Oracle Customer Snapshot
Skanska Sverige AB Industrializes Production and Cuts
Costs with Supply Chain Management Solution
Skanska Sverige AB
Solna, Sweden
Engineering & Construction
Annual Revenue:
US$3.2 billion
Oracle Products &
Oracle Supply Chain Management
Oracle Advanced Supply Chain
Skanska Sverige AB is one of Sweden’s largest construction
companies. It is a part of the Skanska group, one of the world’s
leading project development and construction groups with
expertise in construction, development of commercial and
residential projects and public private partnerships. The
company’s traditional home market is Sweden, which is now the
group’s second largest market behind the United States.
 Improve financial management and profitability by
industrializing and standardizing the manufacturing of asphalt,
concrete, and aggregates in Sweden
 Deploy an IT solution for manufacturing core processes on a
business that prior had only decentralized IT solutions
 Standardize production methods—previously regulated by
contract terms—with common management principles and
processes across Sweden
Oracle Partner:
BearingPoint Sweden AB
Navigate Consulting AB
“This large-scale and unique
implementation is a milestone
for Skanska Sverige, as it
enables us to remain
competitive in the marketplace.
By leveraging the complete
functionality inherent in Oracle
Supply Chain Management
applications, we are able to save
millions of dollars each year.” –
Margreth Eriksson, Project
Manager, Skanska Sverige AB
 Implemented Oracle Supply Chain Management and Oracle
Advanced Supply Chain Planning to industrialize and
standardize production, as well as improve the economic
management of both production and administration
 Created fully integrated system support, facilitating standard
procedures across Sweden, reliable sales statistics, stock level
control, centralized invoicing, and millions of dollars in savings
per year
 Replaced many manual production processes with the
solution’s automatic processes, increasing efficiency and
reducing costs for jobs such as producing custom mixtures of
concrete in specific amounts
 Laid the foundation for increased profitability and
competitiveness in the construction materials sector, as well as
for introducing and deploying the solution into other parts of
the Skanska group
 Achieved an on-time and on-budget implementation and
development of the solution with the support of Oracle Partners
BearingPoint Sweden AB and Navigate Consulting AB
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Published MONTH 2010