Subject Guide On Business Subject Guide On Business

Cost Accounting
June 2013
Subject Guide On Business
A corresponding Call Number is given for every search term. Below
is a selective list of subject headings that can be found in our online catalogue that will help you to locate the materials.
Cost accounting: a managerial emphasis, 12th Ed. (657.42 HOR c)
Management and cost accounting, 3rd ed. (658.1511 MAN m)
Cost management: a strategic emphasis, 2nd Ed. (658.1552 BLO c)
Cost accounting, 3rd Ed. (657.42 MOR c)
Cost accounting: using a cost management approach, 6th Ed. (657.42 RAY c)
Schaum"s outline of theory and problems of cost accounting, 3rd Ed.
(657.42076 POL t)
Theory and problems of management and cost accounting (658.1552 KHA t)
Solutions manual cost accounting: a managerial emphasis, Horngren, Foster,
Datar, 9th Ed. (657.42 HOR s)
Cost management: accounting and control, 4th Ed. (658.1552 HAN c)
Target costing: the next frontier in strategic cost (658.1552 TAR t)
Business School has 2 departments as follows:
Accounting Department
Management Department
Taxing bads by taxing goods: pollution control (336.2 ESK t)
The Economics of taxation (336.2 JAM e)
Norma penghitungan: norma penghitungan penghasilan neto bagi wajib pajak
yang dapat menghitung penghasilan neto dengan menggunakan norma penghitungan (336.2 NOR n)
Petunjuk pelaksanaan pemotongan pajak penghasilan sehubungan dengan pekerjaan, jasa dan kegiatan orang pribadi 2007 (336.2 PET p)Taxes and business
strategy: a planning approach (336.207 SCH t
Taxation of expatriate employee (336.24 ZAK t)
Bank auditing: petunjuk pemeriksaan intern bank (332.1 MUL)
Auditing (pemeriksaan akuntan) oleh kantor akuntan publik, jilid 2 (657.45
AGO a)
Auditing: an integrated approach (657.45 ARE)
Textbook of auditing (657.45 BAT t)
Audit intern bank, buku 1: suatu penelaahan (332.1 TAW a)
Audit intern bank, buku 2: suatu penelaahan (332.1 TAW a)
Selected accounting/auditing statements 1990 for TAFE (657.30994 SEL s)
Auditing (pemeriksaan akuntan) oleh kantor akuntan publik, jilid 1 (657.45 AGO
Auditing and assurance services: an integrated approach, 11th Ed. (657.45 ARE
Modern auditing, 7th Ed. (657.45 BOY m)
Auditing concepts and methods: a guide to current (657.45 CAR)
Perspectives in auditing (657.45 CAR)
Current issues in auditing (657.45 CUR)
Auditing: theory and practice (657.45 DUN)
Contemporary auditing for students (657.45 GUP c)
Fundamentals of auditing (657.45 GUP f)
Auditing, 2nd ed. (657.45 GUY)
Issues and developments in auditing (657.45 ISS i)
Modern auditing (657.45 KEL)
Auditing and assurance services: a systematic approach, 4th Ed. (657.45 MES
Auditing: concepts and standards (657.45 RIC)
Auditing: concepts for a changing environment, 5th ed. (657.45 RIT a)
Auditing and assurance services, 10th ed. (657.45 ROB a)
Berpikir kritis dalam auditing (657.45 TUA b)
Wiley CPA exam review 2009: auditing and attestation (657.45 WHI w)
The Essential handbook of internal auditing (657.458 PIC e)
Microeconomics: theory and applications (338.5 BRO m)
Ekonomi mikro (338.5 BOE e)
Microeconomics with business applications (338.5 BLA)
Production economics theory with applications, 2nd ed. (338.5 DOL )
Microeconomics and behavior (338.5 FRA)
Introductory econometrics for finance, 2nd Ed. (330.015195 BRO i)
Finance theory and asset pricing (332 MIL f)
RATS handbook to accompany: introductory econometrics for finance
(332.01519536 BRO r)
ARCH models for financial applications (332.01519536 XEK a)
An Introduction to high-frequency finance (332.632 ANI a)
Microeconomic analysis: a modern introduction (338.5 GOW)
A Course in microeconomic theory (338.5 KRE)
Introduction to microeconomics (338.5 LAI)
Microeconomic theory (338.5 LUE m)
Microeconomics: a contemporary introduction, 7th ed. (338.5 MCE m)
Intermediate microeconomics and its application (338.5 NIC)
Microeconomics: theory and applications (338.5 BRO m)
Ekonomi mikro (338.5 BOE e)
Microeconomics with business applications (338.5 BLA)
Production economics theory with applications, 2nd ed. (338.5 DOL )
Microeconomics and behavior (338.5 FRA)
Financial econometrics: problems, models, and methods (330.015195 GOU f)
Financial economics, 2nd ed. (332 BOD f)
An Introduction to financial markets and institutions (332 BUR i)
Finance theory (332 JAR)
Principles of financial economics (332 LER p)
Financial institutions and markets, 7th Ed. (332 MAD f)
Finance: introduction to institutions, investments, and management, 11th Ed.
(332 MEL f)
The Economics of money, banking, and financial markets, 8th Ed. (332 MIS e)
Principles of money, banking and financial markets, 12th Ed. (332 RIT p)
Paul Wilmott Introduces Quantitative finance (332 WIL p)
Neoclassical finance (332.01 ROS n)
Financial market complexity: what physics can tell us about market behavior
(332.01519 JOH f)
Financial crisis 2008 (332.09 FIN f)
Mathematics of financial markets, 2nd ed. (332.60151 ELL m)
Quantitative analysis in financial markets (332.60151 QUA q)
The Future of finance: how private equity and venture capital will shape the
global economy (332.63 SCH f)
Business Ethics
Microeconomic analysis: a modern introduction (338.5 GOW)
A Course in microeconomic theory (338.5 KRE)
Introduction to microeconomics (338.5 LAI)
Microeconomic theory (338.5 LUE m)
Microeconomics: a contemporary introduction, 7th ed. (338.5 MCE m)
Intermediate microeconomics and its application (338.5 NIC)
Intermediate microeconomics and its application 8th ed. (338.5 NIC i)
Business etiquette for the new workplace (174.4 BUS b)
Business and society: ethics and stakeholder management (174.4 CAR b)
An Introduction to business ethics, 3rd Ed. (174.4 DES a)
The Ethical challenge: how to lead with unyielding integrity (174.4 ETH e)
Business ethics: a real world approach, 2nd ed. (174.4 GHI b)
Business ethics: a global and managerial perspective, 2nd ed. (174.4 FRI b)
Harvard Business Review on corporate ethics (174.4 HAR h)
Perspectives in business ethics (174.4 HAR p)
Moral leadership in business (174.4 HOS m)
Business ethics: concepts and cases (174.4 SAD b)
Business ethics: concepts and cases, 6th Ed. (174.4 VEL b)
Godly materialism: rethinking money and possessions (241.68 SCH g)
Etika bisnis: dasar dan aplikasinya (174.4 MAG e)
Etika bisnis perbankan (74.4 MAH e)
Memahami budaya bisnis internasional (174.4 MIT m)
Perbedaan perhitungan restitusi pajak antara bentuk usaha tetap (BUT) Ocean
dan Fiskus (SK 12-05 STE p)
On moral business: classical and contemporary resources for ethics in economic life (174.4 ONM o)
Analisis perencanaan pajak atas perhitungan PPh pasal 21 PT. Surya Adhitia
Fortuna Glass (SK 12-06 ANA a)
Rekonsiliasi fiskal antara laporan keuangan komersial dengan laporan keuangan
fiskal untuk menentukan pajak penghasilan terhutang pada PT. Citrajaya Labelindo (SK 12-07 ADI r)
Perencanaan pajak penghasilan pasal 21 atas pegawai tetap dan penerima honorarium sebagai upaya minimalisasi kewajiban pajak pada PT Dwimakmur Sukses
Sentosa (SK 12-08 ANG p)
Pengaruh materialitas dan risiko audit terhadap penghentian prematur atas
prosedur audit (SK 12-05 KUS p)
Penerapan Risk Based Internal Audit (RBIA) dalam menilai manajemen resiko
operasional pada departemen kredit PT. Bank Capital Indonesia, Tbk. (SK 1206 DAR p)
Business for the glory of God: the Bible's teaching on the moral goodness of
business (261.85 GRU b)
Audit substantive test of expenditure in non-governmental organization X (SK
12-07 RUS a)
Karma: the spiritual style of management (for today’s manager), 1st ed.
(291.22 CHA k)
Pengaruh leverage, ukuran perusahaan, dan kualitas auditor terhadap manajemen laba pada perusahaan manufaktur yang go public (SK 12-08 LAU p)
Praktik bisnis curang (174.4 MEL p)
Managing business ethics: straight talk about how to do it right, 4th Ed. (174.4
TRE m)
Business ethics: a stakeholder and issues management approach, 4th ed. (174.4
WEI b)
Business through the eyes of faith (261.85 CHE b)
Economics in Christian perspective: theory, policy and life choices (261.85 CLA
Pengaruh kebijakan dividen terhadap performa finansial perusahaan manufaktur yang Listed di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2002-kuartal pertama tahun
2007 (SK 11-05 WIJ p)
Non financial benefits of Haagen-Dazs franchise in Indonesia (SK 11-05 GAM
A Comparative analysis of financial franchising requirements of foreign and
local franchise companies in Indonesia (SK 11-06 BEN c)
Pengaruh Financial Distress terhadap dinamika struktur hutang pada perusahaan-perusahaan kecil di Indonesia (SK 11-07 TAN p)
Financial risk manager handbook, 3rd ed. (R 658.155 JOR f)
Leadership: what effective managers really do ...and how they do it (R
658.4092 SAY)
The analysis of operating and financial performance of state-owned enterprises after initial public offering (SK 11-08 NAT a)
Pengaruh kesesuaian citra diri aktual, citra diri ideal, sikap, dan kepuasan terhadap niat berperilaku konsumen Matahari Department Store Supermall
Karawaci (SK 11-06 PUT p)
Pengaruh faktor pengetahuan, sikap, perilaku, dan nilai terhadap kerelaan konsumen membayar lebih produk hijau (SK 11-06 VAN p)
Auditing handbook 1998, volume 2 of the accounting (R 657.45 AUD a)
Pedoman audit industri khusus: panduan audit bank (R 657.8333 PED p)
The New manager's handbook: 24 lessons for master (R 658.4092 STE n)
GAAS guide 1997 (R 657.45 BAI g)
Auditing standards and procedures manual (R 657.45 CAR a)
Cashin's handbook for auditors, 2nd ed. (R 657.45 CAS c)
2006 auditing standards (including the standards of the PCAOB) (R 657.450218
TWO t)
Dictionary of international investment and finance terms (R 332.67303 DIC d)
Peraturan ketenagakerjaan: UU No. 21/2000, UU No. 13/2003, UU No. 2/2004
(R 344.01 PER p)
To access the database, please go to You will required to input
your NIM/NIK and your patron barcode (To obtain it, please call information desk,
1372/1370, or circulation desk, 1384 - 85).
Instructor's resource CD-ROM: Intermediate accounting, 12th Ed. (CD 657.044
KIE i)
Instructor's resource CD-ROM: Microeconomics, 7th Ed. (CD 338.5 PIN i)
Recommended links to free-access journals for Business:
Instructor's resource CD-ROM: Staffing organizations, 6th Ed. (CD 658.402 HEN
Instructor's resource CD-ROM: Basic econometrics, 5th Ed. (CD 330.015195 GUJ
GARUDA (Referensi Ilmiah Indonesia) : Manajemen
Directory of Open Access Journal(DOAJ): Business & Economics
Some of The Library collection of journal on business are:
Indonesian Scientific Journal Database (ISJD) : Perbankan
Telaah Manajemen (Atmajaya
- Pialang
DeReMa (UPH)
- Investor
Financial Management (CIMA)
- Indonesian Tax Review
Jurnal Manajemen Krida Wacana
- Indonesian Prime Tax Review
Integrity (UPH)
- Stabilitas Jasa Keuangan
DART EUROPE (E-Theses Portal): Economic
Selected Book on Business
: An Introduction to high-frequency finance
You may access these journals on the periodicals room 2nd floor. For further information,
contact our periodical staff at the ext. 1371.
: Ramazan Gencay; Ulrich A. Muller ; Michel M.
: Academic Press
Digital journal & reference collection of the Library, the database or from the web-sites.
For free access websites, see this edition Bulletin, or contact ext.1371/1372.
: 2001
The related online database are:
Academic Search Complete
Business Source Premier
Regional Business News
Emerging Markets Finance & Trade
Financial Analysts Journal
Financial management
Innovation Policy and the Economy
: 3rd Floor
Liquid markets generate hundreds or thousands of ticks (the minimum change in price a
security can have, either up or down) every business day. Data vendors such as Reuters
transmit more than 275,000 prices per day for foreign exchange spot rates alone. Thus,
high-frequency data can be a fundamental object of study, as traders make decisions by
observing high-frequency or tick-by-tick data. Yet most studies published in financial
literature deal with low frequency, regularly spaced data. For a variety of reasons, highfrequency data are becoming a way for understanding market microstructure. This book
discusses the best mathematical models and tools for dealing with such vast amounts of
This book provides a framework for the analysis, modeling, and inference of high frequency financial time series. With particular emphasis on foreign exchange markets, as
well as currency, interest rate, and bond futures markets, this unified view of high frequency time series methods investigates the price formation process and concludes by
reviewing techniques for constructing systematic trading models for financial assets.
Call Number : 332.632 ANI a