MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 21, 2011 7937 The Regular Meeting of the Haddon Township Board of Education was held on July 21, 2011, at 6:10 PM, in the Paul C. Gilligan Media Center, Mrs. Richards, Vice President, presiding. FLAG SALUTE The meeting opened by a salute to the American flag led by Mrs. Richards. Mrs. Richards announced that due notice of this meeting had been provided to The Retrospect and Courier Post as a Legal ad on May 27, 2011. ROLL CALL Mr. Albino, Mr. Brown*, Mrs. Caputi, Mrs. Chudd, Mr. Mann, Mr. Mulroy, and Mrs. Richards. *Mr. Brown arrived at 6:25 PM Messrs. Cavallo and Kendall were absent. Also present: Dr. Mark Raivetz, Superintendent; Dr. Lisa Palmer, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary; Mrs. Liz Mennig, Supervisor of Teaching and Learning; and eight members of the public. EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Mrs. Chudd and seconded by Mrs. Caputi that the Board moves into an Executive Session to discuss personnel and negotiations, the results of which will be made public at a later date and time. The Board moved into Executive Session at 6:10 PM. Unanimous Voice Vote WORK SESSION Motion by Mrs. Chudd and seconded by Mrs. Caputi that the Board moves into a Work Session at 6:25 PM. Unanimous Voice Vote Motion by Mrs. Caputi and seconded by Mrs. Chudd that the Board moves to Regular Session at 7:40 PM. Unanimous Voice Vote MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 21, 2011 7938 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Mrs. Caputi and seconded by Mr. Brown that the minutes of the Executive Session and Special Meeting of June 9, 2011; and Executive Sessions #1 and #2, Work Session, and Regular Meeting of June 23, 2011 be approved. ROLL CALL Mr. Albino Yes Mr. Brown Yes Mrs. Caputi Yes Mrs. Chudd Yes Mr. Mann Yes Mr. Mulroy Yes Mrs. Richards Yes Roll Call 7-0-0 CORRESPONDENCE NONE SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT As part of the Superintendent’s Report, Dr. Raivetz presented an overview of tonight’s meeting and highlighted key agenda items for the Board of Education. PRESENTATION NONE DISCUSSION AND QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC (public session #1) NONE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 21, 2011 7939 #1 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR/BOARD SECRETARY RECOMMENDATIONS Motion by Mrs. Caputi and seconded by Mr. Brown that the following items be approved: -1. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY That the Report of the Secretary as of June 30, 2011 be accepted: CASH BALANCES – JUNE 30, 2011: 10 General 20 Special Revenue Funds 30 Capital Projects Funds 40 Debt Service Funds 60 Enterprise Funds Total: $ 1,775,920.95 7,293.20 0.00 474.43 215,787.82 $ 1,999,476.40 Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10 (c) 3, I certify that as of June 30, 2011 no budgetary line item account has obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the Haddon Township Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:22-8.1 and N.J.S.A. 18A:22-8.2 and no budgetary line item account has been overexpended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6:23-2.12 (a) 1. -2. REPORT OF THE TREASURER That the Report of the Treasurer as of June 30, 2011 be accepted. The Treasurer’s Report is in agreement with the Secretary’s Report. Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10 (c) 4, the Haddon Township Board of Education certifies that as of June 30, 2011, and after review of the Secretary’s Monthly Financial Report and the Treasurer’s Monthly Financial Report and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, to the best of the Board’s knowledge, no major account or fund has been overexpended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10 (a) 1 and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. -3. PAYMENT OF BILLS That the bills in the Regular Account in the amount of $1,178,597.03 and $48,332.97 in the Student Activities Account be approved. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 21, 2011 -4. 7940 AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE THROUGH EDUCATIONAL DATA SERVICES That the Board approves the following vendors who have been awarded bids through the Educational Data Services, said bids expire on October 31, 2011. CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES – Bid #4059 – estimated values* Calico Industries, Inc. $392.82 Camden Bag & Paper Co., LLC $3,173.54 Cleaning Systems, Inc. $1,518.00 Joseph Gartland, Inc. 637.50 General Chemical & Supply $2,910.28 W. W. Grainger, Inc. $83.97 Hillyard Delaware Valley $16,363.40 Indco, Inc. $275.28 Interline Brands Inc./Amsan $2,080.70 J.G.R. Enterprises $202.68 Jersey Paper Plus $761.18 Standard Maintenance Supply $1,208.40 Staples Advantage $131.76 Pantel Co., LLC $27.36 Unipak Corporation $3,278.00 *Values may change if additional supplies are needed -5. SALEM COUNTY SPECIAL SERVICES SCHOOL DISTRICT That the Board approves the attached Agreement with the Salem County Special Services School District (SCSSSD) whereby the SCSSSD will provide related services to Haddon Township students identified by the Haddon Township Child Study Team. ROLL CALL Mr. Albino Yes Mr. Brown Yes Mrs. Caputi Yes Mrs. Chudd Yes Mr. Mann Yes Mr. Mulroy Yes Mrs. Richards Yes Roll Call 7-0-0 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 21, 2011 7941 Motion by Mrs. Caputi and seconded by Mr. Brown that the following items be approved: -6. DESIGNATION OF STIPENDS FOR ATHLETIC EVENT WORKERS–2011-2012 That stipends be paid for athletic and co-curricular event duties in the 2011-2012 school year as follows: ASST STUDENT TIMER $28.00 FOOTBALL Ticket Seller/Taker Announcer Video 39.00 54.00 54.00 WINTER SPORTS Ticket Seller/Taker Timer/Announcer Timer - 7/8th grade Site Manager Supervisor 48.00 48.00 34.00 71.00 39.00 (Formerly AV Duty) SPRING SPORTS - (ROWLAND RELAYS & CAMDEN COUNTY TRACK MEET) Ticket Seller/Taker 70.00 Director/Announcer 300.00 Recorder 70.00 Awards 70.00 Grounds 95.00 Pits & Equipment 95.00 Site Manager 160.00 AV Aide 55.00 Trainer 100.00 Work Crew 30.00 POLICE (Haddon Township) $150.00/event Regular Officers That the stipend paid to an athletic coach who drives a team bus to a practice, scrimmage or game be set at $30.00 per event. That the stipend for chaperoning school events be set at $40 per event. That the stipend for Haddon Township Police Department Special Officers who provide security for co-curricular events be set at $30.00 per hour. ROLL CALL Mr. Albino Yes Mr. Brown Yes Mrs. Caputi Yes Mrs. Chudd Yes Mr. Mann Yes Mr. Mulroy Yes Mrs. Richards No Roll Call 6-0-1 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 21, 2011 7942 Motion by Mrs. Caputi and seconded by Mr. Brown that the following items be approved: -7. DESIGNATION OF DEPOSITORIES Be it resolved that 1st Colonial Bank, Collingswood, NJ, be hereby designated as the official depository for the following accounts: ACCOUNT SIGNED (1) OR AUTHORIZED BY (2) Regular President or Vice-President; Secretary or Assistant Secretary; and Superintendent (1) NOTE: one signature must be live; others may be facsimile Activities Superintendent or High School Principal; and Secretary or Assistant Secretary (1) NOTE: one signature must be live; other may be facsimile Certificates of Deposit Secretary or Assistant Secretary (2) Payroll Superintendent and Secretary or Assistant Secretary (1) NOTE: May be facsimile signatures Payroll Agency Superintendent and Secretary or Assistant Secretary (1) NOTE: May be facsimile signatures Govt. Employees Trust Fund Secretary or Assistant Secretary (2) NOTE: May be facsimile signatures Be it further resolved that, if necessary, the Secretary shall certify to 1st Colonial Bank, the names of said officials and shall from time to time as changes are made, immediately certify said changes to said bank upon motion of the Haddon Township Board of Education. Notes: The Treasurer of School Moneys will remain a signer on the Regular, Payroll, and Payroll Agency until June 30, 2011 at which time the position will be eliminated. The Superintendent will replace the Treasurer of School Moneys as the signer on said accounts effective July 1, 2011. All services offered in 2010-11 will remain in effect for 2011-12 except interest paid on deposits will drop from 1.5% APY to 1.25% APY, effective April 1st. This is based on a decline in the fed funds rate offered to banks. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 21, 2011 -8. 7943 TRANSPORTATION CONTRACT – COLONIAL TRANSPORT That the Board of Education approves a contract for ESY transportation with Colonial Transport at a rate of $70 per day plus 15% fuel charge. - $1,851.50. This contract would serve one student who attends Carusi Middle School in Cherry Hill. The ESY program runs July 5 through August 4, 2011. -9. APPROVAL OF TRAVEL That the Board of Education approves the following travel requests: 2011-2012 TRAVEL REQUESTS $150.00 and Above FIRST NAME OF WORKSHOP LAST NAME NAME Laura Roberts* Parkinson Meng Shannon Robert NEFC – Responsive Classroom II – Woodbury NJ SofterWare Training, Horsham, PA Literacy Workshop, Collingswood, NJ WORKSHOP DATE OF DATE FORM 07/2507/29/2011 7/27/11 8/1/11 COST 735.00 $500.00 $350.00 Further, that the Board of Education continues to approve all future travel by individual name as presented on the agenda while giving the administration the ability to substitute another employee should the originally-approved employee be unable to attend the workshop. In the event a substitution should become necessary, the name of the alternate will be presented to the Board of Education for ratification at the next board meeting. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 21, 2011 7944 #2 BUDGET -1. 2010-2011 SCHOOL YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENTS (see next page) MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 21, 2011 7945 ROLL CALL Mr. Albino Yes Mr. Brown Yes Mrs. Caputi Yes Mrs. Chudd Yes Mr. Mann Yes Mr. Mulroy Yes Mrs. Richards Yes Roll Call 7-0-0 Motion by Mr. Mann and seconded by Mrs. Chudd that the following items be approved: #3 SUPERVISOR OF TEACHING AND LEARNING -1. PAUL VI TEXTBOOK LISTS, 2011-2012 That the Board of Education approves the 2011-2012 textbook list for Paul VI as attached. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 21, 2011 7946 #4 HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL -1. APPROVAL OF FUNDS FOR SUMMER SCHOOL - HARDSHIP That the Board approves payment for six (total) summer classes for the following students: - #20113002 (1) #20135031 (2) #20136016 (1) #20137017 (1) #20142006 (1) These courses will be provided through the Educere program at an approximate total of $1500. #5 MIDDLE SCHOOL PRINCIPAL NONE #6 ELEMENTARY PRINCIPALS NONE #7 STUDENT PERSONNEL -1. HIGH SCHOOL HONOR ROLL – FOURTH MARKING PERIOD That the Board accepts the attached list of fourth marking period High School honor roll students. -2. EXTENDED YEAR PROGRAM FOR OUT OF DISTRICT STUDENT That student #9632663714, who is attending the Extended Year Program at Kingsway Upper School, increase days from 4 to 5, per week at an additional cost of $1,395.66. Transportation is recommended. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 21, 2011 7947 #8 STAFF PERSONNEL -1. SUMMER LIBRARY HOURS That the Board approves 2011 summer library hours for the following individual: Alicia Hall up to 50 hours $31.15/per hour* * Rate may change pending conclusion of HTEA negotiations. -2. ELEMENTARY TEACHER-IN-CHARGE APPOINTMENTS That the Board approves the following elementary co-curricular appointments for the 2011-12 school year: Maria Deborah Brenda Rose Joan Sean Rebstock Huber Morrow Mee Gonzales Hengst Teacher-in-Charge - Edison Teacher-in-Charge - Jennings Teacher-in-Charge - Stoy Teacher-in-Charge – Strawbridge (50%) Teacher-in-Charge – Strawbridge (50%) Teacher-in-Charge - Van Sciver $2,200.00 $2,200.00 $2,200.00 $1,100.00 $1,100.00 $2,200.00 NOTE: Stipend is subject to change pending conclusion of HTEA negotiations. -3. 2011 SUMMER ACADEMY STAFF REVISIONS That the Board approves the following 2011 Summer Academy staff revision: Ellen Corleto replacing Dawn Haigh (1 on 1 aide) Up to 41.25 hours At the rate of $15.40 per hour Not to exceed $635.25 NOTE: Revised rate to be determined at the conclusion of HTEA negotiations. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 21, 2011 -4. 7948 SUMMER IEP CONFERENCES REVISION That the Board approves the following staff members to attend summer IEP conferences on referred students to the Child Study Team as mandated by New Jersey State Code at the rate of $39.65 per hour.* General Education Teachers: Mr. Bob Baker, Mrs. Kelly Boris *NOTE: Current rate to be established following negotiations. -5. NEW HIGH SCHOOL MATH TEACHER - FISHER That the Board approves the appointment of Alexis Fisher as a high school mathematics teacher for the 2011-12 school year, at a salary of $51,072, Step 4/D, M.A., from September 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012. NOTE: Salary is subject to change, pending completion of HTEA negotiations. -6. NEW HIGH SCHOOL GUIDANCE COUNSELOR - FREDERICKS That the Board approves the appointment of Brielle Fredericks as a high school counselor for the 2011-12 school year, at a salary of $50,472, Step 1/A, M.A., from September 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012. NOTE: Salary is subject to change, pending completion of HTEA negotiations. -7. MIDDLE SCHOOL MATH/SCIENCE TEACHER APPOINTMENT - MENG That the Board approves the appointment of Bob Meng as Mathematics and Science teacher at Rohrer Middle School for the 2011-12 school year, effective September 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012, at step 4/D, M.A., at an annual salary of $51,072.00. NOTE: Salary is subject to change, pending completion of HTEA negotiations. -8. MIDDLE SCHOOL SOCIAL STUDIES/LANGUAGE ARTS TEACHER APPOINTMENT - YOUNGLOVE That the Board approves the appointment of James Younglove as Social Studies and Language Arts teacher at Rohrer Middle School for the 2011-12 school year, effective September 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012, at Step 6/F, B.A., at an annual salary of $47,655.00. NOTE: Salary is subject to change, pending completion of HTEA negotiations. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 21, 2011 -9. 7949 NEW ELEMENTARY TEACHER - BOUCHARD That the Board approves the appointment of Madison Bouchard as a Grade 2 teacher at Van Sciver School for the 2011-12 school year, at a salary of $45,872, Step 1/A, B.A., from September 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012. Salary is subject to change, pending completion of HTEA negotiations. NOTE: Salary is subject to change, pending completion of HTEA negotiations. -10. NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL MATH TEACHER - MAHON That the Board approves the appointment of Michael Mahon as a middle school math teacher for the 2011-12 school year, beginning September 1, 2011, at the annual salary of $45,872, Step 1/A, B.A., which is subject to change pending completion of HTEA negotiations. NOTE: Salary is subject to change, pending completion of HTEA negotiations. -11. SUMMER COUNSELING HOURS That the Board approves the following summer guidance hours for the new counseling staff for the summer of 2011: Frank Ottinger (HS) Step 3 Up to 55 hours at the rate of $37.15 per hour Brielle Fredericks (HS) Step 1 Up to 55 hours at the rate of $31.15 per hour NOTE: Rate is subject to change pending completion of HTEA negotiations. -12. TEACHER ASSIGNMENT CHANGES As required by N.J.A.C 18A:25.1, that the Board approves the following changes in assignment for the 2011-12 school year, effective September 1, 2011: Marian Hughes From: Stoy Elementary School To: Van Sciver Elementary School MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 21, 2011 7950 Sara Kopacz From: Strawbridge Elementary School To: Elementary Instructional Support Joan Gonzales From: AM Jennings/PM Strawbridge Kdg. To: AM Stoy/PM Strawbridge Kdg. Kelly Taylor From: MS Math Teacher To: HS Math Teacher Melissa Larkin From: Elementary Teacher To: MS Language Arts Teacher Frank Ottinger From: HS Math Teacher To: Student Personnel Services -13. SUMMER CHILD STUDY TEAM WORK That the following personnel be employed during Summer 2011. Ms. Colleen Koeppel, Speech Therapist Up to 5 evaluations @ $250.00 per evaluations. TOTAL Total: $1,250.00 $1,250.00 NOTE: Rate to be determined upon completion of negotiations. -14. APPROVAL OF INTERIM SPECIAL EDUCATION ADMINISTRATOR That the Board approves the appointment of Dr. Patty Schwab as interim Special Education administrator, beginning the week of July 11, 2011, through the end of August, 2011, as indicated: Up to 16 days At a rate of $470.50* per diem * Per diem rate based on Dr. Schwab’s annual salary, divided by 200 days. Rate may change pending conclusion of HTPSA negotiations. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 21, 2011 -15. 7951 HIGH SCHOOL SOCIAL STUDIES TEACHER - TOMASHEK That the Board approves the appointment of Tyler Tomashek as high school social studies teacher for the 2011-12 school year, effective September 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012, at Step 14/N, B+15, at an annual salary of $65,349.00. NOTE: Salary is subject to change, pending completion of HTEA negotiations. -16. HEAD BASEBALL COACH STEP ADJUSTMENT That the Board approves the step change for Doug Richardson as Head Baseball Coach, retroactive to 2009-10 school year, his first year as head coach. Since Doug spent the previous five years as assistant baseball coach, being placed at step 3 as head coach would have been the proper level, with adjusted stipend as indicated: 2009-10 Head Coach from Step 1: $5,767 to Step 3: $7,126 2010-11 Head Coach from Step 1: $5,767 to Step 3: $7,126 (+ $1,359) (+ $1,359) Total adjustment: + $2,718 NOTE: The stipend is the same amount for each year. If appropriate, adjustments will be made upon conclusion of HTEA negotiations. -17. SOFTBALL COACH LONGEVITY ADJUSTMENT That the Board approves the awarding of the 3% longevity bonus to Frank Ottinger, retroactive to the 2010-11 school year, for his position as Head Softball Coach, as indicated: 2010-11 Stipend $7,126 +3% Bonus +$214.00 Total 2010-11 Stipend $7,340 Frank has held that position for over eight years during the 2010-11 school year. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 21, 2011 7952 ROLL CALL Mr. Albino Yes Mr. Brown Yes Mrs. Caputi Yes Mrs. Chudd Yes Mr. Mann Yes Mr. Mulroy Yes Mrs. Richards Yes Roll Call 7-0-0 Motion by Mrs. Caputi and seconded by Mrs. Chudd that the following items be approved: -18. ATHLETIC CO-CURRICULAR APPOINTMENTS – 2011-2012 That the Board approves the following athletic co-curricular appointments for the 2011-12 school year. The stipends listed are the same amount as the 2009-10 school year. The steps are the same as the 2010-11 school year. If appropriate, adjustments will be made upon conclusion of HTEA negotiations. ATHLETICS – 2011-2012 First Last Position Step Stipend Longevity David Dale Head Football 3 $9,940.00 Rick Pentz Assistant Football, Level 1 3 $6,231.00 Bill Sharp Assistant Football, Level 1 3 $4,972.00 Robert Cortese Assistant Football, Level 2 3 $6,231.00 Todd Green Assistant Football, Level 2 3 $6,231.00 David Donohue Head Boys Cross Country 3 $6,536.00 Joni Evers Head Girls Cross Country 1 $5,393.00 Claire Arena Asst. Cross Country, Level 1 (7/8) 1 $3,019.00 James Bonder Head Boys Soccer 3 $6,536.00 Aileen Fallon Asst. Boys Soccer, Level 1JV 3 $4,475.00 James Kay Head Girls Soccer 3 $6,732.00 * Lisa Ireland-McKinney Asst. Girls Soccer, Level 1 3 $4,609.00 * Tom Mulligan Girls Tennis 3 $6,536.00 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 21, 2011 7953 Genevieve Hunter Head Hockey 2 $5,393.00 Rachael McConnell Asst. Hockey, Level 1 3 $4,475.00 Marci Aron Asst. Hockey, Level 2, 7/8 3 $3,752.00 Douglas Richardson Fall Weight Program, Co-ed 1 $716.00 Bill McCutcheon Winter Weight Program, Co-ed 3 $862.00 Patrick McCloskey Spring Weight Program, Co-ed 3 $888.00 * Ronald Wister Head Boys Basketball 3 $8,968.00 * Patrick McNamara Asst. Boys Basketball, Level 1 3 $5,127.00 Aileen Fallon Asst. Boys Basketball, Level 3, 7/8 2 $3,781.00 Brian Farnham Head Wrestling 3 $8,707.00 David Lang Asst. Wrestling, Level 1 3 $5,762.00 William Hoover Asst. Wrestling, Level 3 3 $4,501.00 Maura McDermott Head Swimming 3 $5,762.00 Thomas Mulligan Head Girls Basketball 3 $8,968.00 * John Mulligan Asst. Girls Basketball, Level 1 3 $5,935.00 * James Kay Asst. Girls Basketball, Level 3 3 $4,501.00 * Doug Richardson Head Baseball 3 $7,126.00 Robert Cortese Asst. Baseball, Level 1 3 $4,276.00 David Donohue Head Track, Boys 3 $7,126.00 Charles Senatore Head Track, Girls 3 $7,126.00 William Hoover Asst. Track, Level 1 3 $4,882.00 * Michael Thomson Asst. Track, Level 1 3 $4,882.00 * Joni Evers Asst. Track, Level 1 1 $3,878.00 Jim Bonder Asst. Track, Level 1 3 $4,740.00 James Kay Asst. Track, 7/8th Boys/Girls 3 $2,458.00 * John Mulligan Asst. Track, 7/8th Boys/Girls 3 $2,458.00 * Vincent Daley Asst. Track, 7/8th Level 2 3 $2,386.00 Frank Ottinger Head Softball 3 $7,340.00 * Carla DiBenedetto Asst. Softball, Level 1 3 $4,882.00 * Steve Chard Boys Tennis 3 $7,126.00 *INDICATES 3% LONGEVITY BONUS INCLUDED * MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 21, 2011 7954 VOLUNTEERS 2011-12 First Last Position Carl Friedrich Volunteer Coach/ Boys Soccer Kevin Dochney Volunteer Coach/ Girls Soccer Lisa Newton-Orensky Volunteer Hockey (7/8) Jim Bonder Volunteer Basketball (7/8) Jordan Gercke Volunteer Basketball (7/8)& Girls Tennis Mark Maloney Volunteer Wrestling (7/8) Thomas Betz Volunteer Wrestling (7/8) David Schmitt Volunteer Swimming Patrick McNamara Volunteer Baseball Shane Thomson Volunteer Baseball Wayne Richardson Volunteer Baseball Roger Houghkirk Volunteer Track, Boys Dave Welsh Volunteer Cross Country & Track, Boys Katie Schafer Volunteer Track, Girls Steve Cossaboon Volunteer Softball ROLL CALL Mr. Albino Yes Mr. Brown No Mrs. Caputi Yes Mrs. Chudd Yes Mr. Mann Yes Mr. Mulroy Yes Mrs. Richards Yes Roll Call 6-1-0 Motion by Mrs. Caputi and seconded by Mrs. Chudd that the following items be approved: -19. REAPPOINTMENT OF SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS AND NURSES That the Board approves the reappointment of the following substitute teachers at the rate of $80.00 per day, and substitute school nurses, at the rate of $125.00 per day, for the 2011-2012 school year. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 21, 2011 Dana Rose John Angel Arlene Ann Allison Holly Matthew Alexandra Melissa Maureen Adam Candace Jo Nicole Samantha Barbara Anita James Scott Carol Erin Jeffrey Joan Karen Lorae Nancy Jennifer Matthew Nancy Jane Teresa Michele Virginia Vincent Nancy Janet Carol Anthony Michelle David Mary JoAnne Nancy Marie Vincent Mario Aaron Abay Anderson Andrews Baker Baldyga Barbieri Bartkevicus Bigas Birmelin Blatcher Blumenstein Bozarth Bozarth Bradley Braun Brophy Brown Burns Burrows Burrows Campbell Carey Carr Casanova Cassidy Chambers Chando Clasby Claypool Conn Coppola Curry Daley Daly Dash DaSilva Day Dayton DeLisi Dempsey Denenberg Denenberg Dezii DiCostanzo DiDomenico Colleen Joseph Maryellen Jennifer Cathryn Michele Kimberly Carol Linda David Sean Gloria Colin Zachary Joan Ruth Jessica Carla Lawrence Raymond Patricia Elizabeth Rebecca Lee Colleen Walter Kimberlee Suzanne Margaret Christine Gail Matthew Melissa Cleopha Michael Lauren Kelly Mary Kyle Rachel Melissa Eric Rachael Michael Heather Dana 7955 Dietrich DiPietropolo Doolin Dunn Edge-Smith Elicic English Ferenchak Ficke, RN* Field Finn Fitzgerald Forman Frangos Frankenfield Friant Gallicchio Gancarz Gibbons Gourley Grady, RN* Graham Green Greenberg Greway Grigal Grohowski Gulbins Haggerty, RN* Harper Harris Harter Herman Herzog, RN* Hoover Hosey Huhn Izzo Jakubowski Janice Janssen Juliani Juliani Kauffman Kelleher Kelly, RN* PVI Only MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 21, 2011 Lauren Melissa Sherry Peter Jillian Beth Kimberly Diane Mark George Jessica Stephanie Barbara Kevin Kimberly Denise Michael Douglas Bethany Paul Craig Bobbie Suzanne Denene Tammy Courtney Lisa Mary Missy Ana Maria Felicisima Richard Rafelle Amy Lauren Lee Donald Thomas Mihajlo Breanna Sharon Scott Lois Patricia Trisha Lori Jennifer Lisa Frank Kelly Kendall Kiser Kousoulis Kreutzer Kugler Landgraf Lemma Lichtenfeld Love Lundgren Luzecky Mack Mahoney Martino Melfi Melnyk Miller Mitros Mitros Morgan Morier Morris Mozzachio Mulroy Munyon Newton-Orensky Nicoletti O'Brien O'Malley Panes Pente Perry Phillips Picerno Pinsky Preston Priory Protic Ratkevic Reilly Richards Robson Rochlinski Roland Romach Rybacki Scalia-Evans Scaramuzzo Katie Edward Kelly Rosemary Rosemary Kristina Lauren Jessica Tiffany Patricia Darlene Mary Patricia Patrick Michelle Jefflyn Kathleen Rory Joseph Robert Mike Shane Sylvie Helena Eric Frank Ashleigh Louise Denise Brett Corinna Ryan Eileen Adam Grace 7938 Schafer Scholes Schweer Scott Serock, RN* Shaughnessy Silliphant Simon Smith Smith, RN* Sorensen Stenson Stephens Steward Stuebing Sullivan Tees Thieringer Thomas Thomson Thomson Thorstensen Volansky Walter Wasiowicz Watson Watts Weachter Weber Wiedmer-Symer Williams Williamson Wirjosemito Yang Newly Retired Staff Added: Loretta Dickinson-Foster Elissa Ginsburg Susan Peoples Marlis Principato Irene Recuber Celia Rosenzweig Jerry Scheinberg NOTE: Salary is subject to change pending completion of HTEA negotiations. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 21, 2011 7939 ROLL CALL Mr. Albino Yes Mr. Brown Abstain Mrs. Caputi Yes Mrs. Chudd Yes Mr. Mann Yes Mr. Mulroy Abstain Mrs. Richards Yes Roll Call 5-0-2 Motion by Mr. Mann and seconded by Mrs. Chudd that the following items be approved: -20. APPOINTMENT OF DIRECTOR OF SPECIAL SERVICES – EDWARDS That the Board approves the appointment of Bonnie Edwards as Director of Special Services, at a salary of $115,000, prorated, for the 2011-12 school year, from August 29, 2011 through June 30, 2012. -21. HIGH SCHOOL – CO-CURRICULAR APPOINTMENT – 2010-2011 That the Board approves the following co-curricular appointment for the 2010-2011 school year at the stipend indicated: Bill Schmidt Misc Club Sponsor (Bowling) $360.50* *Stipend is based on one-half of the Club Sponsor Rate for the season. Additional support added due to level of student participation. -22. HIGH SCHOOL – BOYS/GIRLS CLUB APPROVALS – 2010-2011 That the Board approves the following activity/position for the remainder of the 2010-2011 school year: Two groups will meet once or twice per week in an attempt to enhance the self-esteem; improve peer relations; build leadership; and improve the academic performance of high school students. This club will consist of ten or fewer students identified by the C.O.R.E Team as being in need of guidance, as indicated: MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 21, 2011 7938 Up to 1.5 hours per day at $30 per day Rose Austin: girls’ group Mr. Bob Weichmann: boys’ group NOTE: This item was inadvertently omitted from a prior agenda. -23. SACC APPOINTMENTS – 2011-2012 SCHOOL YEAR That the Board approves the reappointment of the following School Age Child Care Staff for the 2011-12 school year, effective September 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012. Last Agogino Boldurian Burrows Burrows Casanova Casanova Casanova Christian Christian Cunningham Dayton Flinn Frett Gaspari Gaspari Harris Harris Hockenbury Loney Loney Novitzky Novitzky Quinn Reed Reed Shinn Styron Styron First Katrina Marc Carol R. Carol R. Lorae Rose Rose Janis Janis Stephanie Michelle Jessica Debra Donna Donna Alisha Brittany Lindsey Susan Susan Nancy Nancy Jennifer Maria Maria Kelsey Linda Linda Position child care worker child care worker sub. child care worker sub. site supervisor sub. site supervisor sub. site supervisor sub. child care worker sub. child care worker sub. site supervisor site supervisor/Stoy sub. site supervisor sub. child care worker site supervisor/Edison sub. site supervisor substitute worker sub. child care worker sub. child care worker sub. child care worker sub. child care worker sub. site supervisor sub. site supervisor child care worker child care worker chid care worker sub. site supervisor sub. child care worker child-care worker sub. site supervisor Rate $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 10.50 12.25 12.25 15.60 16.60 15.60 10.92 12.74 15.60 16.60 15.60 10.50 16.60 15.60 12.25 10.92 10.92 10.50 12.25 15.60 16.60 12.74 10.92 12.74 16.60 7.80 12.74 15.60 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 21, 2011 -24. 7939 REAPPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATORS – 2011-2012 SCHOOL YEAR That the Board approves the reappointment of the following administrators, from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012. The salaries are the same as the 2010-11 school year, subject to change pending a new HTPSA contract. Administrator Position 2010-11 Salary Bonnie Edwards Director of Special Services $115,000**+ Gary O’Brien Kevin Rooney HS Principal MS Principal $131,622 $127,204 Don Pullano Eileen Smith Charles Warfield Elementary Principal Elementary Principal Elementary Principal $110,548 $108,160 $118,532 Todd Green Andrew Swiecicki Patricia Schwab HS Ass’t. Principal HS Ass’t. Principal MS Ass’t. Principal $102,440 $87,500+ $94,100* Raymond Sangillo Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds $108,160 *from September 1, 2011 through June 30, 2011 **prorated from August 29, 2011 +newly negotiated salaries -25. DISTRICT AFFIRMATIVE ACTION TEAM That the Board approves the reappointment of the following staff members to the Affirmative Action Team for the Haddon Township School District for the 2011-2012 school year: Mark Raivetz (District Officer) Liz Mennig Patty Schwab Eileen Smith Jen Gauld Pat Nero MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 21, 2011 -26. 7940 DISTRICT ANTI-BULLYING COORDINATOR That the Board approves the appointment of Don Pullano as the district-wide Anti-Bullying Coordinator 2011-2012 school year. -27. SUMMER CURRICULUM That the Board of Education approves the following hours for summer curriculum work: Last Name Austin Ireland Graham Ellis Agnew Burke Dill First Name Rose Lisa Nikki Kathy Brian Cathy Andrea Hrs. Approved 10 10 10 15 15 20 10 Subject Voc/Tech Ed Health/PE Health/PE SS SS Sci Sci Rate* 39.65 39.65 39.65 39.65 39.65 39.65 39.65 *Final rate to be consistent with the agreement negotiated between HTEA and the Haddon Township Board of Education, effective July 1, 2010. -28. AIDE/WORKER APPOINTMENTS/STATUS CHANGES That the Board approves the following appointments for the 2011-12 school year, effective September 1, 2011, through June 30, 2012. Last First Hass Tamara Palumbo Gina Position substitute aide/worker substitute aide/worker Location Rate Strawbridge $14.20 Van Sciver $14.20 That the Board approves the following volunteer aides/workers for the 2011-12 school year, at Stoy School: Katherine Bridget Valerie Bennett Madden Schumacher MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 21, 2011 7941 That the Board approves the following salary and status changes for the 2011-12 school year: Louise Watts From substitute aide/worker @ $14.20 per hour To part-time aide/worker @ $15.40 per hour Maureen Blumenstein From substitute aide/worker @ $14.20 per hour To part-time aide/worker @ $15.40 per hour NOTE: Revised rate to be determined at conclusion of HTEA negotiations. -29. TEACHER CONTRACT CHANGE That the Board approves the following contract change for Leslie Ries, Van Sciver Special Education teacher, for the 2011-12 school year, from September 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012: From .67 time @ Step 17/P,MA, $52,233 To full-time @ Step 17/P,MA, $78,349 (Step advanced in 2010-11, salary is at 2009-10 level.) NOTE: If appropriate, adjustments will be made pending conclusion of HTEA negotiations) -30. ATHLETIC TRAINER REAPPOINTMENT That the Board approves the reappointment of Theresa Brown as Athletic Trainer for the Haddon Township School District, for the 2011-12 school year, at a stipend of $36,000.00. Ms. Brown’s time will increase from 25 hours per week to 30 hours per week. The salary reflects an increase of $6,000, which was approved by the Board at the special meeting of June 27, 2011. ROLL CALL Mr. Albino Yes Mr. Brown Yes Mrs. Caputi Yes Mrs. Chudd Yes Mr. Mann Yes Mr. Mulroy Yes Mrs. Richards Yes Roll Call 7-0-0 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 21, 2011 7942 Motion by Mrs. Caputi and seconded by Mrs. Chudd that the following items be approved: -31. APPROVAL OF ATHLETIC EVENT WORKRS That the Board approves the following individuals as Event Workers for the 2011-2012 school year: FALL Football WINTER Boys & Girls Basketball Wrestling SPRING Baseball, Softball, Track Jim Heckers - Video (Filming) Russ Williams – Announcer Tom Moore - 1 A.V. Assistant Karen Bleming - Ticket Seller Nelson Epley – Timer Pat McCloskey – Timer Russ Williams – Timer Rachel McConnell – Timer Ronnie Powell - Seller Ed Powell - Seller Director – Mike Thomson Awards – To be named Honey Heck - Ticket Seller Terry Stanley - Ticket Seller Rosesann Arizzi -Ticket Seller Linda Crist -Ticket Seller Bill McCutcheon – Timer Shane Thomson – Timer Sean Agnew – Timer Tyler Tomashek - Timer Grounds – Merced Valenzuela Site Manager – Alan Carr Pits & Equip – Bill Hoover Wendie Anderson - Ticket Seller Karen Bleming – Tickets Linda Crist – Tickets Police (2 ) Work Crew - (12) Jim Heckers - A.V. Aide Michele Tesoro – Tickets Joe Burke – Supervisor Ed Powell – Supervisor Alan Carr – Site Manager Terry Brown – Athletic Trainer A.V. Aide – Jim Heckers Athletic Trainer - Terry Brown Substitutes: Ron Wister, Tom Mulligan, Danielle Franks, Aileen Fallon, Joni Evans, Joan Corelli Frank Ottinger, Doug Richardson, Jim Bonder, Ronnie Powell, Wendie Anderson, Tony D’amato In addition, the Board authorizes each named individual to substitute in any other named capacity at the thencurrent Board-approved rate. ROLL CALL Mr. Albino No Mr. Brown Yes Mrs. Caputi Yes Mrs. Chudd Yes Mr. Mann Yes Mr. Mulroy Yes Mrs. Richards No Roll Call 5-2-0 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 21, 2011 7943 Motion by Mr. Mann and seconded by Mrs. Chudd that the following items be approved: -32. NEW TEACHER - GREENBERG That the Board approves the appointment of Michelle Greenberg as a Grade 3 teacher at Stoy School for the 2011-12 school year, at a salary of $48,690, Step 5/E, B+15, from September 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012. NOTE: Salary is subject to change, pending completion of HTEA negotiations. #9 POLICY -1. NEW POLICIES – 3000 SERIES (SECOND READING) That the Board adopts the attached policies: 3111 3112 3124 3125 3125.2 3126 3130 3134 3141 3142 3143 3144 3146 3150 3152 3159 3160 3161 3211 3211.3 3212 3214 3216 3217 3218 3230 CREATING POSITIONS ABOLISHING POSITIONS EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT EMPLOYMENT OF TEACHING STAFF MEMBERS (M) EMPLOYMENT OF SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS INDUCTION PROGRAM FOR PROVISIONAL TEACHERS ASSIGNMENT AND TRANSFER ASSIGNMENT OF ADDITIONAL DUTIES RESIGNATION NONRENEWAL OF NONTENURED TEACHING STAFF MEMBER DISMISSAL CERTIFICATION OF TENURE CHARGES CONDUCT OF REDUCTION IN FORCE DISCIPLINE WITHHOLDING AN INCREMENT TEACHING STAFF MEMBER/SCHOOL DISTRICT REPORTING RESPONSIBILITIES PHYSICAL EXAMINATION (M) EXAMINATION FOR CAUSE CODE OF ETHICS CONSULTING OUTSIDE THE DISTRICT ATTENDANCE (M) CONFLICT OF INTEREST DRESS AND GROOMING USE OF CORPORAL PUNISHMENT SUBSTANCE ABUSE (M) OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 21, 2011 3231 3233 3244 3245 3270 3280 3281 3310 3321 3351 3362 3370 3381 3420 3425 3425.1 3431 3431.1 3431.3 3432 3433 3435 3436 3437 3439 -2. 7944 OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT AS ATHLETIC COACH POLITICAL ACTIVITIES IN-SERVICE TRAINING (M) RESEARCH PROJECTS BY STAFF MEMBERS PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES LIABILITY FOR PUPIL WELFARE INAPPROPRIATE STAFF CONDUCT ACADEMIC FREEDOM ACCEPTABLE USE OF COMPUTER NETWORK(S)/ COMPUTERS AND RESOURCES BY TEACHING STAFF MEMBERS HEALTHY WORKPLACE ENVIRONMENT SEXUAL HARASSMENT (M) TEACHING STAFF MEMBER TENURE PROTECTION AGAINST RETALIATION BENEFITS WORK RELATED DISABILITY PAY MODIFIED DUTY EARLY RETURN TO WORK PROGRAM – TEACHING STAFF MEMBERS UNCOMPENSATED LEAVE FAMILY LEAVE (M) NEW JERSEY’S FAMILY LEAVE INSURANCE PROGRAM SICK LEAVE VACATIONS ANTICIPATED DISABILITY PERSONAL LEAVE MILITARY LEAVE JURY DUTY NEW POLICIES – (SECOND READING) That the Board adopts the attached policies: 2431 ATHLETIC COMPETITION 2431.3 PRACTICE & PRE-SEASON HEAT-ACCLIMATION FOR INTERSCHOLASTIC ATHLETICS 2431.4 CONCUSSION TESTING AND RETURN-TO-PLAY 3420.1 NUMBER OF HOURS REQUIRED FOR MEDICAL COVERAGE IN GROUP PLAN MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 21, 2011 -3. 7945 RESOLUTION AND BYLAWS REVISION (SECOND READING) – REIMBURSEMENT OF FEES FOR CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECK FOR BOARD MEMBERS That the Board approves the attached resolution, and second reading of revision to Policy 0142: Board Member Qualifications, Prohibited Acts and Code of Ethics. #10 MONTHLY REPORTS -1. Fire and Security Drills -2. Enrollment Report -3. Suspension Report -4. Drug Report -5. Vandalism Report -6. Summary of Work-related Lost Time Injuries #11 MISCELLANEOUS -1. REQUEST FOR WAIVER TO HAVE ONE PRINCIPAL COVER TWO SCHOOLS That the Board approves requesting permission for a waiver to have the following individuals serve as principal of more than one school for the 2011-12 school year: Charles Warfield, Principal Jennings School, Grades Pre-K-5, 104 students Stoy School, Grades Pre-K-5, 186 students Eileen Smith Edison School, Grades Pre-K-5, 167 students Strawbridge School, Grades K-5, 232 students Enrollment based on totals from June 17, 2011. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 21, 2011 -2 7946 ADDITIONAL GRADE 5 AT VAN SCIVER SCHOOL That the Board adds an additional Grade 5 class at Van Sciver School for the 2011-12 school year only. Current enrollments in the two existing Grade 5 classes currently stand at 67 students. The districtwide class size parameter for Grade 5 is 28. Currently, the two classes are 33 and 34 respectively. Funding for this position is to be drawn from salary savings. ROLL CALL Mr. Albino Yes Mr. Brown Yes Mrs. Caputi Yes Mrs. Chudd Yes Mr. Mann Yes Mr. Mulroy Yes Mrs. Richards Yes Roll Call 7-0-0 DISCUSSION AND QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC (public session #2) 1) Sally Duva spoke about programs being restored to the 2011-2012 budget and participation fees. 2) Scott Kehs spoke about Middle School soccer. 3) Jill Noller spoke about Haddon Township assessments and taxes. Motion by Mrs. Caputi and seconded by Mrs. Chudd that the meeting be adjourned. The meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM. Respectfully submitted, Lisa A. Palmer, Ed.D. School Business Administrator/Board Secretary