010 - 2012 (in % of GDP) 4,0 4,0 3,0 3,0 2,0 2,0 1,0 1,0 0,0 0,0 -1,0 -1,0 -2,0 -2,0 UK * till Q3 2012 Spain USA Sources: Macrobond, EU commission, Helaba Research Research, Dr. Gertrud R. Traud Private deleveraging is cushioning growth 20 Debts in % of GDP Research, Dr. Gertrud R. Traud Still a high deficit in manufacturing, but a lower surplus in financial services Foreign trade balances in % of GDP, 4qma Research, Dr. Gertrud R. Traud 21 “Brexit” would be bad for British exports … and worse for EU exports? 22 % of UK GDP % of total exports Research, Dr. Gertrud R. Traud Private consumption should bolster UK recovery 23 % yoy Research, Dr. Gertrud R. Traud Corporate earnings have bottomed 24 % yoy 6 % yoy 80 60 DAX EPS(rhs) 4 40 2 20 0 0 -20 -2 -40 -4 -6 OECD leading indicator, 9m advanced (lhs) -60 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 Sources: Datastream, Helaba Research Research, Dr. Gertrud R. Traud -80 No euro-crisis! 25 US-$ Research, Dr. Gertrud R. Traud Thank of the more aggressive BoE: pound weakness in the pipeline 26 Ratio GBP monetary base vs. EUR Research, Dr. Gertrud R. Traud GBP Helaba Financial Market Outlook 27 current* Q1/2013 Q2/2013 Q3/2013 Q4/2013 Federal Funds Rate 0,25% 0,25% 0,25% 0,25% 0,25% 3 month US Libor 0,30% 0,40% 0,40% 0,40% 0,40% 10 year Treasuries 1,82% 1,90% 2,10% 2,20% 2,20% ECB refinancing rate 0,75% 0,75% 0,75% 0,75% 0,75% 3 month Euribor 0,20% 0,20% 0,30% 0,30% 0,40% 10 year Bunds 1,58% 1,70% 1,90% 2,00% 2,00% US-Dollar /Euro 1,33 1,30 1,35 1,40 1,35 EUR/GBP 0,83 0,81 0,81 0,83 0,85 DAX 7.676 7.500 7.700 8.000 8.200 Euro Stoxx 50 2.702 2.650 2.750 2.900 3.000 US Euroland Currencies Equities * 16.01.2013 Research, Dr. Gertrud R. Traud Alternative Scenario Yesterday (probability 15 %) 28 No cyclical recovery in emerging markets Escalation of the public debt crises in industrial countries Research, Dr. Gertrud R. Traud Alternative Scenario Here Comes the Sun (probability 10 %) 29 Strong recovery in emerging markets Quick end of the public debt crises in industrial countries Research, Dr. Gertrud R. Traud Investment Scenarios 2013: With a Little Help from My Friends 30 Scenarios 2013 Probability With a Little Help from My Friends 75% Yesterday 15% Here Comes the Sun 10% Source: Helaba Research Research, Dr. Gertrud R. Traud Growth Inflation Bonds Germany Euro Equities 31 Please contact Helaba Research Phone: ++49 69 91 32-20 24 mailto:research@helaba.de Disclaimer 32 This presentation was prepared with the greatest care. However, it contains non-binding analysis and forecasts for current and future market conditions. The data is based on sources which we consider to be reliable but for which we do not assume any liability in relation to their accuracy, completeness or their being up-to-date. Any data included in this presentation is for information purposes. They may not be taken as an quote or recommendation for investment decisions.