!ri E I'i!/?r_1I 1L: 4'r LJFJflFFAEElE I EELAi:iF:..EllAEl5 ' tl[T o zfli5 Repuhlie rrf the Phili;)Pine$ Departmeni of Budget and Managemant t rtt l l\l N'l' \ l..l{ \ l{ I'illl,lIl)l]\ll (;()\ l::t{.liltll.i\ I l':l.li,{ t lt(}|!lt l}t't{x:(rl{L:i\'ll,\'l l1 }i['li] h'l l,lt{}f lltu. lr' 1.. Diosdadn M, $an A.ntonicr illtl - ltegional Dittctor Departrnent o1'tducatiort - Regir'rn IV'A (o?) ii82l I 14',68? ll?3i d8l I 169 J€rr Srri I \\,c a::e 1;rlrrased t* irrttrrrn lau that the PhilliEtr$ continucs tn he benc:htttatked and rtudiEd h;' neighb$rirrg ct:untri$ Lreing int'rtt:d k) Frcrs$ill llle who enlition having thcir t)wrr central e.pr()(uretltEtll 5-y5tsrr1, qf e-procurentent rvorld-rerrorr"ned g+therings and r:th.e| s1 rrrp+ria lrrr a, Fhil(iL,.trs progranl an,t r*pericnc$ in r'arious Philippine covet'ntrtent ofthe the eft'orts gathering+, inte'natiornl rn these oilun"o,lo,.,, inu practiti,rners in the 'u'erld. comrrtended, Mtllti-latcrsl developtnttrt i,il.,uri,inc t'or rqiqrmi irr governrnent Frocurenrent *,ere recouniz+d and Harrk {ADu'l, acknora'leelge the lact that the Philfi [PS ,4ti*n Developrnent ;.;;r; Lii*. ir,, worl,l ttnni ( w Bi ancl ih*e-tforts in the prrtcLrrement lbnr-'titrn and has rcct:pted efllcittncy ing et inrprrrl ir a viahls instrurn,-"nt in thc gpvrniment't prt'curentenl WB-iunded Frr)'ll.cts' ADB ancl for rpplicatiort on the PhiIGEPS with FhiltlEP$ qrtTicialt to intprove ott ils technit:nl ths Fhi16Eps systern N,l+d,-.rnization lrrqir.ct was irw*rded snd initiated of electr{)ilic irnpletrrentation full towarils rtreamlirrirrg nr'ti et}ir--isn.y rlesign nnd architq{lure ,o *nrLr* turrher lri April ?0 14, prQ,cureillent in our cQunff1'. Setr*ts[i$tFnd T i:i li)r this rc:irr6n rhat wLr are extenrlir:g this inviUtirln tu your agenc.\/ F*{C nremherrqther trainings for nuw $ystttil phil(iH succecding Phase i and all ibr , Pt Tr+ining Workine_C,nUQ trr nlgn6 thc and kttp llace *'ith the PhillrEPS thc use of r ith again yc,rtrselves anqJ lhnritiarizc yeu L:an rev'isit It ,l-*l"pr*.t * the upgradcri. I October 13-14, 2015 October 1.5-16, ?015 October 22-23, 2015 ruCn, Regicns 3 & 4 | I 1 'l'ruinings are ro be heltl fbr tu,o (t,; daSs at the deiignated venues. Ortigas Ave. Extension, Rosario, Pasig CitV Kiildll ncr.:outplish the atlach-ed corifirnt$tion ti:l'tn 'J'rainingFeeirPhp2.400,iJ0perparricipant{incluriveofvAri.alsoinr:lusive r'lichriquircalist,ofyourparticipanti. plearemakEcheckplrl,ln;ntti:rtheflccountof-eBlackboerd:S+luti,rnslnc,'or.tr ,rfrtranrit,ghir,Luncli tnd'snncki, training provider. ur b.v teltfax nt {(l:) ?t l-47t41 66 l-R$50; 85 5-d-l(r9; 86 l-5J8{l ot |lir l-5145 L.et'r continue t$ $r.tppoll "Ang l-laarrg Matun'id"! Velv trulv tours, 'i ., i 1,r,, ,r,,1. exec, Dlr,i*osA liARrl t{. CLEHEHTE Project Mdhager, PhiIGEPS Tel. Hor, crtsobill st,r 1007 FrcE t'lrnlll cEiS untrtbt, Ralllor f,orpqrate cenler, F. Hlol$ Jr, nold, orticfls ccntr. Pali0 cltv gfft-!ltd5/561-9Etb flo6900 tri B1/Zt-JIE 1I:4'J E t_-|1t":1EElar E PAiJE [Z Egl_Hrlf{Sl-lAE[rli t'ltl ? -1.i -l Repuhllc of thc PhiliPPinel Deptrtment of Bu(lget {ild !lansgeffient I'llll (,1 l,\ 1"111rt I l{lr i\ll,\ l' \l;,R\ l( ll' > PflOCURTMEI{T SffiVIBE PhiIGEPS BuYers Training Program ol Activitiet BuyEr Trtlnlng Dpy I (l 1 ? lr 0 40 _3. UvervlEw how to f,.ttsEble PoP'Ur't stlla$h FFgF Nly GEPS 4.1 i.'o$in Fsgs 4 2 NIY NotiCBs 4.2.1. View Bid Nolic6s Biddi'U 4 ? ? Create s Bld Nati+e - Shlgls o{ 2-$if,9e []ir+{l fionlraciing 4 2.3.1 Public BiOoing t Stroppin-g t LinrilFd S$urcr i t tug otiated FroFLr'srllollt {.? 4. H0\{ to lnclude Lirls lEmE {.2 5. Tu Ail,l -ln€ ltemF To Fr6quenily l'J$ed Li6t 4.2 5 4.2 7. { 2B 4 2.9. To Save A NollcETempldte Attach A,n Aseocidted Componenl Vise/ A Bid Noti{:€ Abtlrect Eriil A Bid Notlcs {.?.10. D6lBte A Eid Nolic6 4.2 11. Fost A Bid Nalica chltlgo 3tatus lrom P€ndir'lg to lF FreFdrElon 4.2 4.e.13 Crsets A Eid StrPPlement 4 2.14. Add SuFf)lrer la ths D0c.]ln€nt Feqtrest LEt l2 5 0 6.0 MY Organizeti+n 5.1. Organieatiefl ProfflE 5.2. Sub'OrAenlretlon Lisl 5.3 ?lgenrzsl ol Conlarl Lisl rr.4. Orgenizstion ili5t0ry fi .5. AocGditsd SrPPliec 5 6. BlachliEtetl SuPPliErs it1! Frolile 6.1 y'iew owr Frofl e 8.2. LJPdsle Ovfi Praile s.3 Chango Password 6 4. Activity EEY T 7.j Aw8rd CrEAtion 7 I Cresle A Eiddsr's List 7 3 HowTo Shortlisi $uPPliets 7 3. Crsrto A 8ld Notice - 2nd Stdgo Biddilrg 7 4. Cleats An Award Notice 7.5. UPloed As+oriFled trocument 7.6 C;nce[F6tFonei Feil e Bd Notioe 7.7 REPost (Jtrjer 7.8 Vi6w Detell Trachins RFFort I 8.il 9.0 10,1 0 Awprd t\ohcs Lisl 7 1O MP Pendins TaEk OpportunitieE 9,'l . OFen Opportunities 9.2. FonnEr OPsortuniti€E $.3. Awatd Notices Dir€tlurJ 10.1. BlyerDreEtery l0 l. $uPPlier DirertorY Onon Forum oirtrlbutlorr of Ccdlfi crtco 2?r l-1 -:rr'lEl- F 4t 1l-: EE L1FJE F*tiE EEL+'ll'iElAFtIt:l EEFJEI 1.1 Republit of the FhiliPPines flepartnreni of Iludget and klnnagcncnf l|llll.(,l,.lrh. I'l{lli l.RllHl.E I \li;l{\ l{. l; Pn0$uRtt{$lI SEflVIIT AIIEtsIIqSi ImFortsnt Informrtion progress in your applicauon for PhilGEffi Trainirlq: Once yorlr attentjance is conlirmed, plefiFe dothe1ollowrng $teps to Your C+nflrmation Code is NT5 NCRBT t0-1015 Your Trainin$ tootdingtor iE; Christisrl Felx Salen contact No: ioa) rzt-trrq i c91517r143il 013?166{09{ F'l€aEe fil-uP rnd sign the ff fomis l. l, 3. ; . r Cmfirmatioo Fornt l Staternent cf Account (5OA) bEpoEit payment ortly to EBHSI iank ecctltnts: Fee: Regtstraboo p1,400,00/partlclpanb (incju_stv+ (r{ tratning rrateralT, AIvl arld PM snacks, l,rrtch' and certifrcates) I rnd Erln.i1; frnco Ot Oio (ffrb) - f hrw llvd,. Strndhrd Er.ftch IE, FFnt # (wllh Fhtri0 0lr banh {:nnrl}er) r Account Ndme; tFltckBotrdf SoltltiortF' In(' - Account Nurntnr; 2810058330 . Deposlt to sfiY BDO Branch rrarsactioli lb. B.nk # t -nl grrn.i, Elrt w6t Etnh - lAlrcl-weck Errnch (N0 [hnk lnc' + Account Narne: €BlackBotrdr $olutiong r AccountNu'rrber: 200004998f02 . Denoslt to any Effit west Eank Branch We Dniy ac.spt Cheque or ftsh C[arSe5] EEposit to eithPr FjFO or Eart WP5t Bar{ Accourt plyrnent lAdvicE h) F')bit Ac'oint - f\llAl srld f,F.th.gr-c]Ie{rue.Payment up0Il RtGlSf FArlON r . ' r . . r ff in ordef t0 reseNe sjots for tle tralnlngi Signed confirmatiorr sheet (at least 5 dayr befor+ the trainirg schedub) Slor]€d Staternent 0f Account {SoA) BDO 0r Edst Weit Bent dopcit slip to EBBSI Training Ser:retarirt t€lefax No, (0?) 72117241 (0?) t'518850 olease wrte youf narTE E| Confirfilfltlon Code before s4nding flx to EBBSI FM +r enrril the r You can also send it Yla crTarlr iust sfin the ff; DtJy filled up f{nfirrnrttori Form (at least ''r rlays before the trnir'irE schecule) Sign+d gtEtEment of Account r 'r Emarl to: rl$dlenlp.-eEld5htt0Ef.d-Lj:c! Pletl€ $Ut]'lIT .rtlgiill coFY of 51ut$rrylll b€ 0lrcn on frpcit . sl'p spon reglctration I tlftt{Pms, llrrrff-us-bifiI rs€heduls ind venue fity bc changcd dependlnE on lfie number of ptfilclplntl confirfied. rt wlll be esilllrilGal F7 deyr bcloro the trrlning, *ple*e do not Uui pfin"lbul/fury tl(kEtr unlE5r your rorlrvation rrd sehedule f,ru conlirmtd to l{ote: Eysld $nne{6f|rlT €xpintGt. ) e nrap of the trainiilg locatioo will be faxed to your offic€ :-4 days Fol any inrtuirids, you rnay cdll EBBSI Qffice Telefax No, (02) 72t47241 (02) 651-8S50 r(:laphone N05, (02) Bdl't280: (02) 861-5245 . r takc note thflt bEf0rE the trllining. _LeS-qyetlottlry U-tst JPll€-[irst Serue am 6-7,2015 - October ?Z-23, ?015 tlots Ava'lable - -. 05:00 pm 6gloo prx crtober 13-1{, 2015 20 15 , Tinre Schedule Br$is] arn - 08:30 arx 05:00 08:30 05:00 pnt Dm 40 slots Tcnrar.i.re veilue: number of pErticip.rrlts Cotrfirnred Pas16 City Roserro, Extensi0ll, Ave. OftigaS AM Zone lnternet €tfe, o ri.l !f ,,'E::,/!L::ll5 11. ; 4t EEEEEEEEII]2 EELA,:t4EL-lAFlE FA|-:E .1-l i t'orrtHil,\'t t()N ( {)llli #: l\I'S N{'ltH'f l{i-}{ll5 I Repuhlic of the Philippiner Dcpartment of Budgct and lllanagement I'ilil,(.I I'h ,' l]l{(x I ltl Nll,l,ll'\1,:l{\:l(,1' PRO$UREUEiII SERUICE ATTEHIIOTT Chrirtiarr Fclir Srlen fAli DATE: (02)7214724/ 661tE5o EfEnAfif;i Plea*e fill-out the form belouj (reddable and correct name rpelling of participnrrts) and 7?.14Y241 (OX) 6618850 lar to Natlonal Treining Sscretrriat at (0?) coilFIR.lrl4TION ffiRM (FhllGEPS Trf, ininq-tafliovGrnm€ntEntiticg) __ Plee* tal(a_.[Ole thrt Conflrm4leuF-ef!ry_illo-tljE_gp i qoviinml-nt entiw;-- Firrt_C_ojE tltst_5€hl_€.Bc-siq]" -. ..-_ AddrGt*: j Type of Organiration' | I I €ontact tt tlt-.-- OrucqDcrr trcoccEsuc Elcu {J otners FGrson: Tol. No. *-lr'to'ntid lro:- - lrli r*o. I *.- P|rtlclpantr Detaih: I L |" Frrst Name Middle Initial ---_---l- Last Name I I I I i I I I I I I I 1 r rsodTc*tiidtton l'EmiaiAddre'r! J I I Please reserve meius otr this tmining schedule: i"--D;6----l--" :l rirn. i Ho. of slot Reser'rE i ... DatE soA & DP Faxed to Trainins feqetar!_at .__. I I I Note: :1. any r'err-hedul:nglcancellaticn of slOti r should be made at lcsrt 5 worklne CFvr-before the treining schedul+. 2. There l5 a LATE-CANCEtLATtON/RESCHEDULING to cover tosts. Reqr$sted by: 5ignature over printed name End NON-ATTENDANCE CIIARGE of Pf ,Z00 i.llgt!ive of VAr) Per plrticipint ( .:14 lT/ E ii'lEtI5 1L : 49 E E |:1L1tJ {ltl r.:]t.J i EEL+iil':Et:lAF:lr::; F *'-:E .-i-l 'IiBlaahlotrdr ftrlullanr I nr, ,,. f*;o&t",* lI* l^ or# tt.rjn^tql ... ^4tt" ^It,.n.+ "Al"ati"r! 6 rl-o YATfng-IIil:4O2- 1 1-oo0 STATEM ENT OF ACCOUT{T. BT PhiIGEPS Training DePsflt Slif Brnk Staternent of Accdur'tt No,: Relerenc€ 5 dayr he.fore training DAte DUe: Cdala ichsdule Statemeni Datel Fleate flll-out the form below and fax to Natloftrl Training $ecretariat at (O2) 7ZL47la or (02) 6618880 -----'1 _TeLep_londFal Email Address "lt-ami .._____l N_1_ ot pirtidpiliiB l -- I __J -rro.'ot an-onoes/i'- -- Tralnlng Sc1toduh l--' - Total A;ou*t \ote; 3, Tc ensnre Droper c:edit, please depo:it yoiir peyrneFt itt days [qf ore Aico,.int Name: eBlackBoards Solutions, lnc. 4, Acco,rnt humber: BDO !. 28100s8330 train ng schedr.: le. Pleasp rttacnee yr)ur deposit slip rrnd f rx a copy of thig st+tener't to EB85l Telefax No. 112].72t4724/ 5618850; Piease Submit originiil copy of clepos t slip during re6istration. Any canrellatioir shourd be made *ke5$-df€before :he yor,; r i trrining lchedule. Ac(orrnt humber: Ea$t WEst Bdnk 200004998692 6, Flease takE ndt€ thpt thera ls a LATE.(AIIJIELtATlON and ftl0NATTENTIANCE CHARGE @ptr prftlclpant to cover rosts. PLEASE ATTACH DEPOSTT SLIP HERE. \1'e *cccpt Fr.rr lit'licic'nt trncking uf l'our pflylttefftr CHliQtiE DIIPOSI'I/ C,{ SH IInPOlilT ()NL,Y tt) our Bft{} Account. We strongly trUifHSllEAGEbank to bank payment (Advlce to Debit Account Gash4r Chaole-Payment upon H.EGISTRATTOIII, - AtrA) and l.urnnl inrlnrtnir:nqc.\'ounrrl,crlllrurNrliunrl'l'ruittingt{(rttilriottt{02i861-Illttl;ff61-5245; 'l'tltfrr )tos. {02 ) 71 {7r{/ (lt?} 06 t E t50''l'hrn[ vou. 1 Issued by EBBSI; (ihriqtian Falix Salsn __i leegt,i Received by Agency/ Date: Sionature over Eril|ted nanle I i15