Course Outline and Timeline - Tidewater Community College

AST 236 – Specialized Software Applications
Distance Learning Via Blackboard.
Instructor: Patti Hathaway
Credit Hours:
E-mail address:
Web page:
Summer 2010
Catalog Description: Teaches specialized integrated software applications on the
microcomputer. Emphasizes document production to meet business and industry
standards. Prerequisite: AST 101 or equivalent. Lecture 4 hours per week. Meets
college’s computer competency requirements.
This course is designed to fully utilize the capabilities of four of the Microsoft Office
Applications, as well as how they are used to enhance productivity in the workplace.
Throughout the course, the students are expected to complete assignments using
Office 2007. The student will create business documents using Word. Excel will be
used for solving numeric and mathematical problems. Access will be use to
organize, query and retrieve data. The student will write, create, and produce
presentations using PowerPoint.
This course uses materials that map to some of the skills tested on the Microsoft
Certified Application Specialist Certification exams for Microsoft Word 2007,
Excel 2007, Access 2007 and PowerPoint 2007. This course does not fully cover all
skills needed for each exam. The Microsoft Certified Application Specialist
Certification exams can demonstrate the skill level of the student with the Office
2007 applications to potential employers.
Marquee Series--Microsoft Office 2007with Windows XP (w/CD): EMC Paradigm
Publishing Inc., 2008. ISBN: 978-0-76382-958-2. Author: Rutkosky, Sequin and
This ISBN includes
 the textbook
 a student data files CD
 there is NO SOFTWARE included with the textbook
There are links in Blackboard in the outline section for the textbook and software.
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Students will need thumb/flash drives if they plan to do homework in the college
open computer labs. Thumb/flash drives may also be helpful to students working at
other locations. Floppy disks are not recommended.
 It is most important that you save ALL files, in case you need to resend the
files to the instructor. Please do not delete any data files that were used for
assignments until you receive a grade for the assignment and questions are
Students must use Microsoft Office 2007 (Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint)
to complete their assignments. Assignments will not be accepted from other
software applications such as Microsoft Works. Not all editions of Microsoft
Office include all of these applications (i.e. Access). If you do not have all of the
applications on your computer, you may need to identify another location for doing
some of the projects.
Students should use Office 2007 to complete the assignments for this course.
There are many differences with other versions of Office such as 2010, 2003,
2002, etc. Students will have difficulty using the Office 2007 textbook and
Office 2010 or Office 2003 software. There are many new features in Office
2007 that are not available in older versions.
Assignments will not be accepted from other software applications such as
Microsoft Works.
Students will need to have Internet connection. If your Internet connection is
interrupted for any reason you can use any of the TCC computer labs as long as
you have a student ID. Lack of internet access will not be an acceptable reason for
not submitting assignments on time.
This course is designed to provide you with instruction and practice using the
following skills:
Prepare, manage, and print documents using application software.
Create, design, and produce professional and visually appealing documents
including letters, newsletters, reports, and merged documents using basic word
processing software (Word 2007). Topics include create, edit, format, laying out
documents, using templates, building blocks, and special formatting features.
Process, manipulate, and represent numeric data using the basic functions of
spreadsheet software (Excel 2007). Functions include: using formatting techniques
for preparing a spreadsheet, creating and testing formulas, what-if analysis,
adding visual elements, using multiple worksheets, and creating charts.
Use Access 2007 to build databases and then perform queries, create forms and
reports that provide the foundation for planning and decision making. Functions
include: using various field types, maintain data, sort data, modify the structure of
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the table, back up the database, use features to enhance data validation and data
entry, summarize data, and design reports, queries and forms.
Prepare, edit and enhance visually attractive and informative presentations using
PowerPoint 2007. Design and create informational and motivational slides using
presentation software and images that contain hyperlinks, tables, clip art,
SmartArt, themes, WordArt, and animation.
Learn strategies for merging and integrating source data from different
Access the Internet and use the browse, search, and hyperlink capabilities of Web
Utilize and customize features in the operating system for efficient use in a
business setting.
The course lessons will be delivered through textbook based tutorials, reading, homework
assignments, and quizzes. The primary method of communication will be email,
Blackboard announcements and Discussion Board.
All course announcements and individual e-mails sent by the instructor will be sent to your
TCC e-mail account. You should check your TCC e-mail account at least once or twice a
week. You may forward your incoming mail from your TCC e-mail account to a personal
account. To ensure that you are receiving all of your TCC e-mail it is suggested that you
check your TCC account occasionally to verify that all of your mail is being forwarded.
Please see the technical requirements for online courses posted at:
The student is expected to complete all assignments by the specified due dates.
The student will be responsible for taking initiative when he/she has questions regarding
course material and content. The instructor can be contacted through online tools such as
e-mail, discussion board, or by phone. The instructor will make every effort to respond to
e-mail notes within 24 hours.
The student will study:
Windows Skills
Internet Explorer and E-mail
Microsoft Office Suite 2007 Suite
The following textbook chapters will be covered in this course:
Information Technology Essentials
Windows XP, Section 1: Exploring Windows XP
Windows XP, Section 2: Maintaining Files and Customizing Windows
Internet Explorer 7.0, Section 1: Browsing the Internet Using Internet Explorer 7.0
Word, Section 1: Creating and Editing a Document
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Word, Section 2: Formatting Characters and Paragraphs
Word, Section 3: Formatting and Enhancing a Document
Word, Section 4: Formatting with Special Features
Excel, Section 1: Analyzing Data Using Excel
Excel, Section 2: Editing and Formatting Worksheets
Excel, Section 3: Using Functions, Setting Print Options, and Adding Visual Elements
Excel, Section 4: Working with Multiple Worksheets, Formatting Sheet Tabs
Integrating Programs: Word and Excel
Access, Section 1: Maintaining Data in Access Tables
Access, Section 2: Creating Tables and Relationships
Access, Section 3: Creating Queries, Forms, and Reports
Access, Section 4: Summarizing Data and Calculating in Forms and Reports
Integrating Programs: Word, Excel, and Access
PowerPoint, Section 1: Preparing a Presentation
PowerPoint, Section 2: Editing and Enhancing Slides
PowerPoint, Section 3: Customizing a Presentation
Integrating Programs: Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
Attendance and Assignment Submission Policy
As a Distance Learning class, assignments, quizzes, exams,
announcements, etc., will be posted to the course at the Blackboard Web
site. There is a folder in Assignments in Blackboard for each week of the
course with details of each assignment, directions for submitting the
assignments, a detailed grading rubric for each assignment, and due dates.
Assignments are required weekly.
The student must login to Blackboard and check e-mail at least once a
week. Note: Blackboard tracks student participation.
The student is responsible for completing assignments by the due dates
specified. Project work submitted past the stated deadline will be penalized
10%. The student is responsible for all course work from the first day of
class. There may be a "drop-dead" date for each assignment (after this date,
the assignment will no longer be accepted). Many times students have
challenges outside of class. A total of 30 points will be added to the
assignment points total prior to calculating the assignment average. The
addition of these points would allow for three late assignments. All students
will receive the extra points. A student without late assignments will benefit
by increasing the grade on submitted assignments.
Student submission of assignments is used in recording attendance in
the course. If a student does not submit assignments on a regular basis
they may be withdrawn from the course by the instructor due to lack of
attendance. If the student does not complete at least part of the Week 1
assignment (e-mail and discussion board) by the stated deadline – they
will be dropped from the class due to lack of participation.
This is a very fast paced course. Your grade will be completely dependent on
the work you submit and its timeliness. If a student falls behind in his/her
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work, and wishes to withdraw from the course, the procedure is the same as
in a face-to-face class. It is the student's responsibility to withdraw
themselves from the class prior to the Add/Drop deadline if he/she does not
wish to receive an F.
The student is required to come to campus to complete two proctored
exams. Students must read test information carefully in Blackboard. The
student must take the exam during the availability posted in Blackboard. TCC
Testing Centers will not admit students to tests, regardless of the length of
the test less than two hours prior to test center closing. The instructor will not
extend the exam for a student if they are turned away at a testing center due
to arriving less than two hours prior to testing center closing. If the student
lives outside the TCC service area, the student can work with the instructor
to develop other locations for the proctored activities – the student should
identify this need the first week of the course.
Students may not resubmit graded assignments for a higher grade. The
instructor may contact the student for corrupted/missing files and re-grade
those portions of the assignments. Only files requested by the instructor will
be accepted for resubmission.
Grading System
Grading Scale:
Final course grades will be calculated based on the following:
Exams (Mid-term and Final Exam)
Weekly Assignments and quizzes
Interaction with instructor and Course Participation (e-mail and
discussion boards). If you are having difficulty – you must
communicate with the instructor.
Students are expected to take an active approach to the course. The 5%
participation grade will be based on communication with the instructor via email, and use of the discussion board.
All course work must be completed prior to 11.59 p.m. on July 31.
Grade reports are no longer mailed to students. Grades are available online.
Visit the TCC web site ( ) for information on viewing your
grades online.
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Cheating in any form will not be tolerated and may result in a grade of “F”
for the course for ALL students involved in the activity. All work submitted
should be your own. Any suspicious behavior will be addressed.
The last day to drop the class to receive refund is June 3, 2010. The last
day to withdraw without academic penalty is July 2, 2010. The student may
be withdrawn by the instructor for lack of attendance. If you withdraw from
the course prior to July 2, you will receive a “W” grade. If you withdraw from
the course after July 2, you will receive an “F” grade.
If due to mitigating circumstances a student should miss a scheduled exam,
a makeup test may be administered at the discretion of the instructor. The
test score on a makeup exam will be adjusted down by one letter grade.
The format of a makeup exam may differ from the regularly scheduled exams
with more essay type questions. The instructor does not normally schedule
makeup tests.
The instructor does not normally award grades of Incomplete except under
special circumstances. It is expected that the student has completed at least
75% of the course work (through Week 7). It is the responsibility of the
student to contact the instructor to express a desire for a grade of Incomplete
and agree upon a schedule of when the remaining course work will be
completed. The instructor then will determine if an incomplete grade may be
contact Ms.Hathaway for questions and assistance. Ms. Hathaway’s e-mail address
is . Ms. Hathaway’s phone number is long distance. If you
want to talk via phone, send Ms. Hathaway an e-mail note with several times that
are good to call and a phone number. Ms. Hathaway will call you.
The lab is available for students to use to practice the skills and complete
assignments. If a student does not have the proper software at home or does not
have internet access, they may use the computer labs on campus. Students may
use the lab during open lab hours and when computers are available. The lab hours
are posted after the start of classes. A student ID or a Chesapeake address on a
picture ID is required for lab use at the Chesapeake campus. Students are required
to sign in and out of the lab. NO food or drinks are allowed in the labs. Please refer
to the lab at your preferred campus for specific rules and lab hours.
The student may use their own computer equipment for assignments, provided they
own a copy of the software that matches the software used in the course (Office
2007 – Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint). Assignments submitted from other
software packages such as Microsoft Works will not be accepted.
The student is responsible for reconciling differences in how their system
operates and the textbook examples. It is the responsibility of the student to
properly configure their system to achieve the desired results and can be opened by
the instructor.
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All students will be treated with respect to their individual needs. If you are receiving
services related to a disability or medical condition from disability service, please
contact me privately to review your Request for Accommodations form. Any
information about your disability or medical condition we discuss is confidential and
will not be shared with anyone.
If you feel you need accommodations for a disabling condition, please contact your
disability services counselor, the Chesapeake Campus disability counselor,
Constance Lawson at 822-5127, or the District Coordinator at (757) 822-1213,
and/or visit the web page at .
In the event of a bomb threat, tornado, or fire, students and staff may be asked to
evacuate the building or move to a secure location within the building. Evacuation
routes for movement to an external location or to a shelter within the building are
posted at the front of the room. Students should review the maps and make sure
that the exit route and assembly location for the building are clearly understood. If
you have a disability that may require assistance during an evacuation, please let
your faculty know at the end of the first class. If you are working in an open lab,
please inform the lab assistant.
Students are responsible for being aware of the policies, procedures, and student
responsibilities contained within the current edition of the Tidewater Community
College Catalog and Student Handbook. Students should be familiar with College
policies regarding academic misconduct and inclement weather policies found in the
TCC Student Handbook.
When on campus, students should note the emergency exit procedures posted in
classrooms and labs.
All patrons of the Open Computer Labs are responsible for complying with VCCS
policies and guidelines regarding computers and information technology. The VCCS
Computer Ethics Guidelines ( ) covers all VCCNet
usage, and the Student/Patron Ethics Agreement (
relates directly to student and other patron access. All students and college patrons
who use the Virginia Community College's local and wide area computer systems
must agree to abide by the Information Technology Student / Patron Ethics
Agreement presented on the next page:
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Information Technology Student / Patron Ethics Agreement
Information Technology
Student/Patron Acceptable Use Agreement
Version: 2.1
Status: Approved 02/22/06
As a user of the Virginia Community College System's information technology resources, I
understand and agree to abide by the following acceptable use agreement terms. These terms
govern my access to and use of the information technology applications, services and resources of
the VCCS and the information they generate.
The college granted access to me as a necessary privilege in order to perform authorized functions
at the college where I am currently enrolled. I will not knowingly permit use of my entrusted access
control mechanism for any purposes other than those required to perform authorized functions
related to my status as a student. These include logon identification, password, workstation
identification, user identification, file protection keys or production read or write keys.
I will not disclose information concerning any access control mechanism unless properly authorized
to do so by my enrolling college. I will not use any access mechanism that the VCCS has not
expressly assigned to me.
I will treat all information maintained on the VCCS computer systems as strictly confidential and will
not release information to any unauthorized person. I agree to abide by all applicable state, federal,
VCCS, and college policies, procedures and standards that relate to the VCCS Information
Security Standard and the VCCS Information Technology Acceptable Use Standard. I will follow all
the security procedures of the VCCS computer systems and protect the data contained therein.
If I observe any incidents of non-compliance with the terms of this agreement, I am responsible for
reporting them to the Information Security Officer and management of my college.
I understand that VCCS Information Security Office, or appropriate designated college officials,
reserve the right without notice to limit or restrict any individual's access and to inspect, remove or
otherwise alter any data, file, or system resource that may undermine the authorized use of any
VCCS or college IT resources.
I understand that it is my responsibility to read and abide by this agreement, even if I do not agree
with it. If I have any questions about the VCCS Information Technology Acceptable Use
Agreement, I understand that I need to contact the college Information Security Officer or
appropriate college official.
By acknowledging this agreement, I hereby certify that I understand the preceding terms and
provisions and that I accept the responsibility of adhering to the same. I further acknowledge that
should I violate this agreement, I will be subject to disciplinary action.
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Monday, May 24
Information Technology Essentials
Windows XP, Section 1: Exploring Windows XP
Windows XP, Section 2: Maintaining Files and
Customizing Windows
Internet Explorer 7.0, Section 1: Browsing the Internet
Using Internet Explorer 7.0
May 31
Memorial Day (College Closed)
June 3
Last Day to Drop for a Refund
Tuesday, June 1
Word, Section 1: Creating and Editing a Document
Word, Section 2: Formatting Characters and Paragraphs
Word, Section 3: Formatting and Enhancing a Document
Monday, June 7
Monday, June 7
Word, Section 4: Formatting with Special Features
Excel, Section 1: Analyzing Data Using Excel Excel
Section 2: Editing and Formatting Worksheets
Monday, June 14
Monday, June 14
Excel, Section 3: Using Functions, Setting Print Options,
and Adding Visual Elements
Excel, Section 4: Working with Multiple Worksheets,
Formatting Sheet Tabs
Integrating Programs: Word and Excel
Monday, June 21
Monday, June 21
Mid-Term --Exam will be taken between Monday June 21 and
Monday, June 28
Monday, June 28
Tuesday, June 1
Student must come to campus to take the exam. More
specific dates and times will be posted in Blackboard
July 2
Last Day to Withdraw without Academic Penalty
July 5
Independence Day Holiday (College Closed)
Monday, June 28
Access, Section 1: Maintaining Data in Access Tables
Access, Section 2: Creating Tables and Relationships
Tuesday, July 6
Tuesday, July 6
Access, Section 3: Creating Queries, Forms, and Reports
Access, Section 4: Summarizing Data and Calculating in
Forms and Reports
Integrating Programs: Word, Excel, and Access
Monday, July 12
Monday, July12
PowerPoint, Section 1: Preparing a Presentation
PowerPoint, Section 2: Editing and Enhancing Slides
Monday, July 19
Monday, July 19
PowerPoint, Section 3: Customizing a Presentation
Integrating Programs: Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
Monday, July 26
Final Exam --Exam will be taken between Monday July 26 and Saturday, July 31.
Student must come to campus to take the exam. More specific dates and times will be posted in
Students are responsible for being aware of the policies, procedures, and students’ responsibilities contained within the current edition
of TCC catalog.