Files and Streams

Files and Streams
Dr. Jürgen Eckerle
Files and Streams
• System input and output through data streams,
serialization and the file system is provided by
the package
• It must be imported by
• Streams represent an abstract input or output
• There are super classes InputStream and
OutputStream, Reader and Writer.
• Concrete subclasses link the access routines to
real input or output devices like files, strings or
communication channels.
Files and Streams
• Streams can be concatenated and nested.
• Nested streams allow to realize filters with
extended functionalities.
• There are two categories of stream classes:
– Byte streams (based on 8 Bit units)
– Character streams (based on 16 Bit Unicode
characters and realized with JDK 1.1).
Files and Streams
• Java uses the 16 Bit Unicode for internal
representation of characters, and
• the 8 Bit characters for external communication
with files.
• There are a set of bridge classes converts
Character streams into Byte streams and vice
Character Streams
The abstract class Writer contains the following
protected Writer()
public void close()
public void flush()
public void write(int c)
public void write(char[] cbuf)
abstract public void write(char[] cbuf, int off, int len)
public void write(String str)
public void write(String str, int off, int len)
Character Streams
• The constructor Writer() allows to open the
output stream and to prepare it for the following
write(...) commands.
• close() closes the output stream.
• The write(..) command is overloaded and is
used to write the given input value to the output
• The write(int) command allows to write an int
value as a byte to the output stream. All the
other write(...) commands are based on it.
• flush() forces to write characters possibly
currently stored in a buffer to the output device.
Character Streams
There are a set of concrete subclasses of the
abstract class Writer, for example:
• OutputStreamWriter a superclass for all Writer
classes which convert a character stream into a
byte stream.
• FileWriter allows to print the output into a file.
• FilterWriter
• PrintWriter
• BufferedWriter
Character Streams
• is used to store the characters sent to the output
stream in an internal buffer.
• The internal stored characters are written to the
buffer (file) if either
– the buffer is full, or
– the flush() command has been explicitely
• Useful if the output is written into a file, since the
number of external accesses will be reduced.
Character Streams
• allows to print both as the primitive types as the
objects in text form.
• an abstract superclass which is used to
implement self-defined Filter classes as a
subclass of it.
BufferedWriter, PrintWriter and FilterWriter can be
used to realize nested streams.
Exercise 1
• Write a small programm to write the string “Hallo
Java“ into a text file. End of line character is
Character Streams
Nested streams.
• BufferedWriter, PrintWriter and FilterWriter can
be used to realize nested streams.
• For that reason, these classes have a member
variable of type Writer which is initialized with
the constructor.
• For example in the class BufferedWriter:
– public BufferedWriter(Writer out)
– public BufferedWriter(Writer out, int size)
Character Streams
Nested streams.
• Calling the write method means that
– first, apply the filter functions realized in the own class
– then, apply the write(...) method of the superclass.
Character Streams – Examples
Writer f1;
BufferedWriter f2;
String s;
try {
f1 = new FileWriter("buffer.txt");
f2 = new BufferedWriter(f1);
for (int i = 1; i <= 10000; ++i) {
s = "Dies ist die " + i + ". Zeile";
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Fehler beim Erstellen der Datei");
PrintWriter f;
double sum = 0.0;
int nenner;
try {
f = new PrintWriter(
new BufferedWriter(
new FileWriter("zwei.txt")));
for (nenner = 1; nenner <= 1024; nenner *= 2) {
sum += 1.0 / nenner;
f.print("Summand: 1/");
f.print(" Summe: ");
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Fehler beim Erstellen der Datei");
Exercise 2
• Write a small programm to write a sequence of
values of type int into a text file.
Exercise 3
• print a text in uppercase into
text file. Study the listing of it. Explain why it
class UpCaseWriter extends FilterWriter
public UpCaseWriter(Writer out) {
public void write(int c) throws IOException {
public void write(char[] cbuf, int off, int len) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
write(cbuf[off + i]);
public void write(String str, int off, int len) throws IOException {
write(str.toCharArray(), off, len);
public class Exercise3
public static void main(String[] args) {
PrintWriter f;
String s = "und dieser String auch";
try {
f = new PrintWriter( new UpCaseWriter( new FileWriter("upcase.txt")));
//Aufruf von außen
f.println("Diese Zeile wird schön groß geschrieben");
//Test von write(int)
f.write('a'); f.println();
//Test von write(String)
f.write(s); f.println();
//Test von write(String, int, int)
f.write(s,0,17); f.println();
//Test von write(char[], int, int)
f.write(s.toCharArray(),0,10); f.println();
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Fehler beim Erstellen der Datei");
Character Streams
The abstract class Reader contains the following
public Reader()
public void close()
public void mark(int readAheadlimit)
public boolean markSupported()
public int read()
public int read(char[] cbuf)
public int read(char[] cbuf, int off, int len)
public long skip(long n)
public boolean ready()
public void reset()
Character Streams
• The constructor Reader() allows to open the
input stream and to prepare it for the following
read(...) commands.
• close() closes the input stream.
• The read(...) method is overloaded and is used
to read a character from a given input stream.
• The read() method reads the next character and
returns as an int value in the range [0, 65535]. A
return value -1 indicates that the end of the input
stream is reached.
Character Streams
• The read(char[ ], int, int) method reads a set of
characters and fill the given input array char.
The return value yield the number of input
values readed from the input stream. A return
value -1 indicates that the end of the input
stream is reached.
• The method boolean ready() returns the value
true, if the next character can be read without
being blocked.
Character Streams
• The method markSupported() checks whether
marking a position is supported.
• If marking is supported a given position can be
marked by calling the method mark(int). The
input value readAheadLine specifies the number
of characters which can be read until the mark is
• If a position is marked, the position index is set
to the marked position by calling reset().
• The method skip(int) allows to skip a given
number of input value. If it is not possible to skip
the specified number of characters, the return
values yields the actual number.
Character Streams
Subclasses of the abstract class Reader:
• InputStreamReader a superclass of all Reader
classes which converts a byte stream into a
character stream.
• FileReader allows to read the input stream from
a file.
• FilterReader: An abstract class for self-defining a
• BufferedReader
• PushbackReader
Character Streams
• StringReader and CharArrayReader allows to
read from a string object resp. a char array.
Reader f;
int c;
String s;
s = "Das folgende Programm zeigt die Verwendung\r\n";
try {
f = new StringReader(s);
while ((c = != -1) {
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Fehler beim Lesen des Strings");
Exercise 4
• Write a program which corresponds with the
Exercise 1, that is, a program which reads a
string from a text file and print it with the method
System.out.print() on the command line.
• Write a program which corresponds with
Exercise 2, that is, a program which reads read
a sequence of integers and print them with the
method System.out.println().
Character Streams
Nested Readers.
• The Reader classes
FilterReader, and
• can be used, since they have a member variable
Reader which is initialized by the constructor.
• In contrast to the Writer reading means
– first, apply the read method from the inner Reader,
– then, apply the read method of the Filter Reader.
Character Streams
• LineNumberReader extends the functionality of the
BufferedReader by ability to count the number of input
lines during the read process. There are two additional
– int getLineNumber()
– void setLineNumber(int)
• FilterReader is used as a superclass which a selfdefined FilterReader class has to extend.
• PushbackReader allows to give a character back to the
input stream (by unread(...)) after a call of the read()
method. This class is used, if the next character must be
known to make the right decision, without processing it.